cp06-28-1971 cAGENDA HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 28, 1971 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M 2. INVOCATION: REVEREND SKEIE 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 1971 4. CONSIDERATION OF BILIS 7:45 P.M. BID OPENING: LYNDALE AVENUE STREET WORK PROJECT 71-02 PUBLICATION NO. 1365- 8:00 3 58:00 P.M. BID OPENING: HOLDING VAULT, PUBLICATION NO. 1362 8:30 P.M. HEARING: PROJECT 71-08 - STORM SEWER - PUBLICATION NO. 1363 NEW BUSINESS 5.- SNOW REMOVAL AGREEMENT - STATE OF MINNESOTA 6. PETITION FOR STREET - LEWIS AVENUE 7. WATER DAMAGE - HUTCH HOTEL - VANCE ZEHRINGER 8. RECOMMENDATIONS OF POLICE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OLD BUSINESS - 9. PARKING METERS: TOM HARSTAD AND CHIEF BRODERIUS REPORTS 10. MINUTES: NURSING HOME BOARD, LIBRARY BOARD: PARK & RECREATION OARSAYETY COUNCIL ADJOURNMENT Chief Broderius �as indicated that he has a presentation to make on Police Training methods but has no submission to make at this time. 9 REGULAR MEETING HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 28, 1971 1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.K. 2. INVOCATION: REV. MANLEY SWARTHOUT 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 1971 SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 23, 1971 4. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS 5. INVESTMENTS AND TRANSFERS 8:00 P.K. BID OPENING - CUTBACK ASPHALT - PUBLICATION NO. 1360 NEW BUSINESS 6. HRA - RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION - SECTION 23 7. MADSON STORAGE GARAGES - RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION 8. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATION FUNDS OLD. BUSINESS 9. ENGINEER'S REPORT ON LYNDALE STREET IMPROVEMENT 10, RCM REPORT ON WASTE TREATMENT PLANT 11. AMBULANCE SERVICE 12. PROJECT 71-D4, SIDEWALK, 2nd AVENUE SW (PENDING REPORT FROM SAFETY COUNCIL) FlEPORTS 13. MINUTES: PLANNING COMMISSION 14. MAY FINANCIAL STATEMZNT ADJOURNMENT NOTES: Mr. Tom Harstead, has indicated that he will be present to report on parking meters. 8:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING JUNE 28, 1971 %I. CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 P.M. �. INVOCATION:- REV. MANLEY SWARTHOUT �. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: REGULAR MEETING JUNE 14, 1971 SPECIAL MEETING JUNE 23, 1971 �y. CONSIDERATION OF BILIS / . INVESTMENTS AND TRANSFERS BID OPENING - CUTBACK ASPHALT - PUBLICATION N0. 1360 NEW BUSINESS - - HRA - RESOLUTION APPROVING APPLICATION - SECTION 23 7. MADSON STORAGE GARAGES - RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION '%&t CHAMBER OF COMI+U;HCE REQUEST FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATION FUNDS OLD BUSINESS "'19. ENGINEER'S REPORT ON LYNDALE STREET IMPROVEMENT \ RCM REPORT ON WASTE TREATMENT PLANT AMBULANCE SERVICE PROJECT 71-04, SIDEWALK, 2nd AVENUE SW (PENDING REPORT FROM SAFETY COUNCIL) REQS 13, MINUTES: PLANNING COMMISSION 14. MAY FINANCIAL STATEMENT ADJOURNMENT NOTES: Mr. Tom Harstead has indicated that he will be present to report on parking meters. REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL JUNE 14, 1971 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice -Mayor Linder in the absence of Mayor Kost. The invocation was given by Reverend Swarthout. Members present: Aldermen Peterson, Linder, Black and Alrick. Absent: Mayor Kost. Also present: Administrative Assistant Mealey, Engineer Priebe. Absent: Attorney Schantzen The minutes of the regular meeting of May 24, Special meeting of May 28 and June 3 were approved as submitted on motion by Alderman Peterson, second by Alderman Black and carried. The following investments were approved on motion by Alderman Black, second by Alderman Alrick: $15,000 in S..F. No. 9 and $35,000 in S. F. No 1. Administrative assistant Mealey presented the specifications for bulk gasoline and diesel fuel for consideration. Alderman Peterson moved that the specifica- tions be approved and that the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bids to be opened at 8:00 P.M. on July 12, 1971. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. A request for rezoning the Funeral Chapel was received from Don and Douglas Dobratz in order to build an addition on to the existing garage. Alderman Black moved that the hearing be set for 7:45 July 19, 1971. