cp04-13-1982 c cHUTCHINSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF April 'TO .April 17 1' 9 WEDNESDAY -14- SUNDAY -11- EASTER SUNDAY E A wyeb, MONDAY -12- 6:30 A.M. - Special City Counci Meeting at City Hall TUESDAY -13- 4:00 P.M. - City Council Work- shop at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - Regular City Council Meeting at City Hall THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY -15- -16- -17- 7:30 P.M. - Airport Commission Meeting at City Hall VACATION: DEAN O'BORSKY - April 12 -13 � r AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1982 k/l. Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 P.M. V12. Invocation - "Reverend E. David Natwick 3. Consideration of Minutes - Bid Openings dated March 18, 1982 and March 19, 1982, Special Meeting of April 2, 1982 and Regular Meeting of March 23,4982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended V+. Public Hearing None 5. /Communications, Requests and Petitions ✓(a) Consideration of Request for Street Lighting on Graham Street Action - Motion to reject - Motion to refer to Hutchinson Utilities Vb) Consideration of Appointments: v4) Downtown Development District Advisory Board - Dick Lennes DuWayne Peterson ,/2) Tree Board - Jerry Brown LA) Library Board - Albert Linde Kathy McGraw Gina Iverson Action - Motion to ratify appointments ,/(c) Consideration of Two Police Dispatchers Attending Officer Survival Seminar on May 8, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 1/(d) Consideration of Request for Use of Library Square and Bandshell on May 1, 1982 for Spring Community Clean -Up Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve ✓(e) Consideration of Request by Fire Marshal to Attend Governor's Council on Fire Prevention and Control on April 15, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 13, 1982 v�f) Consideration of Request by Fire Marshal to Attend Spring Conference of Minnesota Fire Instructors Association on April 17 -18, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject „,fig) Consideration of Request for All Downtown Street Lights to Be Turned On Monday and Thursday Evenings Action - /(h) Consideration of Request for City Engineer to Attend Minnesota Chapter Public Works Association Spring Conference on May 13, 1982 Action - ;Motion to approve - Motion to reject 6. Resolutions and Ordinances ,/(a) Resolution No. 7090 - Transferring $20,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt J(b) Resolution No. 7091 - Accepting $62,500 from the Hutchinson Utilities Commissiot Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7092 - Resolution of Appreciation - Dr. Cris Remucal Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt ✓(d) Resolution No. 7093 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt 7. Reports of Officers, Boards and Commissions ✓(a) Building Official's Report - March 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing v(b) Minutes of'Senior Advisory Board dated February 24, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing )(c) Minutes of Hospital Board dated February 16, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing -2- e~ r 0 r COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 13, 1982 ,/(d) Minutes of Tree Board dated February 17, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing VW Minutes of.Downtown Development District Advisory Board dated February 9, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing ,,,(f) Minutes of Nursing Home Board dated March 18, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor received for filing A d(g) Minutes of Parks & Recreation Board dated March 3, 1982 Action - Order by Mayor - received for filing 8. Unfinished Business F/(a) Consideration of Request for Rezoning from R -2 Multiple Family Residence to C -4 Fringe Commercial District Submitted by Arvin Anderson with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission, with contingencies (DEFERRED 3- 23 -82) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive first reading of Ordinance and set second reading for April 27, 1982 ✓(b) Consideration of Awarding Bid for Tree and Stump Removal (DEFERRED 3- 19 -82) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid N�/c) Consideration of Awarding Bid for 1982 Concession Stand Contracts (DEFERRED 3- 19 -82) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to award bid ✓(d) Consideration of Project 81 -32, First Avenue S.W. Improvement Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject ,/(e) Consideration of Fire Code Update Costs for City Hall and Public Library (DEFERRED 3- 23 -82) Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve proposal Af) Consideration of 1982 Cost of Living Adjustment for Director of Engineering Action - -3- COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 13, 1982 J (g) Consideration of Re- Opening Tabled Discussion On Old Armory (Requested by Alderman Mike Carls) Action - -- 4h) Consideration of Payment to Kraus - Anderson for Statement Regarding Evergreen Apartment Site Action - 9. New Business eta) Consideration of Demolition Permit for House and Garage at 336 Hassan Ftreet, Submitted by Ralph Johnson Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject - Motion to establish amount_of - deposit fee 7 ,,(b) Consideration of 10 -Year Lease Cylinder Agreement with American Welding Supplies for Park Garage Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve lease ,(c) Consideration of Pager Modification Action - Motion to approve.- Motion to reject V(d) Consideration_ of Watermain Improvement, Project 81 -03 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject �e) Consideration of Application for Permits Submitted by Hutchinson Jaycees Water Carnival Committee: 1. Street Use 2. Kiddie Day Parade Permit 3. Grand Parade Permit 4. Square Dance Permit Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permits - Motion to waive permit fees N/(f) Consideration of Application for Popcorn /Concession Stand Permit and Franchise at Library Square by Mark McGraw Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue permit and franchise J(g) Consideration of Authorization to Publish Cemetery Regulations In Newspaper Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize publication -4- 0 P, i COUNCIL AGENDA APRIL 13, 1982 /(h) Consideration of Repair of Old Armory Roof 0 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve repair J(i) Consideration of Radio Maintenance Contract for Airport "H" Marker Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize signing contract 40) Consideration of Purchase of Carton Cooler for Liquor Store Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject )(k) Consideration of.Claim for Water Back -Up by Emma Homan . / Action - Motion to approve paying claim — .Motion to reject 1(1) Consideration of Reassigning Duties of Building Custodian Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject �(m) Consideration of Advertising for Bids for Street Maintenance Material Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize advertising for bids on April 26, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. 10. Miscellaneous 4(a) Communications from City Administrator 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments J(a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment J12. Adjournment -5- 0 MINUTES BID OPENING THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1982 0 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 2:00 P.M. Present were the City Engineer Marlow Priebe, City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill, and City Administrator Gary D. Plotz. Also present was the representative from Rieke, Carroll & Muller; Charles Barger. Publication No. 2897, Advertisement for Bids, Addition to Wastewater Treatment Facil- ities, was read by the City Administrator. The following bids were then opened and read, with all bidders acknowledging Addendum s 1 and 2. Building Constructors, Inc. $1,210,840.00 Victoria, MN Gridor Construction Inc. 1,214,700.00 Plymouth, MN ABE Construction Inc. 1,243,000.00 Plymouth, MN Magney Construction Co. 1,273,900.00 Minneapolis, MN Carlstrom,Robert W.,Co. Inc. 1,277,200.00 Mankato, MN Young Construction Co. 1,306,821.00 St. Paul, MN R. L. Carr Co. 1,310,000.00 Marshall, MN Willman Construction Inc. 1,323,000.00 Woodbury, MN Schatz Construction Inc. 1,370,000.00 Glencoe, MN Adolfson /Peterson Inc. 1,389,700.00 Minneapolis, MN Loeffel - Engstrand Co. 1,435,000.00 Hopkins, MN Barbarossa & Sons 1,445,000.00 Osseo, MN C�l MINUTES BID OPENING MARCH 18, 1982 Acton Construction Co.,.Inc. 1,463,800.00 Hugo, MN Structural Spec. Hutchinson, MN 1,634,208.00 Orvedahl Construction Inc. 1,695,775.00 Minneapolis The bids were referred to the RCM consultant, City Engineer and Maintenance Opera- tions Director for review and recommendation. It was pointed out that the City would take close to 60 days to reach a decision on awarding the bid. There being no further business, the bid opening closed at 2:20 P.M. -2- • i 0 0 MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1982 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 2:00 P.M. Present were Parks and Recreation Director Bruce Ericson, City Forester Mark Schnobrich, and City Administrator Gary D. Plotz. Publication No. 2900, Advertisement for Bids, 1982 Tree Removal and Stump Removal, was read by the City Administrator. The following two bids were opened and read: Carr's Tree Service, Inc. Otter Tail, MN Hutchinson Landscaping & Tree Removal Hutchinson, MN $37,420.00 - Sections A,B,C $30,415.00 — Sections A,B,C The bids were referred to the Forester and Director of Parks and Recreation for re- view and recommendation. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:07 P.M. IN MINUTES BID OPENING FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1982 The bid opening was called to order by City Administrator Plotz at 2:30 P.M. Present were Parks and Recreation Director, Bruce Ericson and City Administrator, Gary D. Plotz. Publication No. 2899, Advertisement for Bids, 1982 Concession Stand Contracts, was read by the City Administrator. The one bid received was then read. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. $300.00 per month or an Duane Buske, Mgr. average of $10.00 per day; Hutchinson, MN bid includes all refuse, elec- trical and water expenses at no additional charge. Mr. Buske requested that an exhaust fan roof vent be installed and become a part of the building from the first day of operation. He stated this exhaust fan is needed to remove heat from the stand due to the heat from compressors. He further asked for permission to pull a trailer in for an additional facility from which to sell. The existing stand is only open on one side. There being no further business, the bid was referred to the Parks and Recreation Director for review. The meeting adjourned at 2:35 P.M. a 4- 0 1. CALL TO ORDER 0 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1982 Mayor DeMeyer called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M., with the Tbllawing present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Ted Beatty., and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, and City Attorney James Schaefer. 2. INVOCATION The invocation was given by the Reverend Keith- .Duehn of the Bethlehem United Meth- odist Church. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the special meetings of February 19, 1982, February 23, 1982 and March 16, 1982 were approved as read upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously _carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 9, 1982 were approved as-amended up- on motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by- Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. 4.. PUBLIC HEARING None - - 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS-AND PETITIONS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENTS: 1) PLANNING COMMISSION - ELSA YOUNG 2) HOSPITAL BOARD - ROLLIS BALKE Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to ratify the appointment of Elsa Young to the Planning Com- mission for another five -year term. Motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to ratify the appointment of Rollis Balke to the Hospital Board for another five -year term. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) RESOLUTION NO. 7089 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to waive the reading and adopt Reso- lution No. 7089 entitled Resolution for Purchase. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. 0 COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT - FEBRUARY 1982 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (b) MINUTES OF NURSING HOME BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 18, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (c) MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION DATED FEBRUARY 16, 1982 There being no discussion, the _minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (d) MINUTES -:OF PARKS-AND RECREATION BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 3, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) UPDATE.REPORT ON.PUBLIC BUILDINGS-MEETING "BUILDING CODE AND FIRE CODE (DEFERRED MARCH 9, 1982) 1. CITY HALL 2. LIBRARY 3. LIQUOR STORE Fire Marshal Field reported on the inspections of and Liquor Store. He stated the three electrical were minor and could be handled internally-since in nature. The Fire Marshal further reported that from the State Fire Marshal's office has not been the inspection of the Old Armory and City Hall. the City Hall, Library items in the Liquor Store they were administrative the district representative available to do a review of After discussion, Alderman Carls moved that Fire Marshal George Field be authorized to carry out internal compliance in City Hall and the Library with as many items as possible and report back to the City Council the esti- mated costs, with no outlay of money, the items that could not be done in- ternally. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL OF CLUB ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSES: -2- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 1. AMERICAN LEGION POST X196 2. CROW RIVER COUNTRY CLUB 3. HUTCH ELKS, INC. 4. V.F.W. POST #906 • After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty, that with the recom- mendation of the Police Chief, to approve the above -named applications and issue Club On -Sale Liquor Licenses. The motion was seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL OF ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSES: 1. FRONTIER HOUSE 2. LA CASA DE CAMPA 3. T. L. SCALAWAGS, INC. 4. VELVET COACH, INC. Following discussion „it was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried; -to -- approve the above - named-- appllcations and -- issue On -Sale Liquor, Licenses, with recommendation of- Police - Chief. _. (c) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR "'RENEWAL OF ON -SALE WINE LICENSE - 1. GOLD COIN CHINESE RESTAURANT After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to.- approve the above -named applica- tion and issue an On -Sale Wine License.:- Seconded by Alderman Mlipar, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF DELINQUENT WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS A copy of the letter sent to all delinquent account holders was read by Mayor DeMeyer. He then inquired if there was anyone present who wished to be heard regarding his /her account. No one responded. Alderman Beatty moved to accept staff recommendation to discontinue service at 12:00 Noon on March 29, 1982, unless otherwise noted for the following accounts: 04- 0265 -0 -00, 04- 0370 -2 -00, 04- 0375 -4 -00, 04- 0625 -2 -00, 07- 0135 -1- 00, 07- 0360 -0 -00, 11- 1160 -0 -00, 12- 0170 -0 -00, 12- 0300 -4 -00, 12- 0365 -3-00, 12- 0750 -8-00, 12- 0785 -0- 00,12- 0860 -1 -00, 15- 0133 -0 -00, 27- 0025 -1 -00. Sec- onded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION OF CHANGING BOARD OF REVIEW TO MAY 20, 1982 The County Assessor notified the City Council that due to a conflict, it would be necessary to change the date for the Hutchinson Board of Review to May 20, 1982. Following discussion, Alderman Mlinar made the motion to approve the change of date for the Board of Review to May 20, 1982. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. -3- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 (f) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM R -2 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO C -4 FRINGE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY ARVIN ANDERSON WITH FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION, WITH CONTINGENCIES Mr. Gerald Amundson of 589 Hassan Street stated he would like to know the main purpose for rezoning from R -2 to C -4. Mr. Roy Clabo of 675 Fourth Avenue S.W. responded that he had requested re- zoning in order to continue a business that has been in operation for 53 years in the same building. He pointed out the business was there long be- fore the other houses were built. It was his intent to upgrade the building to code for an automotive and woodworking business. Mr. Clabo further stated there was C -4 zoning- across the street, and the rezoning would grant h #in pro - - tection in the event of fire or tornado to permit rebuilding. An inquiry was made by Wally Higgins, 592 Jefferson Street South, if the busi- ness could continue to_ operate as Is-with the present R -2 zoning__ He r he had no "qualms" about the business; however,- if the- property goes to ,C -4_ zoning, it will be a "foot in the door." In the event the building would be - destroyed, there would be a total area of residential property with an empty lot. It would make more sense to replace it with a house. City Administrator Plotz explained the City Zoning Ordinance states.-that no repair exceeding-10% of the current market value in any period of 12 consec- utive months can be done to -a structure except to strengthen or restore- -a build- ing to a safe condition or update it to meet building codes. Mr. Clabo., -could make the improvements within the zoning requirements, but the - building could not be replaced under the present zoning. Mr. Darwin Mause of 545 Hassan Street South stated he lives behind the busi- ness. He had no particular complaint, except the building could stand some improving and "sprucing up." When he purchased his property, he wanted a residential area. The idea of commercial zoning made him nervous, and he was leery of it. The neighbors felt they would like to see the business left residential. A neighbor of Mr. Mause wanted to know how it could be avoided if other prop- erty in the area wanted to rezone to commercial. Alderman Beatty commented that the Planning Commission had placed a condi- tion on the rezoning so that the use of the property could not be changed in the event the property was damaged or destroyed. If it was not returned to its designated use, the property would return to R -2 zoning. The rezon- ing would not only allow Mr. Clabo to upgrade the building, but it would also be a protection to him. Alderman Mlinar stated he had received several telephone calls regarding this issue. Both John Tews of 569 Hassan South and Neil Wegner of 574 Jefferson S. + -4- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 were opposed to the rezoning. They felt the value of surrounding property would depreciate if the business were zoned commercial. Also, 'additional traffic would be a concern with young children in the neighborhood. City Attorney Schaefer remarked this is the City's first attempt at condi- tional zoning. It is anew area, and there aren't any Minnesota cases that have been tested.in court. The State of California has used..this type of zoning. The condition is on the building remaining the same. In the event the building would be destroyed, the property owner would have to come back to the City Council for a building permit, etc. If the use was changed, the City would be aware of it and revert the zoning back to R -2. Mr. Schaefer expressed concern about other areas of industrial activity that may have been overlooked and grandfathered in. Alderman Mlinar alluded to the Comprehensive Plan and asked -if it was being disregarded for-this rezoning. He also asked about other areas with the same situation. He thought perhaps -a precedent would be established and that -fur- ther research should be given to the matter. City Engineer Priebe commented that the zoning over -rides the Comprehensive Plan. While the Plan is only a guide, the zoning is actual land use. The Comprehensive Plan came into being after the zoning in that area. Paul Clabo stated the property to be rezoned was owned by Arvin Anderson, -an uncle. He further pointed out the business is located on...th.e .edge of a com- mercial district-so the City would not be making_a big change in the Compre- hensive Plan.- It was his opinion-that-the neighborhood needed to have the building upgraded, and the compromise reached by the Planning Commission was a good one. The City Council has the authority to make a decision on rezon- ing of the property. The business is operated low -key so there would be lit- tle traffic. While the automotive portion is a one - person operation, the woodworking part would possibly fiire one or two additional workers. There were no definite plans for the future. Eileen Torry of 559 Hassan Street stated she-had talked to 12 neighbors, and there were only -two in favor of the. :.proposed rezoning. Alderman Mlinar moved to postpone a decision for further research on condi- tional rezoning. Seconded by the Mayor, the motion failed, with Alderman Mlinar and Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Carls and Alderman Beatty voting nay. It was then moved by Alderman Beatty to waive the first reading of Ordinance No. 3/82 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Concerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutchinson and the Official Zoning Map, and set second reading for April 13, 1982. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion failed, with Alderman Beatty and Alderman Carls voting aye and Alderman Mlinar and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 Attorney Schaefer stated that with two motions voted down by a 2 -2 vote, he would research the matter and report back at the next City Council meet- ing. He also wanted to determine if failure to pass a motion would make it necessary to go through the whole procedure again. Alderman.Carls commented that all that was being done was granting the owner an insurance policy. He pointed out most of the residents were not opposed to the business as it presently exited. He then suggested a covenant be worked out with the property owner. Mr. Roy Clabo responded that they would be agreeable to a covenant. It was not important to_ them what the requirements_, were, but rather that they, allowed to_- operate a business where one has existed for 53 years.- The4ity Council has every control over the- business, - -as well as the -Fire Marshal., -- City Engineer, etc.- -- Most of the neighb -ors - rare -- agreeable _ to_- upgrading !i�e_ _ business so-all they request is permission to go ahead. Mr. Paul Ciabo pointed out that they would have to check with the property owner, Mr. Arvin Anderson, before they could give an answer regarding cove- nants. (g) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR AS -BUILT SURVEY OF EVERGREEN APARTMENT SITE A request was received for the - -Lity Engineer's-office to conduct an as built survey of-Evergreen Apartments in - accordance_ with the specificat -ions of -the Minnesota Housing- Finance` Agency, -- The _ time and cost_ involved would be „paid for by the developer. City Engineer Priebe reported there would be staff available to do the 'sur- vey, and the estimated cost would be $714.96, which would go into the City's general fund. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to approve the request for an as -built survey of Evergreen Apartment site by the City Engineer's Of- fice,inasmuch as the City has an interest in the project and the survey is required by Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried, with Aldermen Beatty, Carls, and Mlinar voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported the Old Armory gym would be closed to the public on March 24. He further stated there has been vandalism in the build- ing, and it will probably be a potential problem. Mr. Plotz commented that the 10 voting machines have been stored in the Old Armory, and he expressed concern about their safety since each machine is valued at $7,000 - $10P00. It was his recommendation to move them into the old fire station where two rooms have locks on the doors. 0 -6- 9 COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 0 It was moved by Alderman Carls to authorize moving the City's voting machines from the Old Armory to the old fire station. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. It was reported that an appraiser from C. R. Pelton & Associates did appraisals on March 22 for the S &L building, the Masonic Temple and the properties owned by the First State Federal Savings & Loan. He will have an appraisal report ready within 10 days. Park land appraisals on property down by the bass pond were prepared by Larry Thulin and Richard Peterson. The report has been submitted to the State. Mr. Plotz commented on the progress of legislature for the easement-of the bass pond. The Bill was approved -by -both houses and awaiting signature by the Governor. April 8, 1982 has been set as the tentative--date for the City Council Work- shop. The City Administrator will prepare a proposed agenda for the Workshop. On April 6 at 6 :30 P.M., a representative from R.C.M. will.,;give -a presenta- tion to the Council regarding the addition to the sewer plant. Attention was drawn to-a letter requesting the City Street Department to remove snow from the Evergreen: Apartments parking lots and bill the cost to the developer.- - -It was pointed -ouv that the City will be removing snow -from the Senior Center's parking lot and vacated alley, as well as doing street sweeping. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Beatty to instruct the de- veloper to hire private snow removal and street sweeping services. Seconded° by Alderman Carls, the motion carried unanimously. City Administrator Plotz stated that a concerned citizen had inquired about the lease.for the Senior Center. He reported that the lease is contained within the "Developer's Agreement and Conveyance" and covers a 50 -year use of building (pages.12 -13 of Agreement). ­1t, was pointed out that the Minne- sota Housing Finance Agency had recommended the-wording 'i n Agreement and determined the number of years it would apply. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Priebe commented on a letter received from Rieke, Carroll & Mueller regarding bids on the addition to the water treatment plant. The apparent low bidder had been requested to submit additional information in order to determine if the company was qualified for the project. The City Engineer reported the City had received two public hearing notices from the County regarding County rezoning within the two mile limit. The -7- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 first parcel belonging to Larry Sorenson was to be changed from agricultural to highway business. The property would not be affected by the Comprehen- sive Plan, and he saw no reason to object to the requested rezoning. The other piece of land is located near Otter Lake and would be rezoned to rural residential. Last year the City had received a plan for platting in this area. There was no reason to oppose this rezoning either. The County Zoning Administrator had requested a recommendation from the City Council regarding these two parcels. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, not to object to the requested County rezoning. Motion carried unani- mously. Mr. Priebe referred back to Agenda item 9 -f. and- requested -- Alderman Mlinar -- to submit in writing the items he wanted - researched - regarding rezoning.. a (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR - -I- Mayor DeMeyer read a letter received from the Hutchinson Safety Council ex- pressing appreciation to the Street Department for the good job of snow re- moval during the winter months. The Mayor requested individual written- recommendations to the Planning Com- -- mission from the City Administrator, City Attorney, City Fn'gineer; -Fire -#Mar- - shal and Building Official for the agenda items of- the the Planning-Commission. meeting each month. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ATTORNEY Ti City Attorney Schaefer stated that the City has been recently involved in two lawsuits. The Freitag case has been dismissed from court. The Christen - sens have filed against the City of Hutchinson and Hutchinson Utilities Com- mission regarding the rate structure for electricity customers. Attorney Schaefer pointed out that the City does not control the rates applied to in- dividual rate customers. A request was made by the City Attorney to attend a Non - Consent D.W.I. Sem- inar on April 5, 1982 at a cost of $45.00. With the new laws recently passed relating to drunk drivers, he felt it was important to attend. It was moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to approve the City Attorney to attend the Seminar on April 5, 1982. Motion unanimously carried. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Director Ralph Neumann mentioned that the Hassan Valley Township had approved -8- COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 23, 1982 a permit to mine gravel and a land fill permit. (f) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN CARLS Alderman Carls expressed concern about available space for the recreation program. He felt the problem of the Old Armory needed to be addressed. (g) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN MLINAR Alderman Mlinar stated the Library is in need of repair for the eaves, and there is money in the budget to cover this expense. It was requested that the estimated costs for repair be submitted to the City Council for approval. A request was made that the minutes of the last Planning Commission meeting be made _available to the City Council for background -on the recommendations from the Commission. City Administrator Plotz indicated that it would be difficult for the Planning Commission secretary to prepare her minutes with- in such a short time - frame. It was then suggested by the City Engineer that the City Council extend the time for action on the Planning Commission items until the first meeting of the month or for one month. Alderman Mlinar commended Director Ralph Neumann and his crew for the good work done in the Clifton Heights area. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS - (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unani- mously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appro- priate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before at 10:22 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, mously carried. Qm the Council, the meeting adjourned seconded by Alderman Carls and unani- • i MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The special meeting was called to order by Mayor DeMeyer at 12:05 P ;Mfi —i with the following present: Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, Alderman Ted Beatty, and Alderman John Mlinar (arrived late), in addition to Mayor James G. DeMeyer.• Absent: Alder- man Mike Carls. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz and Police Officer Charles Jones. 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EASTER EGG HUNT IN SOUTH PARK ON APRIL 10, 1982 A request was made to hold the third Easter Egg Hunt in South Park on April 10, 1982 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve the use of South Park for an Easter Egg Hunt. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR PURCHASE OF POLICE VEHICLE Officer Charles Jones represented the Police Department in requesting approval for the purchase of a new police vehicle. He reported that four quotes were received for police packages available, and it was his recommendation to purchase. the 1982 Chevrolet Malibu in the amount of $9,862.11.from Wigen's Chevrolet, with a trade -in of the Ford LTD II. It was pointed out that the deadline for ordering a 1982 police vehicle is April 5, 1982. Therefore, it is essential to place the order immediately. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to accept the recommendation for a 1982 Malibu police package in the amount of $9,862.11. The motion was seconded by Ald- erman Gruenhagen and unanimously carried. 4. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR DOUG MCGRAW AND ED CONNELLY TO ATTEND AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE ON APRIL 5 -6, 1982 City Administrator Plotz reported that the two members of the Airport.,Commission were interested in attending the airport conference. Although the Airport Commis - sion does not have money budgeted, the $48.00 registration fee could be taken out of the Planning Commission budget. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruen - hagen, to approve attendance at the conference. Motion unanimously carried. 5. CONFIRMATION OF DEAN O'BORSKY ATTENDING SPRING POLICE CHIEF CONFERENCE ON MARCH 30 - APRIL 2, 1982 RN COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1982 The Police Chief had submitted a written request to each of the Council members for approval to attend the Spring Police Chief Conference on March 30 - April 2, 1982. This action would be confirmation of said approval. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve attendance at the Spring Police Chief Conference. b. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was ad- journed at 12:30 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruen - hagen and unanimously carried.+ �w .:. -2- 0 0 0 4 G&R Insurance Services 105 SECOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA 55350 March 23, 1982 City Council City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Gentlemen: ??2324% 4R 4R 1982 LID cD RECEi VFZ w o w I am the owner of property at 537 Graham Street in Hutchinson and hereby request that a street light or lights be installed on Graham Street. Yours truly, George Totushek 537 Graham Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 GET:aa "WORKING TOGETHER WITH YOU" 105 SECOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST 9 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 • TELEPHONE: 879 -6019 r 0 • IMUMM 5 = (612)SS7 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 9, 1982 TO: . Mayor & City Council FROM: Downtown Development Advisory Board SUBJECT: Vacancies on Board At a meeting of the Downtown Development Advisory -Board _held on March 31, 1982 the following names were recommended for your approval: 1.. Mr. Dick Lennes 2. Mr. DuWayne Peterson FA 0 • DATE 3 -29 -82 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Dean M. O'Borsky, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Dispatcher Seminar Attached is registration for a dispatcher seminar on Officer Survival. $40.00 will cover the cost of sending two of our dispatchers. This is a necessary element of the continuing training that is required to cope with the emergencies that are a part of their day to day jobs. DMO:neb Ll v 'C ' A DISPATCHER SEMINAR A DISPATCHER SIDAINAR SIMINAR CO- ORDINATOI± SURVIVAL - - - - -- This one day seminar will be practical and interesting. Several motion pictures will be shown and various actual tapes utilized. If you attend expect to become in- volved in asking questions and of joining in discussion. THE DISPATCHER ROLE - - - -- The role of the dispatcher in officer survival is a topic that is All too often forgotten or ignored. What can the individual dispatcher do to actually help 'their officers survive on the street? If you as a dispatcher, police or civilian, are interested in your role in officer survival please join with us in this seminar experience. AUDIENCE - - - -- This seminar is designed for law enforcement dispatchers and communicators. Both civilians end sworn police dispatchers will benefit from attending. Sworn officers will receive POST credit. DATE AND LOCATION - - - -- PAaa y 8. 1982 lRegistration at door 6:30am Seminar - -- 9:00am - 5:00pm Place -- Normundale College Aud. OUTLINE PART I THE PROBLEM A. Level of threat to todays officers B. Profile of poliee.assailants C. Concept of high risk calls D. Preparation vs paranoia in dispatch PART II ENCOUNTER PATTER14S A. Circu►nstpnces in which officers die or are injured B. Dispatche msqpp n�,aMt,l.�a,�,pf: Ft. Domest "r4' initiyf ' b. Robberies in progress c. Assaults in progress d. General dio•turbances C. Dispatcher concept of control a. Call cor.unand b. Proper use of time with callers c. Control of officer response` D. Your communication a. How do you perceive b. How do others perceive c. Hoy, to get it all together PART III CONCLUSION A. Surviving the diapatoh ,job B. Is there any stress a. Whet noes it do to you b. How cntr you best cope with stress C. Avoiding the mistakes of others D. Your personnl motivation as a professional dispatcher a. How to maintain it Officer 'Thomas Gul,hnry Bloomington police of f l cps 1 •� ;: Served 1� yearn as r3anl,nl•� hr i Served 1 year ns detPcl,ivrr, line 9J ,years street Pxl,nr'i,1i1,,.• Author of various nr•L i r; l ",: enforcement Wint hnv(� b0l") •,•,.I, in lnw enforcement Author of the cif f ic:1 ar l Law Enforcement Memos i n 1 Instructor At vririoti;, seminars holder of a Minnesol•r► GuW-1•1 r• Citation of lionor Recipient, of the Opp, i ini nl, I, i ,0- Law Enforcement Awnr(l Hoard member of the Mhijir:: I Enforcement Memorial. As:--) i „1.i, Holds an AA degree from Nrrr•iiir,ri6 1 i College Served two years on ndvi:;(,r; comma t tPe to Mn tropo.l i. Lan 1'- n Legal fee arbi trn l,or for Ilrirm•I-i 11 County 2g2g3031�12.� 1982 Cn o `VJ 6r C-, (612) 587-5252 { March 29, 1982 Hutchinson City Council City Hall 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Council Members, A date of Saturday, May 1, has recently been set for the Community Clean-Up this Spring. In case of inclement weather, the date will change to May 15 (since May 8 is the fishing open!) As in the past,. the Community Development Committee of the Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce request the use of Library Square including the bandshell as a control center for the clean -up. We also request one city truck and driver to assist in collecting the filled trash bags and transporting them to the landfill. Ralph Neumann has agreed that these dates are satisfactory and will be working with our committee as we map out the areas to be cleaned. Thank you for your consideration in our effort to spruce up Hutchinson this Spring. Sincere , V��Coston, EVP Hutchinson —Area Chamber of Commerce &--Z. (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: April 6, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: George F. Field, Fire Marshal RE: Request to Attend Meeting April 15, 1982 This meeting is part of the Governor's Council on Fire Prevention and Control. The area I have been connected with is Public Education, which will meet at 9:30 A.M. on April 15th at the FIRE Center in Minneapolis. There is no cost involved other than transportation. - A copy of the meeting notice is attached. GFF /pv attachment i George F. Field Fire Marshal STATE OF MINNESOTA Governor's Council on Fire Prevention and Control March 25, 1982 Meeting Notice TO: Members, Task Forces developing "Five -Year Plan for Fire Service Education and Training," and interested resource persons. FROM: Antona Richardson, Grant Project Director,u -��Z. Task Force meetings will be held at the FIRE Center, 3300 University Avenue S.E., Minneapolis,_ at the times indicated below. Task Force Time Date Institutional, Industrial, Professional 1:00 P.M. April 7, 1982 Public Education 9:30 a.m. April 15, 19_2 Fire Service Training 9:30 a.m. April 16; 1982" Fire Service Education 9:00 a.m. April 27., 1982 Please detach and return to FIRE Center, 3300 University Avenue S.E. Minneapolis; Minnesota 55414 I will attend the following meeting(s): 4/7/82 Institutional, Industrial, Professional 4/15/82 Public Education 4/16/82 Fire Service Training 4/27/82 Fire Service Education Signed: Title: Representative: 3300 Unosity Avenue, S.E., Nfinneapulis 5.404 612- 376 -3535 (612) 587 -5151 l CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: April 6, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Georg F. Field, Fire Marshal RE: Request to Attend Fire Instructors Assn. of MN Spring Conference at Willmar, MN There will be a Directors Meeting on Friday evening and the Annual Meeting on Saturday afternoon. Registration is $15.00 for two days. I have been on the Board of Directors for two years and at the present time have two years to serve on that board. A copy of the meetin notice is attached. 0 F. ' ld Fire Marshal GFF /pv attachment INFORMATION FIRE INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA SPRING CONFERENCE 1982 April 17, & 18 at Willmar Area Vocational Technical Institute Advance Registration Fees $10.00 for one day participants $15.00 for two day participants $20.00 Registration at the Door Your Registration Fee Includes Coffee Breaks and Noon Meals on April 17 and 18. BANQUET — SEE REGISTRATION FORM REGISTER TODAYIII Send Registration Blanks and Checks (payable to F.I.A.M) to: Spring Conference Willmar Fire Dept. P. O. Box 932 Willmar, Minn. 56201 612 -23 5 -8062 612 - 235 -1354 Station • • • • i M t • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • y SATURDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 - 8:30 Instructor Orientation 8:00 - 9:00 Registration 9:00 - 12:00 Classes 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch at AVTI 1:00 - 4:00 Classes 4:00 - 6:00 Annual Meeting 7:00 -10:00 Banquet • s • s .. • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • SUNDAY SCHEDULE 7:00 - 8:00 Prayer, Breakfast AVTI Cafeteria 8 :00 - 11:00 Classes 11:00 - 12:00 Lunch at AVTI 12 :00 - 3:00 Classes 3:15 - Wrap up /Evaluation for All in Cafeteria TWO -DAY TECHNICAL CLASSES SELECT ONLY ONE CLASS THE CLASS YOU SELECT WILL BE AN INTENSIVE TWO DAY PROGRAM. A. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND THE FIRE SERVICE B. RURAL AND URBAN TACTICAL PROCEDURES C. INSTRUCTOR SURVIVAL D. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GAIN VALUABLE INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE IN CURRENT FIRE SERVICE PROBLEM AREAS. • • • ..... • • ...... 0 * • r • • • • • • • • • • TRAIN -THE TRAINER IN THE ESSENTIALS OF FIRE FIGHTING SELECT TWO CLASSES THESE CLASSES ARE 6 HOURS IN LENGTH - ONE DAY YOUR SECOND CHOICE WILL BE ON SUNDAY IN THESE CLASSES YOU WILL BE TAUGHT THE TECHNICAL INFORMATION OF THE SUBJECT AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN AUDIO VISUALS TO BEST FIT YOUR NEED. PLEASE INDICATE IF YOU WOULD LIKE SLIDES OR OVERHEADS TO GO WITH YOUR TAKE HOME DRILL PACKAGE. SLIDES OVERHEADS A. Fire Behavior [ ] $4.40 [ ] B. Portable Extinguishers [ ] $4.40 [ ] C. Ropes & Knots [ ] $4.40 [ ] D. Hose Tools & Appliance [ 1 $6.40 [ ] Rsz m �`"'''`✓ D m v CJ 5,5 50 (612) 587 -5250. April 8, 1982 City Council City Hall 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Council Members, i It has come to the attention of the Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce and the Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association that the street lighting in the downtown area has been reduced during the last few weeks. We are particularly concerned about the matter of lessening light in our main business district for the following reasons: 1. Street lighting aids pedestrians along our shopping district. 1 For insurance purpose, lighting is necessary. 2. Street lighting creates an image of friendliness and welcome. We don't desire a negative image. 3. Street lighting reduces crime and mischief, aiding the police department. 4. In other areas of the city, particularly Hwy. 7 & Hwy. 15 South, vehicles are used to enter directly into the shopping area, while in the downtown district, pedestrians are using the sidewalks over a four -block area. This area should not be darkened. We request that the city authorize the downtown business district of Hutchinson to be relighted to its former intensity for the above reasons. This is particularly important during Monday and Thursday evenings. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Cia Coston, EVP Hutchinson Area Chamber of Commerce O""H Hutchinson Downtown DARRetail Association Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 612- 879 -6025 fl p&iL 8, 1982 Dealt Ajacyon De7eyet and City Councd membeAA: The flutcAin4on Downtown Retail- AaAoc.iot i-on P-mo, y .&egce&& ;Mat' - a-U o( the &meet l iqA& in the down - town outea be wed on Pondary even n9A unt i.L 9 P. M. By Aav<ng eveAy othen- Lamp .Lit, a& iu the cane now, it- 9ivea. the i.L vA i-on that the downtown metchan& aice not open At buAine.iA- .fin .4ome ca4e4 where a Lamp .i& burned out the walkway become& quite .iAadowec& tVe Lw.&t you w.i..LL act Pvonably upon out neque4t. Sinceae y OUA&, Paadeent ►.2356789 , CIO, A PI? 1982 rn,VFZ N er " - � -- G, (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: April 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Minnesota Chapter Public Works Association Spring Conference ' Request permission to attend same at Brainerd on the 13th of May. Registration fee is $40.00. This is a conference that I scheduled in my budget request. "/ /A !/' 6�4" -4 � Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering s �. Y .!►i� C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N A N D E X T E N S I O N • U N I V E R S I T Y OF M I N N E S O T A MPWA SPRING CONFERENCE May 13 -14, 1982 GRAND VIEW LODGE - BRAINERD SPONSORED BY: City Engineers Association Minnesota Public Works Association Minnesota Street Superintendents Association PROGRAM SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, May 12 6:30- Smorgasbord (upon checking in) 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY, May 14 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:30 Final Registration 9:00 - EFFECTIVE LISTENING: THE CORNERSTONE OF COMMUNICATION . . . . CATHERINE RAY 11:00 Refreshment Break 11:15 Report of University of Minnesota's ATES Project (Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage) . .(To be announced) 12:15 p.m. Lunch 1 :15 FUTURE OF SECONDARY ROAD PROGRAM . . . . . . BILL LAKE 2:15 Refreshment Break 2:30 MICRO - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -- ALAN WASSYNG 4:30 Adjourn 6:30 Social Hour 7:30 Banquet FRIDAY, May 14 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 8:45 MEDIA RELATIONS . . MIKE SOBOLMSKI 10:00 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE DUKE ADDICKS 10:45 Refreshment Break 11:00 Business Meeting 12:00 Lunch Adjourn LM IN COOPERATION WITH: Department of Conferences Continuing Education and Extension University of Minnesota FACULTY DUKE ADDICKS, Legislative Counsel, League of Minnesota Cities, St. Paul BILL LAKE, Division Administration, Federal Highway Administration, St. Paul CATHERINE RAY, Instructor, Speech - Communication, St. Thomas-College, St. Paul MIKE SOBOLEWSKI, Public Affairs manager, Minnesota Department of Transportation, -St: Paul ALAN WASSYNG, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Mineral Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis PLANNING COMMITTEE DICK KOPPY, Chairman BILL CRAWFORD CHARLES HONCHELL MARVIN HOSHAW MOIRA KEANE JOE KROLL LUTHER NELSON ROGER PAULSON LES PROPER TOM SADLER DICK SOBIECH N O L T E C E N T E R F O R C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N , 3 1 5 P I L L S B U R Y D R I V E S.E., M I N N E A P O L I S , MN 5 5 4 5 5 (6 1 2) 3 7 3 - 3 1 5 1 J Minnesota Public Works Officials May 13 -14, 1982 FEES AND REGISTRATION The fee for the conference is $40 which includes tuition and instructional materials. Meals are included in the direct payment to Grand View Lodge. If you are not staying at Grand View Lodge, you can purchase a Thursday luncheon and coffee break ticket for $7.50, a Thursday banquet ticket for $14.50, and a Friday luncheon and coffee break ticket for $7.00. Registration is personal and nontransferable. A full refund of the fee will be made if your registration is canceled by May 10, 1982 or if the conference is not held. The University reserves the right to cancel the conference if necessary. Application for registration accompanied by the full fee should be received in our office by April 30, 1982. No formal program has been scheduled for spouses because of the many recreational activities already available CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS (CEUs) The University of Minnesota will award .8 CEUs to those participating in all program sessions. The CEU is a nationally recognized unit of measurement for participation in non- credit continuing education programs and is defined as in contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: JOE KROLL (612) 373 -3685 MOIRA KEANE (612) 373 -3843 BEV RINGSAK (612) 373 -3364 Department of Conferences 335 Nolte Center 315 Pillsbury Drive S.E. University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 The co- sponsors are committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to their programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - [detach and mail) MPWA SPRING CONFERENCE May 13 -14, 1982 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM 59 -14JK Grand View Lodge, Brainerd NAME ® 1._LI C= (Last) (First) Social Security Number JURISDICTION (for CEUs) WORK ADDRESS tree (City State Zip Code WORK PHONE POSITION QS1 0 I enclose $40 (check or money order payable to the University of Minnesota) in payment of the conference fee. QS1 [] My fee will be paid by my employer. Enclosed is a letter of authorization to bill and /or a purchase order number. I will be staying at.Grand View Lodge and have made reservations for : L4 Two nights, six meals L5 Thursday night, four meals C� I will not be staying at Grand View Lodge and will purchase the following meal tickets upon arrival: Ll Thursday lunch & breaks - $7.50; L2 Thursday banquet - $14.25; L3 Friday lunch & breaks -$7.00 MAIL TO: Registrar, Department of Conferences, University of Minnesota, P.O. .Box 14084 -0084, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Fund. i i RESOLUTION NO. 7090 TRANSFERRING $20,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $20,000.00 is hereby transferred by the Liquor Store to-the General Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of April, 1982. James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 6 _a, . 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7091 ACCEPTING $62,500 FROM THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: THAT a $62,500.00 transfer from the Hutchinson Utilities Commission to the City of Hutchinson's General Fund is hereby accepted. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of April, 1982. James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 0 an Qf�p TO Cris fwlnuaf i t�t4� WHEREAS, Da. H. Chia Remucat, Hogs pitat Chien o s Sta 6 6, has a enved the City wett as an ex -o 66 i.c io members o6 the Hospc tat Board Son the past two (2) years; WHEREAS, said Dn. H. Cris Remucat has denved SaithSuP,ey and diUgentey giving os his time and ta.eent6 toward the enxi.chment os the City, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, deep appnec i.ati.on is hereby expressed to Dn. H. Cris Remucat Son his asonementioned se vices and the gratitude oS Hutchinson and the citizens theheoS is heneb y expressed. Adopted by the City Councit this 13th day oS ApxU, 1982. ATTEST: Gwuj D. Ptotz City C.ee k amen ?;. D-0.feyeA Mayon RESOLUTION NO. 7093 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Playground Equipment 7,565.7 Park Equipment for Roberts Park Park 7,000.00 Bob Klein & Assoc. The following items were authorized.due to an emergency need: ITEM Date Approved: Motion made'by: Seconded by: _ COST I PURPOSE I DEPT. IBUDGET-- VENDOR Resolution submitted for Council action by: (612) 587 -5151 37 AC WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST M f Ch 0 r61 HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 2, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Building Official RE: March 1982 Building Report Attached is the March 1982 Report of Building Permits Issued and Local Public Construction. There were 3 Sign Permits issued, 1 Mobile Home Permit issued, 1 Plumbing Permit issued, and 20 Building Permits issed during the months for a total Construction Cost Evaluation of $514,796.00. c Homer Pittman Building Official HP /pv attachment a. ,t go r v'1 f'S L Z O ` O.M.B. No. 0607 -0094: Approval Expires !une 1qR FORM C -404 Period in which W 7 -E B1' permits issued MARCH 1982 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS PLEASE MAIL ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH DAY OF THE MONTH (Please correct any errors in name or address) REPORT OF BUILDING OR ZONING PERMITS ISSUED AND LOCAL PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION 6103500 41 9 9999 085 8 81 CENSUS USE ONLY 26 0 2730 HOMER PITTMAN BLDG OFF CITY HALL 37 WASHINGTON AVE BEST Has the geographic coverooe of this permit HUTCHIN SON RN 55350 system changed during this period? F—R, No ❑ Yes — Explain in comments If no permits were issued during this period, enter (X) in box and return IL TH`.S Bureau of the Census Please read the instructions before form ❑ rMA PY TO 1201 East Tenth Street completing form. For further help, Jeffersonville, Ind. 47132 call collect (301) 763 -7244. Section I — NEW RESIDENTIAL HOUSE- PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED KEEPING BUILDINGS AND Item No. Number Valuation of Number Valuation of uildings Housin g Buildings Housing g MOBILE HOMES construction (a) (b) units IC) (Omit cents) (d) (e) u i s �f� (Omit cents) (g) One- family houses, detached 101 1 1 45,000 One- family houses attached, each unit separated from adjoining unit(s) by a wall that extends from ground to roof 102 Two - family buildings 103 Three- and four - family buildings 104 Five -or -more family buildings 105 TOTAL (Sum of 701 -105) 109 1 1 45,000 Mobile homes 112 1 1 Section 11 — NEW RESIDENTIAL MON. PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED HOUSEKEEPING Item Number Valuation of Number Valuation of BUILDINGS Buildings Rooms construction (Omit cents) Buildings Rooms construction (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Hotels, motels, and tourist cabins intended for transient accommodations 213 Other nonhousekeeping shelter 214 Section III — NEW NONRESIDENTIAL PRIVATELY OWNED PUBLICLY OWNED BUILDINGS Item Number Valuation of Number Valuation of Buildings Housing units guitdings ousing units construction (Omit cents) construction (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Amusement and recreational buildings 318 Churches and other religious buildings 319 Industrial buildings 320 Parking garages (open to general public) 321 Service stations and repair garages 322 Hospitals and other institutional buildings 323 _ Office, bank, and professional buildings 324 Public works and utilities buildings 325 Schools and other educational buildings 326 Stores and other mercantile buildings 327 1 43,110 Other nonresidential buildings 328 Structures other than buildings 329 Section IV — ADDITIONS AND I ALTERATIONS c c An increase in the number of housing m •— y units (in the housing units column, `o y enter only the number of additional -z v units) 433 'O Y t No change in the number of @ N housing units 434 8 7,886 •r, c W .— A decrease in the number of housing v f! units (in the housing units column, t enter only the number of decreased o` A I units) 435 Residential garages and carports (attached and detached) 436 All other buildings and structures 437 6 70,500 PLEASE CON77/Nt/E ON REVERSE SIDE -► Ah Ah Section V — CONVERSIONS PRIVATELY OWNED t`Slg! Number Valuation of Number Valuation of Item Buildings Housing units Buildings Hoviing units No' construction (Omit cents) c"itruction (Omit cents) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings to housekeeping buildings 540 Housekeeping buildings to nonresidential and nonhousekeeping buildings 541 1 1 7,000 Section VI — DEMOLITIONS AND RAZING OF BUILDINGS One- family buildings attached and detached 645 3 3 Two- family buildings 646 Three- and four - family buildings 647 Five -or -more family buildings 648 All other buildings and structures 649 Section VII — ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PERMITS OF $500,000 OR MO E Please provide in the space below, additional information for each individual permit valued at $500,000 or more entered in sections I through V. Item Na from Name and address of Ownership Valuation of Number of Number Sec. Description owner or builder Mark (X) construction housing of 1 —V one (Omit cents) units buildings (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private ------------------- Siteaddress ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Public $ Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private -------------------- Siteaddress ----------------- - - - - -- []Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private -------------------- Siteaddress - - - - -- ED Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private --------------- - - - -- Site address ---- — --- — — — ---- -- - - - - -- Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private --------------- - - - -- Site address ----------------- - - - - -- E] Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- E] Private ----- - - - - -- -------- Site address ----------------- - - - - -- C3 Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- E] Private --------------- - - - -- Site address — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- F-1 Private --------------- - - - -- Site address ----------------- - - - - -- []Public Kind of building ----------------- - - - - -- ❑Private --------------------- Site address ----------------- - - - - -- 0Public Comments Name of person to contact regarding this report Telephone Area code Number Extension Homer Pittman Title Building Official 612 587 -5151 210 FORM C -404 17 -6 -011 0 41 41 CITY OF HUTCH!lM The meeting of the Haukos at 2:00 p.m. 0 MINUTES SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD FEBRUARY 24, 1982 Senior Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Carol on February 24, 1982. Members present in additionto Chairman Haukos: Hazel Sitz 'Joan Phillips Roy Clabo John Longley Emma Lake Jean Peterson Member absent: Lenard Schuft Also present: Barb Haugen, Senior Center Coordinator The minutes of the February 10 meeting were approved. Chairman Haukos asked for a report on the Nutrition participation. Site Supervisor Joan Phillips stated that average attendance has increased by about 20 to 30 per day, with many of the new participants being residents of Evergreen Apartments. Average attendance is about 90 per day at this time. Senior Center Coordinator Barb Haugen reported on activities. The first Drop -In day was held on Friday afternoon, February 19, with very good participation. A film history of Hutchinson was presented by the McLeod County Historical Society. There was donated lunch and social activities. The Drop -In day is planned as a weekly event with,various activities. A blood pressure clinic served 185 persons. Other activities, both in conjunction with the Nutrition program and with other groups, will continue to be developed. Chairman Haukos reported on the status of the application for a bulk mailing permit. Until such a permit is received, an information flyer and /or weekly calender will be produced by the Coordinator to update participants on Center events. Chairman Haukos reported that the HRA had accepted the guidelines for use of the Senior Center, with suggestions for some additions and definitions. These changes will be made and the guidelines will be used when renting out meeting space. A copy of the final draft will be provided to the HRA and the City Council. Election of officers was held. There were 3 nominations for vice - chairman: Lenard Schuft, Roy Clabo and John Longley. John Longley declin =ed the nomination. In a written ballot, Roy Clabo was elected vice - chairman. Hazel Sitz was elected secretary by voice vote. There was discussion of the need for a sign marking the entrance to the Senior Center, of an appropriate title for the Center, and of the need to clarify the fact that the Senior Center is a separate entity from Evergreen Apartments. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m. Hazel Sitz, Secretary 7,� HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL t..