11-02-2015 PRCEMMINUTES Parks, Recreation & Community Education Advisory Board November 2, 2015 Members present were Tim Peterson, John Rodeberg, Jim Waldron, Elizabeth Hanninen-Scharn, and Chad Czmowski. Also present were Dolf Moon and Jody Harms The meeting was called to order at 5:15 pm. A motion was made by Chad Czmowski and seconded by Elizabeth Hanninen-Scharn to approve the minutes dated June 1, 2015. The board unanimously agreed. OLD BUSINESS Facilities Improvement Pool/Arena: • Working on a formal agreement with bidding to start in February 2016 • Would like to utilize local contractors. • Matting in east rink will be completed this week. • The Hockey and figure skating associations have agreed to pay half of the fee for a study by Stevens Engineering. The focus of the study will be a common entrance at the Arena. Luce Line/Open Streets Update • Opens Streets event had approx. 2, 000 attendees. • May event possible to coincide with Bike & Blade • Trail use is high. The state is monitoring trails throughout MN. Individuals have monitored different locations to estimate the number of people utilizing the trails. NEW BUSINESS Pool Amenities • The cost will be higher than our resources o $5.4 million is the current estimate for the project. o May offer placeholder spots to help fund. o Recruit community members for help with campaign. o Encourage business participation. o Who and how should the message be presented to the public Parks Projects: • We will host the 2016 State Amateur Baseball tournemant. • Improvements were made to dugouts and backstops at Roberts Park and Veteran's Memorial Field. • A new scoreboard donated by Clancy Kurth and installed. • Outdoor rink at Northwoods Park will be enlarged for more pleasure skating. • Mini shelters will be refurbished. Approximately 20 will be completed. Forestry Program Changes • Michael Bah left in August. His position was 50% Parks & 50% forestry. Beginning in 2016, two positions have been created, Park Maintenance and an Arborist. The Arborist position will be a part of Public Works. • The Emerald Ash borer is in Plymouth. Funds are being set aside to handle this situation if/when the Ash Borer arrives in the area. Board Member Items • Community Education Update o State report is completed. There were good participation numbers. Approximately 323,000 people rented/attended activities held in the buildings. This number does not include athletic school events. o Fewer instructors for adult enrichment classes are available due to a better economy. The brochure asks for feedback and if there is any interest in teaching. o Minneapolis is moving to an online brochure only. Hutchinson has more information included in the brochure besides youth and adult activities. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm on a motion by Tim Peterson and seconded by John Rodeberg.