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Project 71-04, construction of sidewalk on Second Avenue SW was discussed. It was found that the Safety Council had not submitted a report as yet and the City Clerk was instructed to communicate with them and place the subject on the agenda for the first -regularly scheduled meeting after the Safety Council meets. The next agenda item to be considered was award of bid for the new street sweeper. Alderman Black moved that the bid of the Hall Equipment Company be accepted with the trade-in on the Walters sweeper, to include automatic transmission in accordance with the Engineer's recommendation and safety yellow color. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it was carried. Applications from the Jaycees for a dance permit, parade permit and kiddie parade permit were approved in accordance with recommendation of the Chief of Police on motion by Alderman Black and second by Alderman Alrick. The minutes of the Library Board, Airport Board and Safety Council were noted. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported that the HRA had met to consider a proposal for leas new construction and found that it appears to expedite construction by about a year. Authority was requested for expenditure of funds for two members of HRA to travel to Chicago to deliver the HRA reservation and make preliminary arrangements with HUD to begin the procedures required. Alderman Black moved that such authority be granted, Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. REGULAR MEETING - 2 - JUNE 14, 1971 Administrative Assistant Healey reported that the Building Official has made some preliminary inquiries for updating the air conditioning system in the City Hall offices and feels that he can get a good proposal. Alderman Black moved that the Building Official be requested to make full inquiry and submit proposal for approval. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. At 7:45 P.M. Vice -Mayor Linder opened the public hearing on Assessment Roll No. 36, Project 1969-1, Part II, Watermain and Sanitary Sewer installation, as advertised in publication no. 1348. Upon inquiry, it was found that no one appeared for the hearing. Alderman Black then introduced Resolution No. 4047, Adopting Assessment Roll No. 36 and moved its adoption. Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it was carried by affirmative vote of all members present, whereupon said resolution was declared adopted by he City Council: RESOLUTION NO. 4047 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL N0. 36 (TEXT ATTACHED) All members replied affirmatively to inquiry whether review of current bills had been completed. Alderman Black moved that the bills be approved as presented, Alderman Peterson seconded the motion and it was carried:��` .2( Alderman Black asked what conclusion has been reached concerning previous discussion of sludge disposal and whether any findings have been made as to why the present volume could not have been anticipated at the time of construction of the new disposal plant. Engineer Priebe indicated that he has been in contact with the Engineering consultants (RCM) and they had not yet amnpleted a report but that it would be complete and they will bring it to the Council on June 28. Alderman Black then directed that this report be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Vice Mayor Linder then called to order the public hearing on Assessment Roll No. 37, Street Project No. 1970-1, Part 1 as advertised in Publication No. 1356. Eleven property owners were present for the hearing and each was called upon to present his objections. A number of people were found to have been assessed previously for similar work and others requested that a search be made to determine whether or not such assessments had been levied previously.. A number of misunderstandings concerning credit already granted were cleared up. Mr. Trebesch, 990 Goebel Circle stated that his property fronts on Goebel Circle and backs on Roberts Road for which he was assessed last year. This was found to be accurate and Alderman Black moved that he be given credit for the amount assessed on the short side of the lot and that other properties so assessed also be credited. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion, it was carried and the City Clerk was so directed. REGULAR MEETING -3- 0 JUNE 14, 1971 Delbert Klabunde, 204 Northwoods stated that he has had prior assessments on curb and gutter. The Clerk was directed to examine the records and credit Mr. Klabunde and other residents on Northwoods Avenue for prior assessments. M. Wendroth, 245 Griffin also stated that he has paid a prior assessment on bituminous mat. The Clerk was directed to check the records and credit him for prior assessment as well as any other resident of that neighborhood on this roll so assessed. Mr. Ronald Horswell, Lewis Avenue who is listed for gravel only, stated that he does not want to pay for just this portion of the street work which might have to be done over at some future time if full street finish is ever put in. He stated that he would like to have finished street and was advised to bring in a petition from the other abutting property owners requesting this work. Alderman Black moved that the assessment be deferred on Lewis Avenue until the street is completed. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Black stated that he has been contacted by a number of residents of Dale street and notes that the assessment has been levied on the basis of a full width street, whereas a 2/3 width street has actually been installed. Discussion ensued during which it was determined that the Engineer's original estimate was $7.00 per front foot for the narrower street surface as opposed to the $9.77 assessed for full width. Alderman Black moved that the Dale Street portion of bituminous mat be adjusted to $7.00. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. There being no further comments or discussion, the hearing was declared closed at 9:07 P.M. At 9:08 Vice Mayor Linder called for bids received on Project 71-06 as published in publication No. 1359)• Administrative Assistant Mealey advised the Council that one bid has been received from Duininick Bros. & Gilchrist, Olivia, Minnesota. Engineer Priebe read the bid as follows: Total bid, $27,986. Alderman Black moved that the bid be tabled and referred to the Engineer for recommendation. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. At 9:10 P.M. Vice Mayor Linder called to order public hearing on Project 71-05 Installation of Watermain as advertised in publication no. 1358. Two property owners were present for the hearing, Robert Otto and Walter Quast. Both men objected to tearing out the curb and gutter in order to install the street and extensive discussion followed with Engineer Priebe pointing out that it could probably be more expensive to save the existing curb and gutter with the use of specialized equipment and excess hand labor than to tear it out and reinstall it. Mr. Quast objected to the watermain installation, stating that he has had no difficulty with adequate water supply from the mains on Hassan Street and Main Street. Mr. Quast was informed that the age of the water installation would probably necessitate replacement within a very short time which would then require that the street be torn up again and that this is the most economic method of accomplishing both jobs. Mr. Otto asked again what could be done to cut the costs and was reassured that the Street and Watermain installations are being done in the most economically feasible way. The hearing was declared closed at 9:35 P•M• on motion by Alderman Black and seconded by Alderman Alrick. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 4 - JUNE 14, 1971 At 9:36 P.M., Vice Mayor Linder called for bids received on Watermain Projects 71-03, Rolling Oaks 1st Addition and 71-05, Second Avenue SE, as advertised in publication no. 1349. Administrative Assistant Mealey reported two bids received and Engineer Priebe read them as follows: Quam Construction Co. Project 71-03: $24,928.80 B.B. 10% enclosed Willmar, Minnesota Project 71-05: $ 5,262.00 Juul Construction Project 71-05: $ 4,206.50 B.B. 10% enclosed Hutchinson, Minnesota Project 71-03: $20,505.50 At 9:45 P.M. Vice Mayor Linder declared open the hearing on Project 71-06, Street Improvement on Second Avenue S.E. as advertised in publication no. 1357. Alderman Black moved that since this area has already been discussed in conjunction with the hearing on Project 71-05 and the same property owners are involved that the hearing be closed. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Engineer Priebe reported that he had reviewed the bid of Duininick Bros on the Street Project 71-06 and found it satisfactory. A discussion ensued concerning method of financint-r. Engineer Priebe reported that since the bid on Project 71-02 has not ye be 'warded that he recommends at this time that t �-d be awarded to DuininlvrBros. and that the City Attorney be directed t1-Go,ncil to proceed with the bond procedures combining the two projects. It was further determined that during the interim, the work could proceed by borrowing from funds available. Alderman Black moved that this procedure be followed, the motion was seconded by Alderman Alrick and carried. Alderman Black then introduced Resolution No. 4048 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4048 AWARDING BID PROJECT 71-02 STREET IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Merrill Street from Linden Avenue to South Grade Road Clinton Avenue from Merrill Street to Lynn Road Sunset Street from Linden Avenue to Laura Street Laura Street from Sunset Street to West end of Plat Peterson's Circle from Sixth Avenue NE to South end by subgrade preparation, bituminous base, bitu minous surfacing, curb and gutter and appurtenances, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Duininick Bros. & Gilchrist $ 61,548.75 10% B.B. enclosed Olivia, Minnesota AND WHEREAS, it appears that Dunin.ick Bros. and Gilchrist of Olivia, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 5 - JUNE 14, 1971 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with Duininick Bros. & Gilchrist of Olivia, Minnesota in the name of the City of Hutchinson for the improvement of Merrill Street from Linden Avenue to South Grade Road Clinton Avenue from Merrill Street to Lynn Road Sunset Street from Linden Avenue to Laura Street Laura Street from Sunset Street to West end of Plat Peterson's Circle from Sixth Avenue NE to South end by subgrade preparation, bituminous base, bituminous surfacing, curb and gutter and apprutenances, according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the City Council and on file in the office of the City C lerk. Adopted this 14th day of June, 1971 by the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota. In consonance with the foregoing discussion, Alderman Black introduced Resolution No. 4049 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4049 ACCEPTING BID - PROJECT 71-06 (Text Attached) Alderman Peterson asked Engineer Priebe whether he has had sufficient time to review the bids on the watermain installations. Engineer Priebe stated that he had and found them in order and recommends accepting the bid of Juul Construction Co. Alderman Peterson then introduced Resolution No. 4050 and moved its adoption. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4050 ACCEPTING BID - PROJECT 71-03 (Text Attached) Alderman Peterson then introduced Resolution No. 4051 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION N0. 5051 ACCEPTING BID - PROJECT 71-05 (Text Attached) Administrative Assistant Mealey reported that the City Attorney has studied the proposed contract of Jack E. Maxwell, Real Estate Appraiser, Long Lake, Minnesota for the purpose of a reappraisal of all taxable property in the City of Hutchinson and has found it acceptable. Alderman Peterson moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract with Mr. Maxwell on behalf of the City to be paid at the rate of $5,000 when the field work has been 25% completed, $5,000 at the termination of each additional 25% of the work until a total of $20,000 has been paid at the completion of the field work. The balance of $3,600 to be payable upon completion of the hearings and reviews and the acceptance of the reappraisal by the City Council. Alderman Black REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 6 - seconded the motion and it was carried. JUNE 14, 1971 Administrative Assistant Mealey presented the plans and specifications for the construction of the Cemetery Vault for review, and approval of the Council. Alderman Black moved that they be accepted as presented, Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Alderman Black then moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids to be opened July 12, 1971 at 8:00 P.M. Alderman Peterson seconded the ;notion and it was carried. Engineer's report on Project 71-08 came under discussion. Alderman Peterson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Alderman Black seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4052 LARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ING PREPARATION OF RT - PROJECT 71-08 - STORM R 3rd AVENUE SE BE IT RESOLVED CITY COUNCIL OF INSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A certain petition equesting a improvement of Third Avenue SE between Jefferson Street and s St eet