cp05-11-1982 c cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF May 9 -TO May ~15 t WEDNESDAY -12- or SUNDAY -9- MOTHER'S DAY THURSDAY -13- 7:00 P.M. - Research Committee on Old Armory Meet - ing at City Hall MONDAY -10- FRIDAY -14- TUESDAY -11- 4 :00 P.M. - City Council Wor;: shop at City 110 1 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meet- ing at City Nall_ SATURDAY -15- ARMED FORCES DAY CONFERENCE: MARLOW PRIEBE - May 13 -14 Attending Public Works Con- ference crc�� _\ w 0 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1982 ✓1. Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 P.M. ,/2. Invocation - Reverend Thor_Skeie /3. Consideration of Minutes - Bid Openings dated April 22, 1982 and April 26, 1982, Regular Meeting dated April 27, 1982 and Special Meeting dated May 6, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended `/4. Public Hearing - . 8:00 P.M. (a) 1982 Improvement Projects: ✓1. Project 82 -06 --16. Project 82 -21 vZ. Project 82 -10 <7. Project 82 -38 Ji. Project 82 -11 Project 82 -45 ,�►. Project 82 -15 ✓9. Project 82 -46 ;5. Project 82 -20 x.10. Project 82 -47 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to waive reading(s) and adopt Resolution(s) 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions ✓(a) Presentation on Tax Increment Financing by Michael Auger, Minnesota State Planning Agency Action - tiAb) Consideration of Request for Homer Pittman to Attend 1982 Spring Building Official Update Seminar On May 18, 1982 and Southwest Minnesota Building Officials Conference on May 19, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject ✓(c) Discussion of Region 6 -E / Action - ✓(d) Consideration of Request for Use of Street Area on First Avenue South Next to Library Square for Farmers Market Saturday Mornings, Beginning June 26,'1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 11, 1982 6. Resolutions and Ordinances A(a) Ordinance No. 4/82 - An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutchinson and the Official Zoning Map (William Helland) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance ,�b) Ordinance No. 5/82 - An Ordinance Granting to Mark D. McGraw the Right to Maintain A Popcorn /Concession Stand Over and Above the Southwest Corner of Public Square Located Within the South Half of the City of Hutchinson Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive second reading and adopt Ordinance �c) Resolution No. 7126 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to.reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions :/(a) Building Official's Report - April 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ✓(b) Minutes of Senior Advisory Board dated March 24, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing i,,Xc) Minutes of Downtown Development Advisory Board dated March 31, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,td) Minutes of Transportation Board dated February 11, 1982 Action - _Order.by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business /(a) Consideration of Awarding Bid for Addition to Water Treatment Plant (DEFERRED MARCH 18, 1982) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid ✓(b) Consideration of Request by Citizens Bank & Trust Company for Six Parking Spaces Limited to 15- Minute Parking (DEFERRED MARCH 9, 1982) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to amend Ordinance is • • COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 11, 1982 0 ✓(c) Consideration of Awarding Bid for 1982 Street Department Maintenance Materials (DEFERRED APRIL-26, 1982) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid (d) Consideration of'First Avenue SE and-SW, Improvements-Between Hassan. Street and Franklin Street Action - 9. New Business J(a) Consideration of Application for Cigarette License by Rodney Horrmann for Roberts Park Concession Stand Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license �b) Consideration of Operating A Food Stand At Two Locations during Water Carnival by Hutchinson Band Boosters Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve `(c) Consideration of Advertising for Bids for Maintenance Work on.Northwest_. (Golf Course) -Water Tower _ _ Action — Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize advertising for June 1, 1982 at 2 :00 P.M. bid opening ,/(d) Consideration of Adopting City Council Rules and Procedures - Roberts Rules of Order (Requested by Mike Carls) Action - ./(e) Consideration of Agreement Between City - School District On High School Tennis Courts Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize to proceed ,/(f) Consideration of State Natural Resources Fund Project Agreement for Phase II of McDonald's Park Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize signing agreement -3- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 11, 1982 V(g) Consideration of Project 82 -48, Intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading(s) and adopt Resolu- tions) - Motion to set public hearing for May 25, 1982 at 8:00 PM J(h) Consideration of 1982 Maintenance Program for Streets and Alleys Action — Motion to reject - Motion to approve to proceed �(i) -Consideration of Rescinding Condemnation Proceeding On Nemitz Building (Requested by Mayor DeMeyer) Action Motion .to reject_.- Motion to rescind Resolution No. 6951 f/(j) Consideration of Authorizing- -City Attorney - to_Tender.A Defense on Behalf - of Officer Waage Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve 10. Miscellaneous ,/(a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims,- Appropriations and Contract Payments__ V'(a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment 12. Adjournment -4- r • MINUTES BID OPENING THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1982 The bid opening was called to order by City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill at 2:35 P.M. Present were Parks and Recreation Director Bruce Ericson and Accountant Mer- rill Mr. Merrill read Publication No. 2909, Advertisement for Bids, City of Hutchinson, 1982 Concession Stand Contracts. The following bids were then opened. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Duane Buske, Mgr. Hutchinson, MN__ C &R Grocery Rodney & Carol Horrmann Hutchinson, MN $8.00 per day, with leasee to pay electricity; request for installa- tion of exhaust fan roof vent to be- come part of building. $325.00 per month; request for sink to be installed by City. Director Ericson reported the Parks and Recreation Board would hold a special meet- ing on April 23, 1982 to review the bids and make a recommendation to the City Coun- cil for the meeting on April 27, 1982. It was pointed out-these bids are for the concession stand at Fred Roberts Park._ There being no further business, the..meeting adjourned at 2:40 P.M. C� I 0 9 MINUTES BID OPENING MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1982 The bid opening was called to order by City Engineer Marlow Priebe at 2:00 P.M. Present were Maintenance Operations Director Ralph Neumann and Engineer Priebe. Publication No. 2906, Invitation for Bids, 1982 Street Department Maintenance Ma- terials, was read by the City Engineer. The one bid received was then opened. Koch Asphalt Company St. Paul., MN_ 1. 10,000 Gal. of MC -250 2. 10,000 Gal. RC -800 3. 10,000 Gal. MC -30 UNIT PRICE - AMOUNT $0.7320 $ 7,320.00 0.9320 9,320.00 0.7320 7,320.00 Total - $23,960.00 - The bid was referred to City staff for review and recommendation to -the Council. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2 :05 P.M. 0 0 0 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor DeMeyer called the meeting to -order at 7:30 P.M., with the following present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, Alderman Ted Beatty, and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: None. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, and City At- torney James Schaefer. 2. INVOCATION The invocation-was-given-by the Reverend Jon Lindekugel of.the Christ the King Lutheran Church: 3. MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting of April 13, 1982 and special meeting of April 15, 1982 were approved as read upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by'AldermanFBeatty and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING;- 8:00 P.M. (a) CONSIDERATION-OF-FRANCHISE-FOR-MARK D. _`MCGRAW _TO: -MAINTAIN POPCORN /CONCESSION -- STAND AT SOUTHWEST CORNER--OF PUBLIC SQUARE City Attorney Schaefer--recommended-several changes in the wording of the-- Franchise Ordinance since it was written. The time period for the franchise was one year and would require renewing. Mr. Mark McGraw inquired if it would be necessary to hold a public hearing each year, and he was told it would be inasmuch as the City Charter requires it for a franchise. Mr. McGraw then commented that it had been recommended for him to apply for a franchise, and he had requested a 19 -year contract. He did not look favorably upon a hearing every year. Discussion was given to issuing a franchise for a longer period of time than one year. The City Attorney pointed out that 20 years is the maximum length of time for-_. -a franchise. .- Mention -was also. made that there waa_no.- .legal - -de- - scription given for the location of the stand-in the-Public Square. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to close the hearing at 8:15 P.M. Seconded by Alderman Carls,the motion carried unanimously. Alderman Beatty moved to approve the franchise for a popcorn/concession stand at the southwest corner of Public Square for a 10 -year period. Seconded by 41 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Alderman Carls, the motion carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye, and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive the first reading of amended Ordi- nance No. 5/82 entitled An Ordinance Granting to Mark D. McGraw the Right to Maintain A Popcorn Stand Over and Above the Southwest Corner of the Pub- lic Square Located Within the South Half of the City of Hutchinson and set the second reading for May 11, 1982. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty vot- ing aye, and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. City Administrator Plotz reported that the fee for a popcorn stand license has been $50.00 since 1938. Following discussion,-it was moved by Alderman Beatty -to issue a popcorn - ;M. stand permit at a fee of $50.00- .for the -1982 season. -- -- -=The motion was sec- onded by Alderman-Mlinar - -and- unanimously - carried. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CITY ACCOUNTANT TO ATTEND MUNICIPAL CASH FLOW SEMINAR ON MAY 5, 1982 After discussion, -the motion was made by- Alderman- M11nar,- seconded -by . d erman Beatty--and carried unanimously, -to approve attendance at the Munici- pal Cash Flow Seminar. (b) CONSIDERATION -OF REQUEST BY - PRAIRIE HOUSE-, - INC. FOR STREET_ -LIGHT IN -- - PADEN'S ADDITION Following discussion, Alderman Carls moved to refer the request for street lighting on the northeast corner of Atlanta and Boston Streets to the Util- ities Commission. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and car- ried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY MARK SCHNOBRICH TO ATTEND TREE CITY USA AWARD AT STATE CAPITOL ON APRIL 29, 1982 After discussion, -it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen - and- unanimously- -carried i t-cr-_approve Mark - Schnobrich -, tam attend the award presentation for Tree City USA. (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR DEMOLITION PERMIT SUBMITTED BY MELVIN KLOCKMANN City Attorney Schaefer reported that in June of 1981 Mr. Melvin Kockmann had been notified to remove this particular building and no action was taken. Then on April 6, 1982 the City Attorney and Fire Marshal prepared a misde- meanor complaint against the party, which -is _pending before the County Court. 0 -2- 10 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Mr. Schaefer indicated that if the City Council granted an extension of time for demolition of the building, the Court would want a storm fence around the area. In addition, an extension does not act as a withdrawal of complaint or assure that the Judge will not impose a stricter penalty. Following discussion, Alderman Carls made the motion `to` grant the demoli- tion permit contingent on a $1,000.00 deposit, snow fence erected, and 60 days to remove building. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unani- mously carried. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 7095 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE After discussion,- -the motion- was - made -by- Alderman Beatty -to waive reading- - and adopt Resolution No. 7095 entitled_'- Resolution.for Purchase. The mo- tion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously.- 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARD AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL; REPORT - MARCH 1982 There being no discussion,-the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) BUILDING .OFFICIAL'- S�REPORT - MARCH 1982 (DEFERRED - APRIL. -13 -1982) There being no--discussion.-the-report-was-ordered by the -Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF NURSING HOME BOARD DATED MARCH 18, 1982 (DEFERRED APRIL 13, 1982) There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (d) MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION DATED MARCH 16, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF BIDS FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT ADDITION Mr. Charles Barger of RCM and representatives from the two lowest bidders on the water plant addition appeared before the City Council. -3- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Mayor DeMey er asked if it was understood that the City Council had the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irreg- ularities. He then pointed out that Building Constructors, Inc. had not been responsive to some of the language as required in the bid proposal form, and they had failed to list the names of all the subcontractors. Mr. Philip Malmsted, President of Building Constructors, Inc. (Victoria, Minnesota), inquired if the City Council had received his letter of March 23, 1982 that contained clarification on the bid. He stated his company had sent for the plans and specifications on February 25, 1982 and worked on the project off and on after the forms were received. They focused on the base-bid and equipment called for in the specifications. The time,...con- straint came within the last hour while the companies were jockeying for position.___Mr, Malmsted _concluded he was _comfortable with the bid, and it was the low bid on the project. Wo Mr. Mark Johnson,- estimator-.for BC1, reported that he took telephone b 4s_ from subcontract - ors -on the project involved, and it -was not uncommon for bids to be changed up to the last minute. It was also not uncommon to leave areas open when filling out forms to protect any misunderstanding on the part of subcontractors as to who would get the job. An equipment change occurred within 15 minutes of the bid letting, and he ran out of time to fill in all the names -of- -the subcontractors. - During the last few minutes he looked_at_ the figures and wrote - -in a figure-to-cover himself-- Mr. Mark Peterson, attorney for BCI, commented that in matters -of this kind, one must focus on the responsiveness of the bid and the responsibility of the contractor. The identity -of- -the subcontractors. -can be approved or- disapproved by the City Engineer after a bid opening. I n looking at the hard items, such"as price, quantity, time performance, the company is will- ing to do whatever the Council feels is necessary to assure proper and ade- quate project completion. In. closing, he stated that it was his understand- ing that tonight's meeting would focus on other matters -, such as.the respon- sibility of the company. Attorney Peterson offered to submit a letter to the City Attorney on behalf of the company. Mayor DeMeyer asked Mr. Harold Theisen, President of the Gridor Construc- tion Co., Inc. (Plymouth, Minnesota) if his company had any difficulty in completing their bid. Mr. Theisen responded that an estimator puts the final figures together, but all of the subcontractors were in by 11:00 A.M. on the day of the let- ting. They had no difficulty in putting the bid together, although there were some equipment changes. His company makes it a point to order the plans and specifications as soon as possible, and he felt it was important that the proposals be followed and completed. -4- 0 0 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 The motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to refer the two bids on the water plant addition to the .City Attorney and to approve awarding the bid at the next regular scheduled City Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF NEW HEARING FOR 1982 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS , City Engineer Priebe explained that the following projects will require new hearings inasmuch as the new cost estimates exceed the original project costs in the hearing notice: Projects 82 -06, 82 -10, 82 -11, 82 -15, 82 -20, and 82 -21. Project 82 -38 was also recommended for a new hearing-to include the City's $30,000.00 maintenance costs. -_ - The assessable cost- for :the project would not increase, only the total cost of-the project. The following projects require hearings to include them in the 1982 work schedule: Projects 82 -45, 82 -46 and 82 -47.- Engineer Priebe- reported the cost-for Project 82 -45 would come out of the water and sewer fund, while Project 82 -46 would be covered by the bond fund. The work on the Burns Manor surfacing for Project 82 -47 would be billed back to the Nursing Home. Following discussion-, Alderman Beatty moved-to-accept-the-Engineer's Report and set_ a public hearing for May 11, 1982 at 8:00 P:M: for° the above- named - - projects -. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried -- unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. -7096 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -06. Motion unanimously approved. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7097 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment, Project No. 82 -10. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried unanimously. It'was moved by Alderman Beatty and seconded by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7098 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -11. Motion unanimously car- ried. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7099 entitled Reso- lution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -15. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7100 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment, Project No. 82 -20. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously approved. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 7101 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -21. Motion approved unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7102 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment, Project No. 82 -38. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion` °carried unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried,.to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7103 entitled Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement, Project 82 -45. It was.moved by Alderman Beatty..to waive reading -and adopt Resolution No. 7106 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Heating on Improw went; Project No.- 82 -45. - Seconded -by Alderman Carls, -the motion- unanimsusiy _. carried. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7104 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement, Project 82 -46. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7107 entitled Resolution Receiving Report - and -Calling- Hearing-on:Improvw -- =- ment, Project- No.- 82 -46.- The motion was seconded by Alderman-- Carls-an&- carried unanimously: -- It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive read - ing and adopt Resolution No 7105 entitled Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement, Project No. 82 -47. Motion unanimously approved. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7108 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment, Project No. 82 -47. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion was unani- mously carried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR - CONCESSION STAND AT ROBERTS PARK Parks and---Recreation-Director Bruce-Ericson reported that -two - -bids were-re- ceived for the concession stand at Roberts Park, and it was the recommen- dation of the Parks and Recreation Board to award the bid to C &R Grocery (Rodney & Carol Horrmann) in the amount of $325.00 per month. It was also recommended that the City install the sink as requested by the bidder. Following discussion, the motion was made by the bid to the C &R Grocery. The motion was carried unanimously. sm n 1J Alderman Gruenhagen to award seconded by Alderman Carls and • • i COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 (d) CONSIDERATION OF AMENDED REQUEST FROM A $500,000 INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND PROJECT TO $900,000 INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BOND PROJECT FOR S &L BUILDING BY JIM AND RICHARD MCCLURE Mr. Jim McClure commented that it had been approximately five months since Miller, Miller & Mac had first approached the City Council regarding the S &L project. They felt a workable project had been developed, but the costs had increased. Therefore, they were requesting a $900,000 industrial rev- enue bond to cover the additional expense of including a restaurant in the basement level and remodeling for tenants. At this time two- thirds of the tenants have been identified. It was their intention to set the amount high enough so that they would not have to request additional money at a later time. They might not go to the limit. Mr. McClure requested that a public hearing date be established for May 25, 1982 to consider the amended industrial revenue bond for the S&L project. He also stated he would like to hold a workshop with - the -City Council and - Downtown Development Board to present blueprints, financial plans, and the details of the restaurant. The meeting would deal only with this particu- lar issue and would be informational in scope. Discussion centered on the procedure for industrial revenue bonds. Mr. Bill Fahey suggested entering into a formal contract or.developers .agree - went. - In . the -event the :project would fail, -the City could call on- -the bond -- -- company-to complete -the project.- City Attorney- Schaefer pointed out that by setting a public hearing and making the amount $900,000, there-is-no assuranc -e- the -City Council will ap- prove -that amount of industrial revenue bonds. It could be scaled down, but the figure could not be scaled up without another public hearing. Once the City authorizes issuance of industrial revenue bonds, it would be up to the McClures to sell the bonds; and the City doesn't lose anything. City Administrator Plotz reported that financial statements for the S &L project had been submitted to the City's auditing firm and received a favor- able- response on the original $500,000 figure. Another statement will have to be submitted for the revised amount. After discussion- Alderman Beatty moved to approve the amended - industrial revenue bond. The motion was seconded -by Alderman- .Gruenhagen- and-= unani -- mously carried. (e) CONSIDERATIONOF AMENDMENT TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT N0. 4 -7- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Mr. Bill Fahey of Ehlers & Associates reviewed the amendment of Development District No. 4 Tax Increment Financing District. On April 21, 1982 he pre- sented Draft No. 1 of the plan in the bond issue amount of $125,000.00. Sub- sequently, Mr. Jim McClure requested to increase the bond issue amount to $175,000.00 as submitted in Draft No. 2 of the plan. Mr. Jim McClure reported he had met with the county assessor to go over the costs involved. By including the restaurant to the S &L project, the incre- ment would go from $20,000.00 to $27,000.00. It would be a break -even proj- ect. He further reported there was a problem with the sanitary sewer. Also included in the bond issue amount was cost for utility service and beauti- fication for lighting, sidewalk and trees. Several - Council members - objected to -.the beautification and utility sergpce_ _ being included as part of -the- tax increment. --City Engineer Priebe stay' d that a. project has been in progress for some time on-First Avenue_Sout4west, and it -was hoped -to expand the :project on First Avenue Southeast:__ It was his recommendation -to shorten up the project on the west-side of Main Street and contain it to the alley on east and west. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to set the pub - lic hearing date for May 25, 1982 at 8:00 P.M. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion -- carried- -with. Aldermen- -Carls Mlinar,_-.Gruenhagen-. and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer - - voting- nay. - -- RECESS: At 10:10 P.M. the Mayor called for -_a 10:.minute_ recess. After reconvening, Alderman Beatty moved-to-refer the--amendment-of Tax In crement Plan to the City Planning Commission, Downtown Development Board, McLeod County Board of Commissioners, and School Board of I.S.D. No. 423. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the - motion unanimously carried. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to accept.the format of the Tax In- crement amendment for the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Ald- erman Mlinar and carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. Alderman Beatty moved to select- the format of Tax Increment Finance Amend- ment (Page 34). The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar-, Gruenhagen-- and -- Beatty - voting = aye-:and Mayor _ DeMeyer voting nay. (f) CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING DATE OF MAY 25, 1982 FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON INDUSTRIAL REVENUE:BOND /NOTE FOR REHABILITATION AND RENOVATION OF S &L PROJECT After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman -8- • 0 r­1 L___J COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Mlinar, to set the public hearing on industrial revenue bond /note for the S &L project for May 25, 1982 at 8:30 P.M. The_.motion unanimously approved. The motion was made by Alderman'Gruenhagen to waive reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 7109 entitled Resolution Relating to A Project under the Muni- cipal Industrial Development Act; Calling -for A Public Hearing,.Ther.eon. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion,carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WITH FIVE AMENDMENTS AS RECOMMENDED BY PLANNING COMMISSION (SEE PAGES 4 & 5 OF UNAPPROVED PLAN- NING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED APRIL 20, 1982) City Engineer Priebe showed on a map the five areas recommended to be amended in the Comprehensive Plan, namely: 1. Area on South Grade Road 2. Schmidtbauer's on Century Avenue 3. Clifton Heights 4. Dr. Keihl's 5. Area west of Hwy. 22 and east of Jefferson by 3M After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to approve the amended Comprehen- sive- Plan. - The motion was seconded -by Alderman Beatty and unanimously _car= ried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF ON-SALE-MALT-LIQUOR LICENSES: _ - 1. CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB 2. GODFATHER'S PIZZA 3. J'S PIZZA GARTEN 4. PIZZA HUT 5. T.L. SCALAWAGS City Administrator Plotz informed the Council that the Police Chief had granted approval for renewal of the above applications. There were three previous license holders who had not returned -their applications to date. Following•discussion,_the motion was-made by Alderman_Carls,_seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to approve the applications and issue licenses. Motion unanimously. approved. (c) CONSIDERATION OF OFF -SALE MALT LIQUOR LICENSES: COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 1. THE GAS HUTCH & DISCOUNT DAIRY STORE 2. HUTCH WAREHOUSE GROCERY 3. NATIONAL FOOD STORE 4.. TOM THUMB FOOD MARKET After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and approved unanimously, to approve the applications and is- sue licenses to the above - named. (d) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS Mayor DeMeyer inquired if there was anyone present wishing to be heard re- garding his /her account. There was no response. Alderman Carls moved to accept staff recommendation to discontinue service at 12:00 Noon on May 3, 1982, unless otherwise noted, for the following: Account No. 02- 0125 -0 -00, 02- 0280 -1 -00, 03- 0030 -2 -00, 03- 0420 -2 -00, 03-r 0500 -8-00, 05- 0180 -0 -00, 05- 0380 -0 -00, 06- 0760 -2 -00, and 42- 0070- 1- 00. >.�, Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF SUMMER BAND CONCERT RAIN LOCATION Inasmuch as a rain location has been determined for the summer band con- certs, no action was'necessary. (f) CONSIDERATION OF PART -TIME EMPLOYEE FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT It was requested by the Police Chief that a part -time employee, Daniel Hatten, be hired for the Police Department. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved that based on the recom- mendations by the Police,Chief, the Police Department be authorized to hire a part -time employee. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. (g) CONSIDERATION OF SOUTH GRADE ROAD AND DALE STREET INTERSECTION City Engineer Priebe stated a field survey had been completed and a design for a turn lane at South Grade Road and Dale Street. Three different plans had been prepared. It will be necessary for the telephone company to re- locate some lines. Mr. Priebe suggested making the interesection work a project and include it in the bonding.._. If preliminary approval was given by the Council, he would prepare an official Engineer's Report and the necessary Resolutions and proceed from there. Mayor DeMeyer reported that Mr. Delmar Pittman, property owner, had con- tacted him. Mr. Pittman requested the area be staked out. He is agree- able to the proposed plans as long as there is no cost to him. -10- 0 0 i COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 i After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to accept the proposal on the South Grade,Road -and Dale Street intersection and request the Engineer's Report and Resolution(s) on the project. Alderman Mlinar seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION OF 'STER 'i -GRANT STUDY BY RCM, AMENDMENT N0. 3" City Engineer Priebe reported on the RCM Step I Grant Study. He stated that he can sign the grant application, but he is not authorized to sign the contract. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar to approve and authorize signing the contract for the Step I Grant Study by RCM, Amend- ment No. 3.. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unanimously car- ried. (i) -CONSIDERATION OF NON- INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR LICENSES FOR HUTCHINSON JAYCEES: 1. WRESTLING MATCH AT CIVIC ARENA ON APRIL"30,- 2. T.G. SHEPPARD CONCERT AT CIVIC ARENA ON MAY 22 Mr. Todd Schnobrich appeared before the Council as a representative of -the Jaycees.- He stated the Jaycees had discussed with the Park - and - Recreation _ - Department-the possibility of their organization holding -a- "blanket permit" for non-intoxicating-malt liquor to be sold at softball tournaments and activities-at-the Civic Arena -for a set number-of pre-determined events planned through the Recreation Department. City Administrator Plotz commented that he wasn't sure the Police Chief would approve a "blanket license" of this nature. Chief O'Borsky has al- ways approved applications on an individual basis, and he would have to be consulted. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve the two requested non - intoxicating malt liquor licenses and issue said licenses to theJaycees. Motion seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried, with Aldermen Mlinar, Gruenhagen,_ and Beatty and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman_Carls. voting nay. (j) CONSIDERATION OF REPAIR FOR FRONT -END LOADER It was reported the front -end loader needed engine repair at an estimated cost of $3,000.00. Following discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to approve the repair on the front -end loader. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and car- ried unanimously.. -11- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 (k) PRESENTATION BY CITY ADMINISTRATOR REGARDING AIRPORT ZONING City Administrator Plotz reported on the airport zoning, which dates back to 1978. The initial public hearing was held on a 4,000 foot runway, and the second public hearing was for a cross -wind runway of 3,500 feet. The cross -wind runway was dropped from the plan. Last year the City of Hutchinson considered a joint airport with the City of Litchfield, but Hutchinson withdrew from the project. The Legislature has changed the requirements of the Airport Zoning Board to include affected townships, and all of the appointments have been made to the new Joint Airport Zoning Board. nom. The Hutchinson airport presently has a 3,200 foot runway,'b ut there is not enough- -land to protect both ends of the runway. Once the City b ens rezoning, it may be necessary -to purchase additional land. -There s-up federal money available for a grant, but the fuel tax would pay two -tads of the cost, with the City paying the other third. Zone A would allow no structures while Zone B would regulate the density of the building area. The second step would -be the Airport Board _-of---Adjustments, which would handle variances. _ -The Joint Airport: Zoning - 'Board holds -the- necessary pub- lic hearings-. Mayor r- DeMeyer stated a. special early morning meeting would be held to fur- ther discuss the airport zoning. -_ (1) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT GRANT APPLICATION FOR TENNIS_.µ., COURTS Parks and Recreation Director Ericson requested permission to submit a grant application for two tennis courts. He reported the Tennis Associa- tion was agreeable to match the funding 50/50, with a commitment of labor from the City crew. A representative of the Tennis Association recommended adding the two new tennis courts at-the elementary school location. He did not favor spread- ing the--courts out -over a wide-.area. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, to approve the grant application for two tennis courts. Mo- tion unanimously approved. (m) CONSIDERATION OF ALLOCATTING UP TO $500 TO RESEARCH COMMITTEE ON OLD ARMORY -12- 0 • 0 COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to authorize money in the amount, °of $500.00 from the contingency fund for the Research Committee on the Old Armory. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, (n) CONSIDERATION OF MERIT INCREASES FOR SALARIED EMPLOYEES Personnel Coordinator Sitz stated she had provided the Council with a memor- andum explaining the procedure for merit increases. There are two times a year when salary increases are considered. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved that due to the status of the City budget,- there would be merit - revenues but no salary increases-at this time. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously approved. (o) CONSIDERATION OF-AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY `-TO'REQUIRE A FULL RELEASE OF CLAIMS ON EVERGREEN APARTMENTS PROJECT-PRIOR TO MAILING REINBURSEMENT - CHECK FOR SUB - SURFACE SOIL CHANGES (REQUES.TED -;_BY MAYOR.AEMEYER) Mayor DeMeyer reported he had requested a release of claim following the last Council meeting -.when the payment to Ken Lever was approved for the sub- surface soil changes at the Evergreen Apartment project,. -.He also inquired if -the two appointed Council members had inspected the Apartment building as he had noticed- several uncompleted -- items. - City Attorney.Schaefer stated he was -- working - -on a release -of liability for- the City from the Evergreen Apartment project. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alder - man Carls to send the payment to Mr. Ken Lever within five days. The mo- tion carried, with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. (p) CONSIDERATION OF RE- APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1982 After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to approve the re- appointment of City Attorney James Schaefer through December 31, 1982 and to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7110 entitled Appointing Legal Counsel. Seconded by Alderman- Gruenhagen,_the motion unanimously carried. (q) CONSIDERATION OF INSURANCE VALUATION UPDATE City Administrator Plotz reported that the City budget did not have ade- quate funds to hire a firm to prepare an insurance valuation update. An option would be for the City staff to prepare a manual update, using esti- mated inflation factors and adjustments for the insurance purposes. -13- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Following discussion, Alderman Carls made the motion to prepare a manual update for insurance valuation. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. (r) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION FOR FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING AUDIT It was reported that part of the requirement of receiving Federal Revenue Sharing dollars was to have an audit every three years, and the last -audit was in 1978. The City's auditing firm of Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne prepared a proposal to do the audit for a cost not to exceed $500.00 for the years 1979, 1980 and 1981. After discussion, --it was moved by- Alderman - Carls to accept the auditin6,- firm's proposal. Alderman Beatty seconded the motion,__and_it unanimously carried. (s) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY QUENTIN LARSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7111 entitled Resolution- Granting Conditional- Use - Permit Under Section 6.07, -C.5 of 9;pn- ing Ordinance No. 464-to-!Allow Addition- of`Basement -- _Under Non- Conforming Structure with Existing Non- Conforming Setback andvAddition:_�of- Screened -ln Porch to-Non-Conforming-,Garage.-motion-.unanimously approved. (t) CONSIDERATION-OF REQUEST-FOR CONDITIONAL -USE - PERMIT SUBMITTED-BY LEARNING HUTCH, PRESCHOOL, INC. WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION It was requested by The Learning Hutch that they be allowed to relocate from the Bethlehem Methodist Church to the Vineyard Methodist Church, which would require a Conditional Use Permit. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7112 entitled Resolution Granting Conditional Use Permit Under Section 6.07, C.5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Relocate the Learn- ing Hutch to Vineyard Methodist Church.- Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (u) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY JOHN MILLER WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION WITH CONTINGENCIES City Administrator Plotz showed on a map where the house would be moved from 446 Franklin Street to 475 California Street. It was the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission to include 9 contingencies with the approval of the Conditional Use Permit. -14- 0 0 0 • COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 7113 entitled Resolution Granting Conditional Use Permit Under Section 6.07, C.5 of Zoning Ordinance No. 464 to Move A House, with the 9 contingencies. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. (v) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM R -1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R -2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT WITH FAVORABLE RECOM- MENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION City Engineer Priebe presented a map of the area to be rezoned. After discussion, it was moved-by Alderman- Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried, to -waive the first reading of Ordi- nance -No. 4/82 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance=N6. 464 Concern- ing Zoning.Regulations In the City of Hutchinson And The Official Zoning Map and set second reading for May -11, 1982. (w) CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE ON CORNER OF LINDEN AND LYNN ROAD WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION Two parking spaces were required for the site on the corner of Linden and Lynn Road, with all parking -at least five feet- -from the side or rear park - ing line, in-accordance with- the City Zoning Ordinance. The property owner was agreeable to :a gravel parking area. Since no action was required by the City Council, Alderman Beatty moved to re- affirm the action taken by the Planning Commission. The motion was sec- onded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported that a list of prospective members for the Research Committee of the Old Armory had been compiled and would be contacted. A meeting date for the committee had been established for May 13, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. in City Hall to address the issue of the Old Armory. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM FIRE MARSHAL Fire Marshal Field reported the Old Armory building is now vacant, and he requested permission to disconnect the gas and electricity. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS DIRECTOR -15- COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 27, 1982 Maintenance Operations Director Neumann stated it was that time of year when swimming pool owners want their pools filled. The Fire Department does not want to do this, and the Water Department does not have a hose long.enough for the job. Therefore, it was Mr. Neumann's recommendation that it would be the responsibility of the property owner to fill his own swimming pool. The City Council concurred with the recommendation. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and car- ried unanimously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:10 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. -16- 0 0 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1982 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor DeMeyer at 6:30 A.M., with the following present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen (arrived late), Alderman Ted Beatty, in addition to Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: None. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill. The City Council considered the application for an on -sale malt liquor license for Christy's. City Administrator Plotz stated that a copy of the letter requesting return of.the application by April 22, 1982 was submitted to the applicant. The applicant denied receiving correspondence. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to approve the license. Motion unanimously approved. Kenneth Merrill, City Accountant, made a presentation on the impact on sewer /water rates for the proposed water plant expansion. The accountant reviewed a memorandum- - regarding the amount of financing required and estimated that a 25 per cent increase in both sewer and water rates would be necessary to pay for the principal and in- terest cost on the proposed bond issue for the water plant expansion. Mr. Merrill said he would be reviewing his findings with the bond consultant, Ehlers & Associ- ates and that a rate increase would be forthcoming in the event the project would be approved. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:20 A.M. 3. PUBLICATION NO. 2911 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -06 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by: the construction of 8" watermain and appurtenances; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement for said Subdivision. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 5,350-00 Such persons as desre.,to be heard with reference to the proposed, improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 Gary D. PJbtz, City? Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. � a, PUBLICATION NO. 2912 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -10 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet In the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May llth�; 1982, 'to consider the making of an improvement of: Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by: the construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; pursuant -to- Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111._ The area proposed - to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement for said Subdivision. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 10,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. s Dated: April 27th, 1982 1 Gary D. Plo , City dministrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. PUBLICATION NO. 2913 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -11 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subdivision by: the construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the property abutting on such street. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 12,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 Gary D. qlotz, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER. ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. 0 9 PUBLICATION NO. 2914 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82_15 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.-H. 15 in Paden's First Add. by-' the construction of 18" storm sewer and appurtenances; - pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Paden's First Addition in accordance with the'Subdivision Agreement for said subdivision. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 37,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 a A�a,, /( Gary D. Pq- tz, City ` inistrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. PUBLICATION NO. 2915 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -20 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that.the_,City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meat in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, -to consider the making of an improvement of: Sherwood St. between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Addition by: the construction of grading and appurtenances; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement for said Subdivision. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 3,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 •A Gary D. Plo 2, bitjl dministrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. PUBLICATION NO. 2916 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -21 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, 'to consider the making of an improvement of: Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. - by: the construction of grading and appurtenances; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement for said Subdivision.- The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 5,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 Gary D. otz, Ciq Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. PUBLICATION NO. 2917 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -38 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: Boston St. from Century Ave. to Atlanta Ave. by: the construction of bituminous surfacing-and appurtenances; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,-Section 429.011 to 429.311. The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is all the properties in Paden's First Addition in accordance with the'Subdivision Agreement for said subdivision._ The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 50,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard -with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at . this meeting. Dated:_ April 27th, 1982 Gary D. P� otz, Oki)_�y Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, -IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON- FRIDAY, -APRIL _30TH, 1982. _ PUBLICATION NO. 2918 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -45 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:0_ 0 P.M. on Tuesday, to consider the will meet making of an improvement of: -- Y, MaY 11th 1982, Hassan St. So. between 5th Ave. s.E. & 6th Ave. S.E. by: construction of 8" sanitary sewer line; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The estimated Of such - improvement is $ 6,300.00 heard with reference to the p - Such mated cost pro osed Such will pbes heard satethis meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 �_ Gil' D. P4�tz, CfjAdministrator PLEASE NOTE; IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING,'HER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL 'INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. CAN BE BETTER PUBLISHED IN THE HUHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. • i PUBLICATION NO. 2919 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -46 TO WHOM.IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday_, May 11th, 1982r- to consider the making of an improvement of: Hassan St. So. to 6th Ave. S.E. by: construction of 18" & 15" storm sewer pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 16,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 Gary D. "o tz, Ci Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. PUBLICATION NO. 2920 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -47 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 11th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: Burns Manor by: surfacing of driveway and parking area; pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.011 to 429.111. The area proposed-to be assessed for such improvement is the property- abutting on such street. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 8.000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: April 27th, 1982 °T` Gary D. lotz, Cqjy Administrator PLEASE NOTE: ._IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON FRIDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1982. C i 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7116 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -06 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition by the construction of 8" watermain and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of May, 1982, at -which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY -THE COUNCIL OF THE_CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA_ - -- - 1. Such.improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements_ He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. Adopted by the- -Council -this 11th day of May, 1982. Clerk Mayor I L� R ESO` )TION NO. 7117 L� RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVE14ENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -10 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition by the construction of 81' sanitary sewer and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required.notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day -of May, 1982, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given -an- opportunity to be heard thereon, - NOW THEREFORE, -BE-IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL -OF THE-CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements----He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements.- Adopted by- -the -Council this 11th day -of -May,- 1982. — Clerk Mayor 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7118 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -11 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estate Subdivision by the construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required.notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the llth day -of May, 1982, at which all persons desiring to be heard were -- given an opportunity -to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE 'IT RESOLVED BY THE - COUNCIL OF.THE-CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTK - -- 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements: He _shall prepare-plans and specifications- -for the making of such improvements. Adopted by - the - Council- _this 11th day of May, 1982. Clerk Mayor 9 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7119 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -15 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Baltimore Avenue From Boston Street to T.H. 15 in Paden's First Addition by the construction of 18" storm sewer and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required.notice was given and the hearing was held thereon - on the -11th day of May, 1982, at. which all persons = desiring to-be heard were given an opportunity to -be heard thereon-, -- - NOW THEREFORE, BE- =IT - RESOLVED- BY MM- COUNCIL: OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON# MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements-. _ -lie shall -prepare- plans and- specifications for_ the- making of such improvements.. Adopted -by -the Council -this 11th day of- May,_3 982. Clerk Mayor 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7120 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -20 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Sherwood Street between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Addition by the construction of grading and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required notice was given I and the hearing was held thereon on the--llth day of May, 1982, at. which .all._persons desiring . to -be heard were given -an opportunity to-be - heard _thereon,- NOW THEREFORE,- -BE -IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THECITY- OE HUTCHINSON4 MINNESOTA: - 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements_ --- He shall prepare _plans and specifications for_ the_ making of -such improvements.-- - Adopted- by— the:= Council_..this 11th day_ of-May, 1982. Mayor Clerk RESOLUTION 140. 7121 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -21 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition by the construction of grading and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of May, 1982, at, which all persons desiring-to be heard were - given an- opportunity -to -be heard thereon, - NOW THEREFORE, BE -IT RESOLVED BY-THE- COUNCIL OF THE CITY- OF- HUTCHINSON, -- MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements: He shall prepare plans and specifications- for -the making-of- -such -- improvements. Adopted by-the Council this 11th - _day_ -of "May, 1982. Mayor Clerk 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7122 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -38 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Boston Street from Century Avenue to Atlanta Avenue by the construction of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of- the required - notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day -of -day, 1982, at which all persons desiring to - be - heard -were - given an- opportunity to-be--heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE SIT RESOLVED BY THE-COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of- such -_ improvements. Adopted- by _the- -Council this 11th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk 9 0 0 RESOLUTION 140. 7123 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -45 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Hassan Street South between Fifth Avenue S.E. and Sixth Avenue S.E. by the construction of 8" sanitary sewer line; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the-11th day of May, 1982, at-which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity _to_be.heard thereon, -NOW THEREFORE, BE -IT RESOLVED -BY THE COUNCIL--OF THE_ -CITY OR HUTCHINSONF_ MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for these improvements - He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements._ Adopted by the-'Council this 11th day -of -May; 1982. Clerk Mayor 0 ! RESOLUTION NO. 7124 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -46 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Hassan Street South to Sixth Avenue S.E. by the construction of 18" and 15" storm sewer; AND WHEREAS, ten days` published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of May, 1982, at which all persons desiring to he heard were given an -opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE`IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, -- MINNESOTA 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as-the engineer for these improvements. - He-shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such -- improvements:— Adopted by-the Council this 11th day of May,- 1982. Clerk Mayor I 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7125 0 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -47 WHEREAS, resolutions of the City Council adopted the 27th day of April, 1982, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the improvement of: Burns Manor by the surfacing of driveway and parking area; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through one weekly publication-of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 11th day of May,- 1982,`at-which all persons desiring to be heard were given an - opportunity to .be heard _thereon,_ NOW THEREFORE,- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted the 27th day of April, 1982. 2. Marlow V---Priebe is hereby, designated as the engineer for these. improvements He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of - such improvements. Adopted by the Council this 11th day of -May, 1982. Clerk Mayor • (612) 587 -5151 / CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DAVE: — — May 6, 1982 — — — — — — — TO; Mayor and City Council ------ - -- - -- - - - - -- FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator — — — — — — — — — — — — SUBOFCT;- -Tax Increment Financing — — T — — — — _ — _ — _ — The State of Minnesota, Department of Energy, Planning and Development, has a presentation of a general nature on tax increment financing. The presen- tation will last 10 -15 minutes. . The City.Attorney and I felt that it may be helpful to all to listen to the presentation and, therefore, we have put it on the Agenda. /ms S -Q . 0 0 (612) 587 -5151 j CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: April 30, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Building Official RE: 1982 Spring Building Official Update Seminar I hereby request permission to attend the 1982.Spring Building Official Update Seminar on Group E occupancies at St. Cloud on Tuesday, May 18, 1982. I, also, request permission to attend the Southwest Minnesota Building Officials Conference at Olivia on May 19, 1982. These are budgeted meetings. Homer Pittman Building Official HP /pv S Jt-' BUILDING CODES AND STANDARDS DIVISION OF THE y aT a" STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION SAINT PAUL 1982 - SPRING BUILDING OFFICIALS SEMINARS 406 METRO SQUARE 7TH AND ROBERT STS. ST. PAUL, MN 58101 Phone: 612/296 -4639 The Minnesota State Division of Building Codes and Standards will be conducting One Day Seminars in seven locations throughout the State this Spring. These Seminars are open to all Building Officials, Inspectors, Municipal Officials and other interested persons. Schedule of locations and dates is enclosed. There is no charge for the Seminar. Please complete and return the enclosed registration form. SEMINAR PROGRAM 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. - Registration 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. - Group E(Education) Occupancies - Detailed Requirements 10:00 - 10:30 a.m. - Coffee 10:30 - 12:00 a.m. - Plan Review Group E Occupancies - 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. - Lunch 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. - Plans Analysis 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. - Coffee 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. - Update on 1982 Manufactured Home Legislation, and Requirements for Installation Permits & Inspection - Bring 1980 State Building Code, HVAC Code, and 1979 UBC. - Bring any questions you wish to discuss or include them along with your registration form. - Coffee and Lunch will be on your own. - Feel free to invite individuals that you feel would benefit from the seminar. Please include them on the registration form. - PLAN NOW TO ATTEND. Complete and return enclosed registration form at your earliest possible convenience. - See Attached Pages - it N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 9 0 0!" H Hutchinson D owntown Retail ® AR Association Hutchinson, Minnesota -55350 612 - 879 -6025 May 6, 1982 Hutchinson City Council City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Gentlemen: The Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association (HDRA) would like to provide a service to the community beginning June 26--, 1982. We realize that many farmers and some city gardeners produce large gardens -and would like an opportunity to share this with their city, friends and neighbors. The HDRA is organizing the vehicle for this by having a "Farmer':s Market.' open to the public every Saturday morning from 7:00 A.M. to 11 :00 A.M. We request the use of the street area on First Avenue -S.W. next to Library Square for this purpose and ask that the street be- closed to traffic early Saturday morning to prevent parking of cars in the area. The instructions for the Farmer's Market, which will be published, are= attached. You will note that there are restrictions to what they can sell, and the sellers agree to leave the area clean. We have checked with the Hutchinson Police Department and Chief O'Borsky feels that there would be no problem in implementing the market for that space of time and the barracades could be put in place Friday night to prevent parking before Saturday morning. Changes can be made as we become more involved, but we ask your acceptance of our request so we can proceed in June. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Chuck Carlson Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association Member S--45e-Ir 1982 Farmer's Market Rules and Regulations The 1982 Downtown Hutchinson Farmer's Market will meet every Saturday morning beginning June 26, 1982 from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. on the south side only of Library Square. . Sellers should live within a 25 -mile radius of Hutchinson. 