cp03-14-1966 cITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING March 14, 1966 CALL TO ORDER - 7:30 P.M. y1. TNVOCATION - REV. R. WARNER APPROVE MINUTES Regular Meeting - February 28, 1966 Special Meeting - March 8, 1966 Special Meeting - March 9, 1966 APPROVE BILLS FIRE CHIEF FRANK ENGELHART - 7:45 P.M. BIDS FOR PICKUP TRUCK FOR WATER DEPT. - 8:00 P.M., Publication #864 OTTO G. BONESTR00, CONSULTANT ENGINEER - 8:15 P.M. /8. MOTION TO APPOINT JUDGES FOR PRIMARY Election - April 26 and annual city election May 3, 1966 - attached 3...- 9. THIRD & FINAL READING - Ordinance No. 278 (Merickel Property - �Fweft of Dale Street) HUTCH GROWTH - 9:00 P.M. 11. ENGINEER a. Report on Larson Street petition b. Petitions c. Building Permits 12. SAFETY COUNCIL MINUTES - attached 13. NURSING HOME MINUTES - attached 14. PARKING SURVEY - attached 15. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS February 28, 1966 A Regular Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. K33X7Ci3bdbd3tiTb3i3 Invocation by Rev Anderson Members present: Aldermen Linder, Kost, Hanson, Johnson, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Wilson, Treasurer Smith Members absent: None Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 14, 1966. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following bills be and paid out of the proper funds as follows: GENERAL FUND Gerald Fischer Snow Removal $ 14.85 George Richards Snow Removal 3.50 Roger Telecky Snow Removal 13.13 Sandra Demenge Clerk of Mun Court 135.20 Theophil Gruenwaldt Dog hours 59.80 George W. Keenan,Sr. Assessor's School 9.40 Fire Department Fire runs 96.25 Merlin R. Bauer Civil Defense School 79.12 Miller & Miller Bulletin Board -Police Dept 23.39 Johnson Super Valu 25# Dog Food 2.93 Ben R. Benjamin Straw -Dog pound 5.40 W. A. Korngiebel Fire Inspections 40.00 Minn Valloy Test. Lab. Inc. Test report 16.50 Southern Uniform Co. Police clothing 18.69 Frank & Rolfe Sand 4.00 Missouri -Kansas Chemical Janitor supplies 1-3.50 535.66 ROAD & BRIDGE FUND George Richards Labor 188.13 Roger Telecky Labor 195.13 Leo Pillatzki Labor 66.50 Gerald Fischer Labor 163.35 Lester Steinhaus Labor -snow hauling 11.70 Elmer Paulson Labor -snow hauling 48.75 Ray Albrecht Labor -snow hauling 48.10 Ed Ondrachek Labor -snow hauling 18.00 Carl Baumetz Labor -dump 210.00 Roy Benton Labor 14.85 Earl Waisa.nen Labor 74.25 Charles J. Wilson Travel expense 14,25 Lyle Smith Travel expense 24.45 Charles J. Wilson School & travel expense 23.63 Albinson Supplies 3.19 Simonson Lumber Co. Supplies 3.56 Roy J. Hanson Survey & bridge work 117.50 Sterling Electric Co., Street lights 528.20 Sterling Electric Co. Mercury vapor lamps 87.12 George Mulholland Co. Brackets 31.87 /)I %d . 6"3 WATER & SEWER FUND Lyon Chemical Inc. Supplies 212.28 Home Gas Co.,Inc. Fuel (gas) 29.76 Red Owl Food Stores Supplies 5.35 Hach Chemical Co.,Inc. Repairs 24.71 lbbt National Bank of Mpls Water & Sewer Int. 904.10 SINKING FUND NO. 2 lst Nat'l Bank of Mpls Storm Sewer Int. LIQUOR FUND New Ulm Grocery Co. Supplies Madsen Agency Excess Liability Distillers Distb Co. Liquor Ed Phillips & Sons Co. Liquor Old Peoria Co. Inc. Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. Liquor Griggs,Cooper & Co. Wine Lynn Johnson Co.,Inc. Wine Ed Phillips & $ons Co. Wine Famous Brands Inc. Wine $ 65.50 $ 20.32 Policy 524.00 1,165.16 880.59 544.11 2,369.95 1,130.53 250.80 899.46 437,93 8,222.85 -3- V'S Discussion on bids for,jstreet sweeper tabled from the last meeting. Alderman Linder made a motion to reject all the previous bids. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Linder made a motion to have Engineer Wilson prepare new specifications, so all three companies who submitted bids, will be able to bid again. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, carried. Discussion on the purchase of a new pickup truck for the Water Department. Alderman Kost made a motion to advertise for bids for a pickup truck for the Water department at 8:00 P.M. on March 14, 1966. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. new city Alderman Linder made a motion to have all xityxx-Rkizie truck vehicles painted "Minnesota Orange", Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and the vote was as follows: Alderman Linder "'aye" Alderman Hanson "'aye "" Alderman Kost t"aye"" Alderman Johnson "Nay" Motion carried. Mayor Fitzloff called for bids Publication No. 963 at 8:00 P.M. for a new Police car. There were three bids. BIDDER CERT CK. AMOUNT BID Myron Wigen Chevrolet Co. $155.00 $1550.00 Frank Motor Co. 100.00 994.00 Robert R. Rasmussen 200.00 1786.00 Alderman Kost made a motion to table the bids. Alderman Linder seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote, carried. Dr. Carl Bretzke and Dr Dan Huebert were present to discuss their property west of Dale Street (Nellie Rice) regarding annexing and platting. No action taken, Richard J Peterson, real estate.agent, was present to suggest buying older homeson the edge of the business district as they become available. He suggested they could be used as future parking lots. General discussion on parking problems and how the recei pts from parking meters are used. Parking meters receipts go into the Road & Bridge Fund, so other revenue would have to be used for the purchase of property for parking lots. Mayor Fitzloff asked the city clerk to write for information on off street parking lots from cities of similar size to Hutchinson. A petition was presented for annexation of Roberts Second Addition, signed by Robert R. Roberts and Harriet Roberts. Alderman Kost made a motion to refer this petition to the Planning Commission. Alderman Hanson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. A petition for permanent streetmprovement on Larson Street between Lewis Ave and Roberts Road, signed by 7 property owners was presented. Aldeim an Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2427 -4 — RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT HHEREAS, it is proposed to improve Larson Street between Lewis XXXXX Ave and Roberts Road by permanent street and curb and gutter, and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minn. Stats., Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. 398, as amended). NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Charles Wilson for study and that he is instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of Resolution No. 2427: Alderman Linder ttayett Alderman Hanson ttayeIt Alderman Kost ttaye tt Alderman Johnson ttaye tt The following voted against this resolution: None Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of February, 1966. City Assessor George Keenan and Wesley Abrams were present to discuss land valuations in Hutchinson, They informed the council they will be inspecting building lot valuations and adjust where they feel they are too low. Lots taken into the city when land was annexed have now increased in value. Elmer Merickel was present to discuss annexation of +},Ww preliminary plat of his property west of Dale Street (Slyter property) . Discussion on this annexation and the amount due the city for parks and playgrounds in land or cash. Alderman Kost made a motion to instruct ,City Attorney Schantzen to report at the next meeting on a proposal on subdivider policy, and the amount *b be paid in cash. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Kost introduced Ordinance No. 278 for its first reading: ORDINANCE NO. 278 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA (attached) Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost to introduce Ordinance No. 278 for its first reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 278 and it was declared passed on its first reading. Alderman Hanson introduced Ordinance No. 278 for its second reading: ORDINANCE NO. 278 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN LANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson to introduce Ordinance No. 278 for its second reading. Upon roll call, all members present voted in favor of Ordinance No. 27�B, and it was declared passed on its second reading. -5 - Discussion on offer by Elmer Merickel to purchase 2 lots, Block 48, South z, City of Hutchinson, and if abstract