-'_ REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 16, 1982 5:15 PM - Small Conference Room Present: Rolly Balke, President; Joan Ewald, Vice - President; Norah Mullan, Secretary; Virgil Goebel, Trustee; Ken Gruenhagen, Trustee; Buell Fogg, Trustee; Dr. George Gordon, Chief of Staff Absent: Dave Doelger, Trustee Others Present: Philip G. Graves, Administrator The meeting was called to order by President Balke at 5:45 PM. Minutes of Past Meetings. Motion was made by Gruenhagen to accept the minutes of the Annual Board Meeting of January 19, 1982. Motion was seconded by Mullan. All were in favor. Motion passed. Medical Staff Meeting Minutes. Medical Staff Meeting Minutes were presented by Dr. Gordon. No unusual comments were made. New Business. A. PSQCM Agreement: A copy of an agreement from the Professional Services Quality Council of Minnesota was presented. Following discussion: Motion was made by Ewald to accept the agreement per recommendation of the Medical Staff. Motion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. B. Medical Staff Appointments and Reappointments. Staff applications were presented. The appointment of Dr. John Gillard to the Consulting Dental Staff and reappointment of Dr. P.V. Mehmel to the Allied Health Staff and Dr. Roger Jung to the Consulting Medical Staff were considered. Following discussion: Motion was made by Gruenhagen to appoint Dr. John Gillard to the Consulting Dental Staff, Dr. P.V. Mehmel to the Allied Health Staff and Dr. Roger Jung to the Consulting Medical Staff. Motion was seconded by Fogg. All were in favor. Motion passed. C. Bylaws Amendment. An amendment to the Medical Staff Bylaws regarding subacute detoxification records was submitted for adoption. Following discussion: Motion was made by Fogg to accept the bylaws amendment regarding record keeping for subacute detox patients. Motion was seconded by Gruenhagen. All were in favor. Motion passed. D. Holter Monitor Lease Arrangement. A capital expenditure request for the continuation of a Holter Monitor lease agreement was presented. Following discussion: 7-C, (I Motion was made by Ewald to enter into a 36 -month lease agreement with Motion was seconded by Mullan. All were in favor. Motion passed. E. Subacute Detoxification Agreement. A sample contract for the provision of detoxification services to McLeod County was submitted for consideration. Following discussion: Motion was made by Fogg to enter into an agreement with McLeod County per conditions as outlined in the subacute detoxification agreement. Motion was seconded by Gruenhagen. All were in favor. Motion passed. F. Agreement for Occupational Therapy Services with Winthrop Care Center. An agreement for consulting services for occupational therapy with Winthrop Care Center of Winthrop, Minnesota, was presented for consideration. Following discussion: Motion was made by Mullan to enter into apt agreement with conditi -ons as outlined in the lease agreement with _ Winthrop Care Center of Winthrop, Minnesota; Motion was seconded by Fogg. All were in favor. Motion passed. G. Baby Warmer Purchase. A capital expenditure request for the purchase of a baby warmer for Anesthesia was presented. Following discussion: ' Motion was made by FoRR to purchase a baby warmer from International Medical Company in the amount of approximately $2,800.00. Motion was seconded by Mullan. All were in favor. Motion passed. H. Hypertension Report. The Annual Report for the treatment of hypertension patients was presented. Many comments were made about the numbers of patients that have been admitted to the program this last year. It is apparent by the report that more women were treated for hypertension than men. I. Silver_ Reclamation. Graves reported that the hospital has been reclaiming silver from exhausted x -ray solution and has approximately 15 pounds of silver flake. Also, there is several hundred pounds of old x -ray film to be sold. Some concern was expressed about the price of silver and the ever fluctuating silver market. Following discussion: Motion was made by Goebel to convert all silver flake and reclaimed silver from old x -ray film into silver boullion Silver boullion is to be stored in a safety deposit box at Citizen's Bank until such time that it would be economically wise to sell. Motion was seconded by Fogg. All were in favor. Motion passed. Sraristical Report_ The monthly statistical report was presented by Graves. The statistics reveal that we. were 50 admissions under budget but only 25 census days. The dramatic increase in length of stay was largely due =' to the number of patients awaiting nursing home beds. Decrease in surgical visits was also noted. yi'v' Accounts Payable. Motion was made by Gruenhagen to approve and authorize for payment the attached listing of accounts payable and cash disbursements. in the amount of $603,705.04. Motion was seconded by Goebel. All were in favor. Motion passed. Financial Statements. The financial statements were presented by Graves. The revenue was under budget by $35,912.00. Expenses were also under budget by $43,076.00. Operating gain for the month was $33,602.00. Mental Health Unit Re ort. The Mental Health Unit Report was presented. Special mention was made of the numbers of McLeod County patients admitted during the month of January. Nursing Report. Nursing report was presented. Questions were asked the Gastric Bypass Support Group. Dr. Gordon also gave a short explanation about the LeBoyer Method of delivery. Auxiliary Meeting Minutes. The Auxiliary Meeting.Minutes were presented. No unusual comments were made. Administrator's Report. The Administrator's Report was presented by Graves. No unusual comments were made. Adiournmentr Motion was made by Ewald to adjourn the meeting. Motion.was seconded by Goebel. Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully s mitted, Philip G. Graves Norah Mullan Administrator Secretary PGG: NM: lkz (:k) MINUTES Tree Board t %ednesday, February 17, 1982 Members Present: Mrs. Axel Jensen, Mike Carls, Roy Johnsen, Ivan Larson, Mark Schnobrich, and Jerry Brown. Also present were Bruce Ericson, Gary Plotz, and Karen Stafford The Minutes The minutes dated December 3rd and 16th, 1981 were read, a motion was made by Roy Johnsen to approve them, seconded by Mike Carls. 1982 Planting Policy Mike Carls explained that the City Council tabled the original 1982 Planting Policy because of a discrepancy with subdivisions. Gary Plotz was present and he mentioned that the 1981 Policy said that two trees per lot was the responsibility of the subdivider. Ivan Larson felt that the policy should be resubmitted to the council with the added stipulation of subdivisions. Ivan also commented that if the city wanted to include subdivisions prior to this agree- ment, the City Council should make that decision. Mark Schnobrich also stated that $5 would not be enough to cover the cost of the trees, and the board agreed; the homeowner will pay half the price of the tree and the city will pay the other half up to $10. Roy Johnsen made a motion to resubmit the 1982 Tree Planting Policy to the City Council including subdivisions, and charge half the price of the tree to the homeowner with the city paying the other half, but not exceeding $10 for the city's portion. The motion was seconded by Ivan Larson, -and the board unanimously approved the motion. 1981 DID Subsidy and Billing Homeowners who had elm trees removed in 1981 received bill the early part of January, and most of them are already paid. News Media and Board's Minute Publication Mark Schnobrich checked into getting coverage of the Tree Board meetings in the Hutchinson Leader. After talking with Marilyn Swanson, Admin- istrative Secretary at City Hall, Mark found out that the minutes are sumbitted to the Leader, but don't get published. 1982 DED Removal Contract With the recent budget cut in the Minnesota Shade Tree Program, home- owners won't be receiving a subsidy for elm removal in 1982. With that in mind, Mark Schnobrich asked the board whether they thought the city needed a contractor. The board unanimously agreed that a contrac- tor should be sought for. Bruce Ericson explained how the city will take approximately $8,400 from the budget called "other contractual ", which was tree removal and transfer it to "temporary wages ", which included turf maintenance. This will free the park personnel so that they can remove the diseased elms on city property. 7— el� I LJ Tree Board Minutes February 17, 1982 Page two • Jerry Brown made a motion to use city crews to take down the trees, and allow the contractor to remove only those trees that the city crew can't handle and also trees on private property. Roy Johnsen seconded the motion, and it was unanimously agreed to by the board. Jerry Brown made a motion then to advertise for bids for the 1982 DID tree removal contract. Roy Johnsen seconded it and the board unanimously agreed. Arbor Day Celebration Mark stated that he would like to see a good turn out for Arbor Day this year. He would also like to get together with a certain grade at school and have the kids help plant trees. Mike Carls suggested that Mark talk to Larry Lade about making some type of arrangement. Adjournment Jerry Brown made a motion to adjourn at 5:25 p.m., Ivan Larson seconded it. • • MINUTES DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1982 The meeting of the Downtown Development Advisory Board was called to order by Chairman Skip Quade at 12:09 P.M. The following members were present in addition to Chr. Quade.:.___Jay Alrick, Don Glas, -Tom O'Connell and Don Erickson. Ex- officio members attending were Mayor Jim DeMeyer and Clarice Coston. Also attending-was Gary Plotz, Administrative Assistant. On motion by Don Glas, the minutes of the meeting dated November 24, 1981 were approved. Seconded by Tom O'Connell the motion unanimously carried. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Jim McClure of Miller, Miller, & Mac, who introduced Mr. Lee Stegner of Stegner- Hendrikson, an architectural firm. Mr. McClure then began his presentation breaking it down into three parts: 1) description 2) cost 3) finance Description Mr. McClure explained all of the wooden -beams in the current structure will be replaced with steel beams. There would probably be all new flooring. One hour fire resistant walls will be installed. The existing building will be completely gutted. The first floor will be used for retail pur- poses and the second floor basically for office space. A portion of the second floor would be new. There is a possibility the lower level could be used for a small cafe and some meeting rooms. This however, is not a definite commitment at this time. Cost The cost of the project would be approximately $300,000 for construction and about $160,000 for-land acquisition. The land acquisition figure is not a final figure but he felt that they were real close and felt confident the figure would remain at that or possibly even a little less. Financing Mr. McClure stated they would be asking for an industrial revenue bond in the amount of $500,000. The option of the additional 3,000 square feet for the cafe and meeting rooms in either the south portion of the second floor or the lower level is an additional possibility. The additional tax base would generate enough tax money to pay a bond issue in the amount of $125,000. D\ Downtown Dev. Adv. Board Minutes February 9, 1982 Page 2 A lengthy discussion on parking followed. Mr. McClure stated he was not asking for any parking at this time. He felt the parking committee should address the parking problem. He also mentioned no expense has been figured for any beautification either. The rental cost would be approximately $6.00 - $6.50 /sq.ft. The smaller offices would be somewhat more expensive. Questions from the board were then raised. Clarice Coston asked if he had received any commitments on the rental of retail space. Mr. McClure said he had nothing definite yet. He went on to say they would have an outside _firm handle that part of it. Skip Quade felt Mr. McClure should be concerned about parking and quest- ioned the cost of the elevator and wondered whether a sprinkler system had been considered. Mr. McClure replied a two -floor elevator would cost around $35,000 - $40,000. Sprinkler systems had been discussed and if a cafe were put in the building it definitely would be a consideration. The question of a completion date was then brought up. Mr. McClure felt the paperwork would take at least 60 days and then an additional four months for construction. Therefore, it would probably be Sept. 1 before anyone could move in. He also mentioned they would want a parking lot established by fall even if it wasn't hard surfaced. Mayor Jim DeMeyer addressed the group stating he was concerned that we have a plan within a balance. He ended stating the project had his blessing. Mr. McClure then stated he felt this is the best retail corner in Hutchinson and felt this is a viable project. Clarice Coston mentioned she was pleased a local person had come forward with a plan. Mr. Tom O'Connell then made the motion the Miller, Miller, & Mac project be forwarded to the City Council with the approval of the Downtown Development Advisory Board with a time limit of 90 days to determine if the project is feasible. Seconded by Don Erickson, the motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 1:20 P.M. • 0 BURNS MANOR MUNICIPAL NURSING HOME Minutes - March 1982 The Board of Directors for Burns Manor ;Municipal Nursing Home met Thursday, March 18, 1982, at Burns Manor, 12 :00 noon, President Leslie Linder presiding. All members were present except Eldred Miller and Esther Kuehl. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Gloria Dansereau, seconded by Keith Duehn. Motion carried. A motion by Larry Graf, seconded by Gloria Dansereau, to approve the bills as presented, a copy of which is attached to the minutes on file and made a part thereof. Motion carried. A financial report was given by David. Jensen. A motion by Keith Duehn, seconded by Larry Graf to accept the 1982 budget. Motion carried. Old Business: The 1981 license issued by the Minnesota Department of Health is a valid license and provides the necessary legal authority for continued operation of Burns Manor. • Patient case #409 was again discussed. New Business: A meeting of the Hutchinson Community Hospital Board of Directors of Hutchinson, Physicians and Burns lianor Board of Directors will be requested to explore the feasibility of additional beds at Burns �;anor. Four or five patients have been admitted to Cosmos health Care Center from Hutchinson Hospital. Dassel Nursing Home has admitted one patient from Hutchinson Hospital. Litchfields nursing homes - no admits from Hutchinson Hospital. Buffalo Lake Nursing Home inquiries but no admissions-in recent months. Cokato Nursing Home has admitted one patient in three years. This information was obtained from D.N.S. in the facilities and not from admission records. The need for additional nursing home beds was discussed. 1. Glenhavens building program will add approximately sixty nursing beds. E� I Page March Minutes 1982 2. Gerentology classes are taught by Hutchinson area Vo= ec2,. to teach people to care for the seriously ill person at home. Nursing Home preadmission screening has become law for all medical assistant recipients and any individual who would become eligible for medical assistance within 90 days `of admission to a licensed nursing home. The purpose of the program is to gain further information about how to contain costs associated with inappropriate nursing home admissions. Patients would be approved for admission by a social worker and a public health nurse. The responsibility of the screening team shall include: A. Assessment of health and social needs of referred individuals and identification of services needed to maintain these persons in the least restrictive environments. B. Identification of available non - institutional services to meet the needs of individuals referred. C. Recommendations for individuals screened regarding: 1. Pursing home admission. 2. Maintenance in the community with specific service plans and referral and designation of a lead agency to implement each individual's plan of care. Election of Officers: A motion by Keith Duehn, seconded by Gloria Dansereau, to nominate Les Linder - President. IMotion carried. A motion by Larry Graf, seconded by Keith Duehn, to nominate Gloria Dansereau - Vice - President. Motion carried. Honeywell contract for the Annex is ;4,518.00. Work will commense in April. Mary Bruder has accepted the position of bookkeeper at the hourly rate of 36.00, increase of 4).25 per hour after 90 days. ($6.25Ar.). A motion by Keith Duehn, seconded by Gloria Dansereau a merit increase for Chris Riedel of $.20 per hr. (a6.59) effective 3- 29 -82. Potion carried. :,arch Yinutes 1982 There bein; no further business, a motion by .eith Duerr, seconded by Larry Graf, meeting adjourned. :otion carried. Burns ;:anor Board of Directors will meet Thursday, April 22, 1982 at noon. Respectfully submitted, Ma 's J. Geier cretary AT"LEST: Leslie Linder, President 0 MINUTES Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Wednesday, March 3, 1982 Members Present: Dr. Chernausek, Ward Haugen, Don Falconer, Roy Johnsen, Kathy McGraw, Mike Carls and Rollie Jensen. Also present were Bruce Ericson; Director of the Parks & Recreation Department, John McRaith; Recreation Supervisor, Mary Haugen; Civic Arena Coordinator, Mark Schnobrich; Forester - and Karen Stafford;'Secretary. Guest Present: Mark McGraw The Minutes The minutes dated February 3, 1982 were read, a motion was made by Mike Carls to approve them, seconded by Kathy McGraw. Concession Stands A copy of the advertisement forbids, including all of the concession stands were passed out. Mark McGraw felt that bids should not be adver -_ tised for concerning the Library Square or the Tartan -Park stands since - the city -did not - own -them. Mr. McGraw had been told at the time he pur- chased th stand in Library Square that some type of "Grandfather Clause" existed that allowed hime exclusive rights to sell. Mike Carls felt that there should be a written aggreement between the owner of the Library Square and Tartan Park stands, and the city. Roy Johnsen made a motion to consider the bids received for Robert's and Riverside Parks only, and the board recommend-to the city council that they reject any bids received concerning Library Square and Tartan Park stands- Dr. Chernausek—seconded—the motion; and unanimously approved by the'board.__Ward Haugen -made a- motion that the board send a recommen- dation that is _satisfactory with the present situation of Library Square and Tartan Park. Dr. Chernausek seconded the motion. Robert's Park Concession Stand Bruce stated that all four fields at Robert's Park will be in use Monday thru Thursday nights, all of the fields may not be used on Friday nights. Ward Haugen felt that the leasee should have to pay so much per foot, plus a percentage at the Robert's Park concesssion stand. The city would bene- fite by being able to claim any permanent improvements made in the stand by the leasee at his own cost. Mike Carls stated that there was a need for specifications that would in- clude requirements such as the hours of operation, what food products would be sold, and the lenght of the lease. Don Falconer seconded the motion, and it was unanimously agreed by the board. Bruce told the board he would write up this information and send it to them within the next week. I/— lg. i] Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Page two March 3, 1982 Electronic Games at the Arena Mary Haugen told the board that he thought they ought to be made aware of the fact that other arenas have electronic games in them, and that they can generate up to $2,000 worth of extra revenue. However, the general feeling that Mary has received thus far is negative. Ward Haugen doesn't want to see electronic games at the arena. Mike Carls made a motion that the subject be tabled indefinately, seconded by Ward Haugen, and unanimously approved by the board. Budget Cuts Bruce men- tioned that with the closing of the Old Armory in March, the Motor Vehicle Department is looking at office space in the Hutch Hotel, and the Parks & Recreation Department -will probably be making it's.new office in :. the Southwest corner of the- upstairs meeting room in City Hall. Approximately $13,000 was cut from the Parks &= Recreation Budget, most- that being the Old Armory costs. The playground - equipment at- Robert's -- -Park, Resurfacing of the High School tennis courts and the fan at the Civic Arena were all retained. $8,400 will be transferred from the account called "other contractual ", which is tree removal, to the account of temporary wages. Part -time personnel will be mowing the grass this summer while the park crew remove diseased elms on city -owned property. By doing this, $5,000 will be saved. 1922 DED.Specifications The 1982 -DED Specifications have- -been revised - €rom -last year.- -1n- 1982 - -the contractor will be removing less of the diseased elms -on the city!- owned property. -Also, the city will be performing the therapeutic pruning- in-'82. May 23rd Concert Bruce told the board that May 23rd is the date for the next concert at the arena. T.G. Sheppard along with the Dave Rowland Show will be the performers. There will be two shows on that day. Arbor Day Promotion Mark Schnobrich stated that he is looking for a large crowd this year for Arbor Day. He would like to see "Arbor Day" buttons printed commemorating 100 years of school children planting trees on Arbor Day. Hutchinson tra- ditionally celebrates on the first Friday of May. Bruce asked if there were any objections to printing buttons and selling them, there were none. Consideration of Purchasing Roller Skates at the Arena Mary Haugen explained that if the Civic Arena had their own skates, sessions of skating could be divided into more specific age groups. Rollie Jensen made a motion that Mary ought to pursue the purchase of roller skates, the city could be reimbursed after two years. Kathy McGraw seconded the motion, it was unanimously approved by the board. Ward Haugen suggested that Mary check on the availability of used skates. r Parks S Recreation Advisory Board Page three March 3, 1982 Five Year Park Plan A copy of the 1982 five year park plan was passed out. Bruce explained that there will probably be a new park developed in the Clifton Heights area some time in the near future, and that the board should be thinking about park development in that area. 1982 Softball Tournaments Bruce told the board that Robert's Park will have at least four tournaments held there this softball season. Swimminp- Passes John McRaith introduced a new idea to the board for the 1982 swimming -pro- - gram- swimming passes. By using passes, there wouldn't be as much money handling going on at the pool. Ward Haugen thought it sounded like a good idea. Adjournment Don Faloner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 p.m., the motion was seconded by Mike Carls. ORDINANCE NO. 3/82 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON ORDAINS: The following described real property is hereby rezoned from R -2 Multiple Family Residence District to C -4 Fringe Commercial District. Lots 1, 2, and 3 (except the south 25 feet of Lot 3) Bonniwell's Second Addition to the City of Hutchinson, Subdivision of Block 16 Common Description: 554 Jefferson South Adopted by the City Council this day of , 1982. James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk 0 (612) 587 -5151 dp 3 HUTlf1� CITY OF HUTCHIRSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Bruce cson FROM: Mark Schnobrich DATE: April 2, 1982 SUBJECT: 1982 Tree & Stump Removal Contractor Approval After reviewing the successful bidders references, I would like to recommend Hutchinson Landscaping as the city contractor for the 1982 Tree and Stump Removal contract. (612) 587 -5151 '/T Y OF HUTCHINSON IVASHINGTON AVENUE WEST 3HINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson DATE: April 9, 1982 SUBJECT: Lease of Concession Stand at Robert's Park Attached-is a copy of - the only-bid received for__ the concession stand -at Robert's Park. At the April - meeting of _the Parks:--& Recreation Board, the board recommended to reject the bid and re -bid. One thing-"they -woul-d--like -to see is--that ---all bids "' not include utilities in their bid as per specifications. The options the Council has is to: a) Accept the current bid b) Reject - -and re-"-bid (recommended by Parks & Recreation Board) c) Reject _and have the.. city handle-the operation._ Coca -Cda BottligWompany P. O. B /Hutchi Minnesota 55350 Coke City of Hutchinson Concession Stand Fred Robert's Park Gentlemen, March 19, 1982 Our bid for the 1982 season would be $300.00 per month, or an average of $10.00 per day; more or less depending on when the grounds and stand would be.ready to open. This bid would include all refuse, electrical and water- expenses--at -no- additional_ charge-.- One requirement_=_wouid like to make is that an_exhaust - -ian roof__ ._ vent to installed and _ become part of the building from --the-- first- do operation.---This exhaust fan -is needed-to-remove--heat from _. the stand due to the heat from compressors. Enclosure: 1 Sincerely, Duane Buske, Mgr. - Coca- Cola Bottling Co. Hutchinson, Minnesota - -- R (612) 587-5151 HUTCH` CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N P U M _DATE: -- April 9,_1982 - - - - -- TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering sUBiECT: Project 81 -32_ First Avenue S.W. - --------------------------- - - - - -- I have been in- contaat with Mr. Irvin Burich relative to the options on this project as outlined in my memo of January 29. There has been some question on how to proceed with the proposals -which include beautification... Mr— Burich refers to %apter 429 of State _Statutes. Attached is a copy of a.page from the..eague's Local Improvement -Guide that addresses this item. It would appear from this information that a -plan which includes beautification could be, .approved for a - public hearing. Based on Mr. Burich's letter, we have completed a Plan C -1 (East half block has beautification) and Plan C -2 (total block has beautification). I would like to review all the plans available: A,B,C, C -1 and C -2 for possible decision on which plan we should proceed on for bidding and construction. Total costs estimates are as follow: Plan A $ 85,278.18 Plan B 187,467.34 Plan C 100,312.94 Plan C -1 100,683.11 Plan C -2 102,515.79 Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering CITIZENS BAND & TRUST CO. March 26, 1982 Mr. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Ave. W. Hutchinson, Mn., 55350 Re: Project 81 -32 First Avenue S.W. Dear Mr. Priebe: In response to your letter of March 23rd, regarding the 1981 construction plan for First Avenue S.W. from Main Street, we have considered various plans as submitted in your letter. It would seem that an expanded basic street design with some island beautification would be desirable even if it were re- stricted to the East one -half of the block. This would enable the owners on each side to use the island for trees and other decorative features to contribute to an enhancement of the downtown shopping area. However, the final decision apparently rests with the Council and, considering the condition of the street, curb and sidewalk, it would seem that even a basic street improve- ment would be of substantial benefit to the property owners along First Avenue and set out in your Plan A. Obviously, we are interested in improving our downtown and I am sure that the Mayor and Council support our views in this area. It is our understanding that beautification and enhance- ment of a street such as First Avenue S.W. would be permissible under Chapter 429 of the State statutes. However, that is a determination that we expect will be made by our City Attorney. Verjr,truly yours, Irvin Burich — President IB /lm 102 MAIN ST. SOUTH • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 553500 • PHONE: 587 -2233 PART 1. INTRODUCTION General Comments and Application of the Cade The forms and suggestions comprising this memorandum have been prepared by the League of Minnesota Cities as a guide to local improvement proceedings under the uniform special assessment code adopted by the 1953 Legislature as Laws 1953, Ch. 389, coded in Minnesota Statutes with subse- quent amendments as Section 429.011 to 429.111. The act expressly repeals all of the prior statutes under which the projects could be financed by special assessments in municipalities. Consequently, the uniform special assessments code provides the only statutory procedure for carrying on local im- provements when they are financed in whole or in part by special assessments. (There is, however, a statute authorizing the creation of sidewalk districts and the levy of- special assessments by---the district, M.S. 471.572. This law is the subject of a separate League memo. See a later section of Part I for a brief explanation of this law.) It is thus the exclu- sive law for this purpose for statutory cities, home rule cities which have charters containing no provi- sions on special assessments, for towns and "urban towns." For other home rule charter cities, the statute provides an alternative method of procedure, unless by some charter provision adopted after Ap- r1 17, 1953 either the statutory or charter sys- tem is made exclusive. If the statute is used for any improvement in a charter city it should be used throughout the proceedings. (A.G. Op. 707,x4, Sept. 5, 1960.) The use of part of the procedure of the statute and part of the local improvement pro- cedure provided by charter may result in an in- valid assessment. (However, in some respects, as in the procedure for adoption of resolutions and ordi- nances, the code is silent and must necessarily be supplemented by charter provisions,) Counties may utilize the provisions of Chapter 429 in connection with the construction, reconstruction or improve- ment of a county state -aid highway, including curbs and gutters and storm sewers and (except metro- politan area counties) waterworks and sewer sys- tems as described in M.S. 444.075, Subdivision 1. This authority is limited to areas located outside the corporate limits of municipalities. In cases where the local improvement code is used by a town or county, the phrase "town board" or "county board" should be substituted for "council." Specifically, any town board is empow- eied to use No's. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of the powers listed in the following section (M.S. 429.011, Subd. 2b.) It should be noted that the local improvement code governs local improvement procedure only if special assessments are used to finance all or part of the cost of the project. Thus, a city may put in street lights, build a water tank or plant trees with- out complying with this procedure if the project is to be financed entirely from general funds. Improvements Covered by the Code -1- 1. Street and sidewalk improvements: Acquir- ing, opening and widening streets and alleys and improving them by constructing, recon- structing, and maintaining sidewalks, pave- ment, gutters, curbs, and vehicle parking strips of any material, or by grading, gravel- ing, oiling or otherwise improving them. In- cluded is beautification, _ storm sewer, or other street drainage and .installation of con- nections from sewer, water or similar mains to curb lines. 2. Storm and sanitary sevver systems: Acquisi- tion, development, reconstruction, extension and maintenance. Included are outlets, hold- ing areas and ponds, treatment plants, pumps, lift stations, service connections, and other appurtenances either within or without the corporate limits. (Special storm sewer improvement districts within cities are auth- orized by M.S.-444.16 to 444.21 for storm sewer systems and related facilities within the district, including storm water holding areas and ponds, financed under this statute by a district -wide tax. See a later section of Part I.) 3. Steam heating mains: Construction, recon- struction, extension, maintenance. 4. Street and special lighting systems: Install- ation, replacement, extension, and main- tenance. 5. Waterworks systems: Acquisition, improve- ment, construction, reconstruction, exten- sion, and maintenance. This includes mains, valves, hydrants, service connections, wells, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, treatment plants, and other appurtenances of a waterworks system either within or without corporate limits. 6. Parks, open space, playgrounds, recreational facilities: Acquisition, improvement, and El F (612) 587 -5151 C/T Y OF HUTCH /NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — — — _April.9 -L 1982 — — — — TO: Mayor and City Council — — — — — — — — — FROM; Mr. George Field, Fire Marshal — .- ... - T - r. .�-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. .- - - - -., - SUBJECT :' Fire Code Update (City Hall and Library) ----------------- - - - - -- All Hutchinson building and electrical contractors were sent notice to meet with me, and then provide a cost to accomplish the items on the Fire Orders. The following is a breakdown of the cost: Richard Larson, Builder City Hall- $3,140.00 (Add $145.00 if the Police Department will not be using the door in the east stairway.) Total - $3,285.00 Library - $1,035:00 Lehman Construction City Hall - $5,510.00 (Add $90.00 if the Police Department will not be using the door in the east stairway.) Total - $5,600.00 Library - $1,350.00 Quade's, Inc. (Recommended smoke detection) City Hall - $1,461.00 plus installation rate of $17.50 per hour. Evaluation at $17.50 per hour. Library - $94.60 r ' Page 2 Popp Electric (Recommended smoke detection) _ City Hall - $3,620.00 - Total installed Item # 3 - $50.22 Evaluation at $23.00 per hour Library - $129.85 The above costs are for your consideration. Costs for building permits were not given by either builder, that cost should be added. I have copies of each proposal. If at any time you would need to see them, they are available. 7 Mr. Georgel ield, Fire Marshall CITY OF HUTCHINSON GF:dlo 0 • "1 (612) 587 -5151 HUlIH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: April 6, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: 1982 Cost of Living Adjustment For Director of Engineering On January 19, 1982, at the Directors Meeting, I submitted a memo relative to my concern relative to the City Council action taken on December 18, 1981. At said meeting, it was my understanding that this would be reviewed by the City Council. On March 16, 1982 at the Directors Meeting, I inquired about the review. The mixed reaction that I received on said inquiry and the answers given at that time, T had the impression that little or no review had been made. I, therefore, request review and official action on my request. Attached for your information, is a copy of the minutes of December 18, 1981, a copy of minutes of December 18, 1981 amended and approved and a copy of my memo of January 19,1982. At this time I, also, feel that the following items need answers: 1. How was the 1982 cap salary figure established? 2. Is this cap a permanent figure? 3. If it is not, how will it be changed? For what reason? 4. Why was'nt I granted a reasonable cost of living and then the cap established? 5. Why was it stated " so that no full time employee will receive less than $1,370 ", while in fact that was not true. Or am I not considered a full time employee. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering U. 1 (► MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 18, 1981 The special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 5:15 P.M. by Mayor Westlund, with the following present: Aldermen Carls, Gruen - hagen and Beatty in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Alderman Luene- burg. The cost of living adjustment for employees for 1982 was discussed. The following motion was made by Alderman Beatty: 1) establish a cap of $36,000 as the designated top salary 2) grant a City Engineer an increase subject to the cap 3) grant the Chief of Police and City Administrator an 8% increase 4) grant employees-in Grades IV and V- and most - salaried employees ., a 9.5 % increase 5) grant employees in Grades I, II and III an 11% increase 6) grant several employees a 1/4 step to 112 step increase in addition to the percentage increase so that no full time employee will receive less than $1370 rt_. 7) make the cost -of--living-increase effective January 3,__1982. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 P.M. ATTEST: rJA to 9� City Adininist for 0 r 0 0 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL DECEMBER 18, 1981 The special meeting of the City Council was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Mayor Westlund, with the following present: Aldermen Carts, Gruenhagen and- Beatty in addition to Mayor Westlund. Absent: Alderman Lueneburg. The cost of living adjustment for employees for 1982 was discussed. The following motion was made by Alderman Beatty: I 1) establish a cap of $36,000 as the designated top salary 2) grant the -Chief of Police-and-City-Administrator-an 8% increase 3) grant employees in Grades IV and V and most salaried employees a 9.5% increase 4) grant employees in Grades I,- and III an 11% increase 5) grant several employees a 4 step to !� step increase in addition to the percentage increase so_that no full time - employee will receive less than $1370 6) make the cost of living increase effective January 3, 1982. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen and carried unanimously. There being no _further business, the meeting was adjourned_at_5:25.p.m. C5 I (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 01A91w•] DATE: January 15, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Special Council Meeting December 181 1981 I have studied the action taken at the above - referenced meeting relative to "Cost of, Living Adjustment for Employees for 1982 ". I have come to the conclusion -that the action taken was done in an arbitrary manner with misconception of the results based on misconception of the purpose. However, I do believe that said action was not done to intentionally have an unfair effect on any-full time employee. I feel that I did receive an unfair cost of living adjustment, based on the following: 1. A new policy relative -to top salary paid by the City was established. This top salary or cap, as it is referred to, was set without due consideration of the-effect-it would have-on a reasonable cost of living for me. 2. During your evaluation, great concern was given to "several employees ". To fulfill this concern of a minimum cost of living of.- $1,370, partial step increases were granted. The action taken stated that this was being done "so no full time employee will receive less than $1,370 ". 3. In fact, I only received a $825 cost -of living increase. If your intent was, as stated, to grant a minimum cost of living to all full time employees not less than $1,370, you in essence reduced my 1982 salary by $545 before granting me a cost of living. I therefore - request -you reconsider the 1982, $36,000 cap for city employees and amend same to $36,600 and grant me a full $1,370 cost of living for 1982. I desire to review this on January 19th at the 3:30 Directors Meeting. Respectfully, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe Director of gineering MVP /pv cc: Gary Plotz Hazel Sitz R y i 612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M Z M O R A N D U M DATE: April 9, 1.982 -------------- - - - - -- zp: —Mayor and City Council — ---- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM:. Director of Engineering ------------------- sUBjECT; Evergreen Apartment Site --- .._--- -� -•-- -------------------- A meeting was held on Monday, April 5 to review again the site problems found by the builder during construction of Evergreen Apartments. Based on the additional information furnished by the construction superintendent and pictures of the problems, it is apparent that removal of some building ma- terial was missed and an unknown cistern was not removed. Unfortunately these items were located in the area -of the new foundation and had to be removed. They have submitted an itemized billing for the necessary corrective work ac- cording to the agreement between the City and the builder. It would appear that this is a proper billing to the City. /ms Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering Z'�I (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — — April 9, 1982 — — — — — — TO; MAYOR & COUNCIL FROM; KENNETH B. MERRILL - - - - - - - r- - -- - - - -- --- - -- --- - - SUBJECT: Payment of Kraus Anderson statement If the Council agrees with the paying of the invoice from Kraus Anderson for $10,464.50, the payment could come from one of two sources. The first source would be the general fund contingency account. Due to budget limitations, we probably would rather not use this source. The other source would be the Tax.Increment Bonds of 1980. We constructed the Senior Citizens-Center from this Fund. As the sale of the land was handled through this Fund, it would appear the money. could come from the Tax Increment Bonds of 1980. Jim Schaefer also thought the Fund could be probably used but has suggested the matter be reviewed with Counsel. I have not been able at this time to reach our bond counsel. If the Council so desired, they could approve payment contingent upon approval by the bond counsel. MICHAEL J.DCIHCRTY 119nZ -1 73) W7 LFRID E. RUMBLE OAP)-19711 FRANCIS D. BUTLER J. C. FOOTE IRVING CLARK HAROLD JORDAN - HEOPHIL RUSTERHOLZ 'RANK CLAY BOURNE PIERCE BUTLER JOHN L.HANNAFORD PERRY M.WILSON,JR. JEROME HALLORAN JOSEPH M. FINLEY HENRY D.FLASCH EUGENE M.WARLICH JAMES K. WITTENBERG ROBERT L. DAVIDSON JOHN J. MCGIRL,JR. THOMAS E. ROHRICHT BOYD H.RATCHYE BURTON G. ROSS RALPH K. MORRIS BRUCE E.HANSON J.LAWRENCE MCINTYRE RICHARD A.WILHOIT - JOHN G.HOESCHLER' WILLIAM J.COSGRIFF RICHARD B.PETERSON RONALD A. ZAMANSKY DEAN R. EOSTROM C. ROBERT BEATTIE Lq 14 DOHERTY. RUMBLE & BUTLER PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 1500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSIOI TELEPHONE 16121 291 -9333 WRITERS DIRECT DIAL NUMBER MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE 3750 IDS TOWER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA SS-02 TELEPHONE 1612) 340 -SSSS TELEX 290 -63S Mr. Milton D. Schantzen City Attorney City of Hutchinson 246 South Main Street Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 -- -. Dear Buz: November 11, 1980 I enclose herewith the following documents: .4 IL �)l 1) Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement 2) " Developer's Agreement and Conveyance 3)' Management Agreement 4) Marketing Agreement DAVID 1.. MAPT,N STEPHLIJ T.REFSELL GECRGE L. MAY K'ILLIAM J. HARGIS JONATHAN P.SCOLL TIMOTHY R.OUINN ALAN I. SILVER ROBERT H. WENNER ELLEN HIGGINS JOHN A. TILER BRUCE C- FAULKEN JEFFREY B.OBERMAN CYNTHIA S. ROSENBLATT GREGORY A.KVAM JAMES R.CRASSWELLER ROBERT S. BRILL STEPHEN I. HALPER PENELOPE H. CAIRNS FRANK J. DUTKE E MILT F. SEESEL MARC W. LARSON DAVID P. DYSON CARTER G. BISHOP HENRY W.GJERSDAL.JR. THOMAS A. CONNOP AMY B. SAOOFF RICHARD H.ZEHRING OF COUNSEL DANIEL W.O BRIEN WILLIAM B. RANDALL 5) Letter from Kraus - Anderson regarding breakdown of $287,500 figure 6) Letter from Kraus - Anderson regarding items shown on the plans but not included in the $287,500 figure 7) Letter from Kraus - Anderson regarding need to select contractor for City equipment by December 15, 1980. .You should have the Mayor and-Gary Plotz execute all copies of the agreements and Gary should bring these to the pre - closing conference. You should also have the City Council pass a general resolution authorizing the Mayor and Gary to execute on.behalf of the City such other documents as may be necessary. A i ;1'DEll r,iil, I,ESTii1'ED LAUD DJSPOS?TIOIv THIS AGREEMENT, originally made as of the 31st day of January, 1980, and amended as of the 19th day of November, i 1980, by and between the CITY OF HUTCHINSON, a Minnesota muni- cipal corporation, hereinafter called "City," and HUTCHINSON PARTNERS, a general partnership consisting of Kenneth Lever and Stephen L. Pistner, hereinafter called "Developer." 14 i WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, - -City =is authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1976, chapter 472A to__ establish development districts within the City of Hutchinson, to improve the tax base and to improve the general economy of the state; and WHEREAS, City has established Development Districts No. 1 and 2 for - such purpose and has established a development program for the districts, a copy of which has been delivered to Developer; and WHEREAS, Developer has submitted a proposal for the construction of a residential high rise apartment building on the property hereinafter described which is located within Development District No. 2. NOW, THEREFORE, City and Developer agree as follows: SECTION 1. LAND PURCHASE Subject -to all of the terms of this agreement, City agrees to sell and Developer agrees to buy the property legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto as follows: which t1jis agreement t.nN i requires Developer to do before the property closing, City shall convey marketable title to the property to Developer (or Developer's designee) by a general warranty deed, free and clear of any encumbrances except local building and zoning laws, reservations of mineral rights by the State of Minnesota; and easements for buried utility lines within the confines of the vacated alley. (e) Condition of Land at Property Closing: City will deliver the_ property in a level condition, cleared of any buildings. or man- made- construction, or City will have made arrangements -for such - clearing acceptable to Developer and Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. City will deliver to Developer any soil test or other data it may have regarding site conditions. City will have vacated the -alley which _cuts across the property-by the date of property closing_ City shall be responsible for-the incremental excavation cost incurred by Developer if foundations or other man made construction are encountered. (f) Utilities and Off -site Improvements: The proper- ty is served by sewer, water, natural gas and electricity services which City agrees to bring to the property line where requested*by Developer.. The City agrees to cause the electric and -telephone lines now located overhead in the alley to be buried at no cost to Developer. The property is served by sidewalks in good condition and -fully paved streets with curb 3. building or a substantial change in the design of the building so that it will not be in substantial conformance with the Preliminary Plans, Developer shall submit the proposed change to the Development District Administrator for approval. Such a change in the Construction Plans shall be deemed approved by the Development District Administrator unless rejected in writing setting forth in detail the reasons therefore within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the requested change. (h) Progress Reports: -Subsequent to conveyance of the -Property - - -to- Developer - --_and until construction of the Improvements has been completed -, Developer- -shall make- _c-onstruc _ tion reports in such detail- and at such times as may be reasonably requested by the Development District Administrator. (i) Certificate of.Completion: Promptly after com- pletion in accordance with this agreement of the Improvements to be constructed by Developer, - _City will furnish Developer with an appropriate certificate of completion. Such certificate shall be ( and . it shall be so provided in the Deed and in the certificate 'itself) a conclusive determination of satisfaction of the covenants herein and -in the Deed with respect to the obligations of Developer, its- successors and assigns, -to construct the Improvements in accordance with the terms hereof. The certificate shall be in a form recordable in the office of the County Recorder, McLeod County, Minnesota. If City .shall refuse or fail to provide a certificate in 11. W --r --- - • -- City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 ATTN: Mr. Gary Plotz Gentlemen; DEVELOPERS y�6�,�,gA92212�,��� APP, 1881 �N CV) C" RECEIVED eo BY n. RE: Hutchinson Elderly Housing 115 South Jefferson Street Hutchinson, Minnesota Enclosed is a copy of a bill we received from M.J. Ryan Construction Company for soil correction performed at the above referenced project. These corrections were required as the site was not prepared correctly by The City of Hutchinson. A number of city officials were present at the time the - obstacles were uncovered. It is our understanding that we shall be reimbursed for these costs as The City was responsible for preparing a site clear of all man -made objects and to refill with clean, granular fill as a part of their contract. If you have any questions, please contact me. Very truly yours, KRAUS - ANDERSON OF ST. PAUL CO. .4�0� Barry E. Jaeger Enc. BEJ /tab 200 GRANO AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 PHONE: 612 291.7086 �£Z April 9, 1982 Hutchinson City Council 37 Washington - Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Gentlemen; DEVELOPERS RE: Evergreen Apartments 115 South. Jefferson Street Hutchinson, Minnesota Enclosed are documents pertaining to soil corrections. made by Kraus- Anderson at the above referenced site. According to the contract, the City of Hutchinson was to leave the building site clear of any man made ob- stacles. Upon digging footings for the building, we ran into two locations in which the total'removal of obstructions was missed. The first was rubble from a foundation located as shown on the enclosed site plan. The second was a cistern located at the southwest corner of the building._Enclosed are bills.totaling $10,464.50 for the removal of the above referenced obstructions. We request that this.item be put on the agenda for the council meeting on Tuesday, April 13th. If you have any further questions regarding this, please contact me at your convenience. Verdi truly yours, KRAUS - ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION CO. ST. PAUL DIVISION Barry E. Jaeger Enc. BEJ /tab 200 GRANO AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINN. 55102 PHONE: 612 291.7068 E STWO N� S--- 71 HORSE SHOE, 11�4 ci r2 - fj c -&J4 -17�1 Z Sr-- FORM SKE Xr. pk.x- Q 4D �rGo E STWO N� S--- 71 11�4 r2 - fj c -&J4 -17�1 Sr-- Xr. pk.x- Q E STWO N� STORY "-ELDERLY to,A -21, 7 APARTMENT BUILDING vA v 62 TOTAL UNITS 4-2� - Q' r.L 4-- cysm EP-14 c- ILICI%V^ 4b o 330 JEFFERSON STREET f --T SIT 11�4 r2 - c -&J4 Sr-- pk.x- Q 4D �rGo STORY "-ELDERLY to,A -21, 7 APARTMENT BUILDING vA v 62 TOTAL UNITS 4-2� - Q' r.L 4-- cysm EP-14 c- ILICI%V^ 4b o 330 JEFFERSON STREET f --T SIT . } ., `k -!. _CE1VED ORIGIN .I GENERAL CO ACTOR � C/1 2 � 1980 612 -894- 831 L l� M J. Ryan Construction Co. h -nonS �J n0au��!! nS Genetar Contractors 1NT�AHSy�� � +; ESt3T"� :�� ANDEL;SON 2710 East Highway 13 a P.O. Box 1034 F F ST. PAUL CO. Burnsville, Mn. 55337 612 - 894.1831 YOUR ORDER NO. 4408 N° 2851 DATE 12-18-80 JOB NO. 508 -80 SOLD TO: DELIVERED TO: Kraus - Anderson of St. Paul Hutchinson Elderlv Housing 200 Grand Ave St. Paul, fN 55102 DATE DESCRIPTION Jefferson Street & 2nd Ave S.E. Hutchinson, MN UNIT QUANTITY PRICF AMOUNT 12 -11 -80 Winter Construction - Frost Ripping: 955L w /ripper 3 hours $65.00 /hr. $ 195.00 Soil correction work - N.W. Corner: 955L 4 hours 58.00 1hr. 232.00 Supervision 32 hours 30.00 /hr. 105.00 12 -12 -80 Winter construction - Frost Ripping: 955L w /ripper 4 hours 65.00 /hr. 260.00 Spread hay: Labor 2 hours, 23.00 /hr. 46.00 Soil correction work - N. end of bldg.: 955L 4 hours 58.00 /hr. 232.00 JD -750 Dozer 8 hours 55.00 /hr. 440.00 CA -15 Dynapac 4 hours 60.00 /hr. 240.00 Supervision 9 hours 30.00 /hr. 270.00 Fill 84 yards 4.15 /yd. 348.60 12 -15 -80 Winter construction -Frost Ripping: 955L w /ripper 2 hours 65.00 /hr. 130.00 Spread hay: Labor 2 hours 23.00 /hr. 46.00 Soil correction work: 955L 4 hours 58.00 /hr. 232.00 JD -750 Dozer 5 hours 55.00 /hr. 275.00 CA -15 Dynapac 6 hours 60.00 /hr. 360.00 Supervision 6 hours 30.00 /hr. 180.00 Fill 420 yards 4.15 /yd. 1,743.00 12 -16 -80 Winter construction - Frost Ripping: 955L w /ripper 2 hours 65.00 /hr. 130.00 Spread hay /blankets: Labor 2 hours 23.00 /hr. 46.00 Soil correction work: 955L 5 hours 58.00 /hr. 290.00 JD -750 Dozer 5 hours 55.00 /hr. 275.00 CA -15 Dynapac 4 hours 60.00 /hr. 240.00 Supervision 6 hours 30.00 /hr. 180.0C Fill 636 yards 4.15 /yd'. 2,639.4C Total Amount Due: I S9.135.00 _o - Claims On Discrepancies Must Be Reported Within 10 Days Terms: Net 30 Days, 1 % Per Month After 30 Days tw :n CE!ZY to =`Z1c ;j ORDER DATE ano ranglnaennq lap:xatony, .- I • • p J Voyen /cm ST. CROMW. 5 AVENUE ^ w Dec 10 1900 PHO EU� M612 645 -3601 UJ 'LJ REQUESTED BY NAME COMPANY PHONE NO. Pat Ryan M J Ryan Construction Co 894 -1831 NAME ACCOUNT NO. NAME GCOUNT NO. Kraus Anderson of St Paul 52470 RE ADDRESS City of Hutchinson -Engineer's ime for site observations, travel, ADDRESS 200 Grand Ave 28 hrs @ $35.00 = 4-2--198L CITY STATE CITY TATE St Paul MN 55102 Hijtrhinqnn, MN SSISO ATTENTION PHONE NO. - ATTE TI 12n S-- ANDERSflf1t „O ENO. Barry Jager n a OF ST. PAUL CO N A PROJECT '� TEST ITEM ELDERLY APARTMENT BUILDING Excavation Observation & Compaction Testing JEFFERSON ST & FIRST AYE SE HUTCHINSON MINNESOTA n/a DE9191-MJ KtPOK I GOPIE5 TO: PARTMENT X Ryan Const Co Attn; pat Ryan CONTENTS: n/a INSTRUCTIONS OR REMARKS: WA INVOICE BREAKDOWN: 2- City of Hutchinson -Engineer's ime for site observations, travel, Attn: Homer Pittman consultation and report 28 hrs @ $35.00 = -Engineer's mobilization 635 mi @ .0.30 = 190.50 City Hall eld density runoffs 8 tests@ 6.00 = 48.00 Hijtrhinqnn, MN SSISO ,, - Standard Proctor(ASTM:D698 -78) 3 tests@ 37.00 = 11 .00 IRE IT T0: $1,329.56 BOX 14667 '� lA1NNEAPQ1.fS, �1 Ali ERIVlS? NYDIC MOUNT • . �T / UE% 000 FZS NNN 000 .,.00 N b Z �d0 `1 Z . 0, L b" IpG* EXCA�/r�TIU,'4' CALC.ULATI N i CYSTE /ZN — / -aL= S! zz ZO X ;;r /6 = % 1 (,CU 443 boo .V:) Cj YO:r OLD FOUNDAT/O/J 14ozz SIZE 40 x 6O K (o = Iii 400 As W Yct, 1140 cu yo--. E X CAVAT /ON DiAGRANI A 18' ..=-. �y/p� e xw- GL��kp2� �375f, o L(�e� cLCe „e � ��/`'` U v 'r: APPLICATION FOR BUILD OR LAND USE PERMIT CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA FEES �QQ Bldg Permit Fee..... TO: THE CITY COUNCIL DATE: 17V� plan Check Fee...... CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINN. Surcharge.......... The undersigned hereby requests a permit to Other ............... (check one or more): Build Add Install Remodel Move Wreck_ Other ��,& " " TOTAL.... PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Located at Lot Block Addition (Legal Description) ,��� _ �� /-;, _ , Street City State Zip Code 5. Name of Plumber and /or Mechanical Contractor Tele. No. Address Street City State Zip Code 6. Name of Excavation Contractor Tele. No. Address Street City State Zip Code 7. Building or Construction Information: Use -Zoned Off -Str. Parking Spaces Single - Family Dwelling Multi - Family Dwelling Commercial Bldg. Industrial Bldg or Facility Garage Other Size of Structure x Number of Stories Building Material: Frame Brick Concrete_Blk Other Roof Material: Wood Shingle Asphalt Shingle Other If Dwelling: Number Rooms - Conventional Split Level Basement If Garage: Size x Attached Unattached Basement 8. Utilities Required: Sewer Water Gas Electric Is Curb and Gutter in? Will it be necessary to cut a hole in Curbing? If so, both curb, gutter & apron must be replaced and an expansion joint placed between the curbing and -the concrete driveway. (See Attached Drawing) 9. Location Information if Building or Structure. Set -back: Front property line side property line , (E,W,N,S) side property line If detached secondary building, also (E,W,N,S) give alley or rear property line set -back 10. If for use other than building construction or alteration, describe fully: 11. Estimated cost of improvement (including labor, excluding land)$ 12. Are lot corners in evidence? If not, owner shall have property surveyed by a Registered Land Surveyor prior to field inspection by the City Engineer. Size of Lot: Ft. Wide x Ft., or Acres. Street No. 1. Name of Applicant O ,SG`y , Tele. No. 3 8 —lp 73 Address J� !js ,!%ISGT( (twi Street ZtAX&ra,,,1 iy State ' Zip Code 2. Name of Owner / /",4ele. No. Address IW4 //Z Sf- l fa?! 5 s- Street City State Zip Code 3. Name of Contractor Tele. No. Address - Street City State Zip Code 4. Name of Electrician Tele. No. Address Street City State Zip Code 5. Name of Plumber and /or Mechanical Contractor Tele. No. Address Street City State Zip Code 6. Name of Excavation Contractor Tele. No. Address Street City State Zip Code 7. Building or Construction Information: Use -Zoned Off -Str. Parking Spaces Single - Family Dwelling Multi - Family Dwelling Commercial Bldg. Industrial Bldg or Facility Garage Other Size of Structure x Number of Stories Building Material: Frame Brick Concrete_Blk Other Roof Material: Wood Shingle Asphalt Shingle Other If Dwelling: Number Rooms - Conventional Split Level Basement If Garage: Size x Attached Unattached Basement 8. Utilities Required: Sewer Water Gas Electric Is Curb and Gutter in? Will it be necessary to cut a hole in Curbing? If so, both curb, gutter & apron must be replaced and an expansion joint placed between the curbing and -the concrete driveway. (See Attached Drawing) 9. Location Information if Building or Structure. Set -back: Front property line side property line , (E,W,N,S) side property line If detached secondary building, also (E,W,N,S) give alley or rear property line set -back 10. If for use other than building construction or alteration, describe fully: 11. Estimated cost of improvement (including labor, excluding land)$ 12. Are lot corners in evidence? If not, owner shall have property surveyed by a Registered Land Surveyor prior to field inspection by the City Engineer. 12. PLOT PLAN: Show property lines, di. -nensions of existing and proposed structures & distance to propert lines This space for Building Official Approved* Rejected Reason for rejection Restrictions Date Date YEAR: MODEL: SERIAL NUMBER: Type of Construction Size of Building Total Sq. Ft. Occupancy Group Fire Zone Max. Occ. Load No. Dwelling Units *subject to payment of fees & issuance of Fire Sprinklers Required? yes no Plumbing & excavation aermits. PLUMBING PERMIT NO. EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. Please read the following before signing application: 4 1 hereby certify that 1 have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct..- -A1..] provisions of Laws and Ordinances Governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The Granting of a Permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other State or Local Law Regulating Construction or the Performance of Construction. Applicant's Signature Building Official 6 TO: Ken Merrill 0 FROM: Bruce Ericson, Director, Parks & Recreatoin DATE: March 5, 1982 SUBJECT: Welding Lease Attached is the lease with American Welding Supplies for the cylinders used at the Park Garage. -;-?// Lesse No.___ 10 -1750 CYLINDER AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this -21 ----- day of -------------------------- ------ Y-Phrnaryr - -- 19$x__ -- between AMERICAN WELDING SUPPLIES, Inc. and ___ City_ of _ Hutchinson - - ----------------- P. O. BOX 1154 105 19TH ST. N.W. Park Dept W LI.MAR, MINNESOTA 56201 _ -- :z��on�_ Mn (Distributor) ----------------------- (Consumer) WHEREAS, Distributor is now engaged in the We and distribution of oxygen and acetylene in cylinders, and such cylinders are to be distributed to customers whose consumption is great enough to warrant the use of these cylinders without incurring excessive demurrage; and WHEREAS, Distributor has purchased a quantity of special cylinders in order to obtain an ample supply of cylinders for the use of limited - volume users; and WHEREAS, Consumer desires to have a certain number of cylinders reserved by Distributor for Consumer's use and to be released from its obligation to pay demurrage with respect to such number of cylinders; THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Distributor &all allot to the use of Consumer for the period of 10 years fro m tie date hereof a total of _sine_ .f Style_- __- l�?