7b reserve space or more information call the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce, 587 -5252. . Only fresh, home -grown fruits and vegetables, honey and eggs will be sold. The board of directors has the right to reject any produce that is of poor quality or unfit for human consumption. Each seller also will receive a copy =of the market rules and regulations and will be required to sign an agreement to comply with those rules_ - No tables will be-furnished. . Each seller will be responsible for cleaning his/her parking area after the market closes each day._ . Cnly cars and pickup trucks will be accepted as seller's vehicles, and sellers will be__limited to one vehicle per market day. Sellers will be required -to back into a parking space so that customers can observe produce and make transactions from the sidewalk. The above rules - will - be - enforced by -the Downtown Council Members _in charge __ 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7126 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Tee shirts 1776.0 Summer Recreation program Rec. yes Gopher Athletic Sul Softballs- 2104.5 Summer Softball program Rec. yes Quades Sporting Goc Street Marking Paint 2086.2 street lines Street yes E.F.Anderson Hose drying equipment 9202.0 dryer for new fire hall Fire H ll yes Viking Fire $ Equil The following -items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM `" - - COST _ PURPOSE DEPT. _ BUDGET VENDOR _ bearing $ belts 2000.00 st. Repair on Vac -All Sewer yes MacQueens Date Approved: Motion made by: Seconded by: Resolution submitted for Council action by: G -C, 9 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSO N 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 3, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Building Official RE: April 1982 Building Report Attached is the April 1982 Report of Building Permits Issued and Local Public Construction. There were 4 Mobile Home Permits issued, 6 Sign Permits Issued, 8 Plumbing Permits issued and 49 Building Permits issued during the month, for a total construction evaluation of $442,680.00. HP /pv attachment 0 Homer Pittman Building Official 7a, C -404 k, o 5 4 3 t O.M.B. No. 0607 -0094_ Approval Expires J, -,e Period in which '7 permits issued APR 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING (Please correct any errors in name or address) PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 6103500 41 9 9999 085 8 81 26 CENSUS USE ONLY 0 2730 HOMER PITTMAN BLDG OFF CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE WEST HUTCHINSON Has the geographic coverage of this permit system changed during this period? MN 55350 No 0 Yes — Explain in comments If no permits were issued during this period, enter (X) in box and return form Bureau of the Census MAIL THIS Please read the instructions before ❑ COPY TO 1201 East Tenth Street Jeffersonville, Ind, 47132 completing P g form. For further help, call collect (301) 763 -7244. PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED Section I — NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE- KEEPING BUILDINGS AND MOBILE HOMES Item N0' Number Valuation of Number Valuation of Buildings Housing u7 its _ construction (Omit cents) g�(e) Housing construction - (a) (b) c (d) ugfts u7 ifs (Omit cc) nts) One- family houses, detached 101 2 2 120,477 One- family houses attached, each unit separated from adjoining unit(s) by a wall that extends from ground to roof 102 103 104 105 Two - family buildings Three- and four- family buildings Five -or -more family buildings TOTAL (Sum of 101 -105) 109 2 2 120,477 Mobile homes 112 4 4 - - - - - -- Section II — NEW RESIDENTIAL NON- PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Item BUILDINGS No. Number Valuation of Number I Valuation of (a) Buildings g (b) Rooms construction (Omit cents) Buildings Rooms construction (Omit cents) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) intended for transient accommodations 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 Section III — NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED BUILDINGS Item No. Number Valuation of Number Valuation of (a) Housing onstruction Bw(b)ngs (c� s g (Omit cents) Building ousrng construction units (Omit cents) Amusement and recreational buildings 318 (e) (f) Churches and other religious buildings 319 Industrial buildings 320 Parking garages (open to general public) 321 J ; Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and other institutional buildings 323 Office, bank, and professional buildings 324 Public works and utilities buildings 325 ! Schools and other educational buildings 326 Stores and other mercantile buildings 327 3 216,000 i Other nonresidential buildin s 328 4 2,036 Structures other than buildings 329 5 1,945 Section IV — ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS c An increase in the number of housing units (in the housing units column, ? o h enter only the number of additional 'z 4) units) 433 v 010 No change in the number of i N housing units 434 25 40 092 mA decrease in the number of housing units (in the housing units W W column, enter only the number of decreased or @ units) 435 Residential garages and carports (attached and detached) 436 1 9,718 ' All other buildings and structures 437 7 47,676 2 4'01736 r PLEASE CONTINUE ON REVERSE SIDE ---� Ah r Section V — CONVERSIONS PRIVATELY OWNEDW PUBLICLY OWNED Number Valuation of Number i Valuation of Item Buildings Housing units Buildings Housing units No. construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings to housekeeping buildings 540 Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 541 Section VI — DEMOLITIONS AND RAZING OF BUILDINGS One - family buildings attached and detached 645 Two - family buildings 646 Three- and four - family buildings 647 Five -or -more family buildings 648 All other buildings and structures 649 Section VII — ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $5000000 OR MORE - Please provide in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at $500,000 or more — entered in sections 1 through V. Item Na from from Description Name and address of Mark (X} Valuation of construction Number of housing Number of Sec. —V owner or builder one (Omit cents) units buildings (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Kind of building Private ----- ----------------- Site address ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Public $ Kind of building ------------------ - - - - -- ❑ Private Site address - ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Public Kind of building -------=--------- - - - - -- ❑Private Site address _ _____________ _______ __ ❑Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private Siteaddress _____ --- ____ ___ ____ _ _ ___ Cl Public Kind of building ---------------- - - - - -- ❑Private Siteaddress _---- ___- -------- -- - - -- Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private - - -- --------------- Site address ___ _____ ___ __ _____ _____ ❑Public Kind of building Private --------------- - - - -- Site address _ _ _ ❑ Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private -------------------- Siteaddress ____ ______ QPublic Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private --------------------- Siteaddress _ _____ ____ ___ ___ __ _____ E3 Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Area code Number Extension Homer Pittman Title _ Building Official 612 587 -5151 210 FORM C -404 17 -6 -611 0 • MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD MARCH 24, 1982 CRY aFHUTCHINSON The meeting of the Senior Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Carol Haukos.at 2:00 p.m. on February 24, 1982. Members present in addition to Chairman Haukos: Hazel Sitz Joan Phillips Roy Clabo Members absent: Jean Peterson - Emma Lake Lenard Schuft John Longley Also present: Barb Haugen,- Senior- Center Coordinator The minutes of the meeting of February 24 were approved. Staff reports were made: Joan Phillips, Nutrition Site Supervisor, reported that average attendance at the noon Nutrition meal is holding at 80. This is 10 more than had been anticipated by the program supervisors. A weekly calendar is being produced which lists the activities of the Nutrition program as- well as other events -in the Center.-- -- Barb Haugen, Senior Center Coordinator, reported -on partica- pat - ion --in activities and on scheduled future events-. A number of speakers and activities have been arranged for the next several months and- travel- -. agencies will continue to be available for desired trips and tours. The Coordinator will make an.effort to respond to requests for special events. Planned- .,,�vents7-will be publicised in newsletters, radio and newspaper. Organizational work has begun to establish a new network of senior volunteers. Hazel Sitz reported that the City has now received delivery of all furnishings for the Center and that all items are in place. The City is taking bids on the outside sign for the south side of the building. Carol Haukos reported on continuing efforts to secure use of a bulk mailing permit so that a widely distributed newsletter can become-a- part of the Senior Center's information system. . There followed a discussion period in which questions concerning use of the Center were addressed. The next meeting was scheduled for April 28 at 2:00 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m. Hazel Sitz, Secretary 0 • MINUTES DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1982 The meeting of the Downtown Development Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Skip Quade at 12:00 Noon with the following members being pre- sent in addition to Chairman Quade: Jay Alrick, Don Glas, Tom O'Connell, Don Erickson, Robert Stearns and Marlin Torgerson. Ex- officio members attending were Mayor Jim DeMeyer and Clarice Coston. Also attending was City Administrator Gary D. Plotz. The minutes of the meeting dated February 9, 1982 were unanimously approved on motion by Marlin Torgerson and seconded by Don Glas. Chairman Quade explained the purpose of this meeting was to fill vacancies on the board. He went on to say.two names were needed to recommend to the. Mayor and City Council for appointment. Mr. Tom O'Connell made a-motion to recommend to the Mayor After discussion- - and City Council , the appointment of Dick Lennes. Seconded- by-Bob Stearns,_ the motion unanimously carried. After further discussion a motion was made by Mr. Jay Alrick that Mr. DuWayne Peterson be recommended for appointment to the Board. Seconded by Marlin Torgerson, the motion unanimously carried. Chairman- Quade - mentioned there may be another vacancy in the near future so board members should be thinking of possibilities._.._ Mr. Tom O'Connell then mentioned that when the board was established there was a member from each of the downtown financial institutions-on the board and perhaps they should-consider someone from First National Bank since no one replaced Mr. Richards when he moved out of town. It was the consensus of the Board that this was an excellent suggestion and that the bank should be notified by the City Administrator and they perhaps could make a suggestion. City Administrator Gary Plotz then commented to the Board that the City Council had unanimously agreed to Mr. McClures project. He went on to say Mr. McClure indicated he has tenants lined up for the first floor. However, Mr..Plotz stated he had not seen actual contracts indicating as such. He also mentioned the city has only a planning agreement with Mr. McClure at the present time. Chairman Quade - commented -he felt it would be nice to have a uniform look downtown. He went on to say although-it may not be possible for the McClure's to fit it into their plans he felt their architects should be given a schematic of the decor of the exterior of the downtown build- ings put together by the University for their consideration. The status of the railroad was discussed and Clarice Coston was going to check further into the matter. City Administrator aryl�l5tbeenfth oughthe allthe channels and City allnow that is the use of the bass pond. + left is the signature of the Governor. Meeting adjourned at 12:45 P.M. _ 0 6 4s' 0 0r MINUTES Lq I TRANSPORTATION BOARD FEBRUARY 11, 1982 MY OF HUTCHN" The meeting of the Transportation Board was held at 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, February 11, 1982, at the new Senior Center Conference Room. Members present: Emma Lake Ken Gruenhagen Russ Meade Jack Kjos, Chairman Members absent: Clarice Costen Geri Johnson Rick Johnson Also Present: City Administrator Gary Plotz Alderman John Mlinar Transit Coordinator Hazel Sitz Minutes of the November 18, 1981, meeting were approved. Reports of the transit operation were reviewed. Police Chief O'Borsky has indicated that his department provided some rides New Years eve; not next year. Gary Plotz summarized the need for city budget_ reductions due to cutbacks in state,aids. The transit department has a choice of cutting back service or raising fares to accomplish this. After discussion, it was decided to take a survey of Hutchmobile passengers to determine whether the majority preferred a 10¢ per ride increase, a reduction in dispatch hours, or some other solution. The budget adjustment will be made in accordance with the results of the survey. Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. dp 0 0 ;UMMARY Page 2b DATA BY QUARTERS (10,471) (9,575) I JANUARY 1982 Bus 1 Bus 2 -20 days (175 hrs serv; 172 hrs serv) j 2614 passengers (1306 + 1308) r 4752 miles (including Old Bus miles) 1008 shuttle passengers - 38% 743 gal. gasoline MOVED OFFICE & revenues 1056.13 cash ADDED EVERGREE i 409.25 coupons TO SHUTTLE ` 14 56 3: 88 total 1 -18 -82 rev /mi $.31 rev /pass $.56 pass /mi .55 8 turndowns 17 no- shows - (12 of these paid) (12,442) (11,543) FEBRUARY 1982 Bus 1 Bus 2 19 days (164 hrs serv; 172 hrs ser 2517 passengers (1233 + 1284) 4223 miles (including Old Bus miles) 1030 shuttle passengers - -- 41% 745 gal. gasoline revenues 913.76 cash 430.25 coupons 1344.01 total { rev /mi $.32 rev /pass ,$.53 pass /mi .59 16 turndowns 16 no -shows (21 paid) 12,617) March 1982 (1 Bus I ( Bus 2 ays (179 hrs serv;183 hrs serv) 979 passengers 496 miles 307 shuttle passengers - 44% 747 gal. gasoline revenues 1396.66 cash 477.16 coupons 18T3-.82—total ev /mi .42 RAISED FARES lOQ- ev /pass .63 TO 60t and 85¢ ass /mi .66 ON 3 -8 -82 7 turndowns (612) 587 -5151 M171 CITY OF HU Cl-,1J SON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — —May— Z. 1382_- - - - --- T0: Moon Council — - - -- - - - -- --- - - - - -- —,-- FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill _--- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- SUBJECT; Water Treatment Bond Issue As was reviewed on Thursday morning, the size of the_Bond issue for the Water Treatment facility will be $1,2753000. The interest for the first year, estimated at 12 %, will be $153,000. which will come from the cash balance of the Water and Sewer Fund. The water /sewer -rates will- need to be adjusted as reviewed on - Thursday--.The cost -to the Fund will be interest of $153,000. and depreciation of an estimated $45,000.- Interest will begin in 1983; depreciation may be about 1/2 of the amount with the full $45,000. in 1984. Due to our present debt, we will not begin principal retirement until several years have elapsed. We will be preparing and reviewing with the Council this month proposed rate adjustment. A 25% rate.adjustment for both water and sewer will be where we.shall start the review to see what effect this will have on specific statements. We will also look at what effect rate restructuring may have on selected statements. P'45Z. 0 • Iffiv io POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and .Gity Council: FROM: Chief Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT: Request For 15 Minute Parking April 28, 1982 have reviewed the request of the Citizens Bank of Hutchinson for six 15-minute parking spaces. I recommend that the request'be denied for the following reasons : - -. 1. As you recall the removal of the meters and the decision to enforce two -hour parking was taken on as a l year trial. To make any changes_ in that might affect the analysis of -the trial period in terms of whether traffic patterns have been affected downtown. 2. Based on the number of parking tickets that we are currently writing the-two -hour parking limit seems to be working quite well as far as moving traffic in the downtown area. 3. 15- minute zones -would require manpower which I- currently do not have to enforce the - limits. Without enforcement a 15-minute zone would be an exersize —in futility. 4. If we allow one organization to- request- individual- parking zones for their specific needs it follows that other persons have a legitimate right to ask for the same, therefore establishing a precedent which would be difficult to deal with. ►72 rrJ y1 s >�,i CITIZEN ANK l -i & TRUST CO, February 18, 1982 City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, Mn., 55350 Gentlemen: Since the inception of the 2 -hour Parking Program and elimination of the meter heads, we are experiencing a problem on the north side of our bank, which would be on First Avenue S.W. We are having a problem of access to our After Hour Deposit and Letter Drop and, also, an added inconvenience to our customers entering the bank for their personal banking needs on a short term basis. Prior to the change in the approach to downtown parking, we did have four 15- minutes meter heads at our north entrance and, as a result of a change in the parking situation, these have been removed. Consequently, the space that was used for short term parking has been eliminated to the detriment of many of our customers. Due to the shortage of parking in the immediate area of the bank, this has caused substantial time loss to our customers and has been detrimental to our banking operations and a consequent lack of timely access to the bank as a financial -stop for those that are desirous of using our services. We are, therefore, requesting that a minimum of- Six -(6) parking spaces limited to 15- minute parking be established so that we can better serve our customers and to re- instate reasonable parking access for the people visiting our bank and the immediate business area. We respectfully request that the Council consider our needs and amend the Parking Ordinance, if necessary, to accomodate the situation as described above. I expect that other businesses may have similar problems. From our point of view, it appears obvious that we need the assistance and cooperation of the Council so that the people visiting our bank and down- town Hutchinson are accomodated to the extent that they are on a limited basis better served than they currently are with the absolute 2 -hour parking concept which Permit employee and long term parking which, we view as being detrimental to our operation and possibly to the ultimate detriment of the downtown business climate. Your serious consideration to our request would be very much appreciated. Sincerely yours, L L, Irvin Burich President 102 MPJY A T. SOUTH HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 m 9 • F (612) 587 -5151 C/T Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Street Maintenance Material Attached is a copy of the only_bid_ submitted by Koch Asphalt Co. I recommend we award the -bid to Koch Asphalt Co. The contract price was the same for all types of material in 1981. The price was $1.029 per gallon. W�a ( Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv attachment K - C�, d .r' 9 PROPOSAL FORM City Clerk City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, doing business as Koch Fuels, Inc. • DATE: April 22, 1982 Koch Asphalt Company, Division of and 'hereinafter known as the Bidder, hereby propose and, if this proposal is accepted, agree to enter into an agreement with the City of Hutchinson, on a form to be provided by and acceptable to the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, to furnish the following materials, all in strict accordance with the plans and specifications entitled, "1982 STREET DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE MATERIALS ". 1982 STREET DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE MATERIALS , ITEM Furnish MC -250 Cut - Back Asphalt Furnish RC -800 Cut - Back Asphalt QUANTITY 10,000 Gallons 10,000 Gallons UNIT PRICE - - -. AMOUNT $ 0.7320 $ 7,320.00 $ 0. 9320 $ 9,320.00 Furnish MC -30 Cut- 10,000 Gallons _ _ $ 0.7320-- $ 7,320.00 Back Asphalt TOTAL---------------------------------------------------------------- $ 23, 960.00 The undersigned agrees, that, upon written acceptance of this bid, he will, within ten (10) days of receipt of such notice, execute a formal Contract Agreement with the City of Hutchinson, and that he will provide the Bonds and guarantees, as required. The undersigned agrees that if awarded the Contract, he will commence the work within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of receipt of written notice to proceed, and that he will complete the construction as specified in the Special Provisions. Accompanying this proposal Contract Documents, the sai the undersigned.-- - In submitting this bid, it to reject any or all bids, for a period of forty -five is the Bid Security required to be furnished by the ne being subject to forfeiture in event of default by is understood, that the right is reserved by the City and it is agreed that this bid may not be withdrawn (45) days from the opening thereof. If a corporation, what is the State of incorporation? Dela.war If a partnership, state full names of all co- partners Official Address: P. p, Box 43596 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55164 Koch ysp alt Company Firm Name: Divis on. f Koch Fuels, Inc. By: Title: Sales Representative By: 7(612; 507 -5151 C/TY OF HUTCHINSO sl 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 5, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: First Avenue S.E. & S.W. Improvements between Hassan Street and Franklin Street There has been a great deal of study done on-First Avenue-S.W. to date. With the proposed redevelopment of the S & L Site, First Avenue S.E. becomes a street that should be studied. The one item that has been studied by staff and has been a study project by students of the University is beautification of the central business area streets. To date, the City has not adopted a policy on same. In addition, -the development of-the west half of the block west of Main Street and the development of the east half of the block east of Main Street is not resolved to date. Based on the-above data, I request you consider some action on this matter., as we need time to complete plans if necessary. I recommend one of the following options: 1. Construction from Hassan Street to Franklin Street. 