cp05-25-1982 c cHUTCH INSON CITY CALENDAR WEEK OF May 23 'TO . May 29 163& WEDNESDAY -26- 0 SUNDAY -23- Congratulations Graduates of 1982!" THURSDAY -27- G R A D U A T I O N MONDAY -24- Noon - Safety Council Meeting Nutrition Center 2:00 P.M. - Utilities Commissic Meeting at Utilities 7:00 P.M. - Workshop on S &L Project at City Hall (City Council, Downtown Board and Planning Com- mission) FRIDAY -28- Ken Merrill - May 24 Gary Plotz - May 25 -26 TUESDAY -25- 4:00 P.M. - Meeting of Water/ Sewer, Engineering & Transit Employees! with City Council at City Hall 7:30 P.M. - City Council Meeting{: at City Hall j SATURDAY -29- _dd� l AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1982 V1. Call Meeting to Order - 7:30 P.M. ,h1. Invocation - Reverend Thor Skeie _A. Consideration of Minutes - Special Meeting.of April 21, 1982, Regular Meeting of May. 11, 1982 Action - .Motion to approve - Motion to approve as amended 4. Public Hearing ,�a) 8:00 P.M. P. Amendment of Tax Increment Financing Plan for Development District No. 4 Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve amendment to tax increment plan and finance plan - Motion to direct City Administrator to sign necessary documentation -b) 8:30 P.M.- _m Industrial Revenue Bond /Note for Rehabilitation and Renovation of S &L Project Action - Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to authorize signing necessary documentation c) 9:00 P.M. Improvement Project 82 -48 Action.- Motion to close hearing - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to adopt Resolution 5. Communications, Requests and Petitions Y(a) Presentation by Six East Regional Development Commission (DEFERRED 5- 11 -82) Action - b) Consideration of Request for Use of Street for Fire Station Open House on June 6, 1982 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 25, 1982 o�c) Consideration of Appointments: 1. Mrs. Dale Ewald - Hospital Board 2. Dr. Robert Prochnow - Police Civil Service Action - Motion to ratify appointments ,,(d) Consideration of Request for Transit Coordinator to Attend Spring Transit Conference on May 26 -27, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J"' Consideration of Request for Carson & Barnes Circus at McLeod County Fairgrounds on July 5, 1982 Action - ✓(f) Consideration of Establishing the Policy of Utilizing Only Tax Increment Revenue Bonds for Financing Any Tax Increment Financing Projects (Requested by Mayor DeMeyer and Pat Mikulecky) Action - /9) Consideration of Request for Use of Library Square on June 19, 1982 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject 4h) Presentation by Attorneys Jerry Mahoney and Jerry Gilligan, Dorsey Law Firm, On Questions Regarding Tax Increment Financing Submitted April 29, 1982 Action - 6. Resolutions and Ordinances A a) Resolution No. 7134 - Resolution for Purchase Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt ,�b) Resolution No. 7136 - Transferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund Action - Motion to reject - Motion to waive reading and adopt -2- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 25, 1982 7. Reports of O V( a) Monthly / Action J (b) Minutes Action Eficers, Boards and Commissions Financial Report - April 1982 - Order by Mayor received for filing of Planning Commission dated April 20, 1982 - Order by Mayor received for filing 8. Unfinished Business None 9. New Business v<a) Consideration of Outside Sign for Senior Center Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize ordering sign Consideration of Delinquent Water and Sewer Accounts Action - Motion to authorize extension of payment period - Motion to authorize discontinuance of service ✓(c) Consideration of Non - Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for Blue Grass Festival at McLeod County Fair Grounds on June 12, 1982 Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and issue license "(d) Consideration of Acquiring A HP 125 Micro Computer /Word Processor Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve acquisition �(e) Consideration of Fixed Asset Module On Computer System Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject J(f) Consideration of Proposed 1982 Street Maintenance Program Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject �(g) Consideration of Project 82 -41 Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject -3- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 25, 1982 /(h) Consideration of 1982 Improvement Program Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to adopt Resolutions - Motion to set bid date for June 21, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. �(i) Consideration of 1983 Imp rovement,-Program Action — Motion to reject - Motion to approve schedule �j) Consideration of First Avenue Southwest, Nemitz Property Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to adopt Resolution . J(k) Consideration of Amendment of Personnel Policy Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve amendment - Motion to adopt Resolution A1) Consideration of Request for Preliminary Plat for Lipke Addition with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - Motion to reject-- Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution ✓�m) Consideration of Review of Preliminary Plat for Wright Estates with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission Action - ,f(n) Consideration of Street Lights Action- Motion to approve — Motion to reject f(o) Consideration of Southwes.t Corner of Dale Street and South Grade Road Action - Motion to approve - Motion to reject /(p) Consideration of Re- Designation of 10 -Ton Route to Serve Farmers Elevator Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve - Motion to waive reading and adopt Resolution q) Consideration of Weed Notices Action - Motion to reject - Motion to authorize advertising for bids -4- COUNCIL AGENDA MAY 25, 1982 J(r) Consideration of Authorizing Bids for Repair of Old Armory Building to Meet State Building, Handicapped and Fire Codes (Requested by John Mlinar) Action - 10. Miscellaneous ✓Fa) Communications from City Administrator ,/(b) Communications from Director of Engineering 11. Claims, Appropriations and Contract Payments J(a) Verified Claims Action - Motion to reject - Motion to approve and authorize payment J12. Adjournment -5- 0 _ 0. � (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHIBISON 7 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST 'TCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: -- MU 25, 1982 — — — — — — TO: Mayor and City Council — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SU$JECT: Reduction of Length of Meeting --------------- - - - -- --- r - - - -- After discussion with City Attorney Jim Schaefer, it has been determined that it is legal to adopt a series of Agenda items with one motion. The following items may be considered routine and require very little discussion: 5. (b) Consideration of Request for Use of Street for Fire Station Open House on June 6, 1982 (c) Consideration of Appointments: 1. Mrs. Dale Ewald - Hospital Board 2. Dr. Robert Prochnow - Police Civil Service (d) Consideration of Request for Transit Coordinator to'Attend Spring Transit Conference on May 26 -27, 1982 (e) Consideration of Request for Carson & Barnes Circus at McLeod County Fairgrounds on July 5; 1982 (g) Consideration of Request for Use of Library Square on June 18, 1982 6. (a) Resolution No. 7134 - Resolution for Purchase (b) Resolution No. 7136 - Transferring $10,000 from Liquor Store to General Fund 9. (m) Consideration of Review of Preliminary Plat for Wright Estates with favorable recommendation of Planning Commission (n) Consideration of Street Lights -(p) Consideration of Re- Designation of 10 -Ton Route to Serve Farmers Elevator (q) Consideration of Weed Notices • ACTION: Approve or Reject Agenda Items 5 -b, 5-c, 5 -d, 5 -e, 5 -g, 6 -a, 6 -b, 9 -m, 9 -n, 9 -p, 9 -q If any of the above items require additional discussion or separate consideration, they may be deleted from the above motion to approve. /ms - • MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 The special meeting was called to order by Mayor DeMeyer at 3:15 P.M., with the following present.: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, in addition to Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman Ted Beatty. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, City Engineer Marlow Priebe, City Accountant Kenneth B. Merrill, City Attorney James Schaefer, and Bond Consultant Bill Fahey. Mr. Bill Fahey of Ehlers & Associates made a presentation on amendments to the tax increment financing plan. He began his talk with the S &L project and called atten- tion to the amendment of the tax increment financing plan, District No. 4. Mr. Fahey then made reference to Page 34 from the Tax Increment Plan Book. It was pointed out that the proposed amendment does not change the area of the De- velopment District, the tax increment financing district, or the total amount of debt to be incurred. The proposed amendment has been submitted to Mr. Jerry Gil- ligan of the Dorsey law firm for review. The amendment would need to proceed through the normal channels of a public hearing and notifying the County and School Board. Extensive discussion centered on repayment of the bond issue for the Evergreen Apart- ments and whether all the tax increment funds are committed to that project. City Attorney Schaefer was asked what options the Council had to clarify the legal questions being raised. He responded they had five choices, namely: 1) formalize questions in writing and submit them to the Dorsey law firm for a written response; 2) present documents and questions to another law firm; 3) request a procedural audit from the State Auditor's Office; 4) proceed along as it is; and 5) stop and do noth- ing, with no more new proposed projects. Alderman Gruenhagen made the motion to authorize the City Administrator to arrange a meeting with the Dorsey law firm and an unbiased party, with the amount not to ex- ceed $1,000.00 in cost. The motion was seconded by the Chair. Alderman Gruenhagen then amended his motion to use the Dorsey law firm and the State Auditor's Attorney, with City Council members at their discretion to submit in writing by April 26, 1982 any specific questions they might have. The Chair sec- onded the motion and it carried, with Alderman Mlinar and Gruenhagen and Mayor De- Meyer voting aye, and Alderman Carls voting nay. Alderman Mlinar stated the two law firms needed to be knowledgeable of the issues to answer the questions. He, therefore, authorized the City Administrator to send a copy of Tax Increment Documentation and Parking and Senior Citizens Projects Doc- umentation to the attorneys. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:55 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls and unanimously carried. V MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1982 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was caviled. to order by Mayor-DeMeyer at 7:30 P.M., with the follow- ing present: Alderman Mike Carls, Alderman John Mlinar, Alderman Kenneth Gruen - hagen, Alderman Ted Beatty and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: None. Also present: City Engineer Marlow V. Priebe, City Attorney James Schaefer, and City Administrator Gary D. Plotz (arrived at 9:00 P.M.). 2. INVOCATION In the absence of a pastor to give the invocation, there was a time of silent prayer. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Bid Openings dated April 22, 1982 and April 26, 1982, Regu- lar Meeting dated April 27, 1982 and Special Meeting dated May 6, 1982 were ap- proved as presented upon motion by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - 8:00 P.M. (a) 1982 IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: 1. PROJECT 82 -06 6. PROJECT 82 -21 2. PROJECT 82 -10 7. PROJECT 82 -38 3. PROJECT 82 -11 8. PROJECT 82 -45 4. PROJECT 82 -15 9. PROJECT 82 -46 5. PROJECT 82 -20 10. PROJECT 82 -47 PROJECT 82 -06 Mayor DeMeyer called the public hearing to order at 8:20 P.M. and read Pub- lication No. 2911, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -06, construc- tion of an 8" watermain and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $5,350.00. PROJECT 82 -10 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2912, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -10, construction of an 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidtbauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $10,000.00. C�l COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 PROJECT 82 -11 Publication No. 2913, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -11 for construction of an 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances for the follow- ing area: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subdivision was read by Mayor DeMeyer._ The estimated cost is $12,000.00. - PROJECT 82 -15 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2914, Notice of Hearing on Improvement, Project 82 -15, construction of an 18" storm sewer and appurtenances for the following area: Baltimore Avenue from Boston Street to T.H. 15 in Padem's First Addition. The estimated cost is $37,000.00. _ PROJECT 82 -20 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2915, Project 82 -20, construction of grading and appurtenances for the following area: Sherwood Street between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Addition. The estimated cost is $3,000.00. PROJECT 82 -21 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2916, Project 82 -21, construction ofw­ grading and appurtenances for the following area: Bradford Street in Schmidt bauer's Second Addition. The estimated cost is $5,000.00. PROJECT 82 -38 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2917, Project 82 -38, construction of bi- tuminous surfacing and appurtenances for the following area: Boston Street from Century Avenue to Atlanta Avenue. The estimated cost is $50,000.00. PROJECT 82 -45 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2918, Project 82 -45, construction of an 8" sanitary sewer line for the following area: Hassan Street South between Fifth Avenue Southeast and Sixth Avenue Southeast. The estimated cost is $6,300.00. PROJECT 82 -46 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2919, Project 82 -46, construction of a 18" and 15" storm sewer for the following area: Hassan Street South to Sixth Avenue Southeast. The estimated cost is $16,000.00. -2- • 0 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 PROJECT 82 -47 Mayor DeMeyer read Publication No. 2920, Project 82 -47, for surfacing of driveway and parking area at Burns Manor Nursing Home. The estimated cost is $8,000.00. Since there was no one present to be heard for any of the projects, Alder- man Gruenhagen moved to close the hearings at 8:30 P.M. Seconded by Alder- man Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7116 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -06. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7117 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -10. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar, to waive read- ing and adopt Resolution No. 7118 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -11. Motion unanimously approved. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7119 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -15. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7120 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -20. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7121 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -21. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7122 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -38. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7123 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -45. It was moved by Alderman Carls to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7124 entitled Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -46. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. -3- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 It was moved by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7125 entitled Reso- lution Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans, Project 82 -47. 5. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (a) PRESENTATION ON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING BY MICHAEL AUGER, MINNESOTA STATE PLANNING AGENCY Mr. Michael Auger of the Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development explained to the Council the background history of tax incre- ment financing. By definition,-he stated tax increment financing is a "tool" for local government to initiate private investment and finance a project. Justification for the use of public funds would be that then, are public benefits*as well as an increase in job opportunities. Tax In- crement financing falls into three categories, namely: housing, economte or redevelopment, with the city involved in a regulatory manner. 1 (b) CONSIDERATION'OF REQUEST FOR HOMER PITTMAN TO ATTEND 1982 SPRING BUILDING - OFFICIAL UPDATE SEMINAR ON MAY 18, 1982 AND SOUTHWEST MINNESOTA BUILDING OFFICIALS CONFERENCE ON MAY 19, 1982 Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to approvw at- tendance at the two requested conferences. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (c) DISCUSSION OF REGION 6 -E County Commissioners Larry Wendorff and Milo Wacker and McLeod County Exec- utive Secretary Eugene Reddemann requested the City Council to give support for withdrawal from Region 6 -E and hold a public hearing. Commissioner Wen - dorff reported that three of the four counties who contribute to Region 6 -E have gone on record to withdraw, and the majority of the population within the four areas must approve the dissolution. He further stated that Region 6 -E is an overlapping agency, and the expertise and assistance it provides can be attained at the local level. Each county contributes $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 annually to the agency, and the Commissioners thought the money could be put to better use. It was pointed out that a representative from Region 6 -E would be attend- ing the May 25, 1982 Council meeting to present the services provided by the agency. Alderman Beatty moved to defer further discussion to the May 25, 1982 City Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously car- ried. -4- 0 0 • 0 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR USE OF STREET AREA ON FIRST AVENUE SOUTHEAST NEXT TO LIBRARY SQUARE FOR FARMER'S MARKET SATURDAY MORNINGS, BEGINNING JUNE 26, 1982 The Hutchinson Downtown Retail Association requested permission to use the street area on First Avenue Southeast next to the Library Square for a Farmer's Market again this year. The market would be held Saturday morn- ings from 7 :00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M., beginning June 26, 1982 through the sum- mer months. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Gruenhagen to approve use of the street area by Library Square for a Farmer's Market. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE N0. 4/82 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 464 CONCERNING .ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (WILLIAM HELLAND) Following " - discussion, Alderman Carls moved to waive the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 645 entitled An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 464 Coecerning Zoning Regulations In the City of Hutch -inson and the Official Zoning Map. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (b) ORDINANCE NO. 5/82 - AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO MARK D. MCGRAW THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN A POPCORN /CONCESSION STAND OVER AND ABOVE THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PUBLIC SQUARE LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH HALF OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON City Attorney Schaefer reported he had amenddd the franchise ordinance as discussed at the previous Council meeting and included the legal descrip- tion. Following the reading of the amended ordinance by Mayor DeMeyer, Alderman Gruenhagen moved to adopt Ordinance No. 646 entitled An Ordinance Granting to Mark D. McGraw the Right to Maintain A Popcorn and Concession Stand Over and Above the East 15 Feet of the West 30 Feet of the South 15 Feet of Pub- lic Square Library and Park Tract Between Blocks 7 and 8, South One -Half of City of Hutchinson. Alderman Beatty seconded .the motion and it carried with Aldermen Carls, Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty voting aye and Mayor DeMeyer voting nay, with objection to the 10 -year length of franchise. (c) RESOLUTION NO. 7126 - RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE After discussion, itwas moved by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7126 entitled Resolution for Purchase. Motion unanimously approved. -5- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 7. REPORTS OF OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS (a) BUILDING OFFICIAL'S REPORT - APRIL 1982 There being no discussion, the report was ordered by the Mayor to be re- ceived for filing. (b) MINUTES OF SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD DATED MARCH 24, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (c) MINUTES OF DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD DATED MARCH 31, 1982 r There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. (d) MINUTES OF TRANSPORTATION BOARD DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1982 There being no discussion, the minutes were ordered by the Mayor to be received for filing. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR ADDITION TO WATER TREATMENT PLANT (DEFERRED MARCH 18, 1982) City Administrator Plotz explained the funding for the water treatment plant project. He stated projections were made on the life of the bond issue and the proposal on the water and sewer rates, with an anticipated impact of 25% increase in water and sewer rates. The interest rate on the bond was estimated at 12 %. In conclusion, Mr. Plotz commented it would be feasible for the Council to award the bid tonight. City Attorney Schaefer pointed out that at the April 27, 1982 City Council meeting there were questions regarding the omissions in the bid submitted by Building Constructors Inc. (BCI). The company had failed to include the listing of subcontractors as required in the specifications. He then discussed whether failure to include the list would be cause for rejection of the bid. Attorney Schaefer commented that the bid process was designed to ensure that the public received the best possible quality at the lowest price. The City Council had the power to waive irregularities in the bid- ding procedure if they were minor and didn't affect the quality, quantity or overall price of the bid or didn't give one bidder a material advantage. The City Attorney stated there could be the potential for the low bidder to solicit other subcontractors at a lower price than the original bid by not listing the subcontractors, although he was not accusing CBI of doing this. It was his opinion that the bid submitted by BCI did not comply with 0 9 COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 19 82 all the requirements as there were omissions. It would be up to the Coun- cil to determine if they were material or should be waived. Both Mr. Philip Malmstedt of BCI and Mr. Harold Theisen of Gridor Con- struction Inc. reiterated many of their comments of April 27, 1982. City Engineer Priebe commented that BCI had not fulfilled all the re- quirements the day of the bid opening and hadn't to date. The signifi- cance of the omission meant the company had more time to do work on the bid. BCI still-hadn't completed the requirements since there was no record of subcontractors for heating and ventilation. Based on this fact, it was his recommendation to reject CBI's bid and accept the bid' -of Gri- dor Construction. Mr. Chuck Barger of Rieke, Carroll & Mueller reviewed the response of the low bidder. He stated that the forms required that after the award of the contract the low bidder was to submit a complete list of all subcon- tractors and suppliers. During the bidding process, those that are criti- cal to bid are required on the form submitted. He further pointed out the low bid by BCI was not clear -in the alternates, and the number of sub- contractors and suppliers was not listed. He.,..therefore;:..recommended the firm of Gridor Construction be awarded the bid. Alderman Gruenhagen..made the motion that due to the fact there were 15 bidders and the low bidder had failed to list subcontractors, reject the low bid of BCI and award the contract to Gridor Construction, second low - -estibidder, in the amount of-$1,214,700.00. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST BY CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY FOR SIX PARKING SPACES LIMITED TO 15- MINUTE PARKING (DEFERRED MARCH 9, 1982) Citizens Bank & Trust requested a minimum of six parking spaces limited to 15- minute parking to enable better service to their customers. Chief of Police O'Borsky reviewed the request and recommended denial, based on the following reasons: 1) removal of the meters and two -hour parking was for a one -year trial period; 2) the two -hour parking limit appears to be effective in moving traffic in the downtown area; 3) 15- minute zones would require manpower which is not available to enforce the limits; and 4) a precedent would be established by allowing one organization to re- quest individual parking zones. Following discussion, Alderman Beatty moved that based on the Police Chief's recommendation, the request by Citizens Bank & Trust be denied. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. '3►m COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 (c) CONSIDERATION OF AWARDING BID FOR 1982 STREET DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE MATERIALS (DEFERRED APRIL 26, 1982) Only one bid was received for street maintenance material.:from Koch Asphalt Co. in the amount of $23,960.00. It was recommended the bid be awarded. After discussion, Alderman Carls moved to award the bid to Koch Asphalt Co. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF FIRST AVENUE SE AND SW, IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN HASSAN STREET AND FRANKLIN STREET Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, to table this item for the remainder of 1982. Moon unanimously carried. RECESS: A recess was taken at 10:00 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously. The Council reconvened at 10:05 P.M. 9. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION FOR CIGARETTE LICENSE BY RODNEY HORRMANN = ROBERTS PARK CONCESSION STAND 7Z After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Carls to approve the application and issue a cigarette license to Rodney Horrmann. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF OPERATING A FOOD STAND AT TWO LOCATIONS DURING WATER CARNIVAL BY HUTCHINSON BAND BOOSTERS The Hutchinson Band Boosters requested permission to operate a food stand at Optimists Park and South Park during the Hutchinson Water Carnival. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to approve the operation of two food stands by the Hutch- inson Band Boosters during Water Carnival. Motion unanimously approved. (ck CONSIDERATION OF ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR MAINTENANCE WORK ON NORTHWEST (GOLF COURSE) WATER TOWER It was requested to advertise for bids on June 1, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. for the maintenance work on the Northwest (Golf Course) Water Tower. After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to authorize advertising for bids on June 1, 1982 at 2:00 P.M. for maintenance work on the Northwest (Golf go • i COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 Course) Water Tower. Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING CITY COUNCIL RULES AND PROCEDURES - ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER (REQUESTED BY MIKE CARLS) No action was necessary inasmuch as the 1974 City Ordinance Book, Chapter 1, Section 100;05, Subd. 2 states that "the proceedings of the Council shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Revised." (e) CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY- SCHOOL DISTRICT ON HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS Alderman Carls reported that $15,000.00 had been budgeted for City expense to repair the tennis courts at the high school. Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty to authorize City staff and the School District to jointly solicit bids for the maintenance of the high school tennis courts. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried unanimously. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to authorize City Attorney to pro- ceed with.an agreement between the City /School District and to authorize the City Administrator to put into writing any other joint ventures between the City and School District. The motion was seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. (f) CONSIDERATION OF STATE NATURAL RESOURCES FUND PROJECT AGREEMENT FOR PHASE II OF MCDONALD'S PARK City Administrator Plotz reported that Phase I of McDonald's Park had been completed, and the City Council had approved an application for Phase II. The State Natural Resources Fund Project Agreement would cover lighting for two softball fields, picnic shelter /restroom, boat landing, landscaping, seeding, and site improvement. The total cost would be $91,500.00, with a 44 percent fund support for a total fund amount of $40,125.00. After discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Ald- erman Carls, to approve the agreement and authorize signing same. Motion unanimously approved. (g) CONSIDERATION OF PROJECT 82 -48, INTERSECTION OF DALE STREET AND SOUTH GRADE ROAD City Engineer Priebe informed the Council that Mr. Delmar Pittman had ap- proved the proposed design for the intersection improvement on Dale Street and South Grade Road (Project 82 -48). Therefore, it would be necessary to hold a public hearing on the project. -9- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 Following discussion, it was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alder- man Gruenhagen and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolu- tion No. 7114 entitled Resolution Ordering Preparation of Report on Improve- ment (Project 82 -48). It was moved by Alderman Beatty to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7115 entitled Resolution Receiving Report and Calling Hearing on Improve- ment (Project 82 -48). Seconded by Alderman Gruenhagen, the motion unani- mously carried. It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty, to estab- lish May 25, 1982 at 9:00 P.M. for a public hearing on Project 82 -48. lo- tion unanimously approved. (h) CONSIDERATION OF 1982 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FOR STREETS AND ALLEYS It was reported that the permanent surfaced streets and alleys had been in- spected and found to be in need of maintenance and repair in 1982. It_.was anticipated that the material cost would exceed the $30,000.00 budgeted for this purpose.. Therefore, it was requested to proceed with a program for the maintenance and repair of the permanent streets and alleys as first priority and do some maintenance work on some of the temporary oiled streets as funds are available. A detailed report would be submitted at the next Council meeting. Following discussion, the motion was made by Alderman Carls to proceed with the proposed program and submit a report at the next City Council meeting. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION OF RESCINDING CONDEMNATION PROCEEDING ON NEMITZ BUILDING (REQUESTED BY MAYOR DEMEYER) City Attorney Schaefer reported that nothing had been done for condemnation since the adoption of Resolution No. 6951. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Carls and carried unanimously, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 7127 entitled A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 6951 Pertaining to Condemnation Pro- ceedings. (j) CONSIDERATION OF AUTHORIZING CITY ATTORNEY TO TENDER A DEFENSE ON BEHALF OF OFFICER WAAGE After discussion, Alderman Beatty moved to approve authorizing the City At- torney to tender a defense on behalf of Officer Waage. Seconded by Alder- man Carls, the motion unanimously carried. City Attorney Schaefer suggested that the City Council review the City's -10- i • COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 insurance coverage to ensure that it has proper protection. It was moved by Alderman Carls to instruct the City Administrator to pre- pare a report on the City's insurance for the next'City Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar. Alderman Carls amended his motion to have the report submitted to the first City Council meeting in June. The motion was seconded by Alderman Gruen - hagen and unanimously carried. 10. MISCELLANEOUS (a) COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Plotz reported on the League of Cities Conference to be held June 15 -18, 1982 in Rochester. He then requested permission for City staff and Council members to register for attendance at the Conference. It was moved by Alderman Beatty, seconded by Alderman Gruenfiagen, to approve attendance at the League of Cities Conference. Motion unanimously approved. Mr. Plotz also requested permission for Clarice Coston, Don Glas, Arnold Witte, Chad Piehl and himself to attend the Star Cities Conference on May 25 -26, 1982, with Ron McGraw and Irvin Burich as alternates. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar, seconded by Alderman Carls, to ap- prove attendance at the Star Cities Conference. Motion approved unanimously. Administrator Plotz stated he had been requested to ask the Council for per- mission for First State Bank of Stewart to be issued a permit to allow the use of a temporary facility by the site during construction of the permanent facility. Construction would begin about July 1, 1982, with anticipated occupancy by January 1, 1983. It was requested the permit be issued from July 1, 1982 to March 1, 1983. After discussion, Alderman Gruenhagen moved that the request be granted, upon approval of the Building Official, for the period July 1, 1982 to March 1, 1983. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. City Engineer Priebe pointed out that parking should be stipulated. Mr. Bill Fahey of Ehlers & Associates and City Administrator Plotz met with the County Commissioners today at 2:00 P.M. to discuss the amendment of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Development District No. 4. It was the consensus of the Commissioners to take no action on the tax increment fi- nacing. It was further reported that the two met with the School Board to- night regarding the amendment. A motion was made to disapprove, but it failed for lack of a second.so no action was taken by the School Board. -11- COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 The Research Committe on the Old Armory will meet at 7:00 P.M. on May 13, 1982. at City Hall. (b) COMMUNICATIONS FROM RON MCGRAW /TENNIS ASSOCIATION It was explained that the purpose of meeting with the Tennis Association again was to clarify the specified location for the two tennis courts in the proposed grant application. The grant application was submitted show- ing North Park, adjacent to the existing courts, as the location. Since then there had been concern that this might not be the best location. If there was a change in location, the staff would attempt to amend the appli- cation. The Tennis Association was represented by Ron McGraw and Geoff Docken.:: ~~. It was almost a unanimous consensus of the Association that North Park was the best location, although Mr. Ken Prihoda had expressed concern fromhe standpoint of the school. City Administrator Plotz stated that the long -range plan called for tennis courts in North Park in 1983, Jaycee Park in 1984 and Linden Park in 1985. After further discussion, it was moved by Alderman Mlinar that the location for the two tennis courts remain at North Park. Seconded by Alderman Gruen- hagen, the motion carried, with Aldermen Mlinar, Gruenhagen and Beatty.-Asnd Mayor DeMeyer voting aye and Alderman Carts voting nay. (c) COMMUNICATIONS FROM DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING City Engineer Priebe commented on a water problem involving two private properties. It was felt that grading for the property to the east would alleviate the problem, but one property owner did not want staking done. Alderman Gruenhagen stated he didn't believe it was the City's responsibility to deal with private property problems. It was up to the land owners to resolve the situation. (d) COMMUNICATIONS FROM ALDERMAN CARLS Alderman Carls commented that the Council had approved two tennis courts for the North Park location. He pointed out that no plan had been reviewed. He also wondered if the School Board had been notified of the location of the two proposed tennis courts. (e) COMMUNICATIONS FROM JIM MCCLURE Mr. Jim McClure requested a workshop with the City Council and Downtown Development Advisory Board to review his plans and proposals for the S &L project prior to the May 25, 1982 City Council meeting. -12- to COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 11, 1982 After discussion, a date of May 24, 1982 at 7:00 P.M. was established to hold a workshop on the S &L project. 11. CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS (a) VERIFIED CLAIMS It was moved by Alderman Gruenhagen, seconded by Alderman Beatty and carried unanimously, to approve the verified claims and authorize payment from the appropriate funds. 12. ADJOURNMENT' There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:34 P.M. upon motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alderman Beatty and unanimously carried. -13- 0 PUBLICATION NO. 2922 PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER: TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1982 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HMRING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Tuesday,_ May 25, 1982 at the hour of 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber of City Hall for the purpose of considering an amendment to the original Tax Increment Financing Plan as adopted and amended in order to accomplish the following modifications. A copy of the proposed amend- ment is on file with the City Clerk for inspection. 1. To provide for the rehabilitation and renovation of the S &L Building. according to a development agreement to be entered into between the' City and the Developer. 2. To acquire the S &L property within the Tax Increment District-and to carry out public improvements with respect thereto and sell the prop -' erty to the Developer at a reduced cost. 3. To provide for the beautification of public right -of -way abutting the S &L property. This hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson. At such hearing, all persons interested may be heard. April 28, 1982 Dated -d' CITY OF HUTCHINSON S & L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT IMPACT ON TAX BASE: 1 0 0 Original Future Original Projected Assessed Value Assessed Value Tax Assessed Assessed as Percentage as Percentage Jurisdiction Base Value Value of Jurisdiction of Jurisdiction City of Hutchinson $36,769,577 $36,206 $261,569 .0009845% .00711% I.S.D. #423 $67,097,911 .00053% .00389% McLeod County $156,813,393 .00023% .001667% IMPACT ON MILL RATES Potential Mill Rate Potential Decrease if Development Current Tax Increment Occurred without Tax Jurisdiction Mill Rate Generated Increment Financing City of Hutchinson 43.17 $9,729 .26 Mills I.S.D. #423 53.48 $12,052 .179 Mills McLeod County 26.73 $6,024 .038 Mills 1 0 0 o 0 EXHIBIT — 1.00 COMPUTER RUN FOR 0 �� ,� CITY OF HUTCHINSON: S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING PRINCIPAL $125'000 ` INTEREST RATE 10.5000% DATE OF BONDS 1982 INTEREST 1ST YR 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1909 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 TOTALS PRINCIPAL 10,000 5,000 5,O00 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 125,000 5/24/82 DENOM. BLOCK 5000 FIRST MATURITY 1982 .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' INTEREST 9,843.75 12,075.00 11,550.00 11,025.00 9,975.00 8,925.00 7'875.00 6,825.00 5,775.00 4,200.00 2,625.00 1,050.00 91,743.75 TOTAL 19,843.75 17,075.00 16,550.00 21,025.00 19,975.00 18,925.00 17,875.00 16,825.00 20,775.00 19,200.00 17,625.00 11,050.00 216,743.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1994 18,062 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1994 18,062 BOND YEARS 873.7500 AVE MATURITY 6.9900 . COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS 8 ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 ^ , � EXHIBIT - 1.10 COMPUTER RUN FOR E �� `� CITY OF HUTCHINSON: S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING 5/24/82 PRINCIPAL $125,000 INTEREST RATE 12.5000% DENOM. BLOCK 5000 DATE OF BONDS 1982 FIRST MATURITY 1984 INTEREST 1ST YR .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 11,718.75 11,718.75 1984 5,000 15,625.00 20,625.00 1985 5,000 15,000.00 20,000.00 1986 10,000 14,375.00 24,375.00 1987 10,000 13,125.00 23,125.00 1988 10,000 11,875.00 21,875.00 1989 10,000 10,625.00 20,625.00 1998 15,000 9,375.00 24,375.00 1991 15,000 7,500.00 22,500.00 1992 15,000 5,625.00 20,625.00 1993 20,000 3'750.00 23,750.00 1994 10,000 1,250.00 11,250.00 TOTALS 125,000 119,843.75 244,843.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1994 20,404 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1994 21,193 BOND YEARS 958.7500 AVE MATURITY 7.6700 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 EXHIBIT - 2.00 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF HU S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING PRINCIPAL $135,000 INTEREST RATE 10.5000% DATE OF BONDS 1982 INTEREST 1ST YR YEAR PRINCIPAL I 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 TOTALS 0 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 135,000 NTE| 5/24/82 DENOM, BLOCK 5000 FIRST MATURITY 1984 .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' REST TOTAL 10,631.25 14,175.00 13'650.00 13,125.00 12,075.00 11,025.00 9,975.00 8,925.00 7,875.00 6,300.00 4,725.00 3,150.00 1,050.00 116,681.25 10,631.25 19,175.00 18,650.00 23,125.00 22,075.00 21,025.00 19,975.00 18,925.00 22,875.00 21,300.00 19,725.00 23,150.00 11'050.00 251,681.25 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1.995 19,360 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1995 20,088 BOND YEARS 1,111.2500 AVE MATURITY 8.2315 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC.' INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 0 0 EXHIBIT - 2.10 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON| S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING ~ 5/24/82 PRINCIPAL $135,000 _______ _ INTEREST RATE 12.5000% DENOM, BLOCK 5000 DATE OF BONDS 1982 FIRST MATURITY 1984 INTEREST 1ST YR .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 12,656.25 12'656.25 1984 5,000 16,875.00 21,875.00 1985 5,000 16,250.00 21,250.00 1986 5,000 15,625.00 20,625.00 1987 10'000 15,000.00 25,000.00 1988 10,000 13,750.00 23'750.00 1989 10,000 12,500.00 22,500.00 1990 10,000 11,250.00 21,250.00 1991 15,000 10,000.00 25,000.00 1992 15,000 8,125.00 23,125.00 1993 15,000 6,250.00. 21,250.00 1994 20,000 4,375.00 24,375.00 1995 15,000 1,875.00 16,875.00 TOTALS 135,000 144,531.25 279,531.25 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1995 21,502 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1995` 22,240 BOND YEARS 1,156.2500 AVE MATURITY � 8.5648 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 EXHIBIT - 3.00 COMPUTER RUN FOR �� �� �� CITY OF HUTCHINSON: S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING 5/24/82 PRINCIPAL $145,000 INTEREST RATE 10.5000% DENOM, BLOCK 5000 DATE OF BONDS 1982 FIRST MATURITY 1984 INTEREST 1ST YR .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 11,418.75 11,418.75 1984 5,000 15,225.00 20,225.00 1985 5,000 14,700.00 19,700.00 1986 10,000 14,175.00 24,175.00 1987 10,000 13,125.00 23,125.00 2988 10,000 12,075.00 22,075.00 1989 10,000 11,025.00 21,025.00 1990 10,000 9075.00 19,975.00 1991 15,000 8,925.00 23,925.00 1992 15,000 7,350.00 22,350.00 1993 15000 5,775.00 20,775.00 1994 20,000 4,200.00 24,200.00 1995 20,000 2'100.00 22,100.00 TOTALS 145,000 130,068.75 275,068.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 19k TO 1995 21,159 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1995 21,971 BOND YEARS 1,238.7500 AVE MATURITY 8.5431 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 �� �� �� EXHIBIT - 3.10 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING PRINCIPAL $145,000 INTEREST RATE 12.5000% DATE OF BONDS 1982 ' INTEREST 1ST Y - 5/24/82 1)E-NOM. BLOCK 5000 FIRST MATURITY 1984 .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 13,593.75 13,593.75 1.984 5,000 18,125.00 23,125.00 1985 5,000 17,500.00 22,500.00 1986 10,000 16,875.00 26,875.00 1987 10,000 15,625.00 25,625.00 1.988 10,000 14,375.00 24,375.00 1.989 10,000 13,125.00 23,125.00 1990 15,000 11,875.00 26,875.00 1991 15,000 101000100 25,000.00 1992 15,000 8,125.00 23,125.00 1993 20,000 6,250.00 26,250.00 1994 20,000 3,750.00 23,750.00 1995 10,000 1,250.0-0 11'250.00 TOTALS 145,000 150,468.75 295,468.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1.982 TO 1.995 22,728 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1995" 23,490 BOND YEARS 1,203.7500 AVE MATURITY 8.3017 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS 8 ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 EXHIBIT - 4.00 COMPUTER RUN FOR 0 0 CITY OF HUTCHINSON| S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING PRINCIPAL $165,000 INTEREST RATE 10.5000% DATE OF BONDS 1982 INTEREST 1ST YR 5/24/82 DENOM, BLOCK 5000 FIRST MATURITY 1984 .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 12,993.75 12'993.75 1984 5,000 17,325.00 22,325.00 1985 5,000 16,800.00 21,800.00 1986 10,000 16,275.00 26,275.00 1987 10,000 15,225.00 25,225.00 1988 10,000 14,175.00 24,175.00 1989 10,000 13,125.00 23,125.00 1990 10,000 12,075.00 22,075.00 1991 15,000 11,025.00 26,025.00 1992 15,000 9,450.00 24,450.00 1993 15,000 7,875.00 22'875.00 1994 20,000 6,300.00 26,300.00 1995 20,000 4,200.00 24,200.00 1996 20,000 2,100.00 22,100.00 TOTALS 165,000 158,943.75 323,943.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1996 23,139 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1996 23,919 BOND YEARS 1,513.7500 AVE MATURITY 9.1742 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS 8 ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 EXHIBIT - 4.10 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON| S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING 5/24/82 PRINCIPAL $165,000 _______ INTEREST RATE RATE 12.5000% DENOM, BLOCK 5000 DATE OF BONDS 1982 FIRST MATURITY 1984 INTEREST 1ST YR .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 15,468.75 15,468.75 1984 51000 20,625.00 25,625.00 1985 51000 20,000.00 25,000.00 1986 5,000 19,375.00 24,375.00 1987 101000 18,750.00 28,750.00 1988 10,000 17,500.00 27,500.00 1989 10,000 16,250.00 26'250.00 1990 10,000 15,000.00 25'000.00 1991 15,000 13,750.00 28,750.00 1992 15,000 11,875.00 26,875.00 1993 15,000 10,000.00 25,000.00 1994 20,000 8,125.00 ' 28,125.00 1995 20,000 5,625. 0 25,625.00 1996 25,000 3,125.00 28,125.00 . TOTALS 165,000 195,468.75 360,468.75 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM i 1982 TO 1996` 25,748 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1996 26,538 BOND YEARS 1 563 . 7500 ^y AVE MATURITY 9.4773 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 EXHIBIT - 5.O0 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON: S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING PRINCIPAL $175,000 INTEREST RATE 10.5000% DATE OF BONDS 1982 INTEREST 1ST YR 5/24/82 DENOM. BLOCK 5000 FIRST MATURITY 1984 .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 13,781.25 13,781.25 1984 5,000 18,375.00 23,375.00 1985 5,000 17,850.00 22'850.00 1986 101000 17,325.00 27'325.00 1987 101000 16,275.00 26,275.00 1988 101000 15,225.00 25,225.00 1989 10,000 14,175.00 24,175.00 1990 10,000 13,125.00 23,125.00 1991 15^000 12,075.00 27,075.00 1992 15,000 10,500.00 25,500.00 1993 15,000 8,925.00 23,925.00 1994 20,000 7,350.00 27,350.00 1.995 20,000 5,250.00 25,250.00 1996 20,000 3,150.00 23,150.00 1997 10,000 1,050.00 11,050.00 TOTALS 175,000 174,431.25 349,431.25 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1.997 23,295 AVE DEBT SERVI CE FROM 1984 TO 1997 23'975 BOND YEARS 1,661.2500 AVE MATURITY 9.4929 COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1.981 Cl l F 2 EXHIBIT - 5.10 COMPUTER RUN FOR CITY OF HUTCHINSON: S&L TAX INCREMENT PROJECT DEBT SERVICE PLANNING 5/24/82 PRINCIPAL $175,000 INTEREST NTEREST RATE 12.5000% DENOM, BLOCK 5000 DATE OF BONDS 1982 FIRST MATURITY 1984 INTEREST 1ST YR .750 TIMES YEARS INTEREST' YEAR PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1983 0 16,406.25 16,406.25 1984 5,000 21,875.00 26,875.00 1985 5,000 21,250.00 26,250.00 1986 5,000 20,625.00 25,625.00 1987 10,000 20,000.00 30,000.00 1988 10,000 18,750.00 28,750.00 1989 10,000 17'500.00 27,500.00 1990 10,000 16,250.00 26,250.00 1991 15,000 15,000.00 30,000.00 1992 15,000 13,125.00 28,125.00 1993 15,000 11,250.00 26,250.00 1994 20,000 9,375.00 29,375.00 1995 20,000 6,875.00 26,875.00 1996 25,000 4,375.00 29,375.00 1997 10,000 1,250.00 11,250.00 ^ TOTALS 175,000 ^' 213,906.25 388,906.25 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1982 TO 1997 25,927 AVE DEBT SERVICE FROM 1984 TO 1997 26,607 BOND YEARS 1'711.2500 AVE MATURITY 9.7786 ° COMPUTER PROGRAM COPYRIGHT EHLERS & ASSOC., INC. 1981 C 1 F 2 0 MILLER, MILLER & MAC, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 246 H U T C H I N S O N , M I N N E S O T A Since 55350 1934 May 20, 1982 .�Prrc�- � //i it ✓. �.Pspy Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: Re: Tax Increment Financing S & L Rehabilitation After careful analysis by our accounting firm and our- selves, we feel that the above mentioned redevelopment project could not occur from private sources alone. Also that this project would not happen from private sources in a reasonable amount of time in the future. I feel the fact that the building that is presently located on the property has been vacant for five years strengthens that without the aid of Tax Increment Financing the project will not occur- Sincerely yours, Jim McClure Tel. 587 -3008 —do 0 • COUNTY OF McLEOD Glencoe, Minnesota 55336 LAWRENCE FIECKE, Chairman 1st District Phone (612) 485-2171 RFD 1, Winsted 55395 EARL MATHEWS 2nd District Phone (612) 864 -4771 Rt. 2, Glencoe 55336 MILO WACKER 3rd District Phone (612) 328 -4088 Rt. 2, Brownton 55312 HOWARD CHRISTENSEN 4th District Phone (612) 879 -4789 Rt. 1, Hutchinson 55350 LAWRENCE A. WENDORFF 5th District Phone (612) 587 -4079 Rt. 3, Hitchinson 55350 May 21, 1982 Mr. Gary Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue W. Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Mr, Plotz: 223242526 ,9 MAV 1 382 w UCEDW 4 ea BY-.....- -..-- M6 This merely confirms the_Board action on May ll regarding your revision of the City of Hutchinson Tax Tncrement_Program and Finance Plan as outlined in your May 7 letter. While it's recognized the project may benefit the City of Hutchinson reservations were raised about the appraised value of the S & L property and County -wide tax impact. After discussing their concerns the Board decided to take no position on your proposed revision. Please let us know if there are any questions about this action and keep the Board apprised on developments in this project. GR:jdh Since J Gee ;em. anni--Ex ecutive Secretary McLEOD COUNTY IS AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCH*N LEADER ! THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1982 PUBLICATION NO. 2921 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED PROJECT AND THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, MINNESOTA STATUTES, CHAPTER 474, AS AMENDED CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the -City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet on May 25 , 1982, at 8:30 o'clock .M., at the City Hall, 37 Washington Avenue West , in Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the pur- pose of conducting a public hearing on a proposal that the City issue revenue bonds, under the Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, as amended, in order to finance the cost of a project. The proposed project will consist of the acquisition, rehabilitation and renovation of the S & L Building located at the southeast corner of Main Street and First Avenue S.E. in the City (the Project) by Richard McClure and James McClure (the Borrowers). The Project is to be leased by the Borrowers to various tenants. The estimated total amount of the proposed bond issue is $900,000. The bonds shall be limited obligations of the City, and the bonds and interest thereon shall be payable solely from the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, except that such bonds may be secured by a mortgage and other encumbrances on the Project. No holder of any such bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the bonds or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any property of the City, except the - Project- should the City even acquire title, to it. A draft copy of the proposed application to the - Minnesota Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development for approval of the Project, together with all attachments and exhibits thereto, is available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, weekdays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. All persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place set forth above. Dated: April 28 , 1982. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL By Cit7 Cler 0 0 DORSEY, WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY $ HALLADAY 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST JOHN C. ZWAKMAN JOHN EUGEN WICKS L JOHNSON MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55-402 OHNW WRICHARST,JR. JOHNW JOHN P VPRICHARD JOHN P NTKO ( 612) 340 -2600 WILLIAMR S TH RICHARD G. S WA SWA NSON FAITH OHMAN DAVID RANHEIM CABLE: DOROW ROBERT J SILVERMAN THOMAS A MANTHEY TELEX: 29 - 0605 WILLIAMR HIBBS PHILIP F BOELTER TELECOPIER:(612) 340 -2868 WILLIAM B PAYNE ROBERT A. HEIBERG JOHN KIRBY 880 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 1150 RING BUILDING ROBERT A DAVID N FRONE�HK��R THOMAS W TINKHAM ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 120018TH STREET N.W. (612) 227 -8017 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 EMERY W BARTLE (202)2W2780 ST EEVENN K CHAMPTLIN P.O. BOX 848 (800) 424-2942 MICHAEL J. RADMER 340 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING JAMES LFLADENO ROCHESTER, MINNESOTA 55903 312 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING DAVVIEDSLABOE�E (507) 288 -3156 WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 MICHEL A LOOND DON D. CARLSON 612 470373 ( ) 6 PAULA $CHEERER 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING FMFMHJVOOIGT 8THIRD STREET NORTH 30 RUE LA BOETIE WILLIAM H. HIPPEE. JR. GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 59401 75008 PARIS, FRANCE 0BERT ROGER J MAGN ON (406) 727 -3632 TEL (1) 562 32 50 PETER S HENDRIXSON JAY F COOK STANLEY M. REIN CHARLES L. POTUZNK VERLANE L ENDORF May 21, 1982 MARILYNJ JUSTMAN TIMOTHY J. CARLN BARBARA! MCADOO JOSEPH UESCH JOHN LNDSTROM CRAIG DIVNEY THOMAS POPOVICH SUSANJ THOMPSON PRIUPM CHEN JOHN T KRAMER PAUL TORGERSON JOYCE M CONNELLY TMAOTHYJ WALSH JDSEPHC GONNELLA MARK HAMEL STEPHEN P KELLEY PAMELA A FERGEN CHERVIL GRASMOEN JAY SWANSON GARY L ORISBN RANDALL B OHM JAMES DORAN REGNAC WTLLIAMS-ROTAR JAMES B. LYNCH KEVIN W ROUSE DANIEL P O KEEFE CHARLESL SWEERIS MICHAELJ WAHOSKE LORI- IEANGILLE DDNALOM AMUNDSON ROY GINSBURG OF COUNSEL WALDO F MAROUART JOHN FINN LEWISL ANDERSON RWOLP14C LOW - ADMITTED N MONTANA 23,Z4 526pjJ`'.fl 8 �9a2 0 Mr. Gary Plotz �, IAN City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue Souther Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: In view of the questions recently submitted to us with respect to past bond issues of the City, perhaps it would be appropriate to point out here that in our capacity as Bond Coun- sel to the City we perform a fairly narrow and specific function that of giving to the City and the purchasers of an issue of bonds an opinion, upon which both the City and the purchasers may rely, as to the validity of the bonds, the security for the payment of the bonds, and the exemption of interest on the bonds from federal and state income taxes. It has become customary that Bond Counsel also draft the proceedings for issuance of the Bonds, and that has been our custom for most bond issues of the City of Hutchinson. We do not, in the normal course of proceed- ings, advocate a particular financing structure (i.e., the use of tax increments as compared with special assessments or ad valorem taxes), except to the extent a particular financing structure is required or forbidden by applicable laws. We will rarely comment upon the desirability of particular features of a proposed financing, particularly where the municipality has retained a financial consultant, except to the extent applic- able laws must be considered or we are asked specifically what our experience has been with a particular feature. Thus, for example, we would not question the need for a senior citizens' center or for parking improvements in the City of Hutchinson. We would (and did) discuss with the City various financing methods available to the City for those purposes, and then com- ment upon the legal difficulties, if any, presented by the 0 0 DORSEY, WINDHORST, H ANNAF ORD, WHITNEY 8, HALLADAY Mr. Gary Plotz Page 2 May 21, 1982 particular features of each financing method. Similarly, when we were advised, before the Parking Bonds were issued, that the City would like to be able to use tax increments to pay a portion of the debt service on the Parking Bonds, we did not question the desirability of doing so, but pointed out that it would first be necessary to amend Resolution 6637, which in our opinion could legally