by storm sewer installation, filed with the Council on May 24, 19 is ereby declared to be signed by the required percentage of owners of property fected thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minn. Stats., S c. 29.035• 2. The petition is her y referre to Marlow V. Priebe and he is instructed to report to the Council h all conven. t speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whe er the proposed i rovement is feasible and as to whether it should best made as proposed or lik connection with some other improvement and the a imated cost of the improve nt as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June 1 Alderman Peterson then introduced Resolution No. 4053 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4053 RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING - PROJECT 71-08 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted June 14, 1971, a report has been prepared by Marlow V. Priebe with reference to the improvement of Third Avenue between Jefferson and Adams Streets by storm sewer installation nd this report was received by the Council on June 14, 1971, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement4pursuant to Minn.. Stats., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch, 398, as amended) at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $5,616.60. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 7 - JUNE 14, 1971 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 12th day of July, 1971 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:30 P.M. and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and mprovement as required by law. Adopted by the Council the 14th day of June 1971. A discussion on parking at the Madson-Peterson Building on Third and Jefferson followed. Alderman Linder reported that Chief Broderius had suggested that the parallel parking at this building be abandoned and the signs removed since it creates a hazard in conjunction with the angle parking which seems to be working out well. Alderman Black moved that the Chief of Police be directed to have the parallel parking signs removed. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. Discussion came up concerning street work on EchoDriv Alderman Black introduced Resolution No. 4054 and moved its adopti Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried: RESOLUTION NO. 4054 DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT - PROJECT 71-07 - STREET INSTALLATION - ECHO DRIVE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of Echo Drive from Highway 15 Service Road to South line of Lot 20 of Auditor's Plat of Section 6-116-29 filed with the Council on May 24, 1971, is hereby declared to be signed by 100 % of the owners of property affected thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minnesota Stats., Sec. 429.035. 2. The petition is hereby referred to Marlow V. Priebe and he is instructed to report to the Councilwith all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the Council this 14th--deT-of dune, 1971. Alderman Black then introduced Resolution No. 4055 and moved its adoption, Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4055 RECEIVING REPORT ON PROJECT 71-07 STREET INSTALLATION - ECHO DRIVE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING - 8 - JUNE 14, 1971 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted June 14, 1971 a report has been prepared by Harlow V. Priebe with reference to the improvement of Echo Drive between the Service Road, Highway 15, to South line of Lot 20 of Auditor's Plat of Section 6-116-29 by construction of concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base and bituminous wearing course, and this report was received by the Council on June 14, 1971. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minn. Stats., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. 398, as amended) at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $10,319.40, based on current contract prices. 2. The petition received by the Council represents 100 % of the property owners of the affected property and no hearing will be necessary. 3. This project shall be made a part of Project 71-02. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of June, 1971. Alderman Black then introduced Resolution No. 4056, Change Order on Project 71-02 to incorporate Project 71-07, and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the potion and it was carried. RESOLUTION NO. 4056 Inaugurating Change Order No. 1 to Project 71-02 to Include Project 71-07, Street Installation on Echo Drive BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That construction of Echo Drive from Highway 15 Service Road to South line of Lot 20 of Auditor's Plat of Section 6-116-29 by concrete curb and gutter, bituminous base and bituminous wearing course shall be incorporated into Project 71-02 , in accordance with and/or in addition to the plans and specifica- tions thereof. 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign such Change Order. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of June, 1971. Vice Mayor Linder inquired of the Council whether there is any further discussion concerning Assessment Roll No. 37• There being none, Alderman Black introduced Resolution No. 4057 and moved its adoption. Alderman Alrick seconded the motion and it was carried.` (Text Attached) There being no further business before the Council, the meeting was declared adjourned at 10:00 P.M. a s BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING ROME MINUTES The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Nursing Home convened for a regular monthly meeting June 17, 1971 at Burns Manor, 12:00 noon, president Heinz Fruck presiding. All m embers were present except, Eldred Miller. There being no corrections or additions the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. On motion by Myron Johnson, seconded by D. J. Black and carried, the bills as presented for June and additional bills to be paid forthwith for July, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, were allowed. On motion by D. J. Black, seconded by R. S. Crouse and carried, the administrator was directed to deposit $5000.00 from the general fund to the City of Hutchinson sinking fund No. 10. On.motion by D. J. Black, seconded by Myron Johnson and carried the following resolution was adopted: that calling of a special meeting be waived and telephone poll taken by administrator be confirmed to wit: "That Burns Manor proceed with the purchase of the generator being negoti- ated for by G. B. Frederickson with the State of Minnesota, as a stand-by emergency unit and expedite delivery of same to Ben Jerabek for inspection." The administrator was directed to accept the bid by Electro Watchman for Patient Protection System, in the sum of $712.00 and the Smoke Detector for $910.00. Madsen Agency submitted a price of $50.00 for a $10,000.00 for the admini- strator. leo action was taken, but administrator was to inquire as to bonding with city employees. On notion by D. J. Black, second by Myron Johnson, and carried, it was resolved that the enclosure from the north door to the east door as outlined by Lucile Ulrich should be accomplished. Page 2 On motion by Lucile Ulrich, seconded by R. S. Crouse and carried, it was resolved that the linen_ and equipment should be sold to Northwestern Linen Service. On motion by Myron Johnson, seconded by D. J. Black and carried, the Board of Directors reaffirmed the original policy of Burns Manor with the addition of the following supplement for clarifications Burns Manor responsibility: (a) Medications under part "A" of Medicare. (b) Physical Therapy under part "A" of Medicare There being no further business meeting adjourned to reconvene July 15, 1971 at the same time and place. Atteat: Pres. Respectfully submitted Mavis J. (}vier, Secretary July 7, 1971 The b r board met on Ju 7, .1171,_ with the followinr, members present: / The nutes of�the previous meet3xfp, ware read and approved. The circulation report for June, 107', was read and approved, as follows: Adult Juvenile Non-fiction 605 943 Fiction 13,229 21,966 Periodicals 140 16 Pamphlets 10974 30925 Grand total 5,899 Reference questions 30 Reference readers 148 Fines 59.59 Rentals 12.50 City resident card fees 12.00 County resident card fees 18.00 102.09 Lost book $4.32 (Included in Fines) Mrs. Jaycees gift check $100.00 The bills for the month of June, 1971, were read and approved for payments Hutchinson Telephone Company Municipal Electric Plant Allen Office Supply, #159781, 6/18/71 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating Co., 6/7/71- Marie /7/71Marie T. Antony, labor Linda Gassman, labor Susan Stritesky, labor Barbara Whittenberg, Revolving Fund American Heritage, #3103. Baker & Taylor Co., 003-0185, 6/3/71 a n n n #F04-0537, 6/3/71 n n n n 004-0129, 6/4/71 #F21 -01156M, 6/18/71 9.50 73.70 7.04 156.42 87.88 112.00 221.38 23.95 