2. Construction from Main Street to Franklin Street (Project 81 -32). 3. Construction from Main Street West to Alley and East to Alley. 4. No construction in 1982 and plan for one of the above in 1983. Also, regardless of which option you approve, it is necessary, in my opinion, that you order Nemitz Paint Store to vacate the storage area in the street right of way to permit some work to be done for safety reasons. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv F_ • 0 6tateof Iffinne5otat ............................... Of ..................................... . ...... . . . ..... . . ........ McLeod city Hutchinson Count yof ............................................................................ .4pplication Yo ................. .................... Application for License to Sell Cigarettes at Retail City Hutchinson Theundersigned resident...... of the ................. ........ ................................................ of ........ . ............................... ............ ............. in the county of ................ McLeod ........................._..........._._I State of .Minnesota, .HEREBY JMKE ...... .4PPLIC.f - ..... .. .. .. TIOA' FOR LICENSE to be issued to....___._._Rodney Horrm�n! -------- - ----­------------------ - - - ---------------------- - --- — ------- to sell ci!Tarettes and cigarette papers and wrappers at retail at .... . ....... Concession Stand located .. . ....... . at Roberts Park in the .............. ....City..............._......_ .............................. 0 ...... Hutchinson in said county and state for the term of f .......................................................... ......concession ..... concession ... s.. .t.....n...d ... ... s.. -.e...a...s...o..n... .., beginning with the ......... .1..st.... . ..... ....day of ........... .................................................... 9 19 ... AZ, subject to the laws of .the -State of Vinnesota, and the ordinances and regulations of said ......................._._. ....._..........._..__......._o City f--"", Hutchinson * I - ------------------------- - -- - ------ - --- pertaining thereto, and herewith deposit $..5...0.0 ..... .............................in payment of the fee therefor. il Apr 82 Dated............ ... 2. 8 ........................•....•.•.... 19... . ...... . ........ . ........ ..... . . . . ........... .. . ........ . .... . . . .............. . ..... 57A� A4- 9 -a- 0 6 May 4, 1982 To the Hutchinson City Council: The Hutchinson Band Boosters request permission to operate a food stand at two locations during the Hutchinson Water Carnival, Saturday, June 19th and Sunday, June 20th. The locations requested are South park from 12 :00 -3:30 and Optimists park from 12:00 -9 :00 P.M. ���•Z34 5 6 789,0' rn� M AY 1982 w co RMC� ED Ln f p) �a��z 2Z 12026` the The Hutchinson Band Boosters Janice Lange, Committee member 948 Jorgenson St. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 9 -l-, 7(612) 587-5151 - -- ---- - - - - -- -- /iY OF HUTCHAJI OM 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 3, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Northwest (Golf Course) Water Tower Request permission to advertise for bids to be taken on Tuesday, June 1,-1982, at 2:00 P.M. for the maintenance work on the Northwest (Golf Course) Water Tower. Work consists of cleaning and painting interior and exterior surfaces. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv CC: Ralph Neumann Dick Nagy q-61 !'' HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 April 30, 1982 Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City Hall Hutch inson,.._MN ..5.5.350 Dear Mr. Plotz: 3v�2�4` i.�. tvtAy 1982 RECEIVED w N Z Z OZ 6�aLL��� In reviewing the city- school district agreement regarding the tennis courts located at the high school, I noticed that the original agreement called for yet another agreement regarding insurance, maintenance, etc. Apparently this second agreement has never been formally executed (although there have been continuing cooperative arrangements regarding the swimming pool, armory, etc.). Because members of the boards and councils as well as adminis- trative personnel come and go, it would probably be best to have such an agreement in writing, as was the original intention of the tennis court constructors. Further, it might be well to have any other such joint agreements written and approved by both elected bodies. I suggest we- mutually outline all such arrange- ments and bring them to the attention of the school board and city council this summer. Because of the spirit of the press of time, I have proposing an equal sharing surfacing project subject the school board and city school board's attention a for approval to seek bids time. Enclosed is a copy of CC: Dick Lennes Bruce Erickson Enc - 1 CENTRAL DISTRICT SERVICES 30 Glen Street North Phone 16121587 -2860 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roberts Road Phone 16128587 -2151 the original construction agreement and sent Bruce Erickson a separate letter of the high school tennis courts re- to acceptable bids and approval from council. We will bring this to the t their May 11 meetings and.will ask in conjunction with the city at that 1 agreement from our file. Si erely, nn Hoffman Interim Superintendent AREA VOCATIONAL- TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 200 Century Avenue Phone 16121 S87 -3616 CROW RIVER COOPERATIVE CENTER 980 2nd Avenue Southeast Phone [6121S97-4910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roberts Road Phone 1612[587 -2854 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 100 Glen Street Phone 16121587 -2837 q—_Iell HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 April 29, 1982 5--3-&X Mr. Bruce Erickson, Director MS --4-' " Parks and Recreation Department _ City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 '-y' (7 Dear Bruce: Our discussion regarding the tennis courts at the high school as well as my discussion with Brian Buchmayer, former school district business manager, leads me to believe that the City and the School District should jointly pursue the repair and resurfacing of those courts. If you would draw up the necessary specifications, we will submit those specifications to the Board of Education requesting approval to seek bids on the work to be done. We will base our recommendation to the Board on the assumption that the City would share 50% of this maintenance cost and that the bids received will-be accepted by both the Board of Education and the City Council, Sin rely, Deinn Hoffman Interim Superintendent cc: Gary Plotz. Dick Lennes M CENTRAL DISTRICT SERVICES AREA VOCATIONAL- TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 30 Glen Street North 200 Century Avenue Phone 1612) 587.2860 Phone 16121587 -3636 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL CROW RIVER COOPERATIVE CENTER Roberts Road 980 2nd Avenue Southeast Phone 16121587 -2151 Phone 161215874910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Roberts Road Phone 16121587 -2854 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 100 Glen Street Pbone 16121 S87 -2837 0 E J--5 - 92-- AGREEMENT IT IS HEREBY AGREED to and understood by and between the parties hereto that this agreement is between Independent School District No. 423, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as School. and the City of Hutchinson, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as City. NOW, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements contained herein it is understood that the School and City are desirious of constructing a total of eight regulation size tennis. courts on real estate.now owned by School and that said real estate is located within the City of Hutchinson and is appurtenant to the junior and senior high school property. The parties agree that the exact location of said tennis courts must be a mutually agreeable location as regards its exact location on the above mentioned property. 1. It is further agreed to by and between School and City that the initial total cost of the construction of the tennis courts, fencing and lighting will be paid in full by the City. 2. It is further agreed and understood by anti between School and City that the School will, followina completion of the tennis courts, reimburse City in the form of a lease agreement in an amount equal to 750% of the construction cost'of the tennis courts and fencing. Said lease agreement shall have a tem. not to exceed five years. Said reimbursement shall include interest on said 7500' in an amount to be mutually agreeable by and between School and City but not to exceed of per annum. 3. The aforementioned figures refer only-to tennis courts and fencing and it is understood and agreed to by and between School and City that the lighting poles, standards, fixtures and installation of same for the tennis courts shall be the sole cost and expense of the City and that reim- bursement for same shall not by included in the above mentioned figures. 1. 4. It is understood and agreed to by and between the parti here t that if additional parking is needed as a result of use of aid tennis cou that the City will pay for and bear as its s e expense the cost of the ditionai parking facility installed property owned by School. 5. It is further reed to and derstood by the parties hereto that the School will have first pri for use of said tennis courts in conjunction with their educa on progra o include the summer months thereby making it an excl ive first priority for entire calendar year and such agreement ' 11 "be perpetual. The City shall ha a seconda ' right to the of tennis courts for any programs it may so des and l�Y for th biic, but said right shall be secondary and subject to the f t iority of the School. 6. It is understood by and between the School and City that each governing body of the parties hereto shall execute this document and that a resolution shall be spread on the minutes of both governing bodies indicating the agreement contained herein and that the School and City will cooperate fully in all legal and any other necessary maeners required to complete this project in accordance with the terms herein. 7. It is understood by and between the parties at this tine that a fixed bid or contract price has not been established for the construc- tion, but that the parties must mutually agree as to the costs of said construction and will work in conjunction with each other as and toward the final facility to be constructed. 8. It is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the question of liability insurance shall be fully covered and tended to by and between the parties hereto in a mutually agreeable manner. 9. It is further understood by and between the parties hereto that the agreement contains conditions precedent in the form of mutually agreeable items and that the failing of parties hereto to reach mutually agreeable to nns on said condition precedents that each of the parties hereto shall be relieved of any and all obligations under said agreement and that this agreement shall be null and void. z. i • I w • 10. It is the intent of both parties to this agreement to accomplish the end set forth above and that all of the condition precedents requiring mutual agreement should be reached and agreed upon as soon as possible following a solid and acceptable bid price for the con- struction of said eight tennis courts. That any and all matters will then be reduced to writing at that tire, prior to construction thereon, con- taining the price, agreements of lease from City by School and insurance and maintenance and use, terms, as well as any and all other necessary points to be decided uaon_and.agreed to by and be tveen the parties hereto. : -.` Y 11. It is the intent of this agreement that by execution-hereof the parties hereto indicate a willingness to cooperate in said joint venture and that their minutes will refl -ect same so that in the final analysis both governing bodies will be empowered to execute further documents in the form of a finalized agreement on the�t /erm is aforementoned. Signed th i s /4th day of A/,o ycMLek- , 1972. INDLPPIDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 423 BY: Carl 0. Brptzl Chairman ,- Clerk -L CITY OF HQTCHI3S03 BY :l 3. , Kos t, layor xs ilea i ey ,• The M;nnesoto J_ ortfnent o' Energy, Pionn�ng &� veiop^ ent April 12, 1982 Mr. Bruce Erickson Parks and Recreation Director 36 -1st Avenue, Southwest Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 RE: NR 643 McDonald Park City of Hutchinson, McLeod County Dear Mr. Erickson: Enclosed are four copies of the State Natural Resources Fund Project Agreement to be used for outdoor recreation purposes. Please have the authorized public officials for your project sign all copies of the agreement and return all of them to this office within 30 days. The Preconstruction Certification, on page 6, is to be signed by the engineer or architect. After we received the signed agreement, ._it must be -routed for the remaining state signatures. - When fully executed we will return one copy to you for your files. At the same time we will take the steps which will result in the state grant being sent directly to the treasurer of your unit of government, -The check for the state grant should be received about 7 to 10 working days after you receive the fully signed grant agreement. Sincerely, Jeff Hanson, Grants Supervisor Parks and Recreation Grants Section /pas Enclosures Planning Division 100 Capitol Square, 550 Cedor Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 612 -296 -3985 9 ' [ r r • STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY OFFICE OF LOCAL AND URBAN AFFAIRS STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT City of Hutchinson Local Unit of Government MCDONALD PARK Project Title 3/23/82 through 12/31/84 Period Covered by this Agreement NR_ 643 Project Number McLeod County PROJECT SCOPE: The City of Hutchinson will develop McDonald Park by adding two softball field lighting, picnic shelter /restrocin, boat landing, landscaping, seeding, site improvement. Any reference to the Office of Local & Urban Affairs, State Planning Agency contained in the agreement, or in any attachment incorporated--thereto, shall-hereinafter be considered a reference to the Office of Local Government, Department-of Energy,_ Planning and Development. Entire Project Stage Covered by this Agreement Project Cost The following attachments are hereby incorporated into this agreement: Total Cost $ 91,500.00 1. Grant Application (OR -1) Fund Support 44 % 2. Fund Amount- $ 40,125.00 3 `Fund Amount. This is the maximum amount of state funds that shall be provided on the project. The State of Minnesota, by its delegated official, the State Planning Agency, Office of Local and Urban Affairs, (hereinafter referred to as "State ") and City of Hutchinson (hereinafter referred to as 'local unit") mutually agree to perform this agreement in accordance with Minn. Laws Chap. 810 (1965); Minn. Laws, Chap. 867 (1967); Minn. Laws, Chap. 1139 (1969); Minn. Laws, Chap. 3 (Extra Session 1971); Minn. Laws, Chap. 720 (1973) and subsequent laws, rules, regulations, and guidelines of the State Planning Agency. The following terms as used herein shall have the following definitions: 1. "Director" means Director of the Office of Local and Urban Affairs, or any-representative lawfully delegated the authority to act for said Director. 2. "Funds" means those moneys made available by the State under the State Natural Resources Fund. 3. "Guidelines" means the Natural Resources Fund Grants -in -Aid Guidelines. 4. "Local Unit' means the political subdivision of the State of Minnesota that is the applicant- recipient of the grant pursuant to this agreement. 5. "Project' means the planned undertaking for outdoor recreation that is the subject of this agreement. 6. "State" means the State of Minnesota, the Office of Local and Urban Affairs of the State Planning Agency, which administers the State Natural Resources Fund program for the State of Minnesota. Page 1 of 6 Pages In consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree to perform this agreement as follows: A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The State agrees to distribute to the local unit the State's share of the costs of the above project, as approved by the Director. 2. The local unit agrees to execute the project herein described in accordance with the terms of this agreement. It is hereby understood that the local unit has reviewed any attached State forms and the attachments thereto and has found them acceptable. 3. The local unit further agrees that in the event that the project or any part of the project shall be determined by the State to be nonreimbursable, any State moneys already paid under this agreement by the State shall be repaid upon the demand of the State. 4. When state funds are not available for the project within one year of the date of this agreement, this agreement shall be null and void. 5. When the local unit fails to provide the maintenance required under this agreement, the State may withhold current or future payments to the local unit on any projects until the local unit complies with this provision. 6. In the event that the local unit defaults on the project, the State may maintain the project and shall be authorized to charge the local unit for the cost of maintenance. Such costs of maintenance shall constitute a debt due and owing to the State. — 7. The local unit shall obtain the Director's written approval before any change is made on the project from the original recreational purpose or jurisdictional control. B. PROJECT EXECUTION 1. The project period shall begin on the date of approval of this agreement by the Director and shall terminate 2 years from that date unless the project is extended _or. completed or terminated at an earlier- date, in which event the project period shall end on the date of completion or termination. _ 2. The local unit shall complete the project in accordance with the time schedule set forth in the project proposal. Failure to render satisfactory_ progress or to mmplete_this or any other- project under the State Natural Resources Fund Program to the satisfaction of the Director may be cause for the suspension of all obligations of the State under this agreement. 3. Construction contracted for by the local unit for the purposes of this grant shall meet the following requirements: a. Contracts for construction in excess of $5,000 shall be awarded through a process of competitive bidding. One (1) copy of all bids and one (1) copy of the contract shall be submitted to the Director after approval of this agreement. b. The local unit shall inform all bidders on contracts for construction in excess of $5,000 that State funds are being used in the construction. c. Written change orders to contracts for construction in excess of $5,000 shall be issued for all necessary changes in the facility. The orders shall be made a part of the project file and shall be kept available for audits for three years after completion of the project. One (1) copy of the order shall be submitted to the Director. d. The contractors' bonds provisions of Minn. Stat Sect. 574.26 (1971) as amended; e. The human rights provisions of Minn. Stat. Chap. 363 (1971) as amended; f. The anti -discrimination provisions of Minn. Stat. Sect. 181.59 (1971), as amended and other applicable laws and regulations; g. The competitive bid provisions of Minn. Stat. Sect. 471.345- 471.36 (1971), as amended; h. The local unit shall incorporate or cause to be incorporated into all construction contracts, a provision that the contractor shall hold the State of Minnesota, officers and employees of the State of Minnesota harmless from any liability with respect to claims for damages as a result of bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or property damage resulting from contractor's operations on the project. 4. Development plans and specifications shall be available for review by the Director upon request. The local unit shall permit periodic site visits by the Director to insure work progress in accordance with the approved project, including a final Page 2 of 6 Pages Al iwpl -coon upwi prom i.r . 5. The local unit shall secure completion of the project in accordance with the approved co,, r c c p'an; anc specifications, and shall secure compliance with all applicable State and local laws and requ!wions T ^^ loca' un t ha comply with the terms of the Minn. Stat. Sect. 117.50 et seq., (Supp. 1973) relating to eminent aomam and uniform relocation assistance. 6. In the event funds shall not be available for future stages of the project, the local unit shall bring the project to a point of usefulness agreed upon by the local unit and the Director. 7. Prior to any major change from the project proposal, the recommended change shall be submitted to the Director. 