cp07-10-1979 cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF July 8 TO July 14 1979 WEDNESDAY Noon - Transportation Board Meeting at City Hall Noon - Park & Recreation Board Meeting at Jaycees Park SUNDAY THURSDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 9:30 A.M. - "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory 2:00 P.M. - Utilities Commissi Board Meeting at Meeting at Utiliti Old Armory 4-6 P.M.) City Council Inter and ) views Four Firms to', 7-9 P.M.) Design Police/Fire Station - City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting at City Hall FRIDAY SATURDAY r r, BOARD OF DIRECTORS President June Demos Roseville Vice President David Hozza St. Paul Past President Lyall Schwarzkopf Minneapolis Richard Asleson Apple Valley Wayne Courtney Edina Walter Dziedzic Minneapolis Robert Hansen White Bear Lake Jan Haugen Shorewood Richard Hullander Shakopee Jack Irving Crystal James Krautkremer Brooklyn Park Richard Larsen Minnetonka Myra Lobeck Oakdale Bruce Nawrocki Columbia Heights Thomas Spies Bloomington Larry Thompson Wayzata Stephen Wellington St. Paul Duane Zaun Lakeville Executive Director Vern Peterson association of metropolitan municipalities 300 hanover bldg 480 cedar street st paul, rmmnesota 55101 16121 222-2861 July 3, 1979 TO: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Please copy or inform council members and appropriate staff persons of this seminar. The content is such that all can benefit. Roger E. Peterson Director Legislative Affairs, AA�.f AMM LEVY LIMIT SEMINAR NAME: POSITION CITY MAIL TO: ASSOCIATION OF METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITIES 300 Hanover Building 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS association of metropolitan municipalities 300 hanover bldg 480 cedar street st paul mmnesota 55101 (612) 222-2861 President TO: NON-MEMBER METROPOLITAN June Demos Rasc•villc AND OUT -STATE MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS Vice Presid: nt David Hozza Si. Paul June 25, 1979 FROM: ROGER E. PETERSON DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS As an aid to city officials, the ANN is sponsoring Past Preside,�t a half day seminar on levy limits and state aids, Lyall Schvvarzkopf Minneapolis how they interact, and how to best utilize them. In- cluded in the Agenda this year will be a discussion Richard Asleson on assessed value calculation for property taxes, apple Valley some of the major property tax law changes, and what l;'ayneCourtney we, as local officials, need to do to influence local Edina government destiny in the legislature. 1'V'alterDziedzic Minneapolis Proper understanding and use of levy limitation pro - visions are vitally important for all cities and Robert Hansen city officials. The laws are complex and often mis- t%'hite Bear Lake understood. The seminar is designed to provide that understanding and knowledge in a comprehendible manner, )an Haugen Shorc��ood so that officials will have as much flexibility as possible for local budget preparation. Richard Hullander Shakopee Although this seminar is similar to previous years, JacIrving it will serve as a good refresher for current budget tal Crystal activities, and included will be a discussion of the new aid formula as well as other property tax law James Krautkremer changes. Newly elected and appointed officials and 3rookl}n Par{; those unable to be at the previous session are urged Richard Larsen to attend. M inneton ka Myra Lobeek Oakdale BruceNa.vrocki The AMM is extending to non-member metropolitan officials and Columbia Heights to municipal officials outside of the seven county metropolitan Thomas Spies area the opportunity to participate in this seminar. Hopefully, Bloominttot, through this participation you will gain some personal knowledge Larry Thompson that will benefit your city. 11'arzata Stephen Wellington St. Paul Duan Zaun L.a.e•; illc care.- i.', c Director Vern Petersen t. association of metropolitan municipalities S P E C I A L S E M I N A R LEVY LIMITS: HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OF A BAD SITUATION PLACE: ST. PAUL CIVIC CE:TTER (3N and Hoerner Valdorf Rooms) 4th St. Entrance, left of main lobby at bottom of stairs. DATE: Monday, July 30, 1979 TIME: 1:00 P.M. to approximately 5:00 P.::. (parking available in Civic Center ramp on Kellogg Boulevard - Coffee and so=t drinks provided.) COST: Fee to defray room, material, and beverage expense: Non -Member: $10.00 for first registrant from city $ 5.00 for each additional person A G E D A 1. Brief history of levy limit and chances since 1971. 2. How to calculate levy limit. 3. State aids (the new aid formula). 4. Levy Limit/State Aid Interaction. 5. Special base adjustment provisions. 6. Special levies. 7. 1979 Changes affecting property tax and assessed value calculation. 8. Local influence for the coming year. e The afternoon will be extremely in-ormal, with -opportunity for much dis- cussion. It is requested that advance reservations be made no later than July 27, 1979 by returning the attached registration' -form or calling Odelia (222-2861). Limited registrations frill be a:-cented at the seminar. 300 hanover b' 480 cedar street, st. paul, minnesota _-- 1 (612) 222-2861 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1979 1. Call meeting to order - 7:30 P.M. 2. Invocation - Reverend Richard H. Coston ,/3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of June 26, 1979 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Public Hearing None Communications, Requests and Petitions (a) Communications from Owners of Inspected Buildings — Action - v"& � 6. Resolutions and Ordinances /(a) Resolution No. 6363 - Accepting $50,000 from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt ,v(b) Resolution No. 6364 - Resolution Authorizing Release of Securities to First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions aa) Building Official's Monthly Report - June 1979 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ✓(b) Minutes of "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board dated June 5, 1979 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing V(c) Minutes of Park & Recreation Board dated May 2, 1979 and June 6, 1979 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing Council Agenda - July 10, 1979 8. Unfinished Business VI(a) Consideration of Selection of Architectural Firm to Design Police/Fire Station (DEFERRED JUNE 26, 1979) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve architectural firm 9. New Business v/(a) Consideration of Delinquent Water'and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize extension of pay period - Motion to authorize discontinuance of service 4b) Consideration of Rate Increase with Recommendation from Utilities Commission Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject v/(c) Consideration of Request for 1980 Budgeted Funds for Nutrtion for the Elderly Program in Hutchinson Action - tl(d) Consideration of Replacement of Radio Transmission Lines Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve replacement v(%) Consideration of Retail "On -Sale" Malt Liquor License for Little Crow Archery Club Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license V/(f) Consideration of Entering Into Agreement with Teply Equipment Inc. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to enter into agreement v/(g) Consideration of Preliminary Plat submitted by Howard Christensen with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution ✓(h) Consideration of Requests for Employee Merit Increases Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject -2- .Council Agenda July 10, 1979 10. Miscellaneous 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments tfia) Verified Claims Action - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment -3- AGENDA ADDITION REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1979 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions V/(b) Consideration of Request for Randy DeVries to Attend MPCA Meeting on August 21, 1979 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 9. New Business f(i) Consideration of Grant Application for Shade Tree Disease Program Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize Mayor and Assistant City Clerk to Sign Grant Application v/(j) Consideration of Temporary Payment from General Funds for 1979 Improvement Projects Action - Motion to reject -'Motion to authorize temporary payment ,/(k) Consideration of 1978 Assessment Rolls No. 74, 75, 76, 77 & 78 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to se_t public hearing for August 14, 1979; 8:00 P.M. - Motion to waive readings and adopt Resolutions V%(1) Consideration of D.N.R. Shade Tree Disease Agreement for 1979 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize Mayor and City Clerk to sign agreement MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1979 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Black called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with.the following members present: Aldermen Peterson, Gruenhagen and Huntwork, in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: Alderman Westlund. Also present were: Administrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe, and City Attorney Schantzen. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Robert Lounsbury of the Bethany Baptist Church. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 12, 1979 and Special Meetings. of June 18, 1979 and June 21, 1979 were approved as presented upon motion by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY WARREN BACHAND AND MARK MURPHY TO SELL RELIGIOUS BOOKS DOOR-TO-DOOR IN HUTCHINSON After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to approve the re- quest for Warren Bachand and Mark Murphy to sell religious books door-to-door. The motion was seconded:by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY JOLEEN RUNKE FOR PART-TIME WORK FOR ONE MONTH Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Huntwork to approve the re- quest for Joleen Runke to return from a maternity leave of absence on a part- time basis from July 9 to August 9 and then full time. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING AT INTERSECTION OF HWY. 22 AND FAIR AVENUE WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF HUTCHINSON UTILITIES After discussion, Alderman Peterson made the motion to approve installation of one additional street light at the location of intersection Hwy. 22 and Fair Avenue, with an estimated cost of $250. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. -�F- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 7/79 - SECTION 590:00 - ORDINANCE REQUIRING FILING FEE FOR ANNEXATION INTO CITY OF HUTCHINSON Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 580 entitled Section 590:00 - Ordinance Requiring Filing Fee for Annexation Into City of Hutchinson. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 8/79 - SECTION 1020 - DUTCH ELM DISEASE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Aldermw Huntwork and carried unanimously, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 581 entitled Section 1020 - Dutch Elm Disease. (c). RESOLUTION NO. 6351 - APPROVING FIVE YEAR STATE AID PROGRAM Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6351 entitled Approving Five Year State Aid Program. Sec- onded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. (d) RESOLUTION N0. 6352 - RESOLUTION OF APPLICANT REVISING THE FIVE-YEAR ACTION PLAN Administrative Assistant Plotz explained that each time a LAWCON Park Grant application is submitted, it is also necessary to submit a resolution and amend the five-year park plan. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to waive the reading and adopt Resolution No. 6352 entitled Resolution of Applicant Revising the Five -Year Action Plan. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and carried unani- mously. (e) RESOLUTION NO. 6353 - TRANSFER OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR SUPPORT OF HUTCHINSON GENERAL FUND Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6353 entitled Transfer of General Revenue Sharing Funds for Support of Hutch- inson General Fund. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - MAY, 1979 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. -2- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (b). MINUTES OF BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING.,.HOME BOARD DATED MAY 22, 1979. There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD DATED MAY 9,,1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- cei-aed for filing. (d) MINUTES OF HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION DATED MAY 15, 1979 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor'to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF CITY UTILITY RELOCATION COSTS FOR PROPOSED MOTEL SITE (DEFERRED JUNE 12, 1979) City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe presented a map of the area in- volved. Administrative Assistant Plotz further commented no decision would be necessary at this meeting inasmuch as the TARS Study would be ready by Friday, June 29, 1979. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried, to defer action. (b) DISCUSSION OF REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND FINANCING BY DEVELOPERS DIVERSIFIED - JOHN MCGILL (DEFERRED APRIL 24, 1979) Mr. John McGill of Developers Diversified appeared before the Council and re- ported his firm wished to make formal application for industrial revenue bonds through the City in accordance with Resolution No. 6342. He then presented a check in the amount of $1,000.00 as an escrow deposit in addition to the re- quired financial data on Developers Diversified. He further stated he felt his company was in compliance with the requirements of the Resolution and asked for approval of a bond for the Hutchinson Mall. Mayor Black stated he appreciated the information provided by Mr. McGill, but there was nothing to indicate any change in his previous decision. He believed City assistance of financing for the project was.not in the best interest of the community, and he would not be supportive of issuing an industrial revenue bond to Developers Diversified. Alderman Huntwork commented he felt it would be a shame to lose a project of this nature when the alternatives have not been too favorable. -3- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Alderman Gruenhagen stated the company had been serious about its project and had performed studies related to Hutchinson before deciding to build here. Other communities would welcome a similar project in their city, so he felt the request for bonds should not be rejected. The shopping center would be an asset to the City. Alderman Peterson responded he had nothing to add to the previous comments. Mayor Black referred to an earlier letter from Alderman Peterson in which he suggested leaving the door open but set a six-month waiting period. No action had been taken on the matter. Mayor Black said he would like to see the Down- town Development have an opportunity to get organized before issuing any bond. Alderman Peterson stated conditions had changed since he wrote the letter, and his opinion had also changed. He now favored granting bond financing fort the Hutchinson Mall. Administrative Assistant Plotz reported some of the business people planntid to attend the meeting and would be arriving around 8:00 P.M. He, therefore, asked that action be deferred until after their arrival. When discussion resumed, the following businessmen addressed the issue: Ted Beatty Asked the Council to deny issuance of a bond to Snyder Drug Developers Diversified. Stated the downtown de- velopment is close to a development program, and the two projects cannot both succeed. Didn't .feel the City should provide funding for the shopping mall. Frank Fay Stated he had done considerable research on this Frank Fay Realty matter since the last meeting. The State of Iowa had a considerable number of shopping centers built with tax free bonds but no longer continue this practice because of the effect it had on downtown retail. Industrial revenue bonds are no longer used in Iowa for any type of retail development. Mr. Fay stated that Developers Diversified has financing available if the bond is denied. Didn't feel they should be given an "edge" over others. George Schmidt Stated he would like to make clear that the tax Legal Counsel for payer's money is not involved; it is a pledge of Developers Diversified community assets. Made reference to 9% to 9-1/4% interest rates charged on available money by fi- nancing institutions and pointed out the company would have a minimum 1% "edge." -4- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Mayor Black Agreed there are misconceptions about industrial revenue bonds and tax increment financing. The City would only act as a conduit for the purpose of selling the bonds or making the mortgage so it becomes interest free. No money of the City is involved. Stated again he felt it was not in the best interest of the City and could be a detri- ment to the downtown and could hurt the entire City. However, he would not want to close the door on the shopping center project. He again extended an opportunity to work with the developer. Jim DeMeyer Stated the downtown group will be seeking City fi- DeMeyer Realty nancing the same as being requested by Developers Diversified; then that group would have an "edge" on the existing shopping center (Plaza 15). If one group receives approval, all should. The ad- vantage to Developers Diversified in the market area against the community is not really so. Other communities are offering industrial revenue bonds to them. Some local residents irave--asked for cer- tain items, ie. swimming pool. This requires tax- paying entities in the community, and the mall would pay taxes. However, the proposed downtown mall would have tax increment financing whereby the City would not receive increased taxes until the bonds are paid. When a project is in hand and an improvement for the City, it should be given favorable consideration. Milton Lueneburg Commented tax payers are involved since they had Family Rexall Drug a part in making the City attractive. Cited Crook- ston and Willmar as examples. Joe Wesley Asked for consideration of the local people rather Wesley Pharmacy than having outsiders come into the City. Asked what use had been designated -for these bonds:' Mayor Black Commented the opportunity is available to all who wish to apply for a bond. No solicitation was done to any group. Further stated no determination has been made on the use of bonds, but they are legal under the state law. They would be used for matters considered to be in the best interest of the total community. -5- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Duane Dickey Inquired if the developers had applied for a build- DuMax, Inc. ing permit without the bonds, and was told by Mayor Black that all proceedings had been agreed upon for the shopping center. The issue was on City support for lower -interest tax-free financing through in- dustrial revenue bonds. Mr. Dickey further commented that a good business- man always tries to get the best possible deal on financing. Commented the downtown needs some work done, but felt the merchants should not be afraid of competition, which is a cornerstone of private enterprise. Alderman Huntwork Commented industrial revenue bonds have now become an accepted thing for large projects because of the interest advantage. Taking into consideration the continued growth of the City and the overall''econ- omy, he thought the shopping center would be a "shot in the arm." The motion was made by Alderman Huntwork that by adoption of Resolution No. 6362 to approve issuance of an industrial revenue bond to Developers Diversified ac- cording to the Guidelines recently adopted by the City Council. The motidn was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, with Aldermen Huntwork, Gruenhagen and Po_ter- son voting aye, and Mayor Black voting nay. Motion carried. Mayor Black referred the matter to City Attorney Schantzen to see that Resolu- tion No. 6362 was properly prepared. (c) CONSIDERATION OF STAFF RECOMMENDATION FOR SELECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS) TO DESIGN POLICE/FIRE STATION (DEFERRED JUNE 18, 1979) City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported that members of the Police and Fire Departments as well as himself had reviewed the 24 proposals submitted by architectural firms to design the police/fire station in Hutchinson. After comparing lists, it was their recommendation to interview the following four firms: Boarman Architects, Inc. Fowler -Hanley, Inc. Rieke, Carroll, Muller Assoc. & Korngiebel Architects Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Assoc. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to meet with the above-named firms on July 9, 1979 from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. for interviews and to select one firm at the City Council meeting of July 10, 1979. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes June 26, 1979 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SUMMER BAND CONCERTS IN HUTCHINSON At the time the 1979 City budget was being prepared the Hutchinson Area Cham- ber.of Commerce Community Development and Retail Committees representative, Clarice Coston, appeared before the Council and requested consideration of summer band concerts. The request received favorable approval, and the Coun- cil agreed to match the cost involved with the Chamber of Commerce. A pro- posed summer band concert schedule has been prepared, and the Chamber of Com- merce asked for ratification from the Council. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to approve the summer band con- certs. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL CIGARETTES BY 7 WEST WASH & DRY Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve the cigarette license and issue same. (c) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT STATUS OF OFFICER ROBERT RINGSTROM After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to approve the perm- anent status of Officer Robert Ringstrom, following his one year probationary period. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY JIM REID WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Discussion was given to the importance of an alley onto Second Avenue. One problem foreseen might be foot traffic from the Park Towers Apartments. The steps that were formerly used by the nurses going from the old hospital to the nursing home were left in after the hospital was torn down. The residents of Park Towers use these steps. Jean Lerberg, Executive Director of Park Towers, expressed concern of the traf- fic in the area. She had no solution to the problem but felt there was a need for a safety factor. After discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion that with the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission to waive reading and adopt -Resolution No. 6354 entitled Resolution Granting Variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Reduction of 50' Setback from R-3 Zoning for Plan- ned Office Building. Seconded by Alderman Peterson, the motion carried unani- mous ly . -7- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY JIM REID WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 6355 entitled Resolution Granting Conditional Use Permit under Sec- tion 6.07, C-5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Use of Upper Level of Of- fice Building for Apartments. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY CHESTER MAKI WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION With the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Alderman Peterson, moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6356 entitled Resolution Granting Variance from Section 6.05, B-3 of the Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Allow Set- back Reduction to Allow Construction of a 12 -Foot Adjoining Bedroom. The -'mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF VACATING OF FOURTH AVENUE N.E. FROM BLUFF STREET TO HWY.7 WITH UNFAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe explained the vacation of the street was in -conjunction with expansion of Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co., which would occupy 100% of the property and leave no space for parking. It was,Isug- gested to vacate one-half of the street for parking purposes. The people -in the area were opposed to the vacation and preferred a two-way street. " After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork to sustain the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the mo- tion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY JOHN MILLER, DAVID DECKER, AND IRENE M. ERICKSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork moved to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 6357 entitled Request for Annexation. The motion was seconded by Alderman Peterson and unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO AMEND SIGN ORDINANCE 10.05 E AND 10.05 F OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Building Official Willard reported there is a need to change the wording on the present sign ordinance (10,05 E and F). After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson to defer action at this time. Seconded by Alderman Huntwork, the motion unanimously carried. M Council Minutes June 26, 1979 Building Official Willard, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe and Administrative Assistant Plotz were instructed to prepare a recommendation of new language for Sign Ordinance 10.05 E and 10.05 F. (j) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF TOWN AND COUNTRY ESTATES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF'PLANNING COMMISSION After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Ald- erman Huntwork and carried, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6358 entitled Resolution Giving Approval of Final Plat for Town & Country Estates. Alderman Gruenhagen abstained from voting. (k) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF ROLLING OAKS FOURTH ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6359 entitled Resolution Giving Approval of Final Plat for Rolling Oaks Fourth Addition. (1) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT OF HELLAND'S THIRD ADDITION WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported that Helland's Third Addi- tion had received approval for its final plat, but the 90 -day limit had ex- pired. Therefore, it was necessary to reapply to meet the requirements of the City Ordinance time schedule for recording platting of land under the Hutchin- son Ordinance Code. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen that with the recommendation of the Plan- ning Commission, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6360 entitled Reso- lution Giving Reapproval of Final Plat for Helland's Third Addition. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT'AGREEMENT FOR WEST RIVER PARK EXTENSION Administrative Assistant Plotz reported this agreement would be final approval for the West River Park Grant. The grant would cover 50% of the cost, and the City would match it with 50%, in addition to the cost of relocation of five parcels, demolition costs and improvements required. Total cost is $138,100. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Huntwork to authorize staff to sign the agreement for the West River Park Grant. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. -9- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (n) CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL AUDIT CHARGES BY CITY AUDITING FIRM In June, 1978 the City's auditing firm of Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne quoted a figure of $10,750 to perform the 1978 City Audit. It was necessary for the firm to do some additional work which amounted to $3,722. The audit- ing firm would be willing to split the excess on a 50/50 basis, with the City owing an additional $1,861. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson to refer the matter to the City Attorney for examination of the June, 1978 letter of con- tract. The motion was seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF CONCRETE WORK AT CIVIC ARENA The Hutchinson Civic Arena Board requested authorization for the expenditure of $2,860.00 for the removal and replacement of the concrete slab in the,., -Porth - east entryway of the Hutchinson Civic Arena. No monies were included i� the Civic Arena budget to cover this matter. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unanimously carried, to approve the expenditure of $2,860.00 for concrete work at the Civic Arena. (p) CONSIDERATION OF HIRING THIRD TREE INSPECTOR The City Forester requested a third person be hired as*tree inspector for the summer season, and he recommended Mary Schantzen for the position. . Following discussion, Alderman Huntwork made the motion to approve the employ- ment of Mary Schantzen as tree inspector. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF RESIGNATION OF GERALD FISHER After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to accept the resignation of Gerald Fisher and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6361 -entitled Resolution of Appreciation. The motion was seconded by Alder- man Peterson and carried unanimously. (r) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT STATUS OF DIANE OLSEN Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to approve the permanent status of Diane Olsen. -10- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 (s) CONSIDERATION OF DUTCH ELM TREE REMOVAL BY ANDERSON -RIVER VALLEY TREE CONTRACTOR City-Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the work completed by Anderson -River Valley Tree Contractor totals $1,585.92 and recommended pay- ment. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Peterson and carried unanimously, to approve the work and authorize payment in the amount of $1,585.92. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz reminded the Council of up -coming meetings of the Department Heads on Thursday, June 28, and a joint meeting with the School Board on June 28, at noon, to discuss the sheltered workshop proposal. Mr. Plotz reported the TARS Study would be ready by Friday, June 29, 1979 so a date needed to be determined for a presentation to the Council. It was de- cided to have the report presented at 8:00 A.M. on Tuesday, July 3, 1979. The Council was informed that Robert Watkins will not be available as Airport Manager due to health problems. Therefore, the Airport Commission will be meeting soon to discuss the matter. - The group health insurance contract expires the first of August. The City has been informed by Blue Cross/Blue Shield that their premium will remain the same for the up -coming year. The life.1insurance rate has increased from 40,,, per 1,000 to 46(,% per 1,000, with a $650 total increase for the year_from St. Paul Life Insurance. The accidental death and disability premium with St. Paul Life Insurance will remain the same. No report has been received to date from Equitable Life Assurance on long term disability or from Crown Life Insurance regarding dental coverage. Mr. Plotz referred -to 10 meetings scheduled for Wednesday, June 27, with land owners regarding six-month options for the motel project. He further reported the appraisals have been completed on the parcels for the parks grant, and a meeting will be held with each property owner to review the appraisal and con- sider selling to the City. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black reported the term of Bruce Ericson on the Community Services Board would expire the end of the month. He then reappointed Mr. Ericson as a rep- resentative from the Recreation Department to the Community Services Board for another term. -11- Council Minutes June 26, 1979 The motion was made by Alderman Huntwork, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to ratify the appointment of Bruce Ericson to the Com- munity Services Board. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM BILLY JEAN PULKRABEK Ms. Billy Jean Pulkrabek appeared before the Council with a complaint about traffic conditions along Highway 7 and around the Big C restaurant. She felt the highway was being used as a dragstrip area and something should be done. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM RECREATION DIRECTOR ERICSON Recreation Director Ericson reported on the estimated cost of the operation of a swimming pool. Marshall, Minnesota budgets $43,000 a year for three -out- door pools to cover the cost of staffing, maintenance, pest control, etc.' Additional information will be included in the next Council packet. St.°'Louis Park has a pool attached to their ice arena,which heats the pool from equip- ment in the arena. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Schantzen reported on a lawsuit of Mark Undesser vs. the City, dating back about one and one-half years. A motion had been made to the Court to dismiss the City and City -Engineer from -the case, but to date -only -the -City had been released. (f) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe reported the Park Department budget has $3,000 reserved for a tractor and mower. A new John Deere CP tractor, Model 950, and a new John Deere mower, model 72, are available from Teply Equip- ment Inc. for a total of $5,850.00. It was Mr. Priebe's recommendation to pur- chase the mower and tractor over a three-year period, with payments of $2,250 yearly. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to authorize purchase of the tractor and mower from Teply Equipment Inc. Seconded by Alder- man Huntwork, the motion carried unanimously. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Huntwork and unani- mously carried, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed at 9:27 P.M., upon motin by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Hunt - work and unanimous: tarried. -12- (612) 879-2311 ' HarcH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 July 6, 1979 TO: Mayor & Members of City Council FROM: Elden Willard, Building Official SUBJECT: Former S & L Building and Building Housing Mr. Buster's Cafe Attached are copies of letters of reply requested from the owners of the above -referenced buildings relative to inspections of the building, letters to the owners concerning potential hazards and what their future plans are for the buildings. (Copies of letters dated June 11, 1979 and June 20, 1979 were mailed to you.) Your comments or suggestions will be appreciated. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Elden Willard Building Official pv attachments cc: M.D. Schantzen, City Atty. Gary D. Plotz, Adm. Asst. Marlow V. Priebe, City Eng. George F. Field, Fire Marshal (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 350 June 20, 1979 Mr. William G. & Mrs. Ardelle Paulsen 315 Charles Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Letter to you dated January 10, 1979, regarding your building located at West 46' of Lot 5 & West 46' of South 34' of Lot 4, Block 48, North 1/2 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; also, location of Buster's Cafe. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Paulsen: After a conversation with Mr. James A. Swanke, Vice President of Wm. James Auto, Inc., yesterday afternoon, it was my understanding he has interest in the property referred to above, but because you are the owner of record, this letter is being directed to you. Following the conversation with Mr. Swanke, I walked around the exterior of the building of reference. I have more concern at this time then after the previous inspections regarding the structual stability of the building. In my opinion, the building is unsafe and should be repaired or removed without delay. Bricks are loose at the top, near the roof line; some have fallen and others appear like they may fall at any time. Fallen brick at the rear of the building on the ground are in evidence. I request the area at the rear of the building be barricaded immediately within a safe distance of the building to avoid property damage and personal injury from falling bricks. I request a reply relative to your plans for the future of the building on or before June 30, 1979. Your cooperation is appreciated. For further information concerning this matter, please call this office. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON (-Elden Willard Building Official pv cc: Mayor & City Council M. D. Schantzen, City Atty. Gary D. Plotz, Adm. Asst. Marlow V. Priebe, City Engineer George F. Field, Fire Marshal James A. Swanke Me. Toed sew 41 (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 June 11, 1979 Ronald J. McGraw, Attorney Citizens Bank Bldg. Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Building located at Lot 10, Block 13., South 1/2 City of Hutchinson, MN Owner of Record: Kenndy, Charles J., Emmet and Edward McCormick, 1127 Lewis Avenue, Hutchinson, MN Dear Mr. McGraw: After a conversation on the telephone with you last week, a routine inspection was performed on the above -referenced building on May 30, 1979, by George Field, City Fire Marshal, and myself. It has been over a year since I last inspected the building. The roof is leaking, structual members are exposed to the moisture, wood floors are expanding and buckling. 'Deterioration is evident and structual members may be weakening to a point where there is a possibility of failure to support the imposed loads. A window fronting on the main street side is broken and a piece of glass is missing, leaving exposed sharp edges. Mr. Field and I feel this building is a potential hazard, not only in itself, but also to surrounding public property and private property. I request your acknowledgement of the above report and a reply to this office regarding any qualified professional opinion you may have from any persons having inspected the building to deny or substantiate the above noted conditions and your proposed future plans for the building. We are sincerely.concerned and request a reply on or before June 30, 1979. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON EldAn-"1111(ae'r' d d?d=� Building Official h4 cc: Mayor & City Council Members Gary D. Plotz George F. Field Marlow V. Priebe D. O. COMER (1914-1967) RONALD J. MCGRAW NEIL J. JENSEN, ASSOCIATE PATRICK J. /LYNN, ASSOCIATE R. J. MCORAW. P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O. BOX 9B CITIZENS BANK BUILDING HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SS3SO City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 June 22, 1979 Re: S & L Building Attention: Elden Willard, Building Official Dear Mr. Willard: TELEPHONE 612-079-0021 In response to your letter of June 11, 1979, I might tell you that representatives of Jim Miller Construction Co., St. Cloud, Minnesota, have examined the S & L Building at some length. We have had discussions with them regarding two (2) possibilities with that property. One possibility being a remodeling, which they tell me is possible and economically sound, or in the alternative if we want to expand the rental space, we should consider building a new building. We are as concerned about that building, if not more so, than you are. Just out of curiosity, is it always your custom to send letters to the property owners, Mayor, City Council Members and half of the rest of the City of Hutchinson? Yours very truly, wid R. 9. McGraw RJM:bw (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMO July 10, 1979 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Engineer/Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Seminar I recommend Mr. Randy DeVries attend the one day meeting at St. Cloud relative to testing procedures for the Sewer Plant. This is a MPCA sponsored meeting. The cost is $12.00. This is a type of meeting that has been budgeted. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON 4 Marlow V. Priebe City Eng./Dir. of Public Works pv CC: Ken Roberta Randy RESOLUTION NO. 6363 ACCEPTING $50,000 FROM THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT a $50,000.00 transfer from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to the City of Hutchinson's General Fund is hereby accepted. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of July, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 6 - Q,, RESOLUTION NO. 6364 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF SECURITIES TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the First National Bank of Hutchinson, a duly designated depository of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, has requested the release of the following securities: PLEDGE AGREEMENT NO. 7107 U.S. Treasury Notes 7.75% 6-30-79 $100,000.00 which have heretofore been pledged as collateral security for the account of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission with such depository, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to release and return to said depository the securities requested by the First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of July, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk F-1 0.'•'.B. \o. 41-FR4ppro a) L rplrr, Dr, j 19-9 FORM C-404 Permits 1SSUcd 1 JJ•.:.. 