03-25-2019 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes March 25, 2019 Present: Al Barkheim, Jeannette Meyer, Julie Jensen, Darlene Kenning, Kay Yoch, Mike Becker, Rhonda Schwarze City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Curt Dahl I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Chairman Kay Yoch. II. Secretary’s Report: The February minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Jeannette and seconded by Mike. III. Treasurer’s Report: Mike reported that February card sales amounted to $47 while button crafts brought in $25. Dishclothes, magnets, and a miscellaneous donation added $20 to the total. Rhonda made a motion to accept the treasury report with a second from Darlene. The motion was approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the trip to see “Tenderly: The Rosemary Clooney th Musical” at the Old Log Theater went fine. An April 13 trip is planned to the nd Hudson House in Hudson, Wisconsin and a May 22 outing is set to see “Mama Mia” at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater. In June we’ll be looking for a mystery th tour and July 20 will bring a cruise on the Mississippi river. Jumping ahead to November there is a trip set for the St. Cloud Paramount Theater to see Shoji Tabuchi. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the monthly movie for April will be “The Mule” with “A Star is Born” as the bonus movie. The snowshoe outing went off well with seven people participating. West Elementary is looking for th volunteers to help with their reading program. On April 24 there will be a skin cancer clinic at the Center. A progressive dinner will be upcoming where participants will be able to check out different assisted living places while being fed along the way. In early May there will be a session on therapy dogs. Pickleball is catching on with seniors at the fairgrounds and Recreation Center. Beginner sessions will be held in May. The volunteer luncheon will be held on nd April 22 at 10:30am. V. Business A. New Board Member- With the departure of Judy Simons due to relocation, the board had a vacancy. Rhonda Schwarze was welcomed to the board as its newest member. B. Check Book- The City finance department is looking at how the Senior Center check book is currently being handled. The concern is that we may not be filing the appropriate documentation required by the IRS. C. T-Shirt Design- The idea of having a t-shirt designed for the Senior Center is still being considered. Defining exactly what we want on the shirts has been a challenge. D. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Jeannette Meyer. VI. Adjournment: Mike made a motion to adjourn at 11:15 am with a second from Jeannette. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board’s next regularly scheduled nd business meeting will be held on Monday, April 22 after the volunteer luncheon. John McRaith, Secretary