cp02-28-1978 cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF Fph�_ w. 2L. TO March 4 1978 WEDNESDAY 7:'00 P.M. -Park & Recreation at City Hall SUNDAY THURSDAY MONDAY Noon - Safety Council at Prairie House 7:30 P.M. - City Council Mtg. at City Hall FRIDAY TUESDAY Precinct Caucuses Republican -Old Armory Democratic -High School American -Prairie House SATURDAY AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1978 11. Call meeting to order - 7:30 P.M. J2. Invocation - Reverend Darrel F. Thalmann �3. Consideration of Minutes dated February 14, 1978 and Special Meeting dated February 23, 1978 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Public Hearing ,.Xa) S.E. Drainage. Area Improvement (Project 78-03) Action - Motion to close hearing Motion to reject Motion to waive reading and adopt resolution ordering improvement and preparation of plans 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions �a) Consideration of Request for Reduced Trash and Refuse Rate by Fred Schmidt Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(b) Consideration of Request for Finley Mix to Attend Annual Wastewater Oper- ations Seminar on March 29-31, 1978 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject �/(c) Consideration of Request for Jean Lerberg and Gary Plotz to Attend HUD Acquisition and Relocation Conference on March 1-2, 1978 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(d) Consideration of Request for "On -Sale" Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for March 17-19, 1978 at Civic Arena Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 6. Resolutions and Ordinances f(a) Ordinance No. 1/78 - Ordinance Amending Section 715:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled "No Parking Areas" By Adding Sub- division No. 7 Thereto, Relative to "Parking, Local Regulations" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt Council Agenda February 27, 1978 ✓(b) Ordinance No. 2/A§8 - Ordinance Naming Street Along West River Park "Les Kouba Parkway" and Portion of West River Park "Les Kouba Point" Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions ,/(a) Minutes of Hutchinson Planning Commission dated January 17, 1978 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing )b) Minutes of Airport Commission dated February 15, 1978 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,(c) Minutes of Transportation Board dated February 15, 1978 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing v/(d) Minutes of Burns Manor Nursing Home dated January 19, 1978 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ✓(e) Minutes of Downtown Development Committee dated February 21, 1978 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business ✓(a) Consideration of Maintenance Contract for Police Department Radio Equipment (DEFERRED JANUARY 24, 1978) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and enter into agreement 9. New Business ✓(a) Presentation by Kathy Bauer of Region 6E regarding Non -Accessible Buildings for Handicapped People Action - ✓(b) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Gerald Fisher with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt resolution -2- Council Agenda February 27, 1978 /c) Consideration of Request for Variance submitted by F. W. (Jim) Schaefer with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt resolution ,/(d) Consideration of Park Contribution Schedule as Submitted by Marlow Priebe Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(e) Consideration of Review Usage of Building at Corner of Second Avenue and Franklin Street with Recommendation by Planning Commission of Strong Action Action - J(f) Consideration of Approval of Final Plat for Boyle's First Addition with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt resolution J(g) Consideration of Fire Lane Parking Violations Action - J(h) Consideration of Request by Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors for Authorization to Proceed with Bidding State of Intensive Care -Coronary Care Unit Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(i) Consideration of Request for Curb, Gutter and Blacktop Streets in Stoney Point Addition Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(j) Consideration of Stoney Point -High School Area Sidewalk Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 4(k) Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize extension of pay period - Motion to authorize discontinuance of service 10. Miscellaneous �(a) Communications from Clerk -Administrative Assistant -3- Council Agenda February 27, 1978 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments J (a) Verified Claims 12. Adjournment -4- AGENDA ADDITION REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1978 6. Resolutions and Ordinances ✓ ,r[') Ordinance No. 3/78 - An Ordinance to Establish A "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board and To Define Its Duties and Membership Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading and set second reading for March 14, 1978 9. New Business Consideration�gf Part -Time Bus Driver for Hutchmobile Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject f (m) Consideration of LOGIS Liquor Inventory Control Study Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Black, with the following members present: Aldermen Westlund, B. Peterson, and Gruenhagen in addition to Mayor Black. Absent: Alderman K. Peterson. Also prepent were: Administrative Assistant Plotz, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe, and Acting City Attorney John Keefe. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Darrel F. Thalmann of the Our Savior's Lutheran Church. 3. MINUTES On motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 24, 1978 and Special Meeting of February 8, 1978 were approved as amended. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR JIM BRODD AND CLIFFORD PAULSEN TO ATTEND SHADE TREE SHORT COME ON FEBRUARY 21, 1978 After considerable discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, that Jim Brodd's request to attend the Shade Tree Short Course be denied. Motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Westlund to approve the request of Clifford Paulsen to attend the Shade Tree Short Course on February 21, 1978. Seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR FRED ROBERTS AND JIM BRODD TO ATTEND 1978 ANNUAL CITIES CONFERENCE ON FEBRUARY 16, 1978 Mayor Black commented that Fred Roberts is the Assistant Weed Inspector for the City so he should attend the conference. It was moved by Aldermen Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to authorize Fred Roberts to attend the Annual Cities Conference on behalf of the City. Motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes February 14, 1978 orof (c) CONSIDERATION OF -REQUEST TO PURCHASE MUG SHOT CAMERA FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT The present Polaroid camera being used by the Police Department is in need of replacement. There is an opportunity at this time to purchase a used multi lens camera valued at $600 for $200. The camera has the capability of putting four photographs on one film and has a flash attachment which plugs into a wall circuit, thus eliminating the cost of flashbulbs. It is the recommendation of the Chief of Police that approval be granted to pur- chase this camera. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to approve the purchase of the mug shot camera for the Police Department in the amount of $200. Seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ATTEND TIME MANAGEMENT SEMINAR BY ROD KEITH Inasmuch as all the information relating to the Seminar was not available, the Mayor requested to defer action until the next Council meeting. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR JIM BRODD AND CLIFFORD PAULSEN TO ATTEND MUNICIPAL TREE INSPECTOR'S WORKSHOP ON MARCH 7, 1978 Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen, to approve the request for Jim Brodd and Clifford Paulsen to attend the Municipal Tree Inspector's Workshop on March 7, 1978. Motion unanimously carried. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES None 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S MONTHLY REPORT - JANUARY, 1978 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - JANUARY, 1978 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF PARK AND RECREATION BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 1, 1978 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. Eva Council Minutes February 14, 1978 (d) MINUTES OF AIRPORT COMMISSION DATED JANUARY 12, 1978 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (e) MINUTES OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DATED FEBRUARY 1, 1978 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (f) MINUTES OF HUTCHINSON CIVIC ARENA BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 8, 1978 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING MAYOR TO ENTER INTO JOINT AGREEMENT WITH A&P GROUP Mayor Black commented on the procedure that had been used to arrive at the present proposed agreement between the City and the A&P Group. He further pointed out that it is not an exclusive contract for rights to the development of the downtown area. Messrs. Alfred Albert and B. J. Smiley will be the promoters of the proposed development, and the City has no monetary obligation. It is the recommendation of the Downtown Development Committee that the City Council approve the agreement and enter into a contract with the A&P Group on behalf of the City. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the A&P Group. Motion unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF MERIT ADJUSTMENT FOR WATER AND SEWER DEPARTM$NT EMPLOYEES When asked why one department was being considered for merit review and not the others, City Engineer/Public Works Director Priebe responded that money was not provided in the 1977 budget to cover salary increases for this department. Mayor Black suggested that merit reviews should be done on a systemized basis. Mr. Priebe withdrew his request for merit adjustment in the Water and Sewer Department at this time. (b) CONSIDERATION OF BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION -3- Council Minutes February 14, 1978 Effective as of January 1, 1978 it will be necessary to obtain a building permit from the Building Department of the City of Hutchinson to install a mobile home as well as for additions, alterations, installation or re- pair to existing mobile homes. It is the recommendation of the Staff that a Building Permit Fee of $15.00 per inspection be charged. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman B. Peterson to approve a Build- ing Permit Fee in the amount of $15.00 for mobile home inspections. Seconded by Alderman Westlund, the motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF POLICE PATROL ELIGIBILITY ROSTER Mayor Black explained the background for establishing a Police Patrol Eligi- bility Roster. He further commented that Robert Ringstrom of Mankato, number one on the list, will not be available until May or June as he is a student. It is, therefore, recommended that the position of police patrol officer be offered to Mr. Ringstrom, although he will decline at this time, and then consider the second person on the list, Charles Jones. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to certify the Police Patrol Eligibility Roster. Motion unani- mously carried. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ac- cept the recommendation of the Police Civil Service Commission to offer the position of Police Patrol Officer to Robert Ringstrom, No. 1 on the list, and upon his declination in writing, to offer the same position to the No. 2 name on the list, Charles Jones. Motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF NO PARKING SIGNS ON ROBERTS ROAD It was the consensus of the Council that a safety hazard exists along Roberts Road when vehicles park on the north side of the street between Kay Street and Alan Street. After studying the problem, it was the recommendation of Chief of Police O'Borsky to limit parking on the north side of Roberts Road from a point half -way between Kay Street and Alan Street to prohibit park- ing west from the sign to Alan Street at any time. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to waive the first read- ing of Ordinance No. 1/78 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 715:20 of the 1974 Ordinance Code of the City of Hutchinson, Entitled "No Parking Areas" by Adding Subdivision No. 7 Thereto, Relative to "Parking, Local Regula- tions and set second reading for February 27, 1978. Seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES PAY RATES AS ADDITION TO CITY POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN Council Minutes February 14, 1978 Personnel Coordinator Sitz commented that the proposed pay rates would be used for temporary employees. Inasmuch as some summer help hired is under 18 years of age, no minimum wage is involved. Therefore, an addi- tional classification of "Under $2.30 Hour" should be included for students under 18 years of age hired in the recreation programs. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive the reading and adopt as modified Resolution No. 6088 entitled Resolution Amending Resolution No. 6065 and Making Temporary Employee Pay Rates An Addition to City Position Classification Plan. Mo- tion unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF CONFIRMING APPOINTMENT OF CLAR.ICE COSTON TO TRANSPORTATION BOARD Mayor Black reported that Frances Gruhn recently resigned from the Trans- portation Board due to moving out of Hutchinson. It is his recommendation to appoint Mrs. Clarice Coston to fill the unexpired term on the Transpor- tation Board. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to ratify the appointment of Mrs. Clarice Coston to the Transportation Board to fill the term until October 1, 1978. Motion unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT APPOINTMENT OF JANELL SWANSON AS RECEPTIONIST/ CASHIER Alderman B. Peterson moved to approve the permanent appointment of Janell Swanson as Receptionist/Cashier at City Hall with the recommended salary adjustment. Seconded by Alderman Westlund, the motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT SEARCH - CLAIM FOR BARBDON, INC. In preparing an assessment search for Barbdon, Inc. an error in the amount of $100.00 was made, showing $186.04 payable in 1978 instead of $286.04. It is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the City absorb the loss resulting from the City's error in this particular instance. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, for the City to absorb the cost of $100.00 resulting from the assessment search error for Barbdon, Inc. Motion unanimously carried. (i) CONSIDERATION OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR NUMERALS ON BUILDINGS After considerable discussion on the various proposed specifications for" numerals on buildings, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to refer the reso- lution back to the committee for further review. Seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen, the motion unanimously carried. -5- Council Minutes February 14, 1978 (j) CONSIDERATION OF PLACING PART-TIME CITY EMPLOYEE ON PAYROLL Civic Arena Coordinator Neumann reported that he presently has two part- time employees working at the Civic Arena who are under the VO -TECH Work Study Program. Since the funds under this program have expired, he requests that Paul Rannetsberger and Ken Delaney be added to the City payroll on a part-time basis until the ice is removed at the Arena. They would both be working approximately 20 hours per week at a salary of $2.65 an hour. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman West].und, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve the placement of Paul Rannetsberger and Ken Delaney on the City payroll as part-time employees. Motion unanimously carried. (k) CONSIDERATION OF JOINING MINNESOTA DEPUTY REGISTRARS ASSOCIATION It was the aonsensus of the Council that the City of Hutchinson should join the Minnesota Deputy Registrars Association and submit $100 for an- nual dues. Alderman Westlund moved to approve membership in the Minnesota Deputy Reg- istrars Association at a cost of $100 for annual dues. Seconded by Alder- man B. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. (1) CONSIDERATION OF ENTERING INTO NAVIGATION AID AGREEMENT AND NON -OBJECTION TO CONTROLLED AIR SPACE AT AIRPORT Administrative Assistant Plotz reported that no public hearing would be necessary to approve the installation of an "H" marker transmitter at the Hutchinson Municipal Airport. However, the Council is required to adopt a resolution of approval for controlled air space at the airport and enter- ing into a Navigation Aid Agreement with the State of Minnesota. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6090 entitled Resolu- tion Establishing Controlled Air Space for Instrument Approach to Hutchin- son Municipal Airport. Motion unanimously carried. Alderman Westlund moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6091 en- titled Resolution Authorizing Entering Into Navigational Aid Agreement. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (m) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTING CHARLES NELSON AS ASSISTANT LIQUOR STORE MANAGER After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve the appointment of Charles Nelson as full-time Assis- tant Liquor Store Manager. Motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes February 14, 1978 (n) CONSIDERATION OF NAMING STREET ALONG WEST RIVER PARK "LES KOUBA PARKWAY" AND PORTION OF WEST RIVER PARK "LES KOUBA POINT" Mr. Eugene (Bud) Daggett appeared before the Council and requested the Council to consider naming the roadway on the north side of the Crow River as "Les Kouba Parkway." It would start at Main Street North and be con- tiguous with Third Avenue N.W. for one block. Then it would continue through North River Park and past Gopher Campfire Sanctuary to north of State Highway 7. The western edge of West River Park, west of the road- way, would be named "Les Kouba Point." This particular name would be in honor of Les Kouba, a world-famous wildlife artist, who is a native of Hutchinson. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen to waive the first reading of Ordinance No. 2/78 entitled Ordinance Naming Street Along.West River Park "Les Kouba Parkway" and Portion of West River Park "Les Kouba Point" and set second reading for February 27, 1978. Sec- onded by Alderman B. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. (o) CONSIDERATION OF PERMANENT APPOINTMENT OF KENNETH MERRILL, CITY ACCOUNTANT/ CONTROLLER AND SALARY ADJUSTMENT It was moved by Alderman B. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve the permanent appointment of Kenneth Merrill as City Accountant/ Controller and the recommended salary adjustment. Motion unanimously car- ried. (p) CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S PROPOSAL FOR PURCHASE OF CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Mrs. Clarice Coston and Mr. Ted Beatty appeared before the Council on be- half of the Chamber of Commerce and presented a drawing of the proposed skyline -canopy style Christmas decorations the Christmas Decoration Commit- tee would like to purchase from Vaughn Display Sales of Minneapolis. Mr. Beatty reported that the decorations would cost $9,900, with $3,000 to be paid at the time of the order and the balance paid on delivery in June or July, 19780 and a trade-in value of $4,500 will be given the City for the present decorations. If the order is placed before March 1, 1978, a sav- ings of $1,400 can be realized. During discussion Mayor Black raised a question about a matching fund be- tween the City and the Chamber of Commerce. In previous years a referendum had been put before the people to raise money for purchasing Christmas decor- ations. Since no one seemed to know the facts about a matching fund, it was decided to defer the decision on Christmas decorations until a special meeting of the Council on Thursday, February 23, 1978 at 8:30 A.M. -7- Council Minutes February 14, 1978 (q) CONSIDERATION OF VACATION OF STREET EASEMENT AND VARIANCE ON SIDE LOT FOR PROPERTY OF TOM O'CONNELL The request was withdrawn. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLERK -ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz reported that as a result of a survey by the Street Department, approximately 60 propertq owners received letters requesting removal of packed snow and ice on their sidewalks. City Hall has received a number of telephone calls as a direct result of the mail- ing. Over 30 CitX employees have been participating in the on-the-job training program of a communications workshop. To date it has been a very success- ful workshop. Mr. Plotz informed the Council that the Downtown Development Committee and Community Development Advisory Board recently received an update on the status of the Community Development discretionary grant. Over $210,000 of the grant remains for acquisition, relocation and demolition. On February 21, 1978, Mr. Al Albert of the A&P Group will be reporting to the Downtown Development Committee on a suggested site for housing of the elderly. A Shade Tree Grant has been awarded to Hutchinson for fiscal year 1978 in the amount of $32,314 for shade tree sanitation coat and $4,997 for the reforestation cost. Mr. Plotz further reported that Mark Schnobrich, New Ulm representative, will be at City mall one afternoon every two weeks to answer questions on the Shade Tree Program. Also, a demonstration trailer will be in Hutchin- son the end of May. Hutchinson will have a more active Shade Tree Program this year. The city is being considered for a supplemental grant for prun- ing and trimming and possibly trenching. The Cooley Bus Lines inter -connecting services will be starting on March 6, 1978 for at least a month trial period. The round-trip coach services will be between Hutchinson and Minneapolis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Another CETA Grant has been awarded the City of Hutchinson in the amount of $34,034. The funds received will be used for four positions in the areas of Civic Arena, park, and recreation maintenance and grounds keeping. Mr. Plotz asked the Council to approve the merit increases for salaried employees which had been reviewed earlier and to determine an effective date. Council Minutes February 14, 1978 Alderman Westlund made the motion to approve the merit increases to be effective January 8, 1978 for Director of Public Works/Engineer, Assistant Director of Public Works, Chief of Police, and Personnel Coordinator, and effective February 1, 1978 for Administrative Assistant. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. Administrative Assistant Plotz made reference to a letter received from Jim Waldron in which he complained about infested property. Also, he had received a complaint from Clifford Popp concerning an abandoned ve- hicle. Mayor Black commented that there are several ordinances relating to this subject. He then requested the City Attorney to take action on this mat- ter. Mention was„made that a vehicle at Lynden and Franklin was full of debris, both inside and outside. City Attorney Schantzen was instructed to take action in this matter also. (b) COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black reported that on Wednesday, February 15, 1978, the Senate Tax Committee will be receiving a report from the Senate Increment Tax Sub - Committee. He plans to attend the strategy meeting of the League and also the Senate Committee Hearing. Mayor Black also made reference to a Mid -Session Legislative Conference to be held on March 1, 1978. Since he will be on vacation, the Mayor asked if any of the Council members could attend. (c) COMMUNICATION FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/ENGINEER Public Works Director/Engineer Priebe reported that he had heard the McLeod County Planning Commission has received a request for a special use permit for use of the house located one-quarter mile west of the Methodist Church. Since there are two entrances into the property and poor visibility of the road to create a traffic hazard, he feels this would be a poor location for a business. Mr. Priebe's recommendation was for the City to go on record as in favor of retaining this property for residential use. Mayor Black further authorized City Attorney Schantzen to determine the status of the two-mile radius limitation around the City. It was moved by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6092 entitled Resolution Establish- ing Property as Residential. Motion unanimously carried. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS -9- Council Minutes February 14, 1978 (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS A motion was made by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. Motion unanimously carried. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Westlund, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, and unanimously carried. M _10_ MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1978 Mayor Black called the special meeting to order at 8:45 A.M. The following were present: Aldermen K. Peterson, B. Peterson, Gruenhagen and Westlund in addition to Mayor Black. Also present was Administrative Assistant Plotz. 1. CONSIDERATION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S PROPOSAL FOR PURCHASE OF'CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS (DEFERRED FEBRUARY 14, 1978) Mayor Black informed the Council members of information that had been secured from research into past files and Council minutes regarding Christmas decora- tions. Petitions were presented in 1964 from the Chamber of Commerce (called Civic and Commerce at that time) requesting a tax levy, not to exceed 1/2 mill, for the purpose of providing street decorations for the Christmas season. The petitions were accepted, and in May, 1964 a referendum was voted in by the resi- dents to accept a "tax levy, not to exceed 1/2 mill tax levy, the total amount of which shall not exceed the sum of $1,000 for each of the years 1965 and 1966, for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining Christmas street decorations." Again in 1966 petitions were presented, asking for a 1/2 mill tax levy or less for the next two years (1967-68) to raise $1,000 for Christmas street decora- tions. A referendum was presented to the residents in May, 1966 and again voted in for the years of 1967 and 1968, not to exceed the sum of $1,000. The 1969-70 budget adopted October 8, 1968 by Resolution No. 2787 reflected an amount of $2,000 for the purpose of Christmas decorations. No written record was located of any established matching fund between the City and Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Clarice Coston, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, presented a breakdown of Christmas decoration income and expenses from 1966 to 1977. She further read a letter received from Mr. Jay Alrick in which he stated that the mill assessment from the City for Christmas decorations was increased from $1,000 to $2,000 during the time when he served on the City Council. It was pointed out by Mrs. Coston that if the order for Christmas decorations is placed before March 1, 1978, the City can realize a savings of $1,400. Also, by picking up the decorations in Minneapolis, another savings on delivery cost can be gained. There is a three-year warranty on the decorations, and the bulbs will be provided during that period of time without cost. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to authorize the Chamber of Commerce to purchase Christmas decorations from Vaughn Display Sales of Min- neapolis in the amount of $9,900. Seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. Council Minutes February 23, 1978 2. CONSIDERATION OF WCCO-TV ESTABLISHING A WEATHER STATION IN HUTCHINSON Mr. Tom Cousins, Community Affairs and Public Relations Director of WCCO-TV, appeared before the Council and presented a proposal for a weather station in Hutchinson. The tower would be installed by WCCO at a convenient site with meters and gauges affixed so that reports could be phoned in to WCCO-TV at specified times. Hutchinson would be one of six cities in the Twin Cities area to have a weather tower installed. After discussion, it was waved by Alderman Westlund tq authorize the staff to cooperate with WCCO--TV in operating a weather station in Hutchinson. Seconded by Alderman K. Peterson, the motion unanimously carried. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST TO ATTEND TIME MANAGEMENT SEMINAR BY ROD KEITH (DEFERRED FEBRUARY 14, 1978) Mayor Black reported that the Time Management Seminar on March 2, 1978 will cost $50 to attend. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman K. Peterson to authorize Rod Keith to attend the Time Management Seminar and encourage Fred Roberts to also attend, with the funds to come out of the department budgets. Seconded by Alderman West- lund, the motion unanimously carried. 4. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Black reported that he and Public Works Director/City Engineer Priebe had attended the Public Hearing of the County Zoning Board on February 22, 1978 re- garding the property on South Grade Road for which the Council had adopted Reso- lution No. 6092 to keep it residential. The Board was considering placing a time limit on the special use permit, but they needed to check the legality of such action. Therefore, the Zoning Board will reconvene this evening, February 23, 1978, for a decision. There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Alderman Westlund to adjourn at 9:33 A.M. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unani- mously carried. -2- RESOLUTION NO. 6093 ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 9th day of November, 1977, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on the proposed improvement of: AREA: Southeasterly Drainage District Outlet by construction of storm sewer and appurtenances. AND WHEREAS, ten day's published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon the 27th day of February, 1978, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given the opportunity to be heard thereon. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council resolution adopted November 9th, 1977. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the Engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare Plans and Specifications for the making of such improvement. Unanimously adopted by the Council this 27th day of February, 1978. D. J. Black Mayor Gary D. Plotz City Clerk AFFIDAVIT I a - d -:Z /Z,4,f .`�% AM OVER 65 YEARS OF AGE, AND MY INCOME IS LESS THAN $2,200 PER YEAR. THE STANDARD CHARGE OF $3.25 FOR TRASH AND REFUSE. SERVICE WOULD IMPOSE A FINANCIAL HARDSHIP ON ME AND I THEREFORE ASK REDUCTION OF THE CHARGE TO $1.00. SIGNATURE / STREET ADDRESS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY TO: WATER DEPARTMENT Date Account Number Data Change TO: CITY COUNCIL DATE Council Action: Approved Disapproved REGISTRATION For your convenience, we have made the registration form a part of this btoc•hure. Tn order to make adequate meetinf•, room arrangements, to provide sufficient numbers of course material packets, to estimate number of meals to be served, and to reduce the con- gestion at the registration table, we receiving your registratioi, prior to the Seminar. Please mail your registration to Ru,inn Fny,land, Operator 'rrafning Unit, MICA, 1035 hest County Road R-2, Roseville•, Yinnvsota 55113. FEES The fee for this Seminar is $30.00 and Includes all course materials, tuition, and three scheduled luncheons. The fee is pav-ible with registration. Please make the check payable to the MINNES(VIA POLLUTION COt7•TR01. AGENCY. A full refund will only be made if registration is cancelled 24 hours prior to (Tc i cld, v of the Seminar or if the Seminar is cancelled. The '.!PCA reserves the right to cancel the Seminar if necessary. ACCOMMODATIONS To assure sufficient lodging, we ask that you return the enclosed Reserva- tion Form directly to the Thunderbird Motel no later than March 22, 1978. Please specify that you will be attending the Annual Wastewater Operations Seminar. ,j b. d ro 0 t`n GO N G w ro cq o +� CO U er U) G aco o .� „ o a w H w O 7. r+ ro 41 o U cn ro N o C t-+ f'i a O O O LnCA -4 ti+ w fl V)— z t a o O e, 0 u u t' a G S H a •• G a tl 0 O „o >, ro ., O O .-e + a Q ami aMU wnrin c 3 v �P; u I ,n c H 7 to 0 0o cn cn � Hro � � � N a •.Gi U b H 41 -H O tr 1 o tr (a0 0x o 1 .� >. •.r in a s 7 u G q` � O ` 41 - O N a ri O rl = M L .-4 c� o oowua , t .x u w o ori �4 N V r o G Gin v u u -.+ ro C r1 to H = CS O CL ~ O G � u � a vt w d N >+ N Ol �•' n � u a REGISTRATION For your convenience, we have made the registration form a part of this btoc•hure. Tn order to make adequate meetinf•, room arrangements, to provide sufficient numbers of course material packets, to estimate number of meals to be served, and to reduce the con- gestion at the registration table, we receiving your registratioi, prior to the Seminar. Please mail your registration to Ru,inn Fny,land, Operator 'rrafning Unit, MICA, 1035 hest County Road R-2, Roseville•, Yinnvsota 55113. FEES The fee for this Seminar is $30.00 and Includes all course materials, tuition, and three scheduled luncheons. The fee is pav-ible with registration. Please make the check payable to the MINNES(VIA POLLUTION COt7•TR01. AGENCY. A full refund will only be made if registration is cancelled 24 hours prior to (Tc i cld, v of the Seminar or if the Seminar is cancelled. The '.!PCA reserves the right to cancel the Seminar if necessary. ACCOMMODATIONS To assure sufficient lodging, we ask that you return the enclosed Reserva- tion Form directly to the Thunderbird Motel no later than March 22, 1978. Please specify that you will be attending the Annual Wastewater Operations Seminar. ,j b. Ll f P�yiX/ UA 4YF 'Fh � * I��,1I `j ♦ n REG10N N' 300 South W.-ke, Un•, c Chicago, 111w.—I 6060b ULPAkTME_NT Of" DOUSING ANL) LIRDAN UE:VE_LOPMENT AREA OFFICE 64C0 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55435 February 9, 1978 Honorable D. J. Black Mayor of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor Black: ��p11t7_ f31�JSy6 6FEB 1978 REcEI QED v ar.._._.".._ titi o6&6,L LZ 9L5'6 IN REPLY REFER TO: 5.6CPS Enclosed is inforMaticn regarding the upcoming Acquisition and Relocation Conference. While the conference is primarily in- tended for the staff people from cities, counties, and agencies who are inplenenting their acquisition and/or relocation pro- grar:s for the first :._.^_e, everyone is invited and welcome. V'e have these;: speakerz ,.;ho have worked in the fields of acquisi- tion: and :elocaticn rcr navy years, both in private industry a.ne' for the government, and we anticipate a very informative and er.terta*In;.ng program. If you have additicnal questions, contact John Connors at (612) 725-473-1. incE re'i v, -homas T.L'eerey rea Director HUD Acquisition/Relocation Conference Normandy Motor Inn 405 S. 8th Street Minneapolis, i•Td March 1 & 2, 1978 No Registration Fee Room Rates: Single $21-25 Double $30-50 Now*" Make room reservations by calling the Normandy directly at 612-370-1400. Please return the enclosed registration form to John Connors before 2-24-78. Program zchedule atta&ed Clip and Return to John Connors RESERVA77ION, N A T AGENCY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS YOU WANT ANSWERED: WNW& u MARCH 2, 1978 9:00 P,ESIDENTIAL RELOCATION BRANNA MEYER — HOUSING PROGRAV MANAGER, SOUTH ST. PAUL HRA L. DAVID FREDLUI`;D — RELOCATION COORDINATOR, MPLS HRA E-' 10:30 BREAK 11: CC RELOCATION BENEFITS ABOVE THOSE PROVIDED BY THE UNIFORM ACT V1AYNE OLSON — RF,LOCATION SUPERVISOR, DULUTH ERA ll: -l -e LiOUSING OF LAST RESORT 1,7ILLIAM NF;?I;AP; — CEIF.F OF RELOCATION, ST. PAUL HF 12-�00 LUNCH i 1:15 QUE ST IONS/ ANSVIE R S PROBLEM, SOLVING DISCUSSION Li NOE14ANUY VOTOR. IP;ti t b q :OC INTRODUCTION ROGER OL ON — Cl'I` DI RECTCR SIiF,?rti I:UCY.I,T' Y — CFItF, PROGRAM SUPPORT 9:15 APPRAISALS CARL PELT01; — C. R. PELTON & ASSOCIr._''ES 1C :11 5 BRE.AR ACQUISITION SHERt, PiJRiOti — ACQUISITION SPECIALIST D. HOUSING AND URBAI, DEVELMVENT 12:00 LUNCH Wji" AW 1:15 — .30 PUSINESS RELOCATIOPi LUCILLE MCNALLY — RELOCATION ADVISORY HUD Ci--ICAGO WILLIAM VON KLUG — BK ASSOCIATES, SPECIALIS'7 IN URBAN RENEWAL JACK LACLEY — BUSINESS RELOCATION COUNSELOR ST. PAUL HRA MARCH 2, 1978 9:00 P,ESIDENTIAL RELOCATION BRANNA MEYER — HOUSING PROGRAV MANAGER, SOUTH ST. PAUL HRA L. DAVID FREDLUI`;D — RELOCATION COORDINATOR, MPLS HRA E-' 10:30 BREAK 11: CC RELOCATION BENEFITS ABOVE THOSE PROVIDED BY THE UNIFORM ACT V1AYNE OLSON — RF,LOCATION SUPERVISOR, DULUTH ERA ll: -l -e LiOUSING OF LAST RESORT 1,7ILLIAM NF;?I;AP; — CEIF.F OF RELOCATION, ST. PAUL HF 12-�00 LUNCH i 1:15 QUE ST IONS/ ANSVIE R S PROBLEM, SOLVING DISCUSSION Li (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN, 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 24, 1978 TO: __tty_Council--.__--------------------- FROM: _ _Balph Neumann z,Civ_ic Arena Coordinator _ _ _ — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: _,Semnoury Liquor License __________________ On March 17-18-19, the Hutchinson Civic Arena in conjunction with the Recreation Department, will be hosts for the State of Minnesota Class B Broomball Tournament. Twenty-one (21) out state teams will be represented at this tournament and each will have a large following insuring Hutchinson business people added revenue. Outdoor sports activities of this magnitude have always had beer available for the fans which is part of the game. I have discussed this with the Chief of Police and he sees no problem with the arena having beer. Therefore, I would like to request a short-term 3.2 beer license for the above dates given to the Hutchinson Civic Arena. '�__ a_1 I DATE: February 27, 1978 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Dean M. O' Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Request for 3.2% beer license at the Hutchinson Civic Arena A few weeks ago Ralph Neumann asked me if I could foresee any ob- jections to the arena obtaining a beer license to sell beer at the upcoming state broomball championships at the Hutchinson ic.Arena. trthat t off- hand. ttold Mr. Neumann that I didn't foresee anymajor hand. Since that time I have developed some conce asdthat I thought whether would bring to your attention prior to Your making or not you wish to authorize a beer license. I am concerned that a certain percentage of the players and the spec- tators at a broomball event will be under the age of 19 which could make the checking of IDs difficult by the civic arena personnel. Due to the unique, competitive spirit of broomball it is possible also that the intro- duction of spirits could be a negative influence on crowd behavior. If the Council were to authorize the license it would require certain things that would have to be done by civic arena personnel as listed below. (1) Persons serving the beer would have to be over the age of 19. (2) Identification must be obtained From each person who purchases beer on every specific occasion. (3) Beer could be served only to those presenting an identification card and should only be served one at a time. This would pre- clude a 19 -year-old buying beers and bringing them back to his or her friends and distributing them to possible under aged people. (4) A law enforcement officer would have to be on duty during the entire broomball tournament. (5) Intoxicated persons must be ejected immediately. It has been our policy in the past to eject all persons from the arena who are visibly under the influence of any chemical, including alcohol or drugs. Now it would seem that we are encouraging people to become under the influence of alcohol which is being provided by the arena itself. I feel that it is a possible precedent for which the City may become liable the for acts which y intoxicatedefromcur ebeerrwhich has on or fbeen sold itosbecause them bythe Citty of a person becoming In a city sponsored event. I must also state that W. Neumann has hAndled any problems in the past well and I do not anticipate that lie wouldn't be able to handle any problems which come up. It also should be noted that other arenas, specifically the St. Cloud arena, do sell beer during events other than high school sponsored events and they had no visible prob- lems because of this. I have no overwhelming objections to a beer license being author- ized should the before -stated conditions be strictly adhered to'by arena personnel and police officers at the scene. EMO/ j ma RETAIL "ON SALE" FEE WAIVED Otatt of Auntootec, COU"r OF-- McLeod .... Hutchinson ....................w To oun C the ...............City cil ................... I ................. of the........ % ........ �I�py .............. 4g .......... Hutchinson .............................. .......... I ................................................................................. state 4d ]Ifllillegio": . . .............. . . ....... . ..................... hereby ON&J."for a Umw for to tvft Ot ... . ..... WetAus . ....... . . ........ fromand 19th ..... Aav ot-... March Ia 78 to sail . ...... . .......... At Retail ". Non-IntoxiCAtIng blaft Uqua% as the mm am do$wd by law for wmw*p*n "ON" those m*li* pass bim jA . ............... Hutchinson Civic Arena Hutchinson .................. . ........ I ......... . . Ot ...Hutchinson ......... ................................. .......... . ............ . ......... __—_ . ...... State of Minnesota Class B Broomball Tournament at Whkk plans said amuea" .... 4pw%uv ..... 6U awshwu . .. . . ....... . . .............. I., ........... I ............. I ......... and to that "a reprewo .... W4 stats..... -CU totlaft: That UM appUemW .......... U ... A .... ..... . . ................ . .. Aoww ....... of a" U**d stawt of tw& wow &ura,*r and roputs; and has ......... attal"d 00 off of V yea" . . ..... . .. . ......... . .... ald .... . .....................i VprwDr....«..of go sskbU*knbmt for wh" as Uftaw wJU be I"k#d if this appy is p"" That me Man*/b'*~ of #UIA non-W&Vift"i Mau Uqu" has Ow w4wwwp* in whole or d* port io said budlaw of said appUewa ...... or any tat~ thovis; That $W4 OPPUOaA* ..... nuzk&,� ... 04 &PPUoagm pumucat a*& subject to all the kaw of As ass4 of Jfiwwoft and the ordinano" and roiWaftmw of aPPUOabU ihovia, w" aft hw,&bY ft*& a pdwt kowt, and hw4y at*&..J* ebmw and @bar the sow; ... . ............ (am ftw-etbw ftqGbqMftt% It &a. so low rm"dadwo zaa ttppuoww further AWW that he to %a "W tho hokw of, nor hu ho MO& GPPUODAM for, wr does he ifti"d to =Ohs aPPUOafift for a Federal Ast&U DsaW* Spod4 kx damp for as sale of IAOOXWU*i Uqw. p171.4.4 t '"'�p.......w. NNN............. . ..... —.; ......... . ... P. 0. J&I"W ....... . . . ............................. . . . . ....................... ORDINANCE NO 3/78 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A "SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER" ADVISORY BOARD AND TO DEFINE ITS'DUTIES AND MEMBERSHIP THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Section 264.00. There is hereby established an advisory board to be known as the "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board. Section 264.05. Appointment. Said Board shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. The Mayor shall solicit nominations from the American Association of Retired Persons, the Hutchinson Garden Club, the Community Services Board for the Elderly, the Hutchinson Senior Citizens Club, the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee, the Office of Community Education, the Park and Recreation Board and such other organizations as may from time to -time represent senior citizens. Section 264.10. Terms. The terms of the members first appointed by the Mayor to the Boards -all be for one, two, or three years, the Mayor to designate in the appointment notices the appointees for each of said respective terms, and the terms -of the successors to said appointees for each of said respective terms, and the terms of the successors to said appointees shall be for three years, except as otherwise provided in the filling of vacancies. An appointive member shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed. Section 264.15. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the appointive membership shall be filled by appo ntment y the Mayor, with the consent of said Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. Section 264.20. Board Officers. Said Board shall elect from its membership a Chairman, a Vicee tha r�"man, and a Secretary, who shall serve for such terms and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the rules of said board. Section 264.25. Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as may be prescribed in the rules of the Board or as may be fixed by the Chairman, consistent with such rules; provided, however, that at least one meeting shall be held in each calendar month. Section 264.30. Quorum. At least four members of the Board present at a meeting of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 264.35. Duties. The duties of the Board shall be as follows: Subd. 1. Advise the Hutchinson Park and Recreation Board and the Hutchinson City Council on activities for seniors which are or may be held in the Seniors Activity Center which shall be a designated portion of the Old Armory. Subd. 2. To develop activities and encourage the use of the Seniors Activity Center by the senior citizens of Hutchinson. Section 264.40. Board Recommendations. The Board shall be considered as a sub - board of the Park and Recreation Boar . Accordingly, any recommendations of the Board shall be made to the Park and Recreation Board. Such recommendations which are not satisfactorily resolved by the Park and Recreation Board, shall be submitted to the Mayor in writing for consideration by the Council. Upon final disposition thereof, the Mayor shall promptly advise the Boards of the action taken thereon. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this day of March, 1978. ATTEST: ary 0. Plotz City Clerk D. J. Black, Mayor MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, January 17, 1978 1. CALL TO ORDER At 7:30 P.M. the regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Acting Chairman Clint Tracy with the follwoing members being present: Elsa Young, Bruce Peterson, Don Erickson, and Paul Christen in addition to Acting Chairman Tracy. Member absent was Tom Cone. Also present were Administrative Assistant Gary Plotz, Building Official Elden Willard and City Engineer Marlow Priebe. 2. CONSIDERATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES FOR THE REGULAR MEETING ON DECEMBER 20, 1977 On motion by Bruce Peterson, seconded by Don Erickson, the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting on December 20 were approved as read. The motion carried unanimously. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY VICTOR SWANSON The Public hearing was opened at 7:31 P.M. by Acting Chairman Tracy with the reading of the Public Hearing notice as published in the Hutchinson Leader on January 6, 1978. Leonard Miller -Asked what this building was Mr. Swanson Arch Street was proposing to put up, since he didn't Hutchinson, MN know anything about it. Victor Swanson -Replied he was proposing to construct 468 -Hwy 7 East mini warehouses. Hutchinson, MN Planning Commission Don Erickson asked why a variance was necessary. Victor Swanson -Stated he did not want grass around the building because there would be too much maintenance involved so he wants to black top this area. Rather than blacktop 50 feet, which is the required setback, he is asking for a variance to allow a 30 foot setback instead. He also stated there would be no parking in this area. Leonard Miller -Asked if there is a curb there. Victor Swanson -Replied, yes, there is a curb there now. He intends to construct more buildings in the future but until then the remaining property will be farmland to keep the area clean. 7- a, Planning Commission Minutes January 17, 1978 Page 2 City Engineer Priebe remarked that other buildings in this area were setback farther than 30 feet, the school for instance, needed more for appearance sake. No loading dock in the front setback is allowed. Victor Swanson -Stated there would be no loading docks, the doors would be ground level. There being no one else wishing to be heard, at 7:38 P.M. the hearing was closed on motion by Bruce Peterson, seconded by Don Erickson. The motion carried with Paul Christen voting no. After lengthy discussion, Bruce Peterson made the motion to recommend approval of the variance request to the City Council. Don Erickson seconded the motion and it carried with Paul Christen voting no. b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY RICHARD DAHLMAN-CURTIS BRADFORD In a letter addressed to Gary D. Plotz, written by Mr. Curtis M. Bradford, dated January 5, 1978, Mr. Bradford stated Mr. Dahlman would not be renting office space in the Den -Mar apartment on the corner of Franklin and 2nd Streets, therefore, there would be no need for a conditional use permit for remodeling. Therefore, the hearing was not held. c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY PETERSON AND PETERSON Acting Chairman Tracy opened the hearing at 7:42 P.M. by reading the public hearing notice as published in the Hutchinson Leader on January 6, 1978. City Engineer Priebe stated the property involved is located in the flood fringe area and one of the purposes of the hearing was to see if the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) had any objections to remodeling an existing building located in the flood fringe district. A notice was mailed to the DNR, however, no one appeared nor sent any objections to this request for a conditional use permit prior to or on the hearing date. Mr. Peterson remarked that one small corner of the building does have an office in it. There being no one else wishing to be heard, the hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. on motion by Don Erickson and seconded by Paul Christen. Motion carried unanimously. After discussion, Don Erickson made the motion to recommend approval of the request for Conditional Use Permit, seconded by Paul Christen and carried unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes January 17, 1978 4. NEW BUSINESS Page 3 a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY GERALD FISHER Mr. Plotz explained the request was asking to remodel an existing garage, and put in a cooler for his milk business. Elden Willard, Building Official, re- marked the property involved is in the new zoning district, I/C-1. Mr. Priebe stated the cooler is a self-contained unit, and he is presently using a truck. After discussion, Don Erickson made the motion to set the public hearing for February 21, 1978, Bruce Peterson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. b) DISCUSSION OF PLANS OF F.W. (JIM) SCHAEFER REGARDING ADDITION TO HOUSE Mr. Jim Schaefer submitted a sketch and explained the changes he is proposing for his house. Building Official Willard mentioned the building on the lot as it is now is non -conforming because of the setback requirements, therefore, a rear -yard variance would be necessary before this could be granted a building permit. After discussion, Don Erickson made the motion to set the public hearing for Febraury 21, 1978, seconded by Paul Christen and carried unanimously. c) DISCUSSION OF PLANS FOR FRANK FAY REALTY TO REMODEL FIRST FLOOR OFFICE SPACE Mr. Willard, Building Official, explained that Mr. Fay is proposing to remodel the office on the 1st floor and Mr. Willard was wondering if a conditional use permit was need before the building permit could be issued. Administrative Assistant Plotz asked if it is a permitted use and since they are remodeling without changing the original use would Mr. Fay need a conditional use permit. The building official looks at the whole building before he issues a building permit, therefore, should the Planning Commission consider the whole building or only the portion of the building in concern. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that if the use of the building is not being changed no conditional use permit will be required before issuing the building permit. d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Administrative Assistant Plotz informed the Commission that he had received communications from the American Payment Center from St. Cloud inquiring about placing a payment center in the Park Square. However, the Park Board was not too enthused about the idea and the City Attorney informed them it was not a permitted use to place a payment center in the Park Square. They had also asked about a space adjacent to the Penney's store within the parking lot. Mr. Plotz raised the question whether the Payment Center would need a sign permit or a building permit. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 January 17, 1978 After further discussion, Bruce Peterson made the motion, seconded by Paul Christen to recommend to the City Council that since the Payment Center will be a public convenience it should be granted a one year temporary permit waiving any fees. The motion carried unanimously. e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER Mr. Priebe pointed out that the Park Towers Highrise is presently in an R-2 Zone which is not allowable. He suggested the Planning Commission consider an area at their next meeting which would include the highrise and rezone to an R-3 area which is less restrictive. A second item Mr. Priebe brought up was that the Planning Commission should also at their next regular meeting reconsider the parkland payment schedule, which has not been updated for two years. The final item was in reference to the office building on 2nd Avenue and Franklin Street. The original building was primarily for apartments and at that time the off-street parking met the code requirements. However, several changes have been made since then and there is a rumor of the possibility of another unit being changed into a business office, which would not have ample parking. If this does come about, Mr. Priebe suggested the Planning Commission should recommend to the City Council that the City take strong action on this matter. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission at this time the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 P.M. MINUTES AIRPORT COMMISSION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1978 The Airport Commission meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall. Members present were Doug Hedin, Doug McGraw, Randy Buboltz. Also present was Administrative Assistant Plotz. 1. The Airport Commission members discussed the availability of applying to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a VOR approach off the Darwin VOR. The Commission pointed out that this is a separate method of landing, other than a non -directional beacon ("H" marker), that is used by aircraft and would be beneficial to the Hutchinson airport. Basically, it would involve the FAA performing a survey of distances and angles, subsequently supplying a map to aircraft users. It was noted that the City of Hutchinson would not be expending any funds, and the grant would be for 100% FAA funding. It was the unanimous consensus of members present to recommend to the City Council the application to the FAA for a VOR approach, inasmuch as the Division of Aeronautics has already provided the City with who to contact and how to pro- ceed. 2. The Administrative Assistant reported on the following Council action: a) Approval of execution of the Navigation Aid Agreement for the "H" marker. b) Approval of the required resolution of non -objection to a controlled air space for the "H" marker. 