should be furnished. Alderman Hanson made a motion to furnish one abstract for lots 9 & 10, Block 48, South 2 of City at a price of $2500 for each lot. Alderman Kost seconded the motion of Alderman Hanson, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Kost introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 2428 (attached) Alderman Hanson seconded the motion to adopt said resolution, and upon vote being taken, the following voted in favor of R --solution No. 2428: Alderman Linder TTaye" Alderman Hanson TTaye TT Alderman Kost TTayeTT Alderman Johnson T? aye?? The following voted against this resolution: are M11 Adopted by the City Council this 28th day of February, 1966. Mayor Fitzloff read a letter from the Bethany Baptist Church asking permission to use the Public Square for Hymn Sings on Sunday nights from 8:00 to 10:00 P.M. on July 24, 31, August 7, 14, & 21. Motion was made, seconded and carried to allow these Hymn Sings in the Public Square. presented Mayor Fitzloff NXXKKMff a letter he had received from the Jaycees asking for any suggestions or changes for the Annual Water Carnival. They also inquired about the completion date of the BlVff Street Bridge.. No action taken. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 11:25 P.M. ORDINANCE N O . AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN T.ANDS TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, McLEOD Cf-%'�I%TY, MIIIINESOTA The City Council of ;J� '­,insun ordains: SECTION 1. WHEREAe ownei5of the following described lands lying ani being in th-, County of McLeod and State of Minn-scit-a aii,11 uE_ r bE_d as follows, to -wit: Beginn..in�,.; at a po:i.nt _ 75/]L.)(') chains South of the Northwest corn: of th, Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 11G, R_3nge 30, and running thence South 8 >/10 ci:a i.n s ; thence East 5 32/1000 chains to center (z'_ p:abl i c read, thence Northeasterly along center of pui-,lic read to a point 575/100 chains South of th,_� 'vorth line of said Southeast Quarter, Section 1, Township 110, Range 30; thence West 8 366/1000 'c 1=,c_ ;_:: hecrinning; and That parr of Lot 9_ of- i�.adi.tion to Hutchinson, Minnesota according; tc: p.,-: Plat ti, reof of record and on i:ile in 1:1-- office ,F the Register of Deeds, McLeod Cc_j.r t;-, Minnesota, described as follows: to -wit: 1"'gi.r.ning .it t};C[l North%vest corner. of said Lot- 94, ; ..: =nce South, alon(f the West line of said Lc c .-, d i:,tance of_ 9.1 feet; thence deflect 86"?s' __, to the Northwesterly right-of-way lino ;-::f I;:- I Street.; thence North- easterly, along sa:L a line, a distance of 32.76 feet to t: r :: _. ins- :_ said Lot 94; thence West, ale>n ; -. ^. .' ;! S.rc to the point of beginning. SECTION II. AND WHEREAS, saic.. J,_-crii:,( lend is contiguous to and abutt . upon the Citi Limit T t -he City of Hutchinson. r ;-,,, < , fNj) ;r, !:__.._. )f <: City of Hutchinson St sof tl-,c: City of T;urc h1.1 r . t lands to the City of SECTION IV. they hereby are F] Rf,',()LVE�D i y the City Council of the City of "-f i�)ance, said i d ands shall 1, (-]� -gibed above be and they hereby are to of 1111-itc - 1,,-Lnson and from and after the date of "-f i�)ance, said i d ands shall 1, become a p-iri. and 17 1- ft chin with the same force and effect a part of the City. SECTION V. This Ordinance sh-",",.! c-1-foct and he in force from and after itL publication. 0 EXTRACT OF MINUTES Oil ;MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of' HUTCHINSON MCLEOD COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of t±,e City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hali in said city on Monday , the 28th day of February, 1.966, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. The Mayor and the iollowing Aldermen were present: Myron W. Johnson Don O. Kost Leslie Linder TTarry Hanson and the following were absent: Alderman Don O. Kost introduced the t',llowing writ- ten resolution and moved its adaption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $100,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1966 BE IT RESOLVED By the Citq Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, as follc>,„s: 1. It is hereby determined that the total cost of the fol- lowing improvements has been determined to be: Name of Improvement Cost To Be Financed Street Improvement 15-3 $112,014.21 $90,000 Water and Sanitary Sewer Improvement 15-5 36,81:3.00 10,000 Total $148,827.21 $1.00, Doo and that. assessments have been or will hereafter be levied in amounts :norc- than '.