04-25-2016 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes April 25, 2016 Present: Julie Jensen, Harriet Sturges, Darlene Kenning, Curt Dahl, Judy Klawitter, Don Schroeder, Kay Yoch City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Warren Schuft I. The meeting was called to order at 10:02a.m. by Chairman Don Schroeder. II. Secretary's Report: The March minutes were examined. Curt made a motion to approve the minutes and Kay seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Card sales amounted to $209 for March/April while button sales were at $95. Magnet and dish cloth sales took in another $20. Flag sales brought in $50. The Giving Program has a current balance of $1881 in the account. Judy made a motion to accept the report with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that on April 9th a group headed to the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud to see "Grease". "Syttende Mai" or "Norwegian Constitution Day" will be celebrated in Milan on May 14th with a contingent from Hutchinson attending. An Old Log Theater production of "Million Dollar Quartet" has sold out. The July 19th tour to Gull Lake for a boat trip sold out the day registration began. On August 17th a tour will travel to Black Bear Lodge for dinner and a show in the Jasper theater. The annual state fair trip will be on September 1st B. Update on Programs- September reported that the Fellowship Dinner will be held tomorrow evening. "Revenant" was the movie for April. `Brooklyn" was the second movie. "Spotlight" is the movie for May with showings on the 18th at 1:OOp and the 19th at 9:15a & 1:OOp. "Touring Austria" is the second movie. Intergenerational mentoring is still taking place but they are considering a move to one of the assisted living residences. Darlene mentioned that May would be a good time to get the kayak group back in the water. The volunteer brunch was held on April 22" d and around fifty people turned out for the event. Addresses need some updating for mailing out invitations to this celebration. Table tennis has been going strong and they are now up to four tables. V. Business A. April Concert- The concert went over very well with 387 tickets sold. After expenses the ticket sales, sponsors, and a grant from Thrivent netted the Senior Center $3319. The board discussed some possible future concerts and at this time are planning to wait until next April to put one on the calendar. Kay Johnson's article really helped in promoting this activity. B. Thrivent Grants- September is working on a process to make follow up on grants an easier task for our volunteers. She now knows the vital information they are requesting and will provide that data to a volunteer to input. C. Laptop Computer and Projector- September would like to replace the Senior Center laptop computer that has had its problems with newer software and the internet. The projector is also in need of replacement soon. After some discussion Curt made a motion that the Advisory Board purchase a laptop along with a projector with the cost not to exceed $1000 for either item. Kay seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. D. Other- The group discussed the Bone Builders program. The space used has become too small for the number of people attending each session. A suggestion was made that we could perhaps add an instructor at an additional time or an additional day and tell participants they can attend two sessions a week. September will look into this. Don mentioned the potential for having a game show type event. The board felt that "The Price is Right" might be an easier show to duplicate. Curt wondered if a casino night might go over with our clientele. John knows someone who works with a group that runs this type of activity and will check on the cost. VI. Adjournment: Kay made a motion to adjourn at 11:10 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. The Senior Advisory Board's next regularly scheduled meeting will be on Monday, May 23rd at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary