05-10-2018 PACMPublic Arts Commission Meeting 5/10/2018 3:20 pm Attending: Steve Cook, Jon Otteson, Kay Voigt, Greg Jodzio, Tinea Graham, Morgan Baum Guests: Cindy Buchholtz, Betty Brandt, David Wegsheid Called to Order Reading of the Minutes from April 10th meeting - I correction under 2b, replace email with the word website. Motion to Approve as written by Kay, 2nd by Greg, Passed. 2. David Wegsheid gave an update presentation of the 2 mural projects. The Les Kouba train station project has the private party funding and there is interest to make it a featured site for the farmer's Market area. Looking into boxcar, rails moving and set up options. Working on getting City and McLeod Rail Authority approval. The Vets Memorial project is moving along also. Vet's Memorial Park Board very in favor of wall panels on Shopko wall. Would be willing to help with fundraising also. Contacted Shopko, sounds favorable but do not have official approval yet. 3 feet of the ground approx. 24x24 ft on removable panels. Steve suggested 3 steps to complete before next update. Confirm Shopko approval, Confirm Budget and have a drawing to scale to preview. 3. Betty Brandt and Cindy Buchholtz gave a presentation on Barn Quilts. Community Tourism Idea. Nationwide fast growing program. Looking at starting a program here, a natural fit with our Nationally recognized quilters and quilt shop. Requesting Placards similar to Les Kouba signs at the edge of town to recognize Lynette Johnson for her quilts. Outlined some possible program classes to start making quilt paintings here. Possibilities of fundraiser campaign. 4. Jon gave Update on Sculpture Stroll 2 pieces in place and he will be posting as the rest are put into place. Presented need for invoices for receipt of prize money for financial records. Presented new mockup for brochure. It will not have the voting ballot, instruction to vote online instead and a different fold will be saving some cost. Additions noted - Update display date and alterations to map space. Expecting to order same quantity as last year. Will send out final layout to members via email. Jon is planning to connect with Jackie to update Facebook page. Steve said he would bring a proof of the corporate sponsorship letter to next meeting. 6. Morgan brought booklets on Impact of MN Arts to review and volunteered to present a workshop to organizations such as Economic Development Council and City Council. 7. A brief discussion continued on the fundraising program of decorated sculptures auction. Tabled until next meeting. 8. Greg asked to look at changing date of meetings. Tabled until next meeting. Next scheduled meeting will be June 14th. 4 pm. Motion to adjourn by Greg, second by Steve. Submitted by Tinea Graham, PAC Secretary.