cp02-24-1981 cr SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY f/UTlf1" —22— —23— —24— WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY H U TC H I N S O N Noon - Hutchinson Safety Council Meeting at Prairie House CITY 2 :00 P.M. - Open Bids for City CALENDAR Owned Property at j City Hall 2 :00 P.M. - Hutchinson Utili- ties Commission WEEK OF Meeting at Utili- ties 7 :30 P.M. - City Council Meet- ing at City Hall February 22 TO February 28 1981 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -25- -26- -27- -28- 7:00 A.M. - City Council Meeting GARY PLOTZ WILL BE ATTENDING with Directors at !; A FINANCE WORKSHOP ON FRIDAY City Hall AND SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. - City Council Meeting with. Department ' Heads at City Hall VACATION - 1' v _ . Marlow Priebe from Feb. 12 - liarch 8 Hazel Sitz from Feb. 23 -27 I .. 0 9 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1981 vi. Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 P.M. V/2. Invocation - Reverend E. David Natwick A. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of February 10, 1981 and Special Meeting of February 13, 1981 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended V/''' Public Hearing None S. Communications, Requests and Petitions V/(a) Presentation by David McKusky of Dorsey Law Firm Re. Industrial Revenue Bond Issue for Hecht & Assoc. Action - i/(b) Consideration of Request for Street Lights on Lakeview Lane Action - Motion to reject - Motion to refer to Utilities 6. Resolutions and Ordinances None 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions VI(a) Monthly Financial Report - January 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing v/ b) Minutes of Park & Recreation Board dated January 7, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing t4c) Minutes of Tree Board dated January 19, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing A(d) Minutes of "Seniors Activity Center" Advisory Board dated January 6, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 0 COUNCIL AGENDA FEBRUARY 24, 1981 /(e) Minutes of Nursing Home Board dated January 22, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,/(f) Minutes of Planning Commission dated January 21, 1981 and January 28, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ✓(g) Minutes of Hospital Board dated January 20, 1981 8. Unfinished Business None 9. New Business J(a) Consideration of Changing City Council Meeting Time to 8:00 P.M. for March 10, 1981 Meeting Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 4b) Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuance of service ✓(c) Consideration of Purchase of Computer Terminal Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject Consideration of Remodeling Inside Police Station Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject ,/(e) Consideration of Proposed Legislation on 2% State Excise Tax on Fire Insurance Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution ✓(f) Consideration of Request for Variance Submitted by Blocher Advertising Co. with favorable recommendation from Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution Ag) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit Submitted by Blocher Advertising Co. with favorable recommendation from Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution -2- 0 • COUNCIL AGENDA FEBRUARY 24, 1981 10. Miscellaneous ,%(a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments ,/ a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment -3- • AGENDA ADDITION REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1981 3. Minutes Minutes of Special Meeting of February 23, 1981 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 8. Unfinished Business v/(a) Consideration of Awarding Bids for Sale of City -Owned Property Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bids 9. New Business LA/d) Consideration of Remodeling Inside Police Station Item Withdrawn from Agenda v& Consideration of Authorization to Advertise for New Ambulance Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize advertising /(i) Consideration of Ten -Year Lease with Welding Supply Inc. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve lease D Consideration of Application for Retail "On Sale" Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for Hutchinson Jaycees on June 7, 1981 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments ✓Lb) Consideration of Snow Blower /Loader Payment Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize payment of $26,200 and finance balance ($43,712) by equipment certificate to water/ sewer fund MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor. Westlund at 7:30 P.M. with the follow- ing members present: Aldermen Peterson (left at 10:45 P.M.), Lueneburg, Gruen - hagen and Beatty, in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: None. Also present: City Administrator Plotz, City Engineer Priebe, and City Attorney Schantzen. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend E. David Natwick of the Christ the King Lutheran Church. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 27, 1981 and Special Meetings of January 29, 1981 and February 6, 1981 were approved as read upon motion by Alder- man Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. . 4. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) 1981 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: The Mayor made opening remarks on the 1981 improvement projects. He stated this hearing was a formality of the City Council, and from the comments by the property owners the Council will be able to make a decision. He pointed out that about 12 -13 years ago the City Council decided there should be perm- anent streets throughout the City. During the time the Mayor has been on the Council, the street improvement projects has continued each year, includ- ing curb and gutter. This work is spread out over several years. In order to determine which streets should be done in 1981, the City Engineer did a survey of all the City streets and the amount -of maintenance for each street. The survey was then reviewed and a recommendation presented to the Council. The Council has reviewed some of the proposed streets and improvement proj- ects, and some have already been removed. Following this hearing, a deci- sion_ will be made on future action. The guideline on the total cost of the projects each year is approximately $1 million to $1.5 million. Of the amount assessed, 35 -40% is actual City cost and is borne by the entire community. The present Council is trying to complete the goal of all the streets in.Hutchinson being permanent ones. 1. PROJECT 81 -03 Mayor Westlund called the public hearing to order at 8:12 P.M. and read Publication No. 2374, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -03, installation of 8" watermain and appurtenances for the following area: Hassan Street C� I COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 from Fourth Avenue S.E. to Oakland Avenue. The estimated cost is $60,000.00. City Administrator Plotz commented on the two public hearings held re- garding improvement projects. The hearing tonight is the first one and gives the public an opportunity for input. The total cost of the proj- ect was not listed in the hearing notice since individual assessment costs are not known at this time. A later notice, or adoption of as- sessment roll, will give the actual amount of the assessment on the property. The bids would be in at that time so the cost would be more definite. The second hearing is to allow the public to voice comments on thes- sessment cost of the project. The assessment rolls will be adoptecL.at that time. The property owner then has a 30 -day time limit from the date the assessment roll is adopted to pay the total assessment amownt without interest. The property owner has a 10 -year period for financ- ing the project cost, with interest charged on the unpaid balance.-71-The interest rate is based on what the City pays for the tax exempt bond sold, which has amounted to 7% in the past. Deferred assessments are available for the elderly or low income persons. City Engineer Priebe stated a new assessment law was passed last year which gives cities the option of either constructing the project and then assessing the property owners the following year, or adopting-the assessment rolls before construction is started. Jim.DeMeyer Questioned the time period between receiv- 364.Larson ing bids and awarding contract. City Engineer Priebe showed the location of the various projects by means of an overhead projector. He stated that about 15 years ago the City was given a fire rating that dictated what fire insurance would be within the City. Since that time the City has updated its water system to retain that rating. Based on that, a project on Hassan has been pro- posed because the size of the watermain is not adequate for fire protec- tion. Mr. Priebe further stated that on Fourth Avenue there is presently a 4" watermain. The new main will be fully funded out of the water and sewer funds. Hearing notices were sent to the property owners because some of the old service lines may need to be replaced, and this service line replacement would be at the property owner's expense. If a service line is not copper, the City Engineer would propose to replace it as part of the project. The Mayor commented this is the first year the City has charged projects back to the sewer and water funds to save the property owner money. -2- • i COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 0 Unidentified Man Asked if property owners would pay only for the new water line. City Engineer Priebe Responded property owners would pay only for those lines that have to be replaced. The hearing on Project 81 -03 was then closed.on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, and carried,unanimously. 2. PROJECT 81 -07 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2375, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -07, installation of 10" sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the fol- lowing area: California Street 1400' Extension to School Road. The es- timated cost is .$38,000.00. Following the City Engineer's presentation,,-Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing - to;be, heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -07 was then closed on motion by Alderman Pet- erson, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and unanimously carried. 3. PROJECT 81 -09 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2376, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -09, installation of 8" sanitary sewer, 6" watermain and appurtenances for the following area: Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $20,000.00. It was pointed out this service would be for the area that is in the process of being finalized for annexation into the City. The cost of the project would be 100% assessed to the developer. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone- present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -09 was then closed on motion by Alderman Luene- burg, seconded by Alderman Peterson and carried unanimously. 4. PROJECT 81 -10 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2377, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -10, installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer and appur- tenances for the following area: Clifton Heights Area. The estimated cost is $265,000.00. ISM COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 The City Engineer reported that in 1979 the sanitary sewer was installed in the Clifton Heights area because a portion had been annexed. Now that annexation has been completed, the service will be extended to the rest of the area. Mayor Westlund asked if there were any questions concerning this project. The following were present and made inquiries regarding Project 81 -10. John Mliner Raised a question on water and sewer costs. Clifton Heights Stated that to the east of his property there may be more construction. Asked if this was being anticipated in the size of the lines so it would not have to be increased. Wanted to know if the owner to the east would be included for the cost of the project. City Engineer Priebe Stated there are no exact figures on thc;�,:p ro- ject, and inflation has to be taken into con - sideration. He anticipated the costs would be higher than the estimates. He further reported the line sizes will be adequate for that area. The highway has adequate line for the other direction. The hearing on Project 81 -10 was closed on motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and unanimously carried. 7 . 5. PROJECT 81 -12 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2378, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -12, installation of 18" storm sewer and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: Hassan Street from Fifth Avenue S.E. to Third Avenue S.E. The estimated cost is $50,000.00. City Engineer Priebe commented that the line had been rebuilt because of inadequate flow capacity. In looking at an overall street program, he wanted to have all the underground completed. The first step would be a proper drainage system in this area, with street improvement at a later date. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -12 was closed on motion by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried unanimously. -4- 16 0 COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 6. PROJECT 81 -13 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2379, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -13, installation of 30" and 24" storm sewer and appurtenances for the following area: Jefferson Street North between River and First Avenue N.E. and on First Avenue N.E. 'from,-Jefferson Street to Hassan Street. The estimated cost is $35,000.00. - City Engineer Priebe explained the project and the work to be done. He reported the City is proposing to do repair or replacement of storm sewer in the last two blocks of the present system. Mayor Westlund reported the City had received notice that the Burling- ton Northern Railroad had an objection to the project. He then asked if there was anyone present who wished to be heard. There was no re- sponse. -- The hearing on Project 81 -13 was then closed on motion by Alderman Peter- son,-seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. 7. PROJECT 81 -14 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2380, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -14, installation of storm sewer outlet, lateral storm sewer and appur- tenances for the following area: Second Avenue S.W. between Dale Street and Lynn Road. The estimated cost is $60,000.00. City Engineer Priebe stated he had received many phone calls regarding this particular project. A portion of the line collapsed last year and another portion is ready to collapse. He is proposing the following three separate projects: 1) replacement of line from Second Avenue to the river, which is a trunk outlet. The entire area would be assessed for the project. 2) Propose to build new lines around the house assessed to the portion of the area which drains into a portion of the line be- fore it reaches the trunk. This would be repair of a section of a lat- eral system. 3) The other portion would be a city /county project. Back in the 1950's the pipe was built with concrete base and not reinforced. The City does not feel the pipe will last much longer, and he would like to have it repaired before resurfacing is done in that area. Following the City Engineer's presentation, the Mayor asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. The following were present and made inquiries regarding Project 81 -14. Mrs. Victor Arlt Asked if when it is implied "it will be with 612 Second Avenue S.W. your lot," does that mean the square footage of the lot. Asked if that is what would be assessed. Inquired if she would also have to pay on the county repairing project. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 City Engineer Priebe Answered that the storm sewer is the City project and would be charged on the square footage basis. Mrs. Victor Arlt Asked about hook -ups. City Engineer Priebe Commented this would be a joint project. The county takes care of the center 24', and the City would normally assess the user for the 10'. Mrs. Arlt Asked if this would affect curb and gutter already in. Roger Gustafson Responded the project is on the county /state County Engineer system. The county would assess 24' of the road. The details have not been worked out. Mrs. Arlt Stated many people living in that area are old and not working. If she were going to do something, she would want to know how much money would be spent. Mayor Westlund The question is: "What about the curb and gut - ter; will it have to be replaced ?" If it needs to be improved, it will be improved at that time. City Engineer Priebe This is a preliminary discussion. The curb will be left as it is. Stated he was not talk- ing about replacing the curb, although some might have to be replaced; 5' sections would be the greatest amount. Roger Gustafson County is not interested in coming in and mak- County Engineer ing this a big project. They have an obli- gation to maintain the street for traffic. They want to upgrade the street. Mrs. Arlt Commented that the street is so high the car bumpers hit the street when she backs out of the driveway. Roger Gustafson Commented that some area may have to be taken County Engineer out. Consider 1982 for the project date. County will try to hold funds for the next year if it does not work out with the City. • • COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 9 The hearing on Project 81 -14 was closed on motion by Alderman Gruen. - hagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. 8. PROJECT 81 -15 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2381, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -15, installation of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and appur- tenances for the following area: Dale Street from Merickel'.s Addition to South Grade Road. The estimated cost is $102,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported that a greater portion along Dale Street_ had been developed -so it would be advantageous -to do the area from Lin- . den to South Grade Road. The sewer and water has been completed along the area and service is out to the property. Also the storm sewer is out in this area. It may be extended to 100'. Deforest Wagner Inquired about the cost for putting in curb Minneapolis and gutter. Also asked if the gutter would be in addition to the cost for curb. Wanted to know how high the curb would be. Asked if the lawn was 6" below the -curb, would it be up to the property owner to fill it in. City Engineer Priebe Responded the City would taper the lawn out and fill in dirt. Reported he had talked to contractors relating to inflationary costs. The City will plan to use products that have increased the least amount in the hope- to keep costs down. Dale Annis Asked if Dale Street was a county road. Asked 871 Dale Street if the county was going to help pay for the road. City Engineer Priebe Reported the county does:not pay for the user portion of the street. City might do overlay in conjunction with the county. Darrell Becker Stated he had an open lot. Asked if he would 860 Dale Street S. be responsible for back fill on the lot. Keith Nonweiler Asked how the City was going to put a curb 990 Dale Street S. in where there is a 10' drop. It would make a steep bank. Also inquired if he would be charged for running foot facing Dale Street and also on South Grade Road. -7- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Dale Annis City Engineer Priebe Asked how much property would have to be given up for curb. Responded 10 -1/2' from property line. Deforest Wagner Asked when a person lives on a corner, does he get charged for both sides. Inquired if the only charge was for curb and gutter put in for surfacing. City Engineer Priebe Replied he would be charged only for the long side of his property. %. The tearing on Project 81 -15 was closed on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. r� 9. PROJECT 81 -16 *" Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2382, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -16, installation of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and appur- tenances for the following area: North Side of North High Drive from Elm Street to T.H. 15. The estimated cost is $20,000.00. Don Krasen Asked the City to hold up on the project for 344 School Road about a year. Stated someone was thinking ( Krasen Plmbg. & Htg.) about building an apartment building and a business in the area. Commented he didn't have any money anyway to pay the assessment- City Engineer Priebe Stated the City was finishing up a short sec- tion on the north side only. There are only three or four properties involved. The hearing on Project 81 -16 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. 10. PROJECT 81 -17 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2383, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -17, installation of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and appur- tenances for the following area: Arch Street from Michigan Street to East End of Base. The estimated cost is $96,000.00 am • • • •1 COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 City Engineer Priebe reported that after the Farmers Elevator was built, bituminous surfacing was put on the street. The ground conditions were not stable for loading on the roadway, and one spot failed. It is pro- posed to widen the street, put in curb and gutter, and increase the sur- facing depth to 10 ". It was his recommendation to do the work before the cost goes up more. Also, Mr. Priebe recommended changing the weight restriction on the roadway and outlet from the Elevator_ from the present - 9 -ton to 10 -ton, which would be the same as Hwy. 7. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -17 was closed on motion by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. 11. PROJECT 81 -18 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2384, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -18, installation of curb and gutter, bituminous surfacing and appur- tenances for the following area: Main Street from Fourth Avenue N. to Fifth Avenue N. The estimated cost is $50,000.00. City Engineer Priebe stated that two years ago the State Department of Transportation contacted the City about improving the interesection of Highways 7, 15 & 22 with new turn signals. This will, therefore, be a joint project between the City and State to include surfacing, curb and gutter, and sidewalk. The project will be extended to Fifth Avenue be- cause of the condition of the curbing in that area and the amount of traf- fic. Jim Schaefer 214 Dale Asked if the project would take part of the boulevard. City Engineer Priebe Answered the project would be within the right -of -way. The cost estimate was shown' as higher than the actual cost because he just received figures from the State. The cost will be around $18,000.00. Jim Schaefer Asked where the sidewalk would be replaced. Stated the curb is bad but the sidewalk is perfect. Kim Schramm Asked what they.were supposed to do with the 442 N. Main snow. The bank is too high to throw the snow up onto. Moll COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 City Engineer Priebe Told him to push the snow out in the street, and the City would pick it up. Kim Schramm Stated it would be a problem after the street is widened. Jim Riley Made reference to staying within the right - 465 Main St. N. of -way and asked if the trees would be removed from the boulevard. Also asked if the curb and gutter would be removed andhow much-wider the street would be. City Engineer Priebe Responded the street would be 4' wider on each side of Main Street. Jim Riley Commented this would eliminate the bouevard that is presently there. Stated that in to- night's newspaper there was an article about it being a misdemeanor to shovel snow from the sidewalk onto the street. He had under- stood that Mr. Priebe had said they could do this. Mayor Westlund Remarked that Mr. Priebe was referring to the residential area that is not on the stake highway. Jim Riley Stated there would only be 6 or 8 feet of grass between the sidewalk and street. -_ This would move the semi- trucks up to where they will run over your toes. It would be danger- ous if a car jumps the curb and the sidewalk is next to the street. Questioned the validity of the project, and stated he failed to see any benefit from it. He wasn't too concerned about the intersec- tion. Commented about widening the street up to the hill and stated the place to bring it down to two -lane traffic is at the hill. Re- marked about the beauty of the hill with all the trees on both sides of the street. Asked if the City was going to rip out the trees and put in concrete. Stated he didn't know of anyone, except those in the concrete busi- ness, who would be in favor of it instead of the trees. Those benefitting from the project will pay for it. Questioned what the project would do to his property and said it would de- crease the value. 0 -10- 0 • COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Mrs. Jim Riley • Stated there were several individuals who couldn't come to the hearing but were not in favor of the project. Diane Ekstrom Stated she was against the project. There - 480 N. Main is such heavy -.- -traffic down on the street level, and it will get the traffic closer to them. Jim Riley Asked if one person had called who was in favor of the project. Mayor Westlund Commented that it is common for some people to sign two petitions, one in opposition and one in favor of a project. Jim Riley Asked what the estimated cost was for running foot on the east side. City Engineer Priebe Stated the total cost given to the City was around $17,000.00. There is 1,300 frontage feet, and depending on how the sidewalk is handled, $10 /ft. is estimated. Mayor Westlund Commented that the City Council will be taking action on a sidewalk policy shortly, and he ex- plained what the policy would be on sidewalks. Don Erickson Stated if there are 24 trees that have to be 731 Shady Ridge Road removed for the project, he would like to see as many as possible saved. City Engineer Priebe If the sidewalk was removed from the cost of the project, the cost would drop to $9.00 /ft. or less. Jim Riley Commented on the sidewalk and asked if it couldn't be repaired instead. The hearing on Project 81 -18 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. 12. PROJECT 81 -19 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2385, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -19, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Shady Ridge Road from South Line of Rolling Oaks Fourth Addition to South Line of Shady Ridge. The estimated cost is $105,000.00. -11- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 City Engineer Priebe reported this project ties in with Project 81 -26. The project was recommended based on a petition received which requested curb and gutter on Shady Ridge Road. The present roadway is on the west boundary line of the right -of -way and about 24' east from there. It is off center from the present right -of -way of the roadway. In order to place the curb, the old roadway will have to be regraded as it is lower in some areas. Traffic has caused maintenance problems so it would not be possible to just oil the surface again. It would be best to consider both projects at the same time for cost effect in the long -run. Mayor Westlund Stated this project was considered two years ago but was deferred because of opposition from the residents for curb and gutter. Jim McClure Asked about the names on the mentioned IYeti- 1301 Campbell Lane tion. Stated two items are not on the Project. Asked why the south end of Shady Ridge Road was not taken into the project. City Engineer Priebe Responded that this area is not developed. The storm sewer would come in from north of the highway, and this has not been installed. The City does not have the right -of -way north of Crow River Press on the west side ofAhe road. In talking to the property owner, Mel Ziemer, some development or platting could hap - pen in 1981 so that in 1982 the storm sewer system could be put in and then the balfffice completed. Jim McClure Asked why the City would be doing the center of the road and not the ends. Asked if it wouldn't be more cost efficient to go all the way around and do underground work first. May - be there is more underground work that needs to be done before the middle is done. Bob Carney Agreed that something needed to be done. Com- 465 Shady Ridge Road mented there is a lot of water standing on the side of the road. Asked the City to move the road over when it was all torn up,and there wouldn't have been any water problems.now. Stated the property owners would be billed twice. Asked why the street wasn't put in the right place when it was torn up. City Engineer Priebe Responded that the storm sewer was all that was proposed. Still need ditches. The curb and gutter was being discussed then. • -12- . • COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 C Bob Carney Asked why the City couldn't move the road over, put on oil fill, and leave it alone. Stated he was opposed to being billed twice. He was billed for the storm sewer. City Engineer Priebe Stated -the road wasn't -placed before because they didn't have all the right -of -way needed. Bob Carney This time you did have all the right -of -way. Mayor Westlund The cost of oil would be the cost for the whole community, not just the benefitting property owners. Bob Carney Requested a complete cost break -down on what the actual costs are for the project. City Engineer Priebe The costs will =be separate bid items. .Jim McClure _ _ Stated he lived along the middle section of the road. "When the traffic comes off Hwy. 7, the cars are still doing 50 -mph on Shady Ridge Road. Felt this should be .,,brought to the at- tention of the Police Department. Stated he had not seen any traffic control in the area. There are children on this road. Mayor Westlund Instructed the City Administrator to talk to the Police Chief regarding speeding on Shady Ridge Road. Renee Bryan Asked if the upkeep maintenance on the road 450 Shady Ridge Road wouldn't cost more for oil than a permanent street. Dick McClure Stated the names on the petition all live on the west side of the road. Will this guaran- tee those people they won't have any water prob- lems. Didn't understand why there was such a low causing the problem. Commented the City Engineer had set elevations for the houses of 1 -1/2' above the street. City Engineer Priebe Stated there are old culverts that are plugged UP- Duane Dickey Remarked that the grades were set according to 745 Laura the proposed new street. -13- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Renee Bryan Inquired about the estimated cost. Stated the road is higher than the house. Expressed concern if there should be a severe water prob- lem in the spring. Marvin Top Inquired about the storm sewer. Stated there 462 Shady Ridge Road would be intakes on the west side of the road. Said he would like access to the project if he is going to pay for it. The hearing on Project 81 -19 was closed on motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 13. PROJECT 81 -20 411". Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2386, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -20, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Merrill Street from Fourth Avenue S.W. to Linden Avenue. The estimated cost is $100,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported that in 1973 the City started a curb and gutter program. It has been looking at putting in curb and gutter..,,on a five -year assessment roll and then consider surfacing in five years;: The City is proposing to surface Merrill Street at this time. It is three years beyond the planned five -year period. Elmer Berwald Stated there was a petition circulated in 506 Merrill Street opposition of the project. There are many poor people living in this area who cannot afford to pay for the work. City Engineer Priebe Commented he had new data from the State, and the cost would be less than what was estimated. Elmer Berwald Asked how many years it had been since the City had fixed Fourth Avenue S.W. Stated it was a "rotten job." He lives on a corner lot. Arlynn Ness Commented on the cost of the project. Stated 605 Juul Road $20 would be substantially lower than the fig - ure given. Dave Jensen Asked about the different type of design men - 610 Third Ave. S.W. tioned which would lower the cost by one - third. -14- W 0 COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 0 City Engineer Priebe The new design would be a gravel base with less bituminous. With the oil prices going the way they are, the less--bituminous and more gravel would save money. The bituminous cost has gone up greatly. The trucks on City streets Would allow for this change. Virginia Beck Commented on the possibility of home owners 570 Merrill St. S.W. being assessed if they live on .a street that is not permanent. Asked how the cost would be arrived at. Those on good streets will pay the same proportion as those who live on_bad: streets. Carla Ness Stated they have lived in their house one year. 605 Juul Road If the prior owner paid assessments on Juul Road, would the new owner get credit for it. City Engineer Priebe.: .Answered "Yes." The assessment is on the property and not on the person. Edward Maresh Asked if the new road would stand up as long 596 Juul Road as the other road. City Engineer Priebe Stated it was a state aid. Edward Maresh Commented he paid for the road. Stated that if more gravel is put on, that is what is there now and is breaking up. City Engineer Priebe Replied that blacktop would not be as strong as a normal amount of tar. Mr. Maresh would be given credit for a previous assessment on Juul Road. The hearing on Project 81 -20 was closed..on-motion. by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 14. PROJECT 81 -21 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2387, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -21, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Miller Avenue from Main Street to Harrington Street. The estimated cost is $120,000.00. -15- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Chris Thompson Wanted to know why three to five years ago 706 Brown Street the project wasn't done, and now it is going to be done. City Engineer Priebe Replied the City considered doing the work in two stages to cut down the cost. The curb was assessed for five years, and now they are go- City Engineer Priebe ing to do the bituminous surfacing and appur- Harold (Shorty) Rutske tenances. The maintenance was not as great 706 Lynn Road S.W. as in prior years because the traffic was im- proved. Could get by for another three years for the project. Thought it would be settled in 1980. Now he Larry Albrecht Commented on the water from rain and how it 646 Brown Street comes on his and the neighbor's lawn. No culvert was ever put in. Asked if they:get drainage when a new road is put in. The;,:,road is low and water comes off the alley. City Engineer Priebe The problem is within the block and in the alley. Stated