02-26-2018 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes February 26, 2018 Present: Don Schroeder, Judy Simons, Mike Becker, Julie Jensen, Darlene Kenning, Jeannette Meyer, Curt Dahl City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Kay Yoch L The meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. IL Secretary's Report: The January minutes were reviewed and approved on a motion made by Jeannette and seconded by Curt. III. Treasurer's Report: September reported that the card sales amounted to $105 for January while the button projects brought in another $55. Dish cloths remained popular with $28 in sales while the sale of bingo boards registered $27. Curt made a motion to approve the treasurer's report with a second from Darlene. The motion was approved. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie reported that last Tuesday a group traveled to the Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center in Bloomington to hear the Legendary Ladies of Country. Upcoming trips include a March 21st visit to the Old Log Theater for a presentation of Guys and Dolls and an April 15th visit to Orchestra Hall to hear the Kings Singers. On May 9th the Center will travel back to the Minnesota Masonic Heritage Center for a rendition of the Life and Music of Frank Sinatra. June will bring a tour of the Fagan Fighters Museum in Granite Falls, and July will offer a trip to Willmar and a Green Lake boat tour. Julie is working on an August trip to Blomkest along with the annual visit to the Minnesota State Fair. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship Dinner that is scheduled for tomorrow evening will feature broasted chicken. The Red Hatters and Friends held a Decko party on February 15th. Merline Duering will be holding a session on being "Fashion Feisty" on March 5th. There will be a sock knitting class which begins on March 19th. The movie for March will be "The Finest Hours". Ping-pong players are fewer in number recently but should improve when the snowbirds arrive in the spring. V. Business A. Election of Officers- The officers for the Senior Advisory board were nominated and approved. They include Don Schroeder as Chairman, Curt Dahl as vice-chairman, Mike Becker as treasurer, and John McRaith as secretary. B. Mini Golf Fundraiser- The mini -golf fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 10th. There will be nine holes of golf along with some other games. Concessions will be sold also. The fee for participating was set at $5 for nine holes and $1 more to play another round. The event has been titled "Par for the Course" and is being advertised in various media outlets. C. Murder for Fun - The murder mystery dinner is set for Saturday, April 14th at the Event Center. The dinner will feature a zoo theme. D. Other- The monthly drawing for Fellowship Dinner tickets went to Vel Mayer. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:34 am with a second from Judy. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next regularly scheduled business meeting will be held on Monday, March 26th at 10:00am. John McRaith, Secretary