___cut. oxygen cylinders and ----- one - - - -- -Style ------- 3u_ -_ -_ -_ acetylene cylinders. Distributor will maintain at all times during such period a sufficient number of cylinders for sale of oxygen and acetylene to Consumer in return for the same number of like empty cylinders provided the total quantity of the respective types of cylinders in the possession of Consumer at any one time does not exceed the quantities herein - above specified. Distributor's obligation to maintain such stocks shall depend upon the ability of the manufacturer of said gasses to make delivery, or shall be excused by occurence of any event beyond Distributor's control. With respect to the aforesaid quantity of cylinders allotted to Consumer, no demurrage will be charged -to Con- sumer for the life of this Agreement. In consideration of the foregoing, Consumer sJ R p$Y to Distributor, upon the execution of this Agreement the sum of $- 9$,r5� Per oxygen cylinder and �______ __ per acetylene cylinder to be held and applied as herein- after provided for a total sum of ;__194.50 INVOICE 104641 Immediartely upon the execution of this Agreement Distributor shall apply an amount representing 1 /10 of the total amount hereinabove paid to Distributor by Consumer for the use of such cylinders for the first year of this Agreement, or any part thereof, and at the beginning of each subsequent yearly period- thereafter, subject to mak- ing allowance for the refunds, if any, hereinafter provided, shall apply a like amount for each yearly period or portion thereof, for the use of such cylinders for such period. Any one or more of said cylinders may be perman- ently returned to Distributor and released from the provisions of this Agreement at any time and from time to time after the execution of this Agreement and with respect to any such cylinder so returned and released Dis- tributor will refund to Consumer the sum of 1 /10 of the total sum paid by Consumer for each complete year from the date of the return and release of such cylinder to the expiration of this Agreement less handling charge of $-7-50-- per cylinder if this contract bas run less thap 5 years or per cylinder if this contract has run over 5 years. That Consumer may sell -the rights, subject to Distributor's approval, covered by this Agreement to another party providing the new Consumer immediately signs a new superseding Agreement covering the unexpired term of the present Agreement. Ibis to be executed without charge to either party by Distributor at his place of business. Cylinders are loaned to Consumer only and no tilde thereto passes to Consumer. Consumer agrees to be re- sponsible for all cylinders so loaned while in Consumer's possession and will pay to Distributor on demand for all loss or damage to any cylinder resulting from any cause while in Consumer's possession. Consumer shall return all outstanding cylinders to Distributor at .the termination of this Agreement. Consumer shall not have any cylin- ders refilled except through said Distributor. Consumer shall not take these cylinders outside the state of Minne- sota. In event Consumer becomes insolvent or applies for bankruptcy, these cylinders are to be returned to Dis- tributor and this Agreement cancelled. -A ---------------------------------------------- (Consumer) AMERICAN WELDING SUPPLIES, Inc. ------------------------------ - - - - -- - Address - ---- - - - - -- WI,LLMAR, MINNESOTA ( Distributor) ----------------------------------------------- Witness for Consumer ---------for --- Di---stributor -- --- ---------------------- - - - - -- Accepted by Witness ��•.� �.r v vv v. J4'VFR.AI .R,NT,f�G �, w,:,.,.R DISTRIBUTOR'S COPY — ORIGIN • 0 DATE March 29. 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Chief of Police Dean M. O'Borsky SUBJECT: Pager Modification The changes suggested in the attached memo will increase tremendously our ability to operate in an emergency system. Although the money has not been budgeted for this I have talked to Fire Chief Lloyd Schlueter and he expressed a willingness to cover the cost from his budget. Because this function involves his department 1 believe they would benefit most from it. Therefore I am asking authority to authorize this change so we may be prepared for the summer storm season. The total cost is approximately $90.00. DMO:neb d is DATE March 23, 1982 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Chief Dean M. O'Borsky FROM: Chuck Jones SUBJECT: Pager Modification met with Dave Dobbelmann, Gov't. Markets Division of Motorola Communication; Jay of Mankato Mobile Radio and Chief Deputy Al Cheney on'3- 10 -82. We discussed countywide paging capabilities during a natural disaster or other major problem. Currently our paging system allows our department to page the Hutch Police and Fire Departments. Our paging encoder is a Motorola "moden 100" 100 call unit. We are currently capable of 5 call paging. If our transmitter and /or antenna is damaged our paging ability ceases. The McLeod County Sheriff's Office has updated their paging system and it now includes Hutchinson Police, Fire and Ambulance. If the McLeod County transmitter is disabled county -wide paging ceases. I propose the addition of 14 page frequencies, that would include McLeod Civil Defense, all County Fire Departments and all ambulances. The cost would be $90. Once the additions are made our paging unit could be used as a back -up unit for McLeod County. McLeod County's unit can now back -up our paging system. * *Additions to our encoder: 1. McLeod County C.D. 8. Stewart Fire Department 2. Biscay Fire Department 9. Stewart Fire Department(siren) 3. Brownton Fire Department 10. Winsted Fire Department 4. Glencoe Fire Department 11. Glencoe Ambulance �= 5. Lester Prairie Fire Department 12. Lester Prairie Ambulance 6. Plato Fire Department 13. Silver Lake Ambulance 7. , Silver Lake Fire Department 14. Winsted Ambulance CJ:nb • 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: March 26, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project 81 -03 Watermain Improvement At the Department Heads Meeting on March 16, 1982, the need of replacing the temporary oiled surface on Hassan Street from Third Ave. S.E. to Oakland Ave., now that watermain has been installed, was discussed. Last year when the watermain replacement was being considered, we did not include street surface replacement as part of the project due to the cost. This project was paid for from the sewer and water fund since it was a water system improvement. The replacement of the temporary surface can be done at a lower cost if done by City forces. The estimated cost by the contractor was $19,200, and by City forces is $9,600. It is recommended that all material costs for this surface replacement be billed to the sewer and water fund. As I mentioned that day, we do have some additional work that has to be done between 5th Ave. S.E. and 6th Ave. S.E. It would be cost effective to the City to do this work before that section of Hassan Street has the temporary surface replaced. The cost for relocating the sanitary sewer is estimated at $6,282, which would be billed to the sewer and water fund, and completing the storm sewer connection is estimated at $15,323, which I assume would have to be bonded. I would recommend completing this underground work to enable us to replace the temporary surface one time only. Also, I assume the property owners in the area would appreciate it being finished. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Neumann i i ufckiKSoK �avcee (Vatet Cautioal Hutchinson, Minnesota 5350 C SPONSORED BY THE HUTCHINSON JAYCEES 26 March 24, 1982 2�2p25�27a�� Gary Plotz, City Administrator titi 9� City of Hutchinson - C �iy AR 1982 37 Washington Ave. West �, RF- CFjVED N Hutchinson, Mn. 5535° jjy. c- - y Dear Gary, goo' ���zi 1L0�6 The Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival.wll be held on June 18,19, and 20, 1982. I would like to ask you to consider our application for the following permits per this letter: 1. Street use - to close off Les Kouba Parkway from the James St. to the Horseshoe pits at Cptimist Riverside Park for`the Carnival Midway Show June 16 -20. 2. Close Street and Parade Permit - Kiddie Day Parade, June 19 from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM. Route - Start at south side of Park Towers on Glen Street, turn West on 4th Ave. SW to Grove Street then North on Grove to Wahsington Ave. West. 3. Close Street and Parade Permit - Grande Day Parade on June 20 from,11:00 AM to 4 :00 PM. Route - Start on Lake Street to 2nd Ave. SW, East on 2nd Ave. to Franklin Street, then South on Franklin Street to Linden Ave. 4. Close Street - June 19 from 7:00 PM to 1:00 AM for Square Dance. First Ave. SE. between Main Street and Hassan Street. 5. Close Street - June 19 from 8:00 AM to 11 :30 AM for the Marathon. 4th Ave. between Glen Street and Grove Street. The Jaycees, as a non - profit organization, would appreciate not having to pay for the above permits as to defray our expenses. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 587 -2240 (Wigen Chevrolet) or 587 -5500 (Home). Sincere_,y, 'r /� / /� /� / Mick igen, Co odore F fationaL ward- lkinniny Community C,e[ebration --QJ, • • (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 12, 1982 ---------- --- - -- TO: MHor and City Council � — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: George F. Field, Fire Marshal SUBJECT; Approval to Purchase and Discharge Fireworks for Jaycee Water Carnival - - - - - - - - - - - The Jaycees plan to have a fireworks display for the Annual Water Carnival at 10:00 P.M. Sunday evening, June 20, 1982. The discharge area is to be at Les Koub a Point in the North River Park. Necessary safety measures shall be taken by members of the Jaycees and Fire ti Department personnel. See attached Safety Requirements for fireworks. Jaycee Fireworks Chairman, Mr. Kent Sorensen, has contacted Mr. Mark Hanson again this year, who will be responsible for discharge of the fireworks. It is recommended that approval be given subject to adequate liability insur- ance by the Jaycees and the listed safety provisions. GFF:ms Attachment cc: Lloyd Schlueter, Fire Chief Dean O'Borsky, Chief of Police Kent Sorensen, Jaycee Chairman j Respectfully, CITY OF HUTCHINSON George F. Field Fire Marshal SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRE WORKS DISPLAY 1. A roped-of f'area of not less than 100 feet by 100 feet for discharge area. 2. Only those persons directly involved with the display shall be in the dis- charge area. 3. Fireworks in the "ready area" to be contained within a metal protective area or covered by a fireproof material. 4. No smoking within the discharge area. 5. At least one fire extinguisher shall be located within the discharge area. 6. A spotter to be stationed near the discharge area to keep track of any aerial charge which fails to ignite. 7. Any unused or "dud" displays are to be disposed of in a safe manner. 8. No "dud" fireworks to be placed in with or near material which is yet to be fired. 9. All unburned materials remaining after the display shall be removed from the area immediately after completion of program. 10. Fire Department to have 5 on -duty men at the scene to man the stand -by equipment and control any fires occurring in the discharge area. 11. Hutchinson Jaycees shall provide a minimum of 10 persons to assist in keeping spectators away from the discharge area. George Field, Fire Marshall HUTCHINSON FIRE DEPARTMENT HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA l .�.r� "1z !y C.C4� �j-y - 5 t�ti.i 1 /f LL i►-' . -�) L ". 1/ ",7,1 APPLICATION FOR POPCOxN_ UHq!__PERMIT To the City.....Coimcil ....................................................................._.. .................I............. .................... ................................................. ............................... of the ....................City .............................................. of ............ Hutchinson . . . in the County of .................................................................. ............................... McLeod ..... ......... .......... . ..... State of .Minnesota: The unulereigned owner whose address is ................ 831 Second Avenue S.W. .............................................................................................. ............................... ................................................................................ ............................... .........................hereby applies for a permit to..... ............................... operate a Popcorn Stand at the Southwest corner of the Public Square ............................................... ............................... upon that certain tract of land described as follows: Lot .................. ..............................; Block.............. ............................... ; plator addition ......................................................... ...... .. ............ ... ........... ; address................................................................ ............................... ; which is of the following size and area; width ......... _ ........ .. ... _. ... .. ............. feet; length.... ............................... _.... feet; area .................................................. ... - .. .......; ......................................................................................................................................... ............................... and hereby agrees that, in case such permit is granted, that all work which shall be done and all materials which shall be used shall comply with the plans and epecifc.oations therefor herewith submitted and with all the ordinances of said............ Ci. ty .... ............................... applicable thereto. .ilpplicant further agrees to pay fees or assessments at the time and in the amounts specified as follows: Fee to be determined by the City Council. ..... ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... K. .............�J�..:::%..:.......! ... %.':. ...4............. ............................... owner 9— 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON CEMETERY REGULATIONS 1. Cut flowers may be deposited on the graves in approved vases or holders. 2. Glass containers will not be allowed. 3. Cut flowers and plastic flowers will be removed from the ground within 7 days after Memorial Day. 4. Unsightly flowers and wreaths will be removed. 5. Live plants will be allowed only in approved pots, urns, or holders. 6. Metal flower holders will be permitted with a 6" or larger shoe around the bottom of the vase holder. 7. Non - conforming holders will be tagged and subsequentially removed. — - -- - 8. Holders shall be placed in line with existing holders. 9. Wreaths will be permitted if they are attached to the monument or in approved holders. 10. All bronze cups will have to be turned down by November 1st to prevent damage. 11. Regulations will be posted in the office building for in- formationg consult the custodian or caretaker. 4 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson DATE: April 9. 1982 SUBJECT: Repair of Old Armory Roof Attached is an estimate concerning the repair of the roof at the Old Armory. I am presenting this to you because I feel that if the roof is - -left as is,- con - siderable damage will--be done not only to the roof, but also the walls and the gym floor. I realize that the - future of-this facility is cur- rently a major question itself, however -, I wanted the council to be aware of this problem since it could cause considerable damage is left unattended. 0 E JOB NO. — THE IDEAL SYSTEM, COPYRIGHT U.S. PAT. OFFICE JOB ESTIMATE SHEET DATE 1/2%�a 41 A 2 19 �� IDEAL SYSTEM -FORM 2141 CUSTOMER'S C/ / / NAM£ { MLIQT— PHONE DETAILED DESCRIPTION Of WORK ORDERED STREET'ADDRESS ����U�_�Q TY 6 STATE (J PARTY TO CONTACT REGARDING JOB Q QUOTED _ PRICE BID TENDERED JS' ` —, _BASIS / TERMS BY DETAIRIS �1 %�x. J 5-AL.- O. %�. BILLING INSTRUCTIONS: Ile. pVAti /Tr r C O N K L I N BILL BREITKREUT _ ���OUC`S RpPici Roof ACTUAL COSTS, EXPENSES, AND GROSS PROFIT ON JOB I MATERIAL OR SUPPLIES LABOR OUTSIDE TAXES TOTALS WORK LICE (SUB- PERMITS. CONTRACTORS) TELEPHONE (612) 504 ERIE BTREET gpe.amil's HUTCHINSON. MN 55380 cif 17 ... Z*1% .:y v 7 I i iL AND EXPENSE (/ 1 / /'P K 1/ TRUCK AND CAR EXPENSE _ n n) J (,L[�2A t OTHER COSTS AND EXPENSES ITEM AMOUNT S r B. TOTALS COSTS AND EXPENSES - FORWARD TO REVERSE SIDE OF PAGE 1 0 • (61 2) 587 -5151 HUlIH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E 11 0 R A -N -D U M DATE: April 9, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant -------------------------------- SUBJECT: Airport "H" Marker - --------------------------- - - - - -- A radio beacon_at...the airport was installed in 1980. Prior to this --year Doug Hedin had-,-.been taking care of the .monthly required service on this unit. Doug has >: said he would no longer be able -to do this. We rave -tried to-get quotes on_this service from other agents. We have received the attached contract from Minnesota Central Communication for $15.00 service charge -per month. If repairs are needed, the cost of these repairs will be on a time and material basis. I would request to have the 'Council approve the signing of this contract. Attachment /ms RADIO MAINTENANCE CONTRACT CENTRAL MINNESOTA COMMUNICATION 1015 TAYLOR AVENUE GLENCOE, MINNESOTA 55336 Hutchinson Municipal Airport Highway 15 South Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 We propose to service and.maintain_ the transmitter and related radio equipment located -at the -- Hutchins -on Municipal---Airport,.-and the_monitor.receiver at the Hutchinson Police Station.- r -- We will make required monthly service checks -of equipment and - maintain the proer logs and paperwork fora monthly fee -of $15.00 /month. We will also provide the necessary repairwork on the equipment on a time and material basis. We will also perform the normal duties involved with the repair and maintenance of this type of system. All statements will be mailed monthly on or before the fif- teenth. This proposal is for a period of one year from acceptance. ACCEPTED. The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance By By 0 CENTRAL MINNES TA COMMUNICATION By OA_ -de - Of, a " ' FCC License No. P1 -16 -41793 Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. • • 0 11612) 587 -5151 9JUl HUTCHINSON, CITY OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST MINN. 55350 M E O R A N D U M DATE: _ April 9, -1982 — — — — — TO: —Mayor and City Council---------- ---- - - -- -- FROM: Chuck Nelson, Liquor Store Manager and Ken Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: Carton Cooler A review of sales and in order to provide better service to customers, it is requested to install a cooler. Many customers request cold pop, which we have no way of providing. The proposal . of_. Duane- _Buske - is-for -a- cooler costing $1,320.00, which -b�y9 -some re- arranging we could accommodate at the.store. By purchasing the unit, increased sales would ..result.- _By. °',flur ownership we ,would also -be able.,to sty ki whatever items are desired. This item has not been budgeted for but could be handled as a one time purchase if the City Council would agree. /ms 4 Coca -Cola Bottling Company P. O. Box 69 /Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 March 10, 1982 Charles Nelson, Mgr. Municipal Liquor Store Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 Dear Chuck, Our price quote on a True 47" carton cooler is $1320.00 plus freight. This can be an out right purchase or if you wish we would sell it with no money down and monthly payments of $100.00 with a 2% per month interest charge. Sincerely, Duane Buske, Mgr. Coca -Cola Bottliag Co. Hutchinson, Mn. 55350 i • 7�(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A W D U M DATE: April 9,,1982 TO: Mayor and City Council _.— —------------- - - - - - -- ------- ---*- FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant -- — r- ----- ----- --- - - - - -- SUBJECT: _ Water Back-- Up at Emma Homan Home Mrs. Emma Homan, 200 Third Avenue s:E., located across from the new fire station, had water back -up from the sewer -- system. The problem was a frozen sewer line, and the back -up occurred when-'water was dumpted into the system from the fire hall. We have sent a- claim to -our- insurance - company, and I- nave - attached their response. She is makitrg_ claim for $30OQ.- As the.insurance company has denied the .claim, our normal procedure would bee to take no further action. /ms ck Emma Homan 200 Third Avenue Hutchinson, MN Dear Mrs. Homan, Southeast 55350 Reference is made to: A.: Claim_ Number- B. Insured C. Claimant D. Date of Loss- March 24, 1982 D-1235 - City - -of- Hutchinson Emma Homan 3/10/82 We have been notified of your claim for property damage resulting from a sewer backup at your residence. We have reviewed the circumstances surrounding your claim and feel we have sufficient information at this time to make a proper decision. Please be advised that our obligation as an insurer is not to pay all claims, but to pay those for which our insured is shown, conclusively, to be negligent and therefore, respon- sible. Our investigation reveals that the water pipes had frozen and when the men at the fire department deposited some water ddrin the sewer, it backed up into your home. The actual cause of the problem were the frozen water pipes and our insured cannot predict nor prevent an occurrence such as this. As soon as this problem was made known to our insured, the sit- uation was corrected, Under these circumstances, all responsible and proper in your area, but cannot be conditions and freezing of spectfully decline to make the facts of this incident. City of Hutcon JG /LE IV we feel that our insured does take actions to maintain the sewer system held responsible for the weather the pipes. We must therefore, re- any payment on your claim based upon Sincerely, Lynn Greeley Claims Representative • r rI(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 April 7, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: CONSIDERATION OF REASSIGNING DUTIES OF BUILDING CUSTODIAN Due to changed needs for building maintenance after April 23, it is anticipated that Building Custodian Lila Westphal will perform custodial duties in the following locations: Old Armory (building and grounds) 15% of time, approximately Motor Vehicle Office 30% 11 " Fire Hall 30% City Hall (building and grounds) and other occasional duties 25% " Approval is requested for this reassignment of duties. 4-S'E� 9- e. 0 0 7�(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCH /NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: April 7, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Street Maintenance Material Request permission to advertise for bids to be taken on Monday, April 26, 1982, at 2:00 P.M. for the following material: 1. Approximately 10,000 Gallons of MC -250 2. Approximately 10,000 Gallons of RC -800 3. Approximately 10,000 Gallons of MC -30 to be used in seal coat maintenance of city streets in 1982. MVP /pv 21 Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering • • Regular Council Meeting April 13, 1982 WATER $ SEWER FUND McLeod Co. Sanitary Landfill Mar.dumping charges $ 15.00 Richard Ebert water school 157.30 Abbot Electronics Inc. recharge battery 35.00 Big Bear supplies 239.85 Blue Cross Blue Shield April medical insurance 631.20 Cash Drawer #4 postage 2.00 Commissioner of Revenue sales taxes 463.43 Crown Life Ins. Co Dental insurance - April 114.00 Coast to Coast supplies 5.22 Curtin Matheson Scientific chemicals 242.13 Equitable Life Ass. Soc. April LTD ins. 66.61 Floor Care Supply supplies 277.40 Farm & Home supplies 19.65 Feed Rite Controls Inc. supplies 289.74 Gross Industrial uniform rental 86.25 Hutch Utilities electric 10,418.98 Hutch Wholesale supplies 3.36 Heikes Hardware supplies 17.69 Hutch Iron $ Metal iron 2.00 School Dist. 423 gasoline 510.18 Junker Sanitation refuse hauling March 17,085.60 Jerabek Machine Shop repairs 13.80 Johnson Super Valu food coloring 2.52 Minnesota Mutual April life ins.- 57.00 Mn. Valley Testing Lab. testing 462.00 Plaza Ok Hardware supplies 4.10 Pikal Music Store supplies 2.00 Quades supplies & repairs 159.90 RCM prof. fees 839.96 Rutz Plbg. $ Htg. supplies 33.25 Water Products supplies $ meters 709.84 Am. National Bank interest $ principal $ fees 79,275.47 $ 112,242.43 GENERAL FUND Allen Office Products supplies $ 1166.21 Am. Linen Supply cleaning supplies 35.86 Am. Welding Supplies chemicals & tank rental 33.79 Big Bear supplies 12.90 Brandon Tire Co. supplies $ repaire 52.31 Brinkman Studio film & pictures etc. 71.82 Blue Cross /Blue Shield Apr. medical ins. 7858.47 Bryan Rock Products agr. lime 2463.69 Cash Drawer #4 cash expenses 32.56 Coast to Coast supplies 72.99 Coca Cola Bottling supplies & moving voting machines 195.50 Copy Equipment Inc. supplies 252.17 Co. Treasurer print out 7.50 Co. Treasurer dl fees for co 129.00 Crown Life Ins. Co. April dental ins. 1358.52 Crow River Press printing chgs. 192.35 Copy Systems Inc. supplies 114.25 //- Q J -2- Culligan Water salt, repairs & monthly chg. 48.60 Crow River Vet Clinic March fees 130.50 Carr Flowers Inc. flowers - Alsleben 10.50 Crow River Reg. Library 2nd qtr. payment 10,996.75 C $ R. Grocery cleaning supplies 2.41 JAMES DeMeyer office expenses for April 300.00 Dostal $ Olson Oil Co. solvent 20.50 Duanes Mobile Lock repairs 102.30 Equitable Life Ass. Society April LTD ins. 668.48 PaMIDA paint etc. 110.29 Erickson $ Templin snow removal 869.00 Bruce Erickson mileage 36.98 Family Rexall Drug office supplies etc. 200.65 Farm & Home Inc. supplies 252.38 Floor Care Supply supplies $ repairs 192.60 FireExt. Sales & Service service 26.60 GTC supplies 495.98 Guardian Pest Control pest spraying 32.50 Gross Industrial uniform rental 430.68 Hager Jewelry door signs etc. 55.25 HAVTI work study students- 434.68 Hutch Iron & Metal iron 89.60 Hutch Leader publication costs 377.86 Hutch Plbg. & Htg. furnace repairs 16.00 Hutch Utilities electricity 13,924.54 Hutch Wholesale Supply supplies 328.27 Heikes Hardware supplies 41.91 Hardees downtown dev. mtg. 26.85 School Dist. #423 gasoline, rec. fees 4533.76 Ink Spots supplies 109.60 Jerabek Machine Shope repairs 22.32 Joes Sport Shop trophies 558.00 Kemske Paper Co. minute book 107.78 Krasen Plbg. $ Htg. supplies 15.41 L & P Supply Co. supplies 9.15 LaHass Mfg. supplies 368.39 Lloyd Schlueter april mileage 30.00 McLeod Coop Power Assn. electricity 811.95 Mankato Mobile radio repairs 131.71 Mn. Mutual April Life ins. 660.06 Wards supplies & repairs 263.35 Mikes Pro Shop tape 61.32 Motorola Inc. monthly payment 227.25 Marilyn Swanson coffee 4.29 Kenneth Merrill mileage 48.51 Oswald Pub. Co. legal blanks 17.31 Pitney Bowes meter rental 55.50 Plaza OK Hardware supplies 17.51 plaza OK Hardware supplies 27.05 Gary Plotz april intown mileage 150.00 Plowmans Inc. supplies 22.56 The Patco Co. supplies 37.32 Quades repairs 32.47 Rannow Electric repairs 52.24 Rockite Silo Inc. supplies 83.30 Ruffridge Johnson Equipment supplies 94*82 • -3- 0 Sewing Basket repair flag 3.00 Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies 227.64 State Treasurer bldg. surcharges 291.56 James Schaefer 2 month fee 798.44 State Treasurer boat registrations 211.00 Sorensen Farm Supply supplies 4.69 Schmeling Oil Co. fuel oil et.c 1056.34 Swanke Motors Inc. repairs & parts 35.22 Texgas Corp. chemicals 38.50 Tri County {Pater Cond. salt 24.40 Thorsen Campbell audit fees 9600.00 Teply Equipment Inc. parts 56.33 Uniforms Unlimited clothing 79.90 Wesley Pharmacy supplies - pictures 7.05 Xerox monthly payment 146.56 Zins Machining repairs $ parts 366.00 Wally Pikal Music Store equipment $ supplies 118.85 Wigen Chev. Co. parts 25.70 Great Plain Supply Co. supplies 15.67 League of Mn. Cities handbook 75.00 School Dist. 423 custodian $ lifeguard 287.50 Howard J. Fox - Sec. -Treas dues 1982 20.00 Gale Boelter y frames $ gasoline 28.00 Mike Fogg referee 42.00 Barb Haugen skating instructor 360.00 Larry Karg supplies 47.62 John McRaith mileage 25.30 John Mlinar league seminar 33.06 Mark Mortenson referee 42.00 Doug Meier gasoline $ % shoes 29.00 Suzane McClure swimming refund 8.00 Amusement Business subscription 35.00 Beacon Products supplies 180.00 Bjerke Oil Co. aviation gas 12,240.00 Cosmos Costumes custome rental 36.00 Dispatcher Seminar ref. fee for 2 40.00 Gopher State Lighting services 140.00 General Trading Co. supplies 164.84 Hamele Rec. Co. Inc. marking paint 50.42 Jaffrey Fire Protection supplies 319.73 Hutchinson Ind. Corp. refund 130.00 Paul Lemke & Son refund 72.25 Sanitary Landfill dumping charge 1.50 Mid Central Fire Inc. gas detector 475.00 Marks TV Service repairs 25.00 Ricks Plbg. $ Htg. repairs 25.00 State Theatre office rental for motor vehicle 325.00 Willmar AVTI reg. fee for 11 people 55.00 Helen Syvertson witness fee 10.00 Jim Tessien boat show 550.00 Roger Bakken clothing allowance 125.00 Dave Erlandson clothing allowance 125.00 John Gregor clothing allowance 125.00 James Haasl clothing allowance & meetings 128.56 Michael Hogan clothing allowance 125.00 Charles Jones clothing allowance 125.00 -4 -- Michael Kirchoff Ronald Kirchoff Ronald Kirchoff Wm. Mattsfield Robert Ringstrom Scott Schwartz Scott Webb Wm. Wegner Dean O'Borsky Richard Waage James Schaefer clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 survival seminar 38.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 clothing allowance 125.00 $ 83,721.11 seminar expense 45.07 $ 83,766.18 0 • MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Griggs Cooper $ Co. Twin City Wine Co. OLD Peoria Co. Ed Phillips $ Sons Northland Beverages Coca Cola Bottling Mn. Sheriffs Assn. Diamond Clear Ice Co. American Linen Supply Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Crow River Glass Mn. Cash Register City of Hutchinson Locher Bros. Lenneman Beverage Friendly Beverages Triple G Dist. 1980 Tax Increment Bond Fund Family Rexall Drug_ BOND FUNDS 1st National Bank of Mpls. National City Bank Juul Contracting 1981 Fire Hall Construction Bonds April 13, 1982 wine & liquor wine 4 liquor wine & liquor wine & liquor mix mix color ad ice towels phone service replace door panel cash reg. tape insurance $ payroll beer beer beer beer furniture- Evergreen Apt. Interest and service fee Bonds of 1971 interest and service fee Bonds of 1972 construction costs Bonds of 19 -82 Floor Care Supply supplies Gambles supplies Plaza OK Hardware supplies Simonson Lbr. Co. supplies $2110.39 1711.03 1952.87 1255.71 206.65 165.05 70.00 48.00 16.40 54.29 218.20 160.13 26,560.26 7143.35 9005.70 1024.30 9700.20 1365.00 647.50 3312.50 7310.00 217.50 110.66 137.00 87.32 (612) 587 -5151 ~ 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 13, 1982 TO Mayor and City Council FROM: Kenneth B. Merrill, City Accountant SUBJECT: Liquor Store Financial Report This year the State has required all cities with municipal liquor stores to publish a financial report. The financial report published is in addition to the statements which are annually published. The State Auditor has put together the financial reporting requirement with two choices. Number one is a short form giving the year -end balance sheet and oper- ating statement. Alternative number two is an expanded format and gives prior year comparison as well as more detailed information. I have attached alternative one which would be the least expensive alternative. An attachment to the statement would state we have more detail on file and available for public inspection. /ms Attachment • CITY OF NUTC1aI`�SO\ MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1981 ASSETS Current Assets: S60,596. Cash Investments - Accounts Receivable 90� Inventories at Cost 117,923 Prepaid Expenses 4.S64, Fixed Assets: Land- 102,408 Buildings, Furniture & Fixtures s4 124 - Less: Accumulated Depreciation 37.02 Total Assets 5333 798. LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Current Liabilities: S 35,099. Accounts Payable , Accrued Liabilities q45. PERA, FICA, and Taxes Withheld 126,941 Other Current Liabilities (Identify) DUE TO OTHER FUND Long -Term Liabilities: Revenue Bonds (Net of current portion) n — Fund Equity: Contributed Capital- Municipality Retained Earnings 1,33S Reserved 159 948. Unreserved Total Retained Earnings 5161 283. Total Liabilities, Contributed Capital and Retained Earnings $333 798. Fr SUP;;;ARY AP,ALYSIS OF HUTCHINSON MUNICIPAL LIQUOR SIORE.OPERATIONS - (City) For the Year Ended December 31, 1981 TOTAL SALES (from all sources, net of sales tax) Less: Cost of Sales Gross Profit Gross Profit as a percent of sales Operating Expense (costs of operating store, wages, etc.) Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Interest, etc.) * Nonoperating Expense (Interest expense, etc.) NET INCOME Contributions from stores profits to city funds. (Identify fund) General Fund Contributions to the store from city funds. (Identify fund) Capital Outlay (buildings, equipment, etc.) Interest paid during the year Amount of principal paid on Debt Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds Outstanding December 31, 19 *Quarterly discount $4,328. Interest expense. 5,110. 9,439. 1,092,464. 837.S84 _ 254,880. 23.3 132,173 122,707. 9,438. 113.269. 100,000. 28,893. 5,110. -0- N E City Council City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Gentlemen: Leonard & Harriet Krulikosky 433 North School Road Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 April 13, 1982 FOR YOUR INFORMATION This letter is for the purpose of requesting street improvements on School Road North from Highway 7. We request that a blacktop street improvement be put on your program of work, with completion as soon as possible. Very truly yours, rd Krulikosky arriet Krulikosky �i N ., 0 • To: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FROM: BARB HAUGEN FOR YO IV SENIOR CENTER COORDINATOR V RE: SENIOR CENTER UPDATE r/01V The Senior Center was readied for our use by January 15, 1982. By mid -March things belonging to the city of Hutchinson which were purchased through previous grants were moved over from the Old Armory and in use at the Senior Center. All new furnishings were in place by.this time also. Several senior citizen organizations began meeting regularly at the Senior Center soon after it was open. The Senior Nutrition Program was in operation on January 18th, and has a daily average attendance which has doubled since their move. Nutrition Site Manager, Joan Phillips, and I are trying to achieve a 'oneness" in regards to the Senior Center and Nutrition Program. Each Friday has -- been designatedt as.an - "open house ". All senior: citizens are invited to spend the afternoon at- the - Center._ Informative presentations, entertainment_ and social activities are coordinat -ed -each week. - - Further development of the "tele -care" program is taking place. The program is designated for senior citizens who are shut -ins or for those who desire daily companionship. Development of a senior citizen volunteer program is currently in process. Ideally, this organization will-be a network of volunteers to assist the Center and community. Some specific areas of attention will be: • Fund Raisers for - Senior Center and community • Senior Companioins -{i.e. Aveyron Home • Assistance to McLeod County Historical Society • Volunteer manpower for charities of all types • Assist Hutchinson Schools in various programs in need of volunteers (i.e., classroom aides, clerical aides, teachers' assistants) • To develop senior citizen programming and operations through Crow River Cable TV Seminars and presentations are being scheduled here at the Senior Center. Several tours and one -day excursions are currently being coordinated also. The Senior Advisory Board has gone through stage of having to meet frequently for purpose of developing management plan. Future meetings will probably not need to be so frequent. Frequent staff conferences with myself, Joan Phillips, Carol Haukos and Hazel Sitz are being held to identify areas that need attention and to make our procedures more efficient. Hutchmobile staff has been supportive with receiving telephone messages and with some clerical help. At this time, we are trying to find a permanent solfAtion to the wide - distribution of a:newsletter. We are currently producing a monthly newsflyer to areas which have a high density population of senior citizens. (i.e., senior high rises, Burns Manor) Newsflyer enclosed. '* *APRIL NJEWSLETTt.: *X 1• Lc. "INI ,r. *South Jefferson Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 587 -6564 A LETTER FROM REV. JOHN H. LONGLEY r , We are now beginning a new period in the senior citizen program of Hutchinson, There is a new Senior Citizen Center in the Evergreen B4ilding, that marks a truly fresh start for senior citizen programs and good citizenship opportunities. Yet, at that same time, we hope it is a continuation of all of the fine things that have been done by and for the senior citizens over the years. We would like to have you see this time as one that gives a whole new uplift to all that we have been trying to do to help the latter years of people's lives to be rich and rewarding ones.. I am writing this article as the present chairman of the Hutchinson Area Community Services Board for the Elderly. I have served on this board for seven years and therefore have had a part in past successes and failures. This Board will be going out of existence soon,.because we have passed our respeosibilities on to a new Senior Advisory Board which is under the auspices of the City of Hutchinson. Such a move has long been a part of our hopes. The funding for past programs and services came from a three year federal grant which expired in 1981. A part of the grant agreement was that we finance our services to senior citizens on the local level after the federal funds have run out. Thus, this new phase was inevitable, We will do our best to make the transition and we need the cooperation of all of you. There have been times in recent years when it seemed we were more interested in competing among ourselves than in cooperating together. We hope the new Center will give us a feeling of "all for one and one for all ". It will be a meeting place that we know your groups will be able to use to good advantage. The Nutrition for the Elderly will be housed at the new Center. There will also be hours set aside for just 4ropping in for company and conversation. Transportation and Information and Referral are services that will still be provided, but the extent of these programs is uncertain because we are not yet sure how large our budget will be. We ask for your patience and understanding as we try to adjust to the new condition. I remind you again that we are starting a new period in our senior citizens'. prqgram that has long been in the making. We have a new Center that is accessible to all. We have gone fron federal funding to local funding as planned. What we need most of all is the help and support of all of you people. We need you participation in activities and your voluntary skills that can be of service to others. We negd your goodwill as we strive to do things harmoniously together. We thank people for their dedicated labors in the past, and we pledge our help to those who have responsibilities for the future. HEART SAVER SEMINAR This two -day seminar will take place on Monday; May 3rd and Thursday 6th for a total of 3 hours. It is designed for senior citizens who either have a heart condition or for those of you who are frequently near persons with a heart condition and would benefit from learning rescue techniques. This class will cover basic life- support including recognizing signals of heart attacks and actions for survival. There is no charge; however, there is a class limit of 15 persons. Interested persons' must pre- register by calling the Senior Center Office Rev. John H. bongley Be watching for upcoming activities and events at the Senior Center in Thursday's edition of the HUTCH LEADER (page;$). Also, tune into KDUZ each Monday at 250'`P.M. for a weekly report Bet you Haven't Heard of SOC! SOC is a new organization of Senior Citizens who are valuable volunteers to the Senior Center and to our community. SOC stands for Seniors On Call. The new organization is just developing and needs members!. There are no dues and anyone age 55+ is eligible to join. Some of you are already volunteering your time and talents in various ways.. Join SOC now! Look at a few of our members. Minnie Albrecht -Ruth Boller Esther Fratzke Emma Lake Walter Markgraf -Erna McKensie Helen Plaisance Tom Stibal Dorothy Witte April SENIOR CENTER CALENDAR April 1 7:30 Hutchinson Women's Club April 2 - 1:00 "LIKE YOU, LIKE ME" April 15 - Puppet Show - No Charge AARP Board Meeting 2.00. Penny Bingo April 6 - 12:00 Senior Citizens' Club April 7 - 11:30 Civil Defense Director, Mike May 14 - Ballroom Dance Mini- Recital Monge, Fire & Tornado Emer- Estate Planning = No Charge 3:00 Oddfellows Pancake Supper gency Procedures April 9. - 1:00 Penny Bingo April 13 - 12:00 Senior Citizens' Club April 15 - 12:30 AARP Board Meeting Questions 1:30 Regular Meeting April 16 - 1:00 Attorney Tlilliam''Haas May 14 - Ballroom Dance Mini- Recital 1pril Estate Planning = No Charge 3:00 Oddfellows Pancake Supper An organizational meeting for SOC will be hel...i Come with questions If you are interested in becoming a member or April 20 - 12:00 Senior Citizens' Club want more information, please leave your name 1:00 - No Charge Birthday /Potluck and phone number at the Senior Center.Office April 21 - ` 2:00 Senior Cen;ter Advisory Board or contact Barb Haugen, Senior Center Coordir.a Questions April 30 - tor. April 23 - 1:00 Penny Bingo May 14 - Ballroom Dance Mini- Recital 1pril 26 - 3:00 Oddfellows Pancake Supper An organizational meeting for SOC will be hel...i Egg Cookery Demonstration Samplings of egg recipes at the Center sometime in the next few weeks. Representative from Minnesota Keep informed by checking out the Senior Cent:>i. Regional Legal Services Column in the LEADER. !'�pri.l 27 - 12:00 Senior Citizens ' Club "OPEN FRIDAYS" Fun Entertainment & Informative Presentations Each Friday afternoon, the Center is open for all Senior Citizens who wish to drop in to socialize or to get involved in the day's activity. Penny Bingo is played every Friday. April 2 - "LIKE YOU, LIKE ME" Puppet Show 1:00 - No Charge HARDEES COOKIES April 16 - William Haas, Local Attorney Presentation on.Estate Planning 1 :00 - No Charge, Come with Questions April 30 - Pete;Kassal.,. County Attorney Presentation on Crime Prevention 1:00 - No Charge, May 14 - Ballroom Dance Mini- Recital 1:00 - No Charge HARDEES COOKIES May 28 - Egg Cookery Demonstration Samplings of egg recipes 1:00 - No Charge it 30 - 1:00 County. Attorney, Pete Kassal Presentation Crime Prevention 2.00 Penny Bingo 'appointments are now being taken for you to Beet with a representative from Southern innesota Regional Legal Services now through April 12th. Eyvonne O'Brien, who was "a guest speaker here at the Senior Center is a repre- sentative of this same service. If you have a question in regards to Supple- mental Health Programs and wish to make an appointment, contact the Senior Center, 587 -6564. There is no charge. Appointments will take place on April 26th. TRIP INFORMATION A one day excursion into the Twin Cities is Being planned at this time. We will take a bus to see a TWINS' game in the new Metro Dome and to do some shopping. Local Historical Societies promote their 'tours through the Senior 'Center also. If you need more information or have some suggestions in regards to tours, please call Barb Haugen at the Senior Center. Is anyone' interested in going to Chanhassen? I need to know. se 0 (612 ) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 March 26, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL RE: EMPLOYMENT ADVISORY FOR YOUR INFORMATION SEASONAL EMPLOYEES FOR SPRING /SUMMER: PARK AND RECREATION 1. Russ Willard, Park Maintenance 24 - 10th Ave NE, Hutchinson 2. Alan Davidson, Swim Instructor 56 - 4th Ave NW 3. Karen Dettman, Swim Supervisor 555 Lyndale, Hutchinson 4. Dave Gatzmeyer, Park Maintenance 318 Circle Drive $3.50 /hr $4.00 /hr $4.75/h'r $3.50 /hr (transferring from winter at Civic Arena) COMMENTS: All the above have been seasonal employees of the city in past seasons as well. 1982 pay rates are similar to 1981 as adopted. The above personnel action conforms to adopted personnel policy and to the council approved selection process. '0 O ' JOHN J. BERNHAGEN Assistant Minorite Leader Senator 22nd District Route 1, Box 122 Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Phone: (612) 879 -4002 During Session: 130 State Office Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 Phone: (612) 2964131 March 30, 1982 Gary P1otz City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: Senate D >/V .afk� 1 State of Minnesota r� t'. ;; 1982 0 N IZFC+-•a z, jJ N ti N� BYE_ FOR YOUR INFORMATION Enclosed is a copy of the bill dealing with the transfer of land for the bass pond. Sincerely, hJ. B ernhagen tant Minority eader JJB:rh enclosure COMMITTEES • Agriculture & Natural Resources • Energy & Housing • Taxes & Tax Laws Chairman, Mississippi River Parkway Commission 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 • AN ACT H.F. No. 1635 CHAPTER No. relating to-state.lands; authorizing sale and conveyance of a certain tract of state lands to Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Waskish, Minnesota; directing conveyances of the state's right, title ana interest in certain lands to Lake of - -the Woods County and Beltrami County;.directing the conveyance of the state's interest in certain real property in McLeod County to the city of Hutchinson; authorizing the conveyance of certain lands at the Sauk Centre correctional facility. 13 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: 14 Section 1. [LAND CONVEYANCE.] 15 The commissioner of natural resources in the name of the -------------------------------------------------------- 16 state,. may sell and convey to Bethlehem Lutheran Church of ---------------------------------------------------------- 17 Waskish, Minnesota for a consideration equal to the appraised ------------------------------------------------------------- 18 value thereof, that certain tract of land in Beltrami County ------------------------------------------------------------ 19 currently leased by the department of natural resources to the 20 church and described as: ------------------------ 21 A tract in Government Lot 3, Section 8, Township 154 North, ----------------------------------------------------------- 22 Range 30 West beginning 100 feet North of the South --------------------------------------------------- 23 boundary of Government Lot 3 on the East right -of -way line ---------------------------------------------------------- 24 of State Trunk Highway 72; thence Northerly 200 feet along -------------------------------------- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - -- 25 said highway; thence East to the Westerly right -of -way of --------------------------------------------------------- 26 old Trunk Highway 72; thence Southerly 200 feet along said ---------------------------------------------------------- 27 right -of -way line; thence Westerly to the point of -------------------------------------------------- 28 beginning. ---- - - - - -- 1 H.F. No. 1635 1 The- deed -of- --------------------------------------------------- conveyance shallbe in aform - approved -by -the 2 attorney general, and shall provide that, in the event the -------------------------------------- 3 property is no longer used for church purposes, the state shall ----- - - - - -- ---------------------------------------------- 4 have an option for 180 days after notice to repurchase the ------------------------------------------------- 5 property upon payment by the state,of the price paid by the ------------------------------------------ 6 church. 7 Sec. 2. (CONVEYANCE OF LAND; LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY.] 8 The commissioner of revenue shall convey, without monetary -- --------- ----- --- -- ----- --------- -- --- 9 consideration, by - quitclaim deed in a form approved - by - the ----- ---- ----- --- ---- ------ -------- ---- ------- - 0 attorney general to Lake of the Woods County, all right, -title::.I. -------------------------------------------------------- ---._. 11 and interest of the state-in and to that certain -tract of land- - ------------------------------------------------------- ..,,.,. 12 located within the county of Lake of the Woods, Minnesota, and-, ----------------------------------------------- 13 described as: 14 All of Block Seventeen (17), East Beaudette, Minnesota, -------------------------------------------- 15 according to the recorded plat thereof. 16 Sec. 3. [CONVEYANCE OF LAND; BELTRAMI COUNTY.] 17 The commissioner of revenue shall convey, without monetary ------ --- ---- --- -- ----- --------- --- ---- er 18 considation, by - quitclaim - deed in a form approved by the ----- ---------------------------------------- 19 attorney general to Beltrami County, all right, title and ---------------------------------------- 20 interest of the state in and to that certain tract of land --------------------------------------- 21 located within the county of Beltrami; Minnesota, and described 22 as: ----------------------------------------------- 23 West Half of South Half of East Quarter of Southwest ------------------------------------ 24 Quarter of Southeast Quarter (W 1/2 of S 1/2 of E 1/4 of SW ------------------------------------------- 25 1/4 of SE 1/4), less North One Hundred Thirty -two (132) 26 feet, Section Five (5), Township One Hundred Forty -six ----------------------------------------- 27 (146), Range Thirty -three (33), ------------------------------- 28 29 South Two Hundred (200) feet of North Three Hundred --------------------------------------------------- 30 Thirty -two f332) feet of East Half of South Half of East r ------- ------- -- ---------- -------- --- ---- 31 Quater of Southwest - Quarter - of Southeast Quarter (E 1/2 of ------------------------------------------- 32 S 1/2 of E 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section Five (5), ----------------------------------- 33 Township One Hundred Forty -six (146), Range Thirty -three -------------------------------------- 34 (33). 35' Sec. 4. [RELEASE OF'STATE INTERESTS IN CERTAIN PROPERTY IN• 36 McLEOD COUNTY.] 2 r `, . • H. 71-L. No. 1635 1 Notwithstanding the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, ----------------------------------------------------- 2 Section 92.45, or any other law to the contrary, the ---------------------------------------------------- 3 commissioner of natural resouces shall release and quitclaim to --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 the city of Hutchinson, Minnesota, in a form approved by the ----------------------------------1------------------------- 5 attorney general, for a consideration of $1,800, all right, ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 title, and interest of the state acquired by eminent domain ----------------------------------------------------------- 7 proceedings in McLeod County, as set forth in the Final ------------------------------------------------------- 8 Certificate approved by the McLeod County District Court on ----------------------------------------------------------- 9 August 1, 1931, in regard to the following described property: -------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Parcel 1 11 Lot 1 of Block 2 of the Townsite of Hutchinson,- South Half,-- - ----------------------------------------------------------- 12 according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the --------------------------------------------------------- 13 registry of deeds for said county. 14 Parcel 2 15 That part of the public street in the City of Hutchinson -------------------------------------------------------- 16 lying between Block 2 and Block 3 of said Townsite of ------------------------------------------------------ 17 Hutchinson, South Half, and between the Northeasterly bank of ------------------------------------------------------------- 18 the Crow River and the south line of Washington Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------- 19 Parcel 3 20 Lots numbered 1, 2, and 3 of Block 3, of said Townsite of --------------------------------------------------------- 21 Hutchinson, South Half. ----------------------- 22 Parcel 4 23 Lot 1 of Block 3 of said Townsite of Hutchinson, South Half. 24 Parcel 5 25 That part of the public -- street in the-,-.said City of ----------------------------------=--------------- 26 Hutchinson known as Washington Avenue lying between Block 3 of -------------------------------------------------------------- 27 said townsite, South Half, and Blocks 17 and 18 of said ------------------------------------------------------- 28 townsite, North Half, and between the Northeasterly bank of said ---------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Crow River and the south line of the public street in said city --------------------------------------------------------------- 30 known as Fourth Avenue North. ----------------------------- 31 Parcel 6 32 That part of Block 17 of the Townsite of Hutchinson, North 33 Half, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the --------------------------------------------------------------- 34 Registry of Deeds for said county. lying south of the right of -------------------------------------------------------------- 35 way of the Minnesota Western-Railroad Company. ----------------------------------------------- 36 Parcel 7 3 H.F. No. 1635 1 That part of the public street in the City of Hutchinson -------------------------------------------------------- 2 known as High Street lying between Block 17 and Block 18 of said -----------------------------7---------------------------------- 3 Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, and between the north line -------------------------------------------------------------- 4 of the public street in said city known as Washington Avenue and ---------------------------------------------------------------- 5 the south line of the right of way:of the Minnesota Western ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 Railroad Company. 7 Parcel 8 8 That part of Block 18 of said Townsite of Hutchinson, North ----------------------------------------------------------- 9 Half, lying south of the right of way of the Minnesota Western --------------------------------------------------------- - - - -,� 10 Railroad Company. ------------- -• - - -, 11 Parcel 9 12 That part of the public street in the City of Hutchinson.:. -------------------------------------------------------- 13 lying between Block 18 and Block 19 of said Townsite of ---- - - - - -• ---------------------------------------------- 14 Hutchinson, North Half, and between the northeasterly bank of 15 said Crow River and the southwesterly line of the right of way -------------------------------------------------------------- 16 of the Minnesota Western Railroad Company. ------------------------------------------ 17 Parcel 10 18 That part of Block 19 of said Townsite of Hutchinson, North ------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Half, lying south of the right of way of the Minnesota Western 20 Railroad Company., 21 Parcel 11 22 That part of the public street in the City of Hutchinson -------------------------------------------------------- 23 known as Prospect Street lying between Block 19 and Block 20 of --------------------------------------------------------------- 24 said Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, and between the -------------------------------------------------------- 25 northeasterly bank of the Crow River and the southwesterly line --------------------------------------------------------------- 26 of the right of way of the Minnesota Western Railroad Company. --------------_----------------=-------------------------------- 27 Parcel 12 28 The parts of Lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, of Block 20, ---------------------------------------------------------- 29 of said Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, lying south of the -------------------------------------------------------------- 30 right of way of the Minnesota Western Railroad Company: ------------------------------------------------------- 31 Parcel 13 32 The South 1 rod of Lot 7, and all of Lots 8 and 9 of Block ---------------------------------------------------------- 33 20, of said Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half. ----------------------------------------------- 34 Parcel 14 35 The East Half of that part of the public street in the City ----------------------------------------------------------- 36 of Hutchinson known as Main Street abutting on the lands • 4 • 635 s' 1 described as Parcel 13, and the West Half of said street -----7-------------------------------------------------- 2 abutting on all of Block 30 of said townsite, except the North -------------------------------------------------------------- 3 41.2 feet thereof. ------------------ 4 Parcel 15 5 All of Block 30 of said Townsite of Hutchinson, North Half, ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 except the portion thereof bounded by a line beginning at the ------------------------------------------------------------- 7 northeast corner of said Block 30, as marked by a steel shaft ------------------------------------------------------------- 8 1 -1/8 inches by 30 inches; thence South along the East line of -------------------------------------------------------------- 9 said Block 30, 41.2 feet; thence North 89 degrees and 50 minutes ---------------------------------------------------------------- 10 West 22.95 feet to the northwest corner of an artesian well ----------------------------------------------------------- 11 curbing; thence South 1 degree and 48 minutes West 43.2 feet; ------ ----- 12 thence South 89 degrees and 48 minutes West along the south line ----------------------------------------------------------------- 13 of the main Mill building situated on said Block 30, 78.55 feet 14 to a point 6 feet West of the southwest corner of the said main. --------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Mill building; thence North no degrees and 3 minutes West 20.9 ------------ I ---------------------------------------------- --- 16 feet; thence South 89 degrees and 42 minutes West 18 fee-; ----------------------------------------------------------- 17 thence North no degrees and 22 minutes West 36.3 feet; thence ----- ---- --- ----- --- ---- -------- ----- ----- ------ ------- ------ - 18 North 88 degrees and 22 minutes West 27.1 feet; thence North - - - - -- -------------------------------------- - -- - -- — 19 27.3 feet to the North line of said Block 30; thence South 89 3 --- --- - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - --- - ----- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 20 degrees and 46 minutes East along the north line of said Block --------------------------------------------------------------- 21 30, 148.4 feet to point of beginning, and subject to the rights --------------------------------------------------------------- 22 heretofore reserved by Thomas Moran and Theresa Moran, his wife, ---------------------------------------------------------------- 23 their heirs and assigns, to the exclusive use and occupancy of -------------------------------------------------------------- 24 the coal shed situated on said premises for a period of ten ----------------------------------------------------------- 25 years from and.after.August 20, 1925, and to maintain a water ------------------------------------------------------------- 26 connection to said Mill building with the artesian well on said --------------------------------------------------------------- 27 lands through a three- fourths inch iron pipe, the same to be ------------------------------------------------------------ 28 wholly kept up and maintained by said Thomas Moran and Theresa -------------------------------------------------------------- 29 Moran, their heirs and assigns, but including the water power ------------------------------------------------------------- 30 site, together with the certain dam across-the Crow River --------------------------------------------------------- 31 located in part thereon, the right to maintain said dam at -its -------------------------------------------------------------- 32 present height, and all water and flowage rights thereunto ---------------------------------------------------------- 33 appertaining. 34 Sec. S. [LAND CONVEYANCE; SAUK CENTRE.) 35 In order to conform the legal.description of state owned -------------------------------------------------------- 36 lands to the lands as occupied, the commissioner of --------- W------------------------------------ - - - - -- 5 H.F. No.-1635- 1 administration upon the recommendation of the commissioner of ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 corrections, may convey to Sophie Pettit by quitclaim deed in a --------------------------------------------------------------- 3 form approved by the attorney general, for a consideration of ------------------------------------------------------------- 4 $100, a parcel of state owned land comprising approximately .07 ----------------------------------- n ---------------------------- 5 acre located and being a part of the Minnesota correctional ----------------------------------------------------------- 6 facility at Sauk Centre. The commissioner of administration ------------------------------------------------------------ 7 shall prepare a legal description of the land to be conveyed. ------------------------------------------------------------- S Sec. 6. _[EFFECTIVE DATE.] 9 This act is effective the day following final enactment. -------------------------------------------------------- 10 i 6 FOR YOUR INF( ,,y6789 0 JOHN A WABBE j c R ` ip it 744 LAURA AVE. • o P� y m HUTCHINSON, MINN. J ✓' y 55350 - N__ ...