be done, and we therefore drafted the requested amend- ment (Resolution 6876). In short, then, as Bond Counsel we do not act as a financial consultant to the City, nor do we replace or make un- necessary the City Attorney. Rather, on the basis of our exper- ience in the area of municipal finance, we provide the City upon request, and bond purchasers when the bonds are issued, our opinion as to the validity of obligations evidencing the City's indebtedness and the proceedings for incurring that indebtedness—, Our firm has been active as Bond Counsel for more than 65 years. We value highly the relationship we have had over the years with the City of Hutchinson, its staff and City Attorney, and hope that relationship will continue. If you have any questions or comments concerning this matter, please let us know. _.. Very truly yours, i CDM:mp C. D. Mahoney, cc: Mr. James H. Schaefer Keefe, Schantzen & Schaefer 246 Main Street South Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 r • DORSEY & WHITNEY 40 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55402 612 1 340 -2600 CABLE DOROW TELEX: 24.0605 TELECOWER- o612t 310.2666 , 1982 Mr. Michael Mulrooney, Director Department of Energy, Planning & Development Business & Community Development Division 480 Cedar, Hanover Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. Mulrooney: We have reviewed a resolution adopted by the governing body of Hutchinson, Minnesota, on May 25, 1982, entitled "Resolution Giving Preliminary Approval to a Project Under the Municipal Industrial Development Act; Referring the Proposal to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development for Approval and Authorizing the Preparation of Necessary Documents" relating to a proposal that the City issue its revenue bonds under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, to finance, in whole or in part, a project to be owned by Richard McClure and James McClure ( the Borrowers) , and leased to various tenants. On the basis of our.review of the resolution and preliminary discussions with representatives of the Borrowers as to the nature of the project and the proposed financing, it is presently our opinion that the project constitutes a "project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.02, Subdivision la and that the municipality is authorized, assuming further proceedings are taken in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 474 and any other applicable law, to issue its revenue bonds as proposed by the resolution. Very truly yours, DORSEY & WHITNEY By Jerome P. Gilligan -J/-, CS;- 00424 -01 ;his Applica* must be submitted to the Comaksioner in duplicate. STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS SERVICES Application For Approval of Municipal Industrial Revenue Bond Project Date _ May 25, 1982 To: Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development Business Services 480 Cedar Street St. Paul, FN 55101 The governing body of Hutchinson County of McLeod Minnesota, hereby applies to the Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, Department of Energy, Planning and Development, for approval of this community's proposed municipal Industrial Revenue Bond Issue, as required by Section 1, Subdivision 7, Chapter 474, Minnesota Statutes. , We have entered into preliminary discussions with: Firm Richard L. and James M. McClure Address Hiahwav 7 West P.O. Box 248 COY Hutch; nson State Minnesota State of Incorporation Minnesota Residents zens Bank Attorney W.B. Haas Address CItt ding Hyi-r hi r,GC,n' M� i nnp__qota Name of Project Richard and James McClure Proiect This -firm is engaged primarily in (nature of business): General Construction The funds received from the sale of the Industrial Revenue Bonds will be used to (general nature of project): Acquire, rehabilitate and renovate the S & L Building located in the City. It will be located in Hutchinson, Minnesota The total bond issue will be approximately $ 900, 00 0 to be applied toward payment of costs now estimated as follows: Cost Item Land Acquisition and Site Development Construction Contracts Equipment Acquisition and Installation Architectural and Engineering Fees Legal Fees Interest during Construction Initial Bond Reserve Contingencies Bond Discount Other Amount $ 160,000 665,000 200.000 23.000 10.000 34.000 23,000 It is presently estimated that construction will begin on or about June 1 , 1982 , and will be conipleted on or about September 1 , 19ja. When completed, there will be approximately new jobs created by the project at an annual payroll of approximately S 600,000 - based upon currently prevailing wages. The tentative term of the financine is 20 years, commencing November i IC82 . The following exhibits are furnished with this application and are incorporated herein by reference: 1. .'An opinion of bond counsel that the proposal constitutes a project under Minnesota Stat., Chapter 474.02. 2. A copy of the city council resolution giving preliminary approval for the issuance of its revenue bonds. 3. A comprehensive statement by the municipality indicating how the project satisfies the public purpose of Minnesota Stat., Chapter 474.01. 4. A letter of intent to purchase the bond -issue or a letter confirming the feasibility of the project from a financial standpoint. 5. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing. authority, to the effect that upon entering into the revenue agreement, the information required by Minn. Stat., Ch. 474.01 Subd. 8 will be submitted to the Department of Energy, Planning and Development. 6. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing authority, that the project does not include any property to be sold or affixed to or- consumed in the production of property for sale, and does - not include any housing facility to be rented or used as a permanent residence. 7. A statement, signed by the principal representative of the issuing authority, that a public hearing was conducted pursuant to Minn. Stat. 474.01 Subd. 7b. The statement shall include the date, time and place of the meeting and that all interested parties were afforded an opportunity to express their views. - -8. A copy of the notice of publication of the public hearing. or appointed , We, the undersigned, are duly elected /representatives of Hutchinson , Minnesota, and solicit your approval of this project at your earliest convenience so that we may carry it to a final conclusion. Signed by: .(Principal Officers or Representatives of Issuing Authority) Mayor City Clerk This approval shall not be deemed to be an approval by the Commissioner or the State - of the feasibility of the project or the terms of the /3e&&$ to be executed or the bonds to be issued therefor. revenue agreement Date of Approval Commissioner Minnesota Department of Energy, Planning and Development ORTIFICATION OF MINUTES RATING TO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS Issuer: City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Governing Body: City Council Rind, date, time and place of meeting: A meeting, held on May 25, 1982, at o'clock .m., at Members present: Members absent: Documents Attached: Minutes of said meeting (pages): MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE COMMISSIONER OF ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL; AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the public corporation issuin the obligations referred to in the title of this certificate, certify that the documents attached hereto, as described above, have been carefully compared with the original records of said corporation in my legal custody, from which they have been transcribed; that said documents are a correct and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the governing body of said corporation, and correct and complete copies of all resolutions and other actions taken and of all documents approved by the governing body at said meeting, so far as they relate to said obligations; and that said meeting was duly held by the governing body at the time and place and was attended throughout by the members indicated above, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such recording officer this day of 1982. (SEAL) Signature Gary D. Plotz City Clerk Name and Title The Mayor stated that this was the time and place fixed by Resolution No. 7109 of this Council, adopted on April 27, 1982, for a public hearing on the proposal that the City undertake and finance a Project to be undertaken by Richard McClure and James McClure, Minnesota residents, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474, as amended. The City Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of the notice of the public hearing at least once not less than 15 nor more than 30 days prior to the date fixed for , the public hearing, in.the official newspaper of the City, which is a newspaper of general circulation throughout the City. The affidavit was examined, found to be satisfactory and ordered placed on file with the City Clerk. The Mayor then opened the meeting for the publi hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project. The purpose of the hearing was explained, the nature of the project and of the proposed revenue bonds were discussed, the draft copy of the Application to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development with all attachments and exhibits were available, and all persons present who desired to do so were afforded an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project, in response to which the following persons appeared, were recognized and made statements, summaries of which appear opposite their respective names: Name of Speaker Summary of Views After all persons who wished to do so had stated their views on the proposal, the Mayor declared the publi hearing to be closed. After some discussion, motion for the following Resolution was made by Member -2- RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT; REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE COMMISSIONER OF ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVAL; AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the Municipality), as follows: SECTION 1 Recitals and Findings 1.1. This Council has received a proposal that the Municipality finance a portion or all of the cost of a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474 (the Act), consisting of the acquisition, rehabilitation and renovation of the S & L Building located at the corner of Main Street and First Avenue S. E. in the City (the Project) by Richard McClure and James McClure, Minnesota residents, (the Borrowers). The Project is to be leased by the Borrowers to various tenants. 1.2. At a public hearing, duly noticed and held on May 25, 1982, in accordance with the Act, on the pr osal to undertake and finance the Project, all parties who appeared at the hearing were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposal to undertake and finance the Project. Based on such hear ng and such other facts and circumstances as this Council deems relevant, this Council hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: (a) The welfare of the State of Minnesota requires active promotion, attraction, encouragement and development of economically sound industry and commerce through governmental acts to prevent, so far as possible, emergence of blighted lands and areas of chronic unemployment, and the State has encouraged local government units to act to prevent such economic deterioration. (b) The Project would further the general purposes contemplated and described in Section 474.01 of the Act. -3- (c) The existence of the Project would add to the tax base of the Municipality, the County and School District in which the Project is located and would provide increased opportunities for employment for residents of the Municipality and surrounding area. (d) This Council has been advised by the Borrowers that conventional, commercial financing to pay the cost of the Project is available only on a limited basis and at such high costs of borrowing that the economic feasibility of operating the Project would be significantly reduced, but that with the aid of municipal borrowing, and its resulting lower borrowing cost, the Project is economically more feasible. (e) The Municipality is authorized by the Act to issue its revenue bonds to finance capital projects consisting of properties used and useful in connection with a revenue producing enterprise, such as that of the Borrowers, and the issuance of such bonds by the Municipality would be a substantial inducement to the Borrower to acquire and construct the Project. SECTION 2 Preliminary Approval of the Project 2.1. It is desirable for the Municipality to issue its revenue bonds under the provisions of the Act to inance the Project in the approximate amount of $900,000. 2.2. It is hereby determined to proceed with the Pro ect and its financing and the Project is hereby given preliminary approval by the Municipality and the issuance of revenue bonds of the Municipality in such amount is hereby approved, subject to the approval of the Project by the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development, the fulfillment of such other conditions as the Municipality may require with respect to the issuance of its bonds in connection with the Project, and the mutual agreement of this Council and the Borrowers as to the details of the bond issue and provisions for their payment. In all events, it is understood, however, that the bonds of the Municipality shall not constitute a charge, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property of the Municipality, except the Project, and each bond, when, as and if issued, shall recite in substance that the bond, including interest thereon, is payable solely from the revenues received from the Project and property pledged to the payment thereof, and shall not constitute a debt of -4- 0 0 the Municipality within the meaning of any constitutional or statuatory limitation. 2.3. The form of the Application to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development, with attachments, is hereby approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute said documents in behalf of the Municipality. 