11-30-2017 CHCMCHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES November 30, 2017, 5:30 p.m. Members present: Don Walser, Steven Schramm, Chris Kleiman, Jim Brodd, Steve Mulder, Mark Cormier, John Hassinger, Tiffany Haag Barnard Others present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Matt Jaunich, City Administrator 1. Welcome New Members — Swearing In Marc Sebora, City Attorney, swore in the newly -appointed members: Steven Schramm, Mark Cormier and Tiffany Haag Barnard 2. Introduction of Members All members introduced themselves to each other 3. Nomination and Election of Charter Commission Chairperson Motion by Mulder, second by Brodd, to nominate Don Walser as chairperson. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Statutory Requirement of Meeting Marc Sebora explained that state law requires that the Charter Commission meet at least once annually. He further explained the purpose of the Charter Commission. 5. Discussion of Charter Commission Vacancy Mr. Sebora explained that the Charter Commission is less one member due to the passing of Roger Tiede this year. If Charter Commission members are aware of anyone that might be interested in serving, those interested people should contact City Administration. 6. Items to Consider for Future Meetings Mr. Sebora explained that the Minnesota legislature passed a new law allowing for special elections to only be held on certain dates throughout the year. Because of this, there are sections of the Charter that will need to be amended. He asked that the Commission members read the memo he distributed explaining this information and noted that he would distribute proposed language amendments to be discussed at future meetings that will be held early next year. Commission members proposed holding the next Charter Commission meeting on January 31, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. 7. Adj ourn Motion by Brodd, second by Kleiman, to adjourn at 5:50 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.