cp08-25-2015CITY OF HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA Hutchinson City Center 111 Hassan Street S1 Hutchinson, MN 55350-2522 Phone 320-587-5151, Fax 320-234-4240 NOTICE OF A SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Tuesday, August 25, 2015 4:00 p.m. Council Chambers — Hutchinson City Center Notice is hereby given that the Hutchinson City Council has called a special workshop meeting for Tuesday, August 25, 2015, in the Council Chambers at the Hutchinson City Center, 11 1 Hassan Street SE, Hutchinson, Minnesota for the following purpose: • Review 2016 Preliminary Budget Matthew J Mich, City Ad trator DATED: August 18, 2015 POSTED: City Center HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2015 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections 2. INVOCATION — Seventh Day Adventist 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PUBLIC COMMENTS (T is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of August 11, 2015 (b) Workshop of August 11, 2015 CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedjor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Crow River Cutters on February 5 & 6, 2016 at McLeod County Fairgrounds (b) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Parade Permit to Hutchinson Student Advisory Council on September 25, 2015, for Homecoming Parade (c) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA II (a) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register B PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:00 P.M.) — NONE COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 25, 2015 he purpose of this portion of the agenda is to provide the Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities.) UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9. APPROVE/DENY MCLEOD COUNTY HISTORICAL PRESERVATION FUNDING PROJECTS — LORI PICKELL-STANGEL 10. APPROVE/DENY NUTELECOM' S PROPOSAL FOR PUBLIC WI -FI ACCESS IN CITY PARKS AND PUBLIC AREAS 11. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 15-744 - REVISIONS TO CHAPTER 112 — LIQUOR REGULATIONS 12. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 15-745 — AMENDING CHAPTER 73 TO ADD SECTION 73.18 — REGULATING SPECIAL VEHICLES ON ROADWAYS 13. APPROVE/DENY FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 15-746 — REPEALING SECTIONS 73.15 & 73.16 — ATVS AND GOLF CARTS 14. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14453 — RESOLUTON FOR CREATING A PRIORITIZED BRIDGE REPLACEMENT LIST (2ND AVENUE SE BRIDGE) GOVERNANCE (The purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 15. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS a) Weed Notices Monthly Report for July 2015 b) Public Library Board Minutes from July 27, 2015 �c) Bicycle -Pedestrian Advisory Board Minutes from February through June, 2015 d) Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Board Minutes from July 21, 2015, and Annual Meeting from August 19, 2014 (e) City of Hutchinson Financial Report and Investment Report for July 2015 MISCELLANEOUS 16. STAFF UPDATES 17. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE ADJOURNMENT 2 Hutchinson City Council Meeting -8/25/2015 McLeod County Historical Partnership -Hutchinson Projects: 1. Historic signage for homes and city landmarks with built in QR code videos -Example of signage that can be researched and done. 2. Research of the Historic graffiti in the Hutchinson Depot -Record, photograph, and research the names and dates of the entire layout of the graffiti. 3. Preservation and Interpretation of the Hutchinson Depot graffiti -Create enclosures for selected historically significant graffiti -Design interpretative signage to highlight the historically significant graffiti. -Upgrade heating and cooling systems, windows and doors to ensure the graffiti and any added artifacts used in the interpretation are properly preserved using Museum Best Standards. Cost under the shared work/Project Partnership: McLeod County- $6,725.00 City of Glencoe- $6,000.00 City of Hutchinson- $6,000.00 Total: $18,725.00 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS (The City Council is provided background information for agenda items in advance by city staff, committees and boards. Many decisions regarding agenda items are based upon this information as well as: City policy and practices, inputfrom constituents, and other questions or information that has not yet been presented or discussed regarding an agenda item) CALL MEETING TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Gary Forcier called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Chad Czmowski, Bill Arndt and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney (a) Approve the Council agenda and any agenda additions and/or corrections Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, noted that two items need to be added to the consent agenda. They are a short-term gambling license application for the Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association and Resolution No. 14450, which is a Resolution authorizing the City Administrator to execute documents for the purchase of the MidCountry Bank parking lot property. These items will be noted as 70) and 7(k), respectively. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve the agenda with the additions noted above. Motion carried unanimously. 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY Council Member Arndt acknowledged Steve Cook who received an award from the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. PUBLIC COMMENTS (T is is an opportunity or members of the public to address the City Council on items not on the current agenda. Ifyou have a question, concern or comment, please ask to be recognized by the mayor state your name and address for the record. Please keep comments under 5 minutes. Individuals wishing to speakfor more than five minutes should ask to be included on the agenda in advance of the meeting. All comments are appreciated, butplease refrain from personal or derogatory attacks on individuals) 5. CITIZENS ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (a) Regular Meeting of July 28, 2015 (b) Workshop of July 28, 2015 Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listedjor consideration will be enacted by one motion unless the Mayor, a member of the City Council or a city staff member requests an item to be removed. Traditionally items are not discussed.) 7. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA I (a) Consideration for Approval of Five Star Financial Event on August 31, 2015 (b) Consideration for Approval of Wendling Insurance Open House Event on September 15, 2015 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES A UG UST 11, 2015 (c) Consideration for Approval of McLeod For Tomorrow 5K Run Event on September 19, 2015 (d) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14449 — A Resolution Establishing Location for Traffic Control Devices (e) Consideration for Approval of an Interconnection and Purchase Power Agreement with Hutchinson Utilities Commission (f) Consideration for Approval of a Peddler's License to Protection 1 LLC (g) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Hutchinson Center for the Arts for an Event on October 3, 2015 (h) Consideration for Approval of the Purchase of Annual Bag Film Order for Creekside (i) Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments — Register A (j) Consideration for Approval of Issuing Short -Term Gambling License to Hutchinson Fire Department Relief Association (k) Consideration for Approval of Resolution No. 14450 Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve consent agenda. Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS (6:00 P.M.) — NONE COMMUNICATIONS REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (The purpose oj this portion oj the agenda is to provide the ounci with information necessary to craft wise policy. Includes items like monthly or annual reports and communications from other entities) UNFINISHED BUSINESS 8. APPROVE/DENY AUTHORIZING STAFF TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS FOR REFUSE HAULING Matt Jaunich, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council that this item was tabled at the last meeting in order for the Council to gather more information from each company that had submitted proposals. Mr. Jaunich reminded the Council that the current contract expires on October 1, 2015. Mayor Forcier invited representatives from each company to speak before the Council. Don Williams, West Central Sanitation, presented before the Council. Mr. Williams clarified the items that had been asked of him at the last Council meeting — those being use of the Spruce Ridge Landfill, West Central Sanitation's safety record, drug task force partnerships, and white good clean- up events. Mike Donnelly, Waste Management, presented before the Council. Mr. Donnelly clarified a few questions that were raised at the last Council meeting. Council Member Lofdahl commented that both companies are evenly matched other than the price 2 CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES A UG UST 11, 2015 West Central Sanitation's proposal is considerably less than Waste Management's. All Council Members felt that both companies had provided good and thorough information. Motion by Lofdahl, second by Christensen, to authorize staff to enter into contract negotiations with West Central Sanitation for refuse hauling services. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 9. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14447 — RESOLUTION FOR THE SALE OF THE 2015 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS Andy Reid, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Reid explained that every year the City must finance street improvement project and infrastructure improvements with general obligation bonds. Mr. Reid introduced Nick Anhut of Ehlers & Associates. Mr. Anhut presented the 2015 pre -sale report for G.O. Improvements Bonds of $2,240,000.00. The process of issuing these bonds will begin with the Council authorizing Resolution No. 14447 to move forward with providing a bond issuance to finance the capital expenditures. Upon approval, Ehlers will coordinate a bond rating call and solicit competitive bids on behalf of the City. These bond proceeds are the ma j or funding source to pay the costs of the 2nd Avenue SE Reconstruction project and the 2015 Pavement Management Program. The future debt service payments for this bond issuance will be paid from debt tax levy dollars and special assessments which fall under the guidelines of the City's debt management plan. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve Resolution No. 14447. Motion carried unanimously. 10. APPROVE/DENY RESOLUTION NO. 14448 — RESOLUTION DECLARING INTENT ON BONDING REIMBURSEMENT Andy Reid, Finance Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Reid explained that as part of bonding for street and capital improvement projects, the City issues bonds in the Fall after the projects have been bid and awarded to contractors and the contract costs are determined. This practice allows for more exact bonding amounts that if the City bonded earlier in the year based on engineering estimates. However, the City must cash flow the project costs during the Summer/Fall and reimburse itself when the bond proceeds are received. Due to this practice being followed, IRS regulations require the city Council to approve a Resolution declaring the city's intent to reimburse itself with the bond proceeds. Therefore, Resolution No. 14448 is requesting to be approved for this purpose. Motion by Christensen, second by Lofdahl, to approve Resolution No. 14448. Motion carried unanimously. 11. APPROVE/DENY REPLACING THE BURICH ARENA EAST RINK FLOORING THROUGH THE NATIONAL JOINT POWERS ALLIANCE Mary Haugen, Facilities Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Hauuen explained that the City's facilities committee had identified the Burich Arena East Rink flooring replacement project as one of the projects scheduled to be completed in 2015. Much of the floorinu was installed in 1995 and some of the flooring has been in place since 1984. After speaking with a number of arena flooring suppliers, staff feels the best price and best choice would be provided by Becker Arena CITY CO UNCIL MINUTES A UG UST 11, 2015 Products of Savage, Minnesota. The City is able to purchase flooring through its membership in the National Joint Powers Alliance which allows the City to qualify for discounted pricing through this governmental agency. The funding source for this project comes from the Facilities/Capital Improvement Fund. Althouuh this project's cost exceeds the 2013 engineer's estimate of $36,400, the facilities fund balance will remain positive. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve replacing the Burich Arena east rink flooring through the National Joint Powers Alliance. Motion carried unanimously. GOVERNANCE e purpose o t is portion of the agenda is to deal with organizational development issues, including policies, performances, and other matters that manage the logistics of the organization. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items.) 12. MINUTES FROM COMMITTEES, BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (a) Library Board Minutes from June 22, 2015 MISCELLANEOUS 13. STAFF UPDATES John Olson — John Olson, Public Works Manager, presented before the Council. Mr. Olson noted that the airport improvements will begin next week; the cemetery columbaria project began this week, 2" Avenue SE project is now open with trail work being completed; Golf Course Road project is in full swing; Shady Ridgp Road will begin later this season; Luce Line Trail work will begin in the City the week of August 24th; parking lot across from City Center will be completed the end of this week. Matt Jaunich — Mr. Jaunich noted that staff will be using funds from the Luce Line Trail project that will be used to make further improvements to the trail that lies within city limits. Mr. Jaunich also commented that the Hwy 15/Main Street project will begin the week of August 17 and is proposed to be completed within approximately 3-4 weeks. A budget workshop is set for Auuust 24, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. The preliminary budget will be presented. McLeod For Tomorrow Leadership Program is looking for participants. 14. COUNCIL/MAYOR UPDATE Mary Christensen — Council Member Christensen reminded the public of the open house this Thursday at the Rec Center from 5:00-7:00 p.m. to provide input on the aquatic center. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. .19 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL CHAPTER 112 — LIQUOR REGULATIONS MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2015 AT 4:00 PM CITY CENTER — COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Call to Order Mayor Forcier called the workshop to order at 4:00 p.m. Members present included Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Chad Czmowski and John Lofdahl. Others present were Matt Jaunich, City Administrator and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. REVIEW OF CHAPTER 112 — LIQUOR REGULATIONS 2. Liquor Regulations Marc Sebora, City Attorney, presented before the Council. Mr. Sebora provided a presentation on the various licenses that the City may issue to establishments. These licenses include on -sale intoxicating, on -sale 3.2%, off -sale 3.2%, temporary intoxicating, short-term 3.2% malt liquor, caterer, consumption & display, taprooms and brew pubs. Mr. Sebora also touched on microdistillery cocktail rooms that are allowed by state law. The City doesn't currently regulate licensing of distilled spirits. Mr. Sebora also spoke about the hours that liquor sales may be made by City ordinance. Mr. Sebora noted that a recent legislative change was that liquor sales may be sold starting at 8:00 a.m. on Sundays as opposed to 10:00 a.m. Mr. Sebora also spoke about the City's restaurant definition — which requires a liquor/food sale ratio of 60% liquor sales to 40% food sales. Discussion was held in reference how to best designate areas where liquor can be consumed. Chief Dan Hatten raised issues with confining areas where liquor can be consumed to best be managed by law enforcement. Gail Plaisance, Squeaky's, presented before the Council. Mr. Plaisance noted that when he has held outdoor dances in the past, it is much more controllable to have a fenced in area. He noted that he has hosted car shows in his parking lot more recently and liquor has not been allowed to leave his restaurant. Mr. Plaisance raised concerns with the manager/agent requirement of the code that mandates that a resident of the city be named as a manager/agent of the licensed premises. He felt perhaps a manager/agent could reside within a certain amount of miles of the city or a response time could be established. Council Member Lofdahl suggested that the resident agent/manager requirement be relaxed as well as the seating capacity in a restaurant of 85 be reduced. Matt Jaunich noted that really the only area where the city is more restrictive than state law is in the food/liquor ratio requirement and the seating requirement. As far as fencing and designating areas where liquor can be consumed is a policy decision of the City Council. An individual from the audience spoke about having city celebrations and the allowance of liquor to be consumed throughout certain areas. Chief Dan Hatten spoke of the current process used by the police department when approving events prior to them coming to the Council for final approval. Craig Gill, Hutchinson Elks, presented before the Council. Mr. Gill spoke about the obstacles businesses face when trying to put on events mainly due to the law changes that have occurred over the last couple of decades. Heather Landreville, Landy Lodge, presented before the Council. Ms. Landreville expressed that she feels the most successful events overall are confined or contained because they are controlled. Ms. Landreville feels that the current laws and ordinances address any issues regarding events her establishment would want to sponsor. Revisions to the liquor code that should be considered are reducing the restaurant seating capacity from 85 to 30 and changing the manager/agent residency requirement to a response time. Mayor Forcier suggested putting language in regarding microdistilleries since they are now allowed by state law. The Council also suggested changing the hours of sales to begin at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday to be consistent with the state law change. 3. Adjournment Motion by Arndt, second by Lofdahl, to adjourn the workshop at 5:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. ATTEST: Gary T. Forcier Mayor Matthew Jaunich City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Short-Term Gambling License - Crow River Cutters Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Crow River Cutters of the National Wild Turkey Federation, a nonprofit organization, has submitted a short-term gambling license application into administration for review and processing. The application is for an event the organization is holding February 5 & 6, 2016. The applicant has completed the appropriate application in full and all pertinent information has been received. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing short-term gambling license to Crow River Cutters on February 5 & 6, 2016. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CJo ft l 11 Hassan Street Southeast Hutchinson, MN 55350 (320) 587-5151 Fax: (320) 2344240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR GAMBLING DEVICES LICENSE In provisions of the City of Hutchinson Ordinance No. 655 and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 349 All applications must be received at least 30 days before event in order to be considered A lication Type A Short Term Date(s) ��y j ,zap Foe: $30.D MonthlDay ea h/Daear 1 D I [ Organi7Ation Information ^ N W 1 1= 3,2 o— SV -9 - o s Name Phone Number M A I N Sf, i 5 6/?Z f s R AfZ A., ,,1i1 s Y1 /t-1 /1` S 5 5 cl Address here regular meeting are held City State :lip Federal or State Iia: S r] 2 /Y 95 1 Day and time of meetings? % u v J, 00 '.1`t ^, "j /4 d� s f M ar�"�'♦z Is this organization organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota? 21yes ❑ no How long has the organization been in existence? ff ,fig .How may members in the organization? 1,Y-0 What is the purpose of the organization? p"rr.a T h H- s 4- C a/J S CA K t,_a N In whose custody wi II organization records be kept? �e.ontAl4Y 4 4 S 3,�a-SrdI? Wo -r - Phone Number r) 9,gl d or- - ss Q-/ MN Ss3.zs Address City State Zip IL my Authorized Officer of the Organization Information nd 4- Name 3��- s"$'r7 -yeL: Phone Number fr `i 0 C- AV t . 04 SS e/ MA s s 32,&, - Residence Address City S'lale 'Lip Date of Binh: n 1 1 O 1413 Place of Birth: �t•'rN cAf &As !W /V . Monih/daylyear City Slate Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense'. 0 yes J21kno If yes, explain: City of Hutchinson ripphcalion jbr Gambling Devices License Page 2 of 3 under tlflinnesota Statute ea ridle" ,g_ - 5 3 �r) • cV dd 5r True N me Phune Number '7 ❑A u e . Ss e -l ANN - A f Residence Address City State Zip Date of Birth: 1 4 1 9 Place of Birth: tl9nnih1daylyear City Stale Have you ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic offense? ❑ yes Ano If yes, explain: How long have you been a member of the organization? 12, Game information Location 91 ot4,v ;rz. 7 -.z Name of location w re game will Adplayed Phone Number U M M CJS G 14 !f Ba rr1 ),"N / L �Ad—M X 5-r.3 S o Address of location where game will be p - ed City Slate Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: 1=G-4 - j�L4� through 4,o16 AM A Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From S"! 0 ❑ tQ To 1,6 p p Maximum number of player: 6 1!) Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money .Lmerchandise Wilt refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? ta yes ❑ no If yes, will a charLe be made for such refreshments? A yes 0 no Game fr-6 oration Location #2 Name of location where game will be played Phone Number Address of location where game will be played City State Zip Date(s) and/or day(s) gambling devices will be used: through AM AM Hours of the day gambling devices will be used: From PM To p Maximum number of player: Will prizes be paid in money or merchandise? ❑ money ❑ merchandise Will refreshments be served during the time the gambling devices will be used? Oyes ❑ no If yes, will a charge be trade for such refreshments? 0 yes ❑ no City of flutchnlsorx Apphcauon for Gambling Devices License Page 3 of 3 Officers of the Qrry anixation {i 'necessary, lis£ additional Humes on s c� A-- 45 r` Name Title Residence Address City State Zip Officers or Other Persons Paid far Services Information (f necessar ,list additional names on se araie sheet) Name Title Residence Address C'fiv Slate Zip iVurrae Title ResidenceAddress City State Zip Name Title Residence Address Cit}, Stare Zi Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and MinuesotyaStStatutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager W[yes ❑ no /101 Authorized Officer I yes ❑ iio •� Initial Initial declare that the information l have provided on this application is truthful, and 1 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, 1 have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and 1 will familiarize myself with the contents thereof: Uf'authorized officer of organization SiRnattrre of gambling manager of or-Anization Internal Use Only City Council 0 approved ❑ denied Notes: Date 4o/ -5 -- Date Nance Title City State Residence Address Zip T Title /�Ncrrrre 1 ■) �y C ] ` Residence Address City State Zrp Officers or Other Persons Paid far Services Information (f necessar ,list additional names on se araie sheet) Name Title Residence Address C'fiv Slate Zip iVurrae Title ResidenceAddress City State Zip Name Title Residence Address Cit}, Stare Zi Have you (Gambling Manager and Authorized Officer) read, and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation and use of gambling devices (as outlined in City of Hutchinson Ordinance 114.20 and MinuesotyaStStatutes Chapter 349)? Gambling Manager W[yes ❑ no /101 Authorized Officer I yes ❑ iio •� Initial Initial declare that the information l have provided on this application is truthful, and 1 authorize the City of Hutchinson to investigate the information submitted. Also, 1 have received from the City of Hutchinson a copy of the City Ordinance No. 114.20 relating to gambling and 1 will familiarize myself with the contents thereof: Uf'authorized officer of organization SiRnattrre of gambling manager of or-Anization Internal Use Only City Council 0 approved ❑ denied Notes: Date 4o/ -5 -- Date HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Homecoming Parade Permit Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete Yes Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency No Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: The City has received a parade permit application from the Hutchinson High School Student Council in reference to the 2015 Homecoming Parade. The Annual Homecoming Parade will be held on Friday September 25, 2015. The parade will go from the Middle School Parking lot on South Grade Road then along School Road to the High School parking lot. This request requires South Grade Rd between Dale St and School Rd to be closed, School Rd between South Grade Rd and Roberts Rd between the hours of 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm for this event. The police department has reviewed the application and has no concerns. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve issuing parade permit to Hutchinson High School Student Advisory Council on September 25, 2015. Fiscal Impact: $ 500.00 Funding Source: Police FTE Impact: 4.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: city of I 1 I Hassan Strm 5(.ILIthCdSt Hutchin.un, M\ 55;50 t312o) 587-515 I. Fax:1320)X34-4240 City of Hutchinson APPLICATION FOR PARADE PERM IT (Under Ordinance No. 7I.01) Date Received: All applications must be received at least IQ days before event in order to be considered .on Information t7�brrni erriuu :G'crestc Phone Numhcr ---_^—_—Ql flI Lati(1n Addry,S',r 011• Stale_ zip :'lwhoriyrd I)fficer and Parade Chairman Information ..... OfJiver:tcr���e Phone N1rmbe) Resielelwe :I<1411'ess Cilr Skere lip A M Pen-ade Owirman .1 amen Phone Mumber Reside ore . ! dclres.� Cir1• State T_ila P:sra:ie In#: n rmatio f J l I Parade Date- ! L I �� Assennbly Time: Z Location and Description of Assembly Area: Starting Tin1c of Parade: - � Estimated Time of Par de: L t Stattim, Point of Parade: Route of Parade Travel: ax- L C rJ 00} de•' � r •il e� GG Ending Point cif Paradc: Approximate Number of Units. Animals. and Vehicles wl ch will cnstitu_ to Parade - Type and Description of Animals and Vehicles: 5 0,(\ [-) 11_ , Maximum Interval of Space to be Maiulained Between Unit: Maximum Length ol'Parade: Mi11iIII tm and Maximu111 Speed of Parade: Portion of Streei Wid11) 1 mverse NIP14 �5,4� On, o0huchinsou 41y�li�trlin++fw'1i+1"rr, A -1 -mil Ame 1 ol: Checklist _ 7771_ Che folloN�ijig items need to be completed and'or attached in order for the application to be processed: Permit fee paid in full (check or money order): ❑ yes ❑ no Permit A plioatinn auttpleted itt full and signed: 0 vas 0 no I declare that (lie information 1 have providi-d on this application is iruiltful, and l authorize the City of Hutchinson to im'estigat he infonnation Submitted. 5i 1ta11rr� of rrer hori�e of/icei' rif nrg+rFzi rtion url+rr�•rulc� c hairi�tu�t Internal Use Only Police fM approved C❑ denied City Council 0 approved 0 denied -/ J - - Date Note_: itiOleS: CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON-A CHECK DATE FROM 08/25/2015 - 08/25/2015 Check Date -------------------------- 08/25/2015 Check ----------------------- 187124 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------------ A & K REPAIR Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- HANGER DOOR Amount ----------------- 239.00 08/25/2015 187125 AARP AARP INSTRUCTION 470.00 08/25/2015 187126 ACE HARDWARE BATTERY PHOTO 612.99 08/25/2015 187127 AG SYSTEMS AG TC150 37.84 08/25/2015 187128 AIM ELECTRONICS INC BASEBALL SCORE BOARD 21,846.00 08/25/2015 187129 ALBERTS, LESLIE CANCELED (2) FROM SWIM LESSONS S4 76.00 08/25/2015 187130 ALPHA WIRELESS MAINT ON CONSOLE 8/1/15-9/1/15 848.19 08/25/2015 187131 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC DSR 2 -ANTENNA RADAR SYSTEM PKG 2,505.80 08/25/2015 187132 ARCTIC GLACIER USA INC. ICE 723.73 08/25/2015 187133 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO AUG PURCH 430.00 08/25/2015 187134 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY AUG PURCH 633.00 08/25/2015 187135 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE SCRAPER HOOK SET, SHOP PART 33.74 08/25/2015 187136 B.W. WELDING HYDRAULICTANK- GRINDER 225.00 08/25/2015 187137 BAYSINGER, KATHY REFUND SWIM LESSON DAYD S4 38.00 08/25/2015 187138 BELLBOY CORP AUG PURCH 2,085.97 08/25/2015 187139 BERNICK'S MISC BEVERAGES 175.50 08/25/2015 187140 BNO SHEET METAL INC WELD TWO PVC JOINTS 308.83 08/25/2015 187141 BOLTON & MENK INC. HUTCH WW OPERATIONS SUPPORT 5/26-6/30/15 3,500.00 08/25/2015 187142 BRANDON TIRE CO TUBE- LAWN TIRE UNIT#GANGMOWER 35.40 08/25/2015 187143 C & L DISTRIBUTING AUG PURCH 36,417.84 08/25/2015 187144 CARDIAC SCIENCE ELECTRODES DEFIBRILLATION AED 32.54 08/25/2015 187145 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC SPOT LIGHT 146.25 08/25/2015 187146 CARTER, RON SAFETY FOOTWEAR/FT 174.99 08/25/2015 187147 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS QUICK COUPLER 463.18 08/25/2015 187148 CENTRAL MCGOWAN HIGH PRESSURE CYL 138.88 08/25/2015 187149 CENTRAL TURF & IRRIGATION SUPPLY HUNT 125 SS ADJ 483.00 08/25/2015 187150 CHAPPELL CENTRAL INC. LABOR, BELT, RUN CAPACITOR 1,194.98 08/25/2015 187151 CIVIC SYSTEMS LLC SOFWARE SUPPORT FEES 7/1/15-12/31/15 10,292.00 08/25/2015 187152 CMK SERVICES LLC LAWN MOWING 1000GOEBEL 90.00 08/25/2015 187153 COMDATA CORPORATION CONCESSIONS, MISC 227.91 08/25/2015 187154 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATIONS SYSTEMS I CA REGRIGERATION DRAW #7 16,186.60 08/25/2015 187155 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 2ND AVE L#1 15-01 162.65 08/25/2015 187156 CORNER POST EROSION CONTROL HYDRO SEEDING 787.50 08/25/2015 187157 CRAGUN'S RESORT& HOTEL ON GULL LAK REGISTRATION- GRATKE 296.05 08/25/2015 187158 CREEKSIDE SOILS COMPOST BLACK DIRT, PINE MULCH 754.00 08/25/2015 187159 CRIUS CORP PATCH PARKING LOT 15,413.00 08/25/2015 187160 CROW RIVER AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR OIL CHANGE 2013 CHEV CAPRICE 137.64 08/25/2015 187161 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS PLANT COUNCIL MEMBER FUNERAL 35.00 08/25/2015 187163 CROW RIVER PRESS INC ANIMAL IMPOUND FORM 177.84 08/25/2015 187164 DAVE GRIEP CLEANING CLEAN WINDOWS 45.00 08/25/2015 187165 DAY DISTRIBUTING AUG PURCH 7,887.40 08/25/2015 187166 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC DELIVERY STANARD & ASSOCIATES 14.80 08/25/2015 187167 DYNA SYSTEMS WASHER, CLAMP, CRYOBIT WITH FLATS 250.25 08/25/2015 187168 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC OPR DELAY RLY 560.36 08/25/2015 187169 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION COCKROACH/RODENT PROGRAM 487.53 08/25/2015 187170 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 2014 TIF REPORTING FEES 4,777.50 08/25/2015 187171 EXNER, KENT MISC EXPENSES 228.11 08/25/2015 187172 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC MISC PURCH 174.50 08/25/2015 187173 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT PARKS BRUSH CAT 806.81 08/25/2015 187174 FASTENAL COMPANY T -ROD, NUT GALV-VMF PROJECT 1,878.92 08/25/2015 187175 FEDEX WATER METER 147.15 08/25/2015 187176 FOSTER'S INC. 2016 POWER ZONE SLOT 300.00 08/25/2015 187177 FREIGHT QUOTE.COM SHIPMENT -PALLETS EARTH SOIL 25001LBS 135.72 08/25/2015 187178 G & K SERVICES MATS 126.61 08/25/2015 187179 GEB ELECTRICAL INC WIRE POOL PUMP 112.15 08/25/2015 187180 GRAINGER VIBRATION ISOLATOR 108.49 08/25/2015 187181 GRAND CASINO HOTEL CONFERENCE -LODGING 154.70 08/25/2015 187182 H&L MESABI CARBID INSERTED BLAD 1,626.06 08/25/2015 187183 HAGERJEWELRY INC. RETIREMENT GIFT- MCKAY 70.50 08/25/2015 187184 HANSEN TRUCK SERVICE REPLACE RIGHT REAR WHEEL SEAL 135.45 08/25/2015 187185 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD ONMI & IPERL METERS 13,208.46 08/25/2015 187186 HILGEMANN, RIKKI CANCELLED SHELTER RESERVATION 8/12/15 40.00 08/25/2015 187187 HILLYARD/HUTCHINSON TISSUE 492.91 08/25/2015 187188 HLAVKA, LEROY TREE AP REFUND 15.00 08/25/2015 187189 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC PROF SERV 7 2015, HUTCH DOWNTOWN WAYFIND 2,319.55 08/25/2015 187190 HOME SWEET HOME QUILT & DESIGN SHIRTS 24.50 08/25/2015 187191 HUTCH BOWL ADAPTIVE REC PROG 2,610.00 08/25/2015 187192 HUTCH CAFE MEALS 942.64 CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON-A CHECK DATE FROM 08/25/2015 - 08/25/2015 Check Date -------------------------- 08/25/2015 Check ----------------------- 187193 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------------ HUTCHINSON CO-OP Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- PREM 91, BUCCANEER, MAXTRON Amount ----------------- 25,074.85 08/25/2015 187194 HUTCHINSON HEALTH EMPLOYEE TESTING 1,044.65 08/25/2015 187195 HUTCHINSON LEADER ADVERTISING 3,580.21 08/25/2015 187196 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO SERVICE CALL, TRUCKCHARGE 402.88 08/25/2015 187197 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES JULY UTILITIES 6/30- 7/31/15 86,901.38 08/25/2015 187198 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE RANGER TRAILER 160.25 08/25/2015 187199 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF ATM CASH 5,000.00 08/25/2015 187200 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT PANTS, SHIRTS 779.69 08/25/2015 187201 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. JULY COMMISSIONS 2,926.47 08/25/2015 187202 JENSEN, CONNOR SAFETY FOOTWEAR 140.24 08/25/2015 187203 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN AUG PURCH 1,325.80 08/25/2015 187204 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. AUG PURCH 20,585.86 08/25/2015 187205 KALLHOFF, ANGELINE REFUND POOL RENTAL 8-9-15 20.00 08/25/2015 187206 KDUZ KARP RADIO ADVERTISING- TWINS BASEBALL 367.50 08/25/2015 187207 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE HAULED PRDUCT LUTHENS FARM TO CREEKSIDE 570.00 08/25/2015 187208 KOSTERS, HEIDI TREE AP REFUND 15.00 08/25/2015 187209 KRANZ LAWN & POWER LATCHES 22.50 08/25/2015 187210 KROMMENHOEK, JEANETTE CANCELED SHELTER RESERVATION 8/20/15 40.00 08/25/2015 187211 L & P SUPPLY CO SUPERSEDES, V -BELT 112.43 08/25/2015 187212 LAKELAND BROADCASTING ADVERTISING 460.00 08/25/2015 187213 LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS INC 2-6' POTTED SPRING SNOW CRABS 11,367.33 08/25/2015 187214 LARSON, QUENTIN REIMB REPAIR OF SIDEWALK 2,061.93 08/25/2015 187215 LIFEGUARD STORE, THE BOARDSHORT, WHISTLES 443.25 08/25/2015 187216 LOCHER BROTHERS INC AUG PURCH 25,002.12 08/25/2015 187217 LOGIS ENTRUSTTOKEN 8,445.63 08/25/2015 187218 M -R SIGN DISABLED PARKING $200 FINE 89.00 08/25/2015 187219 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP SERVICES THROUGH 7/31/15 285.50 08/25/2015 187220 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC ACETYLENE 15.04 08/25/2015 187221 MAYLAND, JOE & AMANDA CANCELED (3) FROM SWIM LESSONS S4 114.00 08/25/2015 187222 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH 33# 50 ILBS 84.27 08/25/2015 187223 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR BAIL- S ROY 600.00 08/25/2015 187224 MEDICA SEPT MEDICAL INSURANCE 114,069.60 08/25/2015 187225 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL SAND 5,978.53 08/25/2015 187226 MENARDS HUTCHINSON BATTERIES, PAPER TOWELS,PINESOL 586.87 08/25/2015 187227 MES - MIDAM FACEPIECE FOR AV -3000 260.21 08/25/2015 187228 MESSAGE MEDIA MONTHLY ACCESS FEE -AUG 30.00 08/25/2015 187229 MIDWEST ASPHALT MAINTENANCE LLC SPRAY INJECTION PATCHING 6,188.00 08/25/2015 187230 MILLNER HERITAGE VINEYARD & WINERY AUG PURCH 825.96 08/25/2015 187231 MINI BIFF RENT REG TAN 633.42 08/25/2015 187232 MINNESOTA ASSN OF CEMETERIES ANNUAL CONVENTION 85.00 08/25/2015 187233 MINNESOTA ASSN OF CEMETERIES CONFERENCE- S MUELLERLEILE 225.00 08/25/2015 187234 MINNESOTA OFFICE OF ADMIN HEARINGS PROF SERVICES 3/30-6/18/15 3,138.50 08/25/2015 187235 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY MONTHLY FEES VP15900 612.50 08/25/2015 187236 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY REGISTRATION- T.GRATKE 315.00 08/25/2015 187237 MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK ASSN SOFTBALL TEAM REG 231.00 08/25/2015 187238 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB BOD 666.10 08/25/2015 187239 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP DUES -M SCHUMANN, STOTSS , CRA 264.00 08/25/2015 187240 MOGARD, STEVE TREE AP REFUND'14-NOT ELIGIBLE 15.00 08/25/2015 187241 MOORE, ERIC CLASS B WWTF EXAM 265.80 08/25/2015 187242 MORROW, DAN CANCELED FROM SWIM LESSONS S4 38.00 08/25/2015 187243 NALCO CHEMICAL CO. PERMA TREAT 750.60 08/25/2015 187244 NERO ENGINEERING AUTOCAD DRAFTING SERVICES 6/1-7/31/15 2,516.70 08/25/2015 187245 NORTH AMERICAN SAFETY INC HOWARD LEIGHT BANDED 256.39 08/25/2015 187246 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS TOWEL PPR CPL 743.70 08/25/2015 187247 NORTHERN SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL VIRTUA GY ANTIFOG LENS CAS 122.92 08/25/2015 187248 NU -TELECOM AUG FEES 76.44 08/25/2015 187249 NYGAARD INDUSTRIAL PAINTING INC SANDBLAST, PREP/PRIME 340.00 08/25/2015 187250 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS ACP W/GAUGE 281.18 08/25/2015 187251 OFFICE DEPOT LABELS 52.75 08/25/2015 187252 OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE NOTARY RENEWAL 120.00 08/25/2015 187253 OLSEN CHAIN & CABLE CO. HOIST ANNUAL INSPECTION 1,817.25 08/25/2015 187254 OLSON-WALLYN REFUNDABLE DAMAGE DEPOSIT 220.00 08/25/2015 187255 PAGE, JEFFREY EDA MEETINGS 19.83 08/25/2015 187256 PALMER JOHNSON POWER SYSTEMS HANGAR DOOR GEARBOX 758.12 08/25/2015 187257 PARALLEL TECHNOLOGIES INC RAIL KIT 156.85 08/25/2015 187258 PAUSTIS WINE COMPANY AUG PURCH 3,400.11 08/25/2015 187259 PEAVY, ANNIE REFUND SWIM LESSON KYLIE S4 38.00 08/25/2015 187260 PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING STAKING GOLF COURSE ROAD PROJECT #15-03 1,175.00 CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON-A CHECK DATE FROM 08/25/2015 - 08/25/2015 Check Date -------------------------- 08/25/2015 Check ----------------------- 187261 Vendor Name ------------------------------------------------------------------ PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Description --------------------------------------------------------------------- AUG PURCH Amount ----------------- 12,112.04 08/25/2015 187262 POWER/MATION DIVISION INC SENSOR POTTED 132.25 08/25/2015 187263 QUADE ELECTRIC F028/841/XPS 112.50 08/25/2015 187264 RANDY'S BOBCAT SERVICE BLACK DIRT 224.44 08/25/2015 187265 RAPIDS PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC TECHNOCHECK AIR VALVE 604.01 08/25/2015 187266 RECREONICS REAGENT 41.66 08/25/2015 187267 RED POWER DIESEL SERVICE CHROME SHELL 100.83 08/25/2015 187268 REINER ENTERPRISES INC FLATBED TRUCKING 07/30-07/31/15 1,329.39 08/25/2015 187269 RUBY, EMILY REFUND SWIM LESSON ADA S4 78.00 08/25/2015 187270 RUNNING'S SUPPLY DODGE DURANGO, WEED CONTROL 255.96 08/25/2015 187271 SALTMAN LLC SALT 78.00 08/25/2015 187272 SCHWARZE, ALICIA REFUNDABLE DAMAGE DEPOSIT 150.00 08/25/2015 187273 SEBORA, MARC COURT EXPENSES 34.10 08/25/2015 187274 SHAW, KAREN YOGA, PILATES 200.00 08/25/2015 187275 SHORTER, SARA POOL RENTAL WAS CANCELLED 60.00 08/25/2015 187276 SHRED -IT USA INC ON SITE SHRED 8/11/15 48.32 08/25/2015 187277 SIMONSON LUMBER CO VMF PROJECT- CONSTADHESIVE 40.38 08/25/2015 187278 SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP CONTRACT 6/1/15-5/31/16 EVENT CENTER 180.80 08/25/2015 187279 SKROVE, KRIS AND THERESA REFUND SWIM LESSON RACHEL S4 38.00 08/25/2015 187280 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN AUG PURCH 10,228.38 08/25/2015 187281 SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR TRANS COALITION 2015 DUES TO SOUTHWEST CORRIDOR TRANSPOR 500.00 08/25/2015 187282 SPARTAN STAFFING WK ENDING 7/26/15 18,037.51 08/25/2015 187283 SPS COMMERCE INC WEBFORMS MONTHLY SUB 92.60 08/25/2015 187284 STANDARD PRINTING BUSINESS CARDS-JUERGENSEN, LEVINE 80.00 08/25/2015 187285 STANLEY ACCESS TECH LLC SENSOR, MICROWAVE MOTION 366.00 08/25/2015 187286 STAPLES ADVANTAGE HOT CUP, WALL MOUNT SANI NAP 833.33 08/25/2015 187287 STATE SUPPLY COMPANY INC RED RUBBER PKG 33.08 08/25/2015 187288 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY SHAKER COCKTAIL 26.70 08/25/2015 187289 STREICH TRUCKING LOAD 7/28-8/3/15 1,710.00 08/25/2015 187290 TESSMAN COMPANY LINE MARKER PLUS 890.00 08/25/2015 187291 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST WEST INFO CHARGES 7/1-7/31/15 741.46 08/25/2015 187292 TOWN & COUNTRY GLASS GREEN TINT/BLUE SHADE- ST926 304.05 08/25/2015 187293 TOWN & COUNTRY TIRE TIRE REPAIR PATCH 23.84 08/25/2015 187294 TRI COUNTY WATER BOTTLE WATER DEL 338.75 08/25/2015 187295 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED BOOTS THE GHOST ZIP, J TRAVIS 113.24 08/25/2015 187296 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC SERVICE INC VOLLEYBALL NET 415.09 08/25/2015 187297 USA BLUE BOOK EAR PLUGS 43.40 08/25/2015 187298 USAQUATICS HUT13016 HUTCHINSON AQUATIC CENTER STUDY 34,000.00 08/25/2015 187299 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON TAHOE-CK ELECTRICAL 178.56 08/25/2015 187300 VEGA-WERNET, DEE REFUNDABLE DAMAGE DEPOSIT 288.33 08/25/2015 187301 VERIZON WIRELESS JULY CHARGES 39.96 08/25/2015 187302 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES RENTAL AC A4#12053 DISHMACHINE 69.95 08/25/2015 187303 VIKING BEER AUG PURCH 18,468.86 08/25/2015 187304 VIKING COCA COLA MISC PURCH 864.25 08/25/2015 187305 VINOCOPIA INC AUG PURCH 3,668.71 08/25/2015 187306 VISION TRANSPORTATION TRIP TO OLD LOG THEATRE, TWINS GAME 7/29 540.00 08/25/2015 187307 VIVID IMAGE FINAL BILL -AQUATIC CENTER & ANNUAL SAFE 1,470.00 08/25/2015 187308 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN STREETSWEEPINGS 2,266.01 08/25/2015 187309 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN JULY LANDFILL 51,535.51 08/25/2015 187310 WELCOME NEIGHBOR NEW RESIDENT VISITS 60.00 08/25/2015 187311 WELLS FARGO MISC CHARGES 3,095.02 08/25/2015 187312 WEST CENTRAL SANITATION INC. 1400 ADAMS ST SE 292.33 08/25/2015 187313 WINE COMPANY, THE AUG PURCH 696.25 08/25/2015 187314 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA AUG PURCH 10,041.01 08/25/2015 187315 WM MUELLER & SONS SIZE A BLACKT 1,059.00 682, 661.88 TAX ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 8/18/2015 FUND PAYABLE TO AMOUNT FUEL HATS MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV SALES TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE MN DEPT OF REV $1,537.58 $58,358.00 $2,001.00 $11,591.00 $73,487.58 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 7/19/2015-8/1/2015 Aug 04, 2015 03:12PM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 186967 HART 618.76- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 186968 NCPERS Minnesota 320.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041501 AFLAC 20.46- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041501 AFLAC 130.75- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041502 EFTPS 14,623.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041502 EFTPS 14,623.