3. Administrative Assistant Plotz reviewed the City's insurance coverage at the airport. 4. The Commission discussed the break in the underground electrical cable. Mr. Plotz reported that there was a temporary line strung between the pole ;and the shop until the ground thaws and the underground cable can be repaired or re- placed. It was the consensus of the Airport Commission that, inasmuch as the open hangar is between the electrical pole and the shop, that the City install at least two plug ins and two lights with switches within the open hangar. Mr. Plotz stated he would discuss this with Dean Nelson and the City Accountant, Ken Merrill. 5. Commission members discussed the need for repairing the doors on closed hangars. Mr. Plotz reported that Raske Building Systems, Inc. of Cosmos told both Dean Nelson and the City Accountant that they would do the repairs when the weather warms up. AIRPORT COMMISSION February 15, 1978 6. It was noted by Doug McGraw that the City Council and Airport minutes should be corrected to state that the fee for $1.00 per day should be for the open hangar and not the closed hangar and, further, the monthly charge has been $15.00 per month. The $35.00 per month is for the closed hangars, and the daily charge has not been utilized because of a waiting list to use the closed hangars on a monthly basis. It was commented that in the event one of the closed hangars became available for overnight, the charge was $4.00. 7. Members of the Airport Commission clarified the intent by a petition received by the City Council regarding the proposal to enclose the City's existing open hangars. Petitioners were not opposed to the concept of building or applying for funds for a separate enclosed hangar; however, the existing open hangars are requested to remain. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. -2- MINUTES TRANSPORTATION BOARD Wednesday, February 15, 1978 The Transportation Board met on Wednesday, February 15, 1978 with the following members being present: Chairman Dan Huntwork, Emma Lake, Secretary, Jack Kjos, Clarice Coston, Rick Johnson, Ken Gruenhagen. Member absent was Ron Jonas. Also present were Administrative Assistant Gary Plotz, and Personnel Coordinator Hazel Sitz. 1. The meeting was opened by Chairman Huntwork at noon. The minutes of the previous Transportation Board meeting were accepted on motion made by Jack Kjos and seconded by Emma Lake. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Administrative Assistant Plotz presented a report on Cooley Bus Service, which will provide interconnecting Service between Hutchinson and Minnea- polis. Discussion followed as to this service. 3. A report on Ridership and Hutchmobile were given by Gary Plotz, including ridership on the midday bus. It was noted that there were fewer "turn down" rides when midday bus was in service. Chairman Huntwork recommended that Staff continue to provide midday service as needs seem to indicate. 4. Chairman Huntwork will compile comparative ridership figures for last year and this year, showing also relative efficiency of second bus. 5. The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 P.M. Emma Lake Secretary BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSIN, HOME January --1978 Minutes The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, January 19, 1978, 12:00 noon at Burns Manor; President Heinz rruck presiding. All members were present except Ralph Westlund. A motion by H. Jones, seconded by L. Linder and carried approved the minutes of the previous meeting. A motion by E. Miller, seconded by H. Jones and carried, approved the bills as presented, a copy of which is on file with the minutes and made a part thereof. Wallace Kurth, financial advisor, presented the nine month financial statement, which was discussed in detail. A review of rates will be necessary. Private pay rates and welfare reimbursement are to be equal by July 1, 1978. Rule 49 does not allow for a full reimburse- ment to meet financial obligations. If the 'State continues the same reimburse- ment formula, it may be impossible to maintain an equal rate. Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home Board of Directors, Wallace Kurth, financial advisor and M. J. Geier, administrator have accepted Welfare, Medicare Financi- al statements and Accountants reports prepared by Anderson, Leiser and Thorson, Certified Public Accountants, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Additional housing for the elderly was discussed. The concern for the neces- sity of Burns Manor to remain as a medicare and skilled care nursing facility was expressed, in order to be able to meet municipal bonded indebtedness and other financial obligations. The feasibility of using the Ingebretsen Memorial Gift for a project was tabled. An internal communication system improvement was discussed, there being a possi- bility that Burns Manor could utilize the Community Hospital communication equipment. A motion by E. Miller, seconded by L. Linder and carried approved the purchase of a Xerox 660 together with a full service maintenance agreement. 7- d.. Page 2 t,inutes 1-19-78 The Administrator reported: 1. The purchasing agreement with the Community Hospital for drugs and medical supplies had been re -negotiated at a lower handling cost to the hospital. 2. Window sills need replacing. 3. Payroll procedures will be taught to other employees to assure conti- nuity and accuracy. There being no further business, on motion by L. Linder, seconded by E. Miller and carried, meeting adjourned to reconvene February 16, 1978 at the same time and place. ATTEST: Respectfully submitted, Mavis J. Geier, Secretary -:.«t,;.ar•z:::.',snx_ .. ".v.rxr...'n:.ra'.�tsa.... _ .w , ._ . e... _ w .�., ... ,r:.e•,.�. .�"�•Rcs .iam�nL:. -o, ��':CiF. *'x u.��:.« _.�c.a i� a,gx.a;.Ha� .KZa,.a, .'aft^r , - aa"x�.saeKsa�c;',+91W,a�rs 3Ap[JC ,.!.�','S3ffi MINUTES DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 21, 1978 1. The meeting was called to order at 12:10 P.M. by Chairman Skip Quade with the following members being present: Don Glas, Tom O'Connell, Marlin Torgerson, Dennis Hukriede, Ralph Westlund, Becky Piehl, and Don Abbott in addition to Chairman Quade. Also present were Mayor Black Administrative Assistant Gary Plotz, Consultant Clarence Simonowicz, City Engineer Marlow Priebe, Clarice Coston from the Chamber of Commerce, Phyllis Hegrenes, Jean Lerberg and Warren Macemon from the HRA Board, and Mr. Al Albert and Mr. Gordon Peterson from the A & P Group. 2. Mayor Black opened the meeting by reporting that last Wednesday, February 15, he had gone to the State Capitol to lobby on a Senate tax committee regarding the tax increment financing bill. They passed some helpful amendments so it will still be in existance, however with more restrictions. Mr. Albert stated he was in Hutchinson Thursday, February 16 at which time he talked to several downtown businesspeople and their employees and found no negative attitudes toward the proposed downtown development. In reference to site selection, Mr. Albert commented they are aware of the HRA Board's recommendation to consider the Albrecht site first with the former medical clinic being their second choice. Mr. Albert informed the Committee of a private proposal with Mr. Bud Daggett, however, no definite commitment or agreement has been made and in no way does this influence their selecting a proper site, he merely wished to inform the Committee of this. In talking with HUD, Mr. Albert discovered they would prefer not to finance another highrise near the present site. Therefore, that would eliminate the possible sites suggested near the Park Towers Highrise. Mr. Albert went on to state the sites he felt were best, in order of their preference. The first being the Albrecht -Hoffman site, however, economic feasibility, and the acquisition price may pose a problem with this particular one. The second choice was the National Food Store with whom he would be sitting down to discuss this possibility within the next two weeks. Should this be available for acquisition it would then become their first choice over the Albrecht - Hoffman parcel. The third selection would be the Medical Clinic located at 126 Franklin Street North. This building is in the Flood Plain District, however, both Mr. Peterson and Mr. Albert felt this should not be a problem. The Cold Storage building along with the block East of it were considered as the fourth possible site for an elderly highrise. At this time, Mr. Albert pointed out he felt it is important to consider the balance of economic interest and what will happen to the North end of Main Street when everything is being developed on South Main Street. It is equally important to select a site that is the best for the senior citizens and best for Hutchinson. Minutes, February 21, 1978 Page 2 It was the consensus of the Committee to get together again in two weeks after Mr. Albert has contacted National Foods and HUD has approved the sites selected. Then on March 23rd there will be a joint meeting of the Downtown Development, HRA Board, Community Development Advisory Board and the Council to make a recommendation with regard to a site for the elderly highrise. Clarence Simonowicz distributed a print out containing the average assessed value, by block, for 1978 of the downtown area. 3. There being no further business to come before the Committee at this time the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 P.M. X2526\ o`L FF o r 8'r FEBRUARY 23, 1978 MR. GARY PLOTZ, ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON, MN 55350 DEAR GARYt IN RESPONSE TO OUR JOINT MEETING WITH MANKATO MOBIL RADIOt I WOULD LIKE TO INDICATE TO YOU$ AT THIS TIME, THAT I FEEL IT WOULD ZE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE HOSPITAL TO ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WITH THE PAID -BACK OPTION AND A MONTHLY CHARGE OF $107.45. THIS CONTRACT WOULD BE APPROXIMATELY THE SAME COST TO US$ HOWEVER, WE DO HAVE MORE EQUIPMENT INCLUDED ON IT THAN WE HAD ON OUR OWN CONTRACT. I HAD THE OPPORTUNITY AT A MEETING IN MINNEAPOLIS LAST WEEK TO VISIT WITH SOME ENGINEERS FROM VARIOUS HOSPITALS THROUGHOUT MINNESOTA. IN MY CONVERSATION WITH THEM, IT APPEARED THAT OUR CONTRACT IS IN LINE WITH THE PRICING WHICH IS BEING GIVEN TO HOSPITALS OF LARGER SIZE THAN HUTCHINSON CommiTY HOSPITAL. SO BASED ON THIS$ I FEEL THAT WE ARE RECEIVING A VOLUMV DISCOUNT. SHOULD YOU HAVE FURTHER QUESTIONS, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME. SINCERELY, r wIN . C DIRECTOR OF NON --MEDICAL SERVICES DC,DR J ryI JOB ECONOMIC SECURITY Minnesota Department o 390 NORTH ROBERT STREET SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 BY. _ S2V o`er February 13, 1978 0/ �B195��2 City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Sir: It has come to our attention that all our leased facilities are not totally accessible to the entire job seeking public, which includes people in wheel- chairs. Due to recent legislation and action taken by Governor Perpich to insure that elderly and disabled citizens have total accessibility to our services, we are required by law, as a public agency receiving Federal funds, to begin to take steps to make our facilities accessible. The Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a Federal Law, states in Sections 502 and 504, that any programs receiving Federal monies must be made accessible. Regulations and guidelines covering this have recently been made available for our use. The State Building Code states that any new construction (from November 1975 on) or any substantial remodeling must be in compliance with Chapter 55 of the State Building Code, which applies to accessibility. Governor Perpich has issued a directive, Executive Order No. 148, dated May 1977, providing for a barrier -free environment for elderly and disabled citizens. It states that space in buildings leased for State operations shall be free of architectural barriers. Other guidelines and Federal legislation also specify accessibility of State human services facilities. In our interest and concern in serving handicapped people, we must continue our work to eliminate structural and attitudinal barriers. We ask for your help as a lessor in addressing this problem, for only together can we start to remove some of these barriers. During the next lease negotiations, the subject of accessibility must be addressed directly. By accessibility, we mean such things as: 1. Parking Parking slots must be 12' wide. Handicapped parking signs must be posted. Handicapped parking spaces must be as near as possible to the accessible building entrance. 2. Entrances Entrances must be ramped if other than ground level. Ramp slope must not exceed 1:12. Doors must have a clear, useable opening of 31". MFS -11 (REV. 1 2 74) (SN -00130) AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ,,. 