+J'�. of the cost of said improvements. 2. It is herevy determined to finance a portion of the cost of said improvements by the issuance of Improve- ment Bonds. 3. There is hereby created a special bund to be designated as 1965 1n1pr0vemt. h1 FUnu, out of which shall be paid the principal of acid intereE.l on bonds authorized hereunder and into vhich (unci shall. be paid, from proceeds of special assess- ­n(;lts • a be levied for said imps ovements and taxes levied for -1- general city share of the cost, tine amounts required to pay principal of and interest on bonds jssi,ed hereunder_ 4. In anticipation of thc: collection of said special as- sessments and genev,,, levies for the general city share of the cost. the city si,.aii forthwith issue and sell $100,000 Improvemen Fiends o f t '> >6 . The f a 11 fa i t h and credit of the city shall he pledged the payment. of principal of and interest on the bands wtten the m<,rc Vs on ha rd in the 1965 Im- provement Fund arc insr,fficien( io), the purpose. 5. The bonus to be issued iie.-ei:nder• shall bear date Febru- ary 1, 1966, shall bear interest payable August 1, 1966, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and A,:gust 1 in each year, acid shall mature serially on February 1 in the amount of $10,000 in eac;; of the years 1967 to 1976, both inclusive, all without option of prior payment. 6. It is expressly determined that the maturities above stated are such as in the ,judgment of the council are warranted by the anticipated collection of special assessments. 7. The council shall meet in the City Hall in said city on Moriday , the 2811-' day of March, 1966, at 8 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of receiving and considering sealed bids for the purchase of saict bonds and the clerk is authorized and directed to ( t r- c =:)L i ce of sale of said bonds to be given by publication once:., at least Len days in advance of sale in the official newspaliec anti in Commercial West, a financial paper published irr 'Oiiinua-polis, Minnesota. The no- tice shall recite that the city will fcu-nish printed bonds and approving legal opinion of bl.^.�srs. Howard, Peterson, LeFevere, Lefler and Hamilton, Minneapolis, Minnesota, without expense to the purchaser; shall require that all bids be unconditional and accompanied by a good faith check in tile amount of at least $2,000 payable to the order of t lic- city.- and shall state the rate or rates of interest in mul.ti.ples of one-quarter or one- tenth of' one percent. The not Lcc shall f..irther specify that delivery of the bonds will bc; malle by the city within forty days after, the date of sale. ATTEST. _..c..i t y APPROVED- -2- avor Said resolution was read in full and the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Alderman fia,-ry Hanson , and upon roll call., the follow- ing voted YEA: Myron W. Johnson Don 0. T -,-)St Leslie Linder Harry Hanson and the following vo?ed NAY. None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the Mayor signed the same in approval thereof. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF' Mc LEOD ) SS ) CITY OF HUI'CHINSON ) I, the undersigned, beiiig the duly qualified and act- ing City Clerk of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, hereby cer- tify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of said city held February 28t; 1966, with the original thereof on file in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to the issu- ance and sale of `100,000 Improvement Bonds of 1966 of the city. WITNESS My hand o;ficially as such City Clerk and the seal of the city this 28th da% of February, 1966. (SEA.,.) G city clprk City of Hutchinson, Minnesota -3- SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS March 8, 1966 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers at the hour of 5:00 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder,Kost, Johnson, Hanson, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Wilson Members absent: None Also present: Wm McCombs Discussion of a letter from Drake Construction Co. that was received by the City Council concerning a request for extra funds for work on the dam. A Letter from the Consulting Engineer, Wm. H. McCombs, was received regarding the request from Drake Construction Co. Discussion of the contract, progress and the letters. Alderman Linder made a motion that the City Attorney be instructed to write to Drake Construction Co. advising them that losses from natural causes are sustained by the contractor, at his own cost, and that the contractor shall complete the work as specified. Alderman Johnson mxAxxaxmnkiiax seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, carried. Alderman Kost made a motion to accept the 2Ax bid of Frank Motor Co., as low bid for a new NXXKKXxvA=xxTkas3txJA 1966 Dodgie in the amount of $994.00 These bids were tabled fvom the meeting of February 28, 1966. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Kost, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn at 5:45 P.M. SPECIAL COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS March 9, 1966 A Special Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fitzloff in the Council Chambers at the hour of 7:30 P.M. Members present: Aldermen Linder, Hanson, Johnson, Atty Schantzen, Engineer Wilson Members absent: Alderman Kost Motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the following application for a sign, as recommended by the Planning Commission: Cliff Popp - Popp's Hutchinson Cleaner's - 130 Main St S sign - 48" x 54" Discussion on preliminary procedure for the construction of the Sewage Disposal Plant. Alderman Linder made a motion to interview Otto G. Bonestroo, St. Paul, Minnesota, consultant engineer, on March 14, 1966 at the regular council meeting. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion of Alderman Linder, and upon vote being taken, carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to'adjourn at 8:45 P.M. L i -;hed in the Clutch i ii�on Lc,adc,7' on friday March 25, and on Friday ',Isil I_, 1966) Publication No. NOTICE OF ELECTION JUDGES Motion was made, seconded and carried that the following locations be designated as polling places and the following persons be appointed as judges of Election respectfully at the Annual City Primary Election to be held Tuesday, April 26, 1966; polls to be open from 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., and the Annual City Election to be held Tuesday, May 3, 1966; polls to be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. POLLING PLACES FOR BOTH THE ANNUAL PRIMARY ELECTION AND THE ANNUAL CITY ELECTION DISTRICT PLACE -ARMORY JUDGES 1st Precinct NE Corner Armory Leona Korngiebel Sophie Jenike Nina Bonniwell 2nd Precinct NW Corner Armory Emma Lake Florence Klainmer Ida Mae Yerks 3rd Precinct SW Corner Armory Wilma Muller Edna Phillips Victoria Avery 4th Precinct South Side Armory Grace Sanstead Nellie Jensen Adeline DeMuth 5th Precinct SE Corner Armory Mabel Fischer Helene Kisling Kathryn Brummond (Same diagram as last year) Hutchinson is a City of the Fouth Class divided into five election districts or precincts. To find where you vote, study the diagram. WHERE TO VOTE Official Hutchinson Precinct divisions. (Same diagram as last year) WHO MAY VOTE: L. Only a natural born or properly naturalized citizens may vote. 2. No one may vote who has not lived in the State at least months. By order of the City Council March 1.4, 196b Lida E. Rolander, City Clerk Hutchinson Safety Council Feb. 28, 1966 The Hutchinson Safety Council held its regul­.r monthly meeting on 2.1onday, Feb. 28, at tie Hotel Jorgenson. 