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041502 EFTPS 4,181.21- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041502 EFTPS 4,181.21- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041502 EFTPS 28,064.42- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041503 ICMA 2,230.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041504 ING 1,050.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041505 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 12,055.84- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041506 MN Child Support System 41.87- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041507 MNDCP 250.00- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 13,068.94- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 13,068.94- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 6,003.56- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 9,005.36- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 26.01- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 26.01- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041508 PERA 2,010.57- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041509 TASC-Flex 359.91- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041509 TASC-Flex 1,495.49- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041510 TASC-HSA 4,159.36- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041510 TASC-HSA 5,307.48- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041510 TASC-HSA 707.98- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041510 TASC-HSA 730.74- 08/01/2015 CDPT 08/04/2015 8041510 TASC-HSA 1,089.20 - Grand Totals: 28 139.450.07- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 8/2/2015-8/15/2015 Aug 19, 2015 02:29PM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 187122 HART 618.76- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 187123 MNPEA 506.00- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191501 AFLAC 20.46- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191501 AFLAC 130.75- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191502 Assurant Employees Benefits 871.29- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191503 EFTPS 14,451.36- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191503 EFTPS 14,451.36- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191503 EFTPS 4,220.48- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191503 EFTPS 4,220.48- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191503 EFTPS 28,881.19- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191504 ICMA 2,230.00- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191505 ING 1,050.00- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191506 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 12,293.34- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191507 MN Child Support System 41.87- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191508 MNDCP 250.00- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191509 MSRS Health Savings Plan 3,989.60- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 13,050.37- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 13,306.89- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 6,015.09- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 9,849.06- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 26.01- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 26.01- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191510 PERA 2,047.19- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191511 TASC-Flex 359.91- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191511 TASC-Flex 1,495.49- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191512 TASC-HSA 4,159.36- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191512 TASC-HSA 5,307.48- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191512 TASC-HSA 707.98- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191512 TASC-HSA 730.74- 08/15/2015 CDPT 08/19/2015 8191512 TASC-HSA 1,089.20 - Grand Totals: 30 146,397.72- CHECK REGISTER FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON-B CHECK DATE FROM 08/25/2015 - 08/25/2015 Check Date Check Vendor Name Description ------------------------------------------ Amo-unt. 'Fi7TiTH� ------------ 1-8-7--1--6-2 ----------------- CROW W --- RIVER GLASS -------------------------- LIGHT FOR PARK 85.05 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Presentation on a Request for Funding on certain projects for Historic Hutchinson Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Lori Pickell-Stangel Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Lori Pickell-Stangel and members from the Historic Hutchinson Group will be present on Tuesday to address the City Council regarding a funding request for a couple of Historic preservation projects in 2016. There are apparently 3 projects the Group is looking for assistance in funding at a cost of $6,000. Details of what those projects are will be shared at the meeting on Tuesday. Outside of providing some in-house services (building maintenance and lawn mowing/snow removal) through our Parks & Rec. Department, we have historically not provided a financial contribution to Historic Hutchinson and/or McLeod County Historic Society. Please note that the County currently supports the funding of the McLeod County Historic Society at a cost of about $50,000 a year. In the past, there has been some discussion about whether or not the City would help fund a position that would be jointly shared by the McLeod County Historic Society and Historic Hutchinson. Please note that state law would not allow for this and is very specific on what a City can spend money on when it comes to historic preservation. I have included a copy of State Statue 471.93 for your reference that addresses this issue. Generally speaking, we can appropriate money for the purposes of historical preservation and we may contract with a historical society for specific services. However, we cannot donate funds to a historic society to spend in its own discretion. There has to be a specific project that is pertaining to the history of the City. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or Deny the Pledging of 2016 Tax Dollars to Historic Hutchinson for a specific Project(s) Fiscal Impact: $ 6,000.00 Funding Source: 2016 Budget/Tax Levy FTE Impact: Budget Change: Yes Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: MINNESOTA STATUTES 2014 471.93 471.93 APPROPRIATIONS FOR HISTORICAL WORK BY MUNICIPALITIES. In cities of the second, third or fourth class, and statutory cities at any regular or properly called special meeting of the council, it may appropriate money for the purpose of collecting, preserving, storing, housing, printing, publishing, distributing and exhibiting data and material pertaining to the history of the city, for the purpose of commemorating the anniversary of any important and outstanding event in such history, and to preserve such history data and material for future generations. History: 1957 c 358 s 1; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1977 c 86 s 1; 1999 c 155 s I Copyright © 2014 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Consideration of Proposal from NU-Telecom for Public Wi-Fi Access Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Matt Jaunich Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Matt Jaunich Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 15 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Please find attached a letter from NU-Telecom describing their request to the City. Please note that at this time, NU-Telecom is not asking for a financial contribution from the City just a request to use public property/right-of-way (light poles, buildings, etc.) to place their equipment upon. The concept of providing free Wi-Fi in city parks and public spaces is great one and a topic that we have had requests about from time to time. Staff does believe this will fill a void in town, but there are some items the Council should think about when considering the request. When considering the request, please be aware of the following: -- The availability of public Wi-Fi would have to be a requirement if we were to let them use our property. -- What would we do if they were to implement an option were customers could pay for additional offerings? For any other private business that uses our property to make a profit (water towers), we charge them a fee to do so. Would we and should we be collecting a fee if they offer a service where people will have to pay for it? -- Generally speaking, we have not allowed other entities to place equipment on our light poles and public buildings. Are we willing to set this precedent? If so, what impact will that have on the maintenance of the poles and buildings, what about Christmas Lights, etc? I'll have an example of what they will be putting up at the meeting. -- What will we do about additional requests we may receive to use our property? We have had two other for profit companies already express interest in using our light poles. I would assume we'll have more requests in the future. Any approval by the Council to allow NU-Telecom to use public property for Wi-Fi access should be done with a franchise agreement similar to what we require when someone wants to use our public right-of-way (Sonora's, Below Zero, etc.). This agreement will allow for us to identify who will be liable for repairs, damages, complaints from customers, etc. Staff is currently reviewing some additional material provided to us by NU-Telecom and will have a more formal recommendation at our meeting on Tuesday. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or Deny Request from NU-Telecom for Public Wi-Fi Access in City Parks and Public Areas Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: Yes Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: NU= Telecom Corporate Headquarters The Best Solutions for Video, Internet & Telecommunications 27 N Minnesota St • New Ulm, MN 56073 • 507.354.4111 August 11, 2015 Mr. Matt Jaunich City Administrator —City of Hutchinson 111 Hassan St. SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: Proposal for Public Wi-Fi Access in City Parks and Public Areas Mr. Jaunich, The City of Hutchinson is a community that provides access to parks and amenities which appeal to residents and visitors with a wide range of interests. As a society we've come to rely on technology as a means to connect with others and believe park users would see value in the availability of a public Wi-Fi service. NU -Telecom would like to offer public Wi-Fi in a number of parks and public areas in the City of Hutchinson. This service would be available during peak usage seasons. The public service offering would be free to anyone in the park within range of the access point. The equipment would be partitioned so NU -Telecom customers could sign in as a secure user, a non - customer could sign in and pay for an advanced offering, or other possible partitioned options could be created. We would also work with the City to establish specific hours or timeframes of access for each location as needed. NU -Telecom would be responsible for placing the facilities, purchasing and installing the equipment and the cost to provide the service. In exchange for providing the public Wi-Fi service we would ask the City of Hutchinson to allow us to mount our equipment on their property (poles, buildings, etc.) and the ability to utilize a nearby power source. We would propose starting the plan at Library Square Park with the intention of having the service in place for the annual Hutchinson Arts and Crafts Festival in September. In addition, we would like to offer the service in West River/Masonic Park, Roberts Park, VFW Park and the Depot/Farmers Market area in a phased in approach over the next 18 months. It is our plan to meet with city, county and school officials in the coming months to discuss the possibility of other mutually agreed upon future sites. We ask for your approval of this donation of time, material, equipment and service that will bring public Wi-Fi access to the many residents and visitors of the parks in the City of Hutchinson. We look forward to working collaboratively with the City of Hutchinson on this project as well as other opportunities that arise in the future. Respectfully, �Q Kathy Lund NU -Telecom wvuw.nuteleaom.net �11111118 CISCO Data Sheet Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Outdoor Access Point Compact Outdoor Wireless • Most compact carrier -grade outdoor access point/mesh/bridge: 186 cubic in (3.0 liter), 5 Ib (2.3 kg) • 2.4 -and 5 -GHz radios (802.11b/g/n, 802.11a/n) • 802.11 n range and performance with MIMO technology • Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 WAN and LAN ports • Controller -based or autonomous operation • Powered via PoE or separate DC input • IP67 enclosure with operating temperature range of -22° to 149°F (-30° to +65°C) Cisco Aironet 15301 • Integrated antennas • 2.4 GHz: 3x3 MIMO, 3 spatial streams • 5 GHz: 2x3 MIMO, 2 spatial streams • Ultra low profile Cisco Aironet 1530E • External antennas • 2.4 and 5 GHz: 2x2 MIMO, 2 spatial streams • Supports dual -band or single -band antennas • Versatile RF coverage with external antennas Sleek, Innovative, Flexible, Proven As carrier -grade Wi-Fi becomes a critical small-cell element in next - generation mobile networks, operators are requesting new access point designs that can pack a punch in a small form factor. The Cisco Aironet® 1530 Series Outdoor Access Points incorporate a low -profile design that is aesthetically pleasing, yet they can withstand the most rugged outdoor conditions. Cisco brings engineering innovation to the platform with unique Cisco Flexible Antenna Port technology that allows the same antenna ports to be used either for dual -band ' antennas to reduce the antenna footprint or for single -band antennas to optimize radio coverage. This flexibility allows antenna changes to be made on the fly, and saves on sparing costs. And the Cisco Aironet 1530 Series brings all the same robust Wi- Fi features that operators have come to expect from Cisco, including radio resource management, BandSelect to automatically take advantage of the 5 -GHz band, and VideoStream for high-quality video performance over Wi-Fi. Only Cisco delivers all of these features in a hardened outdoor access point that is ideal for any urban setting. Compact, Place -Anywhere Design Enterprise customers are also looking to expand their wireless coverage and Figure 1. Cisco Aironet 1530 Series provide seamless network access from indoor to outdoor areas. The Cisco with Solar Shield/Cover Aironet 1530 Series Outdoor Access Points are small enough and light enough to be unobtrusively mounted on street light poles or building facades. The integrated antenna version is just 9 x 7 x 4 inches (23 x 17 x 10 cm) and weighs 5 pounds (2.3 kg). A solar shield/cover option is also available, and can be painted to match its surroundings to allow the access point to be even less noticeable (Figure 1). Is Innovative, Integrated, and External Antenna Options The Cisco Aironet 15301 Outdoor Access Point includes a dual -band, integrated antenna radome. This antenna has three omnidirectional antenna elements with antenna gains of 3 dBi (2.4 GHz) and 5 dBi (5 GHz). More information, including antenna patterns, can be found in the Cisco Aironet Antennas and Accessories Guide: http://www. cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/wireless/ps469/index. html. © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 1 of 10 The innovatively designed Cisco Aironet 1530E Outdoor Access Point is designed with antenna Cisco Flexible Antenna Port technology, which can support either dual -band or single -band antennas on the same platform and is configurable via software. When configured for dual -band ports, the Aironet 1530E uses the bottom two antenna ports to connect to dual -band omnidirectional or directional antennas. Alternatively, and for additional radio coverage flexibility, the Aironet 1530E can be software -configured, enabling two separate 2.4 -GHz and two 5 -GHz antenna ports (Figure 2). This flexibility allows customers to use high -gain directional antennas for backhaul on 5 GHz while deploying omnidirectional antennas for access on 2.4 GHz. Refer to the Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Ordering Guide for the latest information on supported antennas. Figure 2. Cisco Aironet 1530E with Flexible Antenna Port Antenna Technology Not used 5 GHz ports SW configurable 2.4 & 5 GHz ports 2.4 GHz ports • Hot Spots • Hot Spots • Omni Mesh • Linear Mesh • Universal Access • Bridging Flexible, High -Performance The Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Outdoor Access Points offer a flexible, highly secure, and scalable platform that can be deployed as part of the Cisco Unified Wireless Network or as a standalone, autonomous solution. The Cisco Aironet 1530 Series provides high-performance device access through improved radio sensitivity and range with 802.11a/b/g/n multiple -input multiple -output (M IMO) technology, with two or three spatial streams and up to 300-Mbps data rates. The Aironet 1530 Series can be deployed in the following configurations: • Access point: Either in controller -based or standalone operation, provides Wi-Fi connectivity concurrently to clients on both 2.4 -GHz and 5 -GHz radios. • Mesh network: as dedicated backhaul or universal access, the 5 -GHz radio is used for wireless network connections to adjacent mesh nodes. • Bridging: Provides point-to-point, high-capacity data links, as well as point -to -multipoint bridging for campuses. • Workgroup bridge: Enables LAN mobility, such as on a vehicle. • Serial backhaul: Extends linear mesh with two colocated Aironet 1530 Series access points connected via the LAN port (Figure 3). © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 2 of 10 Figure 3. Serial Backhaul Using Two Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Access Points Centrally Managed Network Central management and troubleshooting of the Cisco outdoor wireless access points help prevent costly maintenance service calls to outdoor locations. Cisco Prime"" Infrastructure works in conjunction with the Cisco Aironet access points and Cisco wireless LAN controllers to configure and manage the wireless networks. With Cisco Prime Infrastructure, network administrators have a single solution for RF prediction, policy provisioning, network optimization, troubleshooting, security monitoring, and wireless LAN system management. Wireless network security is also a part of a unified wired and wireless solution. Cisco wireless network security offers the highest level of network security, helping ensure that data remains private and secure and that the network is protected from unauthorized access. Product Specifications Table 1 lists the specifications for the Cisco Aironet 1530 Series. Table 1. Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Product Specifications Part Numbers Cisco Aironet 15301 (internal antennas) and 1530E (external antennas) Outdoor Access Points • AIR-CAP15321-A-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-A-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-B-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-B-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-C-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-C-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-D-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-D-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-E-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-E-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-F-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-F-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-H-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-H-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-K-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-K-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-M-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-M-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-N-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-N-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-Q-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-Q-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-R-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-R-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-S-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-S-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-T-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-T-K9 • AIR-CAP15321-Z-K9 AIR-CAP1532E-Z-K9 Cisco SMARTneto Service for the Cisco Aironet 1530 Series Access Points Refer to the Service part numbers available on Cisco Commerce Workspace for available service offerings. Not all regulatory domains have been approved. As they are approved, the part numbers will be available on the Global Price List. © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 3 of 10 802.11 n and Related • 15301: 3x3 MIMO with 3 spatial streams (2.4 GHz) and 2x3 MIMO with 2 spatial streams (5 GHz) Capabilities • 1530E: 2x2 MIMO with 2 spatial streams (2.4 GHz) and 2x2 MIMO with 2 spatial streams (5 GHz) • 20 -MHz (2.4 and 5 GHz) and 40 -MHz (5 GHz only) channels • PHY data rates up to 300 Mbps • Packet aggregation: A-MPDU (Tx/Rx) • 802.11 dynamic frequency selection (DFS) • Cyclic shift diversity (CSD) support Data Rates 802.11 a: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps Supported 802.11b/g: 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps 802.11 n data rates (2.4 and 5 GHz): MCS Index' G12 = 800 ns GI = 400 ns 20 -MHz Rate (Mbps) 40 -MHz Rate (Mbps) 20 -MHz Rate (Mbps) 40 -MHz Rate (Mbps) 0 6.5 13.5 7.2 15 1 13 27 14.4 30 2 19.5 40.5 21.7 45 3 26 54 28.9 60 4 39 81 43.3 90 5 52 108 57.8 120 6 58.5 121.5 65 135 7 65 135 72.2 150 8 13 27 14.4 30 9 26 54 28.9 60 10 39 81 43.3 90 11 52 108 57.8 120 12 78 162 86.7 180 13 104 216 115.6 240 14 117 243 130 270 15 130 270 144.4 300 16 19.5 21.7 17 39 43.3 18 58.5 65 19 78 86.7 20 117 130 21 156 173.3 22 175.5 195 23 195 216.7 MCS 16-23 available on 15301 on 2.4 GHz only. and Coding Scheme (MCS) index determines the number of spatial streams, the modulation, MCS Index: The Modulation the coding rate, and data rate values. 