11 City of Hutchinson February 13, 1978 Page Two Thresholds must be no more than 'k" in height. Doors must be easily operated with a single effort of one hand. 3. Restrooms All doors must have a clear, useable opening of 31". Water closet compartments must be at least 36" wide and clear of all obstructions. Grab bars must be provided. Water closet seats must be 17 to 20 inches high. We would like to do as much as we can to assist in any modifications. This accommodation for the public will be as efficient as it will be effective. Providing a barrier -free environment in Minnesota is a goal well worth striving to achieve. We know the problems involved, but we also know there are solutions to these problems. For further information, please contact Curt Rutske, our Hutchinson area manager, at 34 S. Franklin, telephone 879-8048, who will make arrangements for contact with our district supervisor or Allen Price, telephone (612) 296-6727, who is coordinating our Department efforts directed toward improving accessibility of our offices. Sincerely, O_kyllwc� Donald M. Buckner Deputy Commissioner DMB:AMP:ams cc: Cuit Rutske (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N r, U. M February 22, 1978 Hutchinson City Council FROM: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Conditional Use Permit for Gerald Fisher Pursuant to Section 6.07, C, 5, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for Conditional Use Permit. HISTORY On January 3, 1978 an application was submitted by Gerald Fisher for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the remodeling of an existing garage at 116 Erie Street, Hutchinson, MN. At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on January 17, 1978 a public hearing was set for the next regular meeting on Tuesday, February 21, 1978. At the public hearing no one was present to speak for or against the request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted by the property owner. 2. Notice was provided to surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on February 10, 1978. 3. It was found that the request was in compliance with the requirements for a Conditional Use Permit which is required in the new I/C-1 District. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for variance be granted. Respectfully submitted, Clinton Tracy Acting Chairman bl � b (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M L tf <) 4 A N D U M DAVE: February 22, 1978 Hutchinson City Council FROM: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Variance Request for F.W. (Jim) Schaefer Pursuant to Section 6.05, B, 3. of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for variance. HISTORY In January, 1978 an application was submitted by F.W. (Jim) Schaefer for a variance to allow an addition to his home located at 6 -Fifth Avenue, Northeast, Hutchinson, Minnesota. At a regular meeting of•the Planning Commission on January 17, 1978, a public hearing was set for its next regular meeting on February 21, 1978. At the public hearing no one was present to speak for or against the variance request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted by the property owner. 2. Notices were provided to surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on February 10, 1978. 3. The request complies with the conditions required for the issuance of a variance for Mr. Schaefer to make an addition to his home but it could be no larger than seven feet. RECOMMENDATION I•t is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the requested variance be awarded. Respectfully submitted, Clinton Tracy Acting Chairman bl 9--0 I U (612) 879-2311 J..VIHUTCHINSON, ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: --February 15, 1978 — — — — TO: — Planning,_Commission — — — — — FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Park Contribution Schedule ------------------ Subsequent to review of the present contribution schedule I believe that land values have exceeded the present schedule. Based on ordinance of requiring 10% of the platted land to be dedicated or cash payment in lieu of dedication, the following cost analysis is made. 1. Average undeveloped land value in or around Hutchinson - $4,000/Acre or $0.09/Sq. Ft. 2. Accordingly, park dedication would be $.009/Sq. Ft. If we would use this cost factor, we would have an increase of from 31% to 1200%. This of course would not be feasible. I would therefore recommend a 40% increase in the schedule for 0 - 10 lots. Also, I would recommend only the one cost factor by eliminating Schedule "A" + 10% and Schedule "B" - 10% as well as the decreasing cost for greater number of lots. There is no justification for the reduction due to large number in plats. The park need per lot is the same. Attached is a copy of the recommended new schedule. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe City Engineer pv A February 15, 1978 PARK CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE Lot Area In Lot Area In 1000 Sq.Ft. 1000 Sq.Ft. Increments Cost Increments Cost 0 - 8 $ 77.00 92 - 100 $ 338.80 8 - 12 92.40 100 - 120 354.20 12 - 16 107.80 120 - 140 369.60 16 - 20 123.20 140 - 160 385.00 20 - 24 138.60 160 - 180 400.40 24 - 28 154.00 180 - 200 415.80 28 - 32 169.40 200 - 240 431.20 32 - 36 184.80 240 - 280 446.60 36 - 40 200.20 280 - 320 462.00 40 - 44 215.60 320 - 360 477.40 44 - 48 231.00 360 - 400 492.80 48 - 52 246.40 400 - 450 • 508.20 52 - 60 261.80 450 - 500 523.60 60 - 68 277.20 500 - 550 539.00 68 - 76 292.60 550 - 600 554.40 76 - 84 308.00 Over 600 616.00 84 - 92 323.40 L (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 DATE: February 22, 1978 T(-): Hutchinson City Council FROM: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Final Plat for Boyle's First Addition Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommendation with respect to the aforementioned request for final plat. HISTORY On September 16, 1977 a request was submitted by Max Boyle for a preliminary plat consisting of seven lots to be known as Boyle's First Addition. At its regular meeting on September 20th the Planning Commission set a public hearing for their next regular meeting on Tuesday, October 18, 1977 at which time Mr. Boyle presented what he had proposed for this plat of land. On February 21, 1978, Mr. Boyle submitted to the Planning Commission the Final Plat with the changes as recommended. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The requested application was submitted by the property owner. 2. Notice was provided to surrounding property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on October 7, 1977. 3. It was found by the Planning Commission on October 18, 1977 that the request complies with the conditions required for a preliminary plat. 4. At the reqular meeting on February 21, 1978 the final plat as submitted reflected the recommendations as suggested by the City Engineer in his memorandum dated October 14, 1977. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the request be awarded contingent upon the parks and playground contribution which according to the existing payment schedule would be $1,122.00. Respectfully submitted, Clinton Tracy Acting Chairman bl (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — February 23, 1978 — — — — — T0: Mayor and City Council --------------------------------- FROM: Fire Inspector -------------------------------- SUBJECT: Fire Lane Parking Violations -------------------------------- Request for an increase from $1.00 to an amount higher on Fire Lane Parking Violations, possibility of $5.00 to $7.00. Because this is a more serious violation than overtime parking; and also, because of repeated violations, a $1.00 loss has little effect as a deterrent. Hutchinson Municipal Ordinance 700:169.02, Subd. III Fire Lane. Fire Lane means any roadway and lands adjacent thereto, necessarily required to be kept clear to permit unimpeded access by Fire Department personnel, equipment and vehicles to exits, entrances, hydrants, stand pipes and other facilities, when duly designated and signs posted. Request for authroization, for the Fire Inspector to be authorized to write tickets on Fire Lane Violations. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON George F. Field Fire Inspector pv cc: Marlow V. Priebe Dean O'Borsky Lloyd Schlueter Gary Plotz 9- t' l-ebruazy 23, 1978 l 11.I1' hSOn e0jjj1jjjj1j�X1osp11a[ Honorable Mayor D.J. Black and City Council Members City Hall - 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear City Council Members: CENTURY AVENUE, _Yatc4iison, � 1impiofa 55350 TELEPHONE 612/896-1665 At the February 21, 1978, Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors Meeting, discussion was held concerning the hospital's proposed Intensive Care -Coronary Care Unit with the following motion being made and passed: 'Motion by Natwick, seconded by Ewald, that the Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors recommends and requests the Hutchinson City Council's authorization to proceed with the bidding stage of the Intensive Care -Coronary Care Unit." Motion passed. We hereby submit this recommendation and request to be placed on the February 27, 1978, agenda of the City Council Meeting. Sincerely, HUTCHINSON CRIVtMITY HOSPITAL Philip G Graves Administrator PGG:lkz HUTCH PROPERTIES February 21, 1978 City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota Attention: Marlow Priebe Re: Stoney Point Addition Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Mr. Priebe: In confirmation of our discussion last week we respectfully request the City of Hutchinson to include in their bids for curb, gutter and blacktop streets in Stoney Point Addition, the inclusion of the streets we planned to do under our original proposal. This will increase the total amount of curb, gutter and blacktop streets required in this area and would probably result in a more favor— able bid for both the City of Hutchinson's work as well as our work. We would expect you to invoice us for our portion of the work accomplished based on your low bid unit figures. We would, of course, appreciate having this work scheduled as early this Spring as possible. We would also request your consideration for a surmountable_ curb profile which would eliminate later patching and repair on the curb cuts. Sincerely yours, HUTCH PROPERTIES Richard M. Smith, Partner RMS :le V -'z' (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 27, 1978 --------------- TO: _ _Mayor and Council r _ ---- _ _ FROM: __Water Billing Clerk SUBJECT: Delinquent Water Accounts N 8-0370-1-00 Michael Levesseur 626 Harmony Lane $29.39 8-0545-0-00 Lloyd Rath 815 Second Ave. S.W. $43.64 f 9-0765-0-00 Robert Gutormson 344 Dale St. S. $55.97 Promised to pay as soon as Workman Compensation comes. 10-0265-0-00 Mrs. Ruth Piehl 621 Juul Road $40.32 10-1145-0-00 Wayne Burville *525 Lynn Road 1118 Madison St. Shakopee, MN 55379 $40.22 $31.27 Paid 2-24-78 $ 8.95 Balance •✓11-0250-0-00 Ben Roth *184 Fourth Ave. N.W. R.R. 4 Box 37 $12.65 $ 6.00 Paid 2-21-78 $ 6.65 Balance x/36-0001-0-00 Galen Gruis 510 Lakeview Dr. $26.00 $20.00 Paid 2-23-78 $ 6.00 Balance (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 27, 1978 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Personnel Coordinator RE: Part Time Bus Driver for Hutchmobile K Approval is requested to add a part time driver for the remaining cold months. He is available to drive afternoons until 5:00 so that we can provide late -day service with two buses when it is needed. Marvin Latzig 990 Hassan St. So. (Our other drivers are available only on a relief basis or during hours when school buses are not running.) (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE.- _ _ February 27, 197 TO: _Mayor and City Council_________ FROM: Ralph Neumann and Ken Merrill SUBJECT: -LOGIS-Liquor Inventory Control Study _ - _ _ - - _ _ ._'_ _ _ _ M LOGIS (our computer financial operation) is in the process of preparing liquor inventory control programs for the computer. The LOGIS staff has prepared, with background data from our liquor store and other LOGIS members' liquor stores, a request for proposal. The proposal is asking for a',.conceptual design of an automated liquor inventory control system. The firm of Price, Waterhouse Inc. has been successful bidder on this conceptual design and would be starting after the first of March. The cost of the project is to be $15,000. LOGIS has received a grant for the major cost of the project. The difference between the grant and actual costs are to be paid by the cities participating in the program, the amount of which is not to exceed $500 payable in August or September of this year. The LOGIS staff has indicated the city's liquor store would be studied probably more than the other LOGIS members due to it being an out -state city. The grant LOGIS received states the program developed should consider all size operation and be useful to all municipal liquor operations. This does not commit the city to the actual programming at this time but should provide some good information on point of sale terminals and good inventory con- trol procedures. We would recommend the city going with this proposal and the $500 coming out of the contingency dollars in the liquor store budget. (612) 879-2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TES SAFETYNCOMMITTEE FOR YOUR INFORMATION The City Safety Committee met on Friday, February 24, 1978 at 1:30 p.m. at City Hall. Members present were George Field, Safety Coordinator, Clyde Drahos, Cal Rice, Earl Alsleben, Jim Brodd, Jim Haasl. Member absent was Mike Burich. Also present were Fred Roberts, Gary Plotz, and Hazel Sitz. Meeting was called to order by George Field. 1. There was discussion of the Safety Manual. It was noted that very few copies remain for distribution to new employees. Consideration was given to.updating or revising it for future use. 2. George Field informed the group that a representative of the State of Minnesota will be presenting a program on first aid for employees of Hutchinson Utilities on March 13, 1978. This training is used as fulfillment of OSHA requirements that time be used regularly to improve occupational safety. After discussion, it was recommended by the committee that this meeting be open for joint attendance by City employees also, with attendance of all employees to be encouraged. Arrangements may be made to have the program presented in two sessions on March 13. One session is scheduled for 1 p.m. A report on this program will be made at the next Safety Committee meeting. 