cp03-13-1967 cITEMS TO -BE CONSIDERED Regular Council Meeting March 13, 1967 1. CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION - Rev. R. L. Warner 3. APPROVE MINUTES Regular Meeting - February 27, 1967 Special Meeting - March 1, 1967 4. APPROVE BILLS 5. APPOINTMENTS TO LIBRARY BOARD - for three-year terms Ralph Bergstrom, Sally Cone, Earl Schmitz (Upon recommendation by the Library Board) 6. RESOLUTION COMMENDING TOM CONE 7. RESIGNATION OF SHARON BERWALD 8. REPLACEMENT FOR SHARON BERWALD - Recommendation from City Clerk 9. PLANS FOR FLOOD CONTROL - Eric Smith, Civil Defense Director - 7:4S P.M. 10. CONSULTANT ENGINEERS - Progress reports on city projects 11. WATER TOWER REPAIR - Herb Bonin, Watertower Paint & Repair Co., Inc. Clear Lake, Iowa 12. TOWN HOUSE - sewer and water sizing 13. HOSPITAL SITE 14. RIVER CHANNEL DEEPENING AND WIDENING (Corps of Engineers) 15. MOTION SETTING TIME, PLACE AND ELECTION JUDGES For Primary Election April 2S, 1967 For General Election May 2, 1967 16. LIQUOR LIABILITY INSURANCE 17. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RENTAL AGREEMENT 18. LICENSE FEES FOR BOILER OPERATORS 19. TRANSFER TO ROAD & BRIDGE 20. ENGINEERS a. Petitions b. Building Permits c. Assistant Engineer - recommendation from Marlow Priebe 21. NURSING HOME BOARD - February minutes attached 22. SAFETY COUNCIL - minutes attached (recommendation to Council.) 23. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING February 27, 1967 A Regular Council Meeting was called to order by Mayor Don 0. Kost in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Popp, Hanson, Johnson; Attorney Schantzen, Treasurer Smith, Engineer Priebe Members absent: None Also present: Del Rieke, Virg Muller, Consultant Engineers Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the follow- ing meetings: Regular Meeting February 13, 1967 Special Meeting February 22, 1967 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the bills be granted and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Jane Haugen Labor 50.25 53.30 Theophil Grunewaldt Labor 8.00 Don Kost W. A. Korngiebel Mileage Fire Prevention Inspections 40.00 Hutchinson Business Service Service 1.00 10.45 Key Laboratories, Inc. Test 33.55 Everson -Ross Co. Police supplies 209.55 Luverne Daak School expense 106.50 Southern Uniform Co. Police uniforms 55.45 Culligan Service 10.50 Rannow Electric Maintenance 27.83 16.50 Minn. Valley Testing Edw. Stoeckman Tests Registering deed - Meth. church 4.15 Skelly Oil Co. Supplies 417.48 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Edw. Ondrachk Labor 19.50 107.90 Ray Albrecht Labor 45.00 Lester Steinhaus Labor 133.20 Leo Pillatzki Labor 277.50 Roger Telecky Labor 224.00 Carl Baumetz Labor 209.55 William CullyJr. Labor 229.35 Elmer Paulsen Labor 226.88 Basil Bell Labor 59.74 Blowmants Inc. Maintenance 94.20 Altmeyer Farm Service Supplies 27.90 Skelly Oil Co. Supplies 198.75 Anderson Chemical Co. Supplies 1.50 Edw. A. Stoeckman Legal fee 102.50 3-M Company Supplies 6.80 Rannow Electric Maintenance 1,964.27 SINKING FUND NO. 2 First Natl. Bank of Mpls. Storm Sewer - Int. & Serv. chg. 778.00 Regular Council Meeting - 2 - February 27, 1967 WATER & SEWER FUND Lyon Chemicals Inc. Supplies 212.28 Rannow Electric Maintenance 75.00 Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Supplies 2.56 First National Bank of Mpls. Bond interest 558.00 Agric. Survey & Instrument Co. Supplies 36.13 Skelly Oil Co. Supplies 34.40 Home Gas Co., Inc. Supplies 42.90 Gambles Supplies 15.45 Red Owl Supplies 10.07 Frederickson's Inc. Well 36,626.00 (Painting excluded) 37,612.79 LIQUOR STORE Erwin Mielke Labor 26.25 Goebel Fixture Company Supplies 1.50 New Ulm Grocery Co. Supplies 19.63 Distillers Distributing Co. Liquor 1,103.57 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 1,060.18 Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inc. Liquor 1,283.83 McKesson & Robbins Liquor 374.27 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 494.00 Ed. Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor 869.66 Lynn Johnson Company, Inc. Liquor 144.44 Regular Council Meeting - 3 - February 27, 1967 Mayor Kost appointed Milton Brinkman to the Nursing Home Board for a :five-year term to expire on March 1, 1972. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the appointment of Milton Brinkman to the Nursing Home Board be approved. Virg Muller, Consultant Engineer, reported that the State Department of Health has approved the Council's selection of the present site for the new Sewage Treatment Plant. They have also recommended that the plant utilize the aerobic digester system. Alderman Johnson made a motion that the Council goes on record to accept the Depattment of Health's recommendation to use aerobic digesters in the new Sewage Treatment Plant. Alderman Popp seconded the motion of Alderman Johnson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2525 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZINS._' FILING OF APPLICATION WITH THE PUBLIC HEAETH SERVICE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR A GRANT UNDER THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, (33 U.S.C. 446 et seq-.) WHEREAS, under the terms of the Water Pollution Control Act, (33 U.S.C. 446 et seq.), the United States of America has authorized the making of Grants to authorized applicants to aid in the construction of specific public Wproject: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota: 1. That Agnes I. Monge, City Clerk, be and she is hereby authorized to execute and file an application and sign other federal documents on behalf of the City of Hutchinson with the Public Health Service, United States Government, for a grant to aid in the construction of a sewage treatment plant. 2. That Agnes I. Monge, City Clerk, be and she is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States Public Health Service may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed, and sign all necessary documents. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said Resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2525: Alderman Popp TT aye IT Alderman Linder TTaye TT Alderman Hanson 'TayeT1 Alderman Johnson IT ayett The following voted against this Resolution: None Adopted by the City Councilthis 27th day of February, 1967. Virg Muller, Consultant Engineer, presented proposed layouts and costs for sanitary sewer trunk lines, stating that the Department of Health would pro- bably not issue a permit for use of these lines until bids have been let and contracts signed on the new Sewage Treatment Plant. The Engineer was instructed to prepare estimated costs of improvements to the -Rolling Oaks Development. Alderman Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Regular Council Meeting - 4 - February 27, 1967 RESOLUTION NO. 2526 (to be attached) Alderman Linder seconded the motion to adopt said Resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2526: Alderman Popp "ayes! Alderman Linder "aye" Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Johnson ttayett The following voted against this Resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of February, 1967. Del Rieke, Consulting Engineer, reported that a petition is being prepared for the improvement of County Ditch 18 as authorized on February 22, 1967. Contour maps have been received and can be viewed at the City Clerk's office. Ald:e rman Linder made a motion that 21 contour maps be available for sale, upon application to the City Clerk, at $6.00 per acre for a minimum of 20 acres. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Linder introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2527 WHEREAS, the proposed _improvement of T.H. 15 has been temporarily deferred because of a cut-back in federal -aid funds, and WHEREAS, the condition of this Highway (Main Street) has considerably worsened and is a hazard to driving; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the District Engineer of the Minnesota Highway Department is hereby requested to reconsider the improvement of T.H. 15 aid proceed with work as proposed as soon as possible. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said Resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2527: Alderman Popp ttayett Alderman Linder ttayett Alderman Hanson ttayett Alderman Johnson ttayett The following voted against this Resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 27th day of February, 1967. A1d(;rman Popp made a motion that the $35,000 invested in U. S. Treasury Bond, due November 15, 1967, be placed in the Water & Sewer Fund when it is received, and be designated for the Sewage Treatment Plant. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Popp, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to transfer $7500.00 from the Liquor Store to the General Fund. and carried Motion was made, seconded/that the following special permit be issued, as recommended by the Planning Commission: No. 641 - Howard Hoyt 2 signs at 35 Main Street North RESOLUTION NO. 2526 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OI' REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT NORTHWEST SANITARY SEWER TRUNKLINE AND WATERMAIN WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the North Half of the City of Huteh in -,on by the con:,truet ion of a sanitary sewer trunk line and provide water services to the West Park area of the City of Hutchinson by the installation of watermain, pursuant to Minn. Stats., Secs. 429.01.1 to 429.111 (Daws 1953, Ch. 398, as amended), NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be, referred to Rieke -Carroll -Muller Associates, Inc. for study, and they are instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the council this 27th day of February, 1967. City Project 17-8 R -C -M Project 402-M Yegular Council Meeting - 5 - February 27, 1967 Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following variance be granted, as -recommended by the Planning Commission: No. 644 Elton Week 2 stall garage at 94 -5th Avenue NW. Mayor Kost reported he had received an inquiry concerning overheaet�affic crossings on Main Street. Discussion. No action taken. Leslie Smith presented.a suggestion from the Safety Council that there be "No Left Turn" signs installed on Main Street during heavy traffic hours. No action taken. Mayor Kost commended the Street Department on the excellent job -they have done in snow removal. Alderman Linder requested Mr. Priebe, Engineer, to watch for a used end - loader for purchase by the city. Alderman Linder suggested that Mr. Priebe take core samples of the river bed at the site of the proposed bridge, and that this be done while the ice is hard and before the spring thaw. Discussion of compensation for City Attorney. No action taken. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 9:25 P.M. >pee:i<�1 Counei.l Me( L'.in- March 1, 1967 A Special Council ,�]t����t .ii �r � ::., I l.(�ki ',j ,lyder by Mayor Kost at the City Hall it the hour 1)t 9:00 A.M. to iii, votes of" the Special_ Election held February 28, P)(37. Members present: A-1 cit, rmen f i i tichan tzell >pee:i<�1 Counei.l Me( L'.in- March 1, 1967 A Special Council ,�]t����t .ii �r � ::., I l.(�ki ',j ,lyder by Mayor Kost at the City Hall it the hour 1)t 9:00 A.M. to iii, votes of" the Special_ Election held February 28, P)(37. Members present: A-1 cit, rmen f i .i Lobi), Hinison, Johnson; Attorney tichan tzell Members absent: None Total number of votes cast: First precinct 111 second precinct 221 Third precinct 468 Fourth precinct 222 Fifth precinct 280 Total votes cast 1; Election for bond issue: "Shall the City of Hutchinson borrow money and issue its negotiable coupon bonds in rbc' imount of not to exceed $1,500,000.00 to provide money for constructing and ecgul ping a hosTital ?*' Votes cast: First Second 'Third Fourth Fifth Total Yes 2711 186 425 184 237 1.306 No 37 3Y 41 38 43 198 The foregoing is a true and correct carivass of the returns of the Special Election held in the Armory, Cit,, of Hutchinson, County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, on the 28th day of February, 1967 from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. We, the undersigned Canvassing Board, as a result of said canvass, do find and certify that the foregoing bond 1 sue did t pas Canvassed by: Mayor �^ Council -marl Councilman CouncilmanIT Councilman, ' � Attest: �` c-� .n.';� - . A�� � � `j� •' City Clerk �T l ' Mayor BANK RECONCILIATION AND FUND BALANCES Yebruarv. 1967 CLERK'S BALANCES BANK BALANCES First National $ 25,139.99 Citizens 38,948.79 $ 64,088.78 Less Outstanding Checks 46,251.23 $ 17,837.55 SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING CHECKS General Fund $ 4,538.94 Road & Bridge 2,713.96 Water & Sewer 38,028.96 FEBRUARY 191.37 S.F. # 2 FUND BALANCE 1/31/67 RECEIPTS -FEB. DISBURSEMENTS BALANCE 2/28/67 General $ 43,909.04 $ 13,435.45 $ 12,924.91 $ 44,419.58 Road & Bridge (87,776.42) 5,862.40 8,160.88 (90,074.90) Water & Sewer 95,130.15 5,300.30 42,278.91 58,151.54 $ 51,262.77 $ 24,598.15 $ 63,364.70 $ 12,496.22 Library $ 3,036.09 $ 131.78 $ 1,534.78 $ 1,633.09 S.F. # 1 13,537.50 ---- 12,709.82 827.68 S.F. # 2 12,414.75 138.67 10,590.09 1,963.33 S.F: # 3 (38.38) 23.35 ---- (15.03) S.F. # 4 2,834.53 801.14 2,967.68 667.99 S.F. # 5 7,473.74 438.75 7,648.22 264.27 - - - - - - - - - - $ - - - - 90,521.00 - - - - - - - $ - 26,131.84 - - - - - - - $ - - 98,815.29 - - - - - - $ - - - 17,837.55 - - - - - - BANK BALANCES First National $ 25,139.99 Citizens 38,948.79 $ 64,088.78 Less Outstanding Checks 46,251.23 $ 17,837.55 SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING CHECKS General Fund $ 4,538.94 Road & Bridge 2,713.96 Water & Sewer 38,028.96 Library 191.37 S.F. # 2 778.00 $ 46,251.23 ,L,tw,kr � num - dMjM ljow g.:j fr�r t�� city j ,.)i -)t Fob* Bg 1967 for a noon ,Vpting 'aith p:3 pr'.. -A rs, :'elanyg 11-Irst NIOUM4 I.od Aaarnuj, ! yron J(*M-.V*M# 'DiM +`rwv.is J' ­n"1011' I Niod ;A*azxns ),as bQ011 t'z C tl r ()tu c1 I to f 11 1 #a una UxPnd tgxv„ v'f rip : 111010 dAoj f LN�� Awtaing I iow Boards T The rainutoo of tho arojurl r,Njulir -sDtitvily rwoting vx)re read and approved ,I,,, Maj, r j -mrs prownted in the a;zuit of � as attachod exhibit t arra approwl for r,4y�,ent on rx3tion of Xelenyq seconded IYV (ped StOUM and carriedo j Mn bids on tin rouplol VU3 PVOjqcx Fir" 'AAw U' 9 The foil, wimj f1=0 Oub,qAtted bicxu letction LAvan0"OtTMOn ani: .'loctrjcal . Rarmij r.jectric and -.-uaje':: Inc* P14,ribing - M.-tchincon ;baot !.'Otalt 1'=utz f-Imbingg and 11"chineon PlumblM kind Reatingo fliolsong soem-led fad that the ,,n rjotion by !.-T by 4elwWo, OW Ca= Ivy bids bo accaptodo Those arm �uhf.zn 'W'cxwtrMt1o,1 -5950*OD9 IUKW'e IM -- 29399,00 ml Wtahinson "-;t*et ­Otal- t"t"V and MatorWo -'71th a rmimw of ,50.00. -roc*ve salaries ocra discus -xij. in ve1w of the incrtaean r*"iVGd by Omplo"an at all area ijosp1*319 aM3 015c morq area ':uraing Homes a new r .0bly vd ti -A ilospitale On ,alary schwzulo Yes . .:xaaantg(� to OM"rg favas :pith P -elovii, and carried that the new emotion 1)y ;-.jm# Nielsen, aecor&jd by rS. , salary C-atvtdula be accepted. This actoWle Is As 1011OW81 S"rvising nurse X475.00 per month , regiatero?,! nur3o .12#00 per hour . liconsOd Practical nurw per lhmw , rkurw aide 1 1#35 per hour'o All OthW 9 Of.1ploy"s a 10 cent Ver h<.= increase. Addition -al bebefite include a five day nick 1.9aw plan. `Thea folloviing rtes- lution was j:Aagej at tho ;c!.eod Cowity UelfarO BoarJ meetiN an Jan* V'# 19671 The nuraiN horn rates ware revised. The minimum wil I rerAin at $j,_%Oq(r por month. The niaxiiw-i rate vais raised to ',;7W*00 per cvnthe Tho15*0(; 1,vint qystom .All rcr,-aln the, t3am. This vias jassed on a notion r%&-, by 11"IX, !,-anous =3 r,Ocondpd Ir,' : rs. ' 4herr_,T- 'n cvaluntW the WVw vtlllon t3 . V* benefits to ivursing homes to nAniral 1 because in order to qualify for the i�xirixi rata of ';MO#00 the i.*Ifwm rociplant rust rxxi how a 1-toint total of 2.3 points instead of the preVIMM 18 points. Using the rw(,--%ont Dhow' fora, -oh1ch Is uwd by thO IOW wOlf8ft dcpaftwnt for evaluations,a r;3 i)Olnt total 13 almost LVG"Ibls U V-SaMo Additional pro3su&,, for hVIvr rat ---s ryust be exerted on the oo�.Mtv twifare board* T.hoza tkAng, no Vu Cher businein the rp,, , jm=nod Lit 1435 P" ors motion by Ned 'APOMU, Attosts Heap-natftIly WAXrAttedi, rarac:is Jeneeng 7;r. HUT( Tl"'ON c.AFFTY CXNCTL Feb. 27, 1967 The February meetir.7 -of the 'uutchinr,on 'a' ty Council was held on the 27th, at the Hotel Jorzensor, I` o'^.loc} n ;on, with 10 embers present. Neetinp was opened by Presi'ert lis: -F , wit' silent table prayer. It wa:� moved by Les Lini r, econ'ed by Ceor a Dahlgren, that the $10.00 state du -:s be paid. Carrier. A c-eneral disco : sior ra,. held )n the n ,w hospital plans and the plans for a Junior College for Hutc!,in cn, as tc how the e would pertain to safety. Yo ed by Geo Dahlgren, seconrieed by . Laid, that the council recommend to the Hutchinson City C- ureil and ?o the County Board of Comrissioners, that a stop & go siF_n be installed at the corner of Lynn Woad and find Ave S.'r.% in 'Hutchinson. Carried. Moved by George Dahlgren, seconled by Hazel B%seman, that the sectetary's report be accepted. Carried. Les Smith :-eported that the movie "Thin Blue Lind" would be shown at the PTA. meeting on April 1 `th. Adjourned 4;58p.m. Signed: Florence Jarchc Secy—mreasurer. Treasurer report: Bal. on hand t 70.77 no disbursements in February