01-25-2010 TBMHUTCHINSON TREE BOARD at City Hall Monday, January 25, 2010 5:00 p.m. Agenda Members present: _X Corey Stearns, _X—Dale Redetzke, _X_Laura Poser, _X Newton Potter, Steve Cook, Mayor; Members absent Others Present: _Mark Schnobrich, City Forester; Others present:JOHN OLSON Meeting called to order at _5:10 p.m. There was a quorum of members present: _X_ Y _N 1.) Emerald Ash borer, Update of proposal to County Mark explained the Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture grant that the city of Hutchinson in conjunction with McLeod County and U. of Minn. Extension and McLeod SWCD all applied for in November. Unfortunately the application was denied. Mark stated that it was baffling in the sense that the grant was a broad, collaborative effort on that part of multiple governmental units. The grant was an Emerald ash borer preparedness grant and would have helped Hutchinson and McLeod County prepare for the oncoming EAB investation. 2.) Year End Report for 2009 Mark passed out the annual forestry report and highlighted the accomplishments of 2009 and the goals set for 2010. 3.) University of Minnesota /Gravel Bed Grant Update Hutchinson was selected by the University of Minnesota as a project city to work with U. of M. College of Forestry in designing and monitoring the use of the Missouri Gravel Bed system. This system utilizes a gravel bed to store bare root trees for later transplant into the landscape. The grant covers the cost of improvements to the city of Hutchinson's existing gravel bed system along with including a tree inventory and volunteer training of citizens to help assist with that tree inventory. $1,500 will be awarded to help assist with the grant. Dale Redetzke mentioned that possibly Jeff Schmidt and his Middle school class would like to participate in the volunteer training that the U. of M. will be conducting in February or March. Mark stated that citizens at large will be solicited to find out if they would like to assist with the tree inventory after receiving tree identification training. The U. of M. will be conducting the training. 4.) Adams Street Improvement project Landscape Plan Due to reconstruction of Adams street in 2010, 142 trees will be removed in order that a 10 foot bike trail walking path can be installed on the west side of Adams St SE. The Tree Board and the city of Hutchinson are proposing the replanting 340 trees and 106 shrubs back in after the street project is completed. The replanting includes the planting of the boulevard area in front of the 3M Company all the way to the Crow River. 96 trees would be planted on the west side of Adams St, 108 on the east side and 136 trees south of Fair Ave. The meeting was adjourned at 6:OOP.M.