11 mmmb.rs were in atteniance. Meeting was called to orier by President La-•ry Teskey, followed by silent table prayer. Motion was mage by Les Linder, ^econded by Pill :lrodd, that the minutes be accepted as p es,nted. Carried. A state wide safety meeting to be sponsored by `he Nairn. Fed. of P:siress F, Pro- fessional Clubs in Minneapolis was d4scussed. It was mored, .1econded and carried, that 2 or 3 ladi s of the safety council attend this meetirg if possible. LPs Smith reported that an error had been made in electing two members to the exec tive board as the immedi-te past president is automatically a member on this t -o rd. It was moved by Bill `rodl that two members elected remain .n this board with the addit` on of the i- -:-:e ::ate past president. Carried. There was sc•me discussion on parking on Jefferson 'treet in front cf the car wash and it was moved by Bill Frod�, seconded by Les "mith that the secretary be in- structed to write a letter to the owner's of car wash ca' -ling their attention to this- matter. President L. Teskey then showed a movie 'Dead Right' pertaining to pedestrian safety. This was most inforr.:ative and interesting. Mo ed by r'rank Brode.rius, seconded by Bill Fro3d, that the meeting be adjourned. Flerer.ce Jarc'.o Secretarv-Treasurer Treasurer's _?eport: Bal. in bank 1/31/66 82.22 2/23 - check for cash (stamps R post ards) 5.20 77.22 Pal. in bank 3/1/66 D77.22 NURSING HOW12 Fs -ARD :.' L-TINS:-------Fi=BRUARY 99 1966 The Nursing Home Board for the City of Hutchinson met February 9, 1966 at 1200 Pi.: at turns 'Manor Nursing Hiome �-:ith Pres. Tom Cone presiding. The follovai.ng m mbrrs tr:ere pr int: Toy. Con-, Tip :..il_s, i..rs. "Zeleny, Pailan I'raun, Don Kost, and t"rahcis Jensen. The Minutes of the January m richly meting were read and approved as read. The monthly bills in th amount of > 3,637.76 as per attached exhibit were presented anti atproved for payment upon moti-n by Tip .il's, second::d by :.ars, Zeleny and car, ied. Being conc,.rne, over the amount charged by th(! auditinc. firm of Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser, and Thorsen a .notion was made by Tic .•.ills, seconded by Mrs,, Zeleny and carried that the Superinten&nt contact Richard Anderson to explore the possibilities of his taking over the auJiting for Burns i%:anor and report the fin(+ings back to the Board, first checking with i'lirs. Rdlander, City Clerk, and i..r. Schantzen, City Attorney, if a cbange is possible under the City Charter. After a discussion as to the m.nimum rates a notion r.as ,Wade by%`rs. 7_eleny, seconded by ;•ilan _rraun. and carried that the minimum rates be increased to $175.00 a i-nonth or an additional 50� peer day. The Superintend nt was instructed to contact ;..r. , raupman of the Glenhaven i:ursing homy? and ;..r. Spellun, of the Alice Plan -y .ursina Home o Lester Prairie to appear with us 'r,?fora the next ielfare Board m?eting for the purpose of trying to get an increase in .h�,'`elfare rates. The five shams of preferred stock at.S1OC.00 a share issued by Sun -Lite Dairy, Inc. and given by :)r. and Ross cher.pard is to be redeemed if at all possible. A donation in he amount of ;)175.0' from the faith Lutheran Church .':oma n was reported and accep -­ d. An investment of ::4000.00 in :ortificateG of Deposits drawing 4�% int rest was made and on :notion Ly , ilan Braun, seconded by Tip i:lills, and carried that the i•ursing '`ome board r� of%l the action taken by rhe Fresid,_nt and Secretary and approve this inv,_st,. nt. The Honoywell.i..aintenance Flan on all equipmen* furnished by the Honeywell Corr.c,raticn was jiscussed and not <-,cr:roved I this time. Prsident Cone announced that b.ilan : raun's term on -the _ursing Home 2oard will expire this ..arch. On notion by Tip '.:ills, s.-conded by i.rs. Zeleny, and carried that the ::ursing ;:or, -ie 'oard approve the re -appointment of '.,r. ;Iraun for another terra; and to notify Bclanoer of such action. F, lre 1 nc no ;urther i usln,�ss the meetinn a, u. n d at :0 esr ctj-v- 1y :ucmitted.. 1,�nci,l J n� , n, _ >c. Y rle Hutchinson Ch+mber of Commerce Parking Committee Parking Survey 1, City Population 2. County Pouul tion 3. Retail Sales - City 4. Retail Sales - County 5• % of County Sales 6, % of County Po pul 4 t i on 7, Does your city have parking meters? 