cp08-25-1981 cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF August 23 TO August 29 1981 SUNDAY MONDAY BACKTO;. SCHOOL,- WEDNESDAY THURSDAY -26- -27- 7:00 A.M. - joint Gymnasium 7:00 A.M. - City Council and Committee Meeting Hutchinson Utilitie at Happy Chef Workshop at Prairie House a� I I 0 FRIDAY -28- VACATIONS: George Field - August 24 -28 Pat Vander Veen - Aug. 24 -26 TUESDAY -25- 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meetinj at City Hall SATURDAY -29- 1 _ rLmlww Lru r I • r AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1981 Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 P.M. Invocation,- Reverend Germain Rademacher ,%3. Consideration of Minutes - Regular Meeting of August 11, 1981 and Special Meeting of August 20, 1981 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended •4. Public Hearing - 8 :00 P.M. (a) 1980 Assessments v/1. Roll No. 111 ✓�. Roll No. 112 Roll No. 113 .14. Roll No. 114 A. Roll No. 115 ,,6. Roll No. 116 -4. Roll No. 117 8. Roll No. 118 ,,4. Roll No. 119 �,fO. Roll No. 120 X11. Roll No. 121 v/2. Roll No. 122 ✓13. Roll No. 123 ;�4. Roll No. 124 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to waive read- ings and adopt Resolutions adopting Assessment Rolls 1 0 0 COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1981 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions f(a) Consideration of Request by Inflation Fighter to Sell. Coupon Books By Telephone Solicitation Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject _ Y4) 6. Resolutions and Ordinances J(a) Resolution No. 6923 - Transferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt , (b) Ordinance No. 16/81 - An Ordinance to Establish A "Senior Advisory Board" and to Define Its Duties and Membership Action - Motion to reject Motion to waive first reading and set second reading for September 8, 1981 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions ✓(a) Monthly Financial Report - July 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,/(b) Minutes of Transportation Board dated June 17, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,Xc) Minutes of Planning Commission dated July 21, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing J(d) Minutes of Library Board dated July 27, 1981 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business ✓(a) Consideration of Awarding Bid for Old Armory Property (DEFERRED AUGUST 11, 1981) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid ,,//(b) Consideration of Request by Crow River Country Club to Temporarily Extend Colorado Street to Intersect Present Club Road (DEFERRED AUGUST 11, 1981) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve -2- • • COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1981 J(c) Consideration of $650,000 Commercial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1981, for McCormick Properties and Prairie House, Inc. Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading(s) and adopt Resolution(s) i(d) Consideration of Request by Mark Lease to Open A Game Room In Hutchinson (DEFERRED AUGUST 11, 1981) Action - `/(e) Consideration of Awarding Contracts for Hutchinson Fire Station (DEFERRED AUGUST 20, 1981) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award contracts Af) Consideration of Awarding Bid for Commercial Kitchen In Evergreen Apartments (DEFERRED MAY 27, 1981) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid 9. New Business J(a) Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinua#ce of service �(b) Consideration of Application for Deferred Special Assessments by Marie Odegaard (DEFERRED AUGUST 11, 1981) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve deferred assessment J(c) Consideration of Increasing Spending Limit with Prior Approval of City Council from $5,000 to $10,000 for Hutchinson Community Hospital Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve J(d) Consideration of Entering Into Service Contract for Water Treatment Plant Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve contract J(e) Consideration of Request by Leonard Juncewski for Vacation of A Portion of Kouwe Street with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance and set second reading for September 8, 1981 1101 COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 25, 1981 ✓(f) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Kenneth Farley with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution A g) Consideration of Request for Conditional Use Permit submitted by Ty's Metal Inc. with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution J(h) Consideration of'Landscaping Plan for Outlet A & B in Hutchinson Mall with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and waive reading and adopt Resolution �(i) Consideration of Final Plat for Schmidtbauer's Second Addition with favor- able recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 10. Miscellaneous J(a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment from appropriate funds 12. Adjournment -4- AGENDA ADDITION REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1981 3. Consideration of Minutes - Special Meeting of August 20, 1981 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 6. Resolutions and Ordinances f(c) Resolution No. 6942 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt A. Unfinished Business (a) DELETED FROM AGENDA (b) DELETED FROM AGENDA 9. New Business (j) Consideration of Application for Retail "On Sale" Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License by St. Anastasia Catholic Church Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license J(k) Consideration of Senior Citizens Deferred Assessments Income Guidelines and Asset Limitations Action - J(1) Consideration of Request for Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail by K -Mart Corporation Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and-issue license 0 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1981 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Westlund at 7:30 P.M., with the follow- ing members present: Aldermen Carls, Lueneburg, Gruenhagen and Beatty, in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: None. Also present: City Administrator Plotz, City Engineer Priebe, and Assistant City Attorney Schaefer. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Germain Rademacher of St. Anastasia Catholic Church. INSTALLATION OF ALDERMAN MICHAEL A. CARLS Assistant City Attorney Schaefer declared the Oath of Office to Michael A. Carls, and he was duly sworn in as Alderman for the Hutchinson City Council. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Special Meeting of July 28, 1981 and Regular Meeting of July 28, 1981 and Special Meeting of August 10, 1981 were approved as read upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING None 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR STREET LIGHTING ALONG SHADY RIDGE ROAD A request signed by 14 residents living on Shady Ridge Road was received for installation of street lighting. Following discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved to refer the request for street lighting on Shady Ridge Road to the Hutchinson Utilities. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY MARK LEASE TO OPEN A GAME ROOM IN HUTCHINSON Mr. Mark Lease of Litchfield appeared before the Council and stated he was interested in opening a game room in Hutchinson in the former Schramm's Im- plement building. He opened a similar operation in Litchfield on July 1, and it has been very successful. COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 Alderman Beatty suggested that Mr. Lease should check into the zoning of the area where he proposes to open his buiness inasmuch as it may be zoned for the parking district. Mayor Westlund instructed Mr. Lease to submit a written request to the Coun- cil indicating the location of his proposed business. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 15/81 - ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5.102 OF 1974 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE NO. 466 OF CITY OF HUTCHINSON, ENTITLED PARK CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried, to waive the second reading and adopt Ordi- nance No. 629 entitled Ordinance Amending Section 5.102 of 1974 Subdivision Ordinance No. 466 of City of Hutchinson, Entitled Park Contribution Schedule. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 6921 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION - WARREN MACEMON Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 6921 entitled Resolution of Appreciation - _Warren Macemon. Seconded by Alderman Lueneburg, the motion carried unanimously. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 6922 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 6922 entitled Resolution for Purchase. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S MONTHLY REPORT - JULY 1981 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MINUTES OF HOSPITAL BOARD DATED JUNE 16, 1981 AND JUNE 24, 1981 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF PARK & RECREATION BOARD DATED JULY 1, 1981 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. -2- Y 0 • COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 (d) MINUTES OF "SENIORS ACTIVITY CENTER" ADVISORY BOARD DATED JULY 7, 1981 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (e) MINUTES OF NURSING HOME BOARD DATED JULY 22, 1981 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR OLD ARMORY PROPERTY (DEFERRED JULY 28, 1981) This item was deferred to the next Council meeting. (b) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BIDS FOR TWO TRUCKS (DEFERRED AUGUST 10, 1981) City Administrator Plotz reported bids were received on August 10, 1981 for two trucks for the motor pool. After review, it was the staff's recommenda- tion to award the bids to Wigen Chevrolet in the amount of $13,246.64 for a 10,000 pound GVW truck and $6,970.42 for a small size pick -up. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to accept and award the two bids for trucks to Wigen Chevrolet. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 107, PROJECT-81 -23, ACCOUNT NO. 2 ITEM DELETED FROM AGENDA (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB TO TEMPORARILY EXTEND COLORADO STREET TO INTERSECT PRESENT CLUB ROAD The Board of Governors of the Crow River Country Club requested the City to make a temporary extension of Colorado Street to intersect with the present club road. This would make the access to the golf course on Colorado Street instead of CSAH -12, upon completion of the temporary extension. City Engineer Priebe presented several items to be considered for the exten- sion of Colorado Street. After further discussion, this item was deferred to the next Council meet- ing for further study. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR 1982 FUNDING 70R DRUG INVESTIGATION UNIT -3- COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 City Administrator Plotz reported the Drug Investigation Unit was request- ing support for 1982 in the amount of $200.00 from each city. He further stated the Chief of Police had recommended approval of the funding inasmuch as the Hutchinson Police Department had benefited from this organization. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Lueneburg to approve the 1982 funding for the Drug Investigation Unit. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO SELL CIGARETTES AT RETAIL BY MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION After discussion, Alderman Lueneburg moved to approve and issue a cigarette license to the McLeod County Agricultural Association. Seconded by AldetAan Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR RETAIL "ON SALE" NON - INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSE BY MCLEOD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve and issue a retail "on sale" non - intoxicating malt liquor license to McLeod County Agricultural Association. z- (f) CONSIDERATION OF ALLOWING DRIVEWAY PANELS TO BE INSTALLED BY LANDOWNERS ON SHADY RIDGE ROAD City Engineer Priebe reported he had instructed Mr. Richard McClure to write a letter to the City Council regarding private installation of driveway panels. During discussion, it was determined that the driveway panels could be legal- ly removed from the contract provided the bid was on a volume and unit basis. The bid was based on a unit price for a certain quantity, and therefore the City had the right to change the quantity. It is the City's responsibility to see that panels are installed correctly and in accordance with the con- struction specifications. City Administrator Plotz commented the assessment rolls could be adjusted, but changes could not be made after September 30 as the rolls go to the county for certification by October 10. Mayor Westlund stated he felt the City was setting a precedent by allowing property owners to install their own driveway panels. Assistant City Attorney Schaefer advised there would need to be an agreement with the property owner(s) that the driveway panel would be installed by a specified date, and after that date the property owner would bear the cost of hiring someone to do the uncompleted work. -4- COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 • It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve the request that three property owners be allowed to privately install their driveway panels on Shady Ridge Road according to City specifications, with one inspection by the City Engineer after completion of the project. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. The motion was amended by Alderman Beatty that any property owner in the Shady Ridge Road area who desired to install his /her own driveway panel should notify the City in writing within 10 days from this date, with all privately installed driveway panels contingent upon approval of the con- tractor. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (g) CONSIDERATION OF DIRT WORK AND SEEDING AT MCDONALD'S PARK City Administrator Plotz commented on the LAWCON Grant for McDonald's Park and stated the project was over - budget. The 1982 budget provides funds for black dirt, sod and seed; however, the City would like to put in the dirt and plant seed this fall to make the fields playable by spring, if possible. It was requested that approval be granted to take money from the contingency fund to cover the expense of dirt work and seeding. It was pointed out that by seeding vs. sodding, the City would save approximately $7,000.00. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alder- man Lueneburg, to approve the dirt work and seeding at McDonald's Park for this fall to make the ball fields playable for next year. Motion unanimously carried. (h) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR LICENSE TO SELL CIGARETTES AT RETAIL BY MASONS AND EASTERN STAR Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to approve and issue a cigarette license. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR DEFERRED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: (1) MARIE ODEGAARD (2) W. 0. SWENSON This item was deferred to the next Council meeting. (j) CONSIDERATION OF ELMWOOD UTILIZATION AND FIREWOOD SALE City Administrator Plotz made reference to the elmwood utilization project. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 He explained the debarking program for elmwood and the proposed sale of firewood to the public. The City Forester had researched selling elmwood and determined the price for the sale of wood at $40.00 per cord for de- barked logs and $15.00 per cord for non- debarked logs and limbs. All sales will be handled through City Hall and the Recreation Office by a permit system. The Assistant City Attorney will prepare a waiver release of liability for those individuals who purchase non - debarked logs to release the City from any liability involved with cutting, debarking and hauling wood. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Lueneburg and unanimously carried, to approve the sale of firewood. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported that bids will be received on September 1, 1981 for removal and /or demolition of the Wigen Building and the house at 45 Franklin Street North. The two effected renters will be eligible for relocation benefits from the City. Mention was also made that bids for construction of the new fire station,- will be received on August 20, 1981 at 2;00 P.M. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR Mayor Westlund commented on a memorandum from the City Accountant regarding a 30 -day extension for the payment on 1981 projects. He pointed out that September 1 was the,deadline date for payment, but the property owners would be making payment before the projects were completed. Therefore, he wondered if the people should be allowed another 30 days for payment. City Administrator Plotz remarked on capitalized interest. He further stated that October 10 is the date for certification with the county. If the pay- ment date was extended, notices would have to be sent to the property owners. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to extend the payment period 30 days to September 30 for 1981 projects. Seconded by Ald- erman Carls, the motion unanimously carried. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN CARLS Alderman Carls reported he had been requested by the Park and Recreation Board to bring to the City Council meeting the matter of maintenance of the tennis courts. The Tennis Association spent money to resurface the tennis 0 COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11, 1981 courts at the elementary school. considered in the 1982 budget. • It was suggested that this matter be Mayor Westlund requested a letter stating the expenditures of the Associa- tion over the last few years, and it will be discussed at a later time. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN BEATTY Alderman Beatty made reference to a letter from the Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association to the City Council regarding a moratorium on parking meters, beginning August 1, 1981. The parking meter heads would be removed in the downtown area for a period of six months on a trial basis. Mayor Westlund responded that there was a concern relating to off - street parking in the downtown area. Subsequent to the removal of the Wigen Build- ing and the house on Franklin Street North, this will be partially done. The City is waiting for a report on the downtown development study being conducted at this time. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ETHYL KLIMA Ethyl Klima appeared before the Council and stated she was interested in purchasing some property from the City that is located adjacent to her prop- erty at 647 Bluff Street N.E. She understood it was for sale. City Administrator Plotz explaii have basement garages, and they park land. At the present 'time the land prior to putting it up providing the land can be sold. on whether or not the park land decision on the matter. ied that three property owners in this area are accessible by driving across the City's the City Engineer is working on a layout of for bids or negotiation with property owners, The City Attorney will be giving an opinion can be sold, and the Council will make final 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS__ (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Lueneburg, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimouslv carried. -7- �J MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1981 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Westlund at 2:00 P.M., with the fol- lowing present: Aldermen Beatty, Gruenhagen and Carls, in addition to the Mayor. Ab- sent: Alderman Lueneburg. Also present: City Administrator Plotz and Architect John Korngiebel. Mayor Westlund read the Advertisement for Bids, Hutchinson Fire Station. The follow- ing bids were then opened and read: GENERAL CONSTRUCTION BASE BID CALENDAR DAYS H & H Enterprises $346,000.00 300 Dammann Construction 3403,648.00 270 Schatz Construction 325,000.00 240 Fullerton Construction 313,500.00 240 Gopher State Construction 288,760.00 240 Miller, Miller & Mac 289,900.00 180 Swesta Builders, Inc. 318,820.00 210 Loeffel - Engstrad Co. 353,500.00 270 MECHANICAL Minnesota Mechanical 88,227.00 Complete with General Krasen Plumbing & Heating 69,500.00 Complete with General Saxton Plumbing & Heating 66,000.00 Complete with General ELECTRICAL Muller Electric 27,295.00 100 Brandt Electric 31,555.00 Complete with General A & B Electric 27,464.00 Complete with General Richter Electric 23,240.00 Complete with General Wagoner Electric 2210900.00 Complete with General Upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously car- ried, the bids were referred to the Architect for a recommendation to the Council. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:12 P.M. 11 • • MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1981 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Westlund -at 8:15 A.M., with the following present: Aldermen Carls, Gruenhagen and Beatty, in addition to the Mayor. Absent: Alderman Lueneburg. Also present: City Administrator Plotz and Maintenance Operations Director Neumann. The matter of installing four manholes in the storm sewer south of Second Avenue in the Pishney Subdivision area was further discussed. Maintenance Operations Di- rector Neumann gave an estimate of $3,500.00 to complete the project. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unani- mously, to authorize the installation of four manholes in said storm sewer. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. k �. -Z City of Hutchinson City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 4P Arch Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 August 19, 1981 Attention: Gary Plotz, City Administrator Gentlemen: CO r Re: Proposed Assessment from Arch Street to Second Avenue to Michigan Street, City of Hutchinson V This letter is intended to be a formal objection to the proposed assessment for the improvement of Arch Street from Second Avenue S. E. to Michigan Street, as the same affects my property. I have received preliminary notice that the improvement to Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and the East 66 feet of Lot 5, Block 42, South Half, City of Hutchinson, would be $1,342.00. The estimated market value for 1981 for those same tracts is $600.00. The cost of the proposed assess- ments to Lots 1 and 2, Block 19, South Half of City of Hutchinson, is $8,857.20, and the Assessor's estimated market value for 1981 was $740.00. The cost of the improvement to Lot 1, Block 41, South Half, City of Hutchinson, is estimated at $8,857.20, and the Assessor's estimated mar- ket value for 1981 was $150.00. I believe the Assessor's estimated market value to be the fair, reasonable market value of my. property be- fore the proposed improvements were made. I find the improvements of sewer and water do not increase the value of my property in any way. Because the land is partially located in flood plain, and because of other factors, it is impossible to develop these lots for any purpose and the improvements will not change that situation. I understand that any special assessments, which exceed the benefits to the property as a taking of property without fair compensa- tion in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution of this country. Using the figures that you have provided in the preliminary notice, and comparing them with their value, and /or the Assessor's mar- ket value, one can quickly see that the improvements of the sewer and water far exceed the value of the property before and after, and is, therefore, a taking contemplated by the Constitution, which is improper. I also question whether the City, through its employees, or delegates, have made a fair and proportionate distribution among all property owners affected by the improvements, as the same relates to the total cost of the improvements, where there has been a determination of the area actually benefited by the project, and I question the assessment procedure and process as to whether it has been done properly. � -a-, - (7) City of Hutchinson Page 2 I am not opposed to improvements in the form of sewer and water that actually benefit one's property presently, or in the future, but, in this case, the extension of the services have no benefit presently, or in the future, to my property, and to assess any such amount to my property is an unconstitutional taking, which I believe is prohibited by the Constitution. Yours very truly, Leonard Miller 144N • i August 25, 1981 NOTICE OF OBJECTION TO THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON The undersigned property owners hereby place the City of Hutchinson on notice of written objection to the project and proposed assessment for the Project, Project No. 80 -04, in accord with the Statutes of the State of Minnesota as preliminary to the possibility of an appeal from said assessment. Said proposed assessment is set out in Publication No. 2794, dated July 29, 1981, and referred to as Assess- ment Roll No. 122. Said objection goes to but is not limited to the legality of the assessment, the necessity of the improvement and the amount of the assessment proposed upon the property of the undersigned as well as the method of the assessment. Dated: d� E r Orville Lund E na Lund �/-'q rl.:o i 0 DATE August 21, 1981 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Chief Dean M 0' Borskv ,�t}' /�/� V V 1v FROM: Mayor and City Council SUBJECT: Inflation Fighters As a result of the investigation already conducted by city staff and the Hutchinson Police Department, it appears to me that should a permit to solicit be issued that the city i.s running a risk of potential future pro- blems. Should the city, decide to issue a permit, it would be a good idea to follow the advise of the Labor. Division and require a bond from Inflation Fighters which would cover the wages of the phone solicitors locally. It should be noted that in our investigation, we did not uncover any evidence of criminal acts or criminal record of any of the persons that we had enough information on. In the future we should have a more detailed form which would add information for us and also a release of information statement with a signature of those who we would be trying to conduct background investi- gations on. 14 J'-a' 1 .per • �. <•- ..:...w..�•>..� -. �., _ .. .:.> 14 ►'r't$� %.:l i 'IfIF': M.PL.S , MN 554: ;5 :2, Sz : 3 •CC4 77 - r s Asa ,.. _;.•T"e{ra� Y. Y r•�F�__ A ISCA _ L4 rte•- } -' :+M�s�ifH^,. ".s+e+,�t .a.: ,�S,c+;n�-..►rewilrs...M• - ,« .•,.. Al vs � �i. •_ / - •- � � f -_ .- . _. _ - .. .. - t � 1. "'tom 4-Jr.- a 4 ?=. - 7 Section 485:00 Section 185 --Soliciting finds. Goods or Merchandise Section 485:00. Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for axe person, firm or corporation, charitable or otherwise, to solicit from any person or from the general public within the corporate limits of this municipality funds, clothing or other goods and nerchardise, ­dthout first having secured consent from the Cauncil to so solicit, provided, however, that this ordinance shall not affect or apply to the solicitation of funds, clothing and other goods and merchandise for the benefit of the American Red Cross or for the benefit of the local Budget Comri.ttee of this municipality nor shall this ordinance apply to churches in this municipality. Section 485:05. Application. Aiv person, firm or corporation desiring to solicit funds, clothing, goods and merchanaise in this municipality shall first make application to the %� �ncil through 'the Clerk o`_ this nuricipalit for permission to so do and among other things at the time of maI^.ng a_n applicat.ion shall give mill informEttion as to the purposes and objects of such solicitation.., including the organization to whom such Hinds, clothing, goods and merchandise shall be turned over to. Section 485:10. Referred to Mayor and Council. Upon receipt of such ap- plication, the Clerk shall advise the Mayor after which said application shall be considered by the Council and said Council shall have the right to authorize or not authorize such solicitation as it shall deer, fit and proper under the circumstances. Section 485:15. Violation. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a penal offense and each solicitation or attempted solicitation shall be a separate and distinct violation of this ordinance. 4 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF H El MVINSOR! 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 14, 1981 Mr. Joe Green, Sales Manager ASW International, Inc. 2014 West Broadway Kinneapolis, Minnesota 55411 Dear Mr. Green: When Gary Plotz, City Administrator, returned to the office yesterday, I dis- cussed with him the advertising promotion your firm wishes to do in Hutchinson. Mr. Plotz had earlier conversation with representatives of your firm. At that time, he told them the City Ordinance requires permission from the City Council to do any door -to -door solicitation within the City limits. Also, we would need the names, addresses, driver's license numbers and /or birth dates of any sales people living outside the City of Hutchinson who would be selling the coupon' books. You had indicated to me that the Hutchinson Hockey Association might be sponsor- ing this advertising promotion. If this is now confirmed, or some other local group will be sponsoring the same, please submit this information in writing. Your request for approval to sell the Inflation Fighter coupon books in Hutchin- son will go to the City Council for consideration at their next regular meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 25. The Council meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. and are held in the City Hall Council Chambers. It would be advantageous for you or a representative of your firm to be present at the meeting in the event there are further questions to be answered regarding this matter. We shall await receiving the requested information from you. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINS N Mari1 Swa son Administrative Secretary cc: Dean O'Borsky, Police Chief Clarice Coston, Chamber of Commerce (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 14, 1981 --------- - - - - -- TO: Dean O 'Borst------------------- - - - - -- FROM: _Iarilyn Swanson ^----------------- - - - - -- SUBJECT: Inflation Fighter Coupon Book — — — — — — — — — — — —.— — The City has been approached by the firm of ASW International, Inc. to do an advertising promotion with approximately 24 local merchants. This would in- volve door -to -door sales of an inflation fighter coupon book. The salesman thought the Hutchinson Hockey Association was going to sponsor the promotion, but apparently this was not definite. Gary Plotz would like a check done on the firm and the sales people involved, if other than local residents. As soon as I obtain the names of those who will be doing the selling of. the coupon books, I will give the list to you. In the meantime, could you find out anything about the company. Approval of this request will be brought to the City Council so we will need a recommendation from you for the August 25 meeting. Thanks for your help. • • (612) 587 -5151 CC/ 7- V OF A.rU ��..74 � i .! 6rl 37 WASHINGTON HUTCHI SON, MINN. 55350 EST August 18, 1981 Mr. Ken Pendleton, Secy. - Treas. Mr.•Joe Green, Sales Manager ASW International, Inc. 2014 West Broadwa-v Minneapolis, :•iinnesota 55411 Dear Messrs. Pendleton & Green: On Friday, August 14, I was contacted regarding the City ordinance on solicita- tion, specifically you stated that the promotion would not involve door -to -door sales and, therefore, possibly the City ordinance would not apply. You also stated that you would contact me on Monday, August 17, regarding an interpretation of the ordinance. There has been no return call back to -my office, and therefore, I notify you by writing that the ordinance, Section 485 - Soliciting Funds, Goods or Merchandise does apply to you selling or soliciting goods and services. The ordinance is gen- eral by nature and applies to all methods of solicitation, specifically the ordi- nance is not limited to only door -to -door solicitation. Therefore, I feel the ordi- nance does apply. You will be required to provide the necessary information for your application. Some of the information you have already supplied, including the type of item you are marketing, including the sales contracts you have with individual businesses. It is standard procedure that the City Police Department, under the direction of Police Chief Dean O'Borsky, checks into firms and /or individuals applying for such an application. Therefore, I anticipate a recommendation from the Police Depart- ment regarding background checks on the principle individuals involved and your firm. After receipt of this recommendation, the City Council reserves the right to .approve or disapprove your application for solicitation. We understand the Hutchinson Hockey Association will not be performing the solici- tation of the coupon books. Therefore, we request you to provide us with the names, addresses, driver's license number and birth date of the people performing the tele- phone solicitation and also the persons delivering the books to any residents. Please provide this information immediately so that it will not delay consideration S:.Aef Messrs. Ken Pendleton & Joe Green August 18, 1981 Page 2 of your request scheduled for Tuesday, August 25. Please note that a similar request was made in a letter dated August 14, 1981. ' Sincerely, CITY-OF HUTCHINSON Gary D.