8. When any tract or parcel of, or interest in, real property subject to purchase under this agreement, but not identified herein, shall be found by the Director to be unsuitable for State funds, all obligations of the State hereunder shall cease as to the parcel, tract or interest. C. PROJECT COSTS 1. Project costs eligible for assistance shall be determined upon the basis of the criteria set forth in the guidelines. 2. All program income. earned. during the project period shall be retained by the local unit and shall be..declucted from the total project costs to determine the net costs on which the State's share of costs shall be based. In addition, on acquisition projects, all additional program income earned after the project period has expired, but before the project has been developed for public outdoor recreation purposes, shall be deducted from the total project costs of other active projects to determine the net costs on which the. State's share of costs of the project shall be based. (For the purpose of this clause, the term "program income" shall mean any income received by the local unit from the sale, rental, lease, or other disposition of any of the project assets, and shall not include entrance fees and other charges customarily collected from recreation users of the site.) D. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION 1. The local unit shall promptly submit any reports that the Director may request. 2. Property and facilities acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement shall be available for inspection by the Director upon request. 3. Any moneys advanced to the local unit are "public moneys" (owned by the State) and shall be deposited in a bank with FDIC insurance coverage; the balances exceeding the FDIC coverage shall be collaterally secured as provided for in 12 U.S.C. 265. 4. The local unit shall use any funds received by way of advance payment from the State under the terms of this agreement solely for the project or project stage described herein. 5. Because one of the basic objectives of the State Natural Resources Fund program is to enhance and increase the State outdoor recreation resources ;the local unit shall use the State funds granted hereunder consistent • with those objectives. These funds shall result in a net increase in a local unit's outdoor recreation program, at least commensurate with the State cost share, and Shall not be used as a replacement or substitut"on of a local unit's outdoor recreation funds. E. PROJECT TERMINATION 1. A project shall commence when the local unit makes any expenditure or incurs any obligation with respect to the project. The local unit may unilaterally rescind this agreement at any time prior to the commencement of the project. After project commencement, this agreement may be rescinded, modified, or amended only by mutual agreement. 2. Failure by the local unit to comply with this agreement or any similar agreement may be cause for the suspension of all obligations of the State hereunder. However, such failure to comply with this agreement shall not be cause for the suspension of all of these obligations when, in the judgment of the Director the failure was not due to the fault of the local unit. In such case, the minimum costs of any irrevocable obligations properly incurred shall be eligible for funds under this agreement. 3. It shall be recognized that the benefit to be derived by the State from the full compliance by the local unit with the terms of this agreement is the preservation, protection, and the net increase in the quantity and quality of public outdoor recreation facilities and resources which are available to the people of the State. Because repayment by the local unit to the State of the funds extended under this agreement would inadequately compensate the State for any breach of this agreement by the local unit, the local unit - agrees, that, the appropriate remedy for a breach of this agreement by the local unit shall be the specific performance of this agreement. F. CONFLICT OF INTERESTS 1. No official or employee of the local unit who shall be authorized.in his official capacity to negotiate, make, accept, or approve, or to take part in decisions regarding a contract or subcontract in connection with this project shall have any financial or other personal interest in any such contract or subcontract. 2. No person performing services for the local unit in connection with this project shall have a financial or other personal interest, other than his employment or retention by the local unit, in any contract or subcontract in connection with this project. No officer or employee of such person retained by the local unit shall have any financial or other personal interest in any real property acquired for this project unless such interest in openly disclosed upon the public records of the State, and the officer, employee or person has not participated in the acquisition for or on behalf of the local unit. Page 3 of 6 Pages i. No mombe, of the shall be a +lowed and sr- 0r cri , t lhis agreement, or any benefit to arise hereupon, unless such benefit shall be in the form of an agreement made with a corporation for its general benefit. 4 The local unit shall be responsible for the enforcement of these conflict of interest provisions. G. RETENTION AND CUSTODIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDS 1. Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to this grant shall be retained for a period of three years, commencing with the date of submission of the final expenditure report, with the following qualifications: a. The records shall be retained beyond the three -year period when audit findings have not been resolved. b. Records for nonexpendabie property that was acquired with State grant funds shall be retained for three years after its final disposition. 2. The Director or General Accounting Office or any duty authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the State and local units and their subgrantees which are pertinent to a specific project for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts and transcripts. 3. The local unit may use any generally accepted account system that meets minimum requirements set forth in the guidelines. H. USE OF FACILITIES 1. The local unit shall provide suitable public acknowledgement on the project site of the use of state funds. 2. The local unit shall not at any time convert any property acquired or developed pursuant to this agreement to uses other than the public outdoor recreation uses specified in the project proposal attached, hereto, without the prior written .,..;. approval of the Director. 3. The -local unit shall operate and maintain, or cause to be operated and maintained, the property or facilities acquired or °:.. developed pursuant to this agreement, in accordance with the requirements of the guidelines. Sariitation and sanitary facilities shall be maintained in accordance with the applicable public health standards. Properties shall be kept reasonably safe for public use. Fire prevention,Aifeguards, and similar supervision shall -be provided to the extent possible. Buildings, roads, trails, and other structures and improvements shall be kept in reasonable repair throughout their estimated lifetime to prevent undue deterioration and to encourage use of the project. 4. The local unit shall keep the facility open to the general public at reasonable hours and at times of the year consistent with the type of facility. 1. COMPLIANCE The local unit shall be responsible for compliance with this agreement by any political subdivision or public agency to which funds are -transferred-pursuant to this agreement. Failure by the political subdivision or public agency to comply shall be deemed a failure by the local unit to comply with this agreement. - Page 4 of 6 Pages J. SPECIAL PROVISIONS • El The following special project terms and conditions were added to this agreement before it was signed by the parties hereto: Any project with an estimated total cost of more than $25,000 (or $2,500 if only one trade or occupation is involved) must comply with Minn. Stat. 177.42 -44 which is commonly known as the Little Davis -Bacon Act. To facilitate compliance pur- suant to the Statute wage determinations were prepared for different trades for each county from which Labor for said pro- ject would be secured. It is the stated public policy of Minn. Stat.177.42 as follows: "It is in the public interest that public buildings and other public works be constructed and maintained by the best means and highest quality of labor reason- ably available, and that persons working on public works be compensated according to the real value of the services they perform. It is therefore declared to be the public policy of this State that wages of laborers, workmen, and mechanics engaged in State projects should be comparable to wages paid for similar work in the community as a whole." The State will not be liable for increased labor cost, errors in the rates or classifications or changes to same prior to the awarding of contracts. Information pertaining to the prevailing wage rates, prevailing hours of labor and hourly basic rates may be obtained from the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. Said wage rates must be posted in at least one conspicuous place for the em- ployees working on the project. Failure to comply with the provisions of the act may subject individuals to conviction of a misdemeanor. This agreement shall be binding on the State and local unit, and the persons whose signatures appear hereon, as authorized by statute and resolution to sign this agreement in behalf of the aforesaid local unit. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date entered below. APPROVED: COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By Title ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF MINNESOTA By Title Approved as to form and execution this day of zs STATE AUDITOR Not Encumbered By Date STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY By OF LOCAL & URBAN AFFAIRS Date LOCAL UNIT For CITY, VILLAGE, OR COUNTY By MAYOR OR CHAIRMAN (NAME & TITLE) Date By CLERK OR AUDITOR (NAME & TITLE) Date SEAL AFFIXED Page 5 of 6 Pages For Development Project Only: PRECONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION "I hereby certify that construction plans and specifications to be used in conjunction with shall meet all applicable State and Local codes and current engineering practices; shall meet the requirements and standards of the Minnesota Department of Health; that health, safety, durability, and economy shall receive consideration consistent with the scope and objectives of the project; that the design shall be conscientiously prepared; that the proposed development shall be in a suitable environment and shall not unduly detract from the aesthetic value of the area; and that provisions shall be made to insure adequate supervision by competent personnel." By SIGNATURE NAME COUNTY /MUNICIPAL ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT DATE S.P.S. - O.L.U.A. 0135 (7 -74) Page 6 of 6 Pages 10 7(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HU TCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Intersection Improvement Dale Street and South Grade Road Project 82 -48 I have been contacted by Mr. Delmar Pittman and he approves of the proposed design: At his request, we will have the needed right of way transferred to the City by Warranty Deed. 6� Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv q- &-.' .1 0 • (612) 587 -5151 Cf YY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 ENGINEER'S REPORT DATE: April 30, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering SUBJECT: Curb & Gutter and Bituminous Surfacing Improvement Project Gentlemen: I have studied the following areas and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. If acceptable, I recommend a hearing be held on May 25th, 1982 Project 82 -48 Safety Lane improvement by the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing at the intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road Construction Cost $ 5,000.00 Engineering Fiscal and Miscellaneous Land Acquisition Capitalized Interest TOTAL------------------------- - - - - -- Assessable Cost Deferred Assessable Cost City Cost TOTAL------------------------- - - - - -- mvp /pv ,1 I 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- - - - - -$ 5,000.00 $ 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 -- - - - - -$ 5,000.00 Respectfully Submitted, 121- P'u-a Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering '�i RESOLUTION NO. 7114 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 82 -48 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for a safety lane, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Marlow V. Priebe for study and that he is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasibel and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the council this 11th day of May, 1982. Gary D. Plotz, -City Administrator ti James G. DeMeyer, Mayor RESOLUTION NO. 7115 • RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 82 -48 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the council adopted May 11th, 1982 , a report has been prepared by Marlow V. Priebe with reference to the improvement of: the Intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by: the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for safety lane; and this report was received by the council on May 11th, 1982 , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE`CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota- - Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $ 5,000.00 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 25th day of May, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the council this 11th day of May, 1982. James G. DeMeyer, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator E • (612) 587 -5151 C T Y of HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 ENGINEER'S REPORT DATE: April 30, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering SUBJECT: Curb & Gutter and Bituminous Surfacing Improvement Project Gentlemen: I have studied the following areas and find that the proposed project is feasible and recommend it be constructed. If acceptable, I recommend-- -a.hearing be held on May 25th, 1982 Project 82 -48 Safety Lane improvement by the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing at the intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road Construction Cost $ 5,000.00 Engineering 0.00 Fiscal and Miscellaneous 0.00 Land Acquisition 0.00 Capitalized Interest 0.00 TOTAL------------------------------------------ $ 5,000.00 Assessable Cost $ 0.00 Deferred Assessable Cost 0.00 City Cost 5,000.00 TOTAL ------------------------------------------ $ 5,000.00 Respectfully Submitted, 7Za'rt1;1- P"t-t-� Marlow V. Priebe mvp /pv Director of Engineering — �� RESOLUTION NO. 7114 RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 82 -48 WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for a safety lane, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to Marlow V. Priebe for study and that he is instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasibel and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended.. Adopted by the council this 11th day of May, 1982. James G. DeMeyer, Mayor Gary D: P1otz, City Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 7115 0 RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 82 -48 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the council adopted May 11th, 1982 , a report has been prepared by Marlow V. Priebe with reference to the improvement of: the Intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by: the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for safety lane; and this report was received by the council on May 11th, 1982 , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED-13Y-THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the improvement of such street in accordance with the report and the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $ 5,000.00 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 25th day of May, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 8:00 P.M. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the council this 11th day of May, 1982. James G. DeMeyer, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator ' (612) 587 -5151 CI % Y OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: 1982 Maintenance Program for Streets and Alleys On Thursday, May 6, 1982, Ralph Neumann, Larry Karg and myself inspected all -of the permanent surfaced streets and alleys to program the need of maintenance - and repair work on same for 1982.-- Based on said inspection, we anticipate that the material cost for said maintenance and repair will exceed the $30,000 budgeted for maintenance and repair of all City streets and alleys. Based on the above information, we .request.permission to proceed with a program for the maintenance and repair of the permanent streets and alleys as first priority and if-any funds are available, to do some maintenance work on some of the temporary oiled streets. A detailed report of the program will be submitted by the next Council Meeting. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Larry RESOLUTION NO. 6951 AUTHORIZING THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY OF HUTCHINSON TO INITIATE CERTAIN�CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT-the Office of --the City Attorney of Hutchinson, Minnesota is hereby authorized to initiate condemnation proceedings against that certain parcel of property owned by Arthur J. Benjamin and legally described as the: West 62.7' of Lot 6.and the West 62.7' of the South 4' of Lot 7, -Block 8,-Sk of the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 8th day of-September, 1981. ATTEST: Gary D. lotz,City Clerk Ralph D. Westlund, Mayor 0 Ch-7 OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 7, 1982 ---------- - - - - -- TO: Mayor and City Council -------------------------------- FROM: Gary Plotz, City Administrator and Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police ------ -^------------------ �- ---- - - -- SUBJECT: Lawsuit I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - The local insurance agent, Mr. Dennis Potter of Madsen Insurance Agency,-- - has verbally informed the city that one of the claims made by the plaintiff in the attached lawsuit is for pun.itive damage against our police officer. There is no insurance coverage to tender a defense for punitive damages of this nature. The City of Hutchinson has_been dropped from the - lawsuit, however the claims remain against -the individual officer(s). We feel-it-is appropriate that--the-city defend its own employees who are acting in their capacity and within the scope of their employment. Furthermore, we are hereby requesting that the city attorney be authorized and directed to initiate a.counter 'lawsuit for slander, liable, malicious prosecution and defamation of character. The city attorney would be working, in coordination with the attorney(s) to be appointed by our insurance company to defend Officer Waage on the other allegations and claims made within the suit, in order that there is no dupli- cation of_ services. q"7 i f MCGRAW & FLYNN, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW D.O.COMER (1914-1967) P. D. BOX 96 RONALD J. MCGRAW CITIZENS BANK BUILDING PATRICK J. FLYNN,ASSOCIATE HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA SS350 May 11, 1982 City Council City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Attention: Mayor DeMeyer and Councilmen Gentlemen: TELEPHONE 612 -S87 -3900 Re: First State Bank of Stewart I have been advised by City staff that it is necessary to obtain council approval for the issuance of a permit to allow the use of a temporary facility by the First State Bank of Stewart during the construction of the permanent facility. The First State Bank of Stewart intends to start construction on or about July 1, 1982 at the Hutchinson site just south of the Armory. The bank hereby requests a permit to install a temporary facility, consisting of a trailer 14 feet x 50 feet, for a period of approximately six (6) months. The temporary facility would be located just north of the permanent facility and be located on a parking lot to be constructed which will also be used in conjunction with the permanent facility. It is anticipated that the permanent facility will be ready for occupancy on or about January 1, 1983, however, it is requested that the permit for the temporary facility be for the period from July 1, 1982 until March 1, 1983, to allow for possible unexpected delays. The bank does not have the specific location determined except that the facility will be located north of the permanent facility. Yours very truly, `P. J. Flynn PJF:keh /eq — -'A—, s E REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER $ SEWER FUND • May 11, 1982 *State Treasurer PERA $309.56 Allen Precision Equipment paint 34.20 Big Bear supplies 5.19 Central Garage repair jobs 2136.47 Commissioner of Revenue Apr. sales tax 448.76 Envirex Inc. supplies 30.70 Electro Watchman Inc. alarm system 180.00 Family Rexall Drug supplies 7.02 Farm F Home supplies 9•.98 Feed Rite Controls chemicals 357.12 Floor Care Supply supplies 40.00 GTC supplies 2.60 Gross Industrial uniform rental 69.00 Hutch Leader publication costs 37.83 Hutch Telephone Co. telephone 209.71 Hutch Utilities elec. $ gas $ computer chgs. 11,586.87 Heikes Hardware Hank supplies 77.03 Ind. School Dist. 423 gasoline 408.06 Johnson Super Valu distilled water 54.60 Junker Sanitation April refuse hauling 173085.60 McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill April dumping chgs. 8.00 Mn. Valley Testing water & sewage testing 323.80 Plaza Ok Hardware supplies 7.89 Power Process Equipment service contract 1306.50 Quades repairs & supplies 800.11 RCM professional services 1120.31 R.E. Mooney & Associates repairs 1405.58 State Treasurer Soc. Sec. 790.92 Van Waters & Rogers chemicals 567.66 Everett Hagen overpayment refund 272.19 Dyna Systems small tools 46.02 Rockite Silo Inc. dry mix 17.48 State Treasurer Class D. license 15.00 $ 39,771.76 GENERAL FUND *League of Mn. Cities reoom deposit fee $228.