12-08-2016 PACMMEETING NOTES Uhursday, ID ec. III l u Ib II ac Xt C ilii nt s a in 10.111 ago] X.11AK Deadline is sometime in January. Haley emailed the submissions. We need to vote on them at the January meeting. PEOPLE'S CHOICE *Like the Public Arts Facebook and Instagram pages if you have an account on those platforms. How can we be more involved in Social Media? We decided to partner with the Winterfest committee to pay for an ice sculptor to come in for Winterfest. He is willing to do a sculpture for $300-$400. He is on the following website: �Itt p://sakatalicarvers„corn/ He will do the sculpture live at Winterfest and we get it when done. They will move it to the location we choose. We put up a vote on Facebook for a few options for him to carve: a bear, a fish, or a bird. Mary was going to call Chris Christy. 1 CEMETERY SCULPTURE We aren't allowed to fundraise as a committee. As you can see from the emails going back and forth since the December meeting, some progress has been made on getting the Cemetery Sculpture funded. The due date is in June or July, so we will need to have this sorted by then. SCULPTURE VIDEOS The last time the sculptures were videod was 2014. We will partner with HCVN to do a video. Kay is writing the script. Heather will do the voice-over. ACTION Bring your votes for the Call to Arts to the Jan. meeting.