- - -- �9 ey Zoti� April3 , 1982 2S��Z £ZZ2� Attn City Council, This is short letter to you in regard to the various handicapped parking stalls that have been set up in the down town shopping area of Hutchinson. They are most convenient -for all handicapped and elderly citizens of this community for shopping and other business, they should have been up many years already. Sure, no one likes changes, but you do change quite quickly when you have any walking impairment at all. Ride around in a wheel chair one day and you will find out quite quickly what a difficulty it is go where you want to go, and go places where you can't get up a curb, or climb any stairs Thank you for your assistance in this matter for all local handicapped citizens of the Hutchinson area. North Star Multiple Sclerosis Society of Minnesota Star of Hope Chapter of Hutchinson { Hutchinson: NATION CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY BOARD March 8, 1982 c 3 f FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Crow River Regional Library Board met at the Meeker County Courthouse on March 8, 1982. Present: Orlynn Mankell, New London Representing: Kandiyohi County Wayne Hebrink, Renville Kandiyohi County Dorothy Hinseth, Sunburg Kandiyohi County George Jepson, Winsted " McLeod County Lilah Buhr, Stewart McLeod County Lionel Barker, Glencoe Glencoe Delores Condon, Litchfield " Litchfield John Esbjornson, Willmar " Willmar Jeanette Buchanan, Willmar Willmar LeRoy Sanders, Willmar Willmar Burton Sundberg, Director, CRRL Kathy Matson, Asst. Dir., CRRL Absent: Jean Stranberg,�- Atwater* - - - - -., Representing: Kandiyohi County Earl Mathews, Glencoe - -_ - - " McLeod County -_ -- Ellen Moench, Eden Valley *. - _ -...__ " Meeker County Jeanne Lundstrom, Cosmos *_ _ " Meeker County Harriet Berg, Dassel* _- Meeker County Pauline Reigstad, Bird Island Bird Island John Horrocks, Hutchinson " Hutchinson Albert Linde, Hutchinson " Hutchinson Judy Johnson, Litchfield " Litchfield Dennis.Ulrich, Renville* " Renville *Excused absence Chairman Orlynn Mankell called the meeting to order. No action was taken on approving the minutes for February and the treasurer's reports for January and February. The bylaws require- eleven members fora quorum. _ Director's Report: 1. Mr. Sundberg reviewed the auditor's report for 1981. The summary has essentially the same information as the treasurer's annual report. Bookmobile repairs, as authorized by the board, were charged to the amortization fund. Acceptance of the report was postponed until a quorum is present. 2. The clippings reported on the surveys for long range planning and the statistics for 1981. 3. The Glencoe Library is closed for approximately two weeks. The city council room is being added to the present library facilities. 4. The theme of the summer reading program is "Pinocchio is Nosy." .5. The new librarian at Brownton is Jeanie Von Berge. 6. The surveys of library users and staff are being returned. During February,'all li- braries conducted a tally to note how many people come to the library, the number of non - reference questions, and materials used but not checked out. 7. Crow River Regional Library and Western Plains Library systems are having a workshop at Kerkhoven on April 1 on "How to Get Grants." 8. The OPLIC staff has prepared a listing of possible service reductions due to the proposed reduction of Federal (LSCA) funds for libraries. Issues of primary importance to us are the reduction of funding for regional libraries, reduction or elimination of the Public Library Access Network (PLANET), and the reduction of services of the Minne- sota Interlibrary Telecommunication Exchange (MINITEX). We are asked to send letters to our federal legislators urging them to reinstate funds for 1983. 9. The application for a SAMMIE grant for an OCLC data base terminal, authorized by the board in February, has been filed. Hebrink /Sanders moved that the bills be paid. Carried. Committee and Project Reports: 1. SAwmiE -- The Advisory Committee and the Governing Board met at Southwest State in Marshall February 16. The Advisory Committee meets again March 23. 2. Surveys -- As noted before, the surveys are being given to library users, 11th. grade English classes, and all staff members. Bookmobile users have the option of m4Liling the surveys. The assistant director of the Western Plains system will tally the answers on the staff surveys to insure anonymity. 3. Tenth anniversary plans -- a banquet for former and present trustees of the board and staff members has been suggested for late April, early May, or any time in 1982. Kathy Matson will go ahead with preliminary plans such as location, time; date,land program. Those attending would pay for their own meals and CRRL would assume the cost of the program. Communications: 1. Public Library Newsletter -- Pope County has joined the Viking Library System with headquarters at Fergus Falls. 2. The ALA /MLA sponsored trustee workshop will be held in Minneapolis April 16 -17. Jeanette Buchanan, 'Dorothy Hinseth,'Lionel Barker, and Lilah Buhr have expressed-.-an - interest in attending. Registration, lodging, and mileage will be reimbursed. —=3:- The OPL-IC- sponsored workshop on Small - Business -and Farming is scheduled for March - I8 -19 in Willmar. ='4. MLA Spring Convention will be held in Duluth, May 13 -15. Unfinished Business:-None r.N New Business: 1. Insurance program -- Mr. Sundberg reviewed the CRRL insurance program for buildings, contents,.comprehensive liability, vehicles, workmen's compensation, and bonding costs for the treasurer and the director. 2. Bids for liability insurance -- The present policy expires March 18. National Farmer's union, the present carrier,.has a bid of $1513; Minnesota Insurance Services, $1501. Mr. Sandberg received authorization from the-board to accept the lower bid. 3. Amortization Account -- Mr. Sundberg reviewed the Amortization account as verified - - by the Auditor in his report. There are eleven C.D.s totaling over $34,000. These funds have been set aside each year as replacement -for the Bookmobile and self - insurance for contents of-our-small branches. The meeting was adjourned. Lilah Buhr Secretary i � LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICES 0 CROW RIVER REGIONAL LIBRARY SALARIES March 1982 Treasurer's Report LeRoy Sanders, Treasurer 3129951.00 INCOME THIS MONTH YEAR TO DATE BUDGET Balance $(12,372.98) $ (8,340.87) $ Receipts: 2 *319.89 79065.84 -= 5.24E 28.000.00 State/Federal Aid ACCT GROUP... 29,222.00 113,000.00 Kandiyohi County 3539951.00 18,126.00 72,504.00 Meeker County 509233.00 McLeod County 19091.06 559074.00 McLeod County (1981 Receivable) 5,432.08 5,432.08 Willmar - 29330.01-` 149830.25 59,321.00 Litchfield 7,697.00 309788.00 Hutchinson 59000030 109996.75 439987.00 Glencoe - _ .00 59036.50 20,146.00 Bird Island 1,524.00 1,524.00 69096.00 Renville 4tO%.00 19674.50 6,698.00 Petty Cash 29648.39 61288.22 22,000.00 Gifts .00 -0- Other 433.00 706.00 _ : -_; 10,000.00 -Total _Receipts:- -- - $10,037.47- -_= 8101,533.30- =- -:-:--- 8489,847.00 From 1981 Budget 5,000.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS & BALANCE : -_- 8(2,335.51)_ 8 93,192.43 - -- -- $4949847.00 201.49 HT3 YTO Z OF EXP CURRENT_ _ EXPENDITURES rEXPE'iDITURES- -0 5T i 0CaE7 LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICES SALARIES 259645.88 789120.74 - -_ 24.96% 3129951.00 HOSPITAL MEDICAL INSURANCE 19354.36 49035.31 31.04%- 139000900 PERA AND SOCIAL SECURITY 2 *319.89 79065.84 -= 5.24E 28.000.00 ACCT GROUP... 299320.13 -_ 899221.88- 25921% 3539951.00 MATERIALS - SOAKS - ADULT 19091.06 99520.94 - 21.61% --4i;,364.50 PWK , � CHILDREN—— 691.81 - -- - 29330.01-` -- 17.04'1 - - _14,0no.u0 PERI'?DICA_LS 7_3_._67 602_.10_ 10.03% 59000030 _ PAMP4LETS .00 - _ .00 _ .03A 200.00 AUDIO VISUAL .00 312.72 7.82% 4tO%.00 PA I14T I NGS .00 .00 .032. 100.00 � 91 t tdKf .00 .00 .07% 8!10 of) MICR9cVR4S .00 40.50 13.50E 300.60 MAINTEVANC° CUST�UTAL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES _ 149.21 201.49 22.90% ti8C.J0 TELE'H3NE & TERMINAL 406.77 19061.78 22.59% 49700.00 VEHICLE nPcR_ATIO►i - I:+:L INS 614.48 29311.26 20.92% 119000.00 ACCT GROUP... 39027.00 169620.80 18.92% 97,b45.J0 OT4-rR SUPPLIES 6 PPIPJTINv 914.60 19820.17 16.55% 119000.00 -' PROrtjTIRG 4 9.0 44i)GR A MMP, ING 20.00 20.00 1.33% 19500.00 POSTAGE 445.21 19315.20 29.89% 49400.00 MILEAGE AND MEETINGS 26_3_ .26 19477.64 29.564 J~ M=:;- -AV _ 000 300.00 50.0.0% 60�.J0 I %SURANC: 60.00 221.50 4.26% 59200.00 E1UI?NENT RENTAL _. 935.03 ' 29189.41 1_9_.9_0% _ 119000.90 AUDIT iNG'SFRVICES .00 .00 000% 950.00 833KEEPING SERVICES 225.00 675.00 25.00% 29703.00 Wy CATAL 9G .00 on .03% 3400.CO ACCT GROUP... 29863.10 89019.12 17.69% 459350.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT 131.5_7 221.83 5.55% 49000.03 BRANCH A"GTIZATION FUND .00 .00 .30% 700000 VEHICLE AMORTIZATION FUND .00 .00 000% 39000.00 SAV14 COPIER .00 49539.56 ._O_7% .00 _ ACCT GROUP... 131.57 49761.44 61.34% 79700.DQ ORG. TOTAL... 359341.80 1169623.24 23.97X. 4949847.60 Reversal (Voided check) 15.00 15.00 Investments redeemed 319000.00 101,300.00 Investments purchased 7,338.92 891885.42 Ending cash balance (14,001.23) (149001.23) Savings Pass Book: $6,290.29 as of March 31,. 1982 2,226.64 Amortization Funds (Not including interest) $8,516.93 ' �2345eJ� Thorsen Certified Public Accountants 00 F� 198 Campbell April 6, 1982 M r�� � ^%� C , e cLi V : Rolando I e i-s -c 14-5 -s-,, & Lehne K rr' z`Z Mr. Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson C i � a Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350)�� FOR YOUR INFORMATIO Richard D Thorsen, C.P.A. 1/� Robert S. Campbell, C.P.A. Dear Gary: .�j� "!\^' -"1�\ Charles L Rolando, Jr., C.P.A. Floyd 1. Lehne, C. P. A. per your request, I have examined the various financial documents forwarde Dennis D. McGill, C.P.A. Roger I.Ocel, C.P.A. to me by the parties involved with the municipal industrial revenue bond project to develop and renovate the S & L Building in Hutchinson. This information consists of: 1. Miller, Miller, Miller & Mac, Inc. Corporate Financial Statements a. Year Ended March 31, 1980 (Reviewed) b. Year Ended March 31, 1980 (Reviewed) c. Nine Months Ended December 31; 1981 (Compiled) 2. Personal Financial Statements a. Richard L. and Margery McClure - March 1, 1982 b. James M. and Janet McClure - March 1, 1982 3. Building Projections and Value for the Period August 1, 1982 to August 31, 1985. Based upon the information and projections forwarded to me, the project appears to be financially viable if the projections of cost and operation are accurate. I would recommend that either a sufficient down payment on the building be made or personal guarantees be obtained from the parties involved. Also, I would recommend that Miller, Miller and Mac, Inc. obtai a contractor performance bond for the project. We have not audited, reviewed or compiled any of the financial information submitted to us and we have not examined any underlying documentation used to prepare the financial information. We do not express any opinion as to the correctness of any of the financial information listed out in items 1 to 3 above. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, THORSEN, CAMPBELL, ROLANDO & LEHNE Suite 300 By CPA Parkdale Four Ro r J . Ocel 5353 Gamble Drive ` Minneapolis MN 55416 RJO/kl (612) 546 -0404 1 Member of The American Group of C.P.A. Firms with offices in principal cities (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 March 24, 1982 FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: Mayor James DeMeyer & Hutchinson City Council RE: Notice of Claim - William Kyes Odland Enclosed please find a copy of a Notice of Claim filed on behalf of one William Kyes Odland. This Notice has been filed in ac- cordance with Minnesota Statutes requiring that prior to any as- sertion of liability a municipality be given notice of the al- leged actions that result in municipal liability. The filing of notice does not mean that an action has been initiated or that an action will necessarily follow. This action arose when Investigator Richard Waage of the Hutch- inson Police Dept. assisted Investigator Charles Schramm of the Litchfield Police Dept. in a search of Mr. Odland''s residence and an arrest of Mr. Odland's person. The search occurred in Minneapolis and members of the Minneapolis Police Department were present and assisted Mr. Schramm and Mr. Waage. The search was done under the auspices of a search warrant issued by a Hennepin County magistrate based upon affidavits supplied by Investigator Schramm. The arrest was carried out based upon a warrant issued by the Meeker County Court based upon Mr. Schramm's application to that Court. Officer Waage assisted in this investigation since Mr. Odland and his roommate, one Gary Morehouse, were both suspected of forgeries committed in the Hutchinson community. Since both the search and the arrest were done pursuant to. Court order and Officer Waage did not participate in obtaining the Court order, I feel that there is little likelihood that either Officer Waage or the City of Hutchinson can be held responsible for any alleged wrongful arrest, wrongful and un- lawful imprisonment, and wrongful or malicious prosecution. Nevertheless, I feel that it is advisable for the City Clerk to notify our insurance carrier of the existence of this po- tential claim. I wish to state that I have found Officer Waage in the past to be a diligent, conscientious, and highly competent investigator, and I feel that he deserves the full support of both the Police Dept. and the City government as a whole. My investigation 0 -2- of this matter based upon Mr. Waage's reports, the reports of Investigator Schramm, and the warrants signed by the Meeker and Hennepin County Courts, indicates no wrongdoing on the part of Officer Waage. Should any of you desire to see the back- ground documents or have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. JHS:11 p3 V Sincerely yours, James H. Schaefer Hutchinson City Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM Pursuant to M.S. 966.05 TO: THE MUNICIPALITIES OF LITCHFIELD AND HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: YOU WILL EACH PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT William Kyes Odland hereby claims compensation against the above -named Minnesota municipalities for his losses and injuries sustained t by reason of his wrongful arrest, wrongful and unlawVimprisonment and wrongful and malicious prosecution. The amount of compen- sation demanded has not been specifically determined as yet. This claim arises out of the arrest of the claimant in the City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, on or about November 24, 1981, at the instance of police officers in the employ of the above -named municipalities, acting in the course and scope of their employment; the subsequent transportation of claimant from his home in Minneapolis, against his will, and under restraints, to Litchfield, Minnesota; his having been wrongfully imprisoned until he was able to post $10,000.00 in bail; his having been charged and having been required to retain counsel and expend substantial amounts of money to defend himself against charges before the courts of Hennepin and Meeker Counties; in addition, claimant's residence was wrongfully invaded, his property confiscated and his person placed in jeopardy, under color of a search warrant wrongfully and unlawfully obtained; all as a consequence of the willful, wrongful and /or negligent conduct of certain agents, employees and officers-of the above -named municipalities. All of the said conduct, and lossess and injuries arising therefrom, oc uNd. by reason of actions of agents and employees of saicipalities preceding claimant's arrest, and extending the November 24, 1981, the date of claimant's arrest and,mtinuing on into the future, up to the date hereof and coning. All charges against claimant arising out of thewacidents have been dismissed. i / Sherman Bergstein Attorney for Claimant 415 Minnesota Feder`al.Building Minneapolis, MN 55402 332 -7500 - TOWNSHIPS & CITIES Gross Tax Amount $ 1,285,248.33 1,146,219.51 1,118,413.65 293,506.34 131,305.47 69,514.66 55,469.97 $ 4,099,678.43 61,166.16 $ 4,160,844.59 l {1 ' TAX F4TES FOR McLEOD COUNTY, M F,SOTA 1982 RATES FOR TAXES PAYABLE 01982 Gross Homstd. RATES �- Valuation Mill Rate Mill Rate Tax Amount Acoma Township ------- - - - - -- Assessed Gross Homstd. $ 30,102.07 Valuation Mill Rate Mill Rate Revenue ----------- - - - - -- $ 154,477.023 8.32 7.82 Road & Bridge ----- - - - - -- 154,477.023 7.42 6.98 Welfare ----------- - - - - -- 154,477.023 7.24 6.81 Bonds & Interest -- - - - - -- 154,477.023 1.90 1.78 County Building --- - - - - -- 154,477.023 .85 .80 Park Commission --- - - - - -- 154,477.023 .45 .42 Regional Library -- - - - - -- 100,854,487 .55 .52 6,992,221 4.69 26.73 25.13 Tax Increment ----- - - - - -- 2,336.370 26.18 24.61 County Mill Rate for Glencoe & Hutchinson Penn Township -------- - - - - -- 5,651,520 Cities is less Regional Library Fund. 26.73 25.13 5,955,200 3.05 - .55 - .52 Round Grove Township - - - - - -- 5,942,795 26.18 24.61 TOWNSHIPS & CITIES Gross Tax Amount $ 1,285,248.33 1,146,219.51 1,118,413.65 293,506.34 131,305.47 69,514.66 55,469.97 $ 4,099,678.43 61,166.16 $ 4,160,844.59 l {1 ' Assessed Gross Homstd. Gross Gross Valuation Mill Rate Mill Rate Tax Amount Acoma Township ------- - - - - -- $ 6,181,123 4.87 3.76 $ 30,102.07 Bergen Township -- - - - - -- Ber 8 P - - - -- 5,989,733 2.88 2.88 17,250.44 Collins Township ----- - - - - -- 5,967,566 4.69 4.69 27,987.89 Glencoe Township ----- - - - - -- 6,477,064 4.65 4.65 30,188.35 Hale Township --------------- 5,927,671 4.83 4.83 28,630.64 Hassan Valley Township - - - -- 6,798,329 6.05 4.84 41,129.89 Helen Township ------- - - - - -- 7,105,806 5.64 4.83 40,076.75 Hutchinson Township --------- 6,992,221 4.69 4.69 32,793.52 Lynn Township -------- - - - - -- 6,222,319 6.44 5.55 40,071.73 Penn Township -------- - - - - -- 5,651,520 6.87 6.87 38,825.94 Rich Valley Township - - - - - -- 5,955,200 3.05 3.05 18,163.36 Round Grove Township - - - - - -- 5,942,795 6.07 3.91 36,072.77 Sumter Township ------ - - - - -- 6,147,999 4.89 4.89 30,063.72 Winsted Township ----- - - - - -- 7,103,558 4.23 4.23 30,048.05 Biscay City ---------- - - - - -- 203,328 - 24.85 13.63 5,003.00 Brownton City -=------ - - - - -- 1,644,165 67.79 59.18 111,457.94 Lester Prairie City -- - - - - -- 3,974,716 36.43 27.81 144,798.90 Plato City ----------- - - - - -- 1,096,828 17.74 17.74 19,457.73 Silver Lake City ----- - - - - -- 1,913,171 44.96 40.50 86,016.17 Stewart City --------- - - - - -- 1,469,640 59.35 54.60 87,223.14 Stewart City (Rural) - - - - - -- 106,455 10.08 9.27 1,073.07 Winsted City --------- - - - - -- 4,321,650 42.04 42.04 181,682.17 Glencoe City --------- - - - - -- 15,765,019 18.09 18.09 285,189.21 Glencoe City(Tax Increment)- 1,087,940 18.09 18.09 19,680.84 Hutchinson City ------ - - - - -- 35,234,515 43.17 35.74 1,521,074.01 Hutchinson City(Tax Increment) 1,248,430 43.17 35.74 53,894.72 Hutchinson City(Spec. Dist.) 286,632 8.64 7.16 2,476.50 TOTALS --------------- - - - - -- $156,813,393 $ 2.5r6D.,W32_52 SCHOOL DISTRICT RATES Assessed Gross Homstd. Gross Valuation Mill Rate Mill Rate Tax Amount School District #421 - - - -- 14,824,766 35.33 35.33 $ 523,758.98 School District #422 - - - -- 38,960,782 53.68 53.68 2,091,414.78 Sch. Dist. #422(Tax Incre.) 1,087,940 53.68 53.68 58,400.62 School District 0423 - - - -- 60,644,645 53.48 53.48 3,243,275.61 Sch. Dist. #423(Tax Incre.) 1,248,430 53.48 53.48 66,766.04 School District #424 - - - -- 11,310.660 45.51 45.51 514,748.14 School District #424 & 425B 26,323 50.28 50.28 1,323.52 School District #425 - - - -- 11,845,192 39.10 39.10 463,147.00 School District 0425 & 424B 24,197 43.44 43.44 1,051.12 School District #426 - - - -- 9,211,339 37.23 37.23 342,938.15 School District #427 - - - -- 7,517,608 48.25 48.25 362,724.59 School District #465 - - - -- 41,059 40.88 40.88 1,678.49 School District #735 - - - -- 70,452 44.40 44.40 3,128.06 TOTALS ------------- - - - - -- 156,813,393 $ 7,674,355.10 SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT _._-- Assessed Gross Homstd. Gross Valuation Mill Rate Mill Rate Tax Amount 6 E. Regional Development 154,477,023 .14 .14 21,626.78 High Island Watershed 9,561,216 .23 .23 2,199.08 Buffalo Creek Watershed 47,883,408 (Less Tax Increment Captured - 1,087,940 .40 .,40 435.18 Value) 46,795,468 .40 .40 1$,718.19 1982 Total County Total Township & Cities Total School District(McLeod Co.) Total 6 E. Regional Development Total High Island Watershed Total Buffalo Creek Watershed Continued -Page 2 $ 4,160,844.59 2,960,432.52 7,674,355.10 21,626.78 2,199.08 19,153.37 $ 14,838.611.44 To figure the total real estate gross tax rate, add the applicable gross county rate, the pplicable gross township or city rate -, the applicable gross school district rate, the 6 E egional development rate, and the applicable watershed rate, if property lies within a atershed district. To figure the total real estate homestead tax rate, add the applicable homestead county ate, the homestead township or city rate, the applicable homestead school district rate, he 6 E regional development rate, and the applicable watershed rate, if property lies ,ithin a watershed district. The amount of money being raised by each unit of government includes state reimbursements ,f 58% homestead credit, wetland credit and reduced assessment credits, but does not include ny special or ditch assessment monies. * *Sch. Dist. #421- Brownton, Sch. Dist. #422- Glencoe, Sch. Dist.#423- Hutchinson Sch. Dist. #424- Lester Prairie, Sch. Dist. #424 & 425B- Lester Prairie Sch. Dist.#425- Silver Lake, Sch. Dist. #425 & 424B- Silver Lake Sch. Dist. #626- Stewart, Sch. Dist. #427- Winsted, Sch. Dist. #735- 14inthrop Sch. Dist. #465- Litchfield B -Bond 3 E:::l r-_ --I BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. March 23, 1982 Honorable City Council City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Council Members: �oti�2223� "X c� IM- -R 1982 w RZCEIV� w cD FOR YOUR INFORMATION Re: Water Treatment Facilities Hutchinson, Minnesota Mr. C. S. Barger of Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. has asked that we clarify certain items of our March 18, 1982 bid on the above project. In regard to the alternates: - Alternate #2 should be an ADD of $53,400-00. - Alternate #3 is correct as shown on our Proposal Form. Our reasoning is in re -using the existing equipment, we are not sure if all the electrical components are functional; thus, the $1,000.00 is in the form of a contingency allowance. The following subcontractors and /or suppliers are to be added to our Proposal Form: Electrical: Satterlee MCC: Cutler-Hammer Instruments & Controls: Dynamic Systems, Inc. A word regarding these spaces that were not filled in on the bid form. As I pointed out to Mr. Barger in a telephone conversation today, our secretary was frantically searching GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1600 Arboretum Boulevard, Box 305 * Victoria, Minnesota 55386 • Phone (612) 443 -2589 Honorable City Council March 23, 1982 Page 2 for a telephone and then writing the information down on the form once she made contact with our office. Time was slipping by quickly. Mr. Barger knows how hectic some of these last minutes can be, I am sure, and our estimator just did not have time to give her the names of the subcontractors mentioned above. He gave her the dollar amounts, got to Mudford Plumbing & Heating, and then had to let her go so that she could get to your meeting room. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. We look forward to working with you on your treatment facility. very truly yours, BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Philip P.IMalmstedt President PPM/vs cc: Mr. C. S. Barger, PE, Rieke Carroll Muller Associates BID TABULATION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ADDITIONS TO WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES RIEKE- CARROLL- MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. lof3 PROJECT: 761014 DATE: March 18, 1982 2:00 PM CONTRACTOR Buildina Const. Gridor Constr. ABE Const. Magney Const. ADDRESS Victoria, MN Plymouth, MN P MN Mankato, MN St. Paul MN CORP.- PART. -IND. Corp. Corp. Cori). Corp Corp- SIGNED BY P Mnlmctadt H. Theisen A. Thmas C_ MAaney R. Young 'TITLE Pres. Pres. Pres. Pres. Pres. Ares. BID SECURITY B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. SrAV ADDENDUMS 1 2 1& 2 1& 2 1& 2 1& 2 1 & 2 R�k�PXiER1� - ITEMS BASIC BID PRICE _. - -- 1,210,840 2 - -- -- - ---�" 3 ALTERNATES No. 1 Terrazzo - - 11,960 11.000 _ 12,onn - 9,700 - 15,200 - 11,5 0 No. 2 Filter ± ? 200,000 + 65,000 + 27,000 + 33,000 no bid + 25,000 Mfg. - Graver Graver Graver Graver - Graver No. 3 Starter ± No. 4 Controls± no bid no hid nn hid nn bid nn hid nn hid-- Mfg. Subcontractors P. Piping Mudford Gridor self self self Mudford P &H H & V - Gridor Loberq P &H self Krasen P &H Mudford P &H Electrical - Satterlee Satterlee 1. Satterlee Satterlee Satterlee MCC - Cutler-Ham, Cutler- Cutle-r-Ham, Cutler-Ham. - Dynamic Sys Dynamic Sys Dynamic Sys D namic S s Dynamic Sys Start -days 21 10 10 10 30 5 Subst. Com -da s 420 - 365 350 280 Final Comp -days 420 - 6/30/83 7/1/83 6/15/83 8/1/83 EHutman Rights Ce, a lied have h applied have ' have 1 BID TABULATION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ADDITIONS TO WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES RIEKE- CARROLL- MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 2of3 PROJECT: 761014 DATE:_ March 18, 1982 2:00 PM CONTRACTOR Willman Const. Schatz Const. Adolfson Peterso oeffel -En strand Barbarossa & Son ADDRESS Mamhall- MN Woodbury, MN Glpncoe.-MN Mpls, MN Hopkins, MN Osseo MN CORP.- PART. -IND. Cori). Corp. Corp. SIGNED BY Carr M. Willman G. Schatz Adolfson D. En strand R. Anderson (TITLE Pres. Pres. Pres. Pres. Exec. V.P. V. Pres. BID SECURITY 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. 10% B.B. SIAW ADDENDUMS 1& 2 1& 2 1& 2 1& 2 �1dR�R� ITEMS BASIC BID PRICE 310 000 1 323.+000 1,370,000 1 89 700 1 435 000 11,445,000 ALTERNATES No. 1 Terrazzo - - 13,000 - 12,000 - 11,500 - 10,800 1 12,500 1 9,000 No. 2 Filter ± + 35,000 + 70,000 no bid + 62.000 no bid no bid Mfg. Graver Graver - Graver No. 3 Starter ± No. 4 Controls± no bid no bid no bid no bid no bid no bid Mfg. Subcontractors Tri -State M Mudford P Barbarossa P. Piping Tri -State M Mudford Krasen P H Shank M ch Shank H & V Electrical Cutler -Ham Cutler -Ham Cutler -Ham Cutler -Ham Cutler -Ham Cutler -Ham MCC Dynamic S s Dynamic S s Dynamic Sys Dynamic Sys Start -days 10 10 10 10 14 10 Subst. Com -da s 360 395 410 390 360 365 Final Comp -days 7/1/83 7 1 83 9/1/83 6/1/83 6/30/83 7/15/83 Ri h s Cerl have aDDlied have applied have have 1' 4 BID TABULATION HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ADDITIONS TO WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES RIEKE- CARROLL- MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. 3 of 3 PROJECT: 761014 DATE: March 18, 1982 2:00 PM CONTRACTOR onst. Structural Spec Orvedahl Const. ADDRESS Hutchinson. Mpls. M CORP.- PART. -IND. Corp, Corp. Cori). SIGNED BY 1J. Szurek N.M. Nelson R. Orvedahl 1TITLE ixec. V.P. Pres. Pres. BID SECURITY 0% B.B. 10% B.B. SIAU ADDENDUMS I��IA1€ ITEMS BASIC BID PRICE ALTERNATES No. 1 Terrazzo - _ 12,360 no bid - 17,000 No. 2 Filter ± + + + Mfg. - Ecod ne Graver Graver No. 3 Starter ± nn hid no bid no chanae No. 4 Controls± no bid I no bid Mfg. Subcontractors Mudford Krasen P &H Mudford P. Piping Mudford Krasen P &H Mudford H & V Satterlee Satterlee Satterlee Electrical _ Cutler -Ham MCC Dynamic S s Dynamic Sys Dynamic Sys Start -days 21 10 15 Subst. Comp-days Final Comp -days 7/1/8 general 7/31/83 Certil have I have have i1FC41 rieke carroll muller associates, inc. architects engineers Planners andscape architects land surveyors laboratory services 1011 first street south post office box 130 4 hopkins, minnesota 55343 612- 935 -6901 April 6, 1982 City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: WATER TREATMENT FACILITIES RCM FILE NO. 761014 Dear Sirs: FOR YOUR INFORMATION Bids were received Thursday, March 19, 1982 for the addition to the water treatment facilities. A total of fifteen general contractors bid on the project with a total base bid price range of $1,210,840 to $1,695,795. The five lowest bidders are as follows: Building Constructors, Inc., Victoria, MN $1,210,840 Gridor Construction Co., Inc., Plymouth, MN $1,214,700 ABE Construction Co., Inc., Plymouth, MN $1,243,000 Magney Construction Co., Inc., Mpls, MN $1,273,900 R.W. Carlstrom Co., Inc., Mankato, MN $1,277,200 A complete copy of the bid tabulation is attached to this letter. PROPOSALS All proposals were accompanied by a bid bond in the amount of 10 %, together with the certified copy of the power of attorney. The proposal form of the low bidder, Building Constructors, Inc. was incomplete in a number of areas and should be considered by the Council for possible rejections or acceptance. These omissions are as follows: 1. Under the Alternate Bid Proposal, item No. 2 and 3, the "add to" or "deduct from ", were not crossed out, leaving a question as to the intent of the bid. 2. Under the listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers, only the Process piping subcontractor was listed, nothing was listed for the heating and ventilation work, the electrical work or either the motor control center supplier or the instrumentation and central supplier. 