1177 {3-21-76, 1 in month of i U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH (Please correct any error in name and address including ZIP code) REPORT OF BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED AND 61U35o0 41 S 9995 Obs 6 ai LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION AR iiLuc1. ,i I LL^Rb 6LDG OFFICIAL CITY IIjALL 37 ,A5HINbTLA, AVE i -1:-:75T fitt 555350 PLEASEHjTCHIii56j, Bureau of the Census RETURN1201 East Tenth Street WHITE Jeffersonville, Ind. 47132 COPY TO 2730 If no permits were issued this month ❑ enter "X" in boa and return form. Section I — HOUSEKEEPING PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Cost of Number Cost of RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, Item Build- (lousing Build- Housing EXCLUDING ADDITIONS construction construction AND ALTERATIONS Ings units (Omit cents) inns units (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) N One -family houses, including Zsemidetached, row, and town 001 3 3 S 151 528 = J Two-family buildings 002 Three- and four -family buildings 003 W = I Five -or -more family buildings 004 TOTAL (001-004) 094 3 3 151,528 or relocated buildings 005 Mobile homes IItemMoved 300 2 2 Section II — NEW NONHOUSEKEEPING PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Cost of Number Cost of RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS oNumber o. construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit ceases) Build- ings Rooms Build- Ings Rooms (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Transient hotels, motels, tourist courts, and cabins 006 1 i Is Other shelter 007 Section III — DEMOLITION AND RAZING Item PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number Number OF BUILDINGS No. Buildings Housing units Buildings Housing units (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) One -family houses, including J semidetached, row, and town 231 t N Wu S Two-family buildings 232 C J h 3 Three- and four -family buildings 233 W to 09 Five -or -more family buildings 234 All other buildings and structures 240 2 Section IV — NEW NONRESIDENTIAL Item PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Number of Cost of construction Number of Cost of construction BUILDINGS No. buildings (Omit cents) buildings (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Amusement and recreational buildings 008 S s Churches and other religious buildings 009 Industrial buildings 010 Parking Earages 011 Residential itaralres and car ns 012 10 26,788 Service stations an repair garages 013 Hospitals and other institutional buildings 014 Office, bank, and professional buildings 015 Public works and utilities buildings 016 Schools and other educational buildings 017 Stores and other mercantile buildings Ola Other nonresidential buildings 019 Structures other than buildings 020 5 2,909 Sidewalks$858 CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE Fences $2,051 7- �, I ion V — ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, A CONVERSIONS Section VI — INDIVIDUAL PERMITS — $100,000 OR MORE Please list below permits issued for new buildings and for new additions and alterations with a construction cost of $100,000 or more. Classify a permit for a combination residential -nonresidential building according to the major use of floor area of the building; enter number of housing units in column (f). Also list all permits for buildings omitted from Sections I, 11, IV, and V because you could not classify them; enter a dash under item number in column (a). Item Kind of building Name and address of Ownership Cost of Number of No. owner or builder construction housing (Mark one) (Omit cents) units (a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (f) -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public S --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ------------ --------- ❑ Private ❑ Public --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ❑ Private --------------------- ❑ Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Elden Willard Area code Number Extension Title Building Official 612 879-2311 26 FOAM C-404 to -28-76) PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED TYPE OF BUILDINGS Item No. Number of Cost of construction Number of Cost of construction permits (Omit cents) permits (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Housekeeping residential buildings 021 38 S 89,322 S All other buildings and structures 022 7 22,095 Section VI — INDIVIDUAL PERMITS — $100,000 OR MORE Please list below permits issued for new buildings and for new additions and alterations with a construction cost of $100,000 or more. Classify a permit for a combination residential -nonresidential building according to the major use of floor area of the building; enter number of housing units in column (f). Also list all permits for buildings omitted from Sections I, 11, IV, and V because you could not classify them; enter a dash under item number in column (a). Item Kind of building Name and address of Ownership Cost of Number of No. owner or builder construction housing (Mark one) (Omit cents) units (a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (f) -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public S --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ------------ --------- ❑ Private ❑ Public --------------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public -------- ------------- ❑ Private ❑ Public ❑ Private --------------------- ❑ Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Elden Willard Area code Number Extension Title Building Official 612 879-2311 26 FOAM C-404 to -28-76) MINUTES "SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER" ADVISORY BOARD TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1979 The "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board met Tuesday, June 5, 1979 at 9:30 A.M. at the Activity Center in the Old Armory with Emma Lake, the new Chairman, presiding. Present were: Emma Lake Erna McKenzie Ruth Engel Don Falconer Tom Stibal JoAnn Gehlen Norine Riesberg The minutes of the previous meeting of May 1, 1979 were read and corrected as follows: Item No. 4 to read - "Promoted the blood pressure program at the Center every two months"; Item No. 5 to read - "Requested and received a sum of money from the CSBE Older American Act, Title III funds for remodeling of the ceramics room, consisting of carpeting, in- stalling a window, paneling the walls, putting in lighting, and painting"; Item No. 6 to read - "Requested funds from the Community Services Board for the Elderly to promote county senior citizens picnic"; and the addition of a Valentine's Day Dance on February 14 to the list of activities promoted at the Center. A discussion was held on the motion of how the profits of the Seniors Activity Board be used. The motion was tabled. The Treasurer's report was read and approved. A discussion was held on the up -coming Bingo Day set for Friday, June 15. It was de- cided to allow 50(,% per'game and $1.00 for the blockout. A lunch consisting of ice cream, cookies and coffee will be served, with a "kitty" on the table. A discussion was held regarding the T Ball game with the Pee Wees on Saturday, June 16, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. during Water Carnival. Tom Stibal was appointed Captain and JoAnn Gehlen to be responsible for treats following the game. There was a discussion on the parade unit to be sponsored by the Senior Activity Center. Barricks Stables offered to furnish a surrey, team of horses and a driver. The three riders will be McLeod County's two outstanding senior citizens, namely Ancher Nelson and Gina Iverson, and Tom Stibal. Discussion was held on a rummage sale and "Coffee Break" to be held at the Center. -on June 22. The "Coffee Break" of strawberry shortcake and coffee will be sponsored by the Board. A discussion was held on the county senior citizens picnic scheduled for August 8 at the Gopher Campfire Grounds. It was announced that the Planning Council on Aging is to be held Wednesday, July 18, 1979. JoAnn Gehlen reported she will be airing a special program for seniors about the activities at -the Center on KDUZ starting Monday, June 11, and every Monday after- noon thereafter. Mrs. Gehlen also asked for early sign-ups for all the up -coming trips planned for the summer and fall. It was decided to schedule the next meeting of the Board for July 10, 1979 due to the Fourth of July holiday. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 A.M. -2- Respectfully submitted, Norine Riesberg, Secretary MINUTES Park & Recreation Board May 2, 1979 The Park & Recreation Board met with Dr. Chernausek, Kathy McGraw, Ward Haugen, and Don Falconer present. Also present were Bruce Ericson, Recreation Director, Fred Roberts, Superintendent of Public Works, Steve Jensen, Recreation Coordinator, Bruce Peterson, representing the City Council, Marlow Priebe, City Engineer, Jody Stoeffels, Leader representative, and Grace Sanstead, Secretary. Dr. Chernausek opened the meeting with approval of the April minutes, Ward Haugen making the motion, seconded by Bruce Peterson, unanimously accepted by the -Board. Earl Buck representing the Archery Club asked that the range be marked of 90 meters and construct targets for the Archery Tournament to be held here in July. Mr. 'Priebe said there was a possibility in several years the Archery range might be moved behind the city garage. Mr. Haugen made the motion to accept Mr. Buck's proposal, seconded by Mr. Falconer, unanimously accepted by all members. The Tournament will be held the second week in July, Mr. Buck getting together with Mr. Roberts to work out the details. Some changes were made by Mr. Priebe at McDonald's Park, with possibly completing two diamonds this summer. He proposed relocating the parking facilities and boat landing and the preservation of a wild life area. Mr. Priebe said he and Mr. Plotz are looking into the possibility of hiring someone to work on obtaining grants for the City. The J.C. Penney Excercise Trail, with suggestions for financing by cooperating organizations, will expire by June 30. Bruce Ericson and Fred Roberts will attend an auction at Hopkins to buy a small pick-up truck, $1250 allowed on the 1979 budget. On part-time help for the summer staff, Mary Weiss is the only person who lives outside Hutchinson. A motion was made by Don Falconer, seconded by Kathy McGraw, to keep her on as she has been on before, and to ask permission of the Council to keep her on , making an exception in her case. Mr. Ericson reported on the Albertville League suspension, and plans on protesting to the M.R.P.A. the suspension of a Hutchinson youth for one year, thinking the suspension is too severe. Bruce sent a five-year capital improvement request to Ken Merrill, the 1979 figure being $1120.00 which is needed. Don Falconer made a motion to accept Fred Roberts': and Bruce Ericson's reports, seconded by Ward Haugen, unanimously accepted by the Board. Kathy McGraw brought copies of the tennis association's needs for the coming year so they can be reviewed by the Board and Council, for the coming year's budget. A sample of the youth awards were reviewed by the Board and found acceptable. Ward Haugen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m., the next meeting to be held at North Jaycee Park on June the 6th. Respectfully submitted, Grace Sanstead, Secretary MINUTES Park & Recreation Board June 6, 1979 The Park & Recreation Board met with "Bud" Daggett, Larry Morrissette, Don Falconer, Dr. Chernausek and Kathy McGraw. Also present were Fred Roberts, Supt. of Public Works, Bruce Ericson, Recreation Director, Marlowe Priebe, City Engineer, Steve Jensen, Recreation Coordinator, Jody Stoeffels of the Leader and Grace Sanstead, Secretary. Mayor Black came to make a request of the Board that he and his wife plant a blue spruce in the Public Square in memory of his father who recently passed away. He thought this might inspire others to plant trees in memorials. The Board enthus- iastically responded to his request, a motion was made by Mr. Morrissette, seconded by Dr. Chernausek, that some kind of indentity be shown, an unanimous vote by all members. Chairman Daggett then opened the meeting with the reading of the May minutes, which were read and approved by Chairman Daggett. Fred Roberts read his report, reporting the men at the cemetary request the price of digging graves be raised from $75.00 to $100.00, seeding the graves at no extra cost. Fred and Marlow to report to the Board at the next meeting. Bruce Ericson and Gary Plotz attended a meeting in Alexandria regarding park grants and are working on the completion of the preliminary application. Lights, water, and everything seems to be covered except playground equipment. The Jaycees decided to make the exercise trail a community project and J.C. Penney Co. providing the sign kit at no cost. The High School softball fields have been prepared by the Recreation Department throughout the spring season. On the Mary Weiss controversy, Bruce informed the Board he has not found a qualified replacement for her since all other applicants have found other jobs since applying. A motion was made by Dr. Chernausek, seconded by Don Falconer to accept Fred Robert's and Bruce Ericson's reports, accepted by the members of the Board. Mr. Morrissette asked Fred about putting a clay mixture on Linden Park as he had been questioned abouth this.* He also asked Bruce if he could have someone in the office at noon, which would be difficult, so they decided something would be worked out to make registration more convienent. Mr. Priebe brought up the 5 year plan for expenditures in Park improvements by the planning commission, which the Park Board should be thinking about. He spoke of a 50 acre tract which will house about 1200 families, west of the school on the north boundry of McDonald's, on the south boundry of the South Grade Road, which will need parks. Schmidtbauer had land for development south of Century, and in time the park south of the cemetary will have to be used for cemetary purposes. The neat meeting will be on July 2nd at noon at the North Jaycee Park because of the July 4th holiday coming on the first Wednesday of July. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m. by Chairman Daggett. Respectfully submitted, Grace Sanstead, Secretary Hutchinson Police Department DEAN M. O'SORSKY, CHIEF of POLICE 31 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 July 10, 1979 TO: Mayor Black and City Council FROM: Chief of Police Dean M. O'Borsky and Fire Chief Lloyd Schlueter SUBJECT: Selection of Architect As a result of going through the proposals which various architects submitted and the meeting on July 9, 1979 in which four finalists gave presentations, we recommend that TKDA of St. Paul be awarded the contract for the preliminary schematic drawings of the proposed Fire -Police Station. We feel that because of their experience in the field and staff, as well as their familiarity with the City of Hutchinson and the professional attitude and demeanor that they present, is evidence to us that they are the best firm for the job. r Chief of Police Dean M. O'Bor y Fire Chief Lloyd Schlueter (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: July -10,-1979 TO: Mayor and Council______________________ FROM: Water Billing Department _______`___^_______ SUBJECT: Delinquent Water Accounts-- June _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ 01-0570-0-00 Treinen Buschel, Inc. 37 Monroe St. S.E. $19.94 04-0095-0-00 Glen Sjolie 325 Adams St. S. $42.00 V104-0370-0-00 Elaine Soderberg 206 Monroe St. S. $61.75 Promised to Pay 7/18/79 or 7/19/79 04-0850-2-00 Fred Fitzwater 546 Fourth Ave. S.E. $17.50 11-1160-0-00 Roy Chaffee 715 Main St. N. $39.37 12-1165-0-00 Ronnie Telecky 607 Bluff St. $47.27 12-1396-0-00 Marilyn Schneider 257 Gauger St. $60.44 Promised to Pay 7/13/79 16-0560-1-00 Miles Wilhite 136 Eleventh Ave. N.E. $90.83 $60.00 Paid $30.83 Balance Promised to pay 7/13/79 The Proposed gas rates with zero F.G.A. as of June 27, 1979 are as follows: RESIDENTIAL COMMERICAL 400 Cu. Ft. or less $2.50 Next 3600 Cu. Ft. @ 3.10/MCF Ex. Cu. Ft. @ 2.65/MCF SMALL INDUSTRIAL Monthly Demand - 6.00 per MCF Commodity - $2.25 per MCF LARGE INDUSTRIAL Monthly Demand @ $4.18 per MCF Commodity @ $2.25 per MCF INTERRUPTIBLE Minimum - $10.00 First 10,000 MCF @ $2.25 per MCF Excess MCF @ $2.10 per MCF FUEL COST ADJUSTMENT (Gas) Fuel cost adjustment is based on cost of