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. employer contribution 219.01 Schon Production concert payment 2500.00 STate Treasurer PERA 3869.05 Harland Emans fire police mileage 3.50 Quinten Larson % safety shoes 10.00 Bankers Adv. Co. supplies 203.06 Drivers License Guide dl guide 11.95 Holmsten Ice Rinks supplies 86.27 K -Hill Signal Co. batteries 29.72 Mn.State Document Center manual 14.75 Maplewood Academy rental of gym 960.00 MSF registration fees 520.00 1st National Bank of St. Paul interest $ service fee 333.00 �J -2- • Mn. Tractor Co. repairs 131.10 Mn. Body & Equipment repairs 19.64 Lakeside Roller Rink 40% of receipts 238.00 Olsen Chain & Cable rope for tree removal 153.00 A & B. Electric Inc. repairs 51.45 Abbott Electronics Inc. supplies 19.95 Albinson supplies 46.72 Allen Office Products supplies 24.10 American Linen Supply eleaning supplies 31.42 Am. Welding Supplies supplies 33.83 Allen Precision Equipment supplies 184.29 Albrecht Oil Co. gasoline 26.79 Brandon Tire Co. repairs & supplies 75.27 Brinkman Studio film $ pictures 14.60 Bryan Rock Products April ag. lime 3025.94 Central Garage repair jobs 8415.25 Copy Systems Inc. hand cleaner 14.30 Carr Flowers Inc. flowers & centerpieces 121.40 Crow River Vet Clinic boarding dogs 139.50 Coast to Coast supplies 129.11 Coca Cola Bottling co. arena supplies 369.50 Commissioner of Revenue April sales tax -arena 412.75 Culligan monthly service 18.00 Crow River Press receipt books 335.50 Dyna Systems supplies 160.35 Anne SToeckman recording conditional use permits 10.50 E =Z Sharp Inc. supplies 25.21 Erickson $ Templin snow removal 377.00 Family Rexall Drug office supplies 157.14 Farm $ Home supplies 245.20 Floor Care Supply supplies 26.80 Forbes Auto Store supplies 31.34 GTC parts & supplies 399.03 Gambles supplies 104.14 Pamida speaker & radio 86.00 Gross Industrial uniform rental 340.84 Henrys Candy Co. arena supplies 377.35 Home Bakery Inc. 35 doz. donuts -arena 71.40 Homelite supplies 68.95 Hutch Iron &Metal iron & steel 28.40 Huth Leader publications costs 323.41 Hutch Plbg & Htg. filters 37.10 Hutch Telephone Co. phone service 2250.61 Hutch Utilities gas $ electric et.c 122658.93 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 381.95 Heikes Hdware Hank supplies 126.92 Hardees downtown meeting 27.72 IND. School Dist. 423 gasoline 4627.50 Ink Spots office supplies 44.00 Ideal Shoe Shop supplies 27.00 Jahnkes Red Owl coffe -rec. $ arena 29.31 Jerabek Machine Shop supplies 5.14 Johnson Super Valu supplies -arena 141.06 James De Meyer mayors may office expense 300.00 -3- • KDUZ flea market $ garage sale 232.50 Krasen Plbg. supplies 50.60 L & P Supply parts 17.60 Lamberts Standard car washings 42.00 League of Mn. Cities subscriptions $ reg. fees 540.00 Lloyd Schlueter reg. meeting $ intown mileage 40.00 Mn. State Treasurer boat registration flees 392.00 MacQueen Equipment parts 229.86 Madsen Ins. Agency insurance coverage 256.00 Mankato Mobile Radio repairs 82.14 Marco Business Products headset 28.00 McLeod Cooper Power Assn. electricity 408.75 Meeker Sand & Gravel shale for ballfields 163.80 Miller Davis Co. office supplies 149.50 Mn. City Management Assn. membership fees 25.00 MidWest Bus. Products supplies 22.20 Wards repairs & supplies 84.58 McGravey Coffee Inc. coffee 70.80 Pitney Bowes mailing machine maintenance - -- 94.00 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 8.52 Gary Plotz May intown mileage & other mileage 182.70 Plowmans parts 6.00 Quades supplies 438.49 Road Machinery parts 22.21 Rockite Silo Co. dry mix 15.00 Schmeling Oil Co. fuel oil 2888.99 :r Sorensen Farm Supply auger rental 35.00 State Treasurer - soc. sec. 7443.98 James Schaefer monthly fees $ mileage 830.74 Tri County Wader salt & rental- 48.10 Tombstone Pizza arena supplies 185.40 Xerox Corp. contract payment 146.56 Wigen Chev. repairs $ parts 1044.65 $ 62,730.69 BOND FUNDS Fire Hall Bonds Floor Care Supply Farm & Home Bonds of 1982 Juul Contracting Bonds of 1979 NW National Bank Bonds of 1977 N.W. National BAnk MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Griggs Cooper & Co Twin City Wine Co. Old Peoria Co. Ed Phillips -&-Sons equipment drill press $ ladder Proj . 82 -01 interest and service fee $ 1173.95 263.00 $ 30,345.91 $ 25,070.85 principal, interest & service fee $ 89,430.15 wine & liquor $2171.58 wine 1218.17 wine & liquor 2048.83 qine & liquor 3039.93 t �.�, et-y •�, h.�g� t "� �' "� II'I'� rs E tai {��} /� !M.� !� et.� �.s 333 t`YEST SIXTH STREET 1YILUMIAR, MINNESOTA 56201 (612) 235 -8504 COMMISSION OFFICERS O. Homer Bach Chairman Ed Duesterhoeft Vice Chairman Eilert Flemming Secretary /Treasurer May 10, 1982 Jim DeMeyer, Mayor Hutchinson City Council City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR H. Eugene Hippe PROGRAM STAFF ECONOMIC /COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jerry Grinde Lee Larson Robert Otto John Walsh AGING Kathleen McCormick lone Nelson FOR YOUR INFORMATION Dear Mayor DeMeyer and Members of the City Council: FINANCE Lorraine Patton r1982 ' co RECEIVED 'L~ It has been brought to our attention that members of the McLeod County Board have asked to speak to the City Council regarding dissolutionment of the Six East Regional Development Commission. The Commission would like to have an opportunity to explain the functions of the Commission. Unfortunately, the Executive Director, H. Eugene Hippe and Chairman 0. Homer Bach are in Washington, D.C. attending a conference dealing with economic development tools for small cities and will not be able to attend your May 11, 1982 meeting. Mr. Hippe and Mayor Bach would like time on your May 25, 1982 agenda to present information concerning benefits of the Commission for small cities. Sincerely, L_ Asti Lee R. Larson Deputy Director LRL:pw Z—i' ' 37 111ASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, tOINN. 55350 May 7, 1982 TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL AOT 1011T14A, �Y0A SUBJECT: EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY - SEASONAL EMPLOYEES FOR MAINTENANCE NAME AND ADDRESS DEPARTMENT RATE Steve Seivert Water /Sewer $3.50 390 Pishney Lane Lance Baumgardt Street 3.50 556 So. Main Kevin Otto Cemetery 3.50 660 Southview Drive These employees to begin work as the need arises in the various departments; June 1 or earlier, through August. Requested by Ralph Neumann, Director of Maintenance. Budgeted seasonal help. Personnel C rdinator City Ad" i ni str or °rte � • t01i\ J. IBLRNIII aGEN Ass11a11t 011110rim Leader Senaior 22nd District Route 1. Box 122 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone: (612) 8',1'4002 Dunne Session: 130 State Office Building St. Paul. Minnesota 55155 Phone: (6 12) 296 -4131 . Z v / � Dear Friends and Neighbors: Senate State of Minnesota FOR YOUR INFORMATION We will face many critical challenges during the decade ahead, and responsible long -term economic policies must prevail if we are to survive. The people of Minnesota have been caught in the middle by the state's recent financial difficulties. The role of government, its priorities, and its ability to spend money are all changing. People want and expect a government that works. We must continually reassess our priorities if we are to control state spending. *The cost of running state agencies amounts to about 13 percent of the budget. Funding for such structures as our state hospitals, higher education facilities and correctional institutions amounts to another 12 percent. However, the majority of the budget, about 75 percent, goes to other units of government for their use. These "transfer" funds include such items as aid to elementary and secondary schools; aid to towns, cities and counties; and assistance funds for the elderly, the handicapped and the impoverished. At all levels, elected officials like myself must continue to work with the people of our state... striving together to improve our fiscal system and to promote better government accountability and efficiency. The inter - dependence between the state government, the local units of government and the people is too great for any other workable solution. Fiscal restraints must be put into place to ensure that future state and local spending reflects the changes and needs of our local economic growth. Sincerely, le4 / (/�, John J. Bernhagen Assistant Minority Leader COMMITTEES • Agriculture & Natural Resources • Energy & Housing • Taxes & Tax Laws Chairman, Mississippi River Parkway Commission r t r -J i Agriculture This year ;4e adopted a statewide policy emchasizIne the importance of soil and hater conservation in our rural areas. The law promotes the preservation of farmland and encourages owner- operated farms. For those ocerating family farms near urban areas, we approved a bill exemotino agricultural operations from nuisance suits if the operation is a part of an established family farm and was not a nuisance when the operation began. The new laws affecting qrain storage and merchandisino will also take effect this year. The grain buyers act sets standards for grain buying practices and requires such buyers to get annual licenses. The grain storage act sets procedures for the delivery of grain and for terminatino storage contracts and requires grain ware- house operators to get annual licenses. A bill which would have allowed the Governor to declare an economic emergency and thus allow a moratorium on farm loan foreclosures was not approved after a controversial amendment was attached to the bill. Business High workers compensation costs and liberal unemploy- ment benefits are hamperino Minnesota's ability to recover from the recession and damaging our state's economic health. Several reasonable and responsible proposals for addressing the workers compensation problems were offered during this session. However, the only response supported by the majority party in the Senate did nothing to resolve the difficulties currently plaguing our business environment. That bill called for artificial adjustments in the insurance premiums with no corresponding reductions in the costs of the services currently mandated. I voted aaainst this bill and encouraged the Governor to veto it because it did not adequately address the problem. While we did approve legislation to bring our unemployment compensation laws into compliance with federal requirements and to provide for continuation of the system in Minnesota, much remains to be done in the whole area of unemployment and jobless workers. Crime The legislature strengthened penalties for both inducing and involving children in pornographic acts and for the possession of.child pornography. Another new law defines "delinquent children" as those who commit an act which would be a crime if committed by an adult and labels juvenile status offenders according to their actions rather than simply labeling them delinquent. The legislature passed a bill defining "drug parapher- nalia" which also prohibits the use, possession, advertisement, manufacture and delivery of such items. After August 1 individuals and businesses that receive worthless checks will be able to bring action to recover the loss in the county where the person wrote the•bad check. The possession of metal - oenetrating bullets was not banned this year, but it was made an automatic additional felony if the bullets were used in the commission of a crime. ",on s t i f u ti o n a I AiCfi;,n t'ri,, :n*,s This fall voters will rake the final Decision on four proposed amendments to the Minnesota Consti'ution. These a ^endments were approved earlier this year by the legislature. The most controversial of the amendments seeks to add a provision permitting pari- mutuel betting to Article X on taxation. The change would allow the legislature to enact laws leoalizina at- the -track bettino on verse races. It does not contain any provisions or iegal betting on dog races or at off -track facilities. Pari - mutuel betting will not solve the state's financial difficulties. Even when the tracks are fully operational, the tax revenue from gambling is expected to be less than $10 million for our annual budget of $4.2 billion. Some say that legalized wagering on horse races will stimulate our related agricultural and tourism business. Others point out that new jobs, many requiring no specialized training, would be created by the develop - ment.of race tracks. Like those who oppose this change, I am concerned about the social, moral and economic ramifications of legalized gambling in Minnesota and, therefore, did not support this bill. A second amendment on this fall's ballot seeks to create a new intermediate court of aooeals. This new appellate court would help ease the increasing burden on our Supreme Court. Under this proposal the new court would be composed of 12 judges, with at least one representing each con- gressional district. Part of the cost of the new court would be offset by reducing the size of the new Supreme Court. Thirty -three states already have created such intermediate courts. A third constitutional amendment proposes to remove the restrictions on bond sales for hiiqhway maintenance. The restrictions which were established 25 years ago limit the interest rate on trunk highway bonds to 5 per- cent and the amount to $150 million. Our highways are barely being held together by the present patch- and - repair systems. We need a funding source which will adequately provide for long -term construction and maintenance of this vital transpor- tation system. Eliminating the current restrictions would make highway bonds more attractive investments for lenders. If these bonds were allowed to be sold like other bonds, the interest to lenders would be paid by dedicated transportation funds rather than road user fees. The fourth proposal appearing on the ballot in November would allow the state to sell general obli- gation bonds to improve and rehabilitate railroad facilities. The bonds would be repaid by the railroad companies and shippers who use the branch lines.- Approximately 2,000 miles of railroad lines are facing abandonment over the next ten years. Passage of this amendment would provide a means for raising the funds necessary to preserve some of those lines and thus allow the continued movement of freight by rail. EACH AMENDMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY A MAJORITY OF THOSE VOTING IN THE ELECTION before it becomes a part of the constitution. Those who vote in the election, but fail to vote on the amendment issues are counted the same as "no" votes. • ?� :*:iii Financial provisions of this ,ear's omnib:s o bill set the 1982 -83 foundation aid at :1, -= -!, -ids unit, the basic maintenance mill rate at 24 hills and �l the local discretionary mill rate at 2.5 ,-Hills 'andates on schools also r:ere reduced some minor fi by king ;sating nancial avgit reporttss, , b by making selected pre - school screening programs optional instead of mandatory and by providing more flexibility in administering special education programs. In an effort to reduce energy - related costs, the new law allows districts to set up four -day school weeks. The amount of required classroom time will be figured by hours rather than by days under this system. Some districts with lower - than,- average fund balances may now levy additional property taxes. Other increased levy options include: a transportation levy for hazardous conditions and for secondary students living less than two miles from school; a summsier school levy; and a levy for the costs of job placement services for employees who may become eligible for unemployment compensation. This bill allows districts to transfer up to $50 per Pupil from their capital expenditure fund to their general fund without having to reimburse the capital funds as well as allowing school board elections to be held in November instead-of May. Natural Resources The hazardous waste emergency funding bill', of which I was c hief author, was finally approved. This bill allows the Pollution Control Agency to accept and administer federal emergency response moneys available without a state match under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980. However, the hazardous waste "Super Fund" bill, which would have established a fund from state taxes and fees to also clean up hazardous waste spills, was vetoed by the Governor. I voted against this bill because it would have made people who use, store, or handle hazardous wastes strictly liable for the dama�oes caused by the release of that was The bill contained no caps on the amount of damages that could be collected and contained retroactive provisions that would have adversely affected many Minnesota farmers and businesses. In a renewed effort to bring the problems of acid rain under control, we approved a bill requiring the Pollution Control Agency to prepare a list of areas sensitive to the effects of acid rain and to adopt standards to protect those areas. I was an author of the Senate version of this proposal. Laws concerning game and fish licenses also were changed this year. The bill passed requires that everyone (between the ages of 18 and 65) who pur- chases a waterfowl license also must purchase a duck stamp. It clarifies trout stamp requirements and restricts the taking of cougar and bear. Another bill passed sets a limit on the number of people who may hunt deer and bear to prevent an overharvest. It also prohibits people from putting out decoys more than one hour before sunrise during the open water- fowl season and allows landowners to petition for DNR action in preventing damage from beaver dams. A third bill passed requires turkey hunting guides to get annual licenses and prohibits anyone who has had a moose hunting license in the past five years from getting one. • s , Health and V1� ffaj-a To conform with federal reouire -; nts we tightened Minnesota's AFDC eligibility stan�ards. The income Of step- parents must now be taken into consid ration when determining the amount of an AFDC grant, and AFDC grants and food stamps cannot be given to any- one on strike or to an entire family unit if the principal earner participates in a strike. We also increased the standard of n=od for e: recipients to provide an incentive to work, required competitive bidding to reduce the cost of durable medical goods for medical assistance people, and set guidelines for the use of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) for medical assistance services. The Department of Public 'Welfare was granted authority to contact any state agency or deparL.ent in *_heir effort to obtain information that can be used to collect child su port from absent parents. This bill also requires courts to order child support withheld from any income source when writing a divorce decree or determination of parentage that contains an income withholding provision. I supported a bill which standardized the statute of limitations for malpractice actions at two years for all health care professionals and veterinarians. :Under previous law the time limit varied from two to six years. Doctors who refuse to prevent a live birth may no longer be sued by children or parents in cases involving birth deformities or unwanted children. The bill also prohibits children, who may be less than perfect -- physically, mentally, or t _ from suing their parents for bringing themintolthe world. Public Safety This year we tightened our DWI (driving while intoxi- cated) laws. While the bill did not increase penalties as sharply as some legislators had wanted, it did make a series of significant changes. These will increase the possibility of arresting drunken drivers, insure swift consequences and enable the state to channel more problem drinkers into chemical dependency treatment services. The new law increased penalties for repeat offenders and lengthens the license revocation periods effective April 1. It also requires that repeat offenders successfully complete a rehabilitation program. On July 1 a new DWI category called "drivino while impaired" is created. This offense will apply to drivers apprehended with an alcohol concentration between .07 and .10- -which is just under the current legal limit. After the second offense in this category, a person will be required to undergo chemical dependency evaluation. If the person refuses, their driver's license could be revoked. Currently the license revocation action can be delayed for up to a year through an appeal process. After July 1 persons who refuse to take or who fail an alcohol test will automatically lose their license seven days later. In other transportation - related areas, the leoiSlature provided subsidies for m_otorcvcle and snormabile safety Droorams by increasing the license fees on those vehicles. They also removed the life Jacket reouirement for windsurfers. 