04-23-2018 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes April 23, 2018 Present: Don Schroeder, Judy Simons, Mike Becker, Julie Jensen, Darlene Kenning, Jeannette Meyer, Curt Dahl, Kay Yoch City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None L The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. IL Secretary's Report: The March minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Curt and seconded by Jeannette. III. Treasurer's Report: Card sales amounted to $119 for March while the button projects brought in another $20. Dish cloths, potholders, and scrubbers tallied an additional $37. Kay made a motion to approve the treasurer's report with a second from Jeannette. The motion was approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that the April 15th trip to Orchestra Hall had to be cancelled due to the blizzard that weekend. We were able to get a refund on our tickets so all those who were registered will receive a full refund. On May 9th the Center will travel back to the Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center for a rendition of the Life and Music of Frank Sinatra. Interested seniors must be registered by April 26th. June 5th will bring a tour of the Fagan Fighters Museum in Granite Falls. This tour is filling up very nicely. July 17th will offer a trip to Willmar and a Green Lake boat tour. August will feature two trips. The first will be on August 14th and will travel to Lake Lillian and the Dykstra Gardens while the second will be the annual trip to the state fair on August 30th. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the May Fellowship Dinner will feature roast beef commercials. The movie for May will be "Only the Brave" with "Risk Takers" as the second movie. Red Hats and Friends are planning a May 10th activity at the Center. The volunteer luncheon is set for next Monday, April 30th at 10:00am. V. Business A. T -Shirt Idea- The board would like to look into creating t -shirts that have a logo on the front and the many activities we offer on the back for the Center. This would be a great way to advertise for the Senior Center. B. Mini Golf Fundraiser- The board discussed potential dates for next year's mini - golf fundraiser. It was decided to hold off until a little closer to the actual time- frame so that the Event Center doesn't turn down any potential wedding rentals in the meantime. The board also decided that the golf course will be rented for $30 per hole and that it will not leave the Event Center. C. Murder for Fun - The murder mystery dinner that was set for Saturday, April 14' has been rescheduled to May 12th. Only a few people have requested refunds so we should have over 100 people in attendance. D. Concert- September reported that the concert is set for Saturday, September 15th. We will pay $2500 instead of doing a split. The board has decided to charge $20 per ticket for an advanced sale and $25 at the door. E. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Jody Stoffels. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 am with a second from Kay. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next regularly scheduled business meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 29th, at 10:00am due to the Monday holiday. John McRaith, Secretary