2.4. In accordance with Section 474.10, Subdivision 7a of the Act, the Mayor and City 'Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause said Application to be submitted to the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development for approval of the Project. The Mayor, City Clerk, City Attorney and other officers, employees and agents of the Municipality are hereby authorized and directed to provide the Commissioner with any preliminary information the , Commissioner may need for this purpose, and the City Attorney is authorized to initiate and assist in the preparation of such documents as may be appropriate to the Project, if it is approved by the Commissioner. SECTION 3 General 3.1. If the bonds are issued and sold, the Municipality will enter into a lease, sale or loan agreement or similar agreement satisfying the requirements of the Ac (the Revenue Agreement) with the Borrowers. The leas entals, installment sale payments, loan payments or other mounts payable by the Borrowers to the Municipality under the Revenue Agreement shall be sufficient to pay the principal, interest and redemption premium, if any, on the bonds as and when the same shall become due and payable. 3.2. The Borrowers have agreed and it is hereby determined that any and all direct and indirect costs incurred by the Municipality in connection with this Project, whether or not the Project is carried to completion, and whether or not approved by the Commissioner of Energy, Planning and Development, and whether or not the Municipality by resolution authorizes the issuance of the bonds, will be paid by the Borrowers upon request. 3.3. The Mayor and City Clerk are directed, if the bonds are issued and sold, thereafter to comply with the -5- provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, Subdivision 8. Adopted this day of 1982. Mayor Attest: City Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted and was signed by the Mayor whose signature was attested by the City Clerk. COMPREHENSIVE STATEMENT The undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota (the Municipality), certify that the City Council has been provided by Richard - M.crlure and James McClure, Minnesota residents, (the Borrowers), with certain information concerning a proposed Project under the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474. On the basis of such information the City Council, by resolution adopted May 25, 1982, has given preliminary approval to the proposed Project and the financing thereof by the issuance of revenue bonds of the Municipality. The following are factors considered by the Council in determining to give preliminary approval to the Project: 1. The Project consists generally of: Acquisition, rehabilitation and renovation of the S & L Building Located at t theast corner of Main Street and First Avenue S. E. in th City. 2. Bond Counsel is of the opinion that the Project constitutes a "project "'within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.02, Subdivision la. 3. Based upon an estimated total Project cost of acquisition, construction and equipping of $1,088,000,-it is the opinion of the City Council that the Project, when i completed, will add to the commercial tax base of the Municipality, the County and the School District in which the Project is located. 4. Representatives of the Borrowers estimate that upon completion of the Project, approximately .persons will be employed full and part -time in the operation of the Project, which would provide increased employment opportunity for the residents of the Municipality and surrounding area. 5. Representatives of the Borrowers estimate that the acquisition and construction of the Project will result in an annual payroll of approximately $600,00:0 based on wage rates currently in effect. The City Council believes that a substantial percentage of that payroll will be spent on housing, food and other goods and services in the Municipality and surrounding area, thus benefiting the local economy. The Municipality will provide the Minnesota Department of Economic Dev opment with the information required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, subdivision 8, upon entering into a revenue agreement, as defined in the Act, with the Borrower. The Project does not include any property to be sold or affixed to or consumed in the production of property for sale, and does not include any housing facility to be rented or used as a permanent residence. -2- A public hearing on the proposal to undertake and finance the Project was conducted.pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 474.01, subdivision 7b, on May 25, 1982, at 8:30 o'clock p.m., at the City Hall, at which public hearing all interested parties were afforded an opportunity to express their views. Mayor (SEAL) City Clerk -3- 4 � ARNE H. CARLSON STATE AUDITOR May 12, 1982 0 9 STATE OF MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE STATE AUDITOR SUITE 400 555 PARK STREET SAINT PAUL 55103 Mr. Gary D. Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: �A4Ra C� 10111213��,s'6+ MA paw ! 982 ti \z 9Z SZY3> 296 -2551 We have received your letter dated April 29, 1982 and the materials you sent. I must admit it represents a somewhat unusual attempt at establishing a business relationship. We are a professional audit organization and we are financed on a fee- for - service basis. We are subject to most of the considerations of running a business including staffing, scheduling, etc., and we must carefully determine our availability before we accept a work engagement. Our fee structure is based on hourly rates by class of employee. We record the time spent on jobs and bill based on that time, plus expenses. In my experience, at no time has anyone assumed that our office would undertake substantial work while at the same time contend with the largest law firm in the state for a share of $1,000. I can conjecture about the Council's motives. It appears that they are making efforts to resolve controversy, dispel rumor and get on with running the city, while at the same time, not incurring large costs. Such efforts are meritorious. However, this attempt may not be the answer. After reading the results of the solicitation of Council members' concerns it seems that the concerns vary from requests for general assurances to some vaguely stated uncertainties. They do not seem to be the appropriate subject of what could be a time - consuming and thus expensive review of all the city's projects and bond issues - the very fishing expedition we all agreed was unwanted. They seem to be items of such a nature that are best reported on to the Council by the City Attorney and, apparently, the Dorsey firm. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER _4MI0.® Mr. Gary Plotz May 12, 1982 Page Two ` of Two If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Elaine Hansen, Audit Manager. Very truly yours THOMAS M. GILBERTSON Legal Counsel TMG:pt cc: Mayor and Members of the City Council /71 (612) 879 -2311 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 12, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator SUBJECT: Questions Submitted on Tax Increment Financing The.questions regarding tax increment financing were to be submitted to my office on April 26, 1982. Only the questions submitted by Alderman John Mlinar.were submitted by the deadline. On April 29 the questions were submitted simultaneously to Arne Carlson, State Auditor, and Jerry Mahoney of the Dorsey law firm. There has been no response regarding our submittal as of May 12, 1982. I, therefore, have telephoned Arne Carlson and Jerry Gilligan and report the following. State Auditor Arne Carlson, State Auditor, advised me today by telephone that he received the correspondence and submittal of documentation. Mr. Carlson had requested Attorney Tom Gilbertson to draft a response to the City of Hutchinson. It will be receive& within the next couple of days. Significantly, Arne Carlson stated that he was unable to answer the questions within the financial limitations established by the City Council. Based on the questions submitted, Mr. Carlson stated that a minimum of one month's work time, and possibly longer, would be needed to enable an adequate response to the ques- tions. Using Mr. Carlson's estimates of a minimum of one month's time (22 work- ing days R $226 /per day), it would appear that a minimum of $5,000.00 may be a ballpark estimate to respond to the questions and information submitted. Hope- fully this correspondence that will be mailed shortly will give a further in- dication of their feelings. r Tax Increment Financing 7 May 12, 1982 Page 2 y Dorsey Law Firm � .cif. Today I contacted the Dorsey lbw firm. Mr. Jerry Mahoney was not available so I, therefore, talked to Jerry Gilligan regarding the status of the request. Mr4° Gilligan stated that he has reviewed the questions and materials submitted with Attorney Mahoney and that they do intend to submit written answers to the ques- tions. I reminded Mr. Gilligan that we are considering an amendment to the tax increment plan and a hearing will be held on May 25, 1982. Therefore, an early response to the questions is being requested. Mr. Gilligan stated he will make every effort to answer the questions by May 20 in order that they be included in your Council packet of Friday, May 21. Y p I /IDS r r ! MEJ 0 CITIZENS BANK & TRUST CO. May 17, 1982 J � � Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Gary: ���2,3�q.1516 f7�8�9�0 co O 11.1COE6Z Th,s wqoo000 )A4&d !ate �%PAA �,� ehe „v�•/t�sllr'fR/ Rear„ue 65oAt� Throughout the past several weeks I have been discussing possible financing for the proposed S $ L development with Jim McClure. It is my understanding that the entire project entails approximately $1.1 million in total costs and we have been requested to assist in financing $900,000 under an industrial revenue mortgage. Based on our discussions involving debt service and potential tenant income, it- is my opinion that this project is economically feasible. At this time we have not made a commitment for financing, but are interested in pursuing this possibility with several other participating creditors. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, s M. Ashfeld �eRoy r. Vic Presid LMA /cml 102 MAIN ST. SOUTH • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 • PHONE: (612) 587 -2233 oe ,e` ,a // 1poo N Z Q C e/ Ca li �` �stit Mr. Gary Plotz City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Gary: ���2,3�q.1516 f7�8�9�0 co O 11.1COE6Z Th,s wqoo000 )A4&d !ate �%PAA �,� ehe „v�•/t�sllr'fR/ Rear„ue 65oAt� Throughout the past several weeks I have been discussing possible financing for the proposed S $ L development with Jim McClure. It is my understanding that the entire project entails approximately $1.1 million in total costs and we have been requested to assist in financing $900,000 under an industrial revenue mortgage. Based on our discussions involving debt service and potential tenant income, it- is my opinion that this project is economically feasible. At this time we have not made a commitment for financing, but are interested in pursuing this possibility with several other participating creditors. If I can be of further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, s M. Ashfeld �eRoy r. Vic Presid LMA /cml 102 MAIN ST. SOUTH • HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA 55350 • PHONE: (612) 587 -2233 Thorsen Campbell Rolando & Lehne RSchard D. Thorsen, C.P.A. Robert S. Campbell. C.P.A. Charles L. Rolando, Jr., C.P.A. Floyd I. Lehne, C.P.A. Dennis D. McGill, C.P.A. Roger 1.Ooel, C.P.A. Suite 300 Parkdale Four 5353 Gamble Drive Minneapolis MN 55416 (612) 5464)404 S Certified Public Accountants r" 00 !o` ey `wow May 18, 1982 6819910, Mr. Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: Per your request, I have examined th6 additional information forwarded to me by the parties involved with the proposed industrial revenue mortgage to develop and renovate the S & L Building in Hutchinson. This information consists of: 1. Application for Approval of Municipal Industrial Revenue Bond Project - Dated April 23, 1982 2. Restaurant Market Analysis for City of Hutchinson 3. Letter from Citizens Bank & Trust Co. to City of Hutchinson dated May 17, 1982 Based upon the additional information listed above, the project appears to be financially viable with the addition of the proposed restaurant. This letter should be read in conjunction with our letter of April 6, 1982 enumerating our observations for the original project. We have not audited, reviewed or compiled any of the financial information submitted to us and we have not examined any underlying documentation used to prepare this financial information. We do not express any opinion as to the correctness of any of the financial information listed out in items 1 to 3 above. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, THORSEN, CAMPBELL, ROLANDO & LEHNE By (JZVA C.P.A. Roger J. Ocel Member of The American Group of C.P.A. Firms with offices in principal cities Thorsen Campbell Rolando & Lehne Richard D. Thorsen, C.P.A. Robert S. Campbell, C.P.A Charles L. Rolando, Jr., C -PA. Floyd J. Lehne, C.P.A. Dennis D. McGill' C P.A. Roger 1. ocel, C.P.A. Suite 30C Parkdale Fou, 5353 Gamble Drive Minneapolis MN 5541 E (612) 546 -04Ck 4 i i • • ?34E certified Public Accountants izi By April 6, 1982 E\ e r s ss�1 e s�a�£2 6� °�•, �ZlZO� Mr. Gary Plotz City of Hutchinson C R w tiJ Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 file FOR YOUR INFORMATIO Dear Gary: A� Per your request, I have examined the various financial documents forwarde, to me by the parties involved with the municipal industrial revenue bond project to develop and renovate the S & L Building in Hutchinson. This information consists of: 1. Miller, Miller, Miller & Mac, Inc. Corporate Financial Statements a. Year Ended March 319 1980 (Reviewed) b. Year Ended March 31, 1980 (Reviewed) c. Nine Months Ended December 31, 1981 (Compiled) 2. Personal Financial Statements a. Richard L. and Margery McClure - March 1, 1982 b. James M. and Janet McClure - March 1, 1982 3. Building Projections and Value for the Period August 1, 1982 to August 31, 1985. Based upon the information and projections forwarded to me, the project appears to be financially viable if the projections of cost and operation are accurate. I would recommend that either a sufficient down payment on the building be made or personal guarantees be obtained from the parties involved. Also, I would recommend that Miller, Miller and Mac, Inc. obta: a contractor performance bond for the project. We have not audited, reviewed or compiled any of the financial informatio: submitted to us and we have not examined any underlying documentation use, to prepare the financial information. We do not express any opinion as t the correctness of any of the financial information listed out in items 1 to 3 above. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, THORSEN, CAMPBELL, ROLANDO & LEHNE By CPA Ro r J. Ocel RJO /kl " Member of The American Group of C.P.A. Firms with offices in principal cit trees ID OPTION CONTRA4W For and in consideration of the sum of- .