11-23-2015 LIBMLibrary Board Meeting Minutes Monday, November 23, 2015 Attending: Jon Ross, Dianne Wanzek, Gerry Grinde, Julie Lofdahl, Pam Dille Ex -Officio Missing: Mary Christensen, Steve Bailey, Jack Sandberg Jon Ross called the meeting to order. The minutes from the October 26, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve by Dianne Wanzek, seconded by Gerry Grinde. Minutes approved as written. Old Business: 2016 budget requests --To be finalized middle of December after the cities and counties finish Truth in Taxation. Roger sent a written update from the November 19 PLS meeting. The general feedback from county and cities looks favorable for 2% budget increase. Roger also reported that the union contract and non-union benefits were approved. The income and expenses are in line for current budget year. PLS has an issue with the high speed internet which may affect the budget in the future. Head Librarian Replacement Status -- Deadline was extended to November 27. The position is posted on the Library Message board state wide. There have been three applicants. One of the applicants does not have the required Masters Degree. Waiting for deadline to interview the applicants. "Getting Started with Genealogy" -- This program was presented by Tom Rice on Sat., November 21s' at the library. Tom Rice is a certified genealogist who presents on MN genealogy and at the MN Historical Society on military genealogy and other topics. It was a good program and Kay Johnson from the Hutch Leader is writing article on it. Tom covered how to analyze and find burden of proof. Don't use middle initial, use 10 year date range and then see if the search falls into your family. Tom presented for two hours with 14 in attendance. Adult, Teen and Children's Program Updates -- Children - Puppet Show by Linda Goetz on November 12 during Thursday Story Hour Teen -- Mockingbird Trivia night on November 17 - 2 teens came for the Hunger Games theme night --Books to Movie "Lights, Camera, Action: Read" 1St Thursday of the month starting December 3rd --Teen Maker Space Grant of $350 from SAMMIE for "Creation Station" with first meeting on December 8. This will be a creative night of crafts. Teen program is growing, but is slow. Kris has been trying different media to draw the teens. Adult -- Non-fiction book club which has seven faithful members which meet on the first Monday of the month from 5:00 to 6:00 at the Library. Each month there is a topic such as urban landscape, civil war love letters, or ethnic traditions. Members pick a book of their choice on the topic and discuss during the meeting. This month the theme is music. Pam chose a book on stage fright on performing. Talked about asking the Hutchinson Leader if there is a possibility for free column space in the Leader for a Librarian update Project Book Shelf 2015 Update -- The project is going well. There is a full chimney box at library and have received donations of $425 ($300 was from Friends of the Library). Pam used the donated funds to buy books and got some really great deals at Sam's Club. 2016 One Book, One Community Schedule Update -- Sunday, January 31, 2:00 pm at McLeod County Museum. Program will be the historical background. Lori Pickell-Stangel and her husband Joe Stangel will talk about the history of the fur trading industry and fur -bearing animals. Sunday, March 6, 2:00 pm at McLeod County Museum. Outdoor enthusiast Rudy Goldstein's adventure to recreate Eric Sevareid and Walt Port's canoe trip to Hudson Bay. Followed by a community book discussion. Sunday, April 3, 2:00 pm at Hutchinson Event Center. Natalie Warren's Hudson Bay presentation. After graduating from college in 2011, she did same route with another woman as Eric and Walt did. New Business: Friends Annual Used Book Christmas Sale and Holiday Decorating -- Nov. 30th at 7:30 am Friends will start decorating and then at 8:00 they will have coffee. iPad Roll Out -just started publicizing internally. Will be putting out to public soon. Website will show apps that are available. Need to have a library card with no fines to check out the iPad. If it goes out of building, there is a tracer on it with message that the police have been notified. They do yet hope to tether a couple of the iPads for visibility. Came out of budget - line Equipment Reserves. Roll over funds each year to this line item from general reserves. They do have an otterbox case for damage control. "Free" disc cleaning and repair equipment lease -- Willmar tested out the company. The company gives equipment to libraries and then will charge .25 per disk that is cleaned. Setting up by PLS tech person on November 24th. Pam has a volunteer in mind to coordinate this project. 1000 Books Before Kindergarten -- 68 kids are enrolled in the program Meeting Minute Book -- We will discuss what to do about the hard copy meeting minute scrapbook. The current book is almost full. Do we get another book or just save as e -files? Consensus was to finish out 2015 in the book and start 2016 as e -files. To vote at December meeting. Motion to adjourn by Gerry, seconded by Dianne Meeting adjourned at 5:17 p.m. Next meeting: December 28, 2015 4:30 p.m. November 2015 Donations Ron McGraw - children's pop-up books $100.00 Russell and Lorraine Erickson - $100 each children, young adult & adult $300.00 Hutchinson Garden Club -garden books $100.00 Hutchinson Lioness Club -large print $200.00 Total $700.00 adjourn 5:17 Gerry 2 d Dianne