09-24-2018 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes September 24, 2018 Present: Don Schroeder, Judy Simons, Julie Jensen, Jeannette Meyer, Curt Dahl, Kay Yoch, Darlene Kenning, Mike Becker City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None L The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. IL Secretary's Report: The August minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Curt and seconded by Judy. III. Treasurer's Report: Card sales totaled $100 for August while the button projects brought in $40. Various other items including dish cloths, potholders, magnets and scrubbers chipped in another $30. Shotgun shell flags provided another $25. Jeannette made a motion to approve the treasurer's report with a second from Kay. The motion was approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the annual trip to the state fair went with the bus about half full. She noted that 3M also sponsors a bus for retirees and their families so that makes a big dent in our registration. September 18th was the date for a mystery tour which wound up at Sky Rock Farms. This farm specializes in breeding and training jumping horses. The owner also likes to collect items that make loud music like organs and carousels. The roast beef dinner that was provided was excellent. Julie will take a group to see "Bee Hive" at the Old Log Theater on October 10th and there are currently three openings left. The November excursion will be to the Bell Museum in St. Paul with lunch at Christo's on the 13th. This trip is sold out. The Chanhassen Dinner Theater is on tap for a December 5th matinee showing of"Holiday Inn". Julie has events planned for January, March, and April and is still looking at possibilities for February. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the monthly Fellowship Dinner will be held tomorrow night. There will be extra drawings for free dinners due to an anonymous donation. The September movie "The Greatest Showman" found a receptive audience. The October movie will be "American Made". Kayaking is still in season with a trip planned to Lake Minnie-Belle this Wednesday. An October outing is also in the planning stages. The book clubs continue to run smoothly. The Senior Expo will be held this Wednesday, September 26th. The mini-golf course will be available to play free of charge from 9:OOa-2:OOp on Tuesday, October 23' V. Business A. September Concert- Although attendance was down, the September concert was very good. The show attracted 227 people and the Advisory Board netted $1492 from the event. B. Holiday Concert- The same group that put on the September concert wondered if the Center would be interested in hosting a holiday concert on December 15th. After some discussion, it was unanimously decided that it would not be a good time of year for sponsoring an event and that there should be more spacing between events. C. T-Shirt Idea- September reported that they are still working on a design for the Senior Center t-shirts. D. Board Member Update- Don Schroeder is completing his second full term and will be leaving the board in December. Kay Yoch is completing her first term and is eligible for a second three-year term. Several potential replacements have already indicated an interest in joining the board. E. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Jackie Dennin. September noted that a Neil Diamond tribute, which we were considering for some future date, is going to perform at the Dassel/Cokato Performing Arts Center on Saturday, October 6th. VI. Adjournment: Jeannette made a motion to adjourn at 10:57 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next regularly scheduled business meeting will be held on Monday, October 22nd, at 10:OOam. John McRaith, Secretary