- _..___ One hundred and 00 /100-- - - - - -- - -- ------ --------------- __Dollars 4 ... 100 ._00) to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I hereby grant unto The City of Hutchinson Option for ____ ... ninety__ (9 0Z_days from the ...... ............0th ---------- _ -- day of - - -- X Ma -- -- -- 82 _____19.-_. to purchase, for the -- sum of_ __One _Hundred___Sixty- __Thousand__ and -_ -OOf 100- �__-- DOLL.4RS 0 the following described lands_.____ w__ ---------------- ____ --------- _. --- -------------- __situated in the County of_ —._ M�LeVdr . and State of.__.. Minnesota Lot Ten (10), Block Thirteen (13), South Half of City of Hutchinson Seller to pay first half of 1982 taxes payable and buyer to pay the second half of 1982 taxes payable. upon the following terms and conditions, to -wit: This option may be renewed for an additional ninety (90) days upon mutual agreement of both parties should substantial pro- gress be made on the project known as "The S & L Building Re- development Project ". Said Cif of Hutchinson shall signify his intention to take said property by due notice in writing, and shall. ,perform the con- ditions and comply w th the terms of this Option, all within the time above specified; and a failure to give such notice, and comply with the terms and perform the conditions hereof (except as herein- after provided), within the time specified, shall terminate this Option, and all rights thereunder without further act or notice whatsoever, time being the essence of this agreement. In case said notice shall be given in due time, but transaction is not completed, then thirty__ ( 30 ) days shall be given in which to examine titles, make conveyances and close the transaction. m� In Presence of nRon a ... Cdr UAIJ IV ___,_ City of Hutchinson hereby accept said Option and agree W to each and all of its terms. CITY OF HUTCHINSON In Presence of Bv: James G. DeMeyer, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, Clerk - ,*f9E Of MINNESOTA County of McLEOD_ sa. On this 2 0th day o f Ma-Y._.._________..._-_..d. D. 1.9-11.2—, before me, and for said County and State, personally appeared- _._MCG.rc33d._.__ - --- - - _..._to me known to be the same person described in and who executed the forejoinj instrument, and aeknowledjed that he executed the same as hi S_Erse act and deed. S N07ARY PUBLIC - MINNESMA McLEOD COUNTS Notary Pb1i1�McLo�1 �qg�� .% My Ccmmssron Expires Sept: 2 ,yW tatp at County of McLEOD NOta J On this 20th day of nY 19 82, before me a- --- within and for said County, personally appeared ames G. DeMeyer and Gary D. Plotz to me personally known, who, being? each by me duly sworn did say that thoy gre respeo- tively the_ Mayor __..__... $xaldmt and the- C 1 rk of the ,!s$ kRkVP;wmed In the Qre # , % in instrument, and that the seal apmed to said instrument is the cor grate a of said i . nd that said instrument was sijned and sealed in behalf of said � } i `� author- ity of its . ri�y ni,nni 1 and said__ -- -- .?amPC r nPM ayLmr and z ....aoknowled jed said instrument to be the free act and deed of aaic;/oorporan. V • • 0 _ Notate_ Public, McLeod County, MN 0 a ■ z z ■ r • 0 a 0 3 0 • 9 PUBLICATION NO. 2925 NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 82 -48 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota, will meet in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at 9:00 P.M. on Tuesday, May 25th, 1982, to consider the making of an improvement of: The Intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by: the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for safety lane, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.001 to 429.111. The estimated cost of such improvement is $ 5,000.00 Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement will be heard at this meeting. Dated: May 12th, 1982 2&�Av Gary D lotz, City Administrator PLEASE NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU ATTEND THIS HEARING, WHETHER YOU ARE FOR OR AGAINST THE PROJECT, IN ORDER THAT YOUR COUNCIL CAN BE BETTER INFORMED OF A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF OPINION. PUBLISHED IN THE HUTCHINSON LEADER ON THURSDAY, MAY 13TH, 1982, AND ON THURSDAY, MAY 20TH, 1982. '// -ef (612) 587- -5151 I] '/T Y OF HUTCH /NEON IVASHINGTON AVENUE WEST 3HINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 21, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project 82 -48 Dale Street and South Grade Road The following described property is required for right of way to do the proposed project: That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Alberts First Addition described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 1; thence North 29 degrees 47 minutes 31 seconds East along the westerly line of Lot 1, a distance of 32.55 feet; thence South 60 degrees 12 minutes 29 seconds East, a distance of 55.85 feet to a point in the south line of Lot 1; thence South 89 degrees 33 minutes 24 seconds West, along said South line, a distance of 64.64 feet to the point of beginning. A warranty deed transferring title is requested by Mr. Pittman. A drawing of same description is attached. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MvP /pv attachment - d 0 A.. LOT I BLACK I ' / h / ALBERTS 'FIRST AOOITION / .­­SOUTH GRADE--,ROAD--- - - / SCALE : 1° 1 10' / May 14, 1982 City Council City Hall 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mayor and Aldermen: • Hutchinson Fire Department Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 The Hutchinson Fire Department would like to request the use of the street on Third Avenue Southeast between Jefferson and Adams Streets on the date of June 6, 1982. There will be an Open House of the new Fire Station in the afternoon on that date, and we would like to block off an.area for safety purposes. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, k6 W- je /t4,- Z! Lloyd Schlueter Fire Chief LS:ms (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: May 18, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary SUBJECT: Appointment to Hospital Board ---------- r---------------- - - - - -- Mr. Philip Graves, Hospital Administrator, has been in communication with me regarding the term:. of, Mrs. Dale Ewald on the Hospital Board. The Board thought Mrs. Ewald`s term should expire in 1982. After doing research, I found the following. According to the City Council minutes dated June 28, 1977 (see attached), Mrs. Dale Ewald was appointed to the Hospital Board for a five -year term. The minutes state her term would expire in March 1983. Also, the file card indicates an ex- piration date of March 1983. My mathematical ability tells me that 1977 to 1982 is five years; therefore, an error must have been made in calculating the expiration date at the time she was appointed. Her term should have expired March 1982. Mrs. Ewald is agreeable to being re- appointed to the Hospital Board for another five -year term. cc: Philip Graves, Administrator ,s c. �J Council Minutes, June 28, 1977 (b) CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYEES' PROBATIONARY PERIOD: 1. BASIL BELL 2. FLOYD GROEHLER 3. DOUGLAS MEIER Due to an arthritic condition, Mr. Basis Bell will be seeking different employment but will continue to work for the City on a temporary basis without the benefits of sick leave, paid vacation or paid holidays until such time as another position is found. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to approve the permanent appointment of Floyd Groehler in the Park Department. Motion carried unanimously. After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alde tan B. Peterson, to approve the permanent appointment of Douglas Meier in the Street Department. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION OF RECOMMENDATION TO APPOINT MRS. DALE EWALD TO HOShTAL BOARD - The Hosipital Board has recommended the appointment of Mrs. Dale Ewald to fill the five -year term of the sixth board member created in Ordi- nance No. 533 (amending Ordinance No. 288). After discussion, it was moved by Alderman Haag, seconded by Alderman B. Peterson, to ratify the appointment of Mrs. Dale Ewald to the Hos- pital Board for a five -year term to expire March. 1983. Motion carried unanimously. 6. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES (a) ORDINANCE NO. 10177 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 464 CONCERNING ZONING REGULATIONS IN THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (DEFERRED JUNE 14, 1977) City Engineer /Public Works Director Priebe reported that the required easement still has not been received in his office. Mayor Black deferred Ordinance No. 10/77 until such time as the ease- ment has been received by the City Engineer /Public Works Director. (b) RESOLUTION NO. 5977 - COMMENDING JAN CUMMING After discussion, it was moved by Alderman B. Peterson, seconded by Alderman Haag, to waive reading and adopt Resolution No. 5977 entitled Commending Jan Cumming. Motion carried unanimously. 0 • 0 • (612) 587 -5151 '/T Y OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST .-HINSON, MINN. 55350 May 19, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: TRANSIT COORDINATOR, RE: SPRING TRANSIT CONFERENCE - MAY 26 and 27 Attached is information concerning the Spring Transit Conference jointly sponsored by Minnesota Dept. of Transportation and the Minnesota Public Transit Association. A representative of the City has attended this conference each year. It has proved to be very informative in the past and it is a budgeted item. Confirmation of Transit Coordinator's attendance at the conference is requested. Registration is $25. k ���iNESOT� bO. 110 n '�. � r �u � - O FyT 5Q OF TaA� N Iitncsola Department of "I- ninsportalinn Transportation Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 May 17, 1982 Dear Transit Grant Recipients: 617� 9"O� MAY 1982 w o RECEI A V,- v � 8Y__ _ yti ti 2V Pholic, 612/296 -8532 I believe the Spring Transit Conference set for next Wednesday and Thursday at McGuires in St. Paul will prove worthwhile. We join with the EFTA in urging your attendance and participation on the 26th and 27th. With the complexities of public funding becoming more and more perplexing, our ability to successfully promote ongoing financial support needs many creative approaches that can be brought together through a broad representation of transit operators. I hope you will be able to join in with us as we continue building on the experiences many of the providers are wanting to share with you. . Sincerely, pw�41- ��4V4 Peter A. Fausch Assistant Commissioner Program Management Division An Equal f)ppnrlunily Ernpl!oyrr 5 'd May 26th - MPTA - MOT ' 8:00 -9:15 Registration - Coffee CONFERENCE AGENDA MAY 26 - 27, 1982 9:15 -9:30 Welcome 9:30 -10:30 Peter Fausch, Assistant Commissioner, MDOT 10:30 -10:45 Break 10:45 -11:45 Budget Process for •84 -85 Al Schenkelberg 12:00 -1:30 Luncheon Speaker Peter Shauer Shauer & Associates, St. Louis 1:30 -2 :30 Federal Perspective Representative from UMPTA - Chicago 2:30 -2 :45 Break 2:45 -4 :00 Political Forum Statements, Questions & Answers •'. Candidates for Governor & Senate 4:00 -6 :00 MPTA Business Meeting 6:00 -7:30 Attitude Adjustment May 27th - • !S • 9:00 -10:00 OTA - Bob Works 1984 Funding Allocation Changes 10:00 -11 :00 Workshop - Public Relations & Marketing without funds Peter Shauer 11:00 -12:00 Specialized Transportation Regulation Don Wickstrom, Rates and Regulations Bart Cedergren, Emergency Medical Training 12:00 -2 :00 Luncheon and Discussion State Perspective Rep. Carolyn Rodreguez Senator Clarence Purfeerst Bob Andre, Association of Counties Duke Addicks- League of Cities 2 :10 -2 :15 Break 2 :15 -3:15 OTA Bob Works 3 :15 -3:30 . Wrap -up y P.O. BOX ) Hugo, Oklahoma 74743 405- 326 -3173 12 May 1982 Hutchinson City Hall City Clerk 37 Washington Ave. West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 MAY 1982 �N RECDVEU N ti CARSON & BARNES CIRCUS would like to make application for a permit from the City Council of Hutchinson, Minnesota for our Circus to give two performances at the McLeod County Fairgrounds on Monday July 5, 1982 at 2:00 & 8:00 P.M. Concessions consist of Sno- cones, cotton candy, candy apples, coke and peanuts. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, frraine C. e*ector ional NNEM&I aUNNMONMEMIUM Mow9N J 0 -__ ... � -_� r:..r.,_`�U, �'�^.• ' i _so_N City Council ?'utc:�i n. 53350 7,ea.r City Councilmen: 23���S .0 LD v C w .0 9 9 V it is ry earnest desire to obta.i:. the use of the band- stand fir_ the fiddle of T'utc`iinson's dog °nto:'.n area do, rune 19, 1082 fro:: a.ppro..imately 3:30 to 7:30 p.n. e, of 'ord of Life's youth group r;ould very much like to offer :_iutchinson an evening of free listening to a goo -' quality local christian band at the expense of our church. The Till Green::ood 3a.nd �.ould be geared toiiarCl s 7utchinson's youth in their contemporary style of music and co-medy approach. i know to:.ay' s young people have a need to get bac'_> to basic 75ible principles in our nation, and feel that the youth in ' utchinson deserve this alternative also. "e .pope you mill co__sider our request and alloy: us the use of the par't's bandstand and surrounding areas if you have any further questions you Lialy contact ne, ?ev. Geana vans, Youth Paster, :ord of Life Fellor-ship, Lutchinson, "n. ny phone number s Sincerely, keV Cy,-q- ,VIA Eyg-� Dev. Geana Evans Youth I'laStor G i7' /c e s-G 0 i (612) 587 -5151 f/UTCH' CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M DATE: —May 24, 1982- - - - - -- TO: Mayor and City Council FROM; Marilyn Swanson, Administrative Secretary - --, - - - - - -- -------------------- sUBJECT: Request for Use of Library Square - -- — — — — r — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — Today I received a phone call from the Rev. Geana Evans, Youth Pastor, stating that the date for the use of Library Square should have been Friday, June 18 rather than June 19 as stated in her letter... DORSEY, WI•NDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY & HALLADAY MARLINJ ANTMAN TIMDT —J CARL& OARBWAJ M4D00 JOSEPHR LESCH JDI.NH LNDSTROM CRAG D DIYP EY THOMAS FOFOVK>4 SUSAN )THOM►SON P"-JPM CHEN JOHN KPAMER PAM TORGERSON JOY OEM CONNELLY TAOINYJ WALSH JOSEPH GONAEL A MARK E HAAEL STE PMEN A KELLEY PAMELA A. FERGEH CHERYL GRASMOEN JAY SWANSON GARY L. SRISSN RANDALL E OHM JAMESR DORAN REGINA WaLML6ROW1 JAAESO LYNCH KEY W ROUSE D—WA P OKEEFE ONAA SJ WAHDSa LORI- EANGLLE DONALD M. AMUNDSON ROY A GINSOLP* OF CQ>tBEL WALDOF MAR WART JOHN FNN LE-15 L RUDOLiYi� -ADMITTED N MONGNA ,`�o IMP Mr. Gary Plotz °` MAY W2 NN City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue South ti Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 895 -P £2� Dear Mr. Plotz: By letter to us dated April 29, 1982, you have for- warded to us a copy of Councilman Mlinar's memorandum to Mr. Schaeffer and you, dated April 7, 1982, and have asked that we respond to the questions contained therein. Enclosed with your letter were two volumes of materials, entitled "Tax Incre- ment Documentation" (Tax Increment Documents ") and "Parking and Senior Citizens Projects Documentation" .