0 E DATE May S, 1982 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chief Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT: Jaycees Beer License The. Jaycees have requested that a "blanket" license be issued to them for several months, which would allow them to then sell beer at various functions to be planned at Fred Robert's Softball Park and the Hutchinson Civic Arena. - It is unlawful for the City of Hutchinson to license itself to sell beer at these events. Therefore, it appears obvious -to 'me that the Jaycees are being used as a "front" by the Recreation Department -in order that the City of Hutchinson may take a share of the profits from the sale of the beer at these events. This is to me as much of an offense as the actual purchase of a license by the City would be. 1 have advised the Recreation Director of this fact several-times, yet we continue to receive the request for the sale of beer at these events. I know that it is important that revenue be obtained in these tight economic -times but I feel that the liabilities that may be incurred from this kind of activity far offset that which could possibly*be gained from the sale of beer. I have also brought this matter to the attention of the Council on more than one occasion and on those occasions the Council chose to issue licenses for those events. A recently enacted Statute allows municipalities to enact ordinances which would allow the municipality to sell intoxicating liquors, which would is include beer, at events sponsored by the municipality and in municipally owned buildings or properties -Perhaps in order to solve this dilema the City �4 should consider the enactment of such an ordinance. That would absolve the Recreation Department and the City-government of the liabilities which may be incurred, if proper insurance is obtained. The Police Department will be prepared to adequately enforce the regulations as they may be written. Sometime ago I sent a copy of this statute to the City Attorney's Office, and 1 am sure that they would be willing to answer those questions for you and to assist you in the enactment of such an ordinance. Should the Council decide not to enact the Ordinance, then in my opinion the next best thing to do would be to completely eliminate the sale of beer at any city sponsored event or events taking place on city property or within a city building. My personal feeling is that we should not sell beer at concerts, sporting events, etc; at the Arena. We have an enforcement problem as well as the inability to keep beer out of the hands of minors. With alcohol and drug abuse being the number one problem facing our society perhaps we, as a governmental body, should do our part to at least _ not provide opportunity for abuse. DMO:nb Gee il►l f t�YE { {E{ fie% ��; �,o �c i����ak.A league of minnesota cities April 16, 1982 James DeMeyer Mayor 25 - 2nd Ave. S.W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mayor DeMeyer: 7* C�o� we2 ,g2O err � Q Pk ; 982 A 's �. T RECEIVED %Z sef y� Q� C'o w , 7ie �Vf /�- - �" FOR YO INFORMATION We are in the process of planning our schedule of League of Minnesota Cities fall regional meetings. - At a prior regional meeting your city indicated an interest in hosting a meeting. We are contacting you to see if your city would be interested in hosting a meeting in tie fall of 1982. The date for the meeting in your area is "— -- ' - �t�y'. /-S:"' eW#,r We would appreciate your considering to host a meeting this fall. 'If you have a facility which will comfortably seat 150 persons and would be a good meeting room, it would meet the need. The meeting room should also be accessible to the handicapped. The League will work with you to insure a successful meeting. As in the past we will also have an afternoon meet so the regular meeting place should be available from 2:00 p.m. to -5:00 p.m. for about persons for the afternoon meeting; as well as from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for the evening meeting. If you wish to have a social hour prior to the evening dinner you should arrange accordingly. Upon receipt of this letter please discuss this with your city officials and let me know as soon as possible, but please no later than May 12, if your city wishes to host a fall meeting. Also please give me the name and title of the person in your city who will be responsible for the meeting arrangements, and the name and location of the facility where the meeting will be held. We will furnish host cities with a checklist of items which need to be done and will prepare address labels for invitations to neighboring cities to be sent out later. The entire program will be the responsibility of the League. The city arranges for the facility and meal (and social hour if one is desired). Thank you for your consideration and awaiting your reply, I remain, Yours truly, MP -1 Mentor C. Addicks, Jr. Legislative Counsel MCA:rmm cc Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator Paul, minnesota 55101 (61 2) 227 -5600 r (612) 587 -5151 Ll C1YY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 May 5, 1982 Barry Jaeger Kraus - Anderson of St. Paul Co. 200 Grand Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Barry: This letter will confirm our previous communications in which we informed you that the final payment on the Hutchinson Senior Center facility will be retained by the City of Hutchinson until all construction details-are complete. We would assume that your architect should have seen these items and have them completed by now. In going through the Center this week with the Building Official, we note the following items which still require attention. Interior Move lighted exit sign to hallway door (north wall of dining area) from its present location in the middle of the dining area, as previously directed by the Building Official. Check flourescent fixtures in the dining area to prevent recurrent flickering. . Replace several chipped light fixture covers in dining area. Place a cover on a kitchen light fixture which has never had one. .. Change a faucet arm in the vegetable preparation sink in the kitchen to proper length. Replace cracked molding around glass in west patio doors. Charge and start up air conditioning units for summer operation. (Temperature Control Company has been contacted twice about this.) Exterior Caulk and paint soffit and fascia above east entrance. Paint wood soffit above west windows and patio doors. Complete masonry work and painting on door lentil at west exterior stairway entrance. • Repair or replace damaged bricks on south side of building. Cut off weep hole ropes on south and west side of building. • Repair or replace sod which was damaged during the winter. w i • Barry Jaeger May 5, 1982 Page 2 Our City Council has appointed a committee of two members of the Council to tour the Senior Center when all details are complete. Please advise us of a date for this inspection, which will be required prior to final payment. Very truly yours, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Hazel Sitz Personnel Coordinator P.S. Also, for your information, I discussed the kitchen wiring with Dick Hardginski on May 3. There are presently 20 amp circuit breakers on these circuits. They were not heavy enough to handle the load placed on them by several small appliances at a special event recently. A local electrician can replace the breakers with 30 amp size, However, it may -be better -to add another circuit for such needs, according to Hardginski. copy: Dan Wilson, Wilson Management Co. Dick Hardginski, Pope Associates Architects Carol Haukos, Hutchinson HRA Homer Pittman, Building Official Ken Merrill, City Accountant Hutchinson City Council (612) 587-5 151 CITY OF NUTC117PISON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 29, 1982 Mr. Tom Clabo Rt. 1 Brownton, MN 55312 Dear Mr. Clabo: FOR YOUR INFORMATION That portion of the building at 554 Jefferson St. So. that you are remodeling for a wood working shop does--not have a Building Permit. You-are ordered to stop work on this portion until a Building Permit has been issued. With the type of business you are planning to put in here, you shall be required to have a survey of the lot and drawings of the building showing distance to property lines with the size of the total building and, also, the size of the wood working shop and all other information needed before a Building Permit will be issued. If you have any questions, please call this office. HP /pv cc: City Attorney Mayor City Administrator Respectfully, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Homer Pittman Building Official 0 F (612) 587 -5151 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: - Kimberly Country Estates 0 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Attached is-a letter from Mr:- Richard Larson, developer of Kimberly Country Estates, relative to construction of curb and gutter for the two lots facing - Garden Drive. He has units constructed on them, and to complete the driveways and landscaping for same, he has constructed curb and gutter to correct grade and alignment. This is part of his required development improvements as per subdivision ordinance. MVP /pv attachment 7.0;;zP4-"e.� ;?/" Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering BUILDER Business Phone 587 -5555 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave W Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: City Engineer Dear Sirs, May 3, 1982 Home Phone 587 -5556 Re: Curb and gutter I request permission to install curb and gutter on Lot one and two of block-one on Garden Road in accordance with the cities location and elevation design. S rely Richard Larson RL /ah C__-'194 -jV ? R TONAL L_B���Y �o:�� FOR YOUR INFORMATION April 12, 1932 The Crow River Regional Library Board met at the Meeker County Courthouse April 12, 1932. Present: Orlynn Mankell., New London Representing: Kandiyohi County Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg Kandiyohi County Jean•Stranberg, Atwater Kandiyohi County Earl Mathews,, Glencoe McLeod County .1i1ah Buhr Stewart McLeod County Ellen Moench, Eden Valley Meeker County Jeanne Lt:ndstrom, Cosmos Meeker County Harriet Barg, Dassel Meeker County Lionel Barker, Glencoe Glencoe Albert Linde, Hutchinson Hutchinson Delores Condon, Litchfield Litchfield Judy Johnson, Litchfield Litchfield Dennis L'•1r ich, Renville Renville Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Willmar Le?oy Sanders, Willmar Willmar— Burton Sundberg, Director, CRRL Kathy Mattson, Asst. Dir., CRRL Absent: Wayne lebrink, Renville Representing: Kandiyohi County George Jepson, Winsted McLeod County Pauline Reigstad, Bird Island Bird Island John Hor:-ocks, ?iutchinson� Hutchinson John Esb ornson.- Willmar* Willmar # Excused absence Chairman Orlynn 14ankell called the meeting to order. Buhr/Buchanan moved that the minutes for February and March be approved. Carried. Sanders /Lundstrom moved that the treasurer's reports for February and March be approved. Carried. Director's report: 1. A "revised form of the monthly statistical report which will include statistics needed for the OPLIC report will be used beginning in May. 2. Next week is Library .leek. A used book sale will be held in Willmar April 23 and 24. 3. Preliminary plans have been made to construct a new building in Grove City for city offices and library facilities. Construction will begin this summer if the plans are approved. b. Kathy Matson explained the services of the CRRL to the new librarian at Olivia. 5. Thirty -two librariams attended the workshop on Small Business and Farming in March. 6. Twenty-four librarians attended the workshop on obtaining grants on April 1. 7. Clippings weke passed around. 8. ddo - action has been taken on the plans for a banquet for former and presenttrus- tees and staff members to commemorate the tenth anniversary of CRRL. This will be held in the fall. 9. Staff members are tabulating the 700 surve�-rs completed by library users. he board will receive the results when the work is completed. Ulrich /Sanders moved that the bills be approved. Carried. Committee reports: 1. Meetings of the S-',x i4IB Advisory and Governing Boards will be held April 27 in Marshall. Action on the two applications for a grant for an 00LC data base terminal has been delayed. The Advisory Committee will ask the Governing Board to approve the same grant amount for next year so that both applications may receive grants. CI,LRL has avplied for a SAYDIIIB grant of $51tO for a workshop on using volunteers. 2. COM, catalog and 0CLC terminal update --One microfiche contains information eauivalent to that contained in 20 inches of card catalog space. It is a cost - saving device which -would provide catalog information at all the branches and on the bookmobile. Ninety -eight per cent of the CRRL collection is already in the computer. The Saa2-!13 grant o' $6,000 would cover the cost of the OCLC terminal and the maintenance and communication costs for the first year. The cost of the terminal is a one -time expense. 3.'The Staff rollcy vo.ittee of the CRRL Board met in march and will meet again April 26. If necessary, another meeting will be held May 24. Coim- -nunications : 1. Copies of the Public Library Newsletter were passed around. 2. The AL.AA -ZA spc_sored trustee workshop will be held in Minneapolis April 16-17. Jeanette Buchanan, Licnel Barker, and Lilah Buhr will represent CRRL. Mr. Sundberg is attending as an observer. 3. The AA spring con:rention will be held in Duluth Hay 13 -15. 4. Mr. Sundberg wrote letters to our - representatives in Congress asking support-._,L___ in continuing LSCA funding. So far, the only reply was from Vin Weber. C-IRL raceives about $18,000 a year from this'furding. 5. A letter from ODIC regarding state legislative matters was passed around for board members to read. Unfinished business: None New business: Sanders /Ulrich moved to authorize conversion to C0114 catalog if the SAM ffE grant of $6,000 is approved. Carried.. Mileage reports were filed. The meeting was adjourned. Lilah Buhr Secretory " CROW RIVER REGIOILiL LIB RA3v 000 April 1982 usurer's P.eport LeRoy Sanders, Treasure -r INCO14E MS MONTH Y-AR TO DATE BIIDGE^1 Balance $(14,001.23) T (8,340.87 ` Receipts: State/Federal Aid _SALARIES__ 29,222.00 113,000•00 Kandiyohi County 18,126.00 36,252.00 72,504.00 Meeker County 15,000.00 15,000.00 50,233.00 McLeod County PERA AND SOCIAL SECURITY 55,074.00 McLeod County (1981 Receivable) 5,432.08 -0- Willmar 14,830.25 29,660.50 59,321,00 Litchfield 7,697.00 15,394.00 30,788.00 Hutchinson 10,996.75 21,993.50 43,987.00 Glencoe 5,036.50 10,073.00 20,146.00 Bird Island 1,524.00 6,096.00 Renville 1,674.50 3,349.00 6,698.00 Petty Cash 2,470.82 8,759.04 22,000•00 Gifts PAMPHLETS -0- Other 73.12 779.12 101000.00 Total Receipts: $75190+.94 $177,438.24 $489,847.00 From 1981 Budget 7.82% 49000.30 5,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & -ALANCE: $61,903.71 $169,097.37 $494,847.00 M TD_ __. __YTO -._ %--G'F_EXP _CURRENT EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES TO EST BUDGET Reversal (Voided check) Investments redeemed Investments purchased Ending cash balance - 15.00 32,900.00 1349200.00 73,361.00 163,246.42 (15,05.73) (15105.73) Savings Pass Book: $46,471.29 as of April 30, 1982 2 506.64 Amortization Funds (not including interest but including ,977.93 re- payment of $140.00 per month) ACCT 000 LIBRARY - -- PERSONAL SERVICES _SALARIES__ 259871.27 103092.01 33.23 %_3129951.00 HOSPITAL MEDICAL INSURANCE 19345.10 5,380.40 41.39% 139000.00 PERA AND SOCIAL SECURITY 29327.43 9.393.27 33.55% 289000.00 ACCT GROUP . -�. 29. 9543..80 1189765.68------33-55% 3539951.0.0 MATERIALS BOOKS - ADULT 19219.78 109740.72 24.37% 449066.00 _- BOOKS_- _CHI -LDRFN 377.17 2,757.18 19.69% 149000.00 PERI7DICALS 125.99 928.0? 11.60% 89000.00 PAMPHLETS 16.94 16.94 8.47% 200.00 - AU013.VISUA1 ___.00 - 312.7 7.82% 49000.30 PAINTINGS .00 .00 .GO% 100.00 8INDING .00 _ .00 .00% 600.00 -- __ .00 _._40.52 13.50% - ____300.00. ____MLCROFORMS_ ACCT GROUP... 19739.88 149796.15 20.76% 719266.00 MAINTENANCE SERVICES --8.91 210.40 23.91% - .880.00- _CUSTLDIA"UP-PLIES_Atin TELEDHONE E TERMINAL 434.41 1,496.19 31.83% 49700.00 , VEHICLE OPERATION - IN:,L INS 19119.61 39420.87 31.19.% 119000.00 ArDT GROUP -- 1.9562.93 127.46-----30.93% 16,580.00_ OTHER I SUPPLIES L PRINTING 337.03 2,157.20 19.61% 111000.00 I _- PR11M:71ING_AND PROGR MMTMr . 130.59 150.59 10.04% 10500.0 POSTAGE 507.23 19822.43 41.42% 4,400.00 MILEAGE AND MEETINGS 164.12 19641.96 32.84% 59000.00 -MEMBERSHIPS .00 - _ 300.00- 50.00% --600.00 INSURANCE 1x662.50 19884.co 36.23% 59200.00 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 863.70 3053.11 27.76% 119000.00 _ AUDIT1*4G _SERV_ICES . .00 _.____.00 .00% _950.00 ' BOOKEEPING SERVICES 225.00 900.00 33.33% 2,700.00 COM CATALOG .00 ' 000 .00% 39000.00 AGC_-- GROUP.-. 39890.17 11,90.9..29 26.26% _4.5,350.00.1 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT 111.66 333.54 8.34% 49000.00 BRANCH AMnTT7AT1nN FUNn -_.0o _.00_ .00X __700.0Q, VEHICLE AMORTIZATION FUND .00 .00 .00% 39000.00 SAVIN COPIER .00 49539.56 .00% .00 ACLS__GROUP_. -- 111.66 4,873.10_ 63.29Y 79700.00: ORG. TOTAL... 369848.44 1559471.68 31.42% 4949847.00 Reversal (Voided check) Investments redeemed Investments purchased Ending cash balance - 15.00 32,900.00 1349200.00 73,361.00 163,246.42 (15,05.73) (15105.73) Savings Pass Book: $46,471.29 as of April 30, 1982 2 506.64 Amortization Funds (not including interest but including ,977.93 re- payment of $140.00 per month) AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1982 1. Call to Order - 6:30 A.M. 2. Consideration of Application for On -Sale Malt Liquor License by Christy's Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license 3. Presentation on Impact Rate Study for New Water Plant Expansion 4. Adjournment 0 FORM LETTER SENT TO ALL APPLICANTS March 31, 1982 Dear Sir: Enclosed is an Application for License to Sell Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquors at Retail which should be completed by signing at the "X ", checking first to be sure the application is correctly filled out. The signed application must be accompanied by the proper fee of $225.00. Please return to the Office of City Clerk,.37 Washington Avenue West, Hutchinson, MN 55350 no later than April 22, 1982. No further notification will be sent to you. Sincerely yours, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Diane Olsen Secretary I Enclosure Approved 3.2 beer licenses - 4/27/82 1. Pizza Hut 2. T. L. Scalawags 3. J's Pizza Garten 4. Godfather's Pizza S. Crow River Country Club The following were not renewed: 1. Christy's 2. Gold Coin 3. Frontier House RET:�IL "0' $225.00 ,� ! 'A Mate of S-Iriiiilt5ota -TY OF McLeod U-t-y COUA - ----- . ..... City Counc...i.l .. qit .............To th e ............... . .. . -- . ...... .......... of the ....... .... y . of ...... Hutchinson .............. ............................................................................................. State of Minnesota: Margaret 4 Leonard Odegaard lw,rrby appl.__.Lesfor a Uccnza for the feerm, from the_-- Ist gall 1981, to all At Retail Only, Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as tli4 same are defined by law, for wncUmpffion "O.A"' Jh"e, C47j---n PTCM:.SCS in th6.-­--------- City Hutchinspn ...... . .......... duoribed as follaws, to-wit: - — ---------- - . ....... I Christy's 18 Main Street North Tavern at which place said applicant ----- operate ...... the business of_-..._-. .. ...... .................. . ............. . ....... . ............................. . ... . .............. ............. and to that end represent --- ...anAd sfate ...... as follows: That said applicants .A ....................... 4rC ....................... r�1i:zn-S.--of the United Sfatzj; of toed moral character and repido; and have. - - - -.- attained tht aea of 91 years; that --------- :01U --- a-r-C ---------------- - ---------------- proprictor..s_pf the establizh7nent for which th­- license will be issued if this application is dranted. That no manufacturer of such non-intoxicatinf malt liquors has any oumzrship, in whole or in part, In said business of said applicant ...... or any interest therein; That said applicant ------ make ...... this application pursuant and subject to all the laws of the State Of Afinnzsota and the ordinances and refulationj ofsaid... . . . ...... . ..... City applicable thereto, which, are hereby made a part hereof, and hereby agree ...... to obgerva and obey the same; . ..... - ----- - ------------- (Hart •.Ate other r%qa!m=-entz. If &=Y. of loo] rxS-aW-k=) This license also includes the off-sale license. Each applioant f urth-or states that he is not now the holder Of, nor has he made applization for, nor does 7w intend to make application for a Federal Retail Dea-ler's Special tax stamp for the sale of - 1614 NJAY 1982 A, 0 I8 X Dated .q pptioaast- P. O. .9ddm" , -