3. There was discussion and review of the use of safety shoes and safety glasses by both permanent and temporary employees. There was discussion of the requirement that members of City crews have valid First Aid certificates. Renewal of outdated certificates will be considered further at a later time. 4. The committee reviewed the accident reports for the past several months. Safety coordinator will see that the report summary is posted as required. 5. The committee reviewed the recommendation in the Safety Manual that membership in the committee should not be longer than a two-year term. It was the consensus that membership should be rotated with half the members to begin their terms in August and the other half in February, for one year terms respectively. For most effective operation of the committee, it was recommended that each employee of a department serve a one-year term before anyone is eligible for re-election. First rotation would begin in August, 1978. 6. It was noted that a representative of the recreation department should be asked to attend the next meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Hazel Sitz, Acting,Secretary ��NNE�Tq 101 F Minnesota Department of Transportation F QOa Transportation Building, St. Paul, MN 55155 tir OF Tr February 10, 1978 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 V4 15 mop v��U) FFf5 1978 N � R ]UlrVIM (C� Br— .:�� Be LZ Phone 612-296-2833 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dear Mr. Plotz: Wheels turn slowly at the Federal Aviation Administration, and an NDB ("H" Marker) approach is a year or more away for the Hutchinson Airport. However, in the mean time it may be possible to get a VOR approach off of the Darwin VOR; in fact, you may want both --VOR and NDB approaches. Here is how to apply for the Darwin VOR approach (the Division of Aeronautics will apply for the NDB approach. Write to: Mr. Earl G. Konrad, AGL-220 j Flight Inspection and Procedures Staff j Flight Standards Division Federal Aviation Administration 2300 East Devon Avenue Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 State that you are a public airport, there is a Public telephone available, and most important that ! You have justification for an instrument approach (see Item No. 3, Samples Enclosed), and that you desire an approach off of the Darwin VOR. ! i Also enclosed is an FAA Guideline. i Perhaps Mr. Doug Hedin could work on this. Hope this is of some help. Sincerely yours, Howard P. Benson Radio Engineer Division of Aeronautics Room 417 HPB:CS An Equal Opportunity Employer ® j AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1978 8:30 A.M. 1. Consideration of Chamber of Commerce's Proposal for Purchase of Christmas Decorations (Deferred February 14, 1978) Action - 2. Consideration of WCCO-TV Establishing A Weather Station in Hutchinson Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 3. Consideration of Request to Attend Time Management Seminar by Rod Keith (Deferred February 14, 1978) Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject - Breakdown of Christmas Decoration Igcome and $xpenses Date Loan Income Pd to Loan Bal. of Loan Expenses Savings 1966 1,000 2,040.02 1967 1,000 "-920.62 1968 2,000 409.62 1969 2,000 1,245.21 1970 2,000 2,02.99 b 1971 2,000 2,185.00 (This past record came from the records kept by Cole Fowler and given to the City of Hutchinson's City Council with a letter dated Sept, 23, 1971.) There were continual and increasing expenses with the Christmas Decorations and by the time in 1973 when new decorations were purchased there was not enoUigh to pay outright for the decorations, so a loan was taken in the nate of the Chamber of Coamerce dr $ 4,360.00 plus' interest and finance charges of $ 360.00 for a total of $ 4,866.W. This was to co*r the differnce between the amount on hand at the time in 1973 and the amount needed to obvar the entire cost of decorations which came to the amount of $ 8,410.00. I cannot find a complete record of additional costa in the years 1972 and 1973. but 0ie,income was $ 2,000.M.yearly so there was a balance of at least $ 4,000.00 to make the down -payment on the decorations. Date Loan Income Pd to Loan Bal_ of,eau Expenses 154LV s_ 1972 2,000 2,000 1973 2,000 41000 1974 4,860.00 2,000 2,000 2,700 -0- 1975 2,700.00 2,000 2,000 700 119.84 -0- 1976 700.00 2,000 700 -0- 29.12 1,256.90 1977 -0- 2,000 -0- -0- -0- 3,256.90 M Y 0 February 15, 1978 Mr. Gary Plotz City Manager 37 Washington, West Hutchinson, MN. 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: WCCO TV 50 -Jouih Ninth St Minneapoii MN This letter is in response to our phone conversation of this afternoon. As I told you, WCCO-TV would I ike to establish a weather station in Hutchinson, which would be one of our reporting stations from around the Twin City area. Enclosed are photo copies of the instruments that the weather station would have incorporated. They would be mounted with a tower, which if on the ground level would have to be about 40 -foot in height, but on a rooftop it would be just above the roof to clear all obstacles. We would need the weather station placed where someone could read the instruments at specified times and report to the WCCO-TV Weather Center. Your mention of the police department is an excellent thought since they are manned, I assume, 24 -hours each day. I would appreciate your bringing this matter to the attention of the city council, for their approval, and, if you would like I'll be happy to be present for their meeting February 23rd. Thank you for your help and consideration. Sincerely, - � I - Tom Cousins Community Affairs & Public Relations Director CBS Affiliate REMOTE READING ELECTRIC RAIN GAUGE t - Model 525-1 CAM 0-1 �' c Model 525 TRANSMITTER El> ,� ��1„ G� I.Oh�Gt � j+4 DAY MONFIt _ 1 Model 525-3 The Model 525 system is a moderately priced miniature adaptation of the standard Weather Bureau tipping bucket electric rain gauge. MODEL 525 TRANSMITTER The transmitter consists of a complex spun collector funnel with a knife edge that diverts the water to a tipping bucket mechanism. The collector and tipping bucket are so designed that one (one- hundredth) of an inch of rain water causes the alternate fill and tip of the mechanism. A magnet is attached to the tipping bucket, which, as the bucket tips, actuates a new high current magnetic switch. Thus, a momentary switch closure takes place with each tip of the bucket. This momentary electrical impulse actuates the electromagnetic counter or counters. The spent water drains out of the bottom of the housing, hence, the transmitter requires no attention or servicing of any sort. It is completely automatic. (over) Jt✓xas ELEebionics, lqne. 5529 c?,djidd St. P. lD. Box 7225 1batlai, 9&xai 75209 (214) 631.2490 235- i For Wind Speed and Direction ... 1 MAESTRO II With Self -powered GUST REGISTER* / Ao so "I\ "V °; '4 i° \ 4 rn _c0 Criterion Air Generator Sensor 1 �9 \Lexan- Cups s +Stub Mast S MAESTRO /I combines all the outstanding features of VIGILANT with wind direction indi- cated by eight solid state Light Emitting Diodes. The very long life system uses very low voltage and draws less than .1 watt from standard household current. The presentation by eight LEDS (used in computers) permits reading the wind direction every two points of the compass (22 1/21). The photo at the left could show the lamps glowing at N and NE and to be read NNE. They glow unobtrusively in subdued light, yet are easily seen In full daylight. The spun dial and polished reflector are a pleasing background for the compass rose, velocity scale, and twinkling red lights. MAESTRO // is available in lacquered brass, polished chrome or our new satin finished stainless steel case. The entire system comes complete, ready for simple installation and includes a Type 41 Cup/Generator, Distributor Vane, 60' 2 -wire cable for speed, 75' of 5 -wire cable, 9' AC cord and plug (for direction function only), Type S and F Stub Mounting Masts, and wide range 1ainless mast clamps. 6.5" dia. case. Full 5 year warranty. Shipping weight; 6 Ib6. Price $270. For Temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius ... CRITERION Here is the ultimate in remote reading temperature indicators. With CRITERION we have combined our classical design that depicts sophistication and good taste, with our usual careful attention to calibration. Each instrument is calibrated to 1°F between -20° and 1200F., or 1° CELSIUS between -350 and 500C. CRITERION can be ordered in a lacquered brass, polished chrome, or satin finished stainless steel case. The scale is clearly readable (black lettering on our custom hand spun dials), and is expanded in the area of most interest. CRI- TER/ON's versatility is marked by its multi -station capability. More precisely, several sensors may be orderedland placed in different locations and all may be read from the single indi- cator. The air temperature sensors are self-contained, need only sun and radiation shelter, and can be placed up to 500' away without loss of accuracy. Water sensors may be ordered on request with the same technical specifications as our air sensors. The water sensor is tubular in shape, is 3" long, 3/8" dia., and is supplied with mounting hardware adaptable to marine applications. CRITERION operates on 100-130 VAC or 12 volts for boat or emergency operation. The system, completely ready for simple installation, includes indicator, a single air or water sensor, 60' of 2 -wire cable, and mounting hardware Please specify your choice of a 6.5" dia. case. Full 5 year warranty. Shipping weight; 4lbs. Price $200. With 2 sensors (any type) and separate unmounted 2 -position switch and prewired terminal block $ 50. SPECIFICATIONS OF MAXIMUM INSTRUMENTS INDICATORS SIZE VIGILANT, MAESTRO /l, RADIANTH, CRITERION 6 5" oa dia. 2.7" oa depth TYPHOON, TYPHOON WEST. 525" oa dia, 2 25" oa depth, SIROCCO. 5 75" x 5 25", 1 87" oa depth Scale Lengths 2500 and 1000. Meter movements 300 mlcroamps, full scale Meter resistance, 450 ohms Meter response rate, 1801/sec. Gust Register response rate 75% 5V/5 sec. TRANSMITTERS Type 41 and Type 39 Cup Generators- Lexan cups rotate at 1760 rpm at 100 mph. Cup swept diameter 7.5" Starting velocity below 3 mph Cup and generator weight 3 7 or Drstrbutor, Vane- Swept diameter, 9" Free wind response 2 mph Weight 2.6 oz. Note gen- erators and distributors mount on stub masts having a maximum diameter of 0 505". All components sourced in USA. NOTES ■ All wind indicators calibrated In MPH unless specifically ■ Cables supplied are not for underground Installation ordered in KNOTS Generators, have been used to near 200 MPP' 11 Cable runs of up to 500' will not cause loss of accuracy. GENERATOR and DISTRIBUTOR UNITS for All Models Mast Stub Mast (installed po,nBase Nn ,t, a The pick-up unit for wind speed is called a "Generator" because that's exactly what it dues It generates \ I Its own electric power when the wind rotates a magnet passing close to a stationary coil. The current is NOTE Adduronai cable lengths are avad transmitted by wire to the Indicator; the greater the power generated, the higher the wind speed reading. able from stock only as follows The "Distributor" pick-up unit for wind direction requires household current, however, primarily to light 50 2 ire t table for all wind speed the LEDS. This includes eight dry reed, magnetically operated, hermetically -sealed, nitrogen -filled 75 5 wue cable rot Maestro 11 and switches, which use a very low dra:n (only 1/2 watt total, far less than a night -light). Both pick-up units Radiant)) $1500 are unique. bearings never need lubrication of any kind; beryllium copper shafts cannot rust, yet are 60' 5 wue cable for Typhoon west strong as steel, there are no brushes or slip rings to wear out or become dirty, causing faulty readings. $1200if 60" I wire cable for An Water Sen The rotating cups are of Lexan' and are virtual) shatterproof. Mounting hardware Is of rugged g P Y P 9 stainless sors$500 steel. We have, In fact, designed out all Identifiable causes of failure, so we can stand behind our Five - ALL WIRE CAN BE EASILY EXTENDED Year Warranty without concern TO MEET ANY SITUATION SPECIFICATIONS OF MAXIMUM INSTRUMENTS INDICATORS SIZE VIGILANT, MAESTRO /l, RADIANTH, CRITERION 6 5" oa dia. 2.7" oa depth TYPHOON, TYPHOON WEST. 525" oa dia, 2 25" oa depth, SIROCCO. 5 75" x 5 25", 1 87" oa depth Scale Lengths 2500 and 1000. Meter movements 300 mlcroamps, full scale Meter resistance, 450 ohms Meter response rate, 1801/sec. Gust Register response rate 75% 5V/5 sec. TRANSMITTERS Type 41 and Type 39 Cup Generators- Lexan cups rotate at 1760 rpm at 100 mph. Cup swept diameter 7.5" Starting velocity below 3 mph Cup and generator weight 3 7 or Drstrbutor, Vane- Swept diameter, 9" Free wind response 2 mph Weight 2.6 oz. Note gen- erators and distributors mount on stub masts having a maximum diameter of 0 505". All components sourced in USA. NOTES ■ All wind indicators calibrated In MPH unless specifically ■ Cables supplied are not for underground Installation ordered in KNOTS Generators, have been used to near 200 MPP' 11 Cable runs of up to 500' will not cause loss of accuracy. i A F-9 TEXAS ELECTRONICS, INC. MODEL T-12 TRIPOD These optionally priced hot -dip galvanized steel mini -towers provide an ex- cellent mounting platform for most weather monitoring sensors, especially those utilized for speed and direction measurement. Model T-12 will install or almost any roof or other prepared surface. Three mounting base feet, pro- vided with the assembly, are separated approximately 16 inches from one an- other and are adjustable to fit any roof angle, flat or sloping surface. Guy wires are recommended for installations where constant high winds are anti- cipated or where sensor mount masts protrude more than three feet above the tripod legs. Model T-12 can also be used as a ground support for meteoro- logical sensors at remote field site installations. Grounding stakes and guys should be used in this case for added rigidity. The mini -tower can be "folded down" compactly for ease of shipment and storage. When erected pro- perly, the tripod cross braces can be climbed by maintenance personnel to preclude dismantling the tower should sensor service be necessary. Model T-12 is supplied complete and ready for installation (less lag screws for roof attachment). Height 9'4" without provided ten foot instrument mast in- stalled. Tripod will accommodate any vertical mast'or pipe up to a diameter of 1.75 inches. Shipping weight 30 lbs. Delivery is from stock. F-7— _ s'P,. 