3. After this was called to the attention of Mr. Malmstedt, president of BCI, a letter dated March 23, 1982 was sent to the Council clarifying the above items. Page 2 The Instruction to Bidders requires that "the bidder must include all unit prices, alternatives and.i^equested information shown on the bid form; failure to comply may be cause for rejections." Likewise the proposal form, under Subcontractors and Suppliers, instructs the bidder to "Fill in applicable spaces or add 'self'." It is our opinion that the omission of the above items on the proposal form should be considered cause of rejection as a non - responsive bid. In accordance with Advertise- ment for Bids, the "City of Hutchinson reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or irregularities ". LOW BIDDERS The firm of Building Constructors, Inc. was unfamiliar to .us and a large portion of the treatment plant industry. Since the receipt of bid, I have made numerous inquiries as to the capability and experience of BCI. The firm was organized in 1980 by fir. Phillip Malmstedt and Abe Johnson as an open shop general contractor doing work in outstate Minnesota -. Mr. Malmstedt had been associated with ABJ Enterprises, Inc., Excelsior, MN, a general contractor in the commercial and industrial field. BCI has the bonding capacity of 2.5 million dollars and according to Mr. John P. Martinsen, their bonding agent with Cobb- Streeter - Dunphy - Zimmerman, Inc., could easily be expanded to $5 million dollars. In response :to my request for a list of past and present projects, Mr. Malmstedt listed three complete projects of the total aggregate amount of $561,266 and three projects under construction with a total aggregate amount of $614,760. The only project similar to the proposed water plant addition, is the secondary treatment facilities at Cokato, Minnesota. In discussing this project with the engineer responsible for its design and construction administration, the $296,832 project consists of a raw sewage pumping station started last fall and scheduled for completion July 1 of this year. The process piping and mechanical work is being done by a subcontractor. Since the project is not one with a tight time schedule, coordination was not difficult. The other project, a pumping station at New Richland, Wisconsin, has not yet been started. The largest project handled to date by BCI is a $340,638 addition to the Rippleside Elementary School in Aitkin, Minnesota. SECOND BIDDER The second lowest bidder by less than $4,000 is Gridor Construction, Inc., a very qualified contractor in the area of water and wastewater treatment plant construction. This firm has a long history of successful projects, some of which have been with RCM. The Council has received a letter from Mr. Theisen dated March 23, 1982 indicating his concern with the incomplete proposal form of the low bidder. Id • 0 V • • Page 3 RECOMMENDATION RCM is concerned with the preservation of the construction industry and its use of the award to the lowest responsible bidder. We are concerned about the non- responsive omissions in the proposal form together with the limited experience of BCI in the type of work called for under the proposed water treatment facilities. It is our recommendation that the Council reject the BCI bid as non - responsive and award the contract to the lowest responsive bidder. Secondly, it is our recommendation, regardless of the acceptance or rejection of the BCI proposal, that the City award the construction con- tract for the addition to the water treatment facilities to Gridor Construc- tion, Inc. in the amount of $1,214,700 If you have any questions regarding the above recommendation, I would be more than willing to meet with you and discuss the situation. Very ruly your , C.S. Barger, P.E. RIEKE CARROLL MULLER ASSOCIATES, INC. CSB:ck Enc. cc: Marlow Priebe, City Engineer Jim Schaefer.,:City Attorney. GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. P.O. BOX 41246 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE PLYMOUTH, MINNESOTA 55441 March 22, 1982 City Council City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Additions to Water Treatment Facilities Gentlemen: 611.559.3734 MAR a 3 1982 Rieke - Carca-t 0u r hssoeiat�s Inc. Box 130 Hopkins, Minn. 55343 In the legal description that was read before the bid opening on March 18, 1982 reference is made to the exact time the bid is due. The legal description also states that the bids must be submitted on the proposal forms provided and in accordance with the contract documents and specifications. Specifically, item #6 of the instructions to bidders states; the bidder must include all unit prices, alternatives and requested information shown on the bid form; failure to comply may be cause for.rejection. By not filling out the proposal, Building Constructor's bid should be deemed non- responsive and be rejected. It is obvious that any contractor that fails to list the equipment or sub contractors has a definite advantage over the bidder that does list them. There is a possibility that a general contractor could use an experienced sub - contractor's price to bid the job and later find a sub - contractor or equipment salesman to do the job for less money than the experienced contractor's price. This possibility does not make for fair competition and no precedent should be set on this project. Because of reduced activity in-the construction industry, there has been- certain instances of= contractor's pursueing work they are not experienced in.= -Gridor's- enclosed completed-projects -list shows-that-we have- -been - active in- -water -plant construction for many years. I propose that your group review our list of completed projects and feel free to contact any of the owners or engineers at the various projects to check on our performance and how we fulfill our warranty period. I am certain your engineer will agree that each plant has a few problems after start -up and an experienced contractor has less de- bugging than an inexperienced contractor. In conclusion, I maintain that the award should be made to Gridor Constr.,Inc. and that your savings will far exceed $3,860.00 by having fewer problems during constr- uction, during start up time, and five years down the road. Gridor would be very interested in an invitation to a meeting to further discuss our past projects or answer any questions you may have. If you have any desire-for a meeting please give me a call at 559 -3734. Yours very truly, GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. Harold Theisen President HT:ct enclosure t,coov: Chirk Rarper- Rie Carroll Mueller • Q BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. March 23, 1982 Mr. C. S. Barger, P.E. Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 130 Hopkins, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mr. Barger, • -- MAR 2 41982 D Ri��Ce- Carol- lfu'!zr Box /;:s3ciatPS Inc. x 130 Hopkins, Minn. 55343 Re: Water Treatment Facilities Hutchinson, - Minnesota Answering the questions as you raise them in your March 19,- 1982 letter, first with work completed in the last two years. - Addition to Rippleside Elementary School, Aitkin, MN a) Original bid - $328,831.00 b) Final cost - $340,638.00 c) Architect: Matson Wegleitner & Abendroth Architects - Maintenance Facility,_._ Phase -II (Inter ior__finisbing), St. Cloud State University. a) Original bid - $93,772.00 b) Final cost.- $98,995.00 c) Architect: Pauly & Olsen Ltd., St. Cloud - Additions and Alterations to Weyerhaeuser Memorial Museum, Little Falls, Minnesota a) Original bid - $119,755'00 b) Final cost - $121,633.00 c) - Architect: Miller Dunwiddie Architects GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1600 Arboretum Boulevard, Box 305 • Victoria, Minnesota 55386 • Phone (612) 443 -2589 Z 4 0 0 Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. March 23, 1982 Page 2 Work currently under contract is: Southwest Park Shelter (earth sheltered building), St. Cloud, Minnesota a) Original bid - $196, 042.00 b) Final cost - $196,973.00 c) Architect: Reme ly & Associates, St. Cloud d) Project is complete and has been turned over to the Owner. BCI is waiting on architect to provide us with a punch list and make an inspection of the site once the snow, me lts - Secondary Treatment - Facilities,-= Cokato, -Minnesota -, r.,y Al H&qs � _a) Original bid - $295,330.00• - b) Contract to date - -_- $296,832.00 irrhr�tw� c) Engineer:- Meyer- Rohlin, Inc., Buffalo f.oi f s d) -- Work started October 1, 1981 and schedule completion 6 %,M- flog is July 1, • 1982. -Based on our end of March progress billing, we have completed 60%6 of the contract work. Pump House and Appurtenant Construction, New Richland, MN a) Contract to date - $120,955.00 b) Engineer - -. Jones- Haugh -& Smith, -Inc., Albert Lea c) Anticipated- starting date - April -15, 1982. Scheduled completion is December 31, 1982 I think we have performed satisfactorily on the Cokato project in terms of our ability to coordinate the various subcontractors, suppliers and our own general construction work. As a bit of additional information, our traveling superintendent, Mr. Wait Dygve, tells me that he was the field superintendent for the Berglund- Johnson, Inc. work on the-Hopkins Water Treatment Plant in 1967 and 1968. This.was a RCM project, I believe. As to our Company's financial strength, I would cite-two references. First, our bonding capacity is in excess of two and one -half million dollars depending on our needs. St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company is our bonding company. Mr. John P. Martinsen of Cobb - Strecker Dunphy - Zimmermann, Inc. is our bond agent and available for references. Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. March 23, 1982 Page 3 Second, our bank is the First National Bank of Minneapolis. Ms. Margaret Bannon is our commercial banking officer and likewise will be happy to supply you with references. We look forward to receiving a construction contract on the Hutchinson Water Treatment improvement project. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call or write. Very truly yours, BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. -Philip P.4Malmstedt President PPM /vs cc: John P. Martinsen Margaret Bannon 5 1 3� Q BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. March 23, 1982 Honorable City Council City Hall Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Re: Water Treatment Facilities Hutchinson, Minnesota Dear Council Members: Mr. C. S. Barger of Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. - has asked that we-clarify certain items- of our March 18, 1982 bid on the above project. In regard to the alternates: Alternate #2 should: be an ADD _of $S3, 400.O0 -.- -- - Alternate #3--is---correct as shown on-our-Proposal - Form. Our reasoning is in re- using the existing equipment,-we are-not sure if all the electrical components are functional; thus, the $1,000.0o is in the form of a contingency allowance. The following subcontractors and /or suppliers are to be added to our Proposal Form: Electrical: Satterlee MCC: Cutler- Hammer Instruments & Controls: Dynamic Systems, Inc. A word regarding these spaces that were not filled in on the bid form. As I pointed out to Mr. Barger in a telephone conversation today, our secretary was frantically searching GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1600 Arboretum Boulevard, Box 305 •Victoria, Minnesota 55386 • Phone (612) 443 -2589 a Honorable City Council . March 23, 1982 Page 2 for a telephone and then writing the information down on the form once she made contact with our office. Time was slipping by quickly. Mr. Barger knows how hectic some of these last minutes can be, I am sure, and our estimator just did not have time to give her the names of the subcontractors mentioned above. He gave her the dollar amounts, got to Mudford Plumbing & Heating, and then had to let her go so that she could get to your meeting room. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. We look forward-to working with you- on -your- treatment - facility -.- - - Very truly yours, BUILDING CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Philip P. almstedt President PPM /vs INI. cc: Mr. C.- S_ Barger, - .PE, -- Rieke- Carroll Muller Associates - - - FERI ST CS t ere and D 0 to ittend,Mini-Con erencii sessions. 8 _.we come (Received on or before June 1, 1982? NOT NEED I 6 PURCHAS E SPECIAL REGISTRATIONS. 1* AT CONFERENCE $85. a 64 ge art( ExtraLp Conference Meal TICKets f des 'J'admission t �41 the registration fee ric i h d workshops and tickets for the �­Mtni- sions an w sessions ill S Ut 1Nt_LLJ1J any. C DOE , N Mini - Conference luncheon general' functions ,egutar fun '� ns listed on the official program meatmeals except Thursday 'to ay -,contiriiei t fa exhibit area Nedne'sd n at break st in indicate below_ Be sure to ind Extra tickets may be� ordered be y continental breakfast in ex- Wednesday lunch, Thursday the are w e pefs6h(s) foe whom t the name of �the 1, 1 1 .. I hibit 'area' �'Thursday banquet, and Friday be unch.. Extra should receive ordered, or the name of the delegate who L S, f cluding. MAYORS LUN_ 'rnea functions,' tickets for' " "meat ns n r tickets the extra tic t a e' ed separately (at right). If you CHEONA' may b purchas 'a NUMBER FOR WHOM TOTAL. regiist i you will receive postcard er n resent at the which you must present . . .... acknowledgement prepaid registration desk. y .— Continental Breakfast - $2.00 Wednesday $ Name of City, Luncheon $7 w a nce registration se v is 0 purchase We to Thursday $ packages at .00 e he f61I owing persons: —Continental Breakfast Print or type name Name of spouse if attending Thursday - and position. Luncheon $10-w --Mayors, _,V Thues -day %L ini-Conference Luncheon - $10 ()0 Thursday $ Banquet - $16.50 . .... d Fri, ay $ Brunch - $$•00 -Mini- Conference': J" Thursday, June 17 .00 -'ADVANCE REGISTRATION ............. $35. -$40.00 Name of City --------- 7— We wish to purchase advance registrations at REGISTRATION AT CONFERENCE .... ...... $3 5-.00 each for the following persons- if y u 'Plan to-attend the Thursday banquet, please order o Print or type name Name o fspouse. J if attending tickets in the second column above. and position: I n Thursday, June 17, there will be a full day of Mini- Conference programming. The registration fee includes a badge, registration, and luncheon. if you register in ad- will receive a postcard acknowledgement vance, you which you must present at the prepaid registration desk. Total Advance Registration order (Must be received on or before June 1, 1982) AMOUNT NUMBER I $ Advance general delegate registrations at $80.00 ..... ............... I ...... Advance Mini-Conference registrations at $35-00 ..... .. ............................... Extra tickets for conference meals and reception ............................... ........... TOTAL............................ ........... ..... 21 April 1982 9 0_t yo R NF�_oRMADON 0 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Rochester, June 16 -18 "The more demanding the times for cities, the more creative our responses need to be." So says the planning committee for the 1982 Annual Conference to be held in Rochester June 16 -18. It shouldn't be surprising, therefore, to discover that this year's theme is LET'S MANAGE CITIES CREATIVELY (which boasts the same initials as League of Minnesota Cities Conference, by the way) ... or that much of the content will focus on creative approaches to finances, management systems, and use of personnel ... or that the conference'itself features a variety of creative learn- ing experiences which will tie -of- value to -all - sizes of cities, to elected officials and staff alike. Plan now to take advantage of the following features: - Important Topics Sessions have been planned which respond to im- mediate and critical concerns: Managing with Less, The Entrepreneurial City, Bolstering Organizational Morale, Public Enterprises, Cable T.V./Telecommunications, Ef- fective Use of Volunteers and Advisory Commissions, Strategies for Financing Development,- Enhancing the City's Role in State-Policy- Making are just some -of the subjects to be addressed. A wealth of national and local expertise-is being assembled for the faculty, including several West Coast officials who survived Proposition 13 (and lived to tell about it!). Special Note: The Mayors Association extends a special invitation to its Thursday luncheon program featuring a debate with Minnesota gubernatorial can- didates. Special Learning Experiences • Participants will gain valuable insights into the labor relations process through a mock negotiation session conducted by experts in the field (with the able assistance of willing city "volunteers "). This event, scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, is preceded by a presentation on the effect of binding arbitration on labor negotiations, and followed by further discussion on negotiation how -to's. • Self -Help for Small Cities, an all -day program on Thursday for representatives of cities under 5,000 in population, will look at very specific alternatives for reducing costs and increasing revenues. Making Your Sewer and Water Pay Off, Reducing Insurance Costs, the Pros and Cons of Public Enterprises and much more is on the agenda. • Table Talk has been changed this year to allow con- ference participants to talk with representatives from a variety of organizations throughout the entire con- ference. A schedule will be announced, with four to five agencies present at any one time. Personal Development Opportunities Because long hours, competing demands, difficult decisions and pressures to perform -come with public leadership, the conference committee believes strongly that it is important to take time for yourself. That means during your normal routine —and during the conference, too. Accordingly, several sessions have been planned with your personal development in mind. The Tuesday Kickoff Session - features Karen Kaiser Clark, Vice- Presi- dent -of the Center - for - Executive Planning—,providing- strategies (and encouragement) for Dealing Positively with Change. Other programs- explore Coping with Per- sonal /Professional Burnout and The Personal Side of - Budget Cuts. Social Events All indications point to the fact that the City of Rochester is planning social events to rival —if not sur- pass —their legendary accomplishments of years past. Besides dinner and entertainment on City Night, a com- plete roster of spouse /family programs is on the docket. By special request, Rochester officials are also putting together a tour of Southeastern Minnesota for those wishing to continue on after the conference. As you can tell, the conference program will be packed from Tuesday evening through the finale brunch on Friday. The planning committee guarantees that the challenge of attending all sessions of interest will tax even the most creative participant. Don't miss this valuable investment in your city's future. 10 MINNESOTA CITIES 0 AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1982 .1. Call to Order - 12:00 Noon A. Consideration of Request for Easter Egg Hunt in South Park on April 10, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject �3. Consideration of Request for Purchase of Police Vehicle l Action - Motion to approve purchase - Motion to reject ,/4. Consideration of Request for Doug McGraw and Ed Connelly to Attend Airport Development, Operations and Maintenance Conference on April 5 -6, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject ✓5. Confirmation of Dean O'Borksy Attending Spring Police Chief Conference on March 30 - April 2, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject U' 6. Adj ournment • 0 Swanhe Motors, Inc. 145 Washington Ave. E. Hutchinson, Minnesota'55350 587 -4999 March 26, 1982 Mayor Jim DeMeyer % City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 RE: Third Annual Easter Egg Hunt Dear Jim: NAP, 982 ti RECEIVED a �o BY.___ �6�8�1t 91 St'v���2` For the third year, we're requesting_ permission to use the South Park for a children's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 10. Time of use 10 a.m, to 12 noon. We will be sponsoring the event with assistance from the Optimists Club and Band Boosters. There, as usual, will be no cost to the city. Thank you for your continued cooperation! Sincerely, ImesjA. Swanke President JAS:imk S The to Savings, Service & Satisfaction suicK r LTD MOBIL P0NTIAC TO: FROM: SUBJECT: • POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE 3-30-82 Mayor and City Council, Ken Merrill, Gary Plotz Chief Dean M. O'Borsky Deadline for Ordering Police Vehicles I have been advised by the local chevrolet dealership that the deadline for ordering a 1982 Police vehicle is April 5, 1982. That date is rapidly approaching and with the current schedule our vehicle needs will not-be addressed until the next council meeting which is the 2nd week in April. If- we do not order a vehicle as suggested by April 5th we must then order -a 1983 model. Of course you know the-1983 models will be more expensive, and not only that but-will not be available to order until August 1982 which means that we would not receive the vehicle until January of 1983. In lieu of the fact that- we.have need to replace police vehicles on a regular basis and are rapidly approaching the point where we are.going to find ourselves in a position of expending a large amount of money for maintenance, we need a decision quickly. I recommend council action be taken to make sure the vehicle is ordered before the deadline. As I will be out of town please contact Officer Charles Jones for further information. TO: FRO SUBJECT: Purchase Police Vehicle 9 • DATE 3 - �9 -82 POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM I request the Council approve the purchase of the 1982 Chevrolet Malibu police package vehicle as recommended. The Impala that is currently being used as a marked vehicle will be converted into an-administrative vehicle for -use by the-investigator. - -The Ford LTD 11 he is currently using will be traded. We have discussed this purchase with the motor pool supervisor -and accountant and have their - approval -. We expect 10 -12 weeks delivery time so 1 would urge approval so that we may complete the order as soon as possible. DMO:neb is M10, POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Chief of Police Dean M. O'Borsky FROM: Chuck Jones, Vehicle Maintenance Officer SUBJECT: Vehicle Purchase E DATE March 23, 1982 In January of 1982 1 received price quotes from local dealerships for a replacement vehicle for vehicle number 3, the 1979 Impala.. The quotes are as follows: Plowmans: -1982 Ford LTD Police Package $9.988.00 Wigens: 1982 Malibu Police Package $9862.11 Plowmans: 1982 Plymouth Grand- Fury- Police-Package- $9555.00 - Plowmans: 1982-Ford-Fairmont Police Package------ - $9545.00 Due to improvements in equipment and options available and the superior handling and driveability of the Malibu police package I recommend that a Malibu be ordered to replace the Impala. CJ:nb f: • • ��NNESOT4 0 2 Minnesota 4� ° Department of Transportation Transportation Building 'P��Q° St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 OF TR March 25, 1982 Municipal Officials, Airport Commissions, Engineers and Planners, Airport Operators and Maintenance Personnel a2g4-3C31,1,, s � Q co N r' -�L�yi y CD s o Subject: Airport Development, Operations and Maintenance Conference This is the final mailing with last minute information about the fast ap- proaching conference on April 5th and 6th. As you can see from the en- closed agenda, the program should be both interesting and informative. Note that each day we are holding concurrent -group sessions for a half day. These sessions will be more technical in nature and are intended to foster a good interchange of information between the participants and attendees. We expect that our'speakers at the general sessions will also provide us with timely information. In addition to our formal agenda, our entire staff and many state and regional FAA personnel will be avail- able throughout the conference to discuss specific questions you may have. We also expect to have some suppliers available at the reception on Monday evening so that yo�can visit with them about needs you may have. We are including another conference registration form in case you have not registered. It is important that we receive your registration so that we can determine an accurate count of attendees. This count will be the basis for preparing our conference materials and our food order, so please _return your registration to.us as soon as possible. For your con- venience, we are also enclosing a map of the commercial strip in the vicinity of the Marriott Hotel in Bloomington. We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference. Sincerely Richard B. einz Assistant Commission Minnesota Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division Enclosures An Equal Opportunity Employer a r Preliminary Agenda Monday, April 5th 7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast 0 3 -25 -82 8:30 -- 8:45 Welcome - Commissioner Braun 8:45 - 9 :15 Opening Remarks & What is Happening in Aeronautics Division - Keinz 9 :15 - 10:00 Airport Accident Investigations - V. Kleimenhagen (FAA -GADO) 10:00 - 10:20 Break 10:20 - 11:00 Airport Considerations in Plant Site Selection - Jades W. Stoker (3M) 11:00 - 11:30 Airport Maintenance & Maintenance Equipment - John Grinden (Duluth) 11:45 - 1:15 Luncheon_ - Paul Bohr - FAA Regional Director 1:30 - -4:30 Group Sessions (Coffee Break-at- -3:00 - 3:20) What's Happening in Pavement Technology Recycling Austin Airport - Richard Murphy, Austin City Engineer Pavement Rehabilitation Research - Paul Diethelm, Mn /DOT Land Acquisition Acquisition Process: -how to get started -determining your need -appraisals *purchasing •relocation Dean Larson, Mn/DOT Operations -- Inspecting your air- port for obstructions -I Steve Luck, Mn/DOT 4:30 - 5:00 Free time 5:00 - 6:30 Social Reception Navigational Aids and Lighting Mn /DOT's programs - Nav -aids Staff Lighting and nav -aid maintenance from varying viewpoints - -Jim Baker, Mn/DOT Chief -Pilot -Ken Potz, Anoka V -Tech Bob Johnson, Republic Airlines -Dick Behmer, St. Cloud Airport -Clyde Slyman, FAA F.I.F.O. - Gordon Newstrom, Grand Rapids Airport 'Lighting -Wayne Kearsley, Flash Technology Corp. O.D.A.L.S. - Wayne Kearsley, Flash Technology Corp. r M Tuesday, April 6th 8:00 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast 8 :30 - 11:00 Group Sessions (Break at 9:45 +) Project Cash Flow Operations Payments procedures for Legal liability problems grants: confronted -by airports (in laymen's terms) , open -state/local discussion,-- .-federal/state/local John.Corbey, Alternative retanage. -- - -- Mankato_Attorney thud. me s Project closeouts Open discussion Donald- :Stockdale (FAA) Jim Groehler (Mn /DOT) Dennis Luoto (Mn /DOT) Brainstorming Session Open discussion Questions and answers 11:30 - 1:30 Luncheon - Harold Pluimer (futurist) 1:30 - 2:15 Importance of Airports to.Basiness Aviation - John Winant (NBAA) 2:15 - 2:40 Noise Regulations - Mike Valentine (M.P.C.A.) 2:40 - 3:00 Break 3:00 - 3:45 Developing Community Support for your Airport - Joe Mason (NASAO) 3:45 - 4:00 Wrap- up_(evaluations, etc.) 4:00 Adjourn FOR YOUR INFORMATION M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — March 31, 1982— — — — — — — TO: Mayor and Council -------------------------- - - - - -- FROM: Ken Merrill SUBJECT: Parking Lot Acquisitions We presently have several City -owned lots of which the latest acquisitions were by the Parking Bonds. NAME LOTS ACQUIRED COST Carlson Property Part of Lot 10, Block 50, NI-2 City CD$44,500 ($13,000 down) (Paying $669.30/mo. through 1/1/86) Wigen Lot Lot 6 & &, Block 8 (with exceptions) $101,340 Citizens Bank S11 City The City, over the past years, acquired several other lots in the area. Please see schedule (A). I have also included for your review the earning statement since 1977 of the Off- Street Parking Funds. Should there be any other questions or further information needed, please let me know. Page 2 . • SCHEDULE (A NAME LOTS ACQUIRED COST METHOD OF PURCHASE Hilda Berg Lot 4, Block 9, S31 City $ 22,000 $5,000 down CD $136 /mo 2/1/71 @ 7% Purchased through Off- Street Fund Sorenson Lot 3 $ Part of 4, Block 51, NZ City $ 7,500 $1,000 down CD $1,300 /year begin - ing 1/1/68 at 6% Purchased through Off- Street Fund Various Lots 1,2,3 $ 4, Block 11 Off- Street Parking acquired S;� City 1968 & 1970 Bonds sold in 168 & 170 $50,000 Acquisition remain to be paid as of 1/1/82 cost unknown F/B paid from Parking Bonds of 18 (RESEARCHING) Hospital Lot Lots 2 $ 3 with except- ? Acquired by Hospital, probably ions, Block 29, S'2 City ( RESEARCHING) turned over to City Hazel Baseman Lot 8, Block 50, NI-2 City $ 40,000 Purchase by General Fund $8,000 down, CD of 8% Payment through 6/1/82 Page 3 • • City of Hutchinson Off- Street Parking Income Statement Comparison 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 Parking Meter Revenue $ 9,377 $ 11,767 $ 10,402 $ 10,417 $ 14,149 Rents 1,575 1,675 Parking Fines 573 1,246 3,754 5,276 2,240 Misc. 102 S6 97 260 188 Total Revenue $ 10,052 $ 13,069 $ 14,253 $ 17,528 $ 18,252 Operating Expenses Salaries 4,312 2,425 3,654 3,213 5,255 Maintenance & Repair 214 2,019 1,565 1,368 320 Other Contractual Services 215 1,670 299 831 161 Operating Supplies 746 512 Total Operating Exp. $ 5,487 $ 6,626 $ 5,518 $ 5,412 $ 5,736 Depreciation Equipment 800 800 3,728 4,077 4,077 Other Improvements 800 800 Income from Operation 3,765 S,643 5,007 7,239 7,639 Other Revenue (Expenses) Interest Income 100 95 88 143 77 Interest Expense (3,500) (3,850) (4,200) (4,550) (4,900) Other Expense -Net Net Income (Loss) $ 365 $ 1,888 $ 895 $ 2,832 $ 2,816 f ADO / 14 ARK 10 Q / •• - L u f • cx+ow C�� r `�� �_ND AVE NW SECOND AVE N E. 4. 10 10 1 IN YLEDAR AVE. 9 2 9 -r 9 2 9 9 10 11 B 3 B 3 6 = - - - -43 - -- 45 -• 13 12 .. 6 �.___S = � .-_ 6--, - - S = _ ' •� -- 6 -- �--� j•- 1 -� - `,!� - -' 3 � 2 It i♦ 5 - ��Vl! . , _._>, V - �._ t _ ..-. _r.� _�__1 . mss. __ _-J It'_ _.i I ^u. ._ I �!, 1 }• i .- -•r,:% i \�, �" ' t T 10 o tI I u- -V �.• ' FIRST AVE NORTHWEST; FIRST AVENUE NORTHERS � IF Fa „ z W v e bC]�Y]CYf F 26f 3. N. 7 rJi ♦ w 5Q _ 3.v to 7 F I - K Cc -� --+- -2 Us c N i f �. 6 4 , ♦�S 6� 71 ' ` - ._. __.Li _.- Ili u.� Jl. }} _�_.J �' a±: —c}+ ._ ,µ__. �? a •' —!} _L]i l._ •}l __. J•.__ +i 1. _.•' _ _JI_ _ ,, WASHINGTON AVENUE •' 1 1 1 >i rT - T y� 1' -i i '9`- f 2 -a� •� \ 10 1 0 9 \ �j { z e 9 j - 3 :: `7 r z B 3 9 - -� 3 W f a 3� c� 7 4 ` \ \'_ ' ♦ �. 7 ♦ W T 5 4% \� r Z K I r ,` 6 6 _- L._..� W PARK t FIRST AVE. a ,. � FIRST AVE, w SOUTHEAST } -- _ '4' to x`_48'0 r ,w to i r 1 r 10 1r 1 j 1 i� 1 vl b p I�al :A i _ 1 9 1 2 1 9- 2 9 I 2 9 2 C, 9 2� C e r - F 104 - - _ _- _ Q - w �� - -d i 3 A i; a 14 3 at } •Y 6 S -= 6-' • r 3 -�L ;r.. , � , -- •. 1 �_ 7_ t 4 1 4 1 F 11. { It 7 j {! i SECOND AVENUE SOUTHWEST SECOND AVENUE SOUTHEAST l 3 a 10 1 p 10 L' - to ('' 1 j: LO F^ 1 p -lo ~ 9 26 w 9 -- �t-- _ -_ -3� f __... r. - r_ _.. _ 1- W ` w w 9- 2 W f I 2 W f' 0 �! 2 f �r 2 w Y Ix us x~i, e 29 _s . H (r Ir f _ ?$ a a ► e 27 . �. s- e 26 t x- c e 25 3 ►- a 2a s ►- . 1 , _. -.._. N _. .. N - - - - N 6 S 6 I S Y 0 I PARK THIRD AVENUE S.W. THIRD 10 10 EXISTING CITY -OWNED ® 1 Y x PAR f 2 KING LOTS -i - 3 6 : r PARKING LOTS PURCHASED e 33 3 UNDER PARKING HONKS OF s P --• - -- - �:- _ .. __ . t_ 1981 - - t_ It I FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHWEST FOURTH AVENUE SOUTHEAST ?i+ _..•. y- -.' - _4 1 _ .�• •r - v - c -i - a/- r .a -1 .. 1- v -� �!} -'v t--Trr-� �--� 0 7 `` to - — -_IO 1 - 10 j 1 a 10 I N) 1 1 9 : 1} . p h 1 ' If - -,• 2- I L 9 s f SI s s e e - -- -- - — 50 3 f 49 r e 48 >, ',, a 47 3 f u t2 U 04 � 7 ? �te 7 ♦ y 7 it ♦ 7 I; _ b. ..7 ♦ ♦ s R T