�;otz City Administrator GDP:ms cc: Dean O'Borsky, Police Chief Jim Schaefer, Asst. City Attorney Clarice Coston, Chamber of Commerce 0 1] (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 5 350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 20, 1981 TD: Dean O'Borsjgj._ EoLice Chief — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Marilyn SwansonL Administrative Secretary— — — — — — — — — — — SUBJECT: Inflation Fighters '81 ---------------------------- - - - --- On Tuesday, August 18, I received a telephone call from Mr. Patrick Barrett regarding the Inflation Fighter company. He wanted Hutchinson to be aware of the company's un- reputable business practices. In talking to Mr. Barrett, I learned that he had previously been employed by the com- pany but was now with Bargain Book, Inc., 3416 University Avenue S.E., Minneapolis (623- 3970). Also, Paul Carlyon had formerly worked for Inflation Fighter but was now with Bargain Book, Inc. Mr. Barrett stated the company has gone under various names: Inflation Fighter '81 GMI Productions (in another state) Consumer Show Case (State of Arizona) Art Songs Art Songs Chicken Wings According to him, the reason they changed names periodically was to get credit and b ank-accounts because their record was so bad. He claimed that former bank accounts had been closed due to non - sufficient funds from: State Bank of Faribault, NE State Bank of Minneapolis, First Bank of Minneapolis, and NW State Bank (Banco) of Minne- apolis. He stated that in Yakima, Washington the company had over -sold books and caused fi- nancial harm to the merchants there. Other complaints against Inflation Figher were: 1. Non- payment to employees (paid every two weeks) ~ 2. Insufficient funds on payroll checks 3. Investigation being done against the company by IRS 4. Failed to pay bills outstanding (left office rent unpaid in Marshall, MN) ,� -2/ &a Some of-the cities in which the company has sold coupon books are: Faribault, M. Owatonna, MN Rochester, MN Mankato, MN Marshall, MN Willmar, MN Duluth /Superior Virginia, MN St. Paul /Minneapolis Anoka, MN St. Louis Park, MN Wayzata, MN Hopkins, MN Coon Rapids, MN White Bear Lake, MN Mr. Barrett stated that he knew for a fact that the company uses business money to purchase drugs and were users of drugs. He implied that there was some drug connec- tion, but could not prove it. At the end of our conversation, he commented that Mr. Pendleton had told him that= if the City Council denied approval of the coupon books in Hutchinson, he would set _up an office outside the City limits and solicit by phone from there. MINNESOTA BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU Today, August 20, I called the Minnesota Better Business Bureau (612- 646 -4633) and acquired the following information on the company Inflation Fighter '81. They have gone under various names in different states, and the current name of In- flation Fighter came to the attention of the Better Business Bureau in September,'- 1980. They are known for the business of coupon books which are sold by a metho�'of telephone solicitation at the price of $14.95 to $24.95. Messrs. Rod Song and Kam" Pendleton are the co- owners of the company. Under the former name of Art Songs Wings or Art Songs Chicken Wings, there was a -com- plaint that the company owed for back wages. Other complaints listed with the Bureau are: 1. Failure to honor the coupons - 2. Failure of promoters to refund money 3. Firm has a poor business record 4. In Tucson, Arizona (1979 -80), the records show the company had several complaints against them, some from consumers. They were also listed as having an unsatisfactory business record there. The lady at the Bureau mentioned that inevitably when an inquiry is made on Inflation Fighters, the company Bargain Book, Inc. is also mentioned. It was suggested that I contact the Attorney General's Consumer Services Office for additional information on the company. Also, I was.told to contact the Department of • r -3- Labor and Industry, Labor Standard Division (612 -296 - 2282), which I did. DEPT. OF LABOR & INDUSTRY The Department of Labor and Industry had a number of wage complaints on file against the company Inflation Fighter. Most of the grievances pertained to insufficient funds to cover payroll checks or no payment at all. Four specific complaints were: 1. A telephone solicitor and employer had dispute over number of hours worked. 2. Court case where an individual had been hired by Inflation Fighter to do work for them; the company then refused to accept the work and wouldn't pay the party. 3. A phone solicitor moved from the Twin Cities to Illinois and was not paid salary owing because the company claimed he owed a phone bill on their busi- ness phone. (The phone bill was less than the amount of wages owed.) 4. In March 1984 a telephone worker in Colorado filed a complaint that he was not reimbursed for a check that bounced. In one of the complaints filed, it showed Patrick Barrett (of Bargain Book, Inc.) as the supervisor of the person filing against Inflation Fighter. The State of Minnesota did an audit on the firm and found they owed $1,189.00 for wage violations. Some of this amount has since been paid. The payroll record indi- cated thqt IRS had been filed. The gentleman from the State Office did comment that the company had financial difficulties, partly due to poor record keeping and poor management. It was the suggestion of the Labor Division that the City require a bond from Infla- tion Fighters which would cover the wages of phone solicitors in Hutchinson so they would receive their earned wages in the event the company reneges. If the City ap- proves the coupon books in Hutchinson and there are any problems that occur, we should contact the Labor Standards Division Office on this matter.- ►__J • RELEASE OF INFORMATION Name CQT-j;'�7 =Z�ZO A�/? DOB/ - / fir �7 Last First L Middle Address Occupation 5,la— Employment References: Name Address Phone Employees Nai 2 3 4 do hereby give my permission to the City of Hutchinson and its Police Department to conduct an investigation on my background as they deem necessary. I further authorize the release of information from any other agency on my. background. t -'/ I -"L I to D4 7T 6E Car % �J A/,. 4 r jAlk r r AA S Dw- 6 lO ve V <s) i 0 RELEASE OF INFORMATION Name MCU6 W iacy'�_/ N %kc_ )a O�C 'A t L L _DOB/ Last First Middle Address �!�' / ��c a�r� ./ Z eD�iYY a 29 ..} Occupation ,#/ Employment %fi/ /�3G'�b�{'S ,�.V, /7,[�S u.- ri6�✓/ w,,o h.s, %, 3�'Ill References: Name Address Phone' t ,�l 6,,_,kcs su rS w TRbvkiK5 a - rx V�`TraN ys b oti � 3, -3y 37 Employees Na 1 Q 2. 3 4. 5• I, yw\. r tiay-\_ f City of Hutchinson and i as they deem necessary._ agency on my background. �A Lj W (Ap w P AJ do hereby give my permission to the is Police Department to conduct an investigation on my background I further authorize the release of information from any other �o Date f�►'� uL7 t - 106 P S L vzz —��— 7- -�n - 0 i 0 RELEASE OF INFORMATION Name �v��L� / �' DOB/ Last First Middle Address �� i�� !"�f -t/ Lr 2 G 03 'E DL r��36r07 � Occupation Employment References: Name Address Phone 03� 3S'2W 14/l a- .5.f e/. 167-) �JoK/ 69 7-.2 & s;-- .TD 97 ,4,f 0h11 75/3 3 55 7 Employees Names, i. ► Y 1 1 e 0�60 G 2 • :&S Lz512Z y 3. 4. 5." I , 'AMV City of Hutchinson and its Police as they deem necessary. I further agency on my background. S11,x_ 0 A� C � 1� do hereby give my permission to the )epartment to conduct an investigation on my backgroun authorize the release of information from any other —_ 4 j ,I t::�' —I Date tl �A�r " Pik pt) RP �c Clc4�j(f� Fund. 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 6923 TRANSFERRING $10,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $10,000.00 is hereby transferred by the Liquor Store to the General Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of August, 1981. Ralph D. Westlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk • (612) 879 -2311 ff ITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 25, 1981 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR, PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: MULTIPURPOSE SENIOR CENTER With construction of Evergreen Apartments and the new multipurpose senior center nearing completion, we recommend that the City Council appoint a Senior Advisory Board to assist in developing and maintaining a management plan for the multipurpose senior center. The Board would begin to function effective November 1, 1981. The old Seniors Activity Center Advisory Board, which was established by City Ordinance in 1978 specifically to advise the City on the use of the Old Armory, would no longer need to function after the naming of the new Board. However, the City would be able to draw on the talents of the groups which have been represented on the new Board as well. An Ordinance to Establish a "Senior Advisory Board" and to Define its Duties and Membership is attached. for first reading. � , ?r. 1 0 • ORDINANCE NO. 16/81 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A "SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD" AND TO DEFINE ITS DUTIES AND MEMBERSHIP THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Section 263:00. There is hereby established an advisory board to be known as the "Senior Advisory Board." Section 263:05. Appointment. Said Board shall consist of seven members who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. The Mayor may make appointments from groups, organizations, or individuals who may represent the interests of senior citizens. Section 263:10. Terms. The terms of the members first appointed by the Mayor to the Board shall be for one or two years, the Mayor to designate in the appointment notices the appointees for each of said respective terms; and the terms of the successors shall be for two years. An appointive member shall continue to serve until his successor is appointed. Section 263:15. Vacancies. Any vacancy in the appointive membership shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor, with the consent of said Council, and such appointee shall serve for the unexpired term so filled. Section 263:20. Board Officers. The Mayor shall appoint a Chairman, who shall serve for such terms and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the rules of said Board. Said Board shall elect from its membership a Vice - Chairman and a Secretary, who shall serve for such terms and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed in the rules of said Board. Section 263:25. Meetings. Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times and places as may be prescribed in the rules of the Board or as may be fixed by the Chairman, consistent with such rules. Section 263:30. Quorum. At least four members of the Board present at a meeting of said Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 263:35. Duties. The duties of the Board shall be as follows: Subd._1. Advise the Hutchinson Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Staff concerning management and use of the multipurpose senior center. Develop and maintain a management plan which provides opportunity for all senior- related activities to flourish. Section 263:40. Board Recommendations. This Board is advisory to the Hutchinson Housing and Re eve opment uthority and makes its recommendations to that body. Section 263:45. Ex- Officio Members. The Mayor may, from time to time, appoint Ex- Officio Members to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. Ex- Officio Members shall serve at the discretion of the Mayor. Ex- Officio members shall have no vote. Section II. This ordinance shall take effect upon -its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council this - day of , 1981. ATTEST: Gary D. Plotzo, ity er Ralph D. West un Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 6942 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE • The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Bottom Belts (2) Carter Press 1,475/ De- Watering Plant Sewer Yes Michael Sales Co. each Street Salt -_ 50 Ton 27.40 Street Maintenance Street Yes Cargill Salt The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM I COST I PURPOSE I DEPT. I BUDGET I VENDOR Date Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: I& REVENUE REPORT Description GENERAL FUND CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY , 1981 Current Adopted Year to Month Budget Date Amount $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 Remaining Balance $0,000,000.00 Percentage Used i TAXES 285,553.47 687,595.00 303,384.80 384,210.20 44.1% LICENSES .25.00 12,010.00 •1(7,004.00 2,006.00 83.3% PERMITS & FEES 4,656.78 33,700.00 24,668.62 9,031.38 73.2% INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE 123,007.25 976,647.00 302,022.53 674,624.47 30.9% CHARGES FOR SERVICES (8,333.68) 294,845.00 119,380.65 175,464.35 40.5% FINES & FORFEITS 3,730.00 25,000.00 32,496.4§ (7,496.46} 130.0% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 10,778.73 147,880.00 105,898.01 41,981.99 71.6% CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS 150,447.00 361,500.00 232,947.00, 128,553.00 64.4% REVENUE. FOR OTHER AGENCIES 428.73 500.00 522.07 (22.07) CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND 550.00 000 2,550.00 (2,550.00) • $ 570,843.28 $2.539,677.00 1,133,874.14 ,405,802.86 44.7% WATER & SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES 71,506.19 $ 783,600.00 500,557.27 283,042.73 63.9% ,yr CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JULY, 1981 EXPENSE REPORT Current Adopted Year To Remaining Percentage Description Month Budget Date Amount Balance Used $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 t 6i:Nr.RAL FUND MAYOR 6 COUNCIL 2,022.69 27,567.00 21,486.25 6,080.75 77.9% AllMINIS'rRATOR /CLERK /TitEASURER 7,502.59 85,916,00 58,372.09 27,543.91 67.9% E LLCTIONS 000 7,715.00 1,503.03 6,211.97 19.5% ONANCE 7,378.68 133,712.,00 75,372.75 58,339.25 56.4% MOTOR VEHICLE; 2,767.97 39, 551.00 24, 753.93 14, 797.07 62:6% ASSESSING 000 15,150.00 7,600.50 7,549.50 50.2% 21, 526.,00 LEGAL 1,507.86 13,902.53 7,623,47 64.6% PLANNING 220.24 1,825.00 1,161.73 663.27 63.7% 34, 440.,00 CITY HALL 2,105.67 20,556.25 13,883.75 59.7% OLD ARMORY 1,286.27 25,420..00 13,855.05 11,564.95 54.5% LICE DEPT. �O 35,124.09 469,366.00 289,594.41 179,771.59 61.7% FIRE DEPT. 4 °267'29 80,650.00 25,577.95 55,072.05 31.7 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 1,261.82 20,509.00 11,425.46 9,083.54 55.7% PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 2,398.86 59,166,00 22,853.44 36,312.56 38.6% CIVIL DEFENSE 45.25 950.00 45.25 904.75 4.8% SAFETY COUNCIL 000 250.00 000 250.00 -- FIRE KARS HALL 2,059.67 29,259.00 16,686.23 12,572.77 57.0% ENGINEERING 9,801.54 129,882.00 81,028.15 48,853.85 62.4% A EXPENSE: RE::PORT CONTINUED Description Motor Pool STREETS 6 ALLEYS MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT CONSEUVATION OF HEALTH LIBRARY PARK 4 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION RECREATION CIVIC ARENA PARK DEPARTMENT CEMETERY DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT LAWCON DEBT SERVICE AIRPORT TRANS IT • UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPENSE. EIRA WATER 6 SEWER FUND WATER 6 SEWER OPERATIONS - ADM. WATER PLANT OPERATIONS SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS Current Month $0,000,000.00 000 24,360.83 9,997.64 000 205.86 2,608.98 10,813.91 4,678.82 30,752.94 2,405.05 000 29,245.68 000 929.34 3.504.61 10,960.41 2,131.16 $ 212,345.72 28,966.68 4,680.58 17,683.88 $ 51,331.14 Adopted Budget $0,000,000.00 000 313,102.00 75,900.00 300.00 49,280.00 43,659.00 73,360.00 78,086.00 247,629.00 30,541.00 300.00 85,512.00 46,783.00 49,775.00 66,865.00 195,721.00 000 $2,539,667..00 765,319.00 603,900.00 121,700.00 $ 1,490,919.00 Year To Date Amount $0,000,000.00 7,728.30 186,053.10 39,796.64 000 34,498.63 23,643.94 40,241.31 59,726.91 164,477.09 Remaining Balance $0,000,000.00 (7,728.30) 127,048.90 36,103.36 300.00 14,781.37 20,015.06 33,118.69 18,359.09 83,161.91 Percentage Used i 59.4% 52.4% 70.0% 54.2% 54.9% 76.5% 66.4% 17,088.22 13,452.78 56.0% 1,497.34 (1,197.34) 499.1% 42,727.82 42,784.18 50.0% 44,825.44 1,957.56 95.8% 30,478.55 19,296.45 61.2% 29,753.58 37,111.42 44.5% 226,789.56 17,655.50 $1,652,756.93 379,816.25 40,68. 69 83,038.20 $ 503,536.14 (31,068.56) (17,655.50) $ 886,910.07 385,502.75 563,218.31 38,661.80 $ 987,382.86 115.9% 999.9% 65.1% 49.6% 6.7% 68.2% 33.8% • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD JUNE 17, 1981 The regular meeting of the Transportation Board was held at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, June 17, 1981. Members present were Chairman Jack Kjos, Emma Lake, Ken Gruenhagen, Russ Meade, City Administrator Plotz and Transit Coordinator Sitz. Members absent were Rick Johnson, Geri Johnson and Clarice Costen- Minutes of the meeting of April 8, 1981, were approved. Staff reports: Delivery of new vehicles will be delayed until mid -July. The City has paid two bills for advertising for Jefferson Lines, as per our grant agreement. Application for 1982 transit assistance from Mn /DOT must be made by the end of July this year, several months earlier than in past years. 1982 service levels are not to be increased. New route will be initiated in fall, using point deviation rather than route deviation system. Old Business There was discussion of Jefferson Lines schedule change. Effective May 20, 1981, the Jefferson bus goes into the Twin Cities in mid - afternoon and returns to Hutchinson the following noon. There have been passenger complaints about the change and ridership on the Jefferson bus is lower. The Transportation Board directed staff to write a letter to Jefferson Lines requesting that the schedule be reviewed for the possibility of returning to the previous schedule (to Twin Cities in morning, returning to Hutchinson in evening). New Business Staff brought up the question of whether the Transportation Board should continue to function. Transit policies and procedures have now been well established and the Board's function is different than it was when operations first began. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to go on record as wanting to continue to serve as an advisory board to the City Council. Meetings could be every 2 to 3 months with special meetings as needed. The Board could handle special problems or complaints and make recommendations to the City Council as necessary. Motion made and seconded to this effect. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m. Next regular meeting will be in August. Emma Lake, Secretary 7, J-7 July 27, 1981 The library board met with Bill Asp, Director of the Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation and Burton Sundberg, Director of the Crow River Regional Library System. The meeting was held in the Central District Services conference room with the following mem- bers present: Ralph Bergstrom, Sally Cone, Gena Iverson, Kathy McGraw, Paul Barcenas, Paul Ackland, Albert Linde and John Horrocks. Mr. Asp suggested that the first step in our building program should be a complete analysis of the present building. He showed slides of new buildings and additions and discussed future needs. He also described problems that had arisen with certain building sites. Regarding the expansion, Mr. Sundberg mentioned the possible need for additional staff and suggested that the library be open some mornings. He said the Crow River Regional Library Board would have to plan on providing more materials for Hutchinson since our crowded condition has prevented adding needed acquisitions in some areas. It was the consensus of the library board that the preliminary analy- sis be made as soon as possible after which an architect should be consulted. The meeting was adjourned. '�� AV Secretary 7 -C156 1. CALL TO ORDER 0 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1981 The regular meeting of the - Hutchinson. Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Don Erickson at 7:3O P.M. with the following members being present: Roland Ebent, Larry Romo and Clint Tracy in addition to Chairman Erickson. Absent: Bill Backen, Ted Beatty and Elsa Young. Also attending were City Administrator Gary Plotz, Director of Engineering Marlow Priebe, Building Official Homer Pittman, Fire Marshall George Field, and Assistant City Attorney Jim Schaefer. 2. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated June 16, 1981 were unanimously approved on motion by Larry Romo and seconded by Clint Tracy. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY MR. ROBERT L. MILEY The hearing was opened at 7:32 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with.the reading of publication #2779 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. Mr. Plotz explained a newly revised section in our ordinance re- quires a conditional use permit for the moving of all structures. Mr. Robert Miley's request is to move a newly constructed 8' x 12' storage shed in his back yard. No one was present opposing this request. The hearing was closed at 7:34 P.M. on motion by Clint Tracy. Seconded by Roland Ebent, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion to recommend approval of the requested conditional use permit. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY MR. GEOFFREY DOCKEN The hearing was opened at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication #2775 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. City Administrator Gary Plotz explained that Mr. Docken wanted to add on to a deck that was non - conforming. Since the house is a split foyer, balconies cannot occupy more than 1/3 the length of the building wall on which they are located and Mr. Docken's does. 7 -. Page _2 Hutchinson Planning Commission July 21, 1981 Also balconies cannot project to a distance of more than six (6) feet into yards of more than twenty (20) feet. Mr. Docken's is 6' 8 ". Therefore, a variance is necessary. No one was present voicing any objection to this request. The hearing was closed at 7:38 P.M. on motion by Roland Ebent. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Clint Tracy then made a motion to recommend approval of the requested variance(s) to the City Council. Seconded by Roland Ebent, the motion unanimously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR SIGN VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY "PRAIRIE HOUSE, INC." The hearing was opened at 7:39 P.M. with the reading of publicati-gn #2780 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 81. It was explained by Mr. Plotz there were two separate signs in which the variance(s) were for. One is a free standing sign 21' in height being 8' off the ground. Our ordinance states no ground sign may be less than 10' above ground. The other request is from the total area allowed. Section 10.05, B,6., states no wall sign may exceed forty (40) square feet in area. A variance is necessa , y. Sect. 10.05C.4(3) allows total area of 420 sq. ft. for business signs in a C -4 zone. The request is for 506 sq. ft. so a variance of 86 sq. ft. is necessary. Mr. Art Bretzke, representing the "Prairie House" then spoke ex- plaining that portions of the sign on the building were part of the decor and not for advertising purposes.' As for the free stand- ing sign, he stated it would not be a problem to raise it the re- quired two feet. On motion by Clint Tracy, the hearing was closed at 7:47 P.M. Sec - onded by Larry Romo, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Clint Tracy then made a motion to recommend approval of the sign variance(s) of the total area allowed. However, since it was deter- mined it would not be a problem to raise the free standing sign, this was not included in the recommendation. Variance for sign exceeding 40 sq. feet was also allowed. Seconded by Roland Ebent, the motion unanimously carried. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR VARIANCE SUBMITTED BY ANGELA AMUNDSON The hearing was opened at 7:49 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication #2781 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. Page 3 0 Hutchinson Planning Commission July 21, 1981 Mr. Plotz pointed out a letter had been written to Mr. Roger Amundson on June 22, 1981 from City Engineer Priebe requesting the drainage conform to the survey submitted and also the con- struction of two off street parking spaces. Mr. Amundson stated if he had built the house according to the elevation plan it would not have been possible to have a drain in the basement floor since the sewer drain is only five (5) feet underground at that point. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that since none of the neighboring property owners were present with any complaints, the drainage plan must not have had any affect on their property. The off street parking was then discussed. After a reviewal of the plan it was determined there was enough room for the two (2) required off street parking spaces to the west' of the house. Even a single car garage could possibly be built should the property owner desire to do so. The hearing was closed at 8:12 P.M. on motion by Larry Romo. Sec- onded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion the variance requested from the off street parking requirements be rejected. Seconded by Roland Ebent, the motion unanimously carried. (e) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST SUBMITTED BY MR. RICHARD LARSON FOR PRE- LIMINARY PLAT FOR "KIMBERLY'S COUNTRY ESTATES" The hearing was opened at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication #2776 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. This item was referred back to the Planning Commission from the - City Council. Mr. Larson had requested a variance in a letter dated June 30, 1981 for a variance in the reduction in street right of way for the ex- tension of Hilltop Drive from 60' to 40' and /or 50' right of way. After reviewal by the Commission it was decided all the easements were shown, underground such as water and sewer were shown and two accesses from the new subdivision were provided. With the exception of one lot, all lots have 10,000 square feet qualifying them for duplexes. Page 4 Hutchinson Planning Commission July 21, 1981 Mr. Plotz stated all the plats in the future as well as this one will be reviewed by the head of the street department. Mr. John Mlinar, 704 Hilltop Drive, stated he felt the exact length of the variance requested by Mr. Larson should be stated. Roman Haas, 113, Mark Drive, questioned if Clifton Heights is considered a subdivision. Assistant City Attorney, Jim Schaefer, felt as soon as Clifton Heights was annexed into the city it was considered a subdivision. Ann Haas, 113 Mark Drive, wanted to know if the traffic could be metered in some way. Traffic isn't a problem now but.felt it would be with the new proposed area. Lee Stritesky, 709 Hilltop, felt maintenance could be a real prob- lem as Garden Road tends to break up even now. Since it has been a concern of the residents of Clifton Heights having one main roadway out of Clifton Heights, it was the consensus of the Commission to request the City Council to grade and gravel Hilltop Drive in Santelman's Addition in the near future. On motion by Clint Tracy, the hearing was closed at 8:44 P.M. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the preliminary plat known as "Kimberly's Country Estates" subject to the variance on the extension of Hilltop Drive with a reduction from 60' to 40' from easterly right of way line of Garden Road,easterly 155' and for a reduction in right of way of 60' to 50' from said point 155' east of Garden Road to 255' east of Garden Road. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST SUBMITTED BY RICHARD SCHMIDTBAUER FOR PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR "SCHMIDTBAUER'S SECOND ADDITION" The hearing was opened at 8:48 P.M. with the reading of publication #2777 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. After discussion the plat was found to meet all the requirements so the hearing was closed at 8:50 P.M. on motion by Clint Tracy. Sec- onded by Larry Romo, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Clint Tracy then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of the preliminary plat for Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion carried unanimously. Page 5 Hutchinson Planning Commission 0 July 21, 1981 (g) CONSIDERATION OF REVISING THE PARK CONTRIBUTION SCHEDULE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE # 464 The hearing was opened at 8:51 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication # 2778 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, July 10, 1981. This had been reviewed at the past meeting where a 10% increase was determined a fair amount. The present schedule was adopted April 11, 1978 and has not been reviewed since that time. After discussion the Commission decided this should be reviewed annually in the month of August. The hearing was closed at 9:00 P.M. on motion by Roland Ebent. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion to recommend to the City Council approval of the revised park contribution schedule. Seconded by Roland Ebent, the motion carried unanimously. 4. Old Business None 5. New Business None 6. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04 P.M. on motion by Clint Tracy and seconded by Larry Romo. The motion unanimously carried. • • 02,�222324�s� lc2 AUG 1981 ra RECEIVE, August 20, 1981 City Hall 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Sirs: I am writing in reference to the City Council meeting held on the 11th of August. The building in which we intend to occupy for our game room is the old Shraum Implement Fuilding which is located on the corner of 2nd Ave. and Hassen, Hutchinson, Mn. We will have approximately 3 pool tables, several video games, several pinball games and also a jube box. From experience at the Litchfield Arcade we have found that our weekly promotions we run,,keep the kids interested enough to come back to the business -and also respect it. Every week we will be running different contests on the games, as well as having special nights, such as parents night, Halloween party etc. So all in all,it will be more than just a game room. Our philosophy is, if they (the kids) are willing; to come down and do business with us, we are willing to put part of the money back into the business by running different promotional ideas, and giving prizes out. It might also interest, the council of Hutchinson to know that we will be hiring local help from Hutchinson to run our gave room. We will be looking forward to the city council meeting on the 25th of August to hear your valued decision. Thank you. Since�rel,Y , —�Gi�;�,�✓G��Gt,d -ems k W. Lease Alike W. Lease 0 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Marilyn Swanson FROM: Richard Waage, Investigator SUBJECT: Requested INvestigation on Mark Lease • DATE August 21, 1981 A criminal check on the above subject was negative. Inquiries were made to the Litchfield Police Department on the rec center he runs there and the Mobil Station he manages in Litchfield. The Chief of Police of Litchfield spoke very highly of him and stated that he was an enterprising, young, businessman, who was on the ball. They've had no problems with either place that he runs. He stated that the rec center that they have in Litchfield closes on time and is generally a good, clean, operation and that Mr. Lease has been very conscious of the laws pertaining to the operation of his place of business. RW:nr V F— 6t 0 0 0 KQRNIGIESE'L ARCHITECTS 102 MAIN STREET HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 G12- 537-24x3 or 612— E7J4101 August 25, 1981 Mayor Westlund and City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washinoton Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 RE': Fire Station Bids Architects Recommendations Dear Mayor and City Council: As directed we have reviewed the bids received on the Fire Station and make the following comments and recommendations. The bond proposal estimate for this building Was 5460,000 for a 11,025 sq. ft, building or 541.72 per sq. ft. The total amount of the low general, mechanical and electrical bids are $377,660 for this 11,957 sq. ft. building or t31.S8 per sq. ft. This means that we are approximately 24% under cost estimate. We have checked over the low bids and find them in order and we note no obvious bidding discrepancies. We have investigated the bidders by talking to Architects and Eng- ineers with whom they have worked. All indications are that the low bidders are qualified contractors, are bondable, and are capable of completing this project satisfactorily in all respects. We therefore recommend your acceptance of the low bids of Gopher State Contractors, Inc.; General, Saxton Plumbing and Heating; Mechanical, and Wagoner Electric, Inc.; Electrical for the Fire Station project. Sincerel , John W. Korng ebel IA Korngiebel Architects JWK /jp r- _Jk9__ I 0 '/(612 j 879 -2311 C/T V OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 25, 1981 TO: Mayor and City Council -------------------------- - - - - -- FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: —Fire Hall — ------ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - — — — The estimated expenditures from the fire station bond issue ($722,801 recorded) are as follow: Land Purchases $128,500.00 Soil Borings 1,124.00 Architect Fees 20,000.00 Capitalized Interest, 35,869.00 Appraisal 650.00 Ehlers & Associates 8,036.00 Printing & Publishing (Korngiebel) 1,000.00 Parking Lot (Concrete & Curbing) 20,000.00 Underground Utilities 9,000.00 Removal of Mott Foundation 300.00 Final Soil Exploration 250.00 Fire Hydrant Relocation 1,500.00 General Contract $288,760.00 Mechanical 66,000.00 Electrical 22,900.00 377,660.00 Estimated Furniture & Misc. Equipment 283-000.00 Retain Contingency per Arch. Recommendation 40,000.00 SUB -TOTAL 671,889.00 RESTRICTED BALANCE (APPROX.) 51,000.00 TOTAL $721,889.00 i TO: FROM: RE: (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 1981 MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CITY ADMINISTRATOR, PERSONNEL COORDINATOR BID ON KITCHEN IN SENIOR CENTER The City advertised for bids on the kitchen in the new senior center earlier this summer. Kraus - Anderson of St. Paul was the only bidder. Awarding of the bid was deferred in order to review the line items and determine if costs could be cut. After lengthy discussions with Kraus - Anderson, we now believe we have arrived at all the changes that can be made without sacrificing the overall quality of the kitchen. The kitchen was originally budgeted at $45,000 in the tax increment plan. Original bid from Kraus - Anderson $ 64,300 Less deletions and changes - 6,360 Less deduct for no supervision fee - 10,000 Revised bid total $ 47,940 .(based on actual cost plus $5,845 fixed fee for profit and overhead) The senior center, including the kitchen, was to be paid for by the tax increment bond fund. In addition, the City has received grant assistance through Region 6E and the Hutchinson United Way for furnishings and equipment. Region 6E Grant - federal and foundation monies $32,500 Hutchinson Area United Way -- 2,500 Total grant assistance $352000 The funds available in the tax increment bond fund are more than sufficient to complete the project. We recommend that the City now award the bid to Kraus - Anderson of St. Paul, in the revised amount. 