he would look into the problem. Greg DeWitte Asked if the road would be torn out and re- 645 Grove S. placed or have oil put over it. Before this is done, could the City check into the sewer system. The City has had to do jetting three times. Asked if it could be checked out.. City Engineer Priebe Reported the City proposes to repair the,!, sewer main before it does surfacing. Greg DeWitte Commented on the Grove and Miller corner. It was filled in and thought the problem was re- solved. Asked why it wasn't done three years ago and saved the cost of resurfacing. Asked if the service put in last year would have to be torn up. City Engineer Priebe Answered a seal coat would be put on. Harold (Shorty) Rutske Stated he bought his house five years ago. 706 Lynn Road S.W. If he had moved in sooner, he would not have had the additional tax. Stated he would be getting taxes for both sides of his property. Thought it would be settled in 1980. Now he has to pay for the blacktop on the north. He had a tough time paying for the south side. Against being billed for the north side. Asked why that type of blacktop was going to be used when there are a few blocks up the street that need it. -16- • COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 19 81 E ,.City Engineer Priebe Stated Mr. Rutske was paying for street im- provement on Lynn Road side and for curb and gutter on the north side. Thought he should be through paying assessments for curb and gutter. Chris Thompson Stated he had conducted a telephone survey and found 12 people against the street im- provement at this-time. Stated he- ..cquldn't afford it now. The others had asked her to request the Council to-hold up on the project- or let them know what the cost will be. They cannot afford it. Mayor Westlund Commented that the City Council has to look at some of these things when they are con - sidering projects, which should be included and which should not be included. Chris Thompson -- oAsked that the young people be taken into con - sideration also. They can't keep up with the inflation. Unidentified Lady Asked how much the project would cost a run - ning foot. City Engineer Priebe Stated $20 a foot. The hearing on Project 81 -21 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. -- 15. PROJECT 81 -22 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2388, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -22, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Church Street from Miller Avenue to Linden Avenue. The estimated cost is $20,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported the curb and gutter has been in 15 years on this street. It was his recommendation that this one -block street be completed as part of an overall street program. Cliff Bohnen Asked if the project was just for surfacing 715 Church Street of the street. Inquired about the approxi- mate cost. Asked if it would be hot mix and base. Also asked how far they would dig down and if it would be level with the curb. -17- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 The hearing on Project 81 -22 was closed on motion by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously. 16. PROJECT 81 -23 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2389, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -23, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Madson Avenue from Dale Street to Lynn Road. The esti- mated cost is $100,000.00. The City Engineer reported the curb and gutter was installed in 1973. The surfacing is in accordance with the overall street program of the City and follows the same time schedule as the other proposed street. projects. It would also have the same estimated cost of $20 /ft. ; Janice Schmeling Asked if the street would be tapered down. 675 Madson Ave. S.W. Stated she has the same trouble with her car hitting the street when she backs out of the driveway. Milburn Henke Protested the Council scheduling all the pro - 631 Madson Ave. ject hearings for the same night. Takes too long for those who have to sit through ittk. Asked about cost for the project. Jan Messner If the City digs down to the street, wilI they 564 Lynn Road put something on the lawn. City Engineer Priebe Answered nothing would be done on the boule- vard, only in the street. Charlotte Kalenburg Stated she owned a corner lot. Understood 545 Madson Ave. she only pays for the footage on the longer side. Asked if the project was for just sur- facing. Myron Clapp Asked if they would be charged extra for 676 Madson Ave. living on a corner lot and assessed for both sides. Charlotte Kalenburg Stated she was not familiar with the terms used. Wanted to know what appurtenances were. Cliff Bohnen Commented that the estimated cost was given 715 Church Street as $100,000; didn't feel the figures "jived." -18- 0 0 i 0 COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 0 Pat Smith Commented that when the City Engineer spoke 455 Glen N. of $20 per foot, the $100,000 project cost was based on 100 feet. Though it could rim as high as that. Questioned what figures were based on and the method used for determining the cost. The hearing on Project 81 -23 was closed on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. 17. PROJECT 81 -25 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2390, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -25, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Linden Avenue from Lynn Road to Main Street. The esti- mated cost is $110,000.00. Dennis Anglin Acted as spokesman for a petition submitted 805 Brown by 20 people in opposition of the project. Stated he didn't feel the road is in need of total bituminous surfacing. Part of the street started breaking up -and it was repaired. The other residents feel the same way. This as- sessment would be a big cost at the present time with the economy the way it is. Bob Radtke Asked when the curb and gutter was put in on Bethany Baptist Church Linden. Referred to the church and parsonage Linden Ave. at Grove and assessments presently being paid. Stated the- church cannot handle any more at this time. Janette Johnson Asked-if the semi- trucks.on..Linden have any 806 Franklin St.- effect on the road.- Suggested that the coke - plant pay for quite a bit of the project since their trucks use the road. Stated she couldn't afford to pay for the assessments. Larry Ashwill Asked if it would still remain residential 216 Linden Ave. or will the tonnage be changed. Coke plant trucks coming in and out tear up the road. City Engineer Priebe Reported the road is on state aid.assistance. It is sub - standard of roadway width. The as- sessments would be for the residential type street, and the City would pay for the extra width with state aid funds. -19- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Larry Ashwill Asked if the curb and gutter would be put in. Asked why it was put in at the grade of the old street. Stated there was a 12" grade above the curb in front of his house. Asked if that would be set at a new grade for a new project. Merlin Martinson Stated he had recently purchased property at 743 S. Grove Street Block 14, Lot 6. He threw away his hearing notice when it arrived. Felt the City would know whether or not they needed a new street. Then he was asked to sign a petition against the project. So he came in and talked to the City Engineer about the project and askeX if there was any Council policy on which seets are done and when. He was told there w none. After leaving City Hall, he contacted tTA fel- low who had the petition and asked what the general consensus of the property owners "was. Everyone, with the exception of him, had signed the petition. Stated this left him in a bad light with his neighbors. Therefore, he wanted to go on record as opposed to the project. Felt the Council should have a policy on this matter. Pointed out that Cokato in 196514dopt- ed a policy and did the whole town. Mayor Westlund Commented that what had been a 10 -year plan has turned into a 13 -14 year plan. a Janette Johnson Asked if the hill by Franklin and Linden would be cut down if the project goes through. Not a problem for them, but the school bus stops there. It is difficult to see the children playing until cars are right on them. Stated she was against the project. City Engineer Priebe Stated curb and gutter was already in. If the hill was cut down, the City would get involved with water and sewer line changes. They do not try to change grades greatly once underground work has been done. Jerome Meyer 746 Glen Street Stated everybody he has talked to is against the project. Felt he couldn't afford it. Merlin Martinson Commented on the coke plant trucks. Stated some of the truckers cut across Linden from Main to Lynn Road and continue on Linden again. Traffic count is higher than most people realize. Suggested that weight should be considered. • -20- 0 0 a- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 The hearing on Project 81 -25 -was closed on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried unanimously. 18. PROJECT 81 -26 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2391, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -26, installation of curb and gutter and appurtenances,for the follow- ing area: Shady Ridge from Sottth.Line of Rolling Oaks Fourth Addition to South Line of Shady Ridge. The estimated cost is $63,000.00. Marvin Top Stated the blacktopping of the street was not 462 Shady Ridge Road significant to him. Concerned about drainage and the ability to plant trees. Right now un- certain where everything is going to be. Felt it was very important to get the curb in. Also wanted the traffia - slowed down on Shady Ridge. The hearing on Project 81 -26 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. 19. PROJECT .Sl1 27 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2392, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -27, installation of curb and gutter and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: California Street from existing surface to 150' North. The estimated cost is $4,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported that John Miller owns the property on both sides of the street. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -27 was closed on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. 20. PROJECT 81 -28 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2393, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -28, installation of curb and gutter and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: Atlanta Avenue from T.H. 15 to Boston Street and on Boston Street from Atlanta Avenue to Century Avenue. The estimated cost is $30,000.00. -21- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 19 81 City Engineer Priebe stated this project was a continuation of a 1980 project. Last year the street was graded. Then they waited a year for it to settle before putting on a gravel surface. The curb and gutter and appurtenances will also be installed. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be.heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -28 was closed on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. 21. PROJECT 81 -29 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2394, Notice of Hearing for Protect 81 -29, installation of sanitary sewer trunk line for the following area: Second Avenue N.E. Crossing River to N.W. Sanitary Trunk Line. The,,,.esti- mated cost is $50,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported the cost for this project will be paid out of the sewer and water funds. This will be the first phase of im- provement on the old trunk line following the river east to Main Street. The majority of the line is in poor condition. The project had been pre- viously postponed and delayed. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. 1- The hearing on Project 81 -29 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 22. PROJECT 81 -30 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2395, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -30, installation of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Jackson Street from Roberts Road to McDonald Drive. The estimated cost is $25,000.00. City Engineer Priebe reported that last year the curb and gutter was installed in the new development, and eight out of the 15 lots have been built on. Part of the FHA building requirement is that there be a fin- ished street, and the developer has requested the surfacing be done in this area. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. -22- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 The hearing on Project 81 -30 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. 23. PROJECT 81 -31 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2396, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -31, installation of sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: School Road to North Line of Greensview Addition. The esti- mated cost is $20,000.00. City Engineer Priebe stated this project was considered with an earlier project and tied in with Project 81 -08. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -31 was closed on motion by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 24. PROJECT 81 -32 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2397, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -32, installation of curb and gutter, street surfacing and sidewalk and appurtenances for the following area: First Avenue S.W. from Main Street to Franklin Street. The estimated cost is $84,500.00. City Engineer Priebe commented that this project is based on a request by some of the property owners to improve the street. Dave Jensen Stated he was in favor of this project be- Citizens Bank & Trust Co. cause curb and drainage problems exist. Would 102 S. Main ,Street appreciate improvement of the street. The hearing on Project 81 -32 was closed on motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried unanimously. 25. PROJECT 81 -33 Mayor Westlund read Publication No. 2398, Notice of Hearing for Project 81 -33, grading for the following area: School Road from Seventh Avenue N.W. to County Road 12, and California Street from School Road to 2,000 Feet South and Connector Line in Industrial Park. The estimated cost is $50,000.00. -23- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 City Engineer Priebe reported the Hutchinson Utilities is proposing to build its power line along School Road. The street is in need of grad- ing, and some gravel could be placed on it. Mayor Westlund asked if there was anyone present wishing to be heard. There was no response. The hearing on Project 81 -33 was closed at 11:05 P.M. on motion by Alder- man Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, and unanimously carried. There being no one else present wishing to be heard regarding the 1981 Improvement Projects, Mayor Westlund stated the projects and comments made at the hearings would be considered at a special meeting of tfi3e Council on March 10, 1981 at 6:30 P.M. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO NURSING HOME BOARD: 1. LESLIE LINDER 2. ELDRED MILLER Mayor Westlund asked for Council ratification to reappoint Leslie Linder and Eldred Miller for five -year terms each on the Nursing Home Board. It was moved by Alderman Peterson to ratify the appointments of Leslie ` ' Linder and Eldred Miller to the Nursing Home Board. Seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, the motion unanimously carried. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 6724 - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING RELEASE OF SECURITIES TO FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolu- tion No. 6724 entitled Resolution Authorizing Release of Securities to First National Bank of Hutchinson, Minnesota. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 6725 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE City Administrator Plotz explained this Resolution was for Council approval of the purchase of 1,000 tons of agri -lime for in -field repair by the Park Department. The request for approval is in accordance with the new purchas- ing policy adopted the first of the year. -24- 0 • COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Following discussion, Alderman Peterson moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 6725 entitled Resolution for Purchase. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S MONTHLY REPORT - JANUARY 1981 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT POLICIES WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION (DEFERRED DECEMBER 9, 1980) Mr. Clarence Simonowicz of C.R.S. & Associates presented an amended Capital Improvement Policies program for the City of Hutchinson. Considerable dis- cussion-was given to repair and replacement.of sidewalks. It was the gen- eral consensus that this item--should be referred back to the = ,Planning Com- mission for further review. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to defer action to the next City Council meeting and refer the sidewalk policy to the Planning Commission for review. The motion was seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and carried unan- imously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH MN /DOT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF HWY. 15 BETWEEN FOURTH AVENUE NORTH AND FIFTH AVENUE NORTH City Engineer Priebe stated he would like to study this matter further,and h e requested it be deferred at this time. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR TWO SMALL COMMERCIAL PASSENGER TYPE MOTOR COACHES (DEFERRED FEBRUARY 6, 1981) City Engineer Priebe reported on the three bids received for motor coaches. He pointed out the low bidder had certain items which were not acceptable. The seats and aisle were narrower than requested. Also, the alternator was smaller than called for in the specifications. It was his, as well as the Transportation Board's, recommendation to award the bid to the second lowest bidder, Minnesota Body & Equipment Co. of Shakopee, Minnesota in the amount of $58,988.00 (net bid), with a trade -in of the old bus. Also, he recommend- ed the additional expense of $110.00 for color coordinated floor covering in the bus. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to accept the Transportation -25- COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Board's recommendation to purchase two buses from Minnesota Body & Equipment Co. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF SCHOOL BUS PARKING City Administrator Plotz reported the Police Department has been meeting with the school officials regarding school bus parking. Visibility is mini- mal because of the blockage caused by buses parked too,close to the cross- walk. The school officials are in agreement that the parking area should be changed. It is, therefore, recommended that a 50' yellow line be panted west of the crosswalk and remove the present sign. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to authorize thelty Street Department to paint said 50' yellow line from the school crosswalk. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion,and it unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported he, City Attorney Schantzen and Mr. Richard Schmidtbauer had attended a conference call meeting of the Minnesota Munici- pal Board held this morning. The County Board changed their vote on op#os- ing the annexation of Schmidtbauer's property into the City, and it waw :,an unanimous decision to adopt the entire tract of land as submitted for annex- ation. !(b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Priebe reported the Burlington Northern Railraod has requested the City to work with them on improving two railroad crossings in Hutchinson. He commented that no funds have been budgeted for this work. Mayor Westlund remarked that the City should be willing to work with the Burlington Northern on the project. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Peterson, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and car- ried unanimously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneb rg and carried unanimously. 0 -26- • • r MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1981 The meeting was callled to order by Mayor Westlund at 8:30 A.M. Those present were: Aldermen Peterson, Lueneburg, Gruenhagen and Beatty, in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: None. Also present was City Administrator Plotz. -(Note: Alderman Lueneburg left before the meeting was over.) The City Administrator Plotz summarized the request by the State Department of Trans- portation to take action on the proposed Highway 15 improvement project from Highway 7 North to Fifth Avenue NE. The State Department of Transportation representatives informed the Council that the total project is approximately $300,000.00, including the signalization of Highway 15 & 7. The minimum City cost for the project is approx- imately $18,000.00 and involves new curb and gutter and street widening. The State officials explained that if the street widening was changed from the orig- inal project the entire project would be in jeopardy for a minimum of one year and possibly indefinitely. It was noted that the federal and state governments are run- ning out of highway monies and, therefore, this project may be postponed for many years if there are any design changes. It was also noted that the bids would be opened in late February by the State of Minnesota and that the State needed action to execute the appropriate agreements and Resolution. It was noted that 18 of the 21 trees located on the boulevard property between Fourth and Fifth Avenues North, State Highway 15, are elm trees. The City Council discussed whether or not the improvement would benefit the proposed properties, and it was the consensus of the Council that there possibly would be no benefit received. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to adopt Resolution No. 6726 entitled Resolu- tion to Enter Into Agreement No. 60241 with State of Minnesota, Department of Trans- portation and authorize the appropriate contracts to be signed to implement the pro- ject. Motion seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen. Motion unanimously carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 A.M. 0 E MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1981 The special meeting of the City Council was called to order by Mayor Westlund at 2:05 P.M., with the following present: Alderman Beatty in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Aldermen Peterson, Lueneburg and Gruenhagen. Also present: Assistant City Engineer Rice. Publication No. 2402 was read by the Mayor, and the following bids were received and opened for the following property being sold by the City: 1. NORTH 75' OF WEST HALF OF LOT 9, BLOCK 3, TOWNSITE OF HUTCHINSON, N 1/2 James Slyter $ 200.00 2. NORTH 75' OF LOT 8,- EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 66' THEREOF, BLOCK 3, TOWNSITE OF HUTCHINSON$ N 1/2 James Slyter $ 100.00 (Contingent upon successful bid of parcel No. 1) 3. THAT PART OF LOT 7 OF AUDITOR'S PLAT OF THE NW QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7, ALSO, BEING THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4 OF BLOCK 2 STONEY POINT ADDI- TION: THENCE NORTH 860 WEST ALONG SOUTH LINE OF LOT 7 (NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 2), A DISTANCE OF 414.92': THENCE NORTH 21 °- 21' -15" WEST TO SHORELINE OF CROW RIVER (MILL POND): THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SHORELINE TO A POINT NORTH OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE SOUTH TO POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 2.67 ACRES MORE OR LESS Emmet McCormick $10,000.00 4. THAT PART OF LOT 7 OF AUDITOR'S PLAT OF NW QUARTER OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 116 NORTH, RANGE 30 WEST DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 7, ALSO, BEING THE NE CORNER OF LOT 4 OF BLOCK 2 STONEY POINT ADDI- TION, THENCE NORTH 86° WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 7 (NORTH LINE OF SAID BLOCK 2), A DISTANCE OF 514.54' TO POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 57 ° -50' WEST, A DISTANCE OF 388' MORE OR LESS TO SOUTH SHORE OF CROW RIVER (MILL POND); THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID SHORELINE TO A POINT NORTH 210- 21' -15" WEST OF POINT OF BE- GINNING; THENCE SOUTH 21 °- 21' -15" EAST TO POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 1.01 ACRES MORE OR LESS Ralph Neumann $ 1,000.00 Curtis Erickson 2,000.00 4� - COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1981 The bids were referred to the City staff for review and recommendation to the City Council at their next meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 P.M. -2- • 91'�12� a FEB 1981 BY- 82�29ZSZ'�2�ZZ - 4 R �,- � � k, ;,.. Imo- !ll-�j -A . V �V/ - 11', Percentage Used CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR January, 1981 REVENUE REPORT Current Adopted Year to Remaining Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 GENERAL FUND TAXES 00 687,595.00 00 687,595.00 LICENSES 40.00 12,010.00 40.00 11,970.00 PERMITS & FEES 4,721.85 33,700.00 4,721.85 28,978.15 INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 3,956.26 976,647.00 3,956.26 972,690.74 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 12,112.72 294,845.00 12,112.72 282,732.28 FINES & FORFEITS 2,420.00 25,000.00 2,420.00 22,580.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8,959.47 147,880.00 8,959.47 138,920.53 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 00 361.500.00 00 361.500.00 REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 1,054.06 500.00 1,054.06 554.06 $33,264.36 $2,539,677.00 $33,264.36 $2,505,412.64 • WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES• $63,062.86 $783,600.00 $63,062.86 $720,537.14 Percentage Used CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR January,-U81 Percentage Used REVENUE REPORT Current Adopted Year to Remaining Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 GENERAL FUND TAXES 00 687,595.00 00 687,595.00 LICENSES 40.00 12,010.00 40.00 11,970.00 PERMITS & FEES 4,721.85 33,700.00 4,721.85 28,978.15 INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 3,956.26 976,647.00 3,956.26 972,690.74 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 12,112.72 294,845.00 12,112.72 282,732.28 FINES & FORFEITS 2,420.00 25,000.00 2,420.00 22,580.00 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 8,959.47 147,880.00 8,959.47 138,920.53 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 00 361.500.00 00 361.500.00 REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 1,054.06 500.00 1,054.06 554.06 $33,264.36 $2,539,677.00 $33,264.36 $2,505,412.64 • WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES $63,062.86 $783,600.00 $63,062.86 $720,537.14 Percentage Used WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS - ADM. WATER PLANT OPERATIONS SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS 30,965.46 4,515.93 12,630.16 $- 8� ,111.55 763,569.00 603,900.00 121,700.00 1,489,169.00 30,965.46 4,515.93 12,630.16 $48,111.55 732,603.54 599,384.07 ln4_nh9_Rd $1,441.060.45 Percentage Used 1 EXPENSE' REPORT CONTINUED Current Adopted Year To Remaining Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 STREETS & ALLEYS 26,617.93 299,466.00 26,617.93 273,848.07 MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 6,525.65 75,900.00 6,525.65 69,374.35 CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 00 300.-00 00 300.00 LIBRARY 11,672.21 49,280.00 11,672.21 37,607.79 PARK $ RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 147.84 39,347.00 147.84 39,199.16 RECREATION 4,830.19 72,308.00 4,830.19 67,477.81 • CIVIC ARENA 12,844.46 75,093.00 12,844.46 62,248.54 PARK DEPARTMENT 16,615.23 236,906.00 16,615.23 220,290.77 CEMETERY 2,529.72 28,708.00 2,529.72 26,178.28 DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 300.00 993.80 300.00 693.80 LAWCON 00 85,512.00 00 85,512.00 DEBT SERVICE 00 46,783.00 00 46,783.00 AIRPORT 888.17 490775.00 888.17 48,886.83 TRANSIT 5,431.85 62,907.00 5,431.85 57,475.15 . UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPENSE 300.00 301.004.00 300.00 300.704.00 HRA 33,203.49 00 3,203.49 ( 3,203.49) $205,729.91 $2,539,677.06 $205,729.91 $2,333,947.15 WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS - ADM. WATER PLANT OPERATIONS SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS 30,965.46 4,515.93 12,630.16 $- 8� ,111.55 763,569.00 603,900.00 121,700.00 1,489,169.00 30,965.46 4,515.93 12,630.16 $48,111.55 732,603.54 599,384.07 ln4_nh9_Rd $1,441.060.45 Percentage Used 1 r (612) 879 -2311 C/T Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 24, 1981 TO: -KUQR -& IMM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FROM: X FUJ -B `MEgRI Il, CITY ACCOUNTANT — — — — — — SUBJECT. 1980 General Fund -------------------------- - - - - -- Attached is a preliminary report of the operation of the City for 1980. The City's General Fund had revenue of $2,517,766.86 and total expense of $2,574,468.64 or a deficit for the year of $56,701.78. This is the preliminary report and still subject to auditors adjustments. In reviewing the numbers, it should be kept in mind, the council intended a deficit from expenses incurred by the Lawcon grant - Firemen's Park. If expense from Lawcon were taken.out the fund would have operated with a surplus for the year. The Liquor fund, preliminary numbers, show a profit of $104,060.11 with sales of $1,026,356.58 for the year. The Water $ Sewer Fund is not completed at this time and will be reported at the next meeting. �_v` r *WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES $ 691,100.00 Percentage Used i CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR December 31, 1980 REVENUE REPORT Current Adopted Year to Remaining Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 GENERAL FUND TAXES 206,744.94 473,175.00 444,701.74 ( 28,473.26) LICENSES 8,952.00 11,030.00 10,946.00 ( 84.00) PERMITS & FEES 1,023.50 34,000.00 45,880.71 11,880.71 INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 149,652.44 997,514.00 1,117,777.38 120,263.38 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 26,559.63 278,095.00 270,914.36 ( 7,180.64) FINES & FORFEITS 1,476.72 23,000.00 24,966.53 1,966.53 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 92,035.64 131,740.00 251,671.68 119,931.68 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 98,118.00 351,000.00 350,622.00 ( 378.00) REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES ( 3,592.60) 550.00 286.46 ( 263.54) $580,970.27 $2,300,104.00 $2,517,766.86 $217,662,86 *WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES $ 691,100.00 Percentage Used i Percentage Used CITY OF HUTCHINSON • FINANCIAL REPORT FOR December 31, 1980 EXPENSE REPORT Current Adopted Year To Remaining Description Month _Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 '$0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 1,944.62 25,162.00 25,961.95 ( 799.95) ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 6,218.61 47,510.00 50,225.53 ( 2,715.53) ELECTIONS ( 211.48) 7,615.00 7,757.27 ( 142.27) CITY CLERK 19,196.39 151,792.00 148,408.37 3,383.63 MOTOR VEHICLE 3,804.89 37,063.00 34,909.99 2,154.01 ASSESSING - -- 14,300.00 14,229.00 71.00 LEGAL 2,054.41 19,190.00 20,132.84 ( 942.84) PLANNING - -- 2,850.00 1,388.42 1,461.58 CITY HALL 3,153.08 30,462.00 31,746.42 ( 1,284.42) OLD ARMORY 3,185.01 22,255.00 22,068.02 186.98 POLICE DEPT. 57,308.03 424,948.00 473,026.28 ( 48,078.28) FIRE DEPT. 11,494.24 60,950.00 59,885.99 1,064.01 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 1,593.53 21,439.00 15,487.46 5,951.54 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 5,795.01 54.,008.00 51,831.91 2,176.09 CIVIL DEFENSE 25.00 1,600.00 62.00 1,538.00 SAFETY COUNCIL 150.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 FIRE MARSHALL 3,231.94 27,307.00 27,261.02 45.98 ENGINEERING 12,425.75 114,130.00 120,182.92 ( 6,052.92) Percentage Used WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS - ADM. 695,811.00 WATER PLANT OPERATIONS 114,400.00 SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS 123,800.00 $ 934,011.00 4: Percentage Used EXPENSE REPORT CONTINUED Current Adopted Year To Remaining Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 STREETS & ALLEYS 59,864.84 269,021.00 370,964.81 (101,943.81) MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 4,628.33 64,100.00 65,053.99 ( 953.99) CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 300.00 300.00 300.00 - -- LIBRARY 1,012.13 43,179.00 43,492.22 ( 313.22) RECREATION 8,098.40 107,401.00 92,638.12 14,762.88 • CIVIC ARENA 10,430.47 62,781.00 79,346.61 ( 16,565.61) PARK DEPARTMENT 31,903.38 216,737.00 270,959.90 ( 54,222.90) CEMETERY 5,280.58 25,449.00 32,130.05 ( 6,681.05) DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 963.75 10,600.00 16,660.30 ( 6,060.30) LAWCON (88,009.45) 100.00 135,274.47 (135,174.70) DEBT SERVICE 4,640.00 34,355.00 31,261.69 3,093.31 AIRPORT 1,651.85 68,630.00 63,864.55 4,765.45 TRANSIT 5,186.54 43,064.00 44,887.37 ( 1,823.37) UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPENSE 42,786.60 291,556.00 222,920.17 68,635.83 • HRA -- 00.00 -- -- $220,106.45 $2,300,104.•00 $2,574.468.64 $(274,364.64) WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER OPERATIONS - ADM. 695,811.00 WATER PLANT OPERATIONS 114,400.00 SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS 123,800.00 $ 934,011.00 4: Percentage Used MINUTES *ark & Recreation Board January 7, 1981 12 Noon The Park & Recreation Board met with Dr. Chernausek, Kathy McGraw, Ward Haugen, Rolland Jensen, and Roy Johnsen present. Also present were Bruce Ericson, Park & Recreation Director, Mary Huagen, Civic Arena Coordinator, Penny Klitzke, Recreation Supervisor,, Mark Schnobirch, Forestry, Cliff Paulsen, Parks, Sherry Crawford of the Leader and Grace Sansted, Secretary. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved by Dr. Chernausek. Bruce reported the Council had approved the purchase of the pine playground equipment rather than the redwood, cost $6,800 for Connecticut Avenue. It has round structures and four different levels. Bruce also sold the skiis that have been around, for $200. Four scoreboards were ordered for McDonald's Park at $1,500 each. The Coke Plant, Jaycee's, Lions Club, and Elks have volunteered to pay for them. The youth baseball program, was considered to be moved to evenings at Linden Park and the Catholic Church. Sixteen teams participated last year. Mary Haugen said a weekly inventory to check money taken in will be made by arena personnel and after large games a daily inventory will be made. Bruce reported a safe will be purchased for the money, but will not be kept in the building over nite. Some of the possible events mentioned by Mr. Haugen and Ericson were family oriented concerts, hockey, broomball, ice shows, auctions, art shows, etc., roller skating for Tuesday and Thursday nights for two hours. Kathy suggested having the younger kids coming to the arena earlier, say one hour earlier, 6:30 p.m., which the Board agreed was a good idea. Bruce Ericson said the budget included radios for trucks, timer for lights for the High School tennis courts, money for sinks, and $3,000 for bleachers. Mary Haugen reported having trouble with the arena doors this winter, which also happened last winter. The lights in the Old Armory have been replaced. Penny Klitzke reported having three hockey tournaments. The Senior Citizens will have new activities, funding for a Valentine party, Jerry Dostal playing for the Senior Citizen's, Irish Stew in March. Cliff Paulsen reported the rinks are now open. They are making ice, repairing lawn mowers and picnic tables, and the Christmas tree lights have been taken down. They have also been helping Mark with inside building repairs. Mark Schnobrich reported pruning trees, 588 treees have been pruned this winter. $18,000 has been received from the Department of Agriculture. Fencing will be bought for wood from the trees, on Highway 22. They have been pruning trees as far as Shady Ridge Road. At present pruning in the area of Slechow and Jorgenson Streets. The DNR inventory crew completed their survey of trees at residences to Cambell Lake and the Country Club. Kathy said the American Field Service International would like some time scheduled for wrestling, school dances with school chaperons, which would have to be scheduled for Saturday nights, Mr. Ericson advised. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Chernausek at 1:00 p.m,, the next meeting to be held at noon on February the 4th.at City Hall. Respectfully submitted, — Grace Sanstead, Secretary • MINUTES • Tree Board Meeting January 19, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 12 :15 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Members present were Mrs. Axel Jensen, Jerry Brown, and Mark.Schnobrich. The hedge at 506 Jurgens, belonging to Glen Engwall was discussed with Schnobrich stating that he had sent a memo to Dean O'Borsky asking his comments on the hazard with traffic at the intersection of Jurgens and Lynn Road. Mr. O'Borsky verbally mentioned that he say no hazard with traffic at the intersection and that he would send a written memo to Schnobrich to this affect. The Tree Board members present stated they would go along with O'Borsky's decision. Winter Elm pruning by contract with $18,000 from the Federal Demon- stration project bidget will be performed this winter on boulevard and park elms in Hutchinson, according to Schnobrich. The entire cost will be covered by the Federal project. City crews are presently busy at pruning street trees which inter- fere with maintenance vehicles around town. The list is extensive and will be an ongoing project throughout the winter months. The problem of processing logs into firewood was discussed. The utilization project has yielded some material unfit for debarking. With the possiblity of utilization funds being discontinued, the issue of log sales was brought up. The option of letting citizens debark and cut the potential firewood was also considered. Jerry Brown suggested that Schnobirch write a proposal for the board on a policy for the cutting of wood by citizens and then present it to the board. Jerry Brown and Mark Schnobirch will be meeting at Jerry Brown's house on February 18, at 7:30 to discuss plans for the designing of plant materials for library square. Schnobrich discussed his slide 1 discussion to be presented to the Laura Avenue residents on January 22, 1981 at City hall. Specie of trees, characteristics of the trees, and criteria for choosing trees willbe discussed for the Laura Avenue area. Jerry Brown made a suggestion about mulching newly planted trees. Mulch piled on in a pyramid style next to a tree does not allow water to penetrate to the soil, thus defeating the mulching purpose. Instead, mulsh should be piled on, leveled off, and formed to make a well area so as to collect any water being placed on the root area. Next meeting will be February 16, 1981 at 12 Noon in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Axel Jensen Secretary /Mark C. Schnobrich MINUTES "Senior Activity Center" Advisory Board Tuesday, January 6, 1981 The "Senior Activity Center" Advisory Board met Tuesday, January 6, 1981 at 9:30 a.m. Tom Stibal, vice chairman presiding. Present: Milt Lueneburg Tom Stibal Don Falconer Rita Tasche for JoAnn Gehlen Ira Kenney Norine Riesberg Absent: Erna McKenzie JoAnn Gehlen Emma Lake The secretary's report was read and approved on a motion by Don Falconer, seconded by Ira Kenney. There was no treasurer's report, she being absent, It was reported-that approximately 45 persons attended the Christmas Party at the Activity Center on December 19th. A variety of entertainment was provided including organ music and sing - along, bingo, shuffle board and Santa with treats and refreshments, and door prizes. There was a discussion on the use of the kitchen and supplies and plans to follow thru on locking the kitchen. It was reported that 103 persons registered for Blood Pressure check on January 2, 1981. Rita Tasche reported for JoAnn Gehlen that she would like to have members of the Advisory Board again take turns appearing on the "Silver Threads" program on KDUZ. They may either bring a guest along or choose a special topic. The Board agreed to participation. Rita reminded us of the two planned trips to the Chanhassen Dinner Theater on February 12th and March 18th. She also reminded us of the Community Education classes starting in January with half price rates for Senior Citizens. She asked that specific information on the planned Valentine Day Dance,February 13th be ready for the February Newsletter. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. • • BU1MS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING IIONIL; Minutes - January 1981 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, January 22, 1981, at Burns Manor, 12:00 noon, president Leslie Linder presiding. All members were present. A motion by Keith Duehn, seconded by Larry Graf and carried, approved the minutes as presented. A motion by Eldred Miller, seconded by Bruce Peterson and carried approved the bills as presented, a copy of which is attached to the minutes on file and made a part thereof. Additional checks issued and approved were ($45.00 & $40.00) $85.00 to Minn. Hosp. Assoc. of Homes for the Aging. A 1980 financial report -was given by Wallace Kurth. The certified public accountants Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando and Lehne will be at Burns Manor Jan. 29 and Jan. 30, 1981. The carpet, has been completed in the sunporches. The'Burns Manor Board of Directors requests that the City Council consider the reappointment of les Linder and Eldred Miller to the Burns Manor Board. McLeod County Emergency Warning Network receiver Model has not been received. Inquiry will be made of Mike Monge, Civel Defense Coordinator, McLeod County. The possible imposition of a "cap" on providers' fees under Medical Assistance was discussed. Federal rules require that a provider be reimbursed for reasonable costs. Private pay and welfare rate, D.P.W. lawsuit is at a standstill and it is unknown when it will be resolved. Keith Duehn told the Board that the husband of an employee requested that Burns Manor provide family health insurance coverage. 7--4-8 Page 2 January Minutes 1981 There being no further business, by motion from Keith Juehn, seconded by Bruce Peterson and carried, meeting adjourned to reconvene on February 19, 1981 at the same time and place. Respectfully submitted, Mavi J. Gez.e , (Secretary ATTEST: Leslie binder, President f 1. CALL TO ORDER MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1981 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Vice - Chairman Bill Backen at 7:30 P.M. with the following members being present: Roland Ebent, Larry Romo, and Elsa Young in addition to Vice - Chairman Bill Backen. Absent were Ted Beatty, Don Erickson and Clint Tracy. Also attending were City Attorney, Mr. Buzz Schantzen and Director of Engineering Mr. Marlow Priebe. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated December 16, 1980 were un- animously approved on motion by Roland and seconded by Elsa Young. 3. PUBLIC HEARING a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCES) SUBMITTED BY KIM PIEHL Vice- Chairman Bill Backen opened the hearing at 7:32 P.M. with the reading of publication #2368 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, January 9, 1981. Mr." Larry Wendorff, representing the Piehl's, explained to the Commission that the Piehl's wished to split their lot into two parcels and sell the lot on the corner as they have no use for it. In doing this, each lot would become short in lot depth and one would become short in lot area according to our Zoning Ordinance. Therefore, they are requesting a variance. At the present time, only a house is to be constructed but it was determined should a garage be built at a later date and if it were unattached, it would be considered an assessory building and six feet from the lot line would be in order with our Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Backen explained three variances were necessary; 1) one lot variance from lot depth from 100' to 97', 2) one lot variance from lot depth from 100' to 62', and 3) one lot variance from lot area from 6,000 sq. ft. to 5,797 sq. ft. Vice - Chairman Backen asked for comments from the Commission. Elsa Young felt it was crowded enough in that area. Mr. Roland Ebent questioned if the small utility building would be moved. Mr. Wendorff replied that the property owners would agree to move it if it should become a problem. 7 -1, Hutchinson Planning Commission (2) January 21, 1981 On motion by Larry Romo, the hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion to grant the three above variances discussed. The motion was seconded by Roland Ebent. The motion passed with Bill Backen, Larry Romo and Roland Ebent voting in favor and Elsa Young against. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) DISCUSSION ON SIGN INSTALLATION ON HWY. # 7 WEST REQUESTED BY MR. CURTIS OF BLOCHER ADV. CO. Mr. Curt Sauer, representing Blocher Adv. Co., explained to the Commission his firms desire to put up a billboard on Hwy. # 7 West. He went on to say Hutchinson is growing and they have had requests for regional and national advertising. He then pre- sented a picture of samples of billboards his company has put up in other areas. He explained this would be a permanent strut- ture but the face could change periodically. Mr. Priebe, Dir. of Eng., explained the zoning ordinance states this type of sign must be 500' from residential property. Discussion followed and it was the consensus of the members pre- sent if the property owner involved had no objection to the bill`- board, he could procede with the necessary variance and condit- ional use permit hearings. b) DISCUSSION ON RICHARD STURGES REQUEST TO MAKE ADDITION TO GARAGE LOCATED AT 425 THIRD AVENUE S.E._ At the past meeting each member was asked to drive by the property mentioned so he/she could decide if the request was reasonable. The request is to make an addition to a non - conforming garage.. After discussion, the Planning Commission members present felt the request was reasonable and Mr. Sturges could procede with the request if he should so desire. 5. NEW BUSINESS a) REVIEWAL OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN PRESENTED BY MR. CLARENCE SIMONOWICZ Due to the fact Mr. SimonoWicz was not able to attend this meet- ing, this item was deferred. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. on motion by Elsa Young. Seconded by Larry is o, the motion carried unanimo *. MINUTES SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1981 The special meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by member Mr. Ted Beatty at 7:40 P.M. Chairman Don Erickson arrived late. Other members present were Roland Ebent & Larry Romo. Also present were City Administrator Gary Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow Priebe and Acting Building Official Homer Pittman. Mr. Beatty turned over the meeting to Mr. Clarence Simonowicz of C.R.S. & Associates who spoke on "Capital Improvement Policies ". - (See attached) He began by stating the planning commission should develop a plan to guide the growth of the city. All major changes, including schools, in the city should be reviewed yearly by the planning commission. The following subjects were discussed: Airport - Mr. Simonowicz suggested using primarily federal funds for im- provements. Mr. Ted Beatty then told Mr. Simonowicz that the City is presently working on a plan for a joint project with Litchfield midway between the two cities. Downtown Development Assessment programs and tax increment financing could be used.- Industrial Park - Felt the City Engineer should be the party responsible for organizing and promoting the establishment of a much need industrial park. Parks & Open Space - Felt Hutchinson has a good policy at the present. Public Buildings - Felt in the years to come many new buildings would be needed such as City Hall. . Money should be allocated for this. Major or Arterial Streets - Felt a Ring Road around the city should be planned for future right -of -ways. New Subdivisions - Cost.of new streets and utilities should be assessed to the requesting subdivider. Existing Streets - Felt streets should be scheduled for improvements with- in one to ten years. Assessments to abutting property owners. Sidewalks - Felt sidewalks should be provided on major thoroughfares with traffic exceeding 1,000 vehicles per day. Major routes to public schools and major commercial areas should also have sidewalks. This could be ac- complished through the expansion of the City's Street Bonding program. Sidewalks in the major Central Business District would be assessed to the abutting property owners. 7 - 1 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 January 28, 1981 A lengthy discussion followed as our policy in the past was to assess the abutting property owner for sidewalks i-n all areas. Questions arose as to if the recent project on Stoney Point Road by the high school had been assessed. Mr. Priebe informed the Commission it had just this year been assessed. Other questions arose as to if a credit could be given to these property owners. Mr. Simonowicz suggested leaving them on the assessment rolls and beginning the policy now. Mr. Plotz questioned if sidewalks needed to provided on both sides of the street. It was determined one side was sufficient so that portion of the policy should be amended. Also a clarification should be made on exactly what is included in the Major Central Business District. Street Trees - Felt our policy of replacement of street trees was good. Keep the policy along with future grants. ' Street Lighting - Present policy is working well. Utilities - Present policy good with yearly reviews and rates revised accordingly. State & Federal Grants - Present policy is good. City should continue to utilize state and federal grants. After Mr. Simonowicz's presentation he asked the Commission to forward a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to recommend to the City Council they adopt these amended Capital Improvement Policies as a guide in 1981 and that it be examined early in 1982 for any changes. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion unanimously carried. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, the meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M. on motion by Ted Beatty. Second- ed by Larry Romo, the motion carried unanimously. 0 • r � • !� HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ANNUAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING - January 20, 1981 5:30 PM - Small Conference Room Present: Rollie Balke, Vice President; Norah Mullen, Secretary; Joan Ewald, Trustee; Ken Gruenhagen, Trustee; Rev. David Natwick, Trustee; Virgil Goebel, Trustee; Dave Doelger, Trustee. , Absent: Dr. Cris Remucal, Chief of Staff. Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator; Willard H. Rosenow, Assistant -- Administrator. An educational presentation prior to the beginning of the meeting was presented by Mrs. Pam Perrine, RN. Pam presented to the Board of Directors the recent program started at the Hospital entitled "Living with Heart Disease ". It was pointed out that we were ready to begin our second series in February. These courses are conducted at the Hospital in conjunction with the Hutchinson Vocation School. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Balke at 5:30 p.m. Minutes of Past Meetings. Motion by Natwick to accept the regular Board of Directors Meeting minutes of December 16, 1980. Motion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. !' Statistical Report. The statistical report was presented by Graves. The twelve- month year -to -date figures were recapped. Occupancy percentage for fiscal. year 1980 was 74.60. The daily census revealed that we averaged 50 patients per day. The most marked increase was noted in the Mental Health Unit, whereas occupancy increased from 70.2% in 1979 to 87.7% for 1980. The Medical Service areas did extremely well when compared to budget with the exception of ambulance runs and electrocardiograms. No other significant differences were noted. Accounts Payable. Motion was made by Gruenhagen to approve and authorize for payment the attached listing of accounts payable and cash disbursements in the amount of $491,939.60. The motion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. Financial Statements. Fiscal year 1980 financial statements were presented by Graves and Rosenow. The Hospital had an operating gain of $3,689.00. When price level depreciation is added back, the Hospital shows a net loss of $110,311.00. It was pointed out to the board that the Hospital had a substantial gain carried forward in 1979 and, consequently, had to budget for a $93,460.00 loss after funding price level depreciation in order to meet requirements of the rate review system for the state of Minnesota. The large variance in the salary category (operating expenses) was largely due to the interim salary increase taken on July 1. Medical Staff Meeting Minutes. Medical Staff Meeting minutes were discussed. Graves commented on the new Quality Assurance plan to be introduced to the governing board at the February meeting for approval. No other unusual comments were made. 9 -G 4 Director and Assistant Director of Nursing Reports. The reports were presented and no unusual comments were made. Director of Mental Health Unit Report. Graves commented on the unusual heat problem that the Mental Health Unit was having, and that the reasons for this were because of some energy conversation matters the Hospital had undertaken. Auxiliary Meeting Minutes. The report was presented and no unusual comments were made. Old Business. A. Department Head Supper. The Board of Directors considered having a special meeting with the department heads in order to show appreciation and offer a general exchange of ideas on the operation of the Hospital. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the Board of Directors not to have the special meal but to meet for a breakfast on the day that the department heads retreat to Minneapolis for the annual education /planning seminar. B. Energy Computer Bids. Graves presented an in -depth analysis from Mr. Jim Elving, consulting engineer, of Horty Elving and Associates. The analysis reviewed the pro's and con's of the energy computers that were received in December, 1980. The recommendation from staff was not to choose the low bidder in the interim energy management system. It was felt that the system is comprised of components which are designed for smaller industries and would not satisfy our requirements for expanding f the system. Following discussion: 1 A motion was made by Natwick to recommend to the City Council . the purchase of the Enertech energy management system in the amount of $25,992.00, and to request authority to purchase a printer in order to produce hard copy. Motion was seconded by Gruenhagen. All were in favor. Motion passed. New Business. A. Election of Officers. The name of Rollie Balke for President was placed in nomination by Natwick. Secretary Mullan called for other nominations; none were heard. Motion was made by Gruenhagen and seconded by Goebel to close the nominations. All were in favor. Motion passed. '-The name of Joan Ewald for Vice President was placed in nomination by Gruenhagen. President Balke called for other nominations; none were heard. Motion was made by Natwick, seconded by Mullan, to close the nominations. All were in favor. Motion passed. The name of Norah Mullan for Secretary was placed in nomination by Goebel. President Balke called for other nominations; none were heard. Motion was made by Natwick, seconded by Gruenhagen, to close the nominations. All were in favor. Motion passed. B. Medical Staff Appointments. Two re- applications to the medical and dental i staff were presented with a recommendation from the medical staff's executive committee. Following discussion: Motion was made by Natwick to approve the re- application of Dr. Steven Larkin to the consulting staff and Dr. E.G. May to the consulting dental staff, as presented from the Medical Staff Executive Committee meeting of January 13, 1981, and contained on Page 42 of the January Board Report. Motion was seconded by Ewald. All were in favor. Motion passed. C. Carol McGovern Leave of Absence. A leave of absence request was submitted by Carol McGovern, ward secretary for the Hospital. Carol's intention is to return to Hutchinson Community Hospital as an Operating Room technician after further education. Following discussion: Motion was made by Goebel to allow a leave of absence for Carol McGovern for the purpose of obtaining schooling in order to become an Operating Room technician. Motion was seconded by Gruenhagen. All were in favor. Motion passed. D. Goals and Objectives. The five -year goals and objectives were presented by Graves. Following the discussion, motion was made by Natwick to adopt the goals and objectives as presented and forward these to the Long Range Planning Subcommittee for presentation. Motion was seconded by Ewald. All were in favor. Motion passed. E. Brenda Hook Decision. Graves presented a decision paper submitted by the Minnesota Department of Economic Security on an unemployment compensation appeal that the Hospital filed against a former Dietary / employee. Much discussion followed and no specific action was taken. ( F. Dinner for Jim Joyce. The dinner for Mr. Jim Joyce, Past President of the Hospital Board, is scheduled for January 30, 1981, at the Velvet Coach at 6:30 p.m. G. Modification of By -Laws Regarding X -Ray and Lab. Graves presented a modification of the Medical Staff By -Laws regarding the Hospital's requirement of ordering Lab and X -Ray work. It was emphasized that this item is not in compliance with the present Medicare and Blue Cross rules.as they are institutional requests and not patient specific. Following discussion: Motion was made by Ewald to adopt the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Medical Staff which deletes the Hospital requirement of mandating '.'all patients shall have a complete blood count and urinalysis on admission to the Hospital. A chest X -Ray will be performed for all patients over the age of 12 years, providing there is not a previous chest x -ray recorded during the past 6 months prior to admission and is not contra - indicated by the patient's condition." Motion was seconded by Natwick. All were in favor. Motion passed. H. Occupational Therapist. Graves reported that we have hired a new occupational therapist to assist Elaine Schermann in providing these r services to Hutchinson and the outreach contract services. Her name is Ione Minnerath. 1 I. Department Heads. Graves reported that Dennis Anglin, Chief Engineer, and Ron Schwarz, Controller, have recently been elevated to department head status. J. Grievances. Patient grievance surveys were reviewed. Many favorable comments were noted. K. Other. Louise Nelson Leave of Absence. Louise Nelson, R.N., requested a special leave of absence. Louise intends to return to work in May (see attached). Following discussion: Motion was made by Natwick to grant a leave of absence to Louise Nelson, R.N., in accordance with her request. Notion was seconded by Mullan. All in favor. Motion passed. Leave of Absence Policy. Graves presented a new Leave of Absence Policy change, which allows the Hospital Administrator to grant special case leaves of absence up to 6 months for pregnancy reasons. Following discussion: Motion was made by Natwick to adopt the Leave of Absence Policy as presented which authorizes the Hospital Administrator to grant special case leaves of absence up to 6 months for pregnancy purposes. Notion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. Dental Insurance for Administrator. Graves presented a request that would allow him coverage under the City of Hutchinson family dental. insurance policy. Following discussion: Motion was made by Natwick to permit the Hospital Administrator to obtain family dental insurance coverage under the City of Hutchinson policy provided that the Hospital shall pay for it and deduct the same amount from the Administrator's earnings. Motion was seconded by Ewald. All were in favor. Motion passed. Adjournment. Motion was made by Mullan to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Philip G. Graves Administrator Recording Secretary PGG:lh I ' Attachments Norah Mullan Secretary 0 (612) 879 -2311 H�rcH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 December 24, 1980 FOR YOUR INFORMATI TO: city Council FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Property South Side School Road Bridge For information in establishing a value on the property near the bridge that is being considered for sale, I submit the following: Attached is a map showing the acerage on each side of School Road and the acerage of land needed for School Road.. The area of land the City purchased was 4.2504 acres and the cost was $20,000.00 or $4,705.44 per acre. Therefore, the City cost for the area East of School Road is 2.6699 x $4,705.44 = $12,563.05 and for the area }Vest of School Road is 1.0147 x $4,705.44 = $4,774.61. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe City Engineer Pv attachment ff -'%t - i - - -13± o/ 47A, / 19 C3 \ rX0 �2s'3S 5 4.93 G. q v, A. , \ 0 5`Sg 2.6 65'q ,q o• ' 18 F> \ 0 o 0 60 63.07 � ,� 53.913 � oI ? , 77. \ 0 \cP v p _Q 96.5.,1 2 v 16 / •s - 22 I 22- 0 � F 139.3 70.8 75.87 15 AVE N �p 14 � -0 — 1913. ?8 h� 11.1.37 90.0 Oj 0, 0 90.0p �D _ 12 N N 7 6 6e.s� \BS •� 135.91 5 �` N 0 �yh 99 73 N ! ) CIS 95.95 . !l� �7 4g ?•; (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Director of Parks & Recreation DATE: February 24, 1981 SUBJECT: -Sale of City -owned Land At the February 4th meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, the board was advised that the city is con- sidering the sale of two parcels of land located south of School Road"Bridge. . After much discussion,the board felt that neither area was usable as an active park area, however, the board felt that there was value in keeping these areas in their natural state.. They recommended that the city maintain the southeast area; not as an additional park, but to assure that it-re- mains in its natural state. In addition, I would like to inform the council that we have already planted some trees in these two areas since we feel these areas do have an acetic value to the city. Our plans for both sides around School Road Bridge include com- plete landscaping to beautify these areas since they are enjoyed by everyone whether they are in a vehicle, in a boat, or just_ walking. I hope that the council will take this into consideration when making a final decision on the sale of this property. 1—a' 0 (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 24, 1981 TO: Mayor and Council -------------------------------- FROM: Water Billing Department -------------------------------- SUBJECT: Delinquent Water Accounts - ------------------------- - - - - -- 01- 0570 -0 -00 .10- 0265 -0 -00 Treinen Buschel, Inc. Mrs. Ruth Piehl *37 Monroe St. S. 621 Juul Road P.O. Box 98 $48.85 $50.83 $20.00 Paid 2 -24 -81 Water Off $28.85 Promised to Pay 03 -04 -81 10- 0670 -0 -00 /14- 0675 -0 -00 Keith Krommenhoek Bondex, Inc 544 Madson Ave. 115 Erie St. S. $69.64 $27.50 Promised to Pay March 1, 1981 REFUSE 07- 0305 -9 -00 10- 0940 -2 -00 Donald Schultz Randy Gunderson 520 Glen St. S. *714 Milwaukee Ave. No Forwarding 506 Adams St. S. $18.02 $11.90 - Promised to Pay February 27, 1981 09- 0760 -3 -00 Wm. Hetherington 10- 1050 -1 -00 *330 Dale St. Kim Piehl P.O. Box 93 511 Linden Ave. $33.94 $57.48 11- 0312 -0 -00 09- 0920 -0 -00 James Lanie Richard Mattson 485 Kouwe St. 505 Dale St. S. $16.60 $50.42 q -.e, DELINQUENT LIST CONTINUED �1.2- 1037 -0 -00 Arctic Refrigeration 173 Fifth Ave. N.E. $15.25 REFUSE ONLY 20- 0065 -0 -00 Eugene Duesterhoeft 715 Harrington St. $80.35 26- 0195 -2 -00 Renae Gutormson *820 Dale St. 336 Lake St. $55.34 *SERVICE ADDRESS 26- 0215 -0 -00 Darrel Becker 860 Dale St. $74.93 Unless noted above, staff recommends water shut off as of March 2, 1981 at 1:00 P.M. 0 f (612) 879 -2311 H�rcH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 20, 1981 TO: Mayor and City Council — — — — — — — — — FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: Purchase of Computer Data Terminal — ------------------------- - - - — — — The City is in the process of creating the special assessment package. Our Engineering Department has created a new parcel identification number to be used by the system and referencing to the county number. The project has been completed to a point where upgrade of our terminal is necessary. Ted Willard, LOGIS Director, has evaluated several terminals and recommends the purchase of a MicroWest MKII terminal for a cost of $3,000.00. I have attached the letter for your review as well as the background on the entire project. I would request permission to purchase the above named terminal and recommend payment to be made from the bonds of 1980. City Attorney Schantzen has re- viewed and approved the use of the bond money. This money was a result of extra interest earned and will not affect the project funds in any manner. Attachment /ms q-0, LOMOMPMUM WONMATM STSTEMS ASSOCUTM 6820E Shingle`Creek Parkway, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota 55430, (612) 566 -0050 MEMORANDUM TO: Ken Merrill, Hutchinson cc: Executive Committee Laszlo Palf alvi FROM: T. L. Willard Chuck Krattenmaker Chris Norton DATE: February 13, 1981 SUBJECT: TERMINAL WORK STATION UPGRADE DISCUSSION: After evaluating various models of CRT /keyboard terminals, LOGIS determined that the one most._economi_cal and best-suited for our users' needs is the MicroWest MKII terminal, made by Beehive, Inc., and sold and serviced locally by Tele- Terminals. This terminal is compatible with HP's VIEW and can, therefore, be used for the PDS, LICS and Special Assessment system. It will also be equipped with the special LOGIS keyboard and can, therefore, be used for all other LOGIS applications. The delivered, installed price for the work station, including a 90 -day on -site warranty for parts and service is $3,000.00. The price includes the following: MicroWest MKII CRT terminal with 4 -page memory, numeric key cluster LOGIS special keys; Microline 82 attached dot matrix printer with 8j" platen for friction or pin feed, forms feed capability, and bi- directional printing, including interconnecting cable. Since this equipment has transmit speeds up to 240 characters per second (compared to your present equipment at 30 cps), we would also recommend upgrading communications equipment from 30 cps to the current maximum for dialup lines, 120 cps. This requires installation of new modems at Hutchinson and at LOGIS. The monthly port charge of $100.00 currently assigned to -2- Hutchinson will not increase with the new modems. RECOMMENDATION: If you wish to order the terminal and and line upgrade, you may do so by sending a purchase order to LOGIS as follows: (1) MicroWest MKII terminal with 4 pp memory, green phosphor, aux. printer part, LOGIS keys (1) Microline 82 printer with cable Installation and 90 -day on -site warranty for above. nt s TOTAL: $3,000.00 0 El (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M FOR YOUR INFORMATIO DATE: _ February 20,_1981 - - - - - TO: __Ngor and City Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant - SUBJECT: S ecial Assessment — —•— — — — I have been pursuing the automation of our special assessment for quite some - time and now feel we are at a point of being able to report something positive. The LOGIS group has given the okay to place special assessment on the system. It has also been approved to have the City of Hutchinson as the pilot city on the project. We have met on several occasions with the person who will be doing the design and program of the system. The work has progressed to the point of knowing what the city wants and needs in the special assessment area. The programmer has also thought we would be able to implement other identifiers (see Attach- ment A) which the City would like. We should be able to get property searches completed in short order and with less error than in the past and other reports which the City may want to have. Time, labor and errors should all be reduced when the system is operational. The cost with bringing up the new system has been substantially reduced by the LOGIS decision. I have received a proposal which gave an estimate of $12,600 for our own system. The LOGIS group will be spending up to some $48,000 for the system which will be more complex than would be for our City's needs. The cost to the City would be as follows: 1. Cost of Conversion - County Data to LOGIS Computer 2. Purchase of a CRT Terminal and Printer to Replace Current Terminal 3. Engineer's Time to Convert to New Number System $ 500.00 Est. 3,000.00 Unknown q-c,. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PAGE 2 4. In -House Personnel Cost of Inputting All Special Assessments Now on Books and Testing of Data for Pilot City Project Unknown The manpower requirement would be in -house with the possible exception of a requirement to No. 4 where some outside part -time help may be required. The 1981 budget has $3,000 in the general fund budget for programming which could be used. The large item is the terminal and printer..-:.Part.