11-28-2016 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes November 28, 2016 Present: Julie Jensen, Judy Klawitter, Don Schroeder, Darlene Kenning, Kay Yoch, Warren Schuft, Curt Dahl City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Harriet Sturges L The meeting was called to order at 10:06a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. IL Secretary's Report: The October minutes were examined. Warren made a motion to approve the minutes and Curt seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that card sales amounted to $155 for September/October while button sales were at $25. Dish cloths and pot holder sales took in another $10 and the magnets sold another $70. September reported that they sold an additional $207 of craft items at Harmony River. The shotgun shell flags were a big winner this month with $125 in sales. Kay made a motion to accept the report with a second from Judy. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that a November 1st tour to the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud for a performance of show tunes and lunch at a local golf course was sold out. She had three no shows, however, which was disappointing. December 9th will bring a visit to the Basilica of St. Mary to hear the National Lutheran Choir and eat at a Japanese restaurant where the food is prepared while you watch. This tour is full. In January there will be a banking tour that will start out at the Wells Fargo museum and then they will head to the Weston Hotel for lunch. The hotel is a former bank building. After lunch they will finish up with a tour of the Federal Reserve Bank. There are currently 12 openings for this tour. On February 22nd a group will attend a performance of "Camelot" at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater and this trip still has five openings. On March 27th Julie has scheduled a trip to the College of St. Benedict to see the U.S. Navy Concert Band perform with lunch on campus. April will bring a Glen Miller concert at the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud. She is currently pondering a summer visit to Willmar to view an 800 cow robotic dairy operation. B. Update on Programs- No updates were reported. Time was spent discussing upcoming concert and special event. V. Business A. New Board Member- Jeanette Meyer is willing to join the Senior Advisory Board. The Senior Advisory Board made a recommendation to submit her name to Mayor Forcier for approval. Curt Dahl has agreed to stay on the board for another term. B. Spring Concert- September was approached by Wayne Luchau to do a spring show. He is willing to do a 60/40 split and the music he provides has proven popular locally based on past performances. September will work out the details for an April 8th performance. C. Murder Mystery- September would like to try putting on a murder mystery dinner at the Event Center. A group will stage the show for $1000. The goal will be to sell at least 100 tickets to cover the cost and a catered meal. Tickets will be priced in the neighborhood of $22 each. She will attempt to book a June engagement and if that doesn't work out she will use September as a backup date. D. 3M Donated Hours- 3M has a program in which the company will donate $250 to an organization if a former employee will volunteer 25 hours for that group. With many former 3M employees active at the Senior Center, we need to seek out these donations. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:22 am with a second from Warren. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 20th at 4:15 p.m. for the holiday party. The next regularly scheduled business meeting will be January 23rd at 10:00a.m. John McRaith, Secretary