0 August 18, 1981 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 ATTN: Ms. Hazel Sitz Gentlemen; CONTRACTORS DEVELOPERS RE: Hutchinson Community Kitchen Hutchinson, Minnesota We propose to furnish all labor, materials, compensation, and public liability insurance, and to pay all federal, state and__ local tax necessary to do the general construction, plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, automatic sprinkler fire protection and electrical work for construction of a community kitchen in Hutchinson, Minnesota as per plans and specs prepared by Pope Associates Inc. for the cost of the work including a fixed fee of $5,845.00 not to exceed a guar- anteed maximum cost of FIFTY SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED FORTY AND N01100 DOLLARS ($57,940.00). This bid include the follow- ing changes. Base Contract $ 64,300.00 1. Item #18. Delete the Range Guard Fire ( 1,141.00) Protection system. In lieu of the chemical fire protection system specified, a water sprinkler system is recommended. A cost savings could be made by purchasing a water sprinkler system through whomever is provided the sprinkler system for the building. 2. Item #9. Provide a Champion 1KAB dishwasher ( 400.00) in lieu of the Hobart model specified. 3. Item V. Provide a galvanized undershelf, ( 200.00) legs and cross rails in lieu of stainless steel. 4. Item #13. Provide a galvanized legs and cross rails in lieu of stainless steel. ( 50.00) 5. Item #17. Provide galvanized legs and cross rails in lieu of stainless steel. ( 60.00) 200 GRANO AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 PHONE: 612 291.7066 Hutchinson Kitche1n -2- August 18, 1981 6. Item #20. Provide galvanized legs and $ ( 75.00) cross rails in lieu of stainless steel. 7. Better plumbing bid. ( 800.00) S. Change rolling shutter from stainless steel to anodized aluminum. ( 650.00) 9. Delete stainless steel sink at the ( 297.00) serving counter. Utilities will be roughed -in below the counter top. 10. Delete kitchen equipment Item #11, one stainless steel portable work table. ( 1,089.00) 11. Delete kitchen equipment Item #23, two modular shelving units. ( 676.00) 12. Item #22. Change shelving units for storage room from stainless steel to chrome plating. ( 922.00) Subtotal $ 57,940.00 Additional deduct for fee as per Change Order #1. $ (10,000.00) TOTAL COST OF WORK $ 47,940.00 If you have any questions regarding any of the above items, please contact me. Very truly yours, KRAUS - ANDERSON OF ST. PAUL CO. Barry E. Jaeger BEJ /tab e • (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHI'NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — eu�1 � 1 181 — — — — — TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Water Billing Department SUBJECT: Delinquent Water Accounts 03- 0500 -6 -00 10- 0155 -1 -00 Mark Anderson George Helget *145 Second Ave. S.E. 638 Fifth Ave. S.W. No Forwarding $46.23 $28.73 10- 1050 -1 -00 04- 0675 -0 -00 Kim Piehl Bondex, Inc. 511 Linden Ave. 115 Erie St. S. $61.10 $31.00 REFUSE ONLY 10- 1090 -0 -00 Ervin A. Swanson 07- 0900 -1 -00 705 Lynn Road Lindsay Vallacher $68.18 *326 Fourth Ave. S.W. Promised to pay $20.00 8 -28 -81 142 Third Ave. S.E. Balance to be paid by 9 -15 -81 $50.01 WATER OFF 12- 1037 -0 -00 Arctic - Refrigeration 08- 0370 -1 -00 173 Fifth Ave. N.E. Michael Levesseur $48.75 626 Harmony Lane REFUSE ONLY $45.24 20- 0065 -0 -00 09- 0285 -1-00 Eugene Duesterhoeft Alan Meece 715 Harrington St. 555 Fourth Ave. S.W. $85.46 $60.81 9 -a. 26- 0220 -0 -00 James Duhamel 890 Dale St. $57.49 *SERVICE ADDRESS 40- 0217 -0 -00 Bruss Upholstering Highway 7 & 22 S. $15.25 REFUSE ONLY Recommend water be discontinued at 12:00 NOON on Monday, August 31, 1981 except were noted. Refuse Charges will be certified to taxes in October if not paid. i • APPLICATION FOR DEFERRED SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BY PERSONS 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER FOR WHOM IT WOULD BE A HARDSHIP TO MAKE PAYMENTS To the Mayor and Council, City of Hutchinson, State of Minnesota. it d' • of an owner - occupant, .of . -the following described rea state situated in the City of Hutchinson. LEGAL OR TAXABLE DLSCRIPTIONs .,� 7 16 Al ?Yk_l11re Ll2 . I am 65 years or older and do own and occupy above described real estate as my homestead. A special assessment in the amount of $ ` L,� 9 i has.been made commencing in the year _� with interest at, the. rate of %,for (Kind of Special Assessment) Such special assessment amount causes a hardship for me to make payment thereof. The following information-will help substantiate my.claim for deferral of special assessments Annual income from all sources Cash assets Other assets $_ .Estimate Value of Residence °-°- Other Real or Personal Property $� I hereby request that above assessment of $ 9g be deferred as provided in Chapter 206, Laws 1974, 68th Legislature, Second Regular Session, M.S.- 444.22 Through 444.24. I hereby declare that the foregoing statements are true and I /we make app- lication for deferral of special assessments as outlined herein. rorm no. UommissioRer of Revenue APPLICATION AND AUTHORIZATION FOR DELAYED PAY „ENT OF TAX ON SPECIAL ASSESS!1ENTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS' HOMESTEAD LAWS 1974, CHAPTER 206 STATE OF MINNESOTA County of ' J"� �, ,Pd ) Date / S� 19_��_._ To: �' rl-"� Assessor of Count Minnesota ..._ y', I, th undersigned, declare under penalties of perjury: That I reside at That I am not less than 65 years of age and that the date of ny birth i s h , "z q, / OF That I am the owner of the property legally described as: ��6i-yeliT That my interest in the ownership of the above property was acquired on (�� 19 ezf and is as follows: 1. Sole ownership ( Enter yes, if applicable) 2. Joint tenancy, held with _ 3. Other undivided interest ]Specify) That on January 2., 19L or June 1, 19 I own4d and occupied the above property as ,.my homestead and such occupancy began on .1,w p7e 1qe-W 19�_ That the taxes for improvements on the special assessrents duly adapted in ordinance by the r y of '& rc ffi`/�i o !-i a s of b u �/ / 19 P/ which ht ve teen aTTocated against the su5j;ct property would create u du personal hardsh p on my behalf and I respectfully request that payment be delayed and that such taxes be so deferred for -the years 19 to 19 Signed Owner I, Clerk of the of in County, State of Minnesota, do hereby certl y that t e application of above named, has been duly reviei;red and that in accord- ance with the minutes. of ofr'fcia record in said chambers was duly ❑ APPROVED or 0 DEI;IED as of 19 That in accordance with approval granted, that the taxes on the affiants subject property levied for annual collection in the arrount'of $ for the year(s) , should be so deferred with interest at the a`�nua rate of p, until such titsa as it is deemed the applicant no longer qualifies or the property loses its eligibility. Dated 19 0 (Clerk or Authorized Deputy 0 • :h nutchinson community hospital Century Avenue, Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Telephone 6121587.2148 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" August 19, 1981 Mayor Ralph Westlund and City Council Members 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Honorable Mayor Westlund and City Council Members: The Hospital Board of Directors considered the current spending limit policy that requires City Council prior approval of all single capital expenditures in excess of $5,000. The Hospital Board reviewed the current limit and is requesting consideration of the Council to increase the spending limitation to $10,000. The following is the motion abstracted from the Regular Governing Board Meeting Minutes of July 21, 1981. It reads as follows: Motion was made by Goebel to request consideration of the City Council to amend ordinance #2583 of the City of Hutchinson to read: "That any single item of purchase of $10,000 or more shall first be approved by the Council." Motion was seconded by Doelger. All were:in favor. Motion passed. If you have any questions regarding the Hospital Board's request, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, VTY HOSPITAL ves PGG:lkz 9 -C' • • (612) 879 -2311 H�rcH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 19, 1981 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Ralph Neumann SUBJECT: Service Contract - Water Department Infilco Degremont Inc. has failed to service the Water Treatment Plant as provided in our contract with them. No funds have been dispensed because of lack of service. It is the recommendation of Dick Nagy and myself that the City of Hutchinson enter into a new contract with Power Process Equipment Inc. of Minneapolis at an annual rate of $1742.00. In the past, Infilco had a seperate contract for the service of filters and filter controls. Power Process had a contract for the balance tests and calibration. We now propose all work to be done under one contract and one contractor. - '-t I s� August 10, 1981 POWER PROCESS ; •' EQUIPMENT, Incorporated 6032 West 37th Street Minneapolis MN S5416 (612)920,5525 mr. Richard Nagy City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson., MDI 55350 Su 1=: Service Contracts Dear Richard, We propose to furnish a Service Engineer for five (5) days a year to calibrate and service the following equipment: Two Bristol Dynmaster Recorders, Two Sparling Recorders, Elevation Controls, Elevation Alarms, Automatic Pump Controls System, Eni felco Filter Controls. The work to be done includes testing and calibration, and repair as required to maintain the equipment in cptim n operating condition. TOTAL PRICE OF $1,742.00' Additioalal conditions applicable to this contract are listed on the attached sheet. The contract is payable quarterly at the rate of $435.50. - Thank you for your consideration of Power Process. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Sincerely, Tim Kowalke / Service Engineer e TK:pb • .0 P L I C A T 1 0 N E N G I N E E R S .. . (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — — August— a, X2 81 — — — — — TO: ----Hutchinson City Council ----------------------- - - - - -- FROM: - - -- Planning Commission --------------- - -- SUBJECT: Vacation of a portion of Kouwe St. submitted by Mr. Juncewski --------------------------- - - - - -- Pursuant to Section 5.962 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning. Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for easement vacation. HISTORY On July 23, 1981 Mr. Juncewski,filed a petition to vacate a portion of Kouwe Street namely: That portion of Fifth Avenue Northwest, lying west of the ex- tension of the westline of Kouwe Street and South of the extension,of the southwesterly right of way line of county road 12. At the regular meeting of the Planning Commission a public hearing was held on August 18, 1981. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was filed and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices was provided to the adjacent property owners and published in the Hutchinson Leader on Wednesday, August 5, 1981 and Friday, August 7, 1981. 3. Inasmuch as this will not affect anyone else and will allow the property owner to make use of his lot no one had any objection. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the request for a portion of Kouwe Street of be vacated be granted. Respectfully subm' Mr. Do Erickson, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission q 0 ORDINANCE NO. 17/81 AN ORDINANCE TO VACATE A PORTION OF KOUWE STREET THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That notice of hearing was duly given and publication of said hearing was duly made and it was made to appear to the satisfaction of the City Council that it would be in the best interest of the City to vacate a portion of said street. SECTION 2. That certain street and public thoroughfare in the City of Hutchin- son located and described as follows: That portion of Fifth Avenue Northwest, lying west of the extension of the westline of Kouwe Street and South of the extension of the southwesterly right -of -way line of County Road 12 being located in the City of Hutchinson, be and the same is hereby vacated. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication and upon filing certified copy thereof with the proper County officers as required by law. Adopted by the City Council this day of 1981. Ralph D. Wes tlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTOHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 20, 1981 --------- - - - - -- TO: — ___Hutchinson City Council --------------- - FROM: _-- _Planning Commission ----- --- ---- - - - - -- SUBJECT: — — — —Conditional Use Permit submitted by Mr. Kenneth Farley Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.S, of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 31, 1981 . an application for a conditional use permit was submitted by Mr. Kenneth.Farlev for the purpose of moving in a newly constructed 10' x 12' storage shed. A public hearing was held at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission on August 18, 1981 at which time no one was present objecting to this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as pub - -lished in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, August 7, 1981. 3. The .proposal is in conformance with the requirements for a Conditional Use Permit. RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of.the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request be granted. Respec f liy submitted„ Mr...Don rickson, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission a� i RESOLUTION NO. 6938 i RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07, C.5 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW MOVING A STORAGE SHED BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS 1. Mr. Kenneth Farley of Hutchinson has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07, C.5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to allow moving in a newly constructed 10' x 12' storage shed onto the property being located at Lot 9, Block 1, Bonniwell'.s Second Addition, Subdivision Block 16, with the common description: 599 Hassan Street. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Com- prehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. MX('.T.TTST0N The application for Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted, based upon the findings set forth above. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of August, 1981. Ralph D. Westlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 20, 1981 TO: _ _ _ _Hutchinson City—Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FROM: !___Planning Commission _________r________ SUBJECT: _ _ _ — Conditional Use Permit submitted by Ty's Metal Inc Pursuant to Section 6.07, C.5,.of Zoning Ordinance No. 464, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation-with respect to the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit. HISTORY On July 31, 1981 an application for a conditional use permit was submitted by Mr. Richard Desens for the purpose of building a 60' x 90' addition to an existing manufacturing facility in a IC -1 zone. A public hearing was held-on August 18, 1981 at the regular meeting of the Planning Commission. No one was present objecting to this request. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application was submitted and the appropriate fee paid. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners as well as pub- lished in the Hutchinson Leader on Friday, August 7, 1981. 3. Since this property is zoned IC -1, a conditional use permit is necessary. RECOMMENDATION It is.the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the aforementioned request for a conditional use permit be granted with the understanding a hard surfaced parking lot of 19 spaces be provided with a 6" gravel base and 2 inches of blacktop. Respectfui-lY5 subm' , � l Mr. Don E son, Chairman Hutchinson Planning Commission All 0 RESOLUTION NO. 6939 i RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.07, C.5 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 464 TO ALLOW AN ADDITION TO EXISTING MANUFACTURING FACILITY IN IC -1 ZONE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: FINDINGS •1. Mr. Richard Desens of Ty's Metal Inc., Hutchinson, has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 6.07, C.5 of Zoning Ordi- nance No. 464 to allow a 60' x 90' addition to an existing manufacturing facility in a IC -1 zone, with this property being located at 426 Third Avenue Northwest. 2. The City Council has considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and the effect of the proposed use on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, and the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Com- prehensive Plan. 3. The Council has determined that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. CONCLUSION The application for a Conditional Use Permit for the purpose designated is granted, based upon the findings set forth above, with the understanding that a hard surfaced parking lot of 19 spaces be provided with a six inch gravel base and two in- ches of blacktop. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of August, 1981. Ralph D. Westlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 9 -(g, RESOLUTION NO. 6940 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR OUTLOT A & B IN HUTCHINSON MALL WHEREAS, Developers Diversified, developer of the land platted as Hutchinson Mall Subdivision has submitted its application for approval of a landscaping plan for Outlot A & B in the Hutchinson Mall Subdivision in the manner required by the Subdivision Agreement for said plat under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all pro- ceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plan is in all respects consistent with the Subdivision Agreement and the regulations and requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plan is situated upon the following described lands in McLeod County, Minnesota, to-wit: Outlot A & B BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said plan is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of August, 1981. Ralph D. Westlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk �_ X., I RESOLUTION NO. 6941 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAT FOR SCHMIDTBAUER SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Schmidtbauer of Hutchinson, owner and subdivider of the land proposed to be platted as Schmidtbauer Second Addition has submitted his appli- cation for approval of final plat of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described lands in McLeod County, Minnesota, to -wit: Part of Registered Land Survey No. 1 and No. 3 in Section 7- 116 -29 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said plat of Schmidtbauer Second Addition is hereby approved and ac- cepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder for their use as required by M.S.A. 462.358(3). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such execution of the certification upon said plat by Mayor and City Clerk, as required, shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of August, 1981. Ralph D. Westlund Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk I i i 1 1 6 RETAIL "ON SALE" $25.00 Mate of Sll nne5ota, eDUh'TY DF.. ...._McLeod _ _._._...__.._.— City_ _. _ _..... _.OFHutchinsorL_. To the .......... City council ............. ............of the... cit,y ............................. of ......... xut�i =.Qo .......... . State of biinneso : St. Anastasia Catholic Church r— -- -- hereby applies-for a license for the term of----- _- - - -- one -- day_ _._.- -. - -.- - _ -- 20th tiay September _...__— ._._...----- •--- - -..., '—' 19 to salt fromthe._____..._...__ _._... - -- - - -- - - - - - -- At Retail Only, Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the same are defaned by law, for con4gumption "OJ► ." those certain Premises in the..._. - -- City Hutchinson f ____ dmarlba a4 follows, to- wit :._._ --------- --- _. -.___— - - -- -• ' -- .___ _._ - - - -- Church Fall Festival at which place said applicant.__...opcmte. ..... the bu-rmz s of ^_.__.___._....._......-.__.... ................. - ............. _ ....... _.......... --- •- - - - - -- ...... - - ---- ............. ....I.......... and to that end represent ...... and state ......aa follows: That said applicant.- _ ..... ..........is.. a._._.._......._...........citi : en........ of the United States; of food moral ohcraotaT and repute; and ha.. .......... atfained the al of 21 years; that ...... ........... s...a... i...d . ............ ......... ..... ........ rp' tm....._..o f the establishment for which, the license will be. issued if this application is granted. That no Tnanufacturer of such nonrintoxica-tins malt liquors has any ownership, in whole or in part, in said business of said applica.nt__...or any interest therein; That said applicant ------ make. ----- this application purBuant and subject to all th.e laws of the State of Afinne8ota and tht ordinances and resalations of said.----- •-- - -•_. ----- applicable thereto, which are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agFree ...... to obsmve and obey the same; _._..._.. ..... - ............. --....._------ ----------- - ---------- - (H.n rta4 other reQalramentA. if anJ, of loo] ;eat.rt..... t Each applicant further states that he is not now the holder of, nor has he made application for, nor does he intend to ma ce application for a Federal Retail Dealer's Special tax stamp for the sale of Ln.ivaci.oaUnf liquor. Dated_ August 25 , 181_ St Anastasia Catholic Church Applicant— P. O. d ddr ." - - (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST - HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 25, 1981 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: Senior Citizen Deferred Assessment Minnesota State Statute allows the deferral of assessments for senior citizens until such time the property changes ownership. In 1974 the City Council via motion (see attached) established the annual in- come limit of $3,600.00 per year and an asset limitation of $50,000.00. I have been requested to review these income guidelines and asset limitations. After checking with the Regional Planning Office, I have been informed that the low income guideline is approximately $5,000.00 per year for one person and $7,000.00 a year for a married couple. In addition, they have an asset limita- tion of not to exceed $25,000.00, excluding the homestead. It may be appropriate to revise our guideline to similar limits as there has been no change in seven years. You may also want to look at raising the asset limitation to $65,000.00, including the residence or adopt__the federal guideline of $25,000.00, excluding the homestead. You may want to consider these revisions prior to acting on any of the stand- ing requests included in the Council packet. /ms q�k I s REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 25, 1974 An Application to Move a Building was received from Herb Dobber- stien, representative of Peace Luthren Church, 415 Glen Street, to move the parsonage from Lot 9, Block 52 S 1/2 City to Lot 6, Block 52 S 1/2 City. There seemed to be no reason for not approving the application since the zoning would be the same. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved the above - stated application be approved. Upon vote being taken the following voted "aye "; Aldermen Westlund, Lueneburg, and Ackland, and the following voted "nay "; Alderman Haag. Received was a letter from W. T. Richards requesting that Craig Avenue and Sunset Street from the north line of Wt � in Block 2 of Lorens Addition to the south line of Lot 1 in Block 3 of Lorens Addition be improved by grading and gravel base. It was noted a change order would have to be authorized in order to have the work completed in the 1974 con- struction season. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved the improvement be included in this years construction season and authorized the needed change order. Alderman Lueneburg seconded the motion and it carried. An Application For "On -Sale" Liquor-Licence was received from Harland Lieder - Chalet Supper Club, Highway 7 and 22 West, for the term of 9 months from the 1st of July, 1974, to April 1, 1975. After discussion, Alderman Westlund moved said applica- tion be granted. Alderman Haag seconded the motion and it carried. -Mayor Black at 8:00 P.M. called to order public hearing on Assessment Roll No. 50 and Assessment Roll No. 511 as duly adver- tised, with the reading of Publication No. 1613 and Publication No. 1614. The Mayor informed of a recent law passed by the legis- lature, Minnesota Statutes, Laws of 1974, Chapter 206, providing_ tax deferral for Senior Citizens (hardship cases). The individual must be 65 years or older for whom it would be a hardship to make payments The Mayor explained the home owner shall make application for deferred payment of special assessments on forms prescribed by the County Assessor which can be obtained from the City Clerk, City Clerks officf.. The Council then would - determine by ordinance or resolution the amount of interest if any, on the deferred assessment and that this rate will be recorded by the assessor along with and in the same manner as the amount of the assessment. City Engineer Priebe then explain- ed the Engineering costs, comparing estimates with actual costs and informed that each assessment was figured on a job by job basis. The following were present for the hearing to make inquirements regarding their assessment. REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 13, 1974 Received was a letter from Rueben Kunerth requesting that a street light be installed between Linden and Milwaukee Avenue on Dale Street South. It was noted this had been an old request, however, an easement could not be obtained by the Utilities Commission, at that time. After Discussion Alderman Westlund moved the request be referred to Utilities Superintendent Wacker for review and recommendation. Alderman Haag seconded the motio and it carried. After due deliberation regarding guidelines for Applications of Deferred Assessments, Alderman Westlund moved that applications for deferred assessments be granted to persons with less than $3,600 income per year. Alderman Ackland seconded the motion. After further discussion, Alderman Westlund moved his previous motion be amended to incorporate "and less than $50,000 total assets." Alderman Haag seconded said motion and it carried. Fire Chief Eric Smith, accompanied by members of the Fire Depart ment, submitted specifications of a ladder and Pump Truck for Council consideration. Mr. Smith noted that there were three corrections in the specifications. It was noted an approximate cost of the ladder and pump truck a year ago was $79,000. Presently there is $25,000 set aside for this truck and it was estimated the remaining cost will be paid in approximately three years. Fire Chief Smith informed that said specifications met all OSHA and State requirements that apply and recommended that specifications be approved and bids called on September 24, 1974 After discussion, Alderman Haag moved that said plans and specif cations be accepted and call for bids be scheduled for September 24, 1974. Alderman Westlund seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Lloyd Schlueter was present to request that yield signs be erected on Hassan Street and Jefferson Street and the present stop signs be dismantled. Mr. Schuleter stated he would-rather drive on congested Main Street than go the route of Jefferson and Hassan and have to stop every block. Mayor Black informed that the matter would be reviewed. Mayor Black at 8:10 P.M. called to order public hearing on Letting No. 14, for proposed construction of bituminous surfacin on Juergens Road from Lynn Road to Merrill Street and 5th Avenue S.W. from Merrill Street to Harrington Street and 5th Avenue S.0 from Harrington Street to Dale Street, as duly advertised, with the reading of Publication No. 1618. City Engineer Priebe gave a background report on Letting No. 14 improvements and informed that a petition and - informal request were received requesting that a bituminous surface street be installed on said streets. Mayor Black informed said improvement will be paid on an assess- ment basis and further informed of the law in conjunction with Deferred Assessments for Senior Citizens passed by the legislatu 0 0 Form 281 — Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at ReWl. (Chapter 3&2. "wa of 1951.`, Miler -Davis Co.. Minoeapoiia 6tate of �innegota, ---- ...... City........... of ............ .Hutchinson.... ......... ... .. County of ...............McLeod... .lpplication No. _. . Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail City Hutchinson .......................... ............ The undersigned resident ...... of the .............. .... ................. .... ................ ................ .....- ............ , to the county of. ...................McLeod ............................ ........... ........ ..........., State of .Minnesota, HEREBY 11.4KE ... 14PPL .4- TI0.1' FOR LICENSE to be issued to .................... R- Mart Corporation .................................. to sell cigarettes and cigarette papers and wrappers at retail at .......................................................... ............................... .......1090...x'.......15... South......._ ............. . . . .. in the- .................. City............. ..- .- ...- ...,of................ Hutchinson ....................- -_..in said county and state for the term of .four months .................... beginning with the ........... 17th........... day of ........ September 1981...., subject to the laws of the State of .Minnesota and the ordinances and regulations of said ................ City ................................. o f................... Hutchinson...----- - - - - -- ....................pertaining thereto, and herewith deposit $.. 5- 00 .... .............................in payment of the fee therefor. DatPil.......... August... 5 ............... 19.81.... Li-- * -•,Q" AUG 1981 PAID �4' KAM q-j �i, REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER 4 SEWER FUND *State Treasurer *State Treasurer Hutchinson Telephone Juul Contracting Wards RCM Associates Wallys Tire Twin City Freight Keys Well Drilling Co. No.Central Sec. AWWA 1st State Federal Savings GENERAL FUND Soc. Sec. PERA phone service water main repair supplies sewer plant study supplies freight charges oil registration fees water damage August 25, 1981 $ 549.99 300.31 192.72 2340.40 35.89 6374.49 136.00 34.88 42.00 60.00 1534.05 $ 11,600.73 *State Treasurer Soc. Sec. $ 4269.57 *State Treasurer PERA 3510.78 *Met .Center tickets for Sesame Street 150.00 *MN. Body $ Equipment Co. 2 Wayne buses 58,867.00 *Mabel K. Tesch earnest money 1.00 *Clara M. Slama earnest money 1.00 *Mary E. Goede earnest money 1.00 *Mabel McEwen earnest money 1.00 *Ron McGraw $ Robt Hegrenes earnest money 1.0 *James Schaefer St. Paul seminar 106.660 *Mn. CLE registration fees 110.00 Coca Cola Bottling Co. arena supplies 1186.03 Co. Treasurer D1 fees for county 84.00 Ericksons gasoline - 63.77 Gambles supplies 15.40 Pamida film & supplies 47.39 Hutch Telephone Co. phone service 1952.08 School District 423 bldg supervisor 1631.50 IBM supplies 77.75 Johnson Super Valu arena supplies 99.96 Logis computer chgs 1109.42 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 363.75 Ken Merrill mileage 56.19 Motorola Inc. repairs 681.75 Wards supples & repairs 185.76 McGarvey Coffee coffee 58.80 Homer Pittman bldg officials mtg. 25.62 Richard Waage FBI seminar 305.51 Tin Pan Deli transit bd meeting 20.37 Viking Signs signs 139.00 Xerox copy machine 208.81 // -,&F- 0 Impor" -2- Wallys Tire repairs $ 42.00 Wigen Chev. Co. tail gate spreader 1643.00 Wm. Mueller 4 Sons street materials 1462.16 Jefferson Lines advertising 364.66 Mn. Body $ Equipment Co. license plates 6.94 Mn. Liquor Store Oak Ridge concert 66.70 Harold Knutsen refund 10.00 Schwin Cyclery bike repairs 4.48 Gale Boelter safety glasses 30.00 Eugene Iverson safety glasses 26.50 Fred Roberts safety glasses 70.00 Willmar Civic Center chair rental 200.00 Police Products News 3 yr subscription 32.95 Snyder'Tree Service tree removal 9515.74 MTI Teleprograms Inc. kit 77.55 Fire Relief Assn. payment 3500.00 Am.Planning Assn. publication 9.13 Natl Airport Equipment repairs ' 749.10 Koch Asphalt Co. street materials 5679.05 SteveH Auto Parts repairs 25.00 Dyna Systems repairs 33.87 Glencoe Auto Parts repairs 26.15 $ 98,906.79 FIRE HALL CONSTRUCTION BONDS Ehlers 4 Associates Inc. securing bond money 8041.05 Moodys Investors Service mun. bond rating fees 330.00 City of Hutch - general fund reimbursement 133,274.10 141,645.15 BONDS OF 1981 Ehlers & Associates Inc. securing bond money 10,998.12 Juul Contracting Co. Proj. 81 -32 5,775.00 Moodys Investors Service mun, bond rating fees 615.00 17,388.12 1981 PARKING IMPROVEMENT BONDS Ehlers & Associates securing bond money 10,600.32 Bennie Carlson contract payment 669.30 Moodys Investors Service mun. bond rating fees 555.00 City of Hutch- general fund land purchase reimbursement 15,423.60 27,248.22 -3- MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE City of Hutchinson payroll $ water bill $9260.21 Ed Phillips & sons liquor $ wine 2350.80 Griggs Cooper $ Co. liquor & wine 3949.39 Twin City Wine Co. liquor $ wine 1029.07 Old Peoria Co. liquor & wine 3714.45 Diamond Clear Ice Co. july ice 608.50 T.C. Pricing $ Label Inc. labels 114.50 Northland Beverage Co. mix 272.10 American Linen Supply laundry 15.60 Coca Cola Bottling mix 198.40 Griggs Cooper & Co. liquor & wine 898.12 Kenneth Merrill mileage 25.84 Old Peoria Co. liquor 882.03 Twin City Wine Co. wine 407.80 Ed Phillips $ Sons liquor & wine 1027.12 Sprengler Trucking freight charges 436.11 $-25,190.04 0 0 rr �- R ut 0, 1, � 9 8 ( FOR YOUR INFORMATION p�-e_ &50- SiQ-ke-A Go-� �� Ko - /i oL- pa nd . BURLINGTON NORTHERN TASK FORCE August 13� 1981 CDS Board Room Meeting Notes I.. Chairman Julious Rainwater invited those present to introduce themselves. Those attending: Julious Rainwater - Pure Culture Products Gordon Metzger - Burlington Northern Railroad Roger Stearns - Stearnswood Gary Anderson - Burlington Northern Railroad David Mahle - Burlington Northern Railroad Tom Pavilini - Standard Oil Company Dick Bowman - Tonka Toys Lois Mack - Aid to Sen. Durenburger Dennis W. McLeod - Burlington Northern Railroad Mark Hansen - Aid to Sen. John Bernhagen M. Lee Sanders - Burlington Northern Railroad Jon Carlson - Aid to Congressman Tom Hagedom Mayor Rock Lindlan - Mound Mayor Les Foreman - Lester's Inc. Jon Schwichtenberg - Lester's Inc. Ray Zimmerman - Farmers Elevator Assn. Ralph Westlund - North Western Life Gary Plotz - Hutchinson City Hall Clarice Coston - Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce e� h� FOR YOUR INFORMATIN' II. Mr. Dennis McLeod, Director of Market Development for BN, shared with the task force the present concepts of BN toward their branch lines and the need for rehabilitation on the ma- jority of branch lines. BN has 27,000 miles of track on their railroad system, 10,000 miles of track are branch lines and 4,000 miles of these are category 1,2, or 3. Comments he made were: 1. The Hutchinson line is a Category 2 line, meaning it is under study to determiie the feasibility of future service. The line must pay for itself but there has been no decision as yet on a ccour :, of aJandr,,l cnt. 2. The Hutchinson line is currently under a class 1 line meaning trains cannot travel over 10 miles per hour because of the condition of bed, rail, and ties. Class 1 is trackage in the worst condition. The pre- sent railroad was built in 1886. 