2 GI: A guard interval (GI) between symbols helps receivers overcome the effects of multipath delays. © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 4 of 10 Frequency Range -A Domain: and 20 -MHz • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels Operating Channels • 5.280 to 5.320 GHz; 3 channels • 5.500 to 5.560 GHz; 4 channels • 5.680 to 5.700 GHz; 2 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -B Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.180 to 5.240 GHz; 4 channels • 5.260 to 5.320 GHz; 4 channels • 5.500 to 5.560 GHz; 4 channels • 5.680 to 5.720 GHz; 3 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -C Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -D Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.745 to 5.865 GHz; 7 channels -E Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.500 to 5.580 GHz; 5 channels • 5.660 to 5.700 GHz; 3 channels -F Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.745 to 5.805 GHz, 4 channels -H Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -K Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.280 to 5.320 GHz; 3 channels • 5.500 to 5.620 GHz; 7 channels • 5.745 to 5.805 GHz; 4 channels -M Domain • 2.412-2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.500-5.580 GHz; 5 channels • 5.660-5.700 GHz; 3 channels • 5.745-5.805 GHz; 4 channels -N Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -Q Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.500 to 5.700 GHz; 11 channels -R Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.260 to 5.320 GHz; 4 channels • 5.660 to 5.700 GHz; 3 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -S Domain: • 2.412 to 2.472 GHz; 13 channels • 5.500 to 5.700 GHz; 11 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -T Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 5 of 10 Specification • 5.500 to 5.580 GHz; 5 channels • 5.660 to 5.700 GHz; 3 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels -Z Domain: • 2.412 to 2.462 GHz; 11 channels • 5.500 to 5.580 GHz; 5 channels • 5.660 to 5.700 GHz; 3 channels • 5.745 to 5.825 GHz; 5 channels Note: These values vary by regulatory domain. Refer to the product documentation for specific details for each regulatory domain. Maximum Number of 2.4 GHz 5 GHz Nonoverlapping • 802.11b/g: • 802.11 a: Channels -76 dBm @ 48 Mbps 20 MHz: 3 20 MHz: 16 15301 • 802.11 n: 1530E • 802.11 n: 802.11n (HT20) 20 MHz: 3 802.11n (HT20) 20 MHz: 16 -95 dBm @ MCSO i -93 dBm @ MCSO 40 MHz: 8 -90 dBm @ MCS1 Note: These values vary by regulatory domain. Refer to the product documentation for specific details for each regulatory domain. Receive Sensitivity 115301 15301 1530E 1530E 802.11b (Complementary 802.11g (non HT20) 802.11b (Complementary 802.11g (non HT20) Code Keying [CCK]) -95 dBm @ 6 Mbps Code Keying [CCK]) -93 dBm @ 6 Mbps -97 dBm @ 1 Mbps -92 dBm @ 9 Mbps -96 dBm @ 1 Mbps _90 dBm @ 9 Mbps -94 dBm @ 2 Mbps _90 dBm @ 12 Mbps -93 dBm @ 2 Mbps -88 dBm @ 12 Mbps -92 dBm @ 5.5 Mbps -87 dBm @ 18 Mbps -91 dBm @ 5.5 Mbps -85 dBm @ 18 Mbps -90 dBm @ 11 Mbps -84 dBm @ 24 Mb s -89 dBm @ 11 Mbps -82 dBm @ 24 Mb s 2.4 GHz @ 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 6 of 10 V p -81 dBm @ 36 Mbps -82 dBm @ 36 Mbps -78 dBm @ 48 Mbps -76 dBm @ 48 Mbps -75 dBm @ 54 Mbps -73 dBm @ 54 Mbps 15301 1530E 802.11n (HT20) 802.11n (HT20) -95 dBm @ MCSO -93 dBm @ MCSO -90 dBm @ MCS1 -88 dBm @ MCS1 -87 dBm @ MCS2 -85 dBm @ MCS2 -84 dBm @ MCS3 -82 dBm @ MCS3 -81 dBm @ MCS4 -79 dBm @ MCS4 -78 dBm @ MCS5 -76 dBm @ MCS5 -75 dBm @ MCS6 -73 dBm @ MCS6 -74 dBm @ MCS7 -72 dBm @ MCS7 -90 dBm @ MCS8 -90 dBm @ MCS8 -85 dBm @ MCS9 -85 dBm @ MCS9 -82 dBm @ MCS10 -82 dBm @ MCS10 -79 dBm @ MCS11 -79 dBm @ MCS11 -76 dBm @ MCS12 -76 dBm @ MCS12 -73 dBm @ MCS13 -73 dBm @ MCS13 -70 dBm @ MCS14 -70 dBm @ MCS14 -69 dBm @ MCS15 -69 dBm @ MCS15 -90 dBm @ MCS16 -85 dBm @ MCS17 -82 dBm @ MCS18 -79 dBm @ MCS19 -76 dBm @ MCS20 -73 dBm @ MCS21 -70 dBm @ MCS22 -69 dBm @ MCS23 @ 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 6 of 10 5 GHz Maximum Transmit Power 15301 1530E 802.11a (non HT20) 802.11a (non HT20) -94 dBm @ 6 Mbps -92 dBm @ 6 Mbps -91 dBm @ 9 Mbps -89 dBm @ 9 Mbps -89 dBm @ 12 Mbps -87 dBm @ 12 Mbps -86 dBm @ 18 Mbps -84 dBm @ 18 Mbps -83 dBm @ 24 Mbps -81 dBm @ 24 Mbps -80 dBm @ 36 Mbps -78 dBm @ 36 Mbps -77 dBm @ 48 Mbps -75 dBm @ 48 Mbps -74 dBm @ 54 Mbps -72 dBm @ 54 Mbps 15301 15301 1530E 1530E 802.11n (HT20) 802.11n (HT40) 802.11n (HT20) 802.11n (HT40) -94 dBm @ MCSO -91 dBm @ MCSO -92 dBm @ MCSO -89 dBm @ MCSO -89 dBm @ MCS1 -86 dBm @ MCS1 -87 dBm @ MCS1 -84 dBm @ MCS1 -86 dBm @ MCS2 -83 dBm @ MCS2 -84 dBm @ MCS2 -81 dBm @ MCS2 -83 dBm @ MCS3 -80 dBm @ MCS3 -81 dBm @ MCS3 -78 dBm @ MCS3 -80 dBm @ MCS4 -77 dBm @ MCS4 -78 dBm @ MCS4 -75 dBm @ MCS4 -77 dBm @ MCS5 -74 dBm @ MCS5 -75 dBm @ MCS5 -72 dBm @ MCS5 -74 dBm @ MCS6 -71 dBm @ MCS6 -72 dBm @ MCS6 -69 dBm @ MCS6 -73 dBm @ MCS7 -70 dBm @ MCS7 -71 dBm @ MCS7 -68 dBm @ MCS7 -91 dBm @ MCS8 -88 dBm @ MCS8 -89 dBm @ MCS8 -86 dBm @ MCS8 -86 dBm @ MCS9 -83 dBm @ MCS9 -84 dBm @ MCS9 -81 dBm @ MCS9 -83 dBm @ MCS10 -80 dBm @ MCS10 -81 dBm @ MCS10 -78 dBm @ MCS10 -80 dBm @ MCS11 -77 dBm @ MCS11 -78 dBm @ MCS11 -75 dBm @ MCS11 -77 dBm @ MCS12 -74 dBm @ MCS12 -75 dBm @ MCS12 -72 dBm @ MCS12 -74 dBm @ MCS13 -71 dBm @ MCS13 -72 dBm @ MCS13 -69 dBm @ MCS13 -71 dBm @ MCS14 -68 dBm @ MCS14 -69 dBm @ MCS14 -66 dBm @ MCS14 -70 dBm @ MCS15 -67 dBm @ MCS15 -68 dBm @ MCS15 -65 dBm @ MCS15 2.4 GHz • 802.11b (CCK) 27 dBm with 2 antennas 29 dBm with 3 antennas • 802.11g (non HT duplicate mode) 27 dBm with 2 antennas 29 dBm with 3 antennas • 802.11 n (HT20) 27 dBm with 2 antennas 29 dBm with 3 antennas 5 GHz • 802.11a 27 dBm with 2 antennas • 802.11 n (HT20) 27 dBm with 2 antennas • 802.11 n (HT40) 27 dBm with 2 antennas Note: The maximum power setting will vary by channel and according to individual country regulations. Refer to the product documentation for specific details. Maximum Equivalent 15301: 32 dBm (2.4 and 5 GHz) Isotropically 1530E: Tx power plus external antenna gain. Radiated Power (EIRP) Note: The maximum EIRP will vary by channel and according to individual country regulations. Refer to the product documentation for specific details. 3G/LTE/WiMAX 3G/LTE/WiMAX signal rejection: 33-45 dB. Refer to product documentation for specific details. Co -Location Interfaces WAN port: 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet, autosensing (RJ -45) LAN port: 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet, autosensing (RJ -45) Management console port (RJ -45) with Reset button DC power input Multicolor LED Dimensions 15301: 9 x 7 x 4 in. (23 x 17 x 10 cm) Volume: 179 cubic in. (2.9 liters) (L x W x H) 1530E: 10 x 7 x 4 in. (26 x 17 x 10 cm) Volume: 186 cubic in. (3.0 liters) @ 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 7 of 10 Specification Weight 15301: 5.0 Ib (2.3 kg) 1530E: 5.5 Ib (2.5 kg) Wall/pole mounting bracket: 0.5 Ib (0.2 kg) Tilt/horizontal mounting bracket: 2.4 Ib (1.1 kg) Environmental Environmental Ratings Antenna Gain Powering Options Power Consumption Compliance Operating temperature: -30° to 65°C (-22° to 149°F) ambient; -30° to 55°C (22° to 131'F) with solar loading (1200 W/mZ) Storage temperature: -50° to 85°C (-58° to 185°F) Operating altitude: 10,000 ft (3048 m) Humidity: 0 - 100%, condensing Wind resistance: • Up to 100 mph sustained winds • Up to 140 mph wind gusts • IEC 60529 IP67 • Icing protection MIL -STD -810F (13mm) • Corrosion MIL -STD -810F (192 hours) • Solar radiation EN 60068-2-5 (1200 W/m) • Vibration ANSI C136.31-2001 • Integrated dual -band omnidirectional antenna radome (15301) o 3 dBi (2.4 GHz), 5 dBi (5 GHz) • External dual -band omnidirectional antennas o AIR-ANT2547VG-N (4dBi, 2.4 GHz; 7 dBi, 5 GHz) • External dual -band directional antennas o AIR-ANT2588P3M-N= (8 dBi, 2.4 and 5 GHz) • External single -band antennas o 2.4 GHz o AIR-ANT2450V-N (5 dBi, omni) o AIR-ANT2480V-N (8 dBi, omni) o AIR-ANT2413P2M-N= (13 dBi, dual polarized patch) o 5 GHz o AIR-ANT5180V-N (8 dBi, omni) o AIR-ANT5114P2M-N= (14 dBi, dual polarized patch) For antenna details, please refer to the Antenna webpage: htto://www.cisco.com/ao/antennas 15301/1530E • 24 to 57 VDC • Power over Ethernet (PoE) (802.3at+ or Cisco Universal PoE [UPoE]) 15301: < 30 W 1530E: < 25 W Safety • UL 60950, 2"d Edition • CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950, 2"d Edition • IEC 60950, 2"d Edition • EN 60950, 2"d Edition Immunity • — 5 mJ for 6kV/3kA @ 8/20 ms waveform • ANSI/IEEE C62.41 • EN61000-4-5 Level 4 AC Surge Immunity • EN61000-4-4 Level 4 Electrical Fast Transient Burst Immunity • EN61000-4-3 Level 4 EMC Field Immunity • EN61000-4-2 Level 2 ESD Immunity • EN60950 Overvoltage Category IV Radio approvals • FCC Part 15.247, 15.407 • FCC Bulletin OET-65C • RSS-210 © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 8 of 10 • RSS-102 • AS/NZS 4268.2003 • ARIB-STD 66 (Japan) • ARI B -STD T71 (Japan) • EN 300 328 • EN 301 893 EMI and susceptibility • FCC part 15.107, 15.109 • ICES -003 • EN 301 489-1, -17 Security • Wireless bridging/mesh X.509 digital certificates MAC address authentication Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) • Wireless access 802.11 i, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA2), WPA 802.1X authentication, including Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and Protected EAP (EAP-PEAP), EAP Transport Layer Security (EAP -TLS), EAP -Tunneled TLS (EAP-TTLS), EAP -Subscriber Identity Module -d (EAP -SIM), and Cisco LEAP VPN pass-through IP Security (IPsec) Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) • MAC address filtering Warranty 1 year Plan, Build, and Run Services for a Seamless Outdoor Experience Professional services from Cisco and Cisco Advanced Wireless LAN Specialized Partners facilitate a smooth deployment of the next -generation wireless outdoor solution, while tightly integrating it with the wired and indoor wireless networks. With proven methodologies for planning and deploying end-to-end solutions with secure voice, video, and data technologies and years of experience designing and implementing some of the world's most complex enterprise -class wireless networks, our specialists can help you optimize mobile connectivity to transform your business operations. We work with your IT staff to see that your architecture, physical sites, and operational staff are ready to support Cisco's integrated, next -generation, outdoor wireless solution with the high performance of the 802.11 n standard. For More Information For more information about Cisco wireless mesh, contact your local account representative or visit: http://www. cisco. com/go/outdoorwireless. For more information about the Cisco Unified Wireless Network framework, visit: hftp://www.cisco.com/go/unifiedwireless. For more information about the Cisco about the Cisco 1530 solution, visit: hftp://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/psl2831/index.html. For more information about the Cisco service provider Wi-Fi solution, visit: http://www.cisco.com/go/spwifi. For more information about Cisco Wireless LAN Mobility, visit: http://www.cisco.com/qo/mobility. © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 9 of 10 I 1111111 CISCO Americas Headquarters Asia Pacific Headquarters Europe Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems (USA) Pte. Ltd. Cisco Systems International BVAmsterdam, San Jose, CA Singapore The Netherlands Cisco has more than 200 offices worldwide. Addresses. phone numbers, and fax numbers are listed on the Cisco Website at www.cisco.com/go/offices. 4s Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: wwwcisco.com/go/trademarks. Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (111 OR) Printed in USA C78-728356-05 12/14 © 2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 10 of 10 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Consideration of Ordinance No. 15-744 - Amending Chapter 112 Department: Administration/Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: At the last City Council workshop, the topic of discussion was amending various sections of Chapter 112 of the City's Code of Ordinances. Chapter 112 deals with liquor regulations. As a result of the workshop, a draft ordinance has been written to notate the proposed revisions. The following revisions are being proposed: Section 112.001 - Revising the restaurant definition to reduce the seating requirement from 85 to 30 guests Section 112.088 - Revising the hours of sales to begin at 8:00 a.m. on Sundays instead of 10:00 a.m. 112.094 - Adding this section to authorize liquor sales at community festivals Section 112.135 - Revising the definitions to include a definition of microdistillery Section 112.141 - Adding this section to include microdistillery cocktail room licenses This is a rough draft of the ordinance to consider these revisions, however it can be considered the first reading of the ordinance if the Council so desires. If that is the case, the second reading and adoption of the ordinance and associated revisions would be on the September 8, 2015, City Council agenda. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review draft/first reading of Ordinance No. 15-744. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Ordinance No. 15-0744 An Ordinance Amending Sections of Chapter 112 — Liquor Regulations The City Council hereby ordains: §112.001 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. 3.2% MALT LIQUOR. Malt liquor containing not less than 0.5% alcohol by volume nor more than 3.2% alcohol by weight. This definition includes so-called "malt coolers" within the alcoholic content limits stated herein. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE. Any beverage containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume, including, but not limited to, 3.2% malt liquor, wine and liquor as defined in this section. AFFILIATE or SUB SIDIARY COMPANY. A company in which a manufacturer or its stockholders own a majority of the stock. APPLICANT. Any person making an application for a license under this chapter. APPLICATION. A form with blanks or spaces thereon, to be filled in and completed by the applicant as a request for a license, furnished by the city and uniformly required as a prerequisite to the consideration of the issuance of a license for a business. BREWER. A person who manufactures 3.2% malt liquor for sale. BUSINESS RECORDS. Include, but are not limited to, articles of incorporation, bylaws, corporate minutes, records of sale and shipping documents, as well as lists of complaints whether or not those complaints have resulted in a filing with an appropriate government agency, and also include records relating to any litigation threatened or commenced against a license holder arising out of the operation of licensed premises pursuant to the license granted herein. CLUB. (1) An incorporated organization organized under the laws of the state for civic, fraternal, social or business purposes, for intellectual improvement or for the promotion of sports, or a congressionally chartered veterans' organization, which: (a) Has more than 50 members; (b) Has owned or rented a building or space in a building for more than one year that is suitable and adequate for the accommodation of its members; and (c) Is directed by a board of directors, executive committee or other similar body chosen by the members at a meeting held for that purpose. (2) No member, officer, agent or employee shall receive any profit from the distribution or sale of beverages to the members of the CLUB, or their guests, beyond a reasonable salary or wages fixed and voted each year by the governing body. The CLUB or congressionally chartered veterans' organization must have been in existence for at least three years. COMMISSIONER. The State Commissioner of Public Safety. HOTEL. An establishment where food and lodging are regularly furnished to transients and which has: (1) A resident proprietor or manager; (2) A dining room serving the general public at tables and having facilities for seating at least 85 guests at one time; and (3) At least ten guest rooms. INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT. An accountant engaged in the practice of public accountancy who is not an employee of, on the staff of or otherwise affiliated with the licensed premises or the party holding the license at issue. An accountant who derives more than one- third of his or her gross income from services performed for the license holder is not INDEPENDENT as defined herein. The term INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT includes but is not limited to certified public accountants and licensed public accountants. INTOXICATING LIQUOR or LIQUOR. Ethyl alcohol and distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous and malt beverages containing in excess of 3.2% of alcohol by weight. This definition includes so-called "wine coolers" and "malt coolers" within the alcoholic content limits stated herein. LICENSE. A document, issued by the city to an applicant, permitting him or her to carry on and transact the business stated therein. LICENSEE. An applicant who, pursuant to his or her approved application, holds a valid, current, unexpired license, which has neither been revoked nor is then under suspension, from the city for carrying on the business stated therein. LICENSE FEE. The money paid to the city pursuant to an application and prior to issuance of a license to transact and carry on the business stated therein. LICENSED PREMISES. The premises described in the issued license. MALT LIQUOR. Any 3.2% malt liquor, ale or other beverage made from malt by fermentation and containing not less than 0.5% alcohol by volume. MANUFACTURER. Every person who, by any process of manufacture, fermenting, brewing, distilling, refining, rectifying, blending or by the combination of different materials, prepares or produces alcoholic beverages for sale. MEAL. Entrees and sandwiches offered on a restaurant menu. The term does not include appetizers, snacks and non meal -related food. MINOR. Any natural person who has not attained the age of 21 years. OFF -SALE. The sale of alcoholic beverages in original packages for consumption off the licensed premises only. ON -SALE. The sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the licensed premises only. PACKAGE and ORIGINAL PACKAGE. Any container or receptacle holding alcoholic beverages, which container or receptacle is corked, capped or sealed by a manufacturer or wholesaler. RESTAURANT. An establishment, other than a hotel, under the control of a single proprietor or manager, where meals are regularly served at tables to the general public, and having seating capacity for at least 84� 30 guests. A RESTAURANT qualifying under this chapter shall submit proof to the City Council that not less than 40% of the gross sales of the establishment for which the on -sale license is to be used are from the serving of food. Upon the request of the City Administrator, the applicant shall submit a financial statement signed by an independent accountant that indicates the total gross sales of the establishment and the total food sales of the RESTAURANT for the calendar year or fiscal year preceding the date of the renewal application. SALE, SELL and SOLD. All barters and all manners or means of furnishing alcoholic beverages to persons, including the furnishing in violation or evasion of law. WHOLESALER. Any person engaged in the business of selling alcoholic beverages to a licensee from a stock maintained in a warehouse. WINE. A beverage made without rectification or fortification by the fermentation of sound ripe grapes, grape juice, other fruits or honey, and also carbonated wine, wine made from condensed grape must, wine made from other agricultural products, imitation wine, compounds sold as WINE, vermouth, cider, perry and sake, containing not less than 0.5% nor more than 14% alcohol by volume. This definition includes so-called "wine coolers" within the alcoholic content limits stated herein. ('89 Code, § 5.01) (Am. Ord. 93-76, passed 3-23-93; Am. Ord. 98-217, passed 2-10-98) § 112.088 HOURS AND DAYS OF SALES. No on -sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and X90 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, nor between 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m. on Monday, nor between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday through Saturday. No off -sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made on Sunday nor before 8:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. on Monday through Saturday, nor on New Year's Day, January 1; July 4; Thanksgiving Day; or Christmas Day, December 25. No sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made after 8:00 p.m. on December 24. ('89 Code, § 5.43) (Am. Ord. 96-172, passed 9-10-96; Am. Ord. 97-213, passed 11-25-97; Am. Ord. 98-217, passed 2-10-98; Am. Ord. 10-0558, passed 9-14-10) Penalty, see § 10.99 § 112.094 Community Festivals The City Council may authorize a holder of a retail on -sale intoxicating liquor license issued by the City to dispense intoxicating liquor off premises at a community festival held within the City of Hutchinson. The authorization shall specify the area in which the intoxicating liquor must be dispensed and consumed, and shall not be issued unless the licensee demonstrates that it has liability insurance as prescribed by Minnesota statute section 340A.409 to cover the event. LICENSES RELATED TO BREWERS AND DISTILLERS §112.135 DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. BREW ON -PREMISE STORE. Facility that provides the ingredients and equipment for a customer to use to brew malt liquor at the store. BREW PUBS. Brewer that is a restaurant with a full on -sale intoxicating liquor license that brews their own beer for consumption on their licensed premise only. BREWPUBS OFF -SALE. Brew pubs (as defined in this section) may sell product (growlers) brewed on -premise to be consumed off -premise in 64 oz. bottles or 750 ml. bottles. BREWER OFF -SALE (GROWLERS). A brewer who brews less than the amount of barrels indicated in M.S. § 340A.301, Subd. 6(d ) and (c), as it may be amended from time to time, of malt liquor in a year may sell malt liquor brewed by the brewer for consumption off -premise. BREWERS: Persons who manufacture malt liquor for sale. MICRODISTILLERY. A distillery operated within the state producing premium, distilled spirits in total quantity not to exceed 40,000 proof gallons in a calendar ,year. TAPROOMS. Allows for sale of the brewer's own beer for consumption at the brewery location. (Ord. 14-08731, passed 8-12-2014) § 112.141 Microdistillery Cocktail Room License The City council may issue a license for the sale of distilled liquor produced by the distiller for consumption on the premises of or adjacent to one distillery location owned by the distiller. Provided that - 1.) The applicant is licensed as a microdistiller in the State of Minnesota, 2.) The applicant holds no other microdistillery cocktail room licenses in the State of Minnesota, 3.) The applicant does not also hold a taproom license, and A taproom is not located on the same premises as the proposed microdistillery cocktail room license Adopted by the City Council this Gary T. Forcier, Mayor day of , 2015. Attest: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Consideration of Ordinance No. 15-745 - Adding Section 73.18 - Special Vehicles Department: Administration/Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For as long as I can remember, the City of Hutchinson has had an ordinance that permitted the use of golf carts on designated city streets if the golf cart owner obtained a permit from the Police Department. A number of years ago the City also enacted a separate ordinance that allowed the operation of the ATVs on city streets which was amended at least once as the descriptions of ATVs changed overtime. Over the past few years the state legislature has changed the ways that these vehicles are to be regulated by cities and have tried to include new types of vehicles, such as mini-trucks, and utility type vehicles (LITV's), such as John Deere Gators, in the law. The latest version of the statute gives cities the power to allow the operation of these types of vehicles on city streets by way of permits issued by the City. We do not have to allow their operation on city streets, but if we do, we have to issue permits for them. Enclosed for your consideration and possible approval is an ordinance that encompasses the special vehicles that the City is allowed by law to regulate and puts them all in one ordinance for easy reference by the Police Department and the public. The ordinance contains provisions that are required by State statute with regard to safety equipment, hours of operation etc. The City currently has an ordinance regulating the use of golf carts and a different ordinance regulating the use of ATVs within the city. Should you approve this new all-encompassing ordinance, I would ask you to consider repealing those two ordinances after your consideration of this new ordinance. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review draft/first reading of Ordinance No. 15-745. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Section Ordinance No. 15-745 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 73 TO ADD SECTION 73.18 - REGULATING SPECIAL VEHICLES ON ROADWAYS 73.18.01 Intent 73.18.02 Definitions 73.18.03 Special Vehicle Use on Streets 73.18.04 Penalty § 73.18.01 INTENT. The City intends to permit the operation of all -terrain vehicles, mini trucks, utility task vehicles, or golf carts on designated roadways or portions thereof under the jurisdiction of the City, and under the powers granted to the City pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 169.045. Authorization to operate these vehicles is by permit only. § 73.18.02 DEFINITIONS. Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following terms have the meanings stated: (A) Special Vehicles (1) "Mini truck" is specifically defined by Minnesota Statutes Section 169.011, subdivision 40a., and means a motor vehicle that has four wheels; is propelled by an electric motor with a rated power of 7,500 watts or less or an internal combustion engine with a piston displacement capacity of 660 cubic centimeters or less; has a total dry weight of 900 to 2,200 pounds; contains an enclosed cabin and a seat for the vehicle operator; commonly resembles a pickup truck or van, including a cargo area or bed located at the rear of the vehicle; and was not originally manufactured to meet federal motor vehicle safety standards required of motor vehicles in the Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, sections 571.101 to 571.404 and successor requirements. A mini truck does not include: (a) a neighborhood electric vehicle or a medium -speed electric vehicle; or (b) a motor vehicle that meets or exceeds the regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, section 571.500,and successor requirement. (2) "Utility task vehicle" is specifically defined by Minnesota Statute Section 169.045, Subd. 1(3), and means a side-by-side four-wheel drive off-road vehicle that has four wheels, is propelled by an internal combustion engine with a piston displacement capacity of 1,200 cubic centimeters or less, and has a total dry weight of 1,800 but less than 2,600 pounds. (3) "All -terrain vehicle" is specifically defined by Minnesota Statute Section 84.92, subdivision 8, and means a motorized vehicle of not less than three, but not more than six low pressure or non -pneumatic tires, that is limited in engine displacement of less than 1,000 cubic centimeters and includes a class 1 all -terrain vehicle and class 2 all -terrain vehicle. (B) Streets. "Streets" means any street, highway, avenue, alley, or other public right of way within the jurisdiction of the City, including the entire right of way. § 73.18.03 SPECIAL VEHICLE USE ON STREETS (A)Designation of roadway, permit. The City authorizes the operation of all -terrain vehicles, mini trucks, utility task vehicles and golf carts on all streets in the City as defined in this ordinance. Operation of these vehicles is a privilege which may be revoked at any time if there is evidence that an operator cannot safely operate the vehicle. Special vehicles shall be authorized to operate in the following manner: (1) Issuance of a documented permit required. The city may grant and issue a permit document to the owner for a period not to exceed three years, and which may be renewed. There shall be at the time of filling out the application a permit fee as set by the City Council, as adopted from time to time. No permit is valid unless it is present when the special vehicle is being operated. (2) Issuance of a documented permit not required. The city grants a permit to the operator of a special vehicle during its use for a commercial or business purpose. Operating a special vehicle for this limited purpose does not require a permit application, fee or documented permit. (B) Crossing intersecting highways. The operator, under permit for an all -terrain vehicle, mini truck, or utility task vehicle may cross any street or highway intersecting a designated roadway. (C)Apphcation of traffic laws. Every person operating an all -terrain vehicle, mini truck, or utility task vehicles under permit on designated streets has all the rights and duties applicable to the driver of any other automobile or passenger vehicle under state or federal law or regulation except: (1) where specifically exempted by state law, (2) those provisions of law or regulation that cannot reasonably be applied to an all - terrain vehicle, mini truck, or utility task vehicle, or (3) as otherwise provided in subdivision D. (D)Required equipment on mini trucks. Notwithstanding State Statue Sections 169.48 to 169.68, or any other law, a mini truck may be operated under permit on designated roadways if it is equipped with: (1) at least two head lamps; (2) at least two tail lamps; (3) front and rear turn signal lamps; (4) an exterior mirror mounted on the driver's side of the vehicle, and either an exterior mirror mounted on the passenger's side of the vehicle or an interior mirror; (5) a windshield; (6) a seat belt for the driver and front passenger; (7) a parking brake, and (8) roll-over equipment. (E) Required equipment on golf carts. Golf carts shall display a slow-moving vehicle emblem provided for in Minnesota statute section 169.522, when operated on designated roadways. (F) Insurance. Proof of insurance meeting State requirements for motorcycles is required to receive a permit. (G) Times of operation. All -terrain vehicles, utility task vehicles and golf carts may only be operated on designated roadways from sunrise to sunset, unless equipped with original equipment headlights, taillights, and rear -facing brake lights. They shall not be operated in inclement weather, except during emergency conditions, or when visibility is impaired by weather, smoke, fog or other conditions, or at any time when there is insufficient visibility to clearly see persons and vehicles on the roadway at a distance of 500 feet. (H)Special events. In conjunction with a special event permit issued by the City, any provision within this ordinance may be waived and the City Council may permit the operation of any special vehicle allowed under state law. § 73.18.04 PENALTIES. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Notwithstanding violating the provisions of this chapter, any person convicted of violating parking, traffic or vehicles laws or regulations in the operation of a vehicle regulated pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to those criminal and/or civil procedures or penalties which are assigned to such offenses. Adopted by the City Council this Gary T. Forcier, Mayor day of , 2015. Attest: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Consideration of Ordinance No. 15-746 - Repealing Section 73.15 & 73.16 Department: Administration/Legal LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Marc Sebora Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Marc Sebora Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 5 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Enclosed for your consideration is an ordinance that repeals the City's existing golf cart ordinance and the City's ATV ordinance. If the Council has approved the new "special vehicle" ordinance in the immediate prior action, I would ask that you approve this ordinance which acts to repeal the City's existing golf cart and ATV ordinances. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Review draft/first reading of Ordinance No. 15-746. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ORDINANCE NO. 15-746 — AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 73.15 AND 73.16 OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY CODE — ALL -TERRAIN VEHICLE TRAFFIC CONTROL AND REGULATIONS AND MOTORIZED GOLF CARTS; OPERATION; PERMITS The City Council of the City of Hutchinson does hereby repeal the following sections of its City Code: § 73.15 ALL T TEy n TAT VEHICLE E TD n T FIC CONTROL n-4Dy EG TT n TIWA tialess the „to rt elo. r4y in ie tes , ,aiff -o„t f ALL T TEy n TAT VEHICLE HIC Eor- VEHICLE. A mater-ized flotation tir-ed � sol,; ..l e of net less than three lew bet net mer -e than si�i tir-es, that is limited in engi has ., total has a total dfy weight d y weight () CLASS S of loss than 900 of 900to 1,500 S 1 ALL T T0 p nds r n v n TAT VEHICLE. E n n all t��eh=ele tha (2) On sehool rd p•, -lam „el4y, play reer-eationall-areas and gaff (4) Upon any eatiacy read or- state highway within the eitor- within the designated ntcv`vcn area as set fat+1, in Chapter- 1; (c) Upon than the direet f the any street,other- most r-atite a owner's a ..I IM -1 • (G) Designation pat4ions thereof upon a golf eai4 be driven whieh upon of roadways. matefized a state highway The Chief golf eat4s eEee. of Poliee shall be pefmit4ed seetion, shall desi— to operate. and only A4 no for- the idways a tifne shall pur-pose a (1) The operator- has iirpossession a valid, etir-r-e t and crrar-e oked pef1 •+iir�ffafn the eit-y; (7) The is has (2) operation rant=volt wa—y whieh b,a „- notbeendesignated 1,a as „- The operation is ff of one half after- S1:Har-iSeto one half before (4) The operation is not nelemeat weather-, orwhen visibi4y is impair-ed by weather-, smake, fog or- other- eanditions, nor- when there is instiffieient light to ,.lear1.,00 per-sonsor- ehieles the-ea ., at dist nee of cnn f et (c) The i iat6iTz2dg6ifeai4 displays •, sl- 'ehiele emblem, as deser-ibed by st4ute, a the --ear- th efeef (ti) The mater-izedgeleai4 is equipped withrrevielvV M.S. § 6 n 4(c) afna-y e amended fFafn tifne -to tifnelc� for- z mater-eyeles; and Adopted by the City Council this day of , 2015. Gary T. Forcier, Mayor Attest: Matthew Jaunich, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: Resolution for Creating a Prioritized Bridge Replacement List (2nd Ave Bridge) Department: PW/Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Kent Exner Reviewed by Staff ❑ New Business Time Requested (Minutes): 10 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: Per the MnDOT Bridge Office's request, the City must establish a bridge replacement list to request State Bridge Funds (in essence grant funding). Thus, please see the attached Resolution that outlines the 2nd Avenue SE bridge as being a deficient and high priority bridge that the City would like to address in the near future (proposed 2018 construction). Please note that only construction costs (no engineering/administration fees) are eligible for this funding and that the maximum funding request appears to be 70% of this amount. Attached for your reference are the current construction cost estimations for both design alternatives (Alternate A - bridge w/12' multi-use trail and Alternate B - bridge w/4'4" sidewalk). These estimates are $932,000 and $824,000 for Alternates A and B respectively. Also attached are the basic profile/plan view sheets for each alternate and Application for Bridge Funds form. At this point, City staff has submitted the plans to the MnDOT Bridge Office for their final review and, ultimately, their placement of this project into the State Bridge Funds queue with the hope that this project can become a priority before the 2018 construction season. Please note that the State Legislature typically allocates funding to the State Bridge Funds on an annual basis and that the size of this allocation impacts bridge project delivery timeliness. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 0.00 Total City Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14453 RESOLUTION CREATING A PRIORITIZED BRIDGE REPLACEMENT LIST AUGUST 25, 2015 WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson has reviewed the pertinent data on bridges requiring replacement, rehabilitation, or removal, supplied by local citizenry and local units of government; and WHEREAS, the City of Hutchinson has identified those bridges that are high priority and that require replacement, rehabilitation, or removal within the next five years; NOW, THERFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following deficient bridges are high priority and the City of Hutchinson intends to replace, rehabilitate, or remove these bridges as soon as possible when funds are available, Old Road Total Township or Federal Local or Proposed Bridge Number Project State Bridge Funds State Aid Construction Number or Name Cost Funds Funds Year 43506 MSAS109 $932,322 $652,625 $0.00 $279,697 2018 FURTHERMORE, the City of Hutchinson does hereby request authorization to replace, rehabilitate, or remove such bridges. Approved by the Hutchinson City Council this 25th day of August 2015. Gary Forcier, Mayor Matt Jaunich, City Administrator MnDOT 30809(11/2014) a•,n APPLICATION FOR BRIDGE FUNDS State of Minnesota - Department of Transportation State Aid for Local Transportation Project Number S.A.P. 133-109-008 Old Bridge Number 43506 = New Bridge No. 43539 Over South Fork of the Crow River 3 County of McLeod Road or Street No. MSAS 109 Township of City of Hutchinson Road or Street Name 2nd Avenue SE Municipality of Proposed Const Year 2018 Does the municipality have a population of 5,000 or less? []Yes 0 No Bridge Sufficiency Rating 42.6 Is this bridge hydraulically deficient? ❑ Yes 0 No Adequacy Status from Structure Inventory O Structurally Deficient ❑ Functionally Obsolete ❑ Adequate i Date of Council/Board action prioritizing this bridge 12/23/14 Is this a road -in -lieu of bridge project? ❑ Yes I] No How many people are affected by this deficiency? Unknown What is the ADT on this bridge? 1250 Describe the economic importance of replacing this bridge. 2nd Avenue SE serves as a collector street that connects the City's primary industrial i area to the City's core commercial area. Also, this roadway/bridge provides for local daily commuter/business traffic. 0 Is the road designated or planned to be designated as a Minimum Maintenance road? ❑ Yes 0 No (Attach additional sheets for explanation if necessary) Is the township net tax capacity less than $300,000? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is the bridge listed on the National Register of Historic Places or been determined to be eligible? ❑ Yes✓❑ No National Register of Historic Places link here: http:llv✓vwv.nps.00v/history/nr/research/ -Eligible Amount Ineligible Amount Structure Costs $ 909,822 $ 22,500 Approach Costs $ 0 $ Engineering Costs $191,063 $4,725 Total Costs $ 1,100,885 $27,225 Total Project Cost $ 1,128,110 Cr/City Engineer Of to DISTRICT STATE AID ENGINEER RECOMMENDATION Replace Defer District State Aid Engineer Signature Date STATE AID USE ONLY Federal -Aid $ State -Aid $ Local/Other $ Town Bridge $ Unallocated Town Bridge $ State Bridge Funds $ Total $ ERICKSON ENGINEERING STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETAIL ESTIMATE FOR BRIDGE NO. 43539 - BID ALTERNATE A LOCATED ON 2ND AVENUE SE, 0.7 MILES EAST OF JUNCTION TH 15 OVER SOUTH FORK CROW RIVER MCLEOD COUNTY S.A.P 133-109-008 EST. UNIT EST. ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANT. PRICE COST PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 2401.501 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (3Y43) CU YD 105 $ 650.00 $ 68,250.00 2401.512 BRIDGE SLAB CONCRETE (3Y36) SQ FT 6328 $ 35.00 $ 221,480.00 2401.513 TYPE MOD P-1 RAILING CONCRETE (3Y46) LIN FT 326 $ 75.00 $ 24,450.00 2401.515 SIDEWALK CONCRETE (3Y46) SQ FT 2583 $ 12.00 $ 30,996.00 2401.541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED) POUND 124020 $ 1.30 $ 161,226.00 2401.541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (STAINLESS STEEL) POUND 640 $ 5.00 $ 3,200.00 2401.601 SLOPE PREPARATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 2401.601 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 2402.546 FLOOR DRAIN TYPE B702 MODIFIED EACH 4 $ 200.00 $ 800.00 2402.583 ORNAMENTAL METAL RAILING TYPE SPECIAL LIN FT 317 $ 120.00 $ 38,040.00 2404.501 CONCRETE WEARING COURSE (3U17A) SQ FT 6023 $ 6.50 $ 39,149.50 2406.553 BRIDGE APPROACH PANELS SQ YD 300 $ 160.00 $ 48,000.00 2452.507 C -I -P CONCRETE PILING DELIVERED 12" LIN FT 650 $ 30.00 $ 19,500.00 2452.507 C -I -P CONCRETE PILING DELIVERED 16" LIN FT 1050 $ 42.00 $ 44,100.00 2452.508 C -I -P CONCRETE PILING DRIVEN 12" LIN FT 650 $ 3.00 $ 1,950.00 2452.508 C -I -P CONCRETE PILING DRIVEN 16" LIN FT 1050 $ 3.00 $ 3,150.00 2452.519 C -1-P CONCRETE TEST PILE 75 FT LONG 12" EACH 2 $ 7,500.00 $ 15,000.00 2452.519 C -I -P CONCRETE TEST PILE 85 FT LONG 16" EACH 2 $ 11,000.00 $ 22,000.00 2452.529 PILE POINTS 12" EACH 12 $ 200.00 $ 2,400.00 2452.529 PILE POINTS 16" EACH 16 $ 250.00 $ 4,000.00 2502.502 DRAINAGE SYSTEM TYPE (13910) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE VII SQ YD 710 $ 3.00 $ 2,130.00 2511.609 QUARRY RUN RIPRAP TON 400 $ 45.00 $ 18,000.00 2545.509 CONDUIT SYSTEM (LIGHTING) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2545.511 LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL EACH 4 $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 3/2/2015 PAGE 1 OF 2 BRIDGE NO. 43539 TOTAL: $ 932,321.50 3/2/2015 PAGE 2 OF 2 EST. UNIT EST. ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANT. PRICE COST 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal: $ 909,821.50 NON -PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2442.501 REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE LUMP SUM 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 2545.509 CONDUIT SYSTEM (CITY) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Subtotal: $ 22,500.00 TOTAL: $ 932,321.50 3/2/2015 PAGE 2 OF 2 ERICKSON ENGINEERING STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DETAIL ESTIMATE FOR BRIDGE NO. 43539 - BID ALTERNATE B LOCATED ON 2ND AVENUE SE, 0.7 MILES EAST OF JUNCTION TH 15 OVER SOUTH FORK CROW RIVER MCLEOD COUNTY S.A.P 133-109-008 EST. UNIT EST. ITEM NO. ITEM UNIT QUANT. PRICE COST PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 2401.501 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE (3Y43) CU YD 88 $ 650.00 $ 57,200.00 2401.512 BRIDGE SLAB CONCRETE (3Y36) SQ FT 5195 $ 35.00 $ 181,825.00 2401.513 TYPE MOD P-1 (TL -2) RAILING CONCRETE (3Y46) LIN FT 326 $ 75.00 $ 24,450.00 2401.515 SIDEWALK CONCRETE (3Y46) SQ FT 933 $ 12.00 $ 11,196.00 2401.541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED) POUND 102180 $ 1.30 $ 132,834.00 2401.541 REINFORCEMENT BARS (STAINLESS STEEL) POUND 520 $ 5.00 $ 2,600.00 2401.601 SLOPE PREPARATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 2401.601 STRUCTURE EXCAVATION LUMP SUM 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 2402.546 FLOOR DRAIN TYPE B702 MODIFIED EACH 4 $ 200.00 $ 800.00 2402.583 ORNAMENTAL METAL RAILING TYPE SPECIAL LIN FT 317 $ 120.00 $ 38,040.00 2404.501 CONCRETE WEARING COURSE (3U17A) SQ FT 6023 $ 6.50 $ 39,149.50 2406.553 BRIDGE APPROACH PANELS SQ YD 300 $ 160.00 $ 48,000.00 2452.507 C -1-P CONCRETE PILING DELIVERED 12" LIN FT 650 $ 30.00 $ 19,500.00 2452.507 C -I -P CONCRETE PILING DELIVERED 16" LIN FT 900 $ 42.00 $ 37,800.00 2452.508 C -1-P CONCRETE PILING DRIVEN 12" LIN FT 650 $ 3.00 $ 1,950.00 2452.508 C -1-P CONCRETE PILING DRIVEN 16" LIN FT 900 $ 3.00 $ 2,700.00 2452.519 C -I -P CONCRETE TEST PILE 75 FT LONG 12" EACH 2 $ 7,500.00 $ 15,000.00 2452.519 C -1-P CONCRETE TEST PILE 85 FT LONG 16" EACH 2 $ 11,000.00 $ 22,000.00 2452.529 PILE POINTS 12" EACH 12 $ 200.00 $ 2,400.00 2452.529 PILE POINTS 16" EACH 14 $ 250.00 $ 3,500.00 2502.502 DRAINAGE SYSTEM TYPE (13910) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE VII SQ YD 630 $ 3.00 $ 1,890.00 2511.609 QUARRY RUN RIPRAP TON 360 $ 45.00 $ 16,200.00 2545.509 CONDUIT SYSTEM (LIGHTING) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2545.511 LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL EACH 4 $ 5,000.00 $ 20,000.00 3!2/2015 PAGE 1 OF 2 BRIDGE NO. 43539 ITEM NO_ ITEM EST. UNIT EST. UNIT QUANT. PRICE COST 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal: $ 801,034.50 NON -PARTICIPATING ITEMS 2442.501 REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE LUMP SUM 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 2545.509 CONDUIT SYSTEM (CITY) LUMP SUM 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 Subtotal: $ 22,500.00 TOTAL: $ 823,534.50 3/2/2015 PAGE 2 OF 2 NOTE: ABUrENT PL_ISLES ARE ,.. ER PILES ARE TO BE 160 Nf5. y CONCRETE PILES WITH PILE POIN , �4 m R.6 GGNa IT mP) PLAN SCALE: � Fl .. U FOR CONOLUT . INCLUDED IN PRICE DID Fo c Dur, srsrEM (c �_ PROFESSIONAL/JEN/GIN,EER UNDER THE (AWS OF THE /Cr5//J reau-o I. K ERICKSON ENGINEERING 9330 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MN 55431 SE, McLEOO COUNTY INNESO A DEPARTMENT OF -1-- BRIDGE N0.43539 LOCATED 0.] MILES EAST OF _ T.H. 15 ON .1 AVE. .1 WER SOUTH FORK CROW RIVER a'-58'-44' CON-.. LONG SLAB SPANS 428' ROADWAY - 12' SIDEWALK - 15' SKEW SPAN El —01 10. 209 GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION SEC. 6 — 116 N R 29 W CBY: NUTCNINSON COUNTY: MCLEDD APPROVED' OATE rn ea��c[ [uclu. DES: csK riii(.- c BRIDGE NO. sAKP. 133 43539 SHEET z DF 58BSHEETS BID ALT. A BENCHMARK EL. ]o3s.sJ (NAD 63) DESIGN DATA LIST OF SHEETS — BID ALT. A LOGTiON: CP o] ON NORJH SNOULDERB APPftOX WEST OF EXIT. ANO cuRRE I 4 FD BRIDGE DESIGN NO —1 SPECT OICATIS SS 1 TITLE SHEi I 0 aNC£ FnCTOR OESiGN ME]NOD 2 GFNERALEPIHN & ELEVATIO -BID ALT. A —S LOaDE RLTL OUN_ JYPICAL SECTpN & O—TIES -BID ALT. DES 20 PD PER SQUARE FOOT ALL— -- FOR FUTURE WEARING COURSE MODIFlCAi]ONS BRIDGE ]AYDBT -BID aAT, a NSIU MATERINL pEs PROPERT,£S:RC R -.THEM, .1 REr,cFORC4 HSONLRETE 8 to i19 PUPERSTRUCNRE A.1 Fy O = 60 K51 EINFOEMEM _ 1YPE MOD. P aN RNAMENTN. y = 36 KSI SPEC. 3306 _ YDTEM£ L� CK ARW - B 50. FT Di (2015) 16 21 R- IPRAP1P 31 RF PRGIB9 T (2035) 2496 26-27 MISC- ORI— 0- 2-12 OR. -P RcH t0 -0 3/4- - .—O—OU, OF DECK - _ - - - 33 39 RIDGE SURVEY -PUN &PROFILE - 35 GENERAL PIAN & ELEYAiION - 3/e"A OUAN(ITIES 6 CL W ABUT CE PIEF 1 -�-\\ \4 ¢PIER 238 IT-') BRIpCE IAYOUTN- B ALT S CORNER DETAILS - BID ALT B 39 -44 - ABUTMENTS - e1H All B \ FLOOR pRAJN BRI E ( 45_47 PIERS - RID NT. D \ (iYP.) ` NAMEPIATE� SUPERSTRUCTURE D All S 6 52 BI -.. _. _-... T 53 BRIDGE SURVEY - PWJ &PROFILE -BIO - RO55 20 _D' -. - '_ _. _. W P "p" ). CCHOGNRaDLNG I11I t0a0" APPROACH IN. I PANEL \ P. A W BEG 0 E P C I ` END OF DECK E D AP 10 3944 4 2 K � � 0 KING UNE S£. & \ � ` STA J2+44.86 T 32+)e 61 EL 10 W 33 109299 BEG. APPA. PANEL 5Th. J0+63 EL. 1033`]J39 \ --wp. 1 ` STA. 30+98.00 1 � EL. 1039.45 �WP 1\1 SA. 3]+4100 � 1 EL 1040.3] STA J2+0000 \ EL. (041.45 � � AZ. 89'29"488]" ST0. 32+49.00 EL 104231 PANNO ` B CKET _ B gyp) ry \ NOTE: ABUrENT PL_ISLES ARE ,.. ER PILES ARE TO BE 160 Nf5. y CONCRETE PILES WITH PILE POIN , �4 m R.6 GGNa IT mP) PLAN SCALE: � Fl .. U FOR CONOLUT . INCLUDED IN PRICE DID Fo c Dur, srsrEM (c �_ PROFESSIONAL/JEN/GIN,EER UNDER THE (AWS OF THE /Cr5//J reau-o I. K ERICKSON ENGINEERING 9330 JAMES AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MN 55431 SE, McLEOO COUNTY INNESO A DEPARTMENT OF -1-- BRIDGE N0.43539 LOCATED 0.] MILES EAST OF _ T.H. 15 ON .1 AVE. .1 WER SOUTH FORK CROW RIVER a'-58'-44' CON-.. LONG SLAB SPANS 428' ROADWAY - 12' SIDEWALK - 15' SKEW SPAN El —01 10. 209 GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION SEC. 6 — 116 N R 29 W CBY: NUTCNINSON COUNTY: MCLEDD APPROVED' OATE rn ea��c[ [uclu. DES: csK riii(.- c BRIDGE NO. sAKP. 133 43539 SHEET z DF 58BSHEETS BID ALT. A ORPNaMENr MEral Aaluluc Q.RNAMENraL Mi'PE sPecw:� (NPEAP-fDJ—WOftKINGVLINEE ^ ON (T VE P MOO.) 2" CONCRETE --TARING a N� /2'0 RS. CONDUIT COURSE (3UIJA) PROP. FlNISHEO (TrPJ PROf(LE CRM£ -20R -1�Oz m0"P;IN. �P) I NORTH a — o SOUTH _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �-- —————— —— ——— ——— — — — CL 4'0 R.S. CONDOR 2Q AT HAUNCH HAUNCH 'AlPIER Q2 Ct 4"0 R.S. CONDUIT— J (Typ) (TYP.) W-6' 2'-9" /v TRANSVERSE SECTION THRU DECK scuE: v CONSTRUCTION NOTES THE 2014 EDITION OF THE .1— DEPARTMEM OF —R— 11 54 EEOiTON 00F iHOR'MATERI0.S UGOLEMEM SPELIFlCAilONS FOR pON51HUCTION" VERN. S THE BAR SIZES SHO IN THIS PUN ARE IN U.S. CUSTOMARY DESIGNATIONS. BARS MgRKED WIIH THE STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOR ENTIRE BRIDGE (BID ALTERNATE A) -- I — .. I — DESCRI.mION —,c=llvc mmAnxc TO:AL STATEMENT OF OUANTf1tES KEYNOTES: T[3 RIA„I Q—,& BR. 44-6 - 5T+]066 c pVAARY RUN R—, S %1 BF QUANTITY ._ ON 1.4 TONS PER CU. vD. TRANSVERSE SECTION TRANSVERSE SECTION KEMTM I INCWOED IN PRICE BIO FOA "CONDUIT St;TEM (UGHn.YG)". 2. IN LW IN PRICE BIO FOR "CONOUR 515TEM 10 3/6" w. Aeur.A _ a4 f PIER t -a 3/4' -OUT-iO-OUT OF DECK _ - 58 O wER 2 ` (im) FLOOR DRAIN Xp) _ aa� 0 afiuT. \ BRIDGE NAMEPLATE BENCHMARK EL 103553 (NAD H3) LOCAPON: CP lal 0 NORTH SHOULDERS U, 3/8" h AP A a DESIGN DATA 20SPECFNCAPO.VSNT INTERIM Aa5HT0 LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN LOAD AND RE ANCF FACTOF DESIGN MEMDO -93 UDE LTDO NCLU DEAD LOAD INCLUDES TO POUND PER DOUARE FOOT ALLOWANCE FOR FUTURE WGRING COUFSE MODIFICARONS MATERWL DESIGN PROPERPES: FI,=4KS/ = 60 KSI RUNFORCEMENi rRu TS�FA siEkL Fy = J6 K61 SPEC. 3305 DfLK ARRA 5 50. FT a0i (2015) 1 OPEFAL GPRAPND FF �RD T (1035) 2x96 ba DLB93 LRFFSPEED LIST OF SHEETS - BID ALT. B APPROACH (TYR) BEG. 30+fi'.39 \ \ \ A W.P. � DECK EL 1039.4414 STA. 30+98.CO wP.m-W.P. \ W 2nd AVE. S.E. & \ \ I \ OFKING LINf \ 1 \ \TA 31+42.00 STA. 32+00.00 \ '']' STL2 A 44.00 \ END OF DECK \ I STA 31+44.86 EL. 1042.33 \ \ g(+PGK END APPR. PANEL ST0.304+JS.bi EL 1 1 P-1 RAILING AND DRNAMENTALPANELWPOF RNLING TYPE SPECIAL(TYP) SIRDGE D ETAILSSIA K26-27 RIDGE APPROACH PANELS IEMANAN BDo&QLURES -BIO ALI.W BRIDGE LAYO(fT- BD ALT B CORNER OETNLS - BIDAUJ QI 4"0 R.S. CONDUIT C—) PLA SCALE: n PABUiMENT1 -BID ALT. B 458-4J FS -BID atT. B 41-52 GWERSTRULTUFE -BID ALT 8 53 RIOCE SURv£Y -PUN PROFlU: - BlAll R Sa-5] H GIiaOIG CONCRTEiENTPEI ILLES AR11 E TO SE 122' C -I -P "IPIER PILES ARE TO BE ID�11-P Qi SU'HEET 52 FOR DETAILS AND INCLUDED IN PRICE 810 FEEOREMENTS. OR CONDOIT SYSTEM (CITY). APPROVED: —�� wsvvc HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 8115 PIAN (SHEEIs t-58) WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT ANp THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED NAL ENGINEER UNDER RIE UWS OF THE STATE DE III o. 1393; OERIC AME ENGINEERING ELOOMIMETON, NI 1ESGURI BLOOMINGTON, MN 55931 2nd AVE. SE MCLEOD COUNTY NESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TPANSPORTAPON BRIDGE NO. 43539 LOCATED O.J MILES FAST OF JCT T.H. IS ON 2nd AVE. SE OVER SOUTH FORK CROW RNEF 9'-8580 0'-44' CO 28' IDENDFlCATON ND. 2 15'SSKEW GENERAL PLAN & ELEVATION SEC. 6 TYIP. III N R 29 W cm: nurcnwsoN I couurr Ma£DD APPROVED: OAT,: swrt erewcx [Npx[[x DES: cHK: csK cHK: .uc BRIDGE NO. IARr33-tD9-aoe 43539 SH ET 35 OF IS SHEETS BID ALT. 6 IEMPL METAL FAILING. !ETC HaRRIEft P -f MOO.) 2" CONCRETE WEARING " R.S. CONDOR COURSE (3U1>A) C -202 -WORKINGVLINE E & PROP. FINISHED �� �PROFiLE -2.09 I I (nPJ IN. r NORTH --------------- ---------- -+t-------- -�-- a -" MIN. , •_3' I a"0 R.S. CONDUIT �2 —CH —11 Al PIER 02 £ <'0 R.S. CDNDU!!_ T AN265R TION THR DECK sGUE: o, CONSTRUCTION NOTES HE 2014 EDRION O£ THE MINNESOTA DEPPRTMEM DF iRANSPORTAo Ory "S ATHE 2— E0ITON .1--1'SHER "MA -1' UB SUPPLEMEM OSPECIFlCAPONS FOR CONSTRUCTION" GOVERN. S RfE BAR SIZES SHOWN IN THIS PWJ PRE IN U. CUSTgAPRY DESIGNATIONS. BARS MARKED WNH THE SOUTH STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED QUANTITIES FOR ENTIRE BRIDGE (BID ALTERNATE B) HEYNOTE I REM NO. I ITEM DESCRIPTION I UNN PARTICIPATING NON -PARTICIPATING ^TOTAL O STATEMENT OF OUANTI7TES KEYNOTES: A () DENOTES 3 QUARRY RUN RIPRAP I,70.66 SaHALL BE B OUNJNIY BASED ON 1. TONS PER CV.I YD. TRANSVERSE TRANSVERSE SECTION KEYNOTES. 1 CLUOED ICE BID FOR TONDO? SYSTEM (LIGHTING)'N RI. P 2. INCLUDc'D IN PRICE B10 FOR "CONDUIT SYSTEM Weed Notices Monthly Report July 2015 Monthly Summary of Weeds/Tall Grass Noncompliance A summary of weed notices sent to properties not in compliance with Chapter § 92.35 Weed Ordinance, of the Hutchinson City Code of Ordinances can be found below. Seven (7) business days were given to those receiving notice to remove weeds/tall grass on their property. Number of properties that received a removal notice 21 Number of properties cleared by City order 3 Number of properties pending compliance at month's end 0 Properties that were ordered to be cleared by the City House Street Quadrant Property Owner City PID Vincent Haag 705 Dale St SW 705 Dale St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 01-116-30-10-0300 Steven Jerabek Trust c/o Kathryn McIntire 7531 Erie Ave 145 Erie St SE Chanhassen, MN 55317 06-116-29-02-0370 John Thompson 500 California St NW 127 Erie St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-02-0380 McLeod County Regional Rail c/o Larry Graff 21107 CSAH 9 236 Huron St SE Darwin, MN 55324 06-116-29-02-0670 Margaret Westlund 470 Campbell Lane NW 1165 West Shore Dr SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 10-116-30-08-0020 Thomas & Barbara Daggett 16057 673rd Ave 1175 West Shore Dr SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 10-116-30-08-0030 Jeremy Pfannsmith 504 California St NW 504 California St NW Hutchinson, MN 55350 36-117-30-11-0130 Darell Lange 567 Lynn Rd SW 567 Lynn Rd SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-12-0400 Lucas Gustafson 756 Ivy Ln SE 756 Ivy Ln SE Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-14-0470 Federal National Mortgage Association 14221 Dallas Pkwy #1000 1125 13th Ave NW Dallas, Tx 75254 25-117-30-14-0240 Dane Page 570 Main St S 570 Main St S Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-11-0040 Federal National Mortgage Association 14221 Dallas Pkwy #1000 606 Main St S Dallas, Tx 75265 06-116-29-11-0940 John & Sybil Jennings 1570 Adams St SE 860 Grove St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-13-0400 Mary Ellen Felix 435 Hassan St SE 854 Brown St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 06-116-29-13-0290 Marc Schrade 1820 Island View Cir SW 1820 Island View Cir SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 10-116-30-08-0810 Marc Schrade 1820 Island View Cir SW 1828 Island View Cir SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 10-116-30-08-0820 Marc Schrade 1820 Island View Cir SW 1836 Island View Cir SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 10-116-30-08-0830 Stephen E Lee One East Washington St, Suite 1900 1005 Maple St NE Phoenix, AZ 85004-2554 31-117-29-01-0070 Mark Thompson 1000 Goebel St SW 1000 Goebel St SW Hutchinson, MN 55350 01-116-30-10-1140 JP Morgan Chase Bank 3415 Vision Dr 481 Clark St NE Columbus, OH 43219 31-117-29-09-1030 Carlton Holdings LLC Mr. Jacob Wert 11455 Viking Dr, Suite 300 1315 Montreal St SE Eden Prairie, MN 55344 07-116-29-12-0090 Hutchinson Public Library Board minutes Monday, July 27,2015 4:30pm Present: Jon Ross, Dianne Wanzek, Mary Christensen, Steve Bailey, Gerry Grinde and Pam Dille, Ex - officio Absent: Julie Lofdahl, Jack Sandberg Jon Ross called the meeting to order and the June minutes were reviewed. The motion to approve as written by Dianne Wanzek, seconded by Gerry Grinde was approved unanimously. Old business: The Legacy -sponsored MN Arboretum/Mpls. Institute of Arts Bus Trip for Thursday, September 10th was approved. So far, few have signed up, 40 people could go. (The art of the period is tied in with the story of "To Kill a Mockingbird".) To avoid multiple stops the riders will board the bus in Hutchinson and Glencoe only. . A thank you of support for the Summer Reading program will be published in the Hutchinson Leader at a cost of $70. . Thank you notes along with a gift book about library history will be sent to former Board members - Roger Vacek and Stacey Nass. To avoid a long waiting period, unapproved copies of the minutes will be sent to the City Council. The formal approval process frequently makes the minutes rather outdated. The children and teen 2015 summer reading program is going well. At least 70 young adult readers and 480 children have signed up and the motivational prizes have helped increase interest. New business: . City employees will be asked to help haul used books for the annual Used Books Sale on September 18th and 19th. This takes place during the Arts and Crafts in the Park Sale. . The DVD taping completed by the McLeod Co. Historical Society for Legacy Grant will be available for community viewing in such areas as nursing homes, schools, etc. The schedule for such use is not determined yet. In the tapes, the author assumes the role of a key historical character from each book. A suggestion was made that these tapes might become the basis for a special program at the historical church (next to city hall) in the future. . Laurie Ortega (current director of Library Operations) will be the new Executive Director of PLS. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10. The next meeting is August 24,2015 at 4:30 pm Minutes submitted by Steve Bailey, fill-in secretary for Julie Lofdahl CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 2:00 p.m. City Center Meeting Minutes Members present: Melissa Goldstein, Mark Hanneman, John Hassinger, Sara Turrell Others Present: Kent Exner (City Engineer), Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor), Candice Hoversten (Heart of Hutch), Jean Johnson (McLeod County Public Health) Meeting began at 2:05 p.m. 1. Review of last meetings minutes- Mark K made a motion to approve the December meeting minutes. Melissa G. seconded. Sara W. will forward the minutes onto Melissa Starke to be put into council packets. 2. Bike Rack Locations Once racks are installed we will work on signage. Sara W. will contact Miles (EDA) to see when the bike racks should be arriving. 3. Bicycle Map Kent gave an update. Currently there are two map options: the map produced locally comes in around $.25, the fold out Z -card cost around $1.49/each. Group consensus was to go with the cheaper version, so more maps could be produced and distributed around the community. Meeting to be set up with Doff, Kent, Sara W. and Christy (County GIS). 4. Bicvcle Master Plan League of American Bicyclists -sign to be placed on Hwy 7 E, heading west Signage package was ordered. Article in paper. a) Olmsted County -Rochester http://www. co. olmsted. mn.us/planning/trnsprtnping/bpac/Pages/default. aspx b. Other examples: City of Willmar and City of Oshkosk: see scanned documents attached. 5. Safe Routes to School Dolf- Any updates? Meeting being held 2118115 @ 3: 30 pm, Jean will be attending. Once the Safe Routes to School report is completed, this should open up some opportunities for State and Federal Transportation funds. 6. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness Form small group to work on May -Bike awareness month event/s. Future Community Ed classes: Brochure deadline March 16th — possibly pair up with school/physical education classes. *Update on BCBS grant- Candice/Amy (Open Streets Event) Sept. 2015 *Group discussion followed as to what age group we should initially target. It was decided to focus on older adults/seniors with a Biking 101 including; general rules of the road, safety, etc. Candice brought up to contact Bike MN; Sara W. will contact Michelle B. a) Bike & Walk to School b) Bike to Work-in May, National Day is Friday May 15th c) Bike Rides 7. Bike Rental/Sharing Program Medica sponsor- Candice update Jean sent info on Nice Ride MN and Blue Cross (see samples) Meeting with Medica, they could be a possible sponsor down the road, more info to come on that. 8. Sidewalk Improvements "No Biking, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading" signs within the downtown area — Review city ordinance per Kent/Chief Hatten Kent will talk with the Chief and keep us updated. 9. Crosswalk Awareness/Improvements Email/PDF document on informal study of uncontrolled intersections or non - intersections -Review of document Kent identified a couple locations. Staff is going to look at current locations. The ideal safe marked crossings are the "crossing lights ", like that going on S. Grade Rd. @ Island View Heights neighborhood. NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wed. March 18`h @ 2: 00 pm City Center Main Conference Room CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 2:00 p.m. City Center Meeting Minutes Members present: Melissa Goldstein, John Hassinger Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor), Candice Hoversten (Heart of Hutch), Amy Martin (Heart of Hutch) Meeting began at 2:05 p.m. 1. Review of last meetings minutes- John H. made a motion to approve the February meeting minutes. Melissa G. seconded. Sara W. will forward the minutes onto Melissa Starke to be put into council packets. 2. Bike Rack Locations Sara update - waiting to hear from Brian Mohr to order a total of six racks. Once racks are installed we will work on signage. A discussion followed about Days Inn possibly renting bikes. John will touch base with Chad @ Outdoor Motion about connecting the two businesses. *Another possible location for a rack might be Roberts Park with all the evening youth sports events. 3. Bicycle Map Kent/Dolf update -Hada meeting with County GIS. The smaller Crow River Press map will be put together in house. 4. Bicvcle Master Plan/BFC League of American Bicyclists -sign to be placed on Hwy 7 E, heading west Signage package was ordered. Article in paper. a) Olmsted County -Rochester http://www. co. olmsted. mn.us/planning/trnsprtnping/bpac/Pages/default. aspx b. City of Willmar and City of Oshkosh are other examples 5. Safe Routes to School Dolf- update, nothing really new to update, Dolf will talk with Brian Mohr. Report will be completed by the end of the school year. Information gathered from this report can help with piecing together the COH Bike/Pedestrian Master Plan. 6. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness - Possible May -Bike awareness month event/s. —see below, Bike to Work. Future Adult/Senior biking class: John H. will help teach, maybe with help from Ron J Sara emailed Michelle B. from Bike MN, did not get a response back from her yet and now emailed Dorian to see if he has any ideas for senior bike classes. *Update on BCBS grant- Candice/Amy (Open Streets Event) Sept. 2015- Did not receive the grant. An initial planning meeting is set for Wed. April Is' @ chamber office. a) Bike & Walk to School- Candice has not heard back from Dan O. yet b) Bike to Work-in May, National Day is Friday May 15'h, Chad is confirming breakfast with Zellas for the event. There will more than likely be a follow up Bike to Work day in August. c) Bike Rides *As a side note, Dolf attended the HAMBA meeting on Thursday 12`h, about 20 plus people were in attendance. 7. Bike Rental/Sharing Program Again, John H. will speak with Chad on the Days Inn possibility. 8. Sidewalk Improvements "No Biking, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading" signs within the downtown area — Review city ordinance per Kent/Chief Hatten Kent- update after speaking with Chief Hatten No update given, since Kent was absent from this meeting. 9. Crosswalk Awareness/Improvements Email/PDF document on informal study of uncontrolled intersections or non - intersections -Review of document NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wed. April IS`h @ 2: 00 pm City Center Main Conference Room CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, April 15th, 2015 2:00 p.m. City Center Meeting Minutes Members present: Melissa Goldstein, John Hassinger, Mark Hanneman Others Present: Kent Exner (City Engineer), Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor), Jean Johnson (McLeod Public Health) Meeting began at 2:00 p.m. 1. Review of last meetings minutes- Melissa G. made a motion to approve the March meeting minutes. John H. seconded. Sara W. will forward the minutes onto Melissa Starke to be put into council packets. 2. Bike Rack Locations Sara update - total of six racks have been ordered, the school district will be taking two. The racks should be hereby the middle%nd of May. Once racks are installed we will work on signage. 3. Bicycle Map Kent/Dolf update -Kent, Dolf and Sara will have a meeting Friday April 171h with I. T. department. Information will be given to Tom to start building the map and he will have Jackie P. do the backside with educational information. Hope is for the map to be put together by the end ofMay. 