21.76 82.58 24..21 67.93 55.97 July 7, 1971 Board Meeting Pape No. 2 Doubleday & Co., #49926, 6/:/'71 n n 11 #28504, 6/7/71 n n it #28505, 6/7/771- Encyclopedia /7/71Encyclopedia Britannica .due. Corp., #602321, 6/3/71 Greystone Press, Acct. D-1043-81)18, Vols. 8-12, Decorating Encyclopedia Natural History Society, 1 -yr. renewal 'naturalist Mag. St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press, 7/22/71, 1 -yr. . renewal Morning Pioneer Press Scott Publishing Co., 6/17/71, U.S.A. Stamps in Color Silver Burdett Co., 0-989033, 6/14/71 H. W. Wilson Co., #C-38752, 6/17/71 16.86 74.48 1.10 61.95 17.60 5.00 19.00 5.95 3.87 11.80 1,1 1.93 The minutes were read and approved. A motion was made by Jay Alrick that the bills be paid; seconded by Elaine Clay. Motion carried. A motion was made by Elaine Clay that the library be closed on July 28 for Crazy Daze; seconded by Vi Horrmann. Motion carried. Motion was made by Jay Alrick that the meeting be adjourned; seconded by Gena Iverson. Motion carried. 'ACHII.SOI, S310FET."i: GODECIL Thi monthlr mecting of thc h.utch.Lnson S-afety Council was held at the Velvet "Coach xt'-, 12:00 noon on Monday, �'une, 28, 1971, There wc-:;--e 8 members ard 2 ors presen-��. Roto: dent Les S-,-Ilith called th,3 mec-,ing to order; follo-wed by silent -table prayer, Tlo Secretaz-y-TTeaourerls i',',ay- vias approved. The znmferral made by the Ci- - Cour.c-,il I-agardirg the cr3ssjxr, at Wile ard 2nd AMC,, SAI. uv..3 2,.-,evicni-c-d by mer,"'orz", A was made', seconded and approw;d that a be ser,. * to the City Ccz.mcil stating that a right- angle (1DV) cross- malk 2mlt'.Acr than a distgonal crossum1k be. pleased at thi-s corner ard the proposed Side -walks dhould be ple.ced vz L-dican,*:cd in the reforral. Folloijing a discussion of the, requos--'. from F'rar."O—in S-L-,,-eet Baptist- Chu.` ch -hi remove the sign:: -P-roh.-'Lbiting parking or. Su;.-iday, a motion was -xade., secondod,, r,rd appro-Md 'Co lcr c the signs as ",.laced at piesent. The Chief of Police had .41. -cussed thdis matt-tr with the -oaebor. T:2is rcoomme,,.-.,datiorwas to be forwarded to the Ckty Council., it i,.az trought to the Safety Coimci.-Ils attertiw that some idw1e.- kia)ve, oxnuved from the -Aharp ords p-.-otx-uding at the top of the fierce at the vi--i-port. This ..s d' zzzv- --cd at laxigth. A motlion tea,-, -nade . seconded., and approvod to rer.-oLm, and io t} e City Cour.cil '-hat is this case it t-.-ould seeir, w -1 -se to 'nave the tihaTp rdo.imtv lwzlt in ax-, to avoid further injuxly, The fe.ir booth was discusced J- ., and -b was suggested that currert films on sDA'l- mobi le a -..I& sc'nool bus safety be aecu--,,.-e---,d for showing d7L,.-rin,-,, thafair. Les Lird-r is ,o investigate the poosibility of seci,-rir-g such films. I -t was rucwxiiended `k",at 7� - - -r - d to lean, if 'Pe has made plans fo:- a display relat%*-9 to noua.-t,d -PoXI-p be contacte 112dustrial sai"Ay. It was suggastexd C',iat consideratica be given to the congestion of at the Cor'Ders of 4th and Main E. near the !:.,.p -ht plant. Perhaps, a left tu= r-[-Xal or ''ad stance" gTeen- cor.-ld be utilize=d -to 17L'cilitate ti-aff-ic turnips; left - wnirig from the sou,"th at tb—'- s L-Aersection. Thsewetax7 wav to contact Glen G-Ia'imp Dist T-i.-aff ic ragarting thi,-:j ziatt�:,, r. and to invite 'him to -;-.).-.e July t--Cetirg. The vtemler6 rap -vovc.d the payzient o-,," bill for ;.2-05 due Joyce its.: for Postcards ,.rd posta-s. R, vas anno-,,mccd thaill the wfety ply quo a -Warded, to Futchinson wo-Ad be preserted to "'Llho Cily *Courcil b,,,- Ton Mealey. The iaeetirG vas adjoirne,-5, Rs"Swet-rul-ily sub-mit-tcd :�Mz MAI 6%1414C-t-� .1,r, .-Treasurex, TIRMSURERIS UPORT Balarce on hand as of Yzy 2,., 1c)T. PE,,Id to Joyce RLx or, JtLre 29 $31.24 -i-. jo- ,29 . 19 r.3 of Jerre 29, 1971 Special Meeting of City Council Wednesday, June 23, 1971 Mayor Kost called the meeting to order at 4:00 P.M. pursuant to posted notice, properly advertised in the legal newspaper of the City of Hutchinson, of the City Council meeting as board of Review to consider questions of assessment and valu- ation of properties and personal property within the said City of Hutchinson. Also present were Alderman Black, Alrick, Linder, and Peterson and Mayor Kost. County Assessor, Wesley J. Abram and Deputy Assessor Joe Larson, and Administrative Assistant Mealey. None appearing to take up any questions regarding assessing, the Council adjourned at 4:59 P.M.