3. We have 56 pound rail - which is the lightest rail used and if this is replaced it must be replaced with a minimum of 85 -90 pound rail. 4. Rule of Thumb for cash or replacement is $100,000. per mile excluding bridges. 5. BN's goal is to upgrade their main line first. Hutch - inson's line is far down the priority list. Approxi- mately $3,000,000. would be needed to rehabilitate our line. BN does not have the capital to rehabilitate the line to Hutchinson. They would consider rehabil- itation in cooperatio:: with the users on a line with good revenue. 6. If the line deteriorates any further BN could use re- habilitation and opportunity costs to claim or file for abandoment. However, for economic reasons other than rehabilitation, they could not file for abandon- ment until late 1982. 7. The 54 -car unit grain -train rate to the west coast was instituted and has been profitable to BN for the following reasons: a. More grain can flow through one facility, mori efficient movement of grain. b. better management of their fleet. c. has reduced their turn - around time. d. more efficient loading and unloading. e. no more supply and demand problems. 8. BN is willing to: a. be convinced that the Hutchinson line is profitable and feasible -to rehabilitate. b. consider a Refund Program where business (users) can put up the money for rehabil- itation and be reimbursed for their invest - ment on a "per car" agreement. c. cooperate in an evaluation of current and potential revenue on line to determine what kind of capital BN can invest in the Hutch - inson.line. d. base projection on a five year plan. e. consider accepting Federal Funds for re- habilitation through FRA (80% Fed. Fund to 20% BN). f. meeting with us here and now to see how they can help save the line. g. admit that our revenue per car on this line is good. Other items to consider: a. BN con1V --r that the main line north of Hutchinson through Litchfield could take care of farmers needs. b. BN is in competition with barge traffic for grain shipment constantly. c. To keep their lines competitive, BN has had to reduce their rates and let some mainten- ance lessen. d. For BN, net profit is the bottom line. e. BN does do marketing and seeks their markets to profit the customer an well as themselves. 6 .A Concerns expressed: Q. What kind of profit does BN-need to justify rehabilitation and continued service? A. This has not been determined for the Hutchinson line. -- Q. Does BN realize that they could lose the grain in this area by cutting off service; that the farmer may choose not to go to the main line? A. Yes, they realize it could be shipped by the Milwaukee R.R. to barge traffic, or by truck to the city rail or port. The farmer will ship the cheapest way available to him. Q. Why isn't the R.R. taking a wider view of the system including the branch line? A. Originally railroads were built so that all farmers were 6 to 10 miles from a R.R., but this is not now necessary. We must ship and handle freight more economically. Q. Don't R.R.'s now set up their own type of competition with them- selves and could destine to put themselves out of business by neglecting repairs, improved markets? A. We have a certain amount of capital to invest in maintenance and look first to the main line and branch lines that produce the greatest revenue. Q. Haven't R.R. users paid a premium built into the rate structure over the past 100 years to keep the line maintained? Haven't monies paid on the Hutchinson line gone to reppir and maintain other lines? A. All branch lines must help to maintain the main line, yard, •etc.-. Also, regulations help determine where some monies are spent. BN makes the final decisions, determined mainly on net profit. Q. Are we so far out in left field that we can't reach a higher level of priority? A. No, we are here today to help you save your R.R. service. -- Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce Burlington Northern Task Force August 13, 1981 CDS Board Room Those attending: Julious Rainwater Pure Culture Products 35 Adams North P.O. Box 100 Hutchinson, MN 55350 Gordon Metzger Burlington Northern Railroad 80 Forty- Fourth Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55421 Roger Stearns Stearnswood 3rd Ave. N.W. Hutchinson, Mk 55350 Asst. Sup. Gary Anderson Burlington Northern Railroad 176 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 David Kahle Burlington Northern Railroad 176 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Tom Pavlini Standafd,�Qf.i Zo. 200 E. Randolph Drive Chicago, 1L.60601 Mail Dick Bowman Tonka Toys 5300 Shoreline P.O. Box 100 Mound, MN 55364 Lois Mack 550 N. Butler Square 100 N. 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 Mark Hansen 550 E. Butler Square 100 N. 6th Street Minneapolis, MN 55403 M. Lee Sanders Burlington Northern Railroad 176 East Fifth Street St. Paul, NN 55101 Jon Carlson Congressman Tom Hagedorn P.O. Box 3148 Mankato, MN 56001 Mayor Rock Lindlan City Hall Mound, MN 55364 Les Foreman Lester's Inc. Lester Prairie, MR 55354 Jon Schwichtenberg Lester's Inc. Lester Prairie, M* 55354 Ray Zimmerman Farmers Elevator Assn. code #4105 Arch Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dennis 11. McLeod Burlington Northern Railroad 176 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Ralph Westlund North Western Life Citizens Bank Bldg. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Gary Plotz Hutchinson City Hall 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Clarice Coston 218 Main Street Notth Hutchinson, HN 55350 0 • t FFICE OF LOCAL AN3 *. URBAN AFFAIRS MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY • CAPITOL SQUARE BUILDING ' ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 53101 0 PHONE (612) 296 -3091 August 7, 1981 Gary Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue W. �tchinson, MN .55350 TI'N: Bruce Ericson RE:- FY'82 LAWCON /LCMR Application - West River Park Phase IV City of Hutchinson, McLeod County (6E) Dear Mr. Plotz: Q. cc C9C, `esc i�Z�222 FOR YOUR INFURMATION This letter is intended to provide you with information about the review and ranking of your FY 1982 preliminary application for a park and recreation grant. I am pleased to inform you that your application ranked high enough to be considered further. Congress has not yet passed a funding bill for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON). However, state grants will be awarded from a FY 1982 appropriation frcan the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) . Because we are not anticipating the receipt of any federal LAWCON funds for FY 1982, the maximum grant awarded will probably be 50 percent of the total project cost. Should LAWCON dollars become available your grant percentage could be higher, but we are not very optimistic about that prospect. This does not mean that your application is approved. Therefore, do not begin any spending on this project. Any work done, money spent, or obliga- tions incurred for acquisition or development purposes before approval of the final application cannot be paid with grant funds or used as the local share. The next step is for you to prepare a final application. 'The final applica- tion will be submitted by us to the Legislative CcMission on Minnesota Resources and Legislative Advisory Committee for state consideration and, if federal funds become available, -to the National Park Service (NPS) for federal consideration. These bodies will make final funding recam-L-ndations regarding approval, or disapproval, on your application. In order to assist you in preparation of your final application, meetings have been scheduled at different locations around the state. The date and location of your meeting is given on the attached notice. Attendance at this meeting is very improtant and all applicants are strongly urged to attend. At this meeting we will discuss the items to be included in your final application and the amount of the application. By then we may know if Congress has appropriated funds for the LAWCON program. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER "Aigo O -2- If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call the Parks and Recreation Grants Section of this office at 612/296 -4703. Sincerely, Leland E. Newman, Director Office of Local and Urban Affairs /cak Attachment a r 4 9 • (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 3, 1981 Mr. Gary Plotz, City Administrator CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: n �� vOu N �34 6789,01 1tFicaw� FOR YOUR INFORMATION RE: Freitag vs. City of Hutchinson 80 -H -58 Enclosed please find a copy of the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order for Judgment in the above captioned case. That document directs the City of Hutchinson to issue .a building permit to the plaintiffs and to reimburse the plaintiffs for their actual costs and disbursements herein. Their actual costs and disburse- ments should amount to no more than their $40.00 filing fee which initiated the action. It would not include plaintiffs' attorney fees. I would direct your attention to certain lang- uage in the memorandum filed by the Judge. The Judge stated "although the issue is not raised in the law suit, it is assumed that the plaintiffs will have to bear the expense of any municipal improvements if same become necessary due to increased run off or drainage problems." I would suggest that any permit issued specifically include lang- uage wherein the builders agree to assume the costs of any public improvements necessary to alleviate drainage or run off problems. I would also direct your attention to the last portion of the memorandum where it states "It has been amply demonstrated to this Court, through the time and attention given by the City, its Planning Commission and council, and its consultants that it attempted to act in a responsible manner consistent with the best interests of the City. Because it may have made an error in judgment, it should not be unduly penalized." The Court is in effect commending the City for Gary Plotz Page 2 August 3, 1981 the procedures used in the resolution of this dispute. I would suggest that the City not appeal this decision but issue the permit at the next City Council meet- ing. Sincerely yours, ;nv1ntic James H. Schaefer Ass't City Attorney JHS:ka Encl. cc: Marlow Priebe CURX'S NOTICE OF ENTRY OF JUI)CEMENT OR FILING OF ORDER 02 DECISION. of innesuta County of McLeod Dwiaht D. Freitaq_ and JoAnn F City of Hutchinson,Vs' CLERK'S NOTICE OF George E. Hulstrand TO: Willmar Building, P.O. Box 130 Willmar, MN 56201 Franklin Printing, Glencoe # #e COUNTY COURT FILING OF ORDER ENTRY OF JUDGMENT (Filing, Entry. ttc -I Case No. 2624 James H. Schaefer L�1 246 Main Street South Hutchinson, MN 55350 You are hereby notified that, on the' date hereof, a n ORDER A JUDGMENT (Order. Decision or Judgement) was duly f led A entered in the above entitled action xYac%bX)3M*XXk)d (Filed or Entered) (Strike out If ina.Mlicat�le) Dated at Gl encoe , Minnesota, this 22nd day of July , 19M_ . Lloyd E. Liflke Clerk of County Court City of GI encop By Deputy The above is a true and correct copy of Notice duly mailed by the Clerk of County Court by first class mail, to the parties named therein at the last known address of each, pursuant to the Rules of Civil Procedure for the State of Minnesots. Deposited in U.S. Mail 7/22/81 Lloyd E. Lipke Clerk County Cour enc: copy- Findings, Conclusions, etc. BY: Deputy 0 i i I CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY TO MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL NAME AND ADDRESS Marilyn Ward, 449 Prospect (612) 587 -5151 DATE August 10, 1981 JOB TITLE Part Time Secretary - Parks Department SUPERVISED BY Bruce Ericson EMPLOYMENT STATUS New Employee Full Time PAY RATE to $4.00 ( from $3.50) Other: X Part Time or Seasonal (Half Time) COMMENTS Has completed 6 months employment in Parks /Recreation Office working about 20 hours per week. She has assumed responsibility for weed notices, billings, and other added record keeping that have resulted from the increased work. load of the Park Department. The above personnel action conforms to adopted personnel policy and to the council approved selection process. /4 C-,::.L Departm t e8 lt-sij Y-�A Personnel ordinator 1-21111parm =-I 3 -81 h 0 0 r THE HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION ' The Hutchinson Safety Council met July 28, 1981 at 12:00 noon at the Prairie House in Hutchinson, Minnesota. There were 13 members and 2 guests present. President Myron Johnson opened the meeting with a silent prayer. Our 2 guests were introduced: Chuck Bell and Stan Koehler, Eity of Hutchinson employees. The motion was made and seconded that the June minutes be approved. No bills were presented. A letter from the State Safety Council was read and Myron will contact Robert L. Anderson as to the starting of a county wide safety council. The council was sorry to hear that Rex Morriss and his program are no longer being funded. The Southern MN Conference will be in Mankato, October 30th. A discussion was held and it was deceided to try for a new location in the new fair building for our safety booth. Volunteers will set up and man the booth. Myron reported on his part in a program on the local cable TV and also he will be in another program at a later date. These programs are all on safety and the councils activities. Our program speaker from the cable TV did not attend the meeting as planned, but will try to have her come another time. Nothing new has been reported on the defensive drivers program. The next meeting will be August, 24th. The meeting was adjourned by motion. Submitted by: Myron Johnson, President Loretta F. Pishney, Secr. Treas. Treasurer's Report: Balance on hand 7 -1 -81 Deposits Disbursements Balance on hand 7 -31 -81 46.42 none none 46.42. 