fuel delivered to utilities border station. Adjustment cost shall be based on the volumes purchased for the classifications. If propane is injected, 14.75 gallons of propane equals 1 MCF of gas when injected at an average of 1,350 BTU's per cubic foot. Fuel cost shall include item #151 and #152 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Uniform System of Accounts. Costs will be added together and divided by the amount of gas purchased by the system. Fuel Adjustment will increase by one cent (1C) per MCF sold by each whole cent (10 above ($1.90) one dollar and ninety cents per 1000 cubic feet total fuel cost. . I Computations of fuel adjustment shall be made monthly. The resultant adjustment, if any, shall he applicable for the next subsequent month. RESIDENTIAL - COMPARISON 870 KW Town $ Cost Northern States Power 36.75 Hutchinson 40.80 Glencoe 41.54 New Ulm 42.12 Austin 42.22 Hibbing 42.72 Rochester 43.29 Fairmont 45.57 Mora 47.39 1500 KW Town $ Cost Glencoe 64.50 Northern States Power 65.65 Hutchinson 66.00 Rochester 66.68 New Ulm 66.94 Hibbing 70.15 Austin 70.70 Fairmont 73.34 Mora 74.50 2000 KW Town -$ Cost Glencoe 82.00 Hutchinson 86.00 New Ulm 86.64 Northern States Power 86.70 Rochester 86.81 Hibbing 91.20 Austin 93.30 Fairmont 94.76 Mora 95.50 PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL GAS Per Cent over Cu. Ft. Hutch Hutch Per MN Gas Hutchinson Existing Proposed Cent July 1979 Proposed 11000 4.12 4.36 5.8 5.36 22.9 2,000 6.96 7.46 7.2 8.48 13.7 31000 9.80 10.56 7.8 11.60 9.8 41000 12.64 13.66 8.1 14.72 7.8 51000 15.07 16.31 8.2 17.41 6.7 6,000 17.50 18.96 8.3 20.10 6.0 7,000 19.92 21.61 8.5 22.79 5.5 8,000 22.35 24.26 8.5 25.48 5.0 9,000 24.78 26.91 8.6 28.17 4.7 10,000 27.21 29.56 8.6 30.86 4.4 159000 39.35 42.81 8.8 44.31 3.5 20,000 51.49 56.06 8.9 57.76 3.0 30,000 75.13 82.56 9.9 84.66 2.5 403000 98.35 109.06 10.9 111.56 2.3 50,000 121.57 135.56 11.5 138.46 2.1 601000 144.79 162.06 11.9 165.36 2.0 70,000 168.01 188.56 12.2 192.26 2.0 809000 191.23 215.06 12.5 219.16 1.9 909000 214.45 241.56 12.6 246.06 1.9 1001000 237.67 268.06 12.8 272.96 1.8 2001000 469.87 533.06 13.4 541.95 1.7 EXISTING (With F.G.A.) MCF Small (Min. $5.00) S 20 @ 1.01 + 1.225 = 2.235 30 @ .95 + 1.225 = 2.175 50 @ .90 + 1.225 = 2.125 Ex.@ .79 + 1.225 = 2.015 Large (Min. $100) 2000 @ .85 + 1.225 = 2.075 Ex. @ .72 + 1.225 = 1.945 EXHIBIT 1-B HUTCHINSON INTERRUPTIBLE GAS RATE PROPOSED -B (0-F.G.A.) Customer Charge $10.00 MCF $ 70-,000 @ 2.75 Ex. @ 2.10 - MINNGAS (6-27-79) Customer Charge $20.00 MCF $ ATT @ 2.2681 % PROPOSED MCF/MONTH EXISTING PROPOSED -B OVER EXISTING MINNGAS % MINNEGASCO OVER PROPOSED -B 100 216.20 235 8.7 246.81 5.0 200 417.70 460 10.1 473.62 3.0 400 820.70 920 12.1 927.24 1.0 600 1,223.70 1,360 11.1 1,380.86 1.5 800 1,626.70 1,810 11.3 1,834.48 1.4 1,000 2,029.70 2,260- 11.3 2,288.10 1.2 2,000 4,044.70 4,510 11.5 4,556.20 1.0 3,000 6,059.70 6,760 11.6 6,824.30 1.0 4,000 8,074.70 9,010 11.6 9,092.40 1.0 5,000 10,089.70 11,260 11.6 11,360.50 1.0 6,000 12,104.70 13,510 11.6 13,628.60 1.0 10,000 19,710.00 22,510. 14.2 22,701.00 1.0 15,000 29,435.00 33,010 12.1 34,041.50 3.1 209,000 39,160.00 43,510 11.1 45,382.00 4.3 25,000 48,885.00 54,010 10.4 56,722.50 5.0 Region *,— COMMUNITY ,_COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY South Highway 71 Plaza P. O. Box 1359 Willmar, MN 56201 Executive Director —BYRON ZUIDEMA Administration and Advocacy Alcohol Counseling Child Care Advisory Council Sponsor Community Food and Nutrition Community Outreach and Referral Daycare Home Sponsor Energy Conservation Headstart/Homebase Housing Loan Assistance Housing Rehab Grants Housing - Rental Assistance Nutrition for the Elderly Retired Senior Volunteer Program Senior Citizen Coordination WIC Program (Women, Infants, Children) July 5, 1979 Gary Plotz Hutchinson City Clerk City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: Tel. 612/235-0850 The Nutrition Program for the Elderly will be appearing before the Hutchinson City Council on Tuesday, July 10, 1979. The purpose of this appearance is to request financial assistance for our program in Hutchinson during our next fiscal year. After agreeing to provide assistance to our program in April, the Hutchinson Site Manager invited all Council members to the meal site to find out more about the program. The reaction shown by the Council was very favorable. One of the council- men suggested that we might want to submit a proposal for financial assistance before the City developed its 1980 budget. Based on this reaction, we are making such a request. I am looking forward to visiting with the City Council to discuss the proposal. I will be prepared to answer questions at that time. Thank you for your consideration. JC:nl Enclosure Sincerely, / Jim Carlson Project Director "An Equal Opportunity Employer" jct NUTRITION PROGRAM FOR THE ELDERLY PROPOSAL FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR -1980 1. Payment for the return trip from the meal site on the Hutchmobile: 230 trips x 16 participants x $0.25 = $920.00 2. One-fourth the cost of utilities at the new Hutchinson Armory (food preparation site) $155.00/month x 12 months x 25% _ $ 465.00 Total Request - $1,385.00 NOTES: 1. Food costs have risen over 20% during the past year while funds have been cut 14%. 2. Additional funds available for the fiscal year 1980 will likely not cover additional projected food cost increases during the next program year. 3. Program serves over 250 participants each year. i DATE June 29, 1979 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Black and City Council FROM: Chief Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT: Replacement of Radio Transmission Lines During the course of our installation of the new radio console, the technicians installing the base station discovered a potential problem. Both the Fire Department and Police Department transmission lines, which lead from the base station up to the top of the water tower and connect to the antennas, are at least 15 years old. These wires have become frayed, water logged and are shorting out and subsequently diminishing our capacity to transmit on our radio fre- quencies. It is the opinion of the radio technicians that these lines could become inoperable at any time and recommend that both the Fire and Police Department lines be replaced. With that in mind I asked them to prepare price quotes, both individually and also if the Police and Fire Department would go together. As you can see we would save approximately $800 should we choose to have both of the lines replaced at this time. I have spoken to Fire Chief Schlueter and also he has been contacted by the Mankato Mobile Radio and Chief Schlueter agrees with me that these lines should be replaced at once. I have attached a copy of the price quotations with this memo and requesting that the Council authorize the replacement of these lines in conjunction with the installation of the new base station. In that this is an unanticipated expenditure and I do not have rooms in my budget for this purchase I would request that payment be made through the contingency fund. DMO:neb I 9-d. /' MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 1113 CROSS STREET • NORTH MMUM, MINNESOTA, 5=1 PHONE Sw7/ne." Q EQUIPMENT------[1aUXCE QUOTE Prepared for: Hutchinson Fire Dept. Hutchinson, MN. Replaced Old TX Line on Water Tower with New 7/8" Foam Line 200' of Tx Line Labor to install new line & remove old line - TOTAL $683.00 480.00 $1163.00 Remarks: Extended Total 1163.00 Sales Tax Total1_ 163.00 Net within 30 days form date of Invoice Prices quoted are good for 60 days. TOTAL---------pet--------- Quotation prepared by: Ramon Steele Accepted by: Date - June 18. 1979 Efate MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 1115 CROSS STREET • NORTH MANKATO, MINNESOTA, 36001 PHONE 307/388-545 EQUIPMENT QUOTE Prepared for: Hutchinson Police Dept. Hutchinson, MN. Replace Old TX Line on Water Tower with -New 7/8" Foam Line. 200' of TX Line $683.00 Labor to install new line & remove old line 480.00 TOTAL $1163.00 Remarks: Extended Total_ 1163.00 Sales Tax N/A Total 1163.00 Net within 30 days of Invoice Prices quoted are good for 6n_days. TOTAL ---------------------- Quotation prepared by: Ramon Steele Accepted by: Date June 18, 1979 Date MANKATO MOBILE RADIO 1115 CROSS STREET • NORTH MANKATO, MINNESOTA, 06001 PHONE 507/38l4M EQUIPMENT QUOTE Prepared for: Hutchinson Police Deptl Hutchinson Fire Dppt. Hutchinson, MN. Replaced Old TX Line on Water Tower with New 7/8" Foam Line 200' of TX Line 683.00 Per 200' $1366.00 Labor to install new line & remove old line 400.00 Per 200' 800.00. TOTAL 2166.00 Remarks: To install and remove for both Extended Total 2166.00 Dept.s at the same time. Sales Tax Total zlbbluu Net within 30 days from date of Invoice Prices quoted are good for 60 days. TOTAL------------per---------- Quotation prepared by: Ramon Steele Accepted by: Date June 18, 1979 Date RETAIL "ON SALE" 6tate of ftlinneg;ota, COUN2,y OF...... McLeod _ Citi_ OF__ Hutchinson To the......... City Council ..........................of the.........,. Ui X ...................... of .... Hutchinson............... ............................................................................................State of Minnesota: Little Crow Archery Club hereby appl..ig&for a license for the term of...._. two davs f„c,n, .14th ._ _ _ .... say of_ .w ..�11,Y _._ . _......_..._..y 1879 _.., to Bell At Retail Only, Non-Intoideating Malt Liquors, as the same are defined by law, for consumption "OX" those oertain premises in City f' Hutchinson ' described as follows, to -wit:_-_. —. _. State Tournament at the West River Park at which plana said appltoant__..oparnte._...the business -..-.- and to that and represent... and state --.as follows: That said applicant ... _.._...........�.a .... _ _.._.....__._.. oitiun.........of the United States; of food moral eharwter and repute; and ha.s.._--attained the age of 81 years; that...._ said ....... __ .... . _.prapriator ..of the establishment for whteh the license will be issued if this application is ffranted. That no manufacturer of such non-intoxioatinf malt liquors has any ownwvW, in whole or in p&74, in said business of said appUeant......or any interest therein, w 1 That said applloant...... make......thie application pursuant and subject to all the latos of the Stats of dfianmota and the ordtnanees and rspaatums of said. .._.. Cit applicable thereto, which are hereby made a part heraof, and hereby ap+ea......to obsa w and obey tans same; (Her AM* otherrquirea.at+. it.as. of local recsladws) I JAI")-7� r, Eampplicant further states that he is not now the holder of, nor has lis mads app ' for, nor a(L does he intend to make applioatian for a Federal l4&U Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of inioxioatin� liquor. Da" ie X r / _ dpplioant...... P. 0. dddress .... r City of Hutchinson (Teply Equipment Inc.) CONDITIONAL SALE CONTRACT (MINN.) Purchaser (being all of the undersigned jointly and severally) hereby purchases and acknowledges delivery, examination and acceptance of the following described property (said "property") in its present condition, and agrees to pay therefor the Deferred Payment Price shown below on the terms and .conditions appearing below and on the reverts side hereof: New or DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT Model Serial Number CASH PRICE Used MnT— John Deere CP Tractor 950 6889 585000 New John Deere Mower 72 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS TRADED IN: Purchaser agrees to pay the Total of Payrnents (item 7) at the office of Security State Bank of Glencoe, Glencoe, Minnesota, in tW equal consecutive t stallments of S 2270.00 each and one final installment of S all payable on the same day of each month commencing JnJi 3y 101980 , or as follows: Said property will be kept or installed at (on) City Sued (Cfty)HutChinaOn (County) McLeod (State) Minnesota Purchaser and Seller each warrants to the other and to each Assignee hereof that Purchaser is purchasing and Seller is selling said property on a time price basis and not on a cash price basis. Seller retains a security interest in said property to secure payment and performance of Purchaser's obligations hereunder. Insurance against loss or damage to said property is required and insurance which is satisfactory to the Seller may be obtained by the Purchaser through any person of his choke. Neither credit life insurance nor credit life and disability insurance is required as additional security for Purchaser's obligations on this contract, but if such insurance is desired by the Purchaser, it may be obtained for the term of this contract through the Seller H the Purchaser meets the qualifications for such insurance which are imposed by the insurer at a cost of S for credit life insurance and at a cost of S for credit life and disability insurance, provided Purchaser indicates his desire for such coverage by signing the Appropriate blank immediately below: Seller 1. Cash Price (including sales tax) $5850-00 2. Lou: Cash Downpayment S 22 O 00 Trade-in S Total Downpay hent s2250.00 3. Unpaid Balance of ��M M Cash Prim (1-2) $ �L 4. Other Charges Included: Premium for credit life insurance $____ Premium for credit life and disability Insurance S Filing Fees 5.00 Total Other Charges i 3.00 5. Unpaid Balarm Amount Financed 43+4) 6. FINANCE CHARGE (Tine (Prim Differential) 7. Total of Payments 15+6) B. Deferred Payment ..e e Prim 11+4+6) $T� 9: `-AJAL PERCENTAGE RATE sem' I desire credit life 'insurance I desire credit life and disability Insurance Date Signature Signature Data The unpaid balance of this contract may be prepaid in full at any time and is partial refund of the FINANCE CHARGE will be made be" on the RUN of 78's, after deduction of the acquisition cost of $15. No refund Isss than 51 will be made. Executed In quadruplicate this day of , 19_ receipt of one executed copy of which le hereby acknowledged by Purchaser. Seller by signing below executes this contract and assigns the same to Security State Bank of Glencoe, Glencoe, Minnesota, according to the terms of the assignment on the reverse side hereof. By (Official Title) Address 61940111 Purch Add ASSIGNMENT hr eels. r.eNeed. the v.dwftmed Seller hereby sells. eriem a -d tm-Wers this wettest, ria WOWIp tbnie d—Ibed and all .f the rights .f the Seller, t• Security State Bank of Glencoe, Glencoe, Minnesota, Asarwe. This esugn-am is -lode wb(set t. el Seller% t"^err.