-of the cost will be offset by the savings of the rent paid on our present terminal- approxi- mately $650 /year. I have discussed the matter with the City Attorney and feel we could take the money from the Special Assessment Bond Fund of 1980 where there is some money available due to interest earned. The cost of operating this system has yet to be determined. The assessment part now on line is currently being billed at $1.00 per parcel per year. The thought at this time would be a per parcel charge of something in this range, no more and probably less. /ms 0 (612) 879 -2311 HUTCH' CITY OF HUTCH /NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 5, 1980 --------- - - - - -- TO: Kenneth Merrill, City Accountant FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: Special Assessment Program - Code Supplement -------------------------- - - - - -- As we discussed, the City needs to consider some "code characters" after the property description in the proposed assessment program. There are 10 items that could be identified after the property description character file: 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Type of Zoning . - -__ _ __ _ Variances Permit Conditional Use Permit Temporary Building Permit - - Fire Marshall Order Sidewalk /Driveway Apron Order Weed Order ( ?) Non - Conforming Building /Lot Elm Tree Disease Order ( ?) Service Laterals to All Platted Lots Water Curb Stop Installation Order cc: Marlow Priebe DATE February 17, 1981 TO: FROM: POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Mayor and City Council Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Remodeling inside the Police Station I have submitted estimates and plans for some changes in'the Police Department. As you know we are cramped for space in the Department and also have a general lack of privacy and security. Therefore, I am proposing that the back room of the Police Department,which is currently used as a -squad room,be enclosed by a wall. A door would then be placed on that wall which could be locked and would allow us a certain amount of privacy. This would also assure that our evidence area would not be accessible to persons who normally come and go within the Police Department, such as prisoners, attorneys and others. This would then cause the situation of having the hallway from the City Hall chambers directly to the garage in the Police Department, which would be the only area accessible to the public. I have obtained an estimate from Mr. Clyde Gregor which would include minor modi- fications to the sergeants office and would not cost over $860 to achieve. Also enclosed is a plan for a bookcase in the Chief's office. This particular bookcase would put into order some of the chaotic situation that we have with magazines, books and periodicals scattered helter skelter around the entire Police Department, and would provide a library space for the officers which could be put into some logical order. ° You will note than in the bookcase there is a cabinet which we plan to use to conceal a -one way window which would be placed in the current doorway between the Chief's office and the back room. We could use this as a viewing area which we do not currently have. This would allow persons who we do not wish to be seen by a suspect to identify people or to view a lineup in a private situation. We are also planning some minor housekeeping moves which will involve some changes but no cost to the City. The only other cost would be that I request to change the curtains in the Chief's office which have been here since 1862 or maybe even earlier. The total cost for this entire project would be $1500. 4�-- W, --,� 43+ 6v -Ir I BcoK COsE 6Aitohlate. SkNek I;-, � CANS +RtAcf ioN OP'OAK 35 a VItwkrqG, w6Aw4 cov.'e'(3A k.),, *Dwps '*I Scaly 4.51 o • (612) 879 -2311 f1UTlf/' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 9, 1981 TO: —Mayor and City Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: — Gar_y D. Plotz, Lloyd Schlueter and Eric Smith — — — — — — _ — SUBJECT: Firemen's Relief Association - Proposed Legislation on 2% State — --- __ -- ----------------- Excise flax on Fire - Insurance — "- — — — — PROPOSAL A committee of the Minnesota League of Cities is proposing legislation that would enable Council's throughout the state to utilize the 2% fire premium excise tax for any Fire Department purposes. Presently state law mandates that the 2% excise tax be directed to the Relief Association for pension benefits. Hutchinson received approximately $19,000.00 in 1980 from the excise tax. This is primarily revenue to finance the local pension program. RECOMMENDATION Lloyd, Eric and I have reviewed the proposed legislation and feel it is not in the best interest of the Relief Association. It is noted that the City of Litchfield has already taken a firm position in opposition of the proposed legis- lation. The problem with the proposed legislation is that it places the funding of local plans in jeopardy on a yearly basis, as Council's may decide to allocate these monies for other fire purposes. The concept of a sound pension plan is to have a consistent and constant flow of revenue to a fully funded and actuarially sound pension plan. To place this flow of money in jeopardy on an annual basis is not consistent with long -range financial planning. Our joint recommendation is that the City oppose by Resolution the proposed legis- lation. /ms E�4E DEP,t� MINNESOTA STATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSOCIATION \ ORGANIZED + ,1179 �yq �J# _ * President Vie * - President Treasurer Secretary Al Schadt Hobert Wetheriile Kenneth Hovland Gus Welter Maplewood Minneapolis Fergus Falls 9944 Harriet Ave. So. Bloomington. MN 55420 December 1, 198.0 (612) 881-8114 Fellow Fi refi after: Enclosed is the statement for your organization's 1981 dues. It appears that in many cases we are still having a problem with getting mail and messages to the right people. Please take a minute to check the address on your statement. Make any needed corrections on the return part, so that we can keep our list of addresses current. No doubt you are aware of the t"innesota League of Cities proposal to permit diversion of fire state aid funds from your relief association to other purposes. Find out if your city officials support such action; and if your state legislators are on your side. At the request of their firefighters,, -. a number of city councils have adopted resolutions opposing the League's position. Enclosed is a suggested form of resolution for this purpose. If your city council passes such a resolution, I would appreciate getting a copy. Many of you have talked to me about tight budgets and lack of operating funds. Saving money on necessary purchases is one way to help overcome these prob- lems. Since 1974,-the MSFDA has made available to its members disability insurance and apparatus insurance at reduced rates. For 1981, the discount on fire truck insurance varies from 37% to 45% off standard rates. The dis- ability insurance provides lifetime coverage at a rate comparable to the 2 year coverage offered by other companies. This protection is offered by USF &G, one of the largest insurers in the business. For details, contact Ivar Awes at the Drew Agency, - Griggs Midway Bldg., St. Paul, MN 55104, (612) 645 - 9291. The winter meeting of our Board of Directors will be held at the Capp Towers Hotel in St. Paul, January 12, 1981, in connection with the annual reception for State Legislators. The Conference Committee of the Alexandria Fire Department is well along with plans and preparations for the 1981 meeting, which will be held June 18 - 20. Make your plans now to send delegates. Registration and reservation forms will be sent out shortly after January 1. Remember that housing reservations will be made only through the committee. The Officers and Directors join me in wishing you and your families a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Happy New Year. Sincerely, �� J Gus elter Enc: ? • • t SUGGESTED ORH OF RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE REALLOCATION OF FIRE STATE AID TO ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN PRESENTLY MANDATED 61I IEREAS , t;ie City of recognizes the importance of maintaining a financially sound retirement and disability benefit program for its volunteer firefighters through the firefighters' relief association, and ]HEREAS, the city recognizes that the sole purpose of the fire state aid made available under i:innesota Statutes 69.011 through 59.051 is to provide a portion of the funds necessary to support the various firefighters relief associations :-:hick exist within the State of 'Minnesota; and WHEIMAS, allocation of a portion or all of the fire state aid to purposes otlher than now mandated may jeopardize the associations' financial ability to maintain and improve pension and other benefit levels which are dezmed necessary or desirous by the city to attract and retain qualified volunteer f ire fi gaiters NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of is opposed to any legislation which would alter or eliminate the exclusive alloca - ion of the fire state aid now provided for in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 59.011 through 69.051; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be presented to the offic .-rs of the Vinnesota League of Cities and to each of the persons who represent the citizens of in the I"i nnesota State Legislature. Adopted by action of the City Council on , 1930 (Certificate by City Clerk) (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 20, 1981 TO: Mzyor and City Council FROM: Gary D. Plotz, Homer Pittman and Marlow V_ Priebe_ SUBJECT: Billboard on Hwy. 7 It is our recommendation that we table the variance and conditional use permit until such time that Blocher Advertising Company supplies the City with a scaled survey of the proposed location of the sign. Presently there-are no lot corners evident on the property to know the location of the proposed sign. It is noted that a proposed sign ordinance is also being prepared by the City Attorney's office which addresses the installation of billboards and require- ments thereof. This will be handed out Tuesday night - a and referred back to the Planning Commission. /ms (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 20, 1981 --------- - - - - -- TO: -- Hutchinson City Council ------------ - - - - -- FROM: _— Pl --- Commission --------------- - - -- SUBJECT: g _Variance Re test - Blocher Adv. Co. (Emma Becker Property) -- ---- --- -- - - -- -------- - - - - -- Pursuant to Section 6.05, B.3, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for variance. HISTORY On January 27, 1981 an application was submitted by Emma Becker (property owner) and Blocher Adv. Co. requesting a variance for the reduction of the requirement of 500' to 480' from a residential property to allow the con- struction of a billboard. At the regular meeting on February 17, 1981 a public hearing was held at which time no one was present objecting to this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted with the appropriate fee paid. 2, "Notices were mailed to the suTrounding property owners as well as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, February 6, 1981. 3. Since the property owner involved had no objections to the placement of the billboard, the request was granted. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission the requested variance be granted for a period of one (1) year with a renewal yearly. Respectfully submitted, Mr. Don Erickson, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Comm. 9- -/.I- (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 WEST S 350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — _ — — February 20, 1981 — — TO: -- ._HutLhi.rton City Council --------------- -- FROM: -- -planning Lommission — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: — — C,mtdi iQna1 Dae P_Crait = Blocher Adv. Co. (Emma Becker) — Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.S, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On January 27, 1981 an application for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 12' x 2S' back to back billboard on two steel poles and trimmed with rough sawn cedar in a IC -1 zone was submitted by the owner of record. This property being located at Hwy. 7 West and Third Avenue NW. A hearing was held at the regular meeting of February 17, 1981 at which time no one was present objecting'to this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1, The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as pub - lished in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, February 6, 1981. 3, Since this property is zoned IC -1, a conditional use permit is necessary. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted providing setback require- ments set by-the Building Official and staff are met and that it be renewed yearly after one years time from the completion date. Respectfully submitted, Mr. Don Erickson, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Comm. ,g 0 • r hutchinson community hospital Century Avenue, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone 612(587.2148 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" February 24, 1981 The Honorable Mayor Ralph Westlund and City Council Members City Hall - 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Honorable Mayor Westlund and City Council Members: The Board of Directors of Hutchinson Community Hospital, at the February meeting, received and reviewed a recommendation from the hospital staff to purchase a replacement ambulance. Attached you will find a staff analysis detailing the proposed expenditure. Because this purchase exceeds $5,000 the recommendation is being sent to you for your consideration and approval. The following details the recommendation from the Hospital Board as it appears in the February, 1981, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes. Motion was made by Goebel to request approval of the City Council to advertise for bids for the purchase of a 1981 modular ambulance. Motion was seconded by Mullan. All were in favor. Motion passed. Thank you, in advance, for your consideration of the above - mentioned matter. I will be available at the City Council Meeting to discuss any questions or concerns you might have regarding the expenditure. Sincerely, HUTCHINSON COMM UNIT !HOSPITAL ,I / h Philip G. Graves Administrator PGG:lkz Enclosure �- /Z-,/. PP',OPOSAL. To purchase a 1981 Modular -type ambulance. CAPITAL ETM IMRE REQUEST PRE:S= SYS'T'EM ALTERNATIVES � RECQI,�ENDATION TO PROPOSAL I AND RATIONA. No ambulances: A. 1971 Oldsmobile B. 1977 Dodge Van (Proposal to replace 1971 Oldsmobile) 1. Stay with present system. 2. Buy another van-type ambulance. For Replacement: 1. Olds has 67,000 miles 2. Olds has had extensiv repairs during the past years•including two valve,obs 3. Olds spaoe'capabiliti have become outdated and may be a danger to proper patient car 4'. Because of high miles future repairs may become necessary. For purchasing a modular type ambulance: 1. Space capabilities A. Essential for performing more effective 2 -man C.P.R. B. More room for stori of equipment and supplies. C. In the past, we have added new equipment to the ambulance and we anticipate future needs to require additional space, e.g. telemetry and other mcnitorii equipment. D. Modular constructi( is . safer than other BUDGETED, IF NOT, PLAN FOR FII1ANCIMG An ambulance was budgeted for the first quarter of 1981 in the amount of $36,000. • 0 i CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUEST .: PROPOSAL PRESENT SYSTEM ALTE MP=VES TO PROPOSAL RECOTMNDATION AND RATIONP.I.Z (cunt.) types of construction: A. Size helps it to handle be k w. . and to hold-.tt e road better. r B. Single - unit construction makes it safer in the event of an accident or rollover in that all cabinets stay attached and do not fly off and possibly hit the patient. SIGNATURE: Dennis Anglin and James McKay R /74 Bb- WETED, IF NOT, PLAN FOR FD 3ANC7NG DATE :2 /17/81 ru (612) 879 -2311 fHUTlf1' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Director of Park & Recreation DATE: February 24, 1981 SUBJECT: 10 Year Lease with Welding Supply I am recommending that the city enter into a 10 year lease with Welding Supply Inc. o: company will then supply us with oxygen /30 medium acetylene. The for one tank which is located at lease is only good for one tank; an additional lease with Welding E Willmar, Minnesota. This one tank containing 122 city currently has a lease the street garage. This therefore, we need to have Supply Inc. to enable us to have a tank at the park garage. The cost of a 10 year lease is $194.50. i RETAIL "ON SALE* estate of �fflinne5ota, COUNTY OF ...... - McLeod.-------- •-- - -• - -- To the ................ City. .Council..... ---- - -..of the.. - - - - -- City--- .....................of ...Hutchinson................. ........................................................... ...................... ... . . . ... .State of bfi-nnesota: Hutchinson Jaycees hereby applies for a licanso for the term of- one �- from tha. 7th -- - - - --- - - - - -_ -day o f -- June - - ---- __..._.__— ___� IBS, to still At Retail Only, Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the same are dcfintd by law, for consumption "OX" those ccria .n prom -Ues in the.--_ City f Hutchinson described as f of ows, to-wit: _ - -_.- Hutchinson Jaycees Blue Grass Concert at McLeod County Fairgrounds at which place said applicant..... operate.. - -the busincas of and to that end represent._..axd stafe..._aj follows: That said applicant ....................is. . .........of tha United States; of food m oral oharador and repute; and ha ...... _ .... attained the ale of 21 years; that ...... ___...he .is ...................... 107 0173 War--.4f the establishment for which the license will.be issued if this application is franted,, That no manufacturer of such n i intazicatinf malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said bu8iness of said applicant._ -.or any interest therein; That said appUoant..