0 TREE BOARD MINUTES July 15, 1981 Postponed to July 22, 1981 16 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Members present were Roy Johnsen and Mark Schnobrich. Guest speaker was Ken Merrill, City Accountant. Due to lack of quorum, no business was discussed. Two special meetings to discuss budget were scheduled with a lack fo quorm in each attendance. Futher rescheduling was needed. Respectfully, Mrs. Axel Jensen /Mark Schnobrich Secretary a J % ' C. �.J 0 • v Z rJ August 10, 1981 The Honorable Ralph D. Westlund Mayor, City of Hutchinson P. 0. Box 586 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Joint Airport Planning Dear Mayor Westlund: VIDA HENDRICKSON, Mayor RONALD JOHNSON, President KENNETH AGREN. Councilman STANLEY HYDEEN. Councilman PAUL JOHNSON, Councilman DAVID KELLER. Councilman DONALD PIETSCH, Councilman WAYNE CARLSON, Administrator ��1��g16171g�9�o AU�' a l W er y ti FOR YOUR INFORMATION As you know, the Litchfield City Council voted to cease joint airport planning activities with the City of Hutchinson at the August 3, 1981 Council Meeting. A copy of the recommendation made by the Litchfield Airport Commission and approved by the City Council is enclosed for your information. The enclosed report summarizes our rationale for discontinuing the study. I wish to personally thank you and your City Council for working with us in this study, with special-thanks to Mr. Lueneburg and Mr. Miller for participating on the planning committee. Although we were unable to put this public works project together, I sincerely hope that this doesn't interfere with any.future projects that may be of mutual benefit to our constituents. Sincerely yours, Oj� Vida Hendrickson, Mayor City of Litchfield Enclosures cc: Mr. J. Fortman, Mn /DOT Mr. D. Beckman, HNTT Mr. Gary Plotz Litchfield City Council August 3, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Litchfield City Council FROM: Litchfield Airport Commission During the course of the Airport Study, directed by the City Council, it became apparent that one possible course of action for airport development would be to enter into a joint venture airport with the City of Hutchinson. The Airport Commission felt that this alternative should be thoroughly studied and compared to the alternative of Litchfield only airport. A recommendation to this effect was made to the City Council which directed that the joint venture alternative be explored as to feasibility, including mutual acceptability to both communities. Accordingly, in November, 1980, the City of Litchfield contacted the City of Hutchinson, regarding whether or not Hutchinson was interested in the possibility of a single, jointly -owned airport serving both communities. Subsequently, a Joint Airport Committee was established and began examining potential sites approximately mid -way between the two cities on Trunk Highway 22. This process was completed on July 29, 1981, when the Joint Airport Committee chose Site No. 2, shown at Appendix "A ", as the site to refer back to both City Councils for their consideration. The vote talley included Milton Lueneburg, Don Pietsch, Cam McConnell voting in favor of Site No. 2, with Hutchinson Representative John Miller voting in opposition to all sites. During the period when the Joint Airport Committee was at work, statements were made by Hutchinson public officials, suggesting that the City of Hutchinson would not employ its right of eminent domain to acquire property -z- for an airport. The Joint Airport Committee then asked each sponsoring City Council to reaffirm the committee's mandate by considering fogr basic princi- ples, one of which was that the use of the right of eminent domain would probably be required in any airport development project. The resulting action of the Council of Hutchinson was definitely qualified on that point. As a result, the Mayors of both cities and both City Administrators sought further guidance form Mr. Beckman and the Minnesota Department of Transpor- tation, Division of Aeronautics, as to the procedural requirements in the land acquisition process. A complete clarification of the process required was given by Mn /DOT, showing that acquisition is a multi -step process of which eminent domain proceedings are the final step to be taken if successful acquisition has not already occurred. (Appendix "B ") It was also made clear that a specific set of appraisals are required to set the values offered in steps prior to eminent domain, rather than permitting the local officials to set values themselves. These procedures are required if'Federal financial participation is desired. Since we anticipate 90% Federal Funding, the cost of deviation is high. Even after the clarification of the procedure, the City of Hutchinson, represented by their Mayor in a telephone call to Mayor Hendrick- son, indicated an intention to proceed immediately with a procedure different from the Federally- approved procedure in an attempt to avoid the need for eminent domain proceedings, and to back out of the Joint Airport, if the present owners of the site selected were unwilling to sell on a voluntary basis. During the course of the original Litchfield study and the joint study, several factors for consideration with the regard to the desireability of entering into a joint venture airport became apparent. These factors are listed in "Appendix "C" to this report, together with the qualitative assessment as to the relative advantage each provides. On balance, the Airport Commission finds that the possible advantagesof a joint venture airport to Litchfield are not sufficient 0 10 • -3- to justify continuing the pursuit of that option in light of the probable ultimate failure which the present Hutchinson position with regard to eminent domain will cause. The Litchfield Airport Commission recommends that the City Council find that the lack of concurrence by the City of Hutchinson in the use of standard pro- cedures required to obtain federal funding, without which airport development is not feasible, causes the Joint Airport option to be in itself not feasible and further recommends that the City Council withdraw its representatives from the Joint Airport Committee, and direct the Litchfield Airport Commission to resume its tabled study and complete site relocations for a Litchfield Airport. r..� �'�_y, .l•i, } +4+ + t•g. } 9.,t,A� -��' �'�.� f�: � < UP At 2 5e RA IA; 4%x 14 V5 !1k ; 'S H 9-11 60 1 -lee !P ilk IL :#T- 1, 4 �W. V41 -1 T-w4t -� WR!, jam py I,4 e4O 5AW '14 - - - ► --•"- .: _ - !i �• 1 'AL., I , A BASIC DATA 1970' r .• i1 M1, —/� • � ,t �i.� .• w .... w : r!'.� t . M....• A..., .. "(. ._. l •. a r ,_ . Y..i .. mss, ' • . .. ,�...' ..."• F= ...•.._�.:..- : i- ., .I! .. �� _, _ _ t • , Ac A• ^R� W I i-N i1• ( ".i r`-.J"." _ LITCHFI6IS1 r ,�. _ �• " (, U I)' I I' �.., , •c p 1 I •D IA cS S ( E .L cam. • -= - q : _ w • _ — }} — y 1 : ^•i w r_ s `= H..I. 1 " l ( 9 •' fin- --•t i L I Ir R,c i r F} • • 1 • , lW vs : urrom L : •- �,, Ro nd Q •i .1 - .� . .. `Sr.....± D - L ,v • v s 1 -� - -�- _ E L.1D•. c:.• ® .i 1 i +L �`��`" L• P` 't Y f w ! rt : w �, �:xl i =.+r iA�••�. =lfV= =_- _- y%`,J• a ,`� ",•�5•rii��L+i• r• i - -1 _ - 1 - -_ a ��. t. •�. jr L 1r .�•l` - _ LY• __ =�_ -� 1- •7-'� -••w i•�I �� ..r j_ 1 -• s _ ,•` it f :'p• 'i:�Ir ?+fir. __ i s "B�rr� '1 w '» 1 r 1! E L L ;`W , O I R I� t ' •. �. -. •. t, . j. Y!'. p _ _ ; •( �c Arndt . +' 1 4 u ,(, 1 • A-. L 1 Lon L I o • t(. [... j1 zv 'i"L p'. h(• •1: t 4w, .t• _ - -y1f -A a -' - iu` •- �.Ii:Y -i.i .i• L A, 2 .1w ?' • .. F • �' - "d•r Tnd . i -.•wfA n • • H E • L.A. '♦ _ l ��� • • , II L _.�= . LA ' r •�• I • f . 1}• -�5L h /•Gmpbefl� - Kook Lai• �,. _2e. \• i •� • I I T 1. Corvum-r . ,. - ' , ( •i 'A1 C• O'r,.M ��� i U1 a T�' C r�K LI .Y : .. Y ,P L• •• r 11 Ls. 1 23 - d l 1 I9 �• �..� . I •�T� C I 1 :L: is - �;,• _c': r••`• I • *�^ ar; �� "'�� �_ ," V a�= �� "' • • i . i �_�. '• ,\ :1- p ' y � :�--�, �,: � �1 =gyp' ( .,� .. � � • • p 2, . p� G'r • . 29� =�'M 25 �1•J -f 29 O'tt 1, I 7f .. _; .- r,.{., I .1 .1� _ _ ..-. •vr.mph. f� �� Imo,` ��•,•I`- 1 Jr '1:. YJ 126 33 V 35 PAP u - p�11- �� HU HINSON 2 1 +- i —r >ES FOR � � �� s � 1 '� 2 � • ••••I SON AIRPORT � I' � � �., , r� ��_, ;� `t_ �� �,l :- �•�,r� �_ LITC May HNTB T _ • .K •. r,r' +.1, ��. -, -a x _�;�t♦ `� `1• 9 Av 1 -r• ,T 1 . —r�L: N Ni ♦fit H A♦ vS {.iN 1 � S. � y! •' c. � i; ♦ _ ♦ � - 1 �, O ti ° Minnesota Department of frm)sportatiorl XE Tr- ui,lporlilion Ruildincl, "t. P-nd, NIN 5'i l! 5 OF Tlkv July 20, 1981 The Honorable Ralph D. Westland Mayor, City of Hutchinson P.O. Box 586 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mayor Westlund: Subject: Hutclrllison- 1.l.L ell ft.e.Ld .Jo.irrl Alri)urt StLe Selet:Llon its Phone _19L-7Mc- In reviewing the informational copy of the latter of July 15, 1981, sent to the City of Litchfield, it apps.1rs the procedures for land acquisition may not be in accordance with federal and State guidelines. these proce- dural guidelines must be followed so as to qualify for reimbursement. The following is the proper sequencing of events i.rn ac ;ui ring 1:111(1 for federal and state reimbursement: 1. One or more appraisals is made oil each p :lrccl Schod"It'd for ;1cq:11 ;itLOn in either fee title or easement. The land uwncr must be offered the opportunity to accompany the appraiser. 2. A review appraisal is made on the appraisats and the value of just compensation is determined. 3. A written offer is made to the land owner of the compensation which is not less than L1rc approved owner is also advised that he may obtain his own reimburseable in an amount not to exceed $:300. il.c 4. After a reasonable amount of tine to consWerlof either accepts or rejects the offer. established just appraisal. The land appraisal which is fer, the land owner 5. Either negotiations continue or the Cities; elect to file for condem- nation. 6. Condemnation proceedings. 7. Land is acquired. Please be advised, the above even Ls are set fur.Lh in general outline form. There are many more details that are included in each item. I am enclosLng for your information, federal Aviation Admi.n-is;t rat ion Advisory Circular. 150/5100 -11, "Land Acquisition Under The Airport Development Aid Program ". 1 • e 7lte tlonorablc Ralph D. lJcailund 1'al;e 1110 .July 20, 191,11 ' This booklet and ml.nnesota st- atutes 1 HIV prOcc•diffe:; to be followed. We recommend that the motion of the July 14, 19111, Couiu-11 nwe t pig, be rc!v ( ;ed to indicate that land acquisition wl.11 be accompl.i:,Iwd in accord;ince wi.tli Federal and State laws. Since* e. , L. Ja Fortman, P.E. Director, Airport Development Section Aeronautics Division Room 417 LJF:cc Enc. cc: Mr. Wayne Carlson (w /ene.) Mr. Richard Beckman � 0 0 APPENDIX "C" During the course of the Joint Airport Study, several considerations have. ,emerged. Some .of, these are as follows: 1. Cost - A new airport at Litchfield was projected to cost between $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 on one of the final sites. A new airport on any of the possible sites midway to Hutchinson was projected to cost $4,000,000 to $6,000,000. The local share for Litchfield would be $200,000 to $300,000 in either case for no net savings in the initial capital cost of a new air- port. We should note, however, that additional federal money in the amount of $2,000,000 to $3,000,000 would be required to open a new joint airport. A probable disadvantage. 2. Operation and Maintenance Cost - Assuming a similar facility, whether at Litchfield or as a joint facility, operation and maintenance costs would be shared by the two cities. This item could be considered although no pre- cise estimate has been prepared. A probable advantage. 3. Distance and Convenience. - Depending on the site selected, the Litch- field Airport would be from less than two to possibly six miles from the city center. A joint airport would be at least eleven miles from the same point. A probable disadvantage. 4. Police Surveilance - Depending on the site selected, a Litchfield Airport could be reasonable patrolled by Litchfield Police, or could be too remote. A joint airport could be too remote and would depend upon Sheriff - Departments and State Highway Patrol for surveilance. A probable disadvantage. 5. Aviation Use - A joint airport can be presumed to serve a larger aviation community which would probably attract a commercial operator earlier than a Litchfield Airport. A probable advantage. 6. Utility to Community - A Basic Transport Airport may well attract new business and industry to the area. A joint airport causes this factor to be diluted in its beneficial effects on Litchfield. A probable disadvantage. In summary, we see only a small advantage to Litchfield in developing a joint airport, which advantage is contrasted against the significantly larger F/ (612) 879 -2311 C/T Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 19, 1981 To; Mayor and City Council FOR YOUR INFORMATION From: Ralph Neumann Re: City Auction This is to inform you that the City of Hutchinson's surplus equipment and vehicle auction will be held at the city garage at 6:00 p.m. Monday Sept. 14, 1981. The various city departments have been contacted re- garding disposing of their surplus. Fahey Sales Agency will conduct the auction under agreed upon terms. Revenue received from the vehicles will be credited to The Motor Pool Fund. 0 0 OFFICE OF LOCAL AND URBAN AFFAIRt3 MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY • CAPITOL SQUARE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE (612) 296.3091 August 7, 1981 Gary Plotz City Administrator 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 ATTN: Bruce Ericson RE: - FY'82 LAWCON /IOAR Application - McDonald's Park . City of Hutchinson, McLeod County (6E) 10; ��'61g91 's _ti AUK 19R1 RECEIVED in 2 ke'e"a--seSZ1�Z�22 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dear Mr. Plotz: This letter is intended to provide you with information about the review and ,- ranking of your FY 1982 preliminary application for a park and recreation grant. I am pleased to inform you that your application ranked high enough to be considered further. Congress has not yet passed a funding bill for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON). However, state grants will be awarded from a FY 1982 appropriation from the Legislative C00TIission on Minnesota Resources (LAC MR) . Because we are not anticipating the receipt of any federal LAWOON funds for FY 1982, the maximum grant awarded will probably be 50 percent of the total project cost. Should LAWCON dollars become available your grant percentage could be higher, but we are not very optimistic about that prospect. This does not mean that your application is approved. Therefore, do not begin any spending on this project. Any work done, money spent, or obliga- tions incurred for acquisition or development purposes before approval of the- - final application cannot be paid with grant funds or used as the local share. The next step is for you to prepare a final application. 'The final applica- tion will be submitted by us to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources and Legislative Advisory Ccarmittee for state consideration and, if federal funds become available, to the National Park Service (NPS) for federal consideration. These bodies will make final funding recommendations regarding approval, or disapproval, on your application. In order to assist you in preparation of your final application, meetings have been scheduled at different locations around the state. The date and location of your meeting is given on the attached notice. Attendance at this meeting is very improtant and all applicants are strongly urged to attend. At this meeting we will discuss the items to be included in your final application and the amount of the application. By then we may know if Congress has appropriated funds for the LAWCON program. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER -2- If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call the Parks and Recreation Grants Section of this office at 612/296 -4703. Sincerely, Leland E. Newman, Director Office of Local and Urban Affairs /cak Attachment 0 From: Donald L. Chapman 1415 North Elliott Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 T0: City Council Hutchinson, Minnesota August 11, 1981 Dear Members of the City Council, REeUtiE ru 8�1d 9Z 520v FOR YOUR INFORMATION About 2 years ago I purchased a rental property in Hutchinson, on which we are billed quarterly for sewer and water and refuse disposal. My request has to do with the penalty attached if not paid within what someone has 'r% determined to be a reasonable time. My request is simply one of convenience. Normally we pay our monthly bills one or about the 30th of each month, as this is the billing procedure normally followed by most business places, credit card grantors, etc. Your bill comes -- partly because we are out of town, only a few days before the penalty takes effect, and always in the middle of the month. My request is simple -- and can be handled several different ways. Either extend the penalty period past: the first (generally the 5th to the 10th in most instances), or change the billing period so that it comes at the end of the month and overlaps the period most people normally use. iThat is, instead of billing the calendar quarter, read and bill from the mid - month. For example, the first quarter would run from Jan. 15 to April 15 instead of Jan. 1 to March 31. This would place the penalty period across the end of the month in which the billing is received. Thank you for whatever concern you can apply to this situation. Sincerely yours, 1� " 6, Donald L. Clman (612) 587 -5151 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 August 18, 1981 Mr. Donald L. Chapman 1415 North Elliott Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 Dear Mr. Chapman: I have received your correspondence of August 11, 1981 regarding your suggestions for changing our billing dates. I have also forwarded a copy of your letter on to the City Council. Several years ago -the Hutchinson Utilities initiated a billing cycle for their electric and gas statements. This was a result of a review by their manager of the timing of meter reading and also the timing of their payments for fuel useage, including any changes in the fuel adjustment. The City of Hutchinson, to avoid confusion, decided to have a similar billing date as that of the Hutchinson Utili- ties. Payment for billing statements is taken at City Hall for not only water, sewer and refuse, but also for gas and electricity. Therefore, it was also advantageous to time the 10 -day collection date to coincide with the decision of Hutchinson Utili- ties. After several years of the public being adjusted to a billing date, we have gotten no complaints or suggestions on the revised timing. However, I will forward your concern to the City_ Council, and thank you for your time and effort in making the suggested change. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Gary D. tz City Administrator GDP : ms cc: City Council