8. Where does the meter revenue go, to e., roads & bridges, general fund, or what? 9. Does your city have off-street parking lots? 10. Are they city owned and oper�ited? 11. If so, how we •e the lots established, i, e., bond issueq self-assessment of benefited property owners, or general taxation method? 12. If bonds were issued, how are they being retired? 13- What is the capacity of your city parking lots? 14. What is the parking rate per hour? 15. Is the establishment of city narking lots a long range program or just a one time shot? 16. Exclusive of parking lots, how many metered stalls are available to the sho,)per? 17, Is your parking program and needs based on average usage or peak parking periods? 18. Does your community issue courtesy tickets to out of town vehicles when they over park their :peter? 19. If so, how successful is this program? 20. Do you have private prinking lots at a portion of your businesses? 21. Approximately now many parking spaces are avail tole in the private lots? i rqh.. t (*) County Seat (+►+�) Volume in Millions Lwow W Al • i WORTHINGTON* FAIRMO TNT„e 1. 4,294 109417 99015 99745 59078 2. 119864 29,987 23.365 269986 18,887 6*3. $119618 =26.559 $249717 $229246 $119938 «•4. $149900 $38,939 $349807 $35.566 $24.568 5. 78% 68% 71% 63% 40 6. 36% 35% 39% 36% 27% 7. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 8. Fund for Police P. Salary- Off at. General off at. salary- Mntnce.- lots- fund lots Bond Rev. bond Retire retiremt, retiremt. bonds 9. Yes Yes Yes Yes No City Nall lot -40 10. yes Yes Yes Yes 11. !toter Park. Bond- Bonds rev. Meter Meter Rev. bond rev. 12. Meter Rev. Meter Rev. Meter Rev. 13• 135 150 140 -city 190 70-Cnty, 14. 5¢/2 hr. 50 5¢ 15. Long Long Long Long range range range range 16. 150 400 477 510 168 17• Av. Av. Peak Peak Use Use Periods Periods 18. Yes Out of Out of No No state Trde. Area 19. Few All Commts. Right 20. Yes Few Yes Few No 21. 100 100 110 60+ Super- market lots (*) County Seat (+►+�) Volume in Millions (*) cox'lty Sent (**) Vol i e in V 1111, -)ns (***) Figur �s not Avail tUe SLAY ,* FAL..S* NcW ULM* 2,4'7 MU.tdIS* ST. 14,743 1. 49199 4,174 39691 2. 11,262 149460 16,16:' **3. $11,161 110,730 $10,256 **4. $14,505 $21,733 320,428 5. 77A 49% 5�% 6. P" • - 9% 28% 7. Ycs Y,!s Yes 8. earkl k3 ?�lrk. Gen. M1 t. r'nd- : ,ter f and dev.bonds fund 9. Y::s Yes Y%�s 10. Yes Yes Yes 11. Bond Iss.!. Gen. Fnd. St. '.:et. 12. Met. 3cv. 13. 200 16o 45 14. 5�//2 hr iv -112 10¢/4 hr min. 25,//10 hr 15. Long Acc. to Long H.trige Avb1e.Spce. da ge 16. 200 125 17. Future All Avble. Av. Growth Space Use 18. No No No 19. 20. Yes Yes Yes 21. 75 137 170 (*) cox'lty Sent (**) Vol i e in V 1111, -)ns (***) Figur �s not Avail tUe SLAY ,* FAL..S* NcW ULM* 2,4'7 4,285 11,114 14,743 21,718 27,676 *** $159647 819,508 113,078 328,158 S37,8')8 *** 56% 51% 17% 2 40 Nu Yes Yes �e,i. r'urnd- Lots, rev. Nie kers a�. Fund Mntnce. No Yes Y �s Y 's .-ond I:' :. Bonds 15,000/yr. $10,0001yr. met. rev. met. r °v. 134 90 50 /hr. lots- 5�. /2 hr. Long Lon d-inge Hinge 2b2 510 Av. Use Yes No NO i'r-: t ty Gd, N Yes Yes 130 *** (*) County Seat (+tij Volume in Millions (***) Figure not Available MADISON* PIPESTONE* MAKSH * HUTCRZNWH 1. 29380 59324 69681 69207 2. 139330 1.39605 229655 249401 **30 *** $129937 $189105 $169441 **4. $149247 $19r25�, $349643 $429270 50 *** 66% 52% 399 6. 18A 39% 26% 25% 7. No Yes Yes Yes $, Bonds for Salary- Road-+ Park. Lots Mntnee.- bridges 9. No Yes Yes No 10. Yes Yts 11. Bond Issue Gen. Tax. Method - Future lot - bond 12. Meter Rev. Meter Rove 13. 180 224 14. 5� 5¢ 15. No prgm. Long Long No prgme at prsnt. Range Range at prsnt. 16. 325 310 17. Peak Use Peak Use 18. Yes Out of at. - start in July No 19. Very Suooessf. 20. Yes Yes Few Yes 21. 70 75 50 100 (*) County Seat (+tij Volume in Millions (***) Figure not Available %7 7 7 7 7 ,7yoy 7 3 7 7 S y I Z(il( 16 V e J'16 Ot, 4 7 1� t- 7 Y 4A Y 7'1 4/4) 7 ,71 IV5 103,77 9,/ k s - j,-, /7y4'7 , 7VYg 17qq y /79s" 5 6 J v /.7 Al I Z(il( 16 V e J'16 Ot, 4 7 1� t- 4A Y _ _ ____ _ _--____ . �,(G �� �-GK t<.c G � /�j at. � aZ 3-s�--�t�.-st-C�f 7.