cp03-30-1976 cAGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1976 8:00 A.M. U 1. Bicycle'License Fee 2. Judicial Ditch 419 3. Resolution No. 5665 - Amending the 1976 Budget as adopted by Resolution No. 5586 4. Verified Claims 5. Adjournment DATE: 3-25-76 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council -- FROM: Dean 0' Borsky SUBJECT: Bicycle License Fee We have begun a permanent bicycle licensing program. This program will provide better record keeping and will also be made part of our crime watch program. We will now be able to enter all stolen bicycles into the computer system as well as well as having the bicycles permanently marked. In addition we will cut down on the time and expense used to license bicycles yearly. I therefore request that you authorize an increase in the cost of the licenses from $ .50 per year to $3.00 for the permanent license as provided by City ordinance 415. 0 ITY('OF HUTC_i INSON ,MifthQSOttl 55350 0FIC AT 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MEMORANDUM DATE: March 25, x.976 _ _ — — _ _ — TO: Mayor and Council _^`_,,,,______________ FROM: Administrative Assistant _ _ ` — ` _ _ _ _ — — _ w _ _ — SUBJECT: Revising of the 1976 Budget _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ Last September you adopted a budget for 1976 which will begin on April let. Since that time numerous Council actions have altered the composition of that budget. The principal alteration was setting the salaries for the employees for the coming year. Therefore, the attached resolution is being submitted for your consideration as a recommendation to officially amend the 1976 Budget so that we might incorporate those changes in the final printing of our "1976 Operating Budget". As I said, the majority of these changes were in the area of salaryincreases. However, there are three other major departures from the 1976 budget which are in the area of City Clerk, Fire Department and Maintenance Services. I will speak to those as I review the various expenditures by department. However, with regards to revenues the only major changes are to -bring forth a sale of property -in the amount of $6,000 not achieved in budget year 1975, a transfer of $10,000 from the Water and Sewer Fund to provide its share of the Maintenance Services Department, and the Bond and Interest Tax proceeds reflect the Bond Interest payments to be made from the General Fund. The expenditures portion of the budget would be,modified according to the resolution attached. The Administrative Assistant's portion reflects salary increases and also an increase in the amount for the personnel coordinator who will be assisting in the preparation of the Community Development Grant. The City Clerk's Budget increases a significant amount by the addition of the radio dispatchers to this section for accounting purposes. The suggestion of the Labor Relations Consultant was to place these positions directly in the Clerk's Budget to eliminate the possiblity of them being included in a law enforcement bargaining unit. The Motor Vehicle Department increases mainly due to salary increases, as with the case of City Hall and Protective Inspections. Mayor and Council March 25, 1976 Page 2 The most significant change in the Budget is an increase of $70,657 for the Fire Department. It is proposed that the contribution of General Revenue Sharing Funds to this years General Budget would be allocated mainly for the purchase of the aerial ladder truck for the Fire Department. Thus an increase of that amount added to the existing $15,000 would ear mark a total $64,657 of our Revenue Sharing Funds for this year as going to the purchase of the truck. An additional $2,000 is being budgeted this year to provide an initial payment for a radio paging/alerting system for the fire department. The existing system has proven most inoperative and faulty with several failures in recent months. Therefore, it is proposed that we purchase this equipment and have it installed in August with a balance of approximately $11,000 to be paid from the 1977 budget. Another change would be the employment of an Assistant Chief/Fire Marshal and vehicle. That would be approximately $19,000, the major portion being his vehicle and equipment which could be listed as a Revenue Sharing Expenditure. The Engineering Department reflects salary increases as with the Police Department. The Police Dispatch budget is eliminated with the expenses other than personnel going to the Police Department and the personnel costs going to the Clerk's Department. The Community Service Officer and Recreation Departments reflect salary increases. The Streets and Alleys portion reflects the deletion of the Superintendent's and Secretary's salary from that budget which is partially offset by salary increases for the rest of the personnel. Streets and Alley's Miscellaneous reflects modifications to acknowledge actual utility costs. The Park Deparment Budget would have decreased with the elimination of superintendent's and secretary's salaries, but will increase slightly due to the carrying forward of $15,000 from last year for unallocated improvements which we had ear marked for West Park. The Unallocated portion is reduced by $66,370 to reflect the removal of salary inceases and spreading to departments. The Cemetery and Old Armory reflect salary increases. The Maintenances Services is a new department which is shown as an addition. It will consist of Director of Maintenance Services, Assistant Director of Maintenance Services and a Secretary.* The Debt Service portion is the payments we will have to make for debt service. Thus the total general fund expenditures change is an addition of $ 537,971.00. The estimated balance for March 31, 1977 is $31,885. The Water and Sewer Fund shows an increase of $17,163, this basically reflects the Water and Sewer Department's share of the Maintainence Services Administration and is providing the vehicle for the director. The maintenance and fuel costs of the director will come from the Park Department, and the maintenance and fuel costs for the Assistant Director will come from the Mayor and Council March 25, 1976 Page 3 Street Department. Thus we are attempting over a three year period equal distribution of the transportation cost for the Director's position. WAankG.rFleetham, egards, Jr. Clerk -Administrative Assistant lm Attachment BUDGET RECAP with AMENDMENT EFFECT Auditors Estimate of Funds Available $ 180,381 April 1, 1976 Less Interfund Loan Repaid January 13, 1976 32,927 $ 147,453 Budgeted Revenues $1,449,360 Proposed Amendment 437,865 1,886,225 TOTAL AVAILABLE $2,034,678* Expenditures Budgeted $1,464,822 Proposed Amendments 537,971 TOTAL 2,002,793* Estimated Balance April 1, 1977 $ 31,885 *Significant increases due to inclusion of Bond and Interest Tax Levy and Debt Service Payments directly into the General Fund ($437,865) 11 RESOLUTION NO. 5665 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1976 BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION 5586 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON THAT the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year 1976 which was adopted by Resolution Number 5586 is hereby amended as indicated below: I. GENERAL FUND: REVENUES Reimbursement for Salaries - $ 4,859 Sale of Property + 6,000 Water and Sewer Fund Transfer + 10,000 Bond and Interest Account + 437.865 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 449,006 EXPENDITURES Mayor and Council $ -0- Administrative Assistant + 4,496 Elections -0- City Clerk + 40,771 Motor Vehicle + 1,330 Assessing -0- City Attorney -0- Planning and Zoning -0- City Hall + 1,491 Protective Inspection + 1,882 Civil Defense -0- Safety Council -0- Fire Department + 70,657 Engineering Department + 6,270 Animal Control -0- Health -0- Police Department + 31,147 Police Dispatch - 34,125 Community Service Officer + 1,152 Recreation Department + 1,728 Streets and Alleys - 5,879 Streets and Alleys Miscellaneous + 2,500 Park + 4,235 Unallocated - 70,875 Library -0- Airport -0- EXPENDITURES (Cont.) Cemetery + $ 1,311 "Old" Armory + 400 Maintenance Service + 41,615 Debt Service Payments + 437,865 TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $ 537,971 II. WATER AND SEWER FUND: EXPENDITURES Operation + $ 17,163 TOTAL WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURES $ 17,163 Adopted by the City Council this 30th day of March, 1976. D. J. Black Mayor ATTEST: Frank G. Fleetham, Jr. City Clerk