__ vwke:­.this a- pplication pursuant and subject to all the laiai of the State of Xinnesota and the ordinances and reptZations of said.. __ Cites__- -_ applicable thereto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby afree -to observa and obey the same; ` (Hen stab atber ,•pelraments. if may of local retslattom•) � y AA00 77.b.; r� 10 V ,gy �pL16A- �( Each applicant f states tha Aolthe ho lder of, nor has ha app ' for, nor does he intend to snake application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of unto Licaanl liquor i� Dated February 24 Ig 81 W Kent So n & Pete Kasal Co -Chm. sipplicant_ P. O. d ddreas 7 i REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER 8 SEWER FUND ------ *State Treasurer *State Treasurer Mn. Valley Testing Lab. RCM Associates Rutz Plbg 8 Htg. LTP Enterprises Mrs. Esther Quast Aaron Lietzau Richard Nagy Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Leef Bros. GENERAL FUND FEBRUARY 24, 1981 PERA $ 229.11 Soc. Sec. tax 482.73 testing 583.60 professional services 791.27 cleaned plugged water line 32.00 refund overpayment water key 60.00 refund 30.45 safety glasses 22.50 workshop 10.00 equip.cert.loader /blower 43,600.00 clothing allowance 16.50 $ 45,858.16 *State Treasurer Soc. Sec. tax $ 4006.93 *State Treasurer PERA 3389.84 *Swanke Motors 1981 GMC 1 ton truck 17,622.00 AMI Roto Rooter opening line 32.00 Albinson supplies 166.97 Eugene Birk snow hauling 980.00 Brinkman Studio film 8 pictures 30.96 Copy Systems Inc. cleaning supplies 85.20 Central District Services 4 cases cups 41.80 Chapin Pub. Co. publication costs 60.32 Country Kitchen prisoner board 7.78 Condon's Supply Co. arena supplies 70.47 Crow River Press Inc. By Law booklets 288.69 Bruce Ericson meetings 30.98 Gambles arena supplies 63.24 Pamida supplies 157.11 Gopher Sign Co. signs 557.20 IBM typing ball 19.00 Johnson Super Valu arena supplies 50.34 Kemske Paper Co. pencils 16.63 Kokesh recreation supplies 95.08 Law Enforcement Equipment Co. supplies- equipment 124.15 Logis computer charges 1292.49 MRPA volleyball reg. fees 88.00 Madsen Ins. Agency insurance on loader 210.00 Kenneth Merrill mileage 24.70 Motorola Inc. repairs 218.25 Marilyn Swanson office coffee 5.99 McGarvey Coffee Inc. police coffee 40.80 Homer Pittman bldg. officials mtg. 25.62 Quades repairs $ supplies 417.95 Rutz Plbg. $ Htg. repair armory boiler 16.00 St. Paul Book & Stationery supplies 23.25 Hazel Sitz mileage 23.00 Standard Printing letterhead 8 cem. deeds 142.30 /Q-A- , • - -2 -- Uniforms Unlimited police equipment United Bldg. Centers supplies Velvet Coach meals Xerox contract payment • Hutch Warehouse Grocery supplies Welders Supply Co. welder Barb Haugen skating instructor Judy Thunstrom skating instructor Cummins Diesel Sales repairs Carols Cafe 1 case water cups Coalition of Outstate Cities 1981 dues Gravely repairs Hutch Civic ARena ice time 1981 broomball Pikal Music Store supplies Mn. Fire Inst. Assn. 1981 dues MidCentral Fire Inc. gloves MidWest Bus. Products office supplies Mn. State Fire Dept. Assn. 1981 dues Natl Police Chiefs Assn. national directory Natl Auto Dealers subscription to car guide St. Cloud Steel Door supplies Sounders.Thalden & Associates McDonalds Park Grant Tombstone Pizza Corp. arena supplies John Gregor bike safety conf. Brian Stark referee Paul Linder referee Bob Corl referee Rod Gulbransen referee Ted Larson referee Buell Fogg referee Gary Hauer referee Duane Hauer referee John Miller airport gas key refund Dales Applicance repairs Borchert Ingersoll snowblower /loader Paul Lassier airport gas key refund Midway Twins Motor Inc. Chas. Jones breathalyzer Leef Bros. clothing allowance Mn. Reg. Assn. 1981 dues course 172.50 31.36 13.52 165.03 2.35 258.25 90.00 32.00 12.09 26.85 25.00 679.35 120.00 9.49 5.00 957.00 166.53 60.00 26.50 22.00 20.90 400.00 222.50 45.98 10.00 20.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 110.00 42.00 42.00 30.00 24.50 26,204.00 60.00 150.55 122.75 150.00 $ 61,025.04 • . LIQUOR STORE FUND Ed Phillips & Sons liquor $ wine $1568.21 Old Peoria Co. liquor $ wine 1975.50 Twin City Wine liquor $ wine 2170.00 Griggs Cooper & Co.. liquor $ wine 2108.16 Griggs Cooper $ Co. liquor $ wine 2336.76 Twin City Wine liquor $ wine 1019.21 Old Peoria Co. liquor & wine 2393.05 Ed Phillips $ Sons liquor & wine 1648.48 Dept. of Revenue sales tax 2808.69 Midwest Wine Co. wine 875.05 Twin City Wine wine 310.50 Griggs Cooper Co. liquor & wine 1726:63 Ed Phillips & Sons liquor & wine 888.06 Old Peoria Co. liquor & wine 976.82 6 $22,805.12 (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: February 24, 1981 --------- - - - - -- TO: Mayor and City Council -------------- - - - - -- FROM Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant - -------------------------------- SUBJECT: Snow Blower /Loader Payment --------------------------- - - - - -- With tonight's accounts payable we are asking approval to pay the balance owing.on the Terex Loader of $28,798.00 and the snow blower in the amount of $41,114.00 or a total of $69,912.00. The 1980 budget had a $30,000.00 payment which was made; 1981 has $15,000.00 for a second payment, with the balance to be paid over the next several years. The City sold the old loader and blower for $11,200.00 in 1980. We would like to be allowed this revenue to be used and a payment of $26,200.00 be authorized from the 1981 budget for this payment. (Accounting procedure would not allow the carry -over from the 1980 financial year; therefore, we would over -spend the 1981 budget by this amount.) We have reviewed several alternatives to finance the balance ($43,712.00) and believe the best would be an equipment certificate carrying an interest rate of 8-1/4% payable over three years. It would be proposed to sell this equipment certificate to the water /sewer fund with the note being payable in annual installment over the next three years at a rate of 8-1/4% with each principal installment to be $14,570.00 plus accrued interest. ADMIN 1000 (Rsv, 1/78) . SF -00006-0 1 DEPARTMEN'r TRANSPORTATION Aeronautics Division TO : File WA FROM : James D. Groehler, P.E. f STATE CeINNESOTA Office M emorandum DATE: February 9, 1981 PHONE: 296 -8150 FOR YOUR INFORMATION SUBJECT: Litchfield Planning Study Proposed Agreement For Site Study For Airport Located Between Hutchinson and Litchfield A copy of a proposed Agreement for HNTB to conduct a site study and evaluation for an Airport located midway between Litchfield and Hutchinson was received in our office on February 6. The Agreement appears reasonable as to cost and content. We contacted Wayne Carlson this date to inform him the Agreement was acceptable and state funding would be offered for 80% of the cost. The following is our comments on how this Agreement should be handled: 1. The existing Agreement between HNTB and the City of Litchfield should be temporarily suspended. If a joint site cannot be found, the Agreement could be reinstated with its original terms and costs. 2. The Agreement for the Joint Site Study should be an Amendment between HNTB and the City -of Litchfield's current Agreement. In this way, we can avoid separate state aid agreements and payments between Mn /DOT and the Cities of Hutchinson and Litchfield. Also, a joint site may have to be added to the system of Airports before state funds could be expended. 3. The state would prepare an Amendment to the existing State Aid Agreement between Mn /DOT and the City of Litchfield for acceptance. cc: Mr. Wayne Carlson, Litchfield 1,Xr. Gary Plotz, Hutchinson 6?891p Mr. Richard Beckman, HNTB Iti5 1>> Cq L' % ,, v 0 06 PRINTED UP: RECYCLED PAPER ym'U"1I- 15 -•mot "VI ;w Departtaeai of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services •rision I. OFFICE PROCEDURES A. Applications & F B. C. vaze Deputy Name j Locat ion .F_Hutch'ifehm Deputy No. FOR YOUR INFO RMATION .4� 2� t� nnuvr�ane 1. Complete & Accurate: FN -DOB address Ri i,*/I vehicle identification liens dates V1 I odometer certification insurance base value-gross weight signatures , fuel excise tax trade -in registration tax %( deputy fee other fees 2. Legible 3. Proper Validation & Notarization 4. Proper Use of Forms & Affidavits 5. Chain of Ownership ills of Sale 6. Proof of Ownership 7. Verification Daily Reports 1. Money De osited Dail 2. Reports Mailed Dail 3. Complete & Accurate: Log Sheet (2-950) Balance Sheet Reca Sheet Deposit Slip FIN Deposit Book List Supporting Documents Inventory 1. Plates & Stickers Adequate 2. Supplies & Forms Ade uate Monthly IIsa a Re port 4. Missing Plates & Stickers (file DPS 40) / Y 5. Defective & Returned Plates '(2842'x) f 6. Supplies Requisitions 2. Shipping Memos Returned -PS- 02952 -01 II. II. 1: 1 4�. 4 D. Reference Materials 1. Deputy Manual COTS Tax Manual Ad Valorem Books 4. Law Book Division Memos OFFICE FACILITIES A. Office 1. Location & Customer Access n 2. Sufficient Neat Counter Parking 4. Storage B. Security 1. Plates & Stickers Stored i barred and locked area. 2. Money Records . Validation Stamps, Receipts PUBLIC RELATIONS & SERVICE 1. Prompt & Courteous 2. Sufficient Staff Regular hours Cooperation with Division Customer Relations COMMENTS AND REMARKS This office also handles Drivers License applications along with MV transactions. It is a wall organized office and run by employees that are interested in doing the transactions properly and done on a timer* schedule. The lower level with its stairs may ; causo sme problems for the elderly, but I have not . heard of axr conp].aints b';cause of that. Recurrent negative ratings may require you, as Deputy Registrar, to appear at the Central Office ,in St. Paul to discuss the problems noted with the Commissioner or the Director. Your con- tinued status a Deputy Registrar will also be reviewed at at t e. .2 / S/ �/ Signatur f Deput egistra0ate Si a of Field Represent '9e . /Date I i Volume 3, Number 10 _ i N\ BRIEFS a monthly newsletter published by the SIX EAST REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Serving: Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker & Renville Counties THANK YOU TO OUTGOING COMMISSION MEMBERS FOR YOUR INFORMATIOI Feurudry, 1981 The terims of five commmission Members ended in December, 1980, The five members - -Fd Dorm-s, I,for ton; Chucr. darner, Brownton; , Cliff Popp, Hutchinson; Leonard Pikal, Brownton; and Carolyn Stevens, New London -- served a total of more than 20 years on the Six East Regional Development Commission. Ed Downs, Mayor of Morton and representing Renville County municipalities, was a charter me <.:ber of the commission, serving from December, 1973. Chuck Warner, Mayor of Brownton and represer_ti_n., McLeod County municipalities, served from January, 1978. Cliff Popp, McLeod County Commissioner, served from January, 1979. Leonard Pikal from Brownton, rep- resented Region Six East Soil and Water Conservation Districts since his appointment in February, 1976. Carolyn Stevens -from New London, represented Region Six East Voluntary Social Service Agencies since August, 1976. A special thank you to all of these people for their commitment and leadership and their contribution to the success of the commission. LC-1E NEW COMIMISSION MEMBERS The January, 1981 meeting of the Six East Regional Development Commission welcomed three ne:!r members. The McLeod County Board will be represented by Larry Wendorff of Hutchinson. McLeod County Municipalities will be represented by_Ralph Westlund, Mayor of Hutchinson. l a' or Albert Nicolai of Hector will be representing RenvlIle Goun y municipalities .--K-" special welcome to the new members. Their knowledge of local government's problems and their commitment to strong local leadership will be valuable assets to the commission. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS M h: i es of _. nur -n rkRhnpe or ep..nQom_c de -7el ,opr!e t sponsored by the cc-4-1-11 and recently coi%Pleted were very successful. A total of 23 communities sent representatives to learn the how's and why's of economic development. Topics of discussion included the past and future of small tocmms, data needs, state and federal programs and panel discus - 77sicns on starting community development programs and successful development programs in S:LL7':nenota small cities. - COi•1i11:;;4 I TY DEVELODMENT ORGAIN I ZATI ONS The comm—dssion has been trying to identify community development organizations in --the region. The con;mission is in position to offer assistance and information (such as the arorkshop seriea described in the previous article) to groups interested in initiating . a-rid promoting industrial, downtown commercial and housing development in their communities. To date, vie have identified Chambers of Commerce in -the cities of Atwater, Bird Island, :Eden Valley, Glencoe, Hutchinson, Litchfield, Olivia, Watkins and Willmsrr' Local develop= .merit co: ^porati or•s have been. identified in the cities of Atwater, Bird Island, B.ro:rrton, Da -Sel, .Fairfe_x_, G"Lencoe, Hector, Hutchinson; Litchfield, Morton,' Olivia, 'Sacred Fcart, Willzar_and Ailinsted., : If you have a group active or would like to be active ln_ -commm ity develop:ent, contact the commission office in Willmar so we can keep you informed of co*rnunity development activities. 16171819 J FFP'n11 w _o RECEIVW ' By f oiti Feb. quickill4on, r'"-- FOR YOUR INFORMATION Me Ae wzde2- ,jigged do nvi appaove o� Pao ct 81-15 oa Cwab and yutt" and BZbffniww St4!- cin4 on safe S,4 ?wm 1�e chc.4 Alder_ ;v So. Gi e /?d. f/ l: A a 7;7 ,Q s 'IS 91017 ti F£ '031 m 0 1 Cn �Ns� BY ..' February 9, 1931 Pr - -- J s FOR YOUR INFORMATION City Council Hutchins on .!Unnesota The Burlington lort'lern Inc. is the or.ner of prop_ ertr in the vicinity of the propose: Jefferson Street - 1st Avenue ?, . 17. Storm Se:rcr Improvement. The Burlington Northern Inc. here ly protests twat improvement as it feels ti-ie project ?:,ill riot benefit its property. Please take this protest into consideration at the public :iearin- scheduled for February 10, 1951. Respectfully submitted, By•J R. Severson Director Property Taxes Burlington Northern Inc. • FOR YOUR INFORMATION Thn -ray"!" President e, 11-arreq new ranresoi.-., 31 MI, Co. Rvfi4s The "a's, by F+3 Gucst Rufus !�.tandert spi-1-a regPa-c-ile-ag vur or W, e hoxes vie-re plued as they ve. W, they piaced ,%t thz!y care L,*-,ause that is w,41ere -41-hey ult get eriselravnt Re: --4u11c1"1G4t OQ xes ruez'r ri In -�azp- of �Ne lboy.cs ,.r,, cc,rstructeo sire that P.5 sc*a ��z t *.,y are hit or tay It bpvc, ~,m2n, dead and, r3c, In 01 rew !-*-A-Pes are 'in, all -n con- 4c Y ty king r;,!.,- rsc�,P- u-*`11, - ccm-paay IS Kt, v•.s unv;IRC fz th& `:e6`y a1'i4 •Ct; °r X2'3° i i 1F. our 4-14 CIlLzb youth rep ras-er.Viti. va 'tc� tea f',ouncil. ';ie v--Ili iv)vfte P- state cl'flcer' clime aniel prograit. Les Smith stzbd Ne d."-Jt"AdbutS4 the, "14110wing sal-,a:ty 5. Ir "It S=.e Aren't n c 7 Xii The Streets . to AL � S W GIv-re", FyMnmjmOets v re- 6i"Ste.�'ibtited by LG S I i-3 0 SM i th 17A r� ', e P IR 81 Cal J,� j 'c i S a it'd, a S G ff PA a --,rasentec' the fel lowing - slate i kat 1.1H I am Pvnadt - Vice President, Les L1-.-0qr - Executive Board m Member c L-a, Sm t,, t� a 5 '16 1 vs Bcs a rd - I d i a t e P .1 s t President Thi s 2;�y voice vots. Joyce N7, -,s to assist the I ... -'-1- -7— - C * " ! r , I t n m� mw:,mber t I —', �., � �j , . n� , - . " � Z 1, , , , '.�; �� � v -1, .3 �,Jl at the "'rai t-i e Hatze. $t I d:00 at the Prairie ra u v ng on Feb. as President p ohnson thanked th�h nominating coinni t tee er their work and ufas .Alexs „-.ide^ •aria^ his infira;iation. y�e ti was adjourred by rivytion. Submitted a�” Myron a ohnsnr,,; Pres l nvv t Loretta F. 1,i shtley Secretary - Treasurer Executive card Meeting The Ex,,.xutike Board ixt February 2, rt 12 :(10 noon at the =rMrie House. Four, meinbers G*4ue present; Lass Smith, Les L"tnc'- :r, LoMeliL:ta wishney &.51d Myron : "s' hnsart. Under di seen! si oii W-raa plans ror the year with he •F of l carping ideas presented: F*r e sne&kzi �s on safety - ;natters - re: Safety people from 3M, OSHA, Muni ci pa Electric P?ivit, cd11 SFfe-�y 'Cou=119, e"evator co., insuranc.� cot air!:zies' � as e'q njjQjnsers rai j ` "•a0, -water an, boat >?`� iKY i �'IM, Safet35 Rocki e M c - silo n ifety, �i:�xLta t 4--Mn . 7 u!)s 9 home nsul atica Safety. Re: Fciif' Bcoth - D? ,uss d i !!eU e '�:$F?t�5 fc'r �Y?7iflxa., Itrq?m �;B, :!3:.dt�e74. v��`s?i is G?SW � 6i 3i S,,des and not q- ,.0v48z. l.L�ntact E6 ��'.' jy Fair Board tFcm,3 °r for di a fern t space. a�i `� s will s b� <i scuss d With �?,.w c�'W a fufi =ate jrae,' :ti and for their ideas. The vta"a_o 'cif -Iou "n ad by rmotion. Treasurer's Report: Balance on hand 1 -1 -81 159.60 Deposits: none Dispursements: none Balance on hand 1 -31 -81 159.60 S 4z /z/ n COST TO PROPERTY OWNER: The Hutchinson Fire Department is asking for a bond issure of $730,000 over a 15 year period which would increase your taxes by 2.4 mills. The easiest way to find out how much your taxes will increase is to look at your 1980 tax statement that you receive from McLeod County. This statement will indicate your Estimated Market Value* and should niot be confused with how much you feel your property is worth. If you refer to the guidelines below, they will give you a close indication of how much your taxes will increase. *FSTIMA= MARKET VALUE HOMES INCREASE $20,000 $ 8 30,000 12 40,000 18 50,000 23 60,000 30 70,000 36 80,000 43 90,000 50 100,000 56 BUSINESS INCREASE $10,000 $10 30,000 31 ,. ,� .. j.... ",• 50,000 52 70,000 72 90,000 93 VOTING: PROPOSED REFERENDUM FOR H U T C H I N S O N F I R E S T A T I O N Eligible voters will vote in their regular precincts on March 10, 1981, between the hours March 10, 1981 of 7:00 A.M. and 8 :00 P.M. Absentee ballots can be obtained at the City Hall. MESSAGE FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT The menbers of the Hutchinson Fire Department are proud to present this proposal which is very basic for our needs both now and in the future. Careful consideration has been given to the des'gn and cost of this project so that all of you get the mast for your tax dollar. There are no hidden features in this building. We are asking only for a facility badly needed for our vehicles, equipment, and training needs. Thank you for your support and we would sincerely appreciate your YES vote. BREAKDOWN OF BUILDING COST Basic Buildiu (105' X 105 ) Land (3 lots) Site Preparation (Demolition, Fill, Apron and Sidewalk) Architects Fee $460,000 130,000 30,000 38,000 Contingency 59,000 (10% of Land and Buildin in case of Cost Overrun Legal Financing (Bonding Points) 13,000 T O T A L 1 $730,000 '­� I , R TA"14o-,ra- Takm— ► I � I I I I � ► I I I ► + I i ► I I i I i ► ► I + � I I + � i u