4. Bicycle Master Plan/BFC League of American Bicyclists - a) Olmsted County -Rochester http://www. co. olmsted. mn.us/planning/trnsprtnping/bpac/Pages/default. aspx b. City of Willmar and City of Oshkosh are other examples 5. Safe Routes to School Dolf- update: Report to be completed by the end of the school year. Information gathered from this report can help with piecing together the COH Bike/Pedestrian Master Plan. Donn Winckler from Region 6E has the school district survey information and is compiling. 6. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness May -Bike awareness month event/s. —see below, Bike to Work. Future Adult/Senior biking class: John H. /Ron J will help teach- summer date? Sara emailed Michelle B. and Dorian from Bike AN, did not get a response back. Candice/Amy (Open Streets Event) Sept. 2015- tentative date of Sept. 26`h, 2015 Planning meeting tookplace on Wed. April Is` @ chamber office. Interested parties attended and a good plan has been initiated for the event. a) Bike & Walk to School- Candice has not heard back from Dan O. yet? b) Bike to Work-in May, National Day is Friday May 15`h. There will more than likely be a follow up Bike to Work day in August. c) Bike Rides Jason W. has been contacted and given the go ahead to produce the "Sharrow " video, if he is still willing to do it for the $500 price. Good editorial was in Hutchinson Leader on proper biking etiquette. - Kent noted: MNDOT will be placing trail counters in two locations along the Luce Line: East of Hwy 15 (Utilities downtown area) and Hwy 7 underpass 7. Bike Rental/Sharing Program Days Inn maybe a possibility, once they get their rooms redone? 8. Sidewalk Improvements "No Biking, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading" signs within the downtown area — Review city ordinance per Kent/Chief Hatten Kent- will talk with council members to get their feedback. Either way it needs to be decided if the ordinance goes away or the signs need to be put back up. 9. Crosswalk Awareness/Improvements Email/PDF document on informal study of uncontrolled intersections or non - intersections -Review of document The Safe Routes to School document should help us with moving forward on how the city should handle uncontrolled/non-intersections. NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: Wed. May 20`h @ 2: 00 pm City Center Main Conference Room CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 2:00 p.m. City Center Meeting Minutes Members present: Melissa Goldstein, Ron Johnson, Sara Turrell Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor), Candace H. (Heart of Hutch) and Amy Martin (Heart of Hutch) Meeting began at 2:00 p.m. 1. Review of last meetings minutes- Melissa G. made a motion to approve the May meeting minutes. Ron J. seconded. Sara W. will forward the minutes onto Melissa Starke to be put into council packets. 2. Bike Rack Locations Sara update - total of six racks will be delivered Thursday 18`h, the school district will be taking two. Once racks are installed we will work on signage. 3. Bicycle Map Kent/Dolf update -Bike map is being printed and should be here by middle of June. Suggestion of the group to add a Q code that links to the City of Hutchinson website. Over the next year will we will build a second version. Sara T. would like 100 to drop at 3M. 4. Bicycle Master Plan/BFC League of American Bicyclists - a) Olmsted County -Rochester http://www. co. olmsted. mn.us/planning/trnsprtnping/bpac/Pages/default. aspx b. City of Willmar and City of Oshkosh are other examples 5. Safe Routes to School Dolf- update 6. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness - Future Adult/Senior biking class: John H. /Ron J. will help teach- summer date? Candace/Amy (Open Streets Event) Sept. 2015- date of Sept. 2e, 2015 Crow River Winery has their Grape stomp event the same day. a) Bike & Walk to School- Fall 2015 b) Bike to Work-in May, National Day was Friday May 15`h. There will be a follow up Bike to Work day on August 14`h c) Bike Rides: Sara T. brought up the Rotary bike ride and ways to promote the ride on Sat. June 13th Jason W. has been contacted and given the go ahead to produce the "Sharrow " video, if he is still willing to do it for the $500 price. 7. Bike Rental/Sharing Program John was absent to give an update PeddleMN- Free bike share program 8. Sidewalk Improvements "No Biking, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading" signs within the downtown area — Review city ordinance per Kent/Chief Flatten New signage should be up by end of summer. 9. Crosswalk Awareness/Improvements Email/PDF document on informal study of uncontrolled intersections or non - intersections -Review of document NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: June 17th @ 2:00 pm City Center Main Conference Room CITY OF HUTCHINSON Pedestrian and Bicycle Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 2:00 p.m. City Center Meeting Minutes Members present: Melissa Goldstein, Ron Johnson, Sara Turrell Others Present: Dolf Moon (PRCE Director), Sara Witte (Parks Supervisor), Candace H. (Heart of Hutch) and Amy Martin (Heart of Hutch) Meeting began at 2:00 p.m. 1. Review of last meetings minutes- Melissa G. made a motion to approve the May meeting minutes. Ron J. seconded. Sara W. will forward the minutes onto Melissa Starke to be put into council packets. 2. Bike Rack Locations Sara update - total of six racks will be delivered Thursday 18`h, the school district will be taking two. Once racks are installed we will work on signage. 3. Bicycle Map Kent/Dolf update -Bike map is being printed and should be here by middle of June. Suggestion of the group to add a Q code that links to the City of Hutchinson website. Over the next year will we will build a second version. Sara T. would like 100 to drop at 3M. 4. Bicycle Master Plan/BFC League of American Bicyclists - a) Olmsted County -Rochester http://www. co. olmsted. mn.us/planning/trnsprtnping/bpac/Pages/default. aspx b. City of Willmar and City of Oshkosh are other examples 5. Safe Routes to School Dolf- update Published in September- Final Draft 6. Education/Promotion/Community Wellness - Future Adult/Senior biking class: John H. /Ron J. will help teach- Sept or Oct. Candace/Amy (Open Streets Event) Sept. 2015- date of Sept. 2e, 2015 Crow River Winery has their Grape stomp event the same day. a) Bike & Walk to School- Oct. 4rh Fall 2015 b) Bike to Work-in May, National Day was Friday May 15`h. There will be a follow up Bike to Work day on August 14`h c) Bike Rides: Sara T. mentioned that 87 riders participated in their ride d) Move -subcommittee of Heart of Hutch formed and will be doing activities around the community to promote active living *Dolf mentioned a group from Boston was here and was very impressed with Hutchinson's trail system. 7. Bike Rental/Sharing Program $35 per day to rent bikes from Chad @ Outdoor Motion. Dolf visited Willmar and gave an update on their bike share program 8. Sidewalk Improvements "No Biking, No Skateboarding, No Rollerblading" signs within the downtown area — Review city ordinance per Kent/Chief Flatten New signage should be up by end of summer. 9. Crosswalk Awareness/Improvements Email/PDF document on informal study of uncontrolled intersections or non - intersections -Review of document NEXT MEETING: Schedule next meeting: July 15th @ 2: 00 pm City Center Main Conference Room Sara T. spoke with John Olson- could use help from 3MBike Club on noting area where the "Sharrow " signs need to be touched up. HRA HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 7:00 AM Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman LaVonne Hansen called the meeting to order. Members Present: Gary Fortier, LouAnn Holmquist, and Joel Kraft. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON JUNE 16, 2015 Gary Forcier moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Gary Forcier moved to approve the City Center General Fund payments of $24,936.20, for checks 8654 to 8673. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Gary Forcier moved to approve the City Center June 30, 2015 Financial Reparts. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Crary Forcier moved to approve the Park Towers operating account payments of $82,507.52 for checks 13279 to 13317 and approval of Park Towers Security Account payments of $245.88 for checks 1522. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Gary Forcier moved to approve the May 2015 Park Towers financial statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Occupancy Report: 100% b. Joel Kraft moved to approve the updated sources and uses for the Elevator Project showing 7% contingency. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. c. Joel Kraft moved to approve the contract award to F.ngan & Associates for Architectural Services for 2016 CFP. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. d. Joel Krafft moved to approve the execution of the POHP Loan Commitment Documents. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5. DOWNTOWN RENTAL REHAB PROGRAM APPLICATION a. Joel Kraft moved to approve Resolution # 2015-9 Approving Rental Rehab Procedural Guide and Administrative Contract with the City of Hutchinson for the Downtown Mental Rehab Project. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. LouAnn Holmquist moved to approve implementation of the Education/Licensing Rebate Program for new Lead Contractors. Joel Kraft seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. 445 ADAMS STREET a. FYI Budget b. FYI Showing Report 7. DISCUSSION OF PLAN TO USE EXCESS TIF FUNDS FROM AUGUSTA HOUSING PROJECT Jean Ward discussed some ideas of use for the funds. Further information will be collected for future discussion. July 21, 2015 Minutes Page I of 2 8. SELECTION OF HRA LOGO The Board decided on option 3 for the new logo. 9. FORECLOSURE REPORT: FYI 10. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS Judy Flemming updated the Board on the new MHFA RRDL. Information was sent out with the Apartment Guide survey to determine if there is interest in the program. 11. ADJOURNMENT LouAtm Holmquist moved to adorn and Joel Kraft seconded. There being no other business, Chairman LaVonne Hansen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Gary ForcWr, Secretary/Treasurer July 21, 2015 Minutes Page 2 of 2 HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL BOARD MEETING AUGUST 1 9, 2014, 7AM Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson LaVonne Hansen, called the meeting to order. Members Present: Garry Forcier, LouAnn Holmquist and Steve Jensen. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming. 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 20, 2013 ANNUAL MEETING Steve Jensen moved to approve the Minutes of the annual board meeting as written. Gary Forcier seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REVISED 2010 -2015 HRA Work Plan Steve Jensen moved to approve the revised 2010-2015 HRA Work Plan. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Election of Officers Steve Jensen made a motion to keep LaVonne Hansen as Chairman, Joel Kraft as the Vice Chairman, and Gary Forcier as the Secretary/Treasurer. In addition, to keep Joel Kraft and Steve Jensen as the loan review committee members. Gary Forcier seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 5. There being no other business, Chairman LaVonne Hansen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Gary Fbrcier Secret#ylTreasurer HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL c'=y-fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL =-ft Agenda Item: July 2015 Financial and Investment Reports Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/25/2015 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Governance Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND/EXPLANATION OF AGENDA ITEM: For Council review, attached are the July Financial Reports for the general fund and enterprise funds. Also attached is the July Investment Report. The financial statements look somewhat different due to the new software system that we are now operating. The data, however, is the same as presented to the council in the past. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 100 - General Fund TAXES OTHER TAXES LICENSES & PERMITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN FINES & FORFEITURES CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Expenditures Fund 100 -General Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 0.00 2,316,430.84 4,491,446.00 2,175,015.16 51.57 2,295,387.29 4,491,446.00 51.11 11,875.71 94,528.02 257,500.00 162,971.98 36.71 88,336.34 245,000.00 36.06 33,796.73 199,957.90 267,900.00 67,942.10 74.64 163,358.54 240,000.00 68.07 852,290.27 890,834.61 1,225,766.00 334,931.39 72.68 828,009.07 1,094,270.00 75.67 87,280.83 927,431.16 2,031,070.00 1,103,638.84 45.66 912,340.97 2,045,923.00 44.59 47,379.04 323,809.01 666,225.00 342,415.99 48.60 294,014.95 646,500.00 45.48 309,527.50 731,623.50 2,160,537.00 1,428,913.50 33.86 713,758.00 2,066,653.00 34.54 3,492.21 26,452.15 55,000.00 28,547.85 48.09 34,961.55 50,000.00 69.92 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,345,642.29 5,511,067.19 11,180,444.00 5,669,376.81 49.29 5,330,166.71 10,879,792.00 48.99 639,989.12 3,979,667.12 7,491,996.00 3,512,328.88 53.12 3,690,820.20 7,009,709.00 52.65 45,413.84 379,737.88 782,636.00 402,898.12 48.52 448,559.98 781,887.00 57.37 161,073.07 1,258,659.57 2,310,846.00 1,052,186.43 54.47 1,368,223.10 2,262,536.00 60.47 45,890.09 168,585.19 498,116.00 329,530.81 33.84 166,176.96 533,068.00 31.17 0.00 48,425.00 96,850.00 48,425.00 50.00 47,015.00 96,000.00 48.97 0.00 7,646.00 0.00 (7,646.00) 100.00 2,091.52 0.00 100.00 892,366.12 5,842,720.76 11,180,444.00 5,337,723.24 52.26 5,722,886.76 10,683,200.00 53.57 1,345,642.29 5,511,067.19 11,180,444.00 5,669,376.81 49.29 5,330,166.71 10,879,792.00 48.99 892,366.12 5,842,720.76 11,180,444.00 5,337,723.24 52.26 5,722,886.76 10,683,200.00 53.57 453,276.17 (331,653.57) 0.00 331,653.57 100.00 (392,720.05) 196,592.00 199.76 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 226 - HATS Operation INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES TRANSFERS -IN TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL Expenditures Fund 226 - HATS Operation: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 VIOUS YEAR MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 6,208.33 81,596.65 151,500.00 69,903.35 53.86 79,562.50 147,070.00 54.10 30,621.87 166,062.28 546,000.00 379,937.72 30.41 335,791.62 535,000.00 62.76 0.00 6,157.80 3,250.00 (2,907.80) 189.47 (110.94) 3,600.00 (3.08) 0.00 48,425.00 96,850.00 48,425.00 50.00 47,015.00 94,030.00 50.00 36,830.20 302,241.73 797,600.00 495,358.27 37.89 462,258.18 779,700.00 59.29 4,346.72 36,634.18 57,898.00 21,263.82 63.27 39,162.24 52,235.00 74.97 37,691.56 157,811.17 546,925.00 389,113.83 28.85 300,932.14 536,825.00 56.06 15,354.67 86,338.26 159,700.00 73,361.74 54.06 82,561.68 147,500.00 55.97 0.00 35.00 6,550.00 6,515.00 0.53 0.00 5,100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26,527.00 26,527.00 0.00 0.00 37,960.00 0.00 57,392.95 280,818.61 797,600.00 516,781.39 35.21 422,656.06 779,620.00 54.21 36,830.20 302,241.73 797,600.00 495,358.27 37.89 462,258.18 779,700.00 59.29 57,392.95 280,818.61 797,600.00 516,781.39 35.21 422,656.06 779,620.00 54.21 (20,562.75) 21,423.12 0.00 (21,423.12) 100.00 39,602.12 80.00 49,502.65 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 601 - Water Fund CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES LOCAL SALES TAX INVESTMENT EARNINGS SALES - OTHER WATER SALES TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE TOTAL Expenditures Fund 601 - Water Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 2,030.44 39,223.15 50,000.00 10,776.85 78.45 38,662.81 42,500.00 90.97 9,941.90 36,035.43 96,153.00 60,117.57 37.48 7,755.91 96,192.00 8.06 61,133.27 284,634.11 725,000.00 440,365.89 39.26 283,550.58 650,000.00 43.62 0.00 167.58 0.00 (167.58) 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (4.95) 0.00 4.95 100.00 (9.90) (3,000.00) 0.33 242,949.65 1,315,350.74 2,288,000.00 972,649.26 57.49 1,278,407.67 2,372,500.00 53.88 316,055.26 1,675,406.06 3,159,153.00 1,483,746.94 53.03 1,608,367.07 3,158,192.00 50.93 39,499.26 228,288.96 500,766.00 272,477.04 45.59 212,078.43 427,480.00 49.61 8,225.77 65,360.79 123,250.00 57,889.21 53.03 57,009.17 124,250.00 45.88 36,423.07 217,031.50 457,724.00 240,692.50 47.42 263,308.75 409,618.00 64.28 233.38 10,086.69 16,700.00 6,613.31 60.40 9,026.66 22,000.00 41.03 0.00 0.00 43,145.00 43,145.00 0.00 0.00 43,145.00 0.00 260,992.79 570,012.96 543,750.00 (26,262.96) 104.83 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,104,000.00 1,104,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,105,500.00 0.00 55,006.25 281,026.73 1,312,414.00 1,031,387.27 21.41 275,746.45 1,229,916.00 22.42 400,380.52 1,371,807.63 4,101,749.00 2,729,941.37 33.44 817,169.46 3,611,909.00 22.62 316,055.26 1,675,406.06 3,159,153.00 1,483,746.94 53.03 1,608,367.07 3,158,192.00 50.93 400,380.52 1,371,807.63 4,101,749.00 2,729,941.37 33.44 817,169.46 3,611,909.00 22.62 (84,325.26) 303,598.43 (942,596.00) (1,246,194.43) 32.21 791,197.61 (453,717.00) 174.38 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 602 - Sewer Fund LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES LOCAL SALES TAX SALES - OTHER SEWER SALES TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE TOTAL Expenditures Fund 602 - Sewer Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 0.00 6,100.00 7,000.00 900.00 87.14 6,700.00 7,000.00 95.71 0.00 3,584.08 4,000.00 415.92 89.60 4,669.74 7,000.00 66.71 3,082.57 30,738.20 113,153.00 82,414.80 27.17 28,706.80 99,192.00 28.94 61,133.28 284,634.12 725,000.00 440,365.88 39.26 283,896.20 650,000.00 43.68 (4.95) (14.85) 0.00 14.85 100.00 (9.90) (3,000.00) 0.33 282,705.96 1,930,529.02 3,191,000.00 1,260,470.98 60.50 1,893,702.40 3,120,000.00 60.70 346,916.86 2,255,570.57 4,040,153.00 1,784,582.43 55.83 2,217,665.24 3,880,192.00 57.15 47,431.71 305,987.08 679,626.00 373,638.92 45.02 328,407.80 608,184.00 54.00 17,619.53 110,755.82 249,300.00 138,544.18 44.43 121,642.45 249,810.00 48.69 54,640.53 372,873.65 762,511.00 389,637.35 48.90 407,119.25 743,765.00 54.74 2,468.83 18,790.98 24,000.00 5,209.02 78.30 23,912.48 26,100.00 91.62 0.00 0.00 43,145.00 43,145.00 0.00 0.00 43,145.00 0.00 0.00 8,225.00 691,250.00 683,025.00 1.19 0.00 350,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,495,000.00 1,495,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,589,300.00 0.00 61,996.25 542,332.35 1,573,470.00 1,031,137.65 34.47 532,617.62 1,590,266.00 33.49 184,156.85 1,358,964.88 5,518,302.00 4,159,337.12 24.63 1,413,699.60 5,200,570.00 27.18 346,916.86 2,255,570.57 4,040,153.00 1,784,582.43 55.83 2,217,665.24 3,880,192.00 57.15 184,156.85 1,358,964.88 5,518,302.00 4,159,337.12 24.63 1,413,699.60 5,200,570.00 27.18 162,760.01 896,605.69 (1,478,149.00) (2,374,754.69) 60.66 803,965.64 (1,320,378.00) 60.89 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 603 - Refuse Fund INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES SALES - OTHER REFUSE SALES TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE TOTAL Expenditures Fund 603 - Refuse Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 VIOUS YEAR MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 0.00 2,656.13 12,500.00 9,843.87 21.25 5,857.88 12,500.00 46.86 954.49 8,362.52 9,500.00 1,137.48 88.03 5,010.71 9,500.00 52.74 0.00 (9.90) 0.00 9.90 100.00 (9.90) (3,000.00) 0.33 95,189.12 659,613.58 1,126,700.00 467,086.42 58.54 656,749.92 1,134,287.00 57.90 96,143.61 670,622.33 1,148,700.00 478,077.67 58.38 667,608.61 1,153,287.00 57.89 12,350.62 105,740.47 179,288.00 73,547.53 58.98 90,199.96 153,350.00 58.82 14,422.23 34,115.62 65,400.00 31,284.38 52.16 34,360.56 68,500.00 50.16 26,575.29 350,675.18 702,650.00 351,974.82 49.91 353,813.59 720,873.00 49.08 783.37 2,191.58 3,250.00 1,058.42 67.43 1,203.62 1,250.00 96.29 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 55,000.00 0.00 0.00 75,083.49 159,418.00 84,334.51 47.10 0.00 110,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 131,500.00 131,500.00 0.00 0.00 116,100.00 0.00 0.00 1,002.62 24,261.00 23,258.38 4.13 1,311.92 24,260.00 5.41 54,131.51 568,808.96 1,320,767.00 751,958.04 43.07 480,889.65 1,249,333.00 38.49 96,143.61 670,622.33 1,148,700.00 478,077.67 58.38 667,608.61 1,153,287.00 57.89 54,131.51 568,808.96 1,320,767.00 751,958.04 43.07 480,889.65 1,249,333.00 38.49 42,012.10 101,813.37 (172,067.00) (273,880.37) 59.17 186,718.96 (96,046.00) 194.41 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 609 - Liquor Fund MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES SALES - OTHER SALES - LIQUOR SALES - BEER SALES - WINE TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE COST OF SALES TOTAL Expenditures Fund 609 - Liquor Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 107.43 1,561.33 3,000.00 1,438.67 52.04 1,842.30 3,000.00 61.41 13,835.24 64,101.86 110,000.00 45,898.14 58.27 19,935.76 2,000.00 996.79 177,349.93 1,087,738.23 1,907,000.00 819,261.77 57.04 1,040,406.66 1,811,000.00 57.45 313,793.26 1,640,742.00 2,753,000.00 1,112,258.00 59.60 1,570,517.35 2,631,000.00 59.69 94,699.15 489,851.43 925,000.00 435,148.57 52.96 483,668.28 951,000.00 50.86 599,785.01 3,283,994.85 5,698,000.00 2,414,005.15 57.63 3,116,370.35 5,398,000.00 57.73 40,102.46 292,650.00 521,408.00 228,758.00 56.13 285,460.82 502,400.00 56.82 344.43 11,735.60 16,600.00 4,864.40 70.70 11,673.17 15,600.00 74.83 14,360.43 102,301.59 196,793.00 94,491.41 51.98 96,656.72 186,264.00 51.89 3,550.00 3,899.64 5,500.00 1,600.36 70.90 3,551.99 5,500.00 64.58 0.00 0.00 465,000.00 465,000.00 0.00 0.00 450,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,000.00 27,000.00 0.00 31,578.62 27,000.00 116.96 0.00 0.00 82,075.00 82,075.00 0.00 0.00 73,600.