1 0 a r, „ n , - - .. a 1977 - 78 series for pubic of_*Is, managers and enVl*es Co-sponsored by: GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF CONFERENCES AND CONTINUING EDUCATION IN PUBLIC POLICY Continuing Education and Extension UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA T�1 Time Management March 2, 1978 If you find yourself asking: semMcrs 1 oplpl� for effective tical 9MV(MM How can I lick those time wasters once and for all? Am I really doing the "right" things in my job? How can I get control of my time and build.some leverage? How can I be more productive, enjoy my work more, and have more time for the really important things? . . . Then this seminar is your opportunity to learn workable techniques to help avoid those time wasters, to improve planning, prioritizing and meetings, and to effectively use the resources at your command. As a participant, you will: Learn over 20 time management principles Assess your current time utilization patterns and areas for improvement Re-examine your attitudes toward work Discover how to increase your capacity of personal output Identify plans for follow-up action TMJ I CS -Time Management and Delegation Concerns and -What's Your Stand? -Challenge All Tasks -- The Key to Working on -Why Managers Don't Delegate -Film: "Managing Time" and Discussion -My Significant Time Wasters -- Time Wasters -Procrastination -- The Thief of Time -Planning -- How to Make It Happen -How Much Mileage Do You Get From Meetings -Summary and Plans for Follow-up Action AUDIENCE Expectations the "Right" Things for Managers This program is primarily for managers and supervisors, but is valuable for anyone who has the responsibility for organizing work and establishing job priorities -- any level, any function. Since secretaries can play a vital role in the management of time, this seminar may be appropriate for them. PROGRAM LEADER WILL VOLKMER, Corporate Manager of Training at Honeywell, Inc., conducts management and sales training on a corporate -wide basis. He also designs, develops and leads seminars in a wide range of general management and sales topics and prepares divisional training personnel to conduct these programs at their locations. Mr. Volkmer was previously Manager of Manpower Development and Training and Placement Manager at one of Honeywell's divisions. DATE AND TIMES Thurdsay, March 2, 1978 -- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. LOCATION Marriott Inn, 1919 E. 78th Street, Bloomington (at I-494 and Cedar Avenue). Ample free parking is available. All sleeping room reservations should be made directly with the Marriott (612/854-7441 or Toll Free 800/228-9290). Be sure to mention this program because special Government room rates of $20.00 singles and $24.00 doubles apply. A room reservation card will be sent to all non -metropolitan area participants. REGISTRATION AND FEES The fee for the workshop is $50.00 which includes tuition, instructional materials, coffee breaks and lunch. An early registration rate of $45.00 applies too those received by February 9. Registrations are personaland�non-transferable, and wil be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. A full refund of the fee will be made if the registration is cancelled in writing prior to the beginning of the workshop, or if the workshop is not held. Pre -registration prior to one week before the program date is suggested. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact Carol Schoeneck (612/222-7409), at Government Training Service, 636 Minnesota Building, Fourth and Cedar Streets, St. Paul, MN 55101; or Joe Kroll (612/373-3685) at Department of Conferences, University of Minnesota, 315 Pillsbury Drive S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455. The Government Training Service is a public, joint powers organization providing training, education and consulting services to public officials, employees and employers. Continuing Education and Extension of the University of Minnesota provides diverse continuing,edu- cation programs to citizens throughout the state. The co-sponsors are committed to the policy that all persons shall have,equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race,, creed,color.. sex, national origin, or handicap. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION FORA TIME MANAGEMENT March 2, 1978 NAME Roderick Keith TITLED rector ofRcreation ORGANIZATION City of Hutchinson PHONE mu 879-2311 ADDRESS 37 Washington Avenue street city state zip Enclosed is the early registration fee of $45.00 (DEADLINE: February 9). J x/ Enclosed is the regular registration fee of $50.00. / / Please bill above address. Make checks payable to Government Training Service. Return to Government Training Service, 636 Minnesota Building, St. Paul, MN 55101 (612/222-7409). ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE FEBRUARY 14, 1978 CITY OF HUTCHINSON ISSUE NO. 2 3 NOTICES SENT TO CLEAN SIDEWALKS The Street Department made a survey and ice remaining on their surface. ceived letters requesting removal of our City ordinance. last week on sidewalks that had snow Approximately 60 property owners re - the packed snow and ice, pursuant to Several owners did not care to receive such a notice and called City Hall. Fred Roberts and Jim Brodd are following up on the parcels that remain safety hazards. CITY EMPLOYEES TAKING HAVTI COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP As the result of the City Council's approving an on-the-job training program over 30 City employees, including many department heads, are participating in a communications workshop. The workshop primarily deals with how to ef- fectively communicate with the general public, customers, and fellow employees while under tension. Rollie Balk,e and Dave Teske are the instructors. The training totals nine hours over five sessions. It appears that the employees are very conscientious towards understanding and following some,of the recommended methods in dealing with people. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD RECEIVE GRANT UPDATE Both the Downtown Committee and the Community Development Advisory Board have received an update on the status of the Community Development discretionary grant. In summary, over $210,000 of the grant remains for acquisition, re- location and demolition; however, the City has been unsuccessful fqr nearly two years in finding a site with willing sellers. Frank Fay, after three months of prodding, has provided a letter (see at- tached) that summarizes his attempts to obtain options on the Albrecht Oil site. Please note that in the last paragraph that Mr. Fay questions if this is an economically feasible site. This is because he was unsuccessful in negotiating downward the price of Hoffman Plumbing and Albrecht Oil. In a recent telephone conversation with him, Mr. Fay indicated that the expenses E a RKT4 Q .... �BM1"'vF'•zYFY�+S�Ye! iE�4.i,-'.aF*..a§ f ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATE February 14, 1978 of further negotiations may not be worthwhile in view of the huge difference between the position of property owners and what the appraisal would bear out. Mr. Al Albert of the A&P Group will be reporting back to the Downtown De- velopment Committee on his opinion of a housing site for the elderly at the next Downtown Development Committee meeting, Tuesday, February 21, 1978. SHADE TREE GRANT AWARDED TO HUTCHINSON The amount of $32,314 for the Shade Tree sanitation cost and $4,997 for the reforestation cost has been approved for the City of Hutchinson for fiscal year 1978. It is noted that in fiscal year 1977 the City was warded $7,155 for sanita- tion and $1,155 for reforestation, respectively. INTER -CONNECTING TRANSIT SERVICES Starting March 6, 1978, there will be round-trip coach services between Hutch- inson and Minneapolis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the following times: Leave Hutchinson 8:00 A.M. Fare: $4.00 One -Way Arrive Mpls. Leave Mpls. Arrive Hutch. 10:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 8:15 P.M. $8.00 Round -Trip Pick -Up and Delivery Location: Hutch Hotel This will hopefully answer one of our goals of the Hutchmobile grant appli- cation without getting financially involved in attempting to implement the services ourselves. PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RECEIVES ANOTHER CETA GRANT Hazel Sitz, Personnel Coordinator, has prepared an application and received a No. 1 ranking in the Region for personnel needs under the Comprehensive Employment Training Act (CETA). The amount awarded this time was $34,034. This will fund four positions in the areas of Civic Arena, park, and recre- ation maintenance and grounds keeping. This is the third CETA grant Hazel has been successful in obtaining and she has garnered over $75,000 in the past 12 months through this program. HAT ON EARTH DO YOU NE >c RF ALTOR ` 126 MAIN STREET SOUTH HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 51_ +3'4 4114 February 1, 1978 Gary Plotz, Assistant City Administrator City of Hutchinson City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Garys RE: Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Block 25 South 1/2 City of Hutchinson I have contacted property owner Ed Hoffman who is the owner of the East 1/2 of Lots 9 and 10 and enclose an Option signed by Mr. Hoffman to the City of Hutchinson. I have also had discussions with Emanuel Albrecht who owns Lot 8 and the West 1/2 of Lots 9 and 10 and he will only sell one complete term key transaction for the amount of $150,000.00, and the City shall assume the pending assessments of approximately $5,379.00. I have met with Du Wayne Peterson and Howard Madsen owners of Lot 6 and 7 and they have indicated that they request $40,000.00 for each lot. This brings a total on this property to $280,000 less whatever could be salvaged from the sale of personal property, tanks, etc., from Albrecht Oil Company which I would estimate in the range between $10,000.00 and $15,000.00 in value. As you will recall on our first visit with Clarence Simonowicz, Jean Lerberg and yourself you informed me at that time that you tried to purchase the Albrecht property and the property owned by Hoffman with a total budget of $210,000.00. On our next visit with Clarence and you I was informed that you needed more land in order to meet parking requirements for this type of housing. It is my opinion at this time that it is going to take an awful lot of negotiations and be very difficult to make this economically feasible at this time. Very truly yours, Frank J ` Fay J. B./ C. FJFanlp Enclosure SIX,EflST REGIONQ DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION CITY AUDITORIUM 311 WEST 6TH STREET WILLMAR, MINNESOTA 56201 COMMISSION CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE (DIRECTOR Earl Larson H. Eugene Hippe, AIP MEMORANDUM Date: February 7, 1978 To: Title VI Community Service Applicants From: Cathy Petersen, Regional Planner 601 - Re: Ranking of Projects PHONE: 612-235-8504 REGIONAL PLANNERS Dick Carlstrom Lee Larson Cathy Petersen Tom Peterson The Region Six East Manpower Advisory Committee has reviewed and ranked the applications submitted to them in January. The committee has ranked each one. However, the RMAC is a subcommittee of the Six East Regional Development Commission and the Six East Regional Development Commission Executive Board reviews their recommendations. Therefore, the attached ranking is preliminary at this point. The Executive Board and the Department of Economic Security, the funding agency, will be reviewing the applications simultaneously. The Department.of Economic Security will then notify you of your status. cc: Fred Anderson, DES Enclosure RXIAC Jan: 1978 Title VI Community Service Projects Submitted as of January 13, 1978 ;MAC Amounts 'Lank Application No. Requested Project Title Project Applicant 1 6E-4033 $34,034 Public Recreation City of Hutchinson Area Maintenance and Extension of Prior Project 6E-4015 4 6E-4034 13,487 School Grounds & Eden Valley -Watkins Athletic Field School District Improvement and Beautification 7 6E-4035 5,795 Summer Assistance City of Glencoe & for Community Ed. Ind. School District 5 6E-4036 65,826 Environmental Renville County Protection 6 6E-4037 20,440 Remodelling Hutchinson Public Schools 2 6E-4038 33,003 Remodelling Glencoe Municipal Hospital 6E-4039 19,582 Energy Conservation Litchfield Public and Preventive Schools Maintenance Program $192,167 Total Requested by Applicants • (612) 879-2341, CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 10, 1978 70: _Mayor and City Council - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM: Gary D. Plotz, Administrative Assistant SUBJECT: Merit Review for Salaried Employees On Thursday morning; January 26, 1978, the City Council reviewed merit increases for salaried employees, and it was determined the following increases were appropriate: Administrative Assistant - 52 Director of Public Works/Engineer - 2% Assistant Director of Public Works - 2% (Streets, Parks & Cemetery) Chief of Police - 5% Personnel Coordinator - 5% The effective date for the cost of living increase was the pay period be- ginning January 8, 1978. Perhaps we should discuss when you want these merit increases to begin. Whatever pay period you choose, it would be easier for the computer input to have a uniform policy of making increases effective at the beginning of a pay period. GDP:ms