-n.' to Aw-'e Pri""d e- "" ►.h h.r.el. (it) the particvlor Seller's liability Cloves prifdw on the bock $woal W%A Is dse:g-dad its-.dietely above S.a.r s sie-etwe to this AssiE-wem. e -d (cep a" --derM-e ovin.n ceMrso bear.en Seller and Assignw. WITHOUT RECOURSE – CLAUSE NO. 1 It to WITH RECOURSE – CLAUSE NO. I (SEALI (SEAQ SELLER (f IRM trAMEi _ SELLER (FIRM NAMEi or ar 1.00Title Sp-olwr S.A.e1we NB3401—Oswald Publishing Co., New Ulm, MN, P.O. Box 817 STATE OF MINNESOTA UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE STANDARD FORM UCC -1 s+aazs-• FINANCING STATEMENT _ _ _ _ _ _(Read Instructions_On Back) This STATEMENT is presented to a filing officer for filing pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code. For Filing Debtor(s) (Last Name First) and address(es) Secured Party6es) and address(es) Officer City of Hutchinson Tep3y Equipc+ent Inc. Hwy 212 East Hutchinson, MN 55350 Glencoe, NN 55336 ° I 1. This financing statement covers the following types (or items) of property: i 1 1 - New John Deere 950 Tractor #6889 1 - New John Deere 72" Mover # ( ' 2. ❑ Products of Collateral are also covered. Additional sheets presented. r Debtor is a transmitting utility as defined in Minn. Stat 336.9-105 For Filing with the Secretary of State of Minnesota f For Filing with the County Recorder Assignee(s) of Secured Party SECURITY STATE BANK OF GLENCOE Glencoe, Minnesota 85336 3 The described crops are growing or to be grown on: • 4. ❑ This statement covers timber to be i minerals or the like, accounts sublet Minn. Stat 336.9-103. Subd 5 or this fixture filing: • • If checked, see item 4 on reverse side. By: Signature of Debtor (Required in Most Cases) By: Signature of Secured Party ONLY in Cases Covered By Minn. Stat. 336.9-402(2) (1) Filing Officer Copy — Alphabetical LSTANDARD FORM—UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE—FORM UCC -1 -REV. 6-76 This form of financing statement ,s approved by the Secretary of State effective January 1. 1977. RESOLUTION NO. 6365 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR CLOVERDALE WHEREAS, Howard Christensen of Route 1, Hutchinson, Minnesota, owner and sub- divider of the land proposed to be platted as Cloverdale has submitted his applica- tion for approval of preliminary plat of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regu- lations and requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described lands in McLeod County, Minnesota, to -wit: That part of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Sec. 33, T 117, R 29, McLeod County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the center line of State Highway No. 7 and lying northerly of the northerly right of way line of the former Minnesota Western Railroad Company, except the west 200.00 feet thereof. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said plat of Cloverdale is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder for their use as required by M.S.A. 462.358 (3). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such execution of the certification upon said plat by Mayor and City Clerk, as required, shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality. Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of July, 1979. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. MHz City Clerk " (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 1979 T0: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL -------------------------------- FROM: —PERSONNEL COORDINATOR SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF MERIT REVIEW REQUESTS OF DEPARTMENT HEADS . -------------------------------- Several department heads have completed mid -year merit reviews for their employees, as provided for in the city pay plan. A summary of their requests for merit increases for employees follows. Such increases would become effective July 8. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Present Rate Requested Assigned Range to II -10 Marilyn Swanson, Adm. Secy. III -4 III -5 III -1 to III -6 Lillian Michaels, Billing III -3 III -4 III -1 to III -6 Mary Rose, Receptionist I-2 I-3 I-1 to I-6 (Joleen Runke, Payroll, will return from leave of absence shortly and her performance review will take place later this summer.) RECREATION DEPARTMENT Present Rate Requested Memorandum Attached Penny Johnson, Secretary II -1 Steve Jensen, Program Coord. III -1 LIQUOR STORE Memorandum Attached Present Rate Charles Nelson, Asst. Mgr. IV -4 Don Vorbeck, Clerk II -8 Bill Schiebel, Clerk II -7 Joyce Nelson, Part Time Clerk $3.50/hr CIVIC ARENA Memoradum Attached Mark Weis, Supervisor IV -2 Personnel Coordinator II -3 III -3 Requested Assigned Range II -1 to II -6 III -1 to III -6 Assigned Range IV -5 IV -3 to IV -8 II -9 II -5 to II -10 II -8 II -5 to II -10 $3.70 Part Time Range IV -3 Salaried, Gr. IV. (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCh:IFrlSOI'J 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M t M O k A N D U M DATE: _July 2, 1979________ TO: Hazel Sitz, Personel Coordinator FROM: Bruce Ericson, Recreation Director SUBJECT: Recommendation for Merit Adjustments I have reviewed the performance of the employees in the Recreation Department and made my'evaluations. The evaluations have been discussed with the employees and my recommendations for merit increases follow. These recommendations are made with the consideration of the changes that have occured in the department in the past year and reflect the adjustments necessary to maintain uniformity within the current City Pay Plan. Steve Jensen - two step increase from III -1 to III -3 Penny Johnson - two step increase from II -1 to II -3 1-1 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — July_ 5. 1979 TO: —Hutchinson City Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: —Ralph Neumann -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — SUBJECT: —Recommendation for Merit Adjustments — — — _ _ _ — _ -, — _ — — I have reviewed the performances of the employees in the Civic Arena and Liquor Store for the past year and have discussed their performance record with each employee. I recommend 'the following merit increases, based on the City Pay Plan and on the established pay range for each position. /ms Liquor Store Present Rate Requested Charles Nelson, Asst. Mgr. IV -4 IV -5 Don Vorbeck, Clerk II -8 II -9 Bill Schiebel, Clerk II -7 II -8 Joyce Nelson, Part -Time Clerk $3.50/Hr. $3.70/Hr. Mark Weis, Supervisor IV -2 IV -3 612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHL"49i"J V 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 -MEMORANDUM DATE: _ _ _ July 101979 _ _ _ _ _ TO: __Mayor and City Council___________________ FROM: _ _ Ken Merrill, City Accountant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUBJECT: Shade Tree Disease Program _ _ — — _ _ _ _ _ — ----------------- — — — — — The State Legislature appropriated $14 million for calendar year 1979 for Dutch Elm and other disease tree program. The City has received the grant application form to get into the program for this year. I would request the Mayor and Assistant City Clerk be authorized to sign the 1979 grant application. / (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTO 1: `,f""n ') I 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DAZE: July l0,1979______ TO: Magor and Cid Council___________________ FROM: _ _ Ken Merrill, CitV y Accountant_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUBJECT: -- Bonds of -1979 ------------------------------ The funds from the bonds of 1979 will not be available until possibly the end of next week. I would request the Council authorize a temporary advance from the General Fund to pay for the June estimates on work begun on the 1979 projects. The money will be repaid to the General Fund when the 1979 bond fund is received. 9-y RESOLUTION NO. 6366 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL 74 PROJECT 78-03 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the improvement of: Southeasterly Drainage District Outlet by the construction of storm sewer and appurtenances; and the contract price for such improvement is $140,173.26 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said improvement amount to $42,051.99 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $182,225.25 ; and of this cost the City will pay $ 136,320.89 as its share of the cost; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The cost of such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $ 45,904.36 2. The City Clerk with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk r RESOLUTION NO. 6371 FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 78-03 ASSESSMENT ROLL 74 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on July 10th, 1979, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment on the cost of improving: Southeasterly Drainage District Outlet by the construction of storm sewer and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of August, 1979, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and lie shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. City Clerk N Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 6367 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL 75 PROJECT 78-03 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the improvement of: School Road and T. H. 7 West Drainage System Loren's Third Addition Drainage System Shady Ridge Road Area Drainage System by the construction of storm sewer and appurtenances; and the contract price for such improvement is $286,496.61 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said improvement amount to $85,948.99 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $372,445.60 and of this cost the City will pay $ 246,790.48 as its share of the cost; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The cost of such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $125,655.12 2. The City Clerk with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6372 FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 78-03 ASSESSMENT ROLL 75 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on July 10th, 1979, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment on the cost of improving: School Road and T.H. 7 West Drainage System Loren's Third Addition Drainage System Shady Ridge Road Area Drainage System by the construction of storm sewer and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of August, 1979, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all_ persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6368 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL 76 PROJECT 78-01 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the improvement of: STREET FROM School Road Roberts Road T.H. #7 by the construction of curb, gutter, bituminous surfacing and sidewalk; and the contract price for such improvement is $ 240,340.36 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said improvement amount to $72,102.12 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $312,442.48 and of this cost the City will pay $ 234,760.88 as its share of the cost; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The cost of such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $ 77,681.60 2. The City Clerk with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel,of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6373 FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 78-01 ASSESSMENT ROLL 76 WHEREAS, by -a resolution passed by the Council on July 10th, 1979, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment on the cost of improving: STREET FROM TO School Road Roberts Road T.H. # 7 by the construction of curb, gutter, bituminous surfacing and sidewalk; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA:' 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of August, 1979, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity - to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6369 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL 77 PROJECT 78-02 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the improvement of: AREA: Rolling Oaks. -Service Drive Laura Avenue & Craig Avenue School Road from McDonald Drive to Robert's Road by the construction of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and sidewalk; and the contract price for such improvement is $183,709.41 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said improvement amount to $55,112.83 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $238,822.24 and of this cost the City will pay $ 158,131.94 as its share of the cost; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The cost of such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $ 80,690.30 2. The City Clerk with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district -affected, without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6374 FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 78-02 ASSESSMENT ROLL 77 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on July 10, 1979, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment on the cost of improving: AREA: Rolling Oaks Service Drive Laura Avenue & Craig Avenue School Road from McDonald Drive to Robert's Road by the construction of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and sidewalk; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of August, 1979, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all. persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 63?0 DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL 78 PROJECT 78-04 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the improvement of: T.H. East from L & P to East City Limits Extension in Loren's Third Addition by the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain and appurtenances; and the contract price for such improvement is $105,751.08 and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of said improvement amount to $31,725.33 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $137,476.41 and of this cost the City will pay $ 66,500.97 as its share of the cost; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The cost of such improvement to be specially assessed is hereby declared to be $ 70,975.44 2. The City Clerk with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation as provided by law, and he shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 3. The Clerk shall upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the Council thereof. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 6375 FOR HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT PROJECT 78-04 ASSESSMENT ROLL 78 WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the Council on July 10th, 1979, the City Clerk was directed to prepare a proposed assessment on the cost of improving: T.H. East from L & P to East City Limits Extension in Loren's Third Addition by the construction of sanitary sewer, watermairi and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, the Clerk has notified the Council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: " 1. A hearing shall be held on the 14th day of August, 1979, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be publishbd once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall state in the notice the total cost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll. Adopted by the Council this 10th day of July, 1979. Mayor City Clerk /T Y OFPV 37 1,VASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUFCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — July 10, 1979 TO: Mayor and City Council ----------------------------- FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant -------------------------------- SUBjECT: D.N.R. Shade Tree Disease Agreement ------------------------- The City of Hutchinson has again received funding from the D.N.R. for disease tree control. The program first begun last year will give us a $174,159 for this year. Most of the money will be used for tree re- moval cost (see attached budget). Any money not used will be returned to the D.N.R. I would, therefore, request the City Council to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement to this program for 1979. It should be noted the D.N.R. program is separate from the Department of Agriculture program, which we are also applying. rim EXHIBIT A HUTCHINSON - 1979 BUDGET Personal Services $ 14,175.00 --three seasonal, full-time tree inspectors $4.50/hour, 40 hours/week for twenty-one weeks x 3 = $11,340.00 --fringe benefits for above positions = $2,835.00 Mileage $ 1,400.00 --travel allowance for the three full-time tree inspectors for twenty-one weeks Disease Management Practices $157,834.00 --to assist in the removal of an estimated 1,750 trees and stumps; to therapeutically prune those elm trees specifically designated by program personnel; $1.47,534.00 --trimming of dead wood from elm trees = $3,000.00 --use of systemic fungicides 50 trees at $60-00 each = $3,000.00 --installation of root graft barriers = $4,300.00 Miscellaneous Small Equipment and Supplies $ 500.00 Office Expenses $ 250.00 Total Federal Contribution $174,159.00 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING July 10, 1979 WATER & SEWER FUND U.S.Postmaster postage for meter 600.00 State Treasurer PERA $ 204.17 Blue Cross/Shield medical insurance 300.74 Central District Services gasoline 307.60 Commissioner of Revenue sales tax for June 924.59 Crown Life Insurance Co. dental insurance 93.56 Farm & Home Dist. Co. supplies 9.82 Floor Care Supply Co. supplies 142.50 Hutchinson Utilities gas & eleutric & computer charges 7656.71 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply supplies 18.70 Johnson Motor Co. Inc. repairs 11.06 Junker Sanitation refuse charges 11,361.28 Krasen Hdwre Hank supplies 19.20 Leef Bros. uniform rental 67.80 Madsen Insurance Agency compensation insurance 3407.00 Mn. Valley Testing Lab. water & sewer testing 134.00 Main Motor Sales Inc. repairs 19.25 S.A. Nies supplies 13.40 Oxford Chemicals chemicals 272.85 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 17.20 Rutz Plbg. & Htg. supplies 12.30 Schmeling Oil Co. grease 16.80 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 1.50 St. Paul Life Ins. Co. life insurance 33.30 Ziegler Inc. batteries 1361.45 Water Products Inc. meter 447.88 Glencoe Motors repairs .81 Envirex Inc. repairs 2339.60 Anderson Crane Rubber Co. parts 357.55- Mn.Pollution Control Agency registration fees 1200 . ._-_._ 30,164.62 RENERAL FUND Steve Schramm state fire convention -fire $ 181.12 Ed Ondrachek mileage 16.00 Mark Larson % safety shoes 10.00 Orlin Henke state fire convention- 265.12 Gary Hotovec state fire convention 181.12 Roger Bluhm state fire convention 144.00 Charles Jones used spotlite 15.00 James Haasl safety council meeting 3.50 Marie Thurn dispatch school 28.96 Steve Lueneburg % safety shoes 10.00 Eric Natwick % safety shoes 20.00 Poueher Printing printing bonds-eng. 348.00 Hamele & Associates Inc. repair parts -park 85.14 Mid -Central Fire & Safety repairs -fire 129.50 Honda of Hutchinson repairs -park 8.70 Chamber of Commerce governors luncheon-adm.asst. Hutchinson Schwinn Cyclery baskets & generator etc. -elm 109.88 Mn. Municipal Board annexation fees -planning 12.65 Mikes Pro Shop trophies -recreation 221.00 Sargent -Sowell Inc. police panel -police 12.88 Mrs. John Zumach softball refund 7.00 Alice Kemper softball refund $ 7.00 Bernard McRaith softball refund 7.00 Fred Haffley softball refund 7.00 Barbara Holtz swimming refund 7.00 Mary Watnemo swimming refund 7.00 Sherry Knudsen swimming refund 7.00 Lois Grams swimming refund 7.00 Mrs. David Elder swimming refund 7.00 David Wetterling golf refund 7.00 Gary Esping Twins game refund 3.75 Les Linder bus fares 125.20 John Wilkens entry fees 15.00 Albinson supplies -eng. 28.98 Allen Office Products supplies 6.20 Am. Linen Supply Co. laundry service 45.89 Anderson Interiors cleaning supplies -arena 66.32 Atkinson Blacktop Service street materials -street 1038.96 Allen Precision Equipment Inc. paint & supplies-eng. 348.60 D.J. Black league convention 31.50 Brinkman Studios supplies-police-rec. 401.72 Browns Greenhouse bone meal 3.98 Blue Cross/Shield medical insurance 3924.53 Hutch AutoP arts supplies 8.00 Bryan Rock Products lime -park 1313.63 Crow Chemical supplies 55.00 Central Hist. Services gasoline 3489.36 Coast to Coast supplies 36.25 Coca Cola Bottling supplies -arena 125.22 Do. Treasurer drivers license fees 73.00 Crown Life Ins. Co. dental insurance 1238.62 Culligan Water Cond. rock salt & monthly service 30.11 Chas Olson & Sons. repairs -street 8.27 Rexall Drug Store supplies 187.02 Farm & Home supplies 141.55 Felskas Auto Machine repairs -park 291.05 Floor Care Supply Co. supplies 102.60 GTC Auto Parts supplies -street 11.14 Gambles air conditioners -street -park -arena 287.01 Guardian Pest Control pest control 28.50 HAVTI work study student 23.35 Hager Jewelry chain for medallion & brass plate 22.40 Henkes Cafe prisoners board -police 34.50 Home Bakery Inc. meeting expenses 1.18 Hutch Community Hospital blood alcohol tests -police 24.00 Hutchinson Leader public notice -park 14.03 Hutchinson Utilities electric 3753.46 Hutchinson Vet Clinic boarding animals -police 63.00 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply supplies 191.60 School Dist. 423 lifeguard -recreation 52.50 Ink Spotes Inc. printing-police,street 89.80 Intl Harvester Co. repairs -street 33.18 Jahnkes Red Owl supplies -arena 83.43 Jerrys Tire Co. repairs-eng. 93.34 Junker Sanitation refuse charges 18.00 Krasen Hdwre Hank supplies -elm 5.22 Kjos Our Own Hardware coffee maker 33.89 L & P Supply Co. repairs -park 16.20 Lamberts Hiway Service car washings -police 57.50 Leef Bros. uniform rental 258.60 t -3- Lloyd Schuleter state fire convention $ 297.01 L.N. Sickels Co. crackfiller-street 300.60 MPRA state entr.V fees-cec. 80.00 Madsen Insurance Agency insurance 104,709.00 Mankato Mobile Radio radio repairs -police 567.78 McLeod Coop Power Assn. electricity -airport 77.51 Russ Johnson Co. equipment repairs -street 113.40 Mpls Star 26 wks subscription -police 20.80 Mason Publishing Co. 1979 supplements -police 19.80 Ralph Neuman intown mileage 35.00 S,.A.Nies fire extinguishers -police 27.00 Northland Beverage Inc. supplies -arena 56.00 Homer Pittman safety shoes 20.00 Plaza OK Hardware supplies -park 773.95 Gary Plota mileage 161.98 Popps Electrical equipment repairs 401.04 Marlow Priebe League Convention 208.50 The Patco Company grader blades -street 822.45 Radio Shack repairs-eng. 4.88 Quades generator checks -repairs -arena 1411.67 Rannow Electric equipment repairs 87.40 Rite Way Auto Wash car wash -police 2.00 Rockite Silo Inc. rock -street 21.80 Schmeling Oil Co. grease & fuel oil -street 714.50 Schramm Implement Inc. supplies -park 77.75 Simonson Lbr. supplies-street-partk 187.51 Standard Printing signs -street 355.30 State Treasurer bldg. permit surcharge 512.85 St. Paul Life Ins life insurance 396.00 Texgas Corporation supplies -street 192.62 Trails End Inc. repairs -police 108.55 Tegly Equipment Inc. tractor & mower -park 2253.45 Velvet Coach Inc. meeting -police 3.07 Xerox Corp: contract payment 146.56 Ziemans meeting expenses 13.22 Zahl Equipment Co. repairs -airport 283.97 Wally'sTire repairs -street -park 68.00 Wigen Chev. Co. repairs -park 144.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service State Treasurer PERA 2666.99 Logis computer charges 1475.46 City of Hutchinson conditional use permit 25.00 Anderson River Valley Tree elm tree removal 1054.59 Mn. Document Section 6 bldg. code books 45.00 Commissioner of Revenue arena sales taxes 16.61 U.S. Postmaster meter postage 1220.00 142,389.28 rV -4- OFF STREET PARKING Krasen Hdwe Hank supplies $ 5.48 Charles Bell servicing meters 132.00 BOND FUNDS - Bonds of 1973 liquor & wine $1733.08 Twin City Wine Co. 1st National Bank of Mpls. principal,interest,fee $80,716.83 Bonds of 1975 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor & wine 1355.21 1st National Bank of Mpls. principal,interest,fee 85,682.80 Debt Service 11,580.05 Friendly Beverage Co. beer 1st National Bank of St. Paul interest & fee 19,638.98 Bonds of 1978 beer & mix 16,337.35 Coca Cola Bottling 1st National Bank of Mpls. interest & fee 31,197.55 J/W.Hanson Construction sidewalk construction 78-05 6,549.21 Juul Contracting Co. Quades project 78-03 17,357.34 Bonds of 1979 dues 25.00 Junker Sanitation Juul Contracting Co. 47.90 Proj.79-01 & 07 30,068.33 Juul Contracting Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Project 79-02 & 08 10,193.99 Atkinson Blacktop Inc. Proj. 79-03-04-05-06 19,196.64 Liquor Store Fund Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor & wine $1733.08 Twin City Wine Co. liquor & wine 677.44 Old Peoria Co. liquor 1183.00 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor & wine 1355.21 Triple G beer 6975.90 Locher Bros. beer 11,580.05 Friendly Beverage Co. beer 1620.85 A.J. Ogle Co. beer 282.45 Lenneman Beverage beer & mix 16,337.35 Coca Cola Bottling mix 170.20 Judson Valley Enterprise ice 258.20 Floor Care Supply Co. supplies 42.35 Quades repairs 17.87 Mn. Mun.Liquor Store Assn. dues 25.00 Junker Sanitation refuse charges 47.90 Nationwide Papas supplies 139.68 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone service 30.66 Twin City Wine Co. gine 698.84 American Linen Supply Co. laundry service 12.00 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor & wine 2520.38 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor & wine 3810.89 Old Peoria Co. liquor & wine 1166.68 Northland Beverages mix 149.50 Wally Teich holding deposit 5000.00 53,565.48 Mr. Alfred A. Albert 1612 Pioneer Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Albert: 800 Multifoods Building 733 Marquette Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612/371-6111 Q ' ) Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood RICORrOMTED Established 1895 Member New York Stock Exchange, Inc. June 11, 1979 FOR YOUR (NFORMgt( ON I have had an opportunity to review the proposed motel undertaking that you are pursuing in the city of Hutchinson, Minnesota. Our preliminary evaluation established that the project is a feasible one and Piper, Jaffray & Hopwood would be pleased to represent the owners in initiating the process for the issuance of industrial revenue bonds under Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes. Sincerely, PIPER, AFFRAY—& HOPWOOD INCO RATED fly _ Stan owl , ice President Public Finance ice SRC/sr �� /C "z CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY LIBRAP,Y BOARD M11UMS June 11, 1979 i FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Crow River Regional Library Board met at the Willmar Library on Monday, June 11, 1979. Present: Mr. Ralph Bergstrom, Hutchinson Representing Hutchinson Mr. Wayne.Hebrink, Renville Kandiyohi County Fir. Orlynn Mankell, New London Kandiyohi County Mr. Leif Fostervold, Spicer Kandiyohi County Miss Aleda Swanson, Dassel " Meeker County Mrs. Karen Osterberg, *Watkins Meeker County Mr. LeRoy Sanders, Willmar Willmar Mrs. Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg Kandiyohi County Mrs. Joan Reckdahl, Grove City Meeker'County Mr. Wayne Brix, Litchfield Litchfield Mrs. Marcia Kleberg, Willmar " Willmar Mr. Howard Hoese, Glencoe " Glencoe Mr. Ron Pool, Bird Island Bird Island Mr. Earl Mathews, Glencoe " McLeod County Burton Sundberg, Director and Kathy Matson, Asst. Dir. Absent: Mrs. Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar* Representing Willmar Mrs. Kathy McGraw, Hutchinson* Hutchinson Rev. Duane Grage, Litchfield Litchfield Mrs. Maria Nathe, Winsted " McLeod County Mrs. Rosella Lipke, Stewart (resigned) McLeod County *Excused absence Miss Swanson moved, second by Mr. Mankell, for approval of the April and May minutes. Motion passed. Mr. Sanders moved, second by Mr. Brix, for approval of the April and May treasurer's report. Motion passed. Mr. Sundberg presented the statistical report showing an increase in circulation during May. He also reported on the grand opening.of the new library building in Litchfield. A gift from Johnson Brothers Construction was given to the Litchfield Library Board to furnish the meting room. Leif Fostervold moved that we approve the payment of bills presented. Second by -14r. Brix. Motion passed. Mr. Sundberg reported that the agreement with the City of Renville for a branch library there had been approved by all governmental units except Litchfield. (Now also approved by Litchfield on June 15.) A representative, Jim Jones, has been appointed to serve on the library board from Renville when the agreement becomes effective (October 1, 1979, or January 1, 1980). Mrs. Matson reported on the MLA Conference in Moorhead. There were good sessions on public relations, literacy, children's programming, bookmobiles, and the liability of trustees. It was suggested that notice of our board meetings be posted. Mr. Sanders suggested that the minutes of each board meting be sent to each library branch to be posted. Mr. Sundberg reported that the legislature approved the proposed increased funding for regional libraries and the funding of multi -county, multi -type libraries. Our aid in- crease will be about 12%. In reality, due to our current "grandfathering," our increase will probably not be more than 8%. Mrs. Matson reported on a meeting regarding multi - 'county, multi -type libraries held in Montevideo at which time area librarians discussed possible ways and means of multi -type cooperation. The results of the questionnaire sent to employees regarding employer -paid life insurance were reported. The insurance committee will study this and make a recommendation to the board. The budget committee will meet June 18, 1979, at 7:30 at the Grove City Library. In regard to the question of changing the time of the meeting, there was no sentiment for change. The application for state aid was presented. Mr. Sanders moved that we authorize the signature of the chairman and the director on this form. Second by Mr. Hoese. Motion passed. The July meeting will be held at the Meeker County Courthouse. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Joan Reckdahl, Secretary'Pro Tem FOR YOUR INFORMATION Be it resolved that the Downtown Retail Association not oppose the action of the City Council to issue industrial revenue bonds for the construction of the Hutchinson mall south of town. However, be it further resolved that the Downtown Retail Association expects that the City Council support the development of the downtown retail busi- ness environment and show this support with action. The Downtown Retail Association recommends the following: The Hutchinson City Council -- 1. a. Take action immediately to purchase the property that will provide off street parking, directly behind retail establishments, on both sides of Main Street. b. Begin immediately to excavate and install the tarred parking facilities landscaped with trees, planters, etc., implementing the council adopted formula for off street parking. 2. Implement increment taxation or other means to develop unusable empty facilities on Main Street to make it possible for owners to provide a first class retail facility. 3. Adopt a downtown theme/decor and a. Implement that theme in the park and the off street parking with atractive visual settings. b. With grant and/or city money, develop an incentive plan for present store owners to upgrade the outside (front or back) of their stores, paralleling the remodeling with the city adopted theme. ✓ f (Je�LVsJjv<%J �ETAtc ir1 dCs�07c ��� FOR YOUR INFORMATION RECREATION DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT, MAY 1979 The summer activities begin next Monday, June 11th and registration has been very good in swimming and baseball. We will have 14 T -Ball teams, 6 Peanut I and 6 Peanut II. The majority of the swimming classes are filled through the first three sessions giving ua a total of 566 registrations to this point. Registration in youth softball and soccer have been slow especially at the older ages as have been registrations for the Special Events. Overall, I feel the people were pleased with the new registration system, However, some commented they were not aware that they could register at any time. This should correct itself as everyone becomes acquainted with the proceedure. City Administrator, Gary Plotz, and myself attended a workshop in Alexandria regarding Park Grants and are currently working on the completion of the preliminary application. Other developments at McDonald's Park involve the proposed exersize trail. The Jaycees have decided to make the exercize trail a community project for their organization and the J.C. Penney Co. has agreed to provide the sign kit at no cost. We are still searching for more sponsors for the summer although many have come in this past week. All of our summer equipment (uniforms, T-shirts, misc. equipment) have been ordered and should be in later this week. Field maintenance has become a daily routine since we now have 96 softball teams participating on the three fields, also, up -until last week we were preparing the fields for the High School baseball and softball teams since they played at Tartan and Riverside Parks. The Finance Director, Ken Merrill, has asked me to remind the Board that Budget time is getting near and we should start collecting our thoughts for next year's improvements. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Ericson FOR YOUR INFORMATION RECREATION DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT, JUNE 1979 We are now approximately at the half way point of the summer program and"911 programs seem to be running well. We have purchased a used pick-up truck, (1971 Chevrolet), Konica 35mm camera, and an additional dry -line marker. These items were requested and approved at the last Park and Recreation Board meeting and Council meeting. We are in the process of taking the necessary photos for the preparation of the awards for the youth programs. This system will provide everyone with an award at the conclusion of the season. Preparation is also being made for the following softball tournaments: Women's Slow Pitch - July 14, 15 District Men's B Fast Pitch - August 11, 12 State Men's B Fast Pitch - Autust 18, 19 Men's Slow Pitch - August 25, 26 The preliminary application..to obtain a grant for McDonalds Park has been submitted to the State Planning Agency. If this should be approved a final application will be due in December. If that is approved the funding would be availiable in 1980. The exact amount would depend on the priority -out application is given. There has also been a group of citizens who have presented a petition to the City Council requesting the construction of an outdoor pool in Hutchinson. We are -now gathering information on the costs involved is staffing and main- taining a pool of this type. This issue is scheduled to be considered at a July Council Meeting. We have kept a close watch on the finances for each program. This will be extremely valuable when drawing up the budget for 1980. The budget process is beginning soon so all budget needs and requests should be looked at some time in the next month. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Ericson TOTAL REVENUE AS OF MAY 31, 1979 $19,795.57 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AS OF MAY 31, 1979 $26,138.93 PROGRAM SUMMARYS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE JUNE YEAR TO DATE REVENUE -EXPENDITURES PROGRAM REVENUE -EXPENDITURES $ 253.00 $ 349.46 T -Ball $1391.00 $ 349.46 140.00 113.61 Peanut I Baseball 838.00 113.61 196.00 113.12 Peanut II Baseball 560.00 113.12 300.00 138.00 Babe Ruth Baseball 348.00 234.00 Open Basketball (Winter) 71.92 7.50 7.87 Open Basketball (Summer)• 7.50 7.87 3rd & 4th Grade Basketball 65.00 5th & 6th Grade Basketball 65.00 90.00 67.88' 3 On 3 Basketball 165.00 82.8,E Men's Broomball 2369.00 2331.06 Co-Rec Floor Hockey 120.00 15.29 3rd & 4th Grade Flag Football 100.00 5th & 6th Grade Tackle Football 200.00 Open Gym and Swim (Winter) 584.25 328.8E 91.00 88.45 Mini Soccer 478.00 88.45 56.00 60.90 Kicks I & Kicks II 259.00 60.90 28.00 Junior Soccer 28.00 28.00 70.00 142:10 Pee Wee & Bantam Softball 403.00 210.00 21.00 7.00 Traveling Midgets Youth Softball 35.00 7.00 112.00 345.60 Junior Fastpitch Softball 994.00 515.35 98.00 120.00 Girl's Fastpitch Softball 98.00 120.00 251.85 Men's Slo-Pitch Softball Class "B" 870.00 516.70 333.80 Men's Slo-Pitch Softball Class "C" 1625:00 912.50 292.10 Men's Church Slo-Pitch Softball 1155.00 671.80 Men's Invitational Tournament 30.00 284.60 Men's Modified Softball 580.00 367.60 275.60 Men's Fastpitch Softball 1575.00 823.25 334.25 Women's Slo-Pitch Softball 1000.00 532.05 70.00 30.30 Women's Church Softball 560.00 208.15 Women's Invitational Tournament 30.00 Co-Rec Softball 135.00 135.00 6.30 Crow River Fastpitch 58.50 6.30 39.00 6.30 Diamond Queens Softball 39.00 6.30 40.00 Water Carnival Tournament 40:00 1414.00 1132.10 Swimming Lessons 5145.00 1132.10 446.91 288.10 Open Swim 446.91 288.10 168.00 7.00 Youth Tennis 278.00 7.00 87.00 443.36 Track 87.00 443.36 Golf Lessons 119.00 151.00 47.00 Youth Special Events 217.50 47.00 25.00 Donations 45.00 June 6, 1979 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The library board met on June 6, 1979, with the following members present: Ralph Bergstrom, Albert Linde, Sally Cone, John Horrocks, Kathy McGraw. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Motion was made by Kathy McGraw that the appointment of Paul Acklund be approved by the board to fill vacancy of Earl Schmitz, seconded by John Horrocks. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Secretary Marlow Priebe Engineer City of Hutchinson June 29, 1979 The following policies were adopted at a meeting held Wednesday a.m. with personnel of the Hutchinson Telephone Company and the Hutchinson Utilities: 1. All new sub-divisions.will be brought up to rough grade before utilities will be installed. 2. Dirt piles in all construction areas shall be removed or leveled before utilities will be installed. 3. All back filling must be completed before utilities are installed. 4. All sub -divisions shall be cleared of debris and branches on utility easements. 5. No utilities installed to lots until final sub -division plats have been approved. Rufus Alexander Hutchinson Utilities Walter Clay Hutchinson A(p e Company e 0 Nl' f(( ffff 11 ,��,92021 till IIII a`' SUN I �N A �FIv v league of minnesota cities�) ----� 1 W June 18, 1979 FOR YOIIR INFORMATION TO: Clerks and City Utility Billing Departments RE: Exemption of residential sewer and water services from the sales tax Article IX, Section 1 of the 1979 Omnibus Tax Law exempts the furnishing of residential sewer and water services from the sales tax beginning on July 1, 1979. Commercial and industrial property continue to be subject to the tax. We have asked the Department of Revenue for an opinion on how cities should handle billings that include service prior to the July 1 effective date and service after that date. Following is their opinion: The Department of Revenue wishes to avoid the administrative cost necessary to apportion the cost prior to and after July 1. Therefore, if a bill covers any service period for residential water and sewer service after July 1, the bill will not include a sales tax on such service prior to July 1. If a bill is issued after July 1, but covers service provided totally prior to that date, the sales tax is included. However, even if a minimal number of service days subsequent to July 1 are included, the entire bill (regardless of the billing period) will exclude this residential tax. If you have further questions as to what constitutes residential as opposed to other classifications of property or have any other questions, please contact the Department of Revenue at the following address: Department of Revenue Centennial Office Building 658 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN. 55145 Telephone: (612) 296-6185 300 hanover building, 460 cedar street, sant paul, minnesota 55101 CB123 222-2661 June 1979 Balance Receipts: State/Fed Aid Special Project Kandiyohi County Meeker County McLeod County Willmar Litchfield Hutchinson Glencoe Bird Island Petty Cash Gifts Other From 1978 Budget & Reserve TOTAL RECEIPTS plus Balance CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY Treasurer's Report BUDGET MONTH FOR YOUR INFORMATION LeRoy Sanders, Treasurer YEAR TO DATE $ $(8,933.75) $ .20 99,000.00 SPENT 23,914.00 ' 2,920.00 $110,901.46 1,460.00 56,464.00 14,116.00 42,348.00 39,120.00 233 655.00 �7,9�0.00 13,040.00 42,597.00 '!1.11 1,189.35 44,539.20 • 22,269.60 23,158.70 5,789.70 170"369.06 33,071.60 1,055.73 1,807.45 16,535.80 15,146.65 5,772.87 0,634.06 7,573.33 4,582.00 . �3,467.Q4--�37,540.7b-{1.2.' 2,291.00 13,000.00 1,358.05 8,554.52 -0- 747.45 3,000.00 3,692.56 9,923.92 $376,599.15 $24,956.31 $167,216.03 21,027.85 -� 13,700.00--- :0.00 $397,627.00 $16,022.56 $167,216.23 FWS) A110 11FPAPTHENT APPPOPPIAT10f.S HTO EXPEEDITURES YTD ExPCe'DITURES' SPENT UWXPF140FO RAL PERSOMAL SERVICES $110,901.46 Ending cash balance $(9,642.78) $(9,642.78) SALARIES IAL_ 233 655.00 �7,9�0.00 20.605426 2_0 605.26 119 314.77 119.314.77 '!1.11 114,340.23 HOSPITAL TAL I•tEODs INSURANCE • 1,537.14 PERA & SOCIAL SECURITY 17,000.00 70,300.00_ 1,055.73 1,807.45 6,277.13 10 665.°4 !t.9S 32-51 5,772.87 0,634.06 -- TOTAL - - -.. - -- ---•----- --'268,A7S.06 . �3,467.Q4--�37,540.7b-{1.2.' 131,284:30 - MATERIALS BOOKS: ADULT -BOOKS: CHILDREN---- 51,750.00 47.57._ 70,475.54 0f u.0 30,774.46 PERIODICALS -� 13,700.00--- :0.00 --7,773:2 _ -•-44.7��5�9?5.77 I PAMnILET5 •5,000.00 314.65 7,971.20 59.4, 7,028.80 AUDIO VISUAL- ----- - - - 00.00 7 15.405 -' 5,894.00 15.50 - ' --''0.00 -- 215.40 -- 2,411.42 107.7( - 40.0fr --3,4E?.58 BINDING ORM5 800.00 144.04 266.79 33.3, x33.21 ,J -TOTAL - -- TOTAL 100.00 ---1-�b�944.00 0.00_ 16.66 511.71 3L,1�0.74 '6.7< 93.34 4k.3f--4 MAINTENANCE 23.76 j CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES & SERV. ^-1- TELEPHONE - '; 880.00 10.00 295.07 33.5' 584.93 TELETYPE 7.400.00 95.86 1.698.8 70.8' 701.42 BOOKMOBILE OPERATIONUNCL. INS.) 1.600.00 7,948.00 235.44 49.31 1,307.04 81.71' 792.94 --- - -- 4,34%57 !14.5fNOTAL 17.848.00 770.67 7.64K.23 15957s3,672.48 ,j91.77 SUPPLIES PN 6- PR06RAT9lIN6 i A�590.00 515.39 9,001.00 70.1f 7,559.00 POOSTAGESTAGEO C,06.-6-6 00.'00 '0.00 529.c8 98.4 - 37J2 .b MILEAGE & MEETINGS 3,1'50.00 '0.00 1,684.50 53.5! 1,465.50 ---MEMBERSHIPS 4.15'0.00 34.00 1,800.70- 43.4 7�3pc�t 0 INSURANCE 400.00 '0.00 140.00 47.3' 710.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 4,?00.00 10.00 4,877.00- 115.11- 977.004 - ---PROFESSIONAL-SERTiE&6 63500.00 2_52.50 447.14 68.3( 7,057.86 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES 700.00 0.00 773.00 110.0( 70.00.- MISC. RESERVE 1,500.03 10.03 750.00 90.0' 750.0 -THAI` 500.00 '0.00 10.00 10.0% 500.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY 30.590.00 801.89 71,045.32- 98.9-�o�5i4.68 f EQUIPTIENI' ---BOOXIIDBILir-�1MORTIZA ieN- UN 1 3,700.00 113.18 1,397.06 37.85 302_.94 BRANCH AMORTIZATION FUND 4 000.00 703.00 10.00 10.00 '0.010 ,000.00 TOTAL 0.00 10.00 •0.0% 730.00 .- 8.400.00 113.18 1,397.06 16.6! 7.0O2.g4 L LIPPARY 397,627.00 25,665.34 201,799.55 30.8, 195,827.45 Investments redeemed $ -0- $135,842.00 Investments purchased $ -0-. $110,901.46 Ending cash balance $(9,642.78) $(9,642.78) Savings Pass Book $33.31 as of June 30,1979