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 128,305.00 128,305.00 0.00 0.00 128,385.00 0.00 376,318.82 2,452,983.68 4,271,071.00 1,818,087.32 57.43 2,349,493.48 4,045,650.00 58.07 434,676.14 2,863,570.51 5,713,752.00 2,850,181.49 50.12 2,778,414.80 5,434,399.00 51.13 599,785.01 3,283,994.85 5,698,000.00 2,414,005.15 57.63 3,116,370.35 5,398,000.00 57.73 434,676.14 2,863,570.51 5,713,752.00 2,850,181.49 50.12 2,778,414.80 5,434,399.00 51.13 165,108.87 420,424.34 (15,752.00) (436,176.34) 2,669.02 337,955.55 (36,399.00) 928.47 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 651 - Compost Fund CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES SALES - OTHER SALES - BULK PRODUCT SALES - BAGGED PRODUCT TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES TRANSFERS -OUT CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE COST OF SALES INVENTORY COST ADJUSTMENT TOTAL Expenditures Fund 651 - Compost Fund: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 5.00 11,969.00 58,500.00 46,531.00 20.46 (6,106.40) 133,500.00 (4.57) 0.00 4,102.05 6,000.00 1,897.95 68.37 (711.38) 6,000.00 (11.86) 7,449.33 139,148.64 45,000.00 (94,148.64) 309.22 113,643.60 45,550.00 249.49 15,230.00 136,689.40 187,160.00 50,470.60 73.03 179,408.31 175,000.00 102.52 201,749.13 2,363,935.80 2,497,000.00 133,064.20 94.67 2,259,314.65 2,288,300.00 98.73 224,433.46 2,655,844.89 2,793,660.00 137,815.11 95.07 2,545,548.78 2,648,350.00 96.12 53,580.23 401,109.46 797,164.00 396,054.54 50.32 312,406.53 571,684.00 54.65 3,753.98 66,560.83 154,500.00 87,939.17 43.08 76,089.65 134,500.00 56.57 20,550.60 162,384.95 344,350.00 181,965.05 47.16 325,770.23 540,555.00 60.27 2,817.68 7,402.57 13,500.00 6,097.43 54.83 5,387.76 13,000.00 41.44 0.00 0.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 0.00 0.00 102,847.00 0.00 24,501.77 55,660.13 250,000.00 194,339.87 22.26 52,609.18 157,888.00 33.32 0.00 0.00 142,600.00 142,600.00 0.00 0.00 140,500.00 0.00 62,206.23 2,005,710.38 2,357,500.00 351,789.62 85.08 1,971,030.06 1,947,380.00 101.21 (81,836.37) (575,691.23) (1,054,568.00) (478,876.77) 54.59 (686,886.37) (972,802.00) 70.61 85,574.12 2,123,137.09 3,115,046.00 991,908.91 68.16 2,056,407.04 2,635,552.00 78.03 224,433.46 2,655,844.89 2,793,660.00 137,815.11 95.07 2,545,548.78 2,648,350.00 96.12 85,574.12 2,123,137.09 3,115,046.00 991,908.91 68.16 2,056,407.04 2,635,552.00 78.03 138,859.34 532,707.80 (321,386.00) (854,093.80) 165.75 489,141.74 12,798.00 3,822.02 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION Fund 652 - Storm Water Utility LICENSES & PERMITS CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES SALES - OTHER STORM WATER SALES TOTAL Revenues WAGES & BENEFITS SUPPLIES SERVICES & CHARGES MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPRECIATION EXPENSE DEBT SERVICE TOTAL Expenditures Fund 652 - Storm Water Utility: TOTALREVENUES TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES TOTAL REVENUES - ALL FUNDS TOTAL EXPENDITURES - ALLFUNDS NET OF REVENUES & EXPENDITURES REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON PERIOD ENDING 0713112015 'NOTE: Available Balance 1 Pct Budget Used does not reflect amounts encumbered. ACTIVITY FOR 2015 MONTH YTD BALANCE AMENDED AVAILABLE % BDGT 07/31/2015 07/31/2015 BUDGET BALANCE USED VIOUS YEAR YTD BALANCE 2014 % BDGT 0 713112 01 4 AMENDED BUDGET USED 1,102.00 3,197.00 0.00 (3,197.00) 100.00 475.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 630.01 0.00 (630.01) 100.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 431.80 5,159.46 8,200.00 3,040.54 62.92 3,612.83 3,450.00 104.72 0.00 (4.95) 0.00 4.95 100.00 (4.95) (2,200.00) 0.23 65,723.33 458,113.97 788,000.00 329,886.03 58.14 421,831.42 719,500.00 58.63 67,257.13 467,095.49 796,200.00 329,104.51 58.67 425,914.30 721,750.00 59.01 9,087.85 57,633.52 241,318.00 183,684.48 23.88 58,302.32 208,737.00 27.93 634.47 5,767.11 34,175.00 28,407.89 16.88 12,424.43 33,150.00 37.48 29,406.77 49,398.47 146,350.00 96,951.53 33.75 58,117.67 146,450.00 39.68 233.37 5,752.66 11,250.00 5,497.34 51.13 4,429.15 8,050.00 55.02 0.00 0.00 128,000.00 128,000.00 0.00 0.00 128,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 116,000.00 116,000.00 0.00 0.00 111,200.00 0.00 8,751.67 144,862.65 193,992.00 49,129.35 74.67 146,544.30 193,932.00 75.56 48,114.13 263,414.41 871,085.00 607,670.59 30.24 279,817.87 829,519.00 33.73 67,257.13 467,095.49 796,200.00 329,104.51 58.67 425,914.30 721,750.00 59.01 48,114.13 263,414.41 871,085.00 607,670.59 30.24 279,817.87 829,519.00 33.73 19,143.00 203,681.08 (74,885.00) (278,566.08) 271.99 146,096.43 (107,769.00) 135.56 3,033,063.82 16,821,843.11 29,613,910.00 12,792,066.89 56.80 16,373,899.24 28,619,263.00 57.21 2,156,792.34 14,673,242.85 32,618,745.00 17,945,502.15 44.98 13,971,941.24 30,424,102.00 45.92 876,271.48 2,148,600.26 (3,004,835.00) (5,153,435.26) 71.50 2,401,958.00 (1,804,839.00) 133.08 Executive summary as of July 31, 2015 Asset allocation review Equity sector analysis Portfolio does not contain applicable holdings - exhibit intentionally left blank. Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Expected cash flow Is Thousands 43 36 29 21 W 14 Value on % of 07/ 3 112 01 5 ($) portfolio A Cash 3,239,090.05 23.37 Cash 3,239,090.05 23.37 B Fixed Income 10,623,048.08 76.63 US 10,382,643.79 74.90 International 240,404.29 1.73 A C Equity 0.00 0.00 D Commodities 0.00 0.00 E Non -Traditional 0.00 0.00 F Other 0.00 0.00 6 Total Portfolio $13,862,138.13 100% Balanced mutual funds are allocated In the 'Other category Sep Oct Equity sector analysis Portfolio does not contain applicable holdings - exhibit intentionally left blank. Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Expected cash flow Is Thousands 43 36 29 21 W 14 7 r o Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2015 2016 2016 0 Taxable income Total taxable income: $209,107.74 Total expected cash flow: $209,107.74 Cash flows displayed account for known events such as maturities and mandatory puts. Credit quality of bond holdings Value on % of Effective credit rating Issues 07/31/2015 ($) port. A Aaa1AAA1AAA 7 4,834,686.26 45.55 B Aa/AA/AA 3 1,540,858.33 14.47 F C AIAIA 0 0.00 0.00 A D Baa/BBB/BBB 0 0.00 0.00 E Non -investment grade 0 0.00 0.00 F Certificate of deposit 19 4,247,503.49 39.99 a G Not rated 0 0.00 0.00 Total 29 $10,623,048.08 100 Report created on. August 03, 2015 Pagel of 3 Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income SU 1 1 1 1 1 1 a ry Includes all fixed-rate securities In the selected porfollo. Average yields and durations exclude Structured Product, Pass -Through, Perpetual Preferred, and Foreign securities. as of July 31, 2015 Bond overview Total quantity 10,554,000 Total market value $10,586,630 83 Total accrued interest $36,417.25 Total market value plus accrued interest $10,623,048.08 Total estimated annual bond interest $209,070.75 Average coupon 1.99 Average current yield 1.97 Average yield to maturity 1.64% Average yield to worst 1.50 Average modified duration 2.82 Average effective maturity 4.48 Credit quality of bond holdings D Baa/BBVBBB 0 0.00 0.00 E Non -investment grade 0 0.00 0.00 F Certificate of deposit 19 4,247,503.49 39.99 G Not rated 0 0.00 0.00 Total 29 $10,623,048.08 100 Investment type allocation of Tax exempt / bond Investment type Taxable ($) deferred ($) Total ($) port. Certificates of deposit 4,247,503.49 0.00 4,247,503.49 39.98 Municipals 1,540,858.33 0.00 1,540,858.33 14.50 U.S. federal agencies 4,834,686.26 0.00 4,834,686.26 45.51 $10,623,048.08 $0.00 $10,623,048.08 100 Bond maturity schedule $ Millions 2.5 19.2% 19.0% 18.6% F 2.0 A 1 .5A4.7% 12.6 8 1.0 0.5 4.0% 4.3% 2.2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% oa 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 20262026+Other E Effective maturity schedule Cash, mutual funds and some preferred securities are not included. Report created on. August 03, 2015 Pagel of 2 Value on % of Effective credit rating Issues 07/ 3112015 ($) port. A Aaa/AAA/AAA 7 4,834,686.26 45.55 B Aa/AA/AA 3 1,540,858.33 14.47 C A/A/A 0 0.00 0.00 D Baa/BBVBBB 0 0.00 0.00 E Non -investment grade 0 0.00 0.00 F Certificate of deposit 19 4,247,503.49 39.99 G Not rated 0 0.00 0.00 Total 29 $10,623,048.08 100 Investment type allocation of Tax exempt / bond Investment type Taxable ($) deferred ($) Total ($) port. Certificates of deposit 4,247,503.49 0.00 4,247,503.49 39.98 Municipals 1,540,858.33 0.00 1,540,858.33 14.50 U.S. federal agencies 4,834,686.26 0.00 4,834,686.26 45.51 $10,623,048.08 $0.00 $10,623,048.08 100 Bond maturity schedule $ Millions 2.5 19.2% 19.0% 18.6% F 2.0 A 1 .5A4.7% 12.6 8 1.0 0.5 4.0% 4.3% 2.2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% oa 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 20262026+Other E Effective maturity schedule Cash, mutual funds and some preferred securities are not included. Report created on. August 03, 2015 Pagel of 2 UBS U SIncludes all fixed-rate securities In the selected porfollo. Average as of July 31, 2015 Summary of bond holdings Maturity Est. annual Current Yield to Yield to Modified Year Issues Quantity income ($) yield (%) maturity (%) worst (%) duration yields and durations exclude Adjusted cost basis ($) Prepared for City tc Hutchinson RP 38446 •City of Hutchinson •Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Structured Product, Pass -Through, Perpetual Preferred, and Foreign securities. Unrealized gain/ loss ($) Mkt. value ($) % of bond portfolik 2015 2 497,000 4,720.00 095% 0.48 % 0.48 % 0.04 497,000 84.53 499,283.48 � 4? i 2016 4 865,000 8,772.50 1.01 % 0.78 % 0.78 % 1.26 865,000 2,319.60 869,305.651�819c 2017 7 1,996,000 49,308.75 2.41 % 0.96 % 0.96 % 1.68 2,020,225.25 21,566.46 2,047,521.481�19 29i 2018 3 736,000 9,564.00 1.31 % 1.49 % 1.49 % 2.70 736,000 -4,206.56 734,727.481691 i 2019 5 1,327,000 29,145.50 2.18% 1.96 % 1.96 % 3.97 1,3 32,892 18 5,792.52 1,347,633.83111265% 2020 3 2,000,000 44,200.00 2.20% 2.09 % 1.49 % 1.30 1,499,745 511,455.00 2,020,434.031�1e% 2021 1 428,000 8,560.00 2.02% 2.15 % 2.15 % 5.80 421,853.06 2,508.94 426,620.8914.01 2022 0 0 NA NA NA 2023 2 2,000,000 44,750.00 2.27% 2.64 % 2.64 % 7.21 1,999,250 -26,600.00 1,974,936.81 18.63r 2024 1 465,000 4,650.00 1.00% NA NA NA 465,000 -646.35 465,193.23 439i 2025 1 240,000 5,400.00 2.27% NA NA NA 240,000 -2,608.80 237,391.2010224% 2026 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2027 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2028 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2029 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2030 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2031 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2032 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2033 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2034 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2035 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2036 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2037 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2038 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2039 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2040 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2041 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2042 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2043 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2044 0 0 NA NA NA 1 2044+ 0 0 NA NA NA 1 Other 0 0 NA NA NA 1 Total 29 10,554,000 $209,070.75 1.97% 1.64 % 1.50 % 2.82 $10,076,965.49 $509,665.34 $10,623,048.08 Report created on. August 03, 2015 Pagel of 6 Bond holdings - as of July 31, 2015 (continued) Details of bond holdings Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 2 of 6 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (Mdy/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. g/I ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. 10,554,000 1.99% 01/20/2020 NA $209,070.75 1.64% 2.82 $10,076,965.49 NA $10,586,630.83 100 Total Bond Portfolio 1.97% 1.50% $509,665.34 $36,417.25 $10,623,048.08 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (Mdy/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. qll ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2015 SALLIE MAE BANK UT US RT CD 248,000 1 10% 08/10/2015 2,728.00 062% 0.03 248,000.00 100.013 248,032.24 2.34% 01 1000% MAT 08/10/15 FIXED 1.10 % 062% 32.24 1,293 00 RATE CD /UT SAFRA NATL BK NY US RT 249,000 0.80 % 08/17/2015 r 1,992.00 0.35 % 0.05 249,000.00 100.021 249,052.29 2.35 00.8000% MAT 08/17/15 FIXED 0.80% 0.35% 52.29 905.95 RATE CD /NY Total 2015 497,000 0.95% 08/14/2015 $4,720.00 0.48% 0.04 $497,000.00 $497,084.53 4.70 0.95% 0.48% $84.53 $2,198.95 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal.g/I ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2016 AMERICAN EXPRESS C NY US RT CD 145,000 1 25% 08/09/2016 1,812.50 043% 1.01 145,000.00 100.840 146,218.00 1.38 01.2500% MAT 08/09/16 FIXED 1.24% 0.43% 1,218.00 854.11 RATE CD /NY BMW BANK NORTH AME UT US CD 240,000 095% 11/14/2016 2,280.00 082% 1.28 240,000.00 100.170 240,408.00 2.27 RT 00.9500 % MAT 11/14/16 095% 082% 408.00 487.23 FIXED RATE CD /UT CAPITAL ONE BANK U VA US RT CD 240,000 1 00% 11/14/2016 2,400.00 087% 1.28 240,000.00 100.170 240,408.00 2.27 01.0000% MAT 11/14/16 FIXED 1.00% 0.87% 408.00 526.03 RATE CD /VA FIRSTBANK P R SANT PR RT CD 240,000 095% 12/12/2016 2,280.00 086% 1.36 240,000.00 100.119 240,285.60 2.27 00.9500% MAT 12/12/16 FIXED 095% 0.86% 285.60 118.69 RATE CD /PR Total 2016 865,000 1.01% 11/06/2016 $8,772.50 0.78% 1.26 $865,000.00 $867,319.60 8.19 1.01% 0.78% $2,319.60 $1,986.05 Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 2 of 6 Bond holdings - as of July 31, 2015 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 3 of 6 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2017 MASSACHUSETTS DEPT TRANS Aa3/AAINR 500,000 2.41 % 01/01/2017 12,040.00 1.03 % 1.39 507,535.68 101.933 509,665.00 4.81 TAX SRBRV BE/R/ 2.408 NWNWNR 2.36% 1.03% 2,129.32 1,003.33 010117 DTD 113011 IMA FED FARM CREDIT BANK 04.875 Aaa/AAA/AA+ 431,000 4.88% 01/17/2017 21,011.25 0.69% 1.42 447,689.57 106.070 457,161.70 4.32% DUE 011717 DTD 010907 FC NWNWNR 460% 069% 9,472.13 817.10 07172007 all STATE BK INDIA NY US RT CD 248,000 2.00 % 04/27/2017 4,960.00 1.05 % 1.70 248,000.00 101.630 252,042.40 2.38 02.0000 % MAT 04127/17 FIXED 1.97 % 1.05 % 4,042.40 1,29096 RATE CD/NY COMENITY BANK OF US RT CD 200,000 1.15% 06/19/2017 2,300.00 1.36% 1.86 200,000.00 99.618 199,235.00 1.88% 01 1500% MAT 06/19/17 FIXED 115% 1.36 % -765.00 176.44 RATE JUMBO CD IDE GE CAP BK UT US RT 01.7500 % CD 130,000 1 75% 08/03/2017 2,275.00 1.21 % 1.97 130,000.00 101.073 131,394.90 1.24% MAT 08/03/17 FIXED RATE CD 173% 1.21 % 1,394.90 168.29 /UT GE CAP RETAIL BK UT US RT 247,000 1 75% 08/03/2017 4,322.50 1.21 % 1.95 247,000.00 101.073 249,650.31 2.36 01 7500% MAT 08/03/17 FIXED RATE CD WT 173% 1.21 % 2,650.31 2,096.12 SUN NATLBK NJ US RT CD 240,000 1.00% 10/03/2017 2,400.00 0.49% 2.15 240,000.00 101.101 242,642.40 2.29% 01.0000% MAT 10/03/17 FIXED 0.99% 0.49% 2,642.40 177.53 RATE CD /NJ Total 2017 1,996,000 2.50% 04/18/2017 $49,308.75 0.96% 1.68 $2,020,225.25 $2,041,791.71 19.29 2.41% 0.96% $21,566.46 $5,729.77 Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2018 ALLY BK UT US RT 01.2500 % CD 248,000 1 25 % 02/26/2018 3,100.00 1.34% 2.51 248,000.00 99.779 247,451 92 2.34% MAT 02/26/18 FIXED RATE CD 1.25 % 1.34% -548.08 1,316.44 /UT GOLDMAN SACHS BK U NY US 248,000 1.30% 02/26/2018 3,224.00 1.39% 2.51 248,000.00 99.779 247,451.92 2.34% RT 01.3000 % MAT 02/26/18 1.30 % 1.39 % -548.08 1 ,377.93 FIXED RATE CD /NY ENERBANK UT US RT 01.3500 % CD 240,000 1 35% 10/04/2018 3,240.00 1.77 % 3.11 240,000.00 98.704 236,889.60 2.24% MAT 10/04/18 FIXED RATE CD 1.37 % 1.77 % -3,110.40 239.67 /UT Total 2018 736,000 1.30% 05/09/2018 $9,564.00 1.49% 2.70 $736,000.00 $731,793.44 6.91 1.31 % 1.49% $-4,206.56 $2,934.04 Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 3 of 6 Bond holdings - as of July 31, 2015 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 4 of 6 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (Mdy/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2019 RIVERSIDE CA CMNTY COLGE Aa2/NWAA 500,000 2.35 % 08/01/2019 11,725.00 1.63 % 3.77 505,892.18 102.770 513,850.00 4.85 TAX SRB BE/R/ 2.345 NWNWNR 2.28% 1.63% 7,957.82 5,862.50 080119 DTD 052914/CA AMERICAN EXPRESS F UT US RT 247,000 2.15 % 11/13/2019 5,310.50 2.17 % 4.06 247,000.00 99.910 246,777.70 2.33 02.1500% MAT 11/13/19 FIXED 2.15% 2.17% -222.30 1,149.40 RATE CD /UT CIT BK SALT LAKE C UT US RT CD 240,000 2.10 % 11/13/2019 5,040.00 2.17 % 4.06 240,000.00 99.707 239,296.80 2.26 02.1000%MAT 11/13/19FIXED 2.11% 2.17% -703.20 1,090.85 RATE CD /UT BARCLAYS BK DE US RT CD 240,000 2.05 % 12/17/2019 4,920.00 2.15% 4.16 240,000.00 99.563 238,951 20 2.26 02.0500% MAT 12/17/19 FIXED 2.06% 2.15% -1,048.80 593.10 RATE CD /DE AMERICAN EXPRESS C UT US RT CD 100,000 2.15 % 12/18/2019 2,150.00 2.20 % 415 100,000.00 99.809 99,809.00 0.94% 02.1500% MAT 12/18/19 FIXED 2.15 % 2.20% -191.00 253.29 RATE CD /UT Total 2019 1,327,000 2.20% 10/13/2019 $29,145.50 1.96% 3.97 $1,332,892.18 $1,338,684.70 12.65 2.18% 1.96% $5,792.52 $8,949.13 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%B Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt. value ($)/ bond (Mdy/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. a/I ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2020 MASS ST GO CONSOL W TAX SR Aal/AA+IAA+ 500,000 2.09% 05/01/2020 10,450.00 1.74% 4.49 499,995.00 101.573 507,865.00 4.80% B BE/R/ 2.090050120 DTD NWNWNR 2.06% 1.74% 7,870.00 2,612.50 052814 /MA FHLMC MED TERM NTS 02.000 Aaa/AAA/AA+ 500,000 2.00% 06/15/2020 09/15/2015 10,000.00 1.99% 0.12 0.00 100.023 500,115.00 4.72 DUE 061520 DTD 061515 FC NWNWNR 100.00 2.00 % 1.81 % 500,11 5.00 1 ,277.78 12152015 FFCB BOND 02.375 % DUE Aaa/AAA/AA+ 1,000,000 2.38% 11/10/2020 11/10/2015 23,750.00 2.31 % 0.27 999,750.00 100.322 1,003,220.00 9.48% 111020 DTD 111014 FC NWNWNR 100.00 2.37% 1.19% 3,470.00 5,343.75 05102015 Total 2020 2,000,000 2.21% 08/17/2020 $44,200.00 2.09% 1.30 $1,499,745.00 $2,011,200.00 19.00 2.20% 1.49% $511,455.00 $9,234.03 Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 4 of 6 Bond holdings - as of July 31, 2015 (continued) Prepared for City of Hutchinson RP 38446 • City of Hutchinson • Business Service Account Risk profile. Conservative Return Objective. Current Income 10,554,000 1.99% 01/20/2020 NA $209,070.75 1.64% 2.82 $10,076,965.49 NA $10,586,630.83 100 Total Bond Portfolio 1.97% 1.50% $509,665.34 $36,417.25 ern cn. nno no Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 5 of 6 Effective rating/ Est annual 2.64% -. Adjusted 4 = $2,286.81 % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%)/ Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2021 (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. FNMA NTS 02.000 % DUE Aaa/AAA/AA+ 428,000 2.00% 10/26/2021 10/26/2015 8,560.00 2.15% 5.80 421,853.06 99.150 424,362.00 4.01 102621 DTD 072612 FC NWNWNR 465,000 1.00% 100.00 2.02 % 2.15% 2,508.94 99.861 2,258.89 4.39% 10262012 NWNWNR 100.00 1.00% NA -646.35 839.58 Total 2021 428,000 2.00% 10/26/2021 $8,560.00 2.15% 5.80 $421,853.06 $424,362.00 4.01% Total 2024 465,000 1.00% 11/26/2024 2.02% 2.15% $2,508.94 $2,258.89 4.39% Effective rating/ Est annual NA Adjusted $839.58 % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%)/ Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. qll ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2023 (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. qll ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. FHLB BOND STEP-UP 02.000 % Aaa/NWAA+ 750,000 2.00% 06/20/2023 09/20/2015 15,000.00 NA NA 749,250.00 99.505 746,287.50 7.05 DUE 062023 DTD 062013 FC NWNWNR 240,000 2.25 % 100.00 2.01 % NA -2,962.50 98.913 1,708.33 2.24% 12202013 100.00 2.27 % NA -2,608.80 0.00 FFCB BOND 02.380 % DUE Aaa/AAA/AA+ 1,250,000 2.38% 07/24/2023 29,750.00 2.64% 7.21 1,250,000.00 98.109 1,226,362.50 11.58% 072423 DTD 072412 FC NWNWNR 240,000 2.25% 03/11/2025 2.43 % 2.64% -23,637.50 578.47 2.24% 01242013 2.27% NA $-2,608.80 $0.00 10,554,000 1.99% 01/20/2020 NA $209,070.75 1.64% 2.82 $10,076,965.49 NA $10,586,630.83 100 Total Bond Portfolio 1.97% 1.50% $509,665.34 $36,417.25 ern cn. nno no Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 5 of 6 "1.2.27% 2.64% -. �'$-26,600.00 4 = $2,286.81 'V..,1. Effective rating/ Est. annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%)/ Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2024 FEDERAL HOME W BANK 01.000 Aaa/NWAA+ 465,000 1.00% 11/26/2024 08/26/2015 4,650.00 NA NA 465,000.00 99.861 464,353.65 4.39% DUE 112624 DTD 112614 NWNWNR 100.00 1.00% NA -646.35 839.58 STEP UP CALL Total 2024 465,000 1.00% 11/26/2024 $4,650.00 NA $465,000.00 $464,353.65 4.39% 1.00% NA $-646.35 $839.58 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%)/ Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (MdylFitchlS&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr yield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. qll ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. Maturing 2025 HSBC BANK USA DE US RT CD 240,000 2.25 % 03/11/2025 03/11/2020 5,400.00 NA NA 240,000.00 98.913 237,391 20 2.24% 02.2500 % MAT 03/11/25 STEP 100.00 2.27 % NA -2,608.80 0.00 RATE CD/DE Total 2025 240,000 2.25% 03/11/2025 $5,400.00 NA $240,000.00 $237,391.20 2.24% 2.27% NA $-2,608.80 $0.00 Effective rating/ Est annual Adjusted % of Underlying rating Effective Call date/ income ($)/ YTM (%)/ Modified cost basis ($)/ Market Mkt value ($)/ bond (Mdv/Fitch/S&P) Quantity Coupon maturity Call price ($) Curr vield (%) YTW (%) duration Unreal. all ($) price ($) Accr interest ($) port. 10,554,000 1.99% 01/20/2020 NA $209,070.75 1.64% 2.82 $10,076,965.49 NA $10,586,630.83 100 Total Bond Portfolio 1.97% 1.50% $509,665.34 $36,417.25 ern cn. nno no Report created on. August 03, 2015 Page 5 of 6