05-21-2018 LIBM Library Board Meeting Minutes May 21, 2018 Present: Steve Bailey, Gerry Grinde, Jack Sandberg, Mary Christensen, Julie Lofdahl, Kristine Leuze, and Katy Hiltner, Ex-Officio Excused: Carolyn Ulrich Review and approve minutes from the April 23, 2018 meeting: Motion to approve with correction that meeting for SAMMIE project for 2020 is not just for teens. It is wide open and will probably be a much bigger sponsorship of Prairielands (formerly SAMMIE). Motion to approve with changes by Jack Sandberg and seconded by Mary Christensen. APPROVED Old Business: McLeod for Tomorrow Leadership Training Katy finished program and said this is the most worthwhile program she has ever done. She is thankful to Pioneerland Library System’s sponsorship. PLS Strategic Plan (Head Librarian monthly report): Highlighted Goal Area = Programming A. Expand free programming for children, teens and adults to encourage library use. ● Children’s Programing: Sherry has a monthly family program that has expanded over the past year. Five orchestra musicians will be playing music for kids tonight at 6:30 p.m. The musicians will also explain their instruments. ● Adult Programing: Goal is to have at least one adult program each month and a bus trip in the fall/winter. ● Teen Programing: Rachelle will be offering a new tween/teen Coding Club program this summer. B. Provide programming diversity by using partnerships with community resources providers. Library partners with the Sr. Center and this fall will look into a partnership with the Master Gardeners. Sherry also partners with 4-H/University of Minnesota Extension. C. Target teen programming to encourage healthy youth development. Rachelle has been a great addition to the library staff. Since she has been hired, the teen programming has greatly expanded. New Business: 1. Summer Reading Programs - Sherry Lund, Children’s Librarian, presentation Program is promoted in the Park and Rec booklet. This year instead of a punch card, the library is offering children a reading log. “Reading Takes You Everywhere” is the theme. Children will still set reading goals. Each child sets his/her own goal for a 10-week program. Prizes include a plastic book bag, Buffalo Wild Wings coupon, DQ and Below Zero certificates, stickers, Wheel & Cog pass, bookmark, temporary tattoo, cookie coupon from Elena’s Bakery, pencil, prism, block puzzle eraser, scratch and sniff stickers, free book, and State Theatre ticket. Gaston, a storybook stuffed animal character, will be hiding around the library. Library board members’ task is to think of new places to hide Gaston in the Children’s area. Sherry has great programing each week in the park. Stories in the Park will include an assortment of programs from robotics and animals to puppets. It’s a great opportunity for kids! Read Down Your Fines - For every 15 minutes of reading, a $1.00 is deducted from a child’s fines. The Litchfield library did this program two years ago and it worked well. Friends of the Library will be paying half the fines. This is a program for those 18 years old and under. Participants must bring their own library card and sign up at the circulation desk. They can read a book, magazine or graphic novel. Fines will be removed once each week. 2. Adult Summer Reading Challenge Bookmark has five reading challenges on it. Adults who finish the five challenges and turn in their bookmarks get a chance to win a prize. Everyone who participates will also earn a small prize. 3. Summer Staffing for the Library Joanna Jacobs is coming back as an LAII which she means she can supervise. Katy will likely hire another LAI by the end of summer. th 4. Author Event with Robin Kashuba - Tuesday, June 5 at 6:30 p.m. Redemption Has Four Paws is a book about her two deaf therapy dogs 5. Library Buzz – What Have You Been Reading/Watching? Kristine - Michael Pollan and Barbara Kingsolver Gerry - finished Grant (960 pages of text). He celebrated finishing the book. He is now reading Madeleine Albright's book Fascism. It’s a very good book, but he is not done reading yet. Steve - Historic Minnesota Magazine - nice tidbits Mary - McLeod County Book 6. Other Board members talked about other libraries that have a book kiosk for patrons when the library is closed. The group is thinking of ways to have this type of kiosk in Library Square. Maybe it would be just a little free library. Kristine is going to look into options. Heart of Hutch has a list of all Little Free Libraries in town. Some high school seniors have their photos taken at the library. At this time, not many come to the library, but the board all felt it was great if kids wanted their photos taken at the Library. Next meeting: Monday, June 25, 2018 @ 4:30 p.m. April 2018 Donations None Motion to adjourn by Kristine, seconded by Gerry, Meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary