01-25-2016 LIBM Library Board Meeting Minutes January 25, 2016 Attending: Jon Ross, Dianne Wanzek, Gerry Grinde, Steve Bailey, Julie Lofdahl, Pam Dille& Katy Hiltner Ex-Officio Excused: Mary Christensen,Jack Sandberg, Guest: Roger Vacek Jon Ross called the meeting to order. The minutes from the December 28, 2015 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve by Steve Bailey, seconded by Dianne Wanzek. Minutes approved as written. Introduction of new head librarian, Katy Hiltner. Welcome Katy. The board is looking forward to working with Katy. Old Business: Winter Reading Program update-- About 210 people have signed up so far. Many new people have signed up this year. Program goes through March 1St. April 1St will be the dessert buffet for those who finish twelve books. "Bringing Books to Life"January 24th, 2:00 p.m. program report-- 40 people came to the event at the museum. It was a good program that showed the DVD of the Dakota War of 1862,the children's version. There are nine DVDs in the series. All the McLeod County libraries have a copy and the museum has a trunk of items that go with the DVDs. You can rent the trunk for a $50 deposit that would be refunded when the trunk is returned. Tax exempt status of Friends book sales-- Friends of the Library are not a 501(c)(3) so the library pays taxes on money raised. If books are donated, they are given a receipt for the gift and the donor can fill in the dollar amount. The statement"donations are tax deductable to the extent of the law" is on the letter. 2016 One Book, One Community Upcoming Events -- • Sunday,January 31,2:00 pm Historical background --- program at McLeod County Museum Lori Pickell-Stangel and her husband Joe will talk about the history of the fur trading industry and fur-bearing animals. Program will be taped for the cable channel. • Sunday, March 6, 2:00 pm Outdoor enthusiast Rudy Goldstein's --program at McLeod County Museum Rudy Goldstein will talk about his adventure to recreate Eric Sevareid and Walt Port's canoe trip to Hudson Bay. He will be bringing the kayak that he used for the adventure. Program will be followed by a community book discussion. This program will also be taped for the cable channel. Friends of the Library are paying the program fee of$400. • Sunday,April 3, 2:00 pm Natalie Warren's Hudson Bay presentation -- program at Hutchinson Event Center Natalie Warren also did a trip on the route Eric Sevareid took and will talk about her trip. Legacy funds of $1,500 will be used to pay for this program. To use Legacy funds,there must be a Minnesota connection. Natalie went to college in Minnesota. New Business: Genealogy XChange Meeting,Thursday,January 28th 7:00 pm-- A core group is planning to attend and will meet on the main level of the library in the NW corner. The meeting will start out by showing free resources and links to forms. Pam will be facilitating and Stephanie Chapel will be speaking. It will be interesting to see the different levels of interest of the people who come. It will run like a support group to exchange ideas and to help each other. This is a library-sponsored program. MN Southwest Initiative Foundation grant opportunities --- Dianne had checked into this. It sounds like we would have to raise$5,000 and then the funds would be matched and put into an endowment type account. She said Linda Remecal is willing to talk to the board in more detail. Dianne will ask her to come to the March meeting. If more details are still needed,we could talk to Liz Cheney at SWIF. There seems to be grants and money out there. We just need time and personnel to locate. McLeod County Libraries receive$8,000 in Legacy funds. The funds are divided between the four libraries. The libraries work together to allocate those funds. Legacy funds are a non-competitive grant for Minnesota heritage or art programs, such as music programs, art programs, and Minnesota book arts. There is also the Burich Foundation for new programming funds. Other-- • Jeff Liestman is the new maintenance person. He is doing a great job. He comes in daily to check on what needs to be done. • PLS- Roger Vacek gave an update on the latest budget. Increase from City of Hutchinson of 1%and from McLeod County 4%. PLS approved Katy's hiring at their last Thursday meeting. • The library is tracking computer sign-outs to see how we are doing on usage. The laptops have lifted the load off the desktops. This year the desktop computers will be replaced. • The state elevator inspector said that wires that have to be moved out of the elevator main room. There is a petition for extension to allow more time to move the wires. It is not an easy move. The wires are for the computers in the children's section. One thought would be to change the computers to wireless. • The issue with PLS's telecommunications funding application is being resolved. Applications for funds (both state& federal)were originally approved. However,they are now under review at the federal a-rate level. Laurie Ortega is hoping the issue can be resolved quickly.The high-speed and wireless has been great per Pam. The board thanked Pam for all her hard work and leadership. We wish her well in her new position at PLS. Next meeting scheduled for February 22, 2016. Katy will let us know if that meeting will take place. Some members are not able to be there and we may not have a quorum. Meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm December 2015 Donations Lake Allie Buying Club $ 25.00 Summer Reading Program Donations (to date) 1 120.00 Total $1,145.00 Minutes submitted by Julie Lofdahl, Secretary