03-18-1982 BOMMINUTES BID OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1982 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 2:00 P.M. Present were the City Engineer Marlow Priebe, City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill, and City Administrator Gary D. Plotz. Also present was the representative from Rieke, Carroll & Muller Charles Barger. Publication No. 2897, Advertisement for Bids, Addition to Wastewater Treatment Facil- ities, was read by the City Administrator. The following bids were then opened and read, with all bidders acknowledging Addendums 1 and 2. Building Constructors, Inc. $1,210,840.00 Victoria, MN Gridor Construction Inc. 1,214,700.00 Plymouth, MN ABE Construction Inc. 1,243,000.00 Plymouth, MN Magney Construction Co. 1,273,900.00 Minneapolis, MN Carlstrom,Robert W.,Co. Inc. 1,277,200.00 Mankato, MN Young Construction Co. 1,306,821.00 St. Paul, MN R. L. Carr Co. 1,310,000.00 Marshall, MN Willman Construction Inc. 1,323,000.00 Woodbury, MN Schatz Construction Inc. 1,370,000.00 Glencoe, MN Adolfson/Peterson Inc. 1,389,700.00 Minneapolis, MN Loeffel-Engstrand Co. 1,435,000.00 Hopkins, MN Barbarossa & Sons 1,445,000.00 Osseo, MN C�f MINUTES BID OPENING MARCH 18, 1982 Acton Construction Co.,;Inc. 1,463,800.00 Hugo, MN Structural Spec. Hutchinson, MN 1,634,208.00 Orvedahl Construction Inc. 1,695,775.00 Minneapolis The bids were referred to the RCM consultant, City Engineer and Maintenance Opera- tions Director for review and recommendation. It was pointed out that the City would take close to 60 days to reach a decision on awarding the bid. There being no further business, the bid opening closed at 2:20 P.M. -2-