( "PSC Documents "). By letter dated April 30, 1982, you have provided us copies of additional items listed in that letter. The questions submitted to us, and our responses, follow. 1. Reference to Resolutions 6636 and 6637, page 4, Section 1.02. Are there documents indica- ting purchases of part of the Evergreen complex for use as a Senior Citizen Center? Are other neces- sary documents in order for this purchased property? Who are the owners of the Evergreen Complex? Included in the PSC Documents are copies of a Land Disposition Agreement, dated January 31, 1980, an Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement, dated November 19, 1980 (together, the "Land Agreement "), and a Developer's Agreement and Conveyance, dated November 21, 1980 (the "DAC Agreement ") each between the City and Hutchinson Partners (the "Partner- ship"). By the Land Agreement the City agrees to sell and S- 2200 FIRST BANK PLACE EAST PEF KkAADAY JO_C 7wwMM+ R SE °'MNDOu W LNJChASr D.AJ04 '°'+'R"JD JO_ - L JOMSW Y. vmlc� R MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 HOF�^EIITO WIC. MO sc FA78.AA J JO..+S X.-- JO..� A S� 16121 rMSSEL0.AIT EL T" SOT. DOR CEO DORSEY CLOrMLP FLIVNERY GRTbL FOY PIC-00 — &LT -LOG SYNAr60FN r ? L O+AAN GA �•A Rwy,Ew CABLE: DOROW ARrAUP E WEISBHLG DuA•E E JOSEPH ROSSE­ J 5a.%RAMN TOLMS R M NT,EY TELEX: 20 -0605 "'NE SS YESSEY WLJJAMA WCTLOCK Y.L:MM R H63$ P__FF EOEJEN TELECOPIER:(612)340. 2868 EDWAICJ SCHWAFIr$BAUER WLL"E PAYNE T -CAMS M 6AOWN COPMEAn D LMHO'ECR RO°EATA HESERG JO—r KPE• 880 W -FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 1150 RING BUILDING C D� FRDNx �"� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 120018TH STREET N.W. EAMER LITTLE " (612) 227 -8017 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036 .o.+J TAYLOR JON ENE" W 6wrLE (202) 2962780 JO.^S He � K O-M�ia L� PO. BOX 848 (800) 424 -2942 o FIOTTEN bOtAE` "vaE:^ 340 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING N., - JD.I. - LtSTPA POOL JSTWNK "0"�TMx'AR Jw.ESw FLAMER ROCHESTER. MINNESOTA 55903 312 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING MOMELw OLSON D-TOL SOE+.BN (507) 288 -3156 WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 aJOYEOF�S HA DO. 0 r � (612) 475.0373 G LAAW, GRLFRTH OLAG A BECK FAIAJ SCHEEFER MqJ wJ IEAFEi 201 DAVIDSON BUILDING DOWCL Md ISEY FRAARH YOCT 8 THIRD STREET NORTH 30 RUE LA BOETIE.. THOMAS o MOE JD--- ROBERT H HF�T JFL B.lNs GREAT FALLS, MONTANA 58401 75006 PARIS. FRANCE MASON MASON ROGOAJ M (4(16) 727 -3632 TEL (i) 562 32 50 LOREk LDIBp R KNOTT A PMSE PETER& IORD30 1W F DO H901O60H C FE.A9EC JO .40N .40 STAN EY M REIN OMRESJ HALJb6TEN �wGM O.MRESL ONDO �L CHA-RJ SL YER�LE,GDRF May 20, 1982 MARLINJ ANTMAN TIMDT —J CARL& OARBWAJ M4D00 JOSEPHR LESCH JDI.NH LNDSTROM CRAG D DIYP EY THOMAS FOFOVK>4 SUSAN )THOM►SON P"-JPM CHEN JOHN KPAMER PAM TORGERSON JOY OEM CONNELLY TAOINYJ WALSH JOSEPH GONAEL A MARK E HAAEL STE PMEN A KELLEY PAMELA A. FERGEH CHERYL GRASMOEN JAY SWANSON GARY L. SRISSN RANDALL E OHM JAMESR DORAN REGINA WaLML6ROW1 JAAESO LYNCH KEY W ROUSE D—WA P OKEEFE ONAA SJ WAHDSa LORI- EANGLLE DONALD M. AMUNDSON ROY A GINSOLP* OF CQ>tBEL WALDOF MAR WART JOHN FNN LE-15 L RUDOLiYi� -ADMITTED N MONGNA ,`�o IMP Mr. Gary Plotz °` MAY W2 NN City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue South ti Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 895 -P £2� Dear Mr. Plotz: By letter to us dated April 29, 1982, you have for- warded to us a copy of Councilman Mlinar's memorandum to Mr. Schaeffer and you, dated April 7, 1982, and have asked that we respond to the questions contained therein. Enclosed with your letter were two volumes of materials, entitled "Tax Incre- ment Documentation" (Tax Increment Documents ") and "Parking and Senior Citizens Projects Documentation" .( "PSC Documents "). By letter dated April 30, 1982, you have provided us copies of additional items listed in that letter. The questions submitted to us, and our responses, follow. 1. Reference to Resolutions 6636 and 6637, page 4, Section 1.02. Are there documents indica- ting purchases of part of the Evergreen complex for use as a Senior Citizen Center? Are other neces- sary documents in order for this purchased property? Who are the owners of the Evergreen Complex? Included in the PSC Documents are copies of a Land Disposition Agreement, dated January 31, 1980, an Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement, dated November 19, 1980 (together, the "Land Agreement "), and a Developer's Agreement and Conveyance, dated November 21, 1980 (the "DAC Agreement ") each between the City and Hutchinson Partners (the "Partner- ship"). By the Land Agreement the City agrees to sell and S- DORSEY. WINDMORST, MANNAFORD.WMITNEY & MALLADAY Mr. Gary Plotz Page 2 May 20, 1982 convey to the Partnership certain land and the Partnership agrees to buy the land and construct thereon an apartment building. Section 2 of the Amended Land Agreement provides that the apart- ment building will include a senior citizens' center to be built by the Partnership and conveyed by the Partnership to the City "for the economic life of the apartment building" in accordance with the terms of the DAC Agreement. The Land Agreement recites that.the purpose of the DAC Agreement is to establish a "split fee" to the apartment building property, so that the City would own the senior citizens'.center, and the Partnership would own the balance of the property. By Resolution 6637, adopted November 12, 1980, the City authorized the issuance of its General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds, dated November 1, 1980 (the Series 1980 Bonds) in the principal sum of $650,000, the proceeds of which were to be used to pay the cost of a Project consisting generally of the senior citizens' center and railroad line relocation, plus financing fees and expenses. (See Resolution 6637, sections 1.02 and 1.03.) In our capacity as Bond Counsel with respect to the Series 1980 Bonds, we received and reviewed the Land Agreement and the DAC Agreement. It was our opinion that the acquisition of the senior citizens' center was a purpose for which the City was authorized by applicable laws to issue the Series 1982 Bonds. Because our involvement in the senior citizens' center project was as Bond Counsel, we were not asked, and accord- ingly did not, provide any legal opinion as to title to the apartment building site or the senior citizens' center or the filing or recording of any real estate documents. Accordingly, although we have assumed that the Partnership would take fee title to the apartment building site and convey the senior citizens' center to the City, we have not examined any real estate records to determine ownership of the property in question. Con - sequently, we cannot, in any definitive way, advise the City what additional documents, if any, are necessary to establish the City's interest in the senior citizens' center or as to the owner- ship of the apartment building generally. 2. Reference to Resolutions 6636 and 6637, page 12, Section 4.03: "The City hereby IRREVOCABLY appropriates all the Tax Increment Revenue to the Bond Fund - -- ect." Reference to page 13, Section 4.06: In the first sentence, IRREVOCABLY is also used. In both of these cases or others, is it not the intent that they are not to be changed? 0 0 ! • DORSEY. WINDHORST, HANNAF ORD. WHITNEY S KALLADAY Mr. Gary Plotz Page 3 May 20, 1982 Certain use of the word "Irrevocably" states or suggests an intent that a provision is not to be changed. This, however, is not a critical question. The critical question it whether, not withstanding this statement, a provision can be changed which is the next question submitted to us. 3. Can there be any changes in the resolutions after the deliverance of the Bonds? Courts have construed a bond resolution (i.e., a reso- lution, ordinance or other legislative act, such as Resolution 6637, authorizing Bonds -to be issued, specifying their terms and details, and prescribing the security for payment of the Bonds) to be a contract between the issuer and the purchasers of the bonds.. Courts, including the Minnesota Supreme Court, have stated that there is no absolute bar to subsequent modifica- tion by an issuer of its own contractual obligation. Whether a bond resolution may lawfully be amended by the issuer, without the consent of bondholders, depends on whether the amendment constitutes an unconstitutional impairment of contract under the Constitution of the United States and the State of Minnesota. The analysis for state and federal purposes is essentially the same. In analyzing this constitutional question, a court would apply two main criteria. First, whether the modification is reasonable and necessary to serve an important public purpose, and second, whether the bondholders' security was adversely effected by the modification. By Resolution 6876, adopted June 30, 1981, the Hutchinson City Council amended Section 4.04 of Resolution 6637 to provide that the City Council could, in its discretion, appropriate excess tax - increment revenues (i.e., tax increment revenues not needed in any year to pay the.principal of and interest on the Series 1980 Bonds and any additional bonds issued on a parity therewith in accordance with Resolution 6637) to the payment of principal of and interest_ on the City's Parking Improvement Bonds, dated August 1, 1981 (the "Parking Bonds "). If and to the extent such an appropriation of excess tax increments is made by the City Council in any year, the ad valorem taxes levied on all taxable property in the City to pay a portion of the principal of and interest on the Parking Bonds could be reduced. Resolution 6876 was drafted by us, after consultation with City officials and the financial consultant to the City, because we understood that the City wanted at least to have the option of using excess tax increments, as discussed above, in order to reduce the ad valorem taxes levied for pay- ment of a part of the debt service on the Parking Bonds. DORSEY, WINDHORST. HANNAFORD, WHITNEY B HALLADAY Mr. Gary-Plotz Page 4 May 20, 1982 This amendment of Resolution 6637 does not appear to constitute an unconstitutional impairment of contract. The Tax Increment Finance Plan, which preceded the adoption of Resolution 6637, contemplated the use of tax increments to finance downtown parking improvements. Our letter to Mr. Plotz, dated June 9, 1980, again preceding the adoption of Resolution 6637, addressed the use of tax increments to finance surface parking lots in the downtown business district. The use of tax increments to finance the cost of acquisition and improvement of municipal parking lots is,- we believe, beyond question. Further, we concluded the amendment of Resolution 6637 did not impair the security for pay- ment of the Series 1980 Bonds for three reasons. First, the Series 1980 Bonds are general obligations of the City, secured by the pledge of the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City, and Resolution 6876 does not detract from that security. Second, in Section 4.07 of Resolution 6637, the City reserved the right to issue additional bonds payable from the same fund as that established for payment of the Series 1980 Bonds (and therefore, presumably, payable on a parity from tax increments) to finance costs "of other projects to be undertaken by the City within the District pursuant to the Plan." Third, Resolution 6876 does not actually dedicate tax increments to payment of Parking Bonds, but only permits the excess tax increments, i.e., the tax increments remaining in any year after provision for payment of the Series 1980 Bonds (and any additional bonds which may be issued on a parity pursuant to Section 4.07 of Resolution 6876) to pay principal of and interest on the Parking Bonds. 4. Are the resolutions /bonds (105% rule) in accordance with N'Linn. Statutes? Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, subdivision 1, provides in part: The governing body of any.municipality issu- ing general obligations shall, prior to delivery of the obliga- tions, levy by resolution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the municipality to be spread upon the tax rolls for each year of the term of the obligations. The tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues pledged for the pay- ment of said obligations, will produce at least five percent in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the obligations. • • DORSEY ,WINDHORST, MAN NAFORD,WHITNEY & MALLADAY Mr. Gary Plotz Page 5 May 20, 1982 . In Resolution 6875 (the bond resolution for the Parking Bonds), this provision was complied with by the agreement to levy special assessments (Section 4.04) and the levy of ad valorem taxes (Section 4.05). In Resolution 6637 (the bond resolution for the Series 1980 Bonds) this provision was complied with by the findings (Sections 4.05 and 4.06) that the estimated collec- tion of tax increments will be sufficient to provide such amounts. We, therefore, conclude that the 105% requirement of Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, is satisfied. r 5. Do the resolutions fit the financial plan? In responding to this question, we assume that the "financial plan" referred to is the City's Tax Increment Plan and the resolution referred to is Resolution 6637. From our re- view of Resolution 6637 and the Tax Increment Plan it appears that the anticipated use of the proceeds of the Series 1980 Bonds, as recited in Resolution 6637 and the other resolutions relating to the authorization, issuance and sale of the Series 1980 Bonds, is in accordance with the City's Tax Increment Plan. 6. Is the parking bond resolution Tax Increment? Resolution 6875 is the bond resolution for the Parking Bonds. The Parking Bonds are general obligation bonds issued .pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 459.14 and Chapter 475. Tax Increment revenues are not specifically pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Parking Bonds. As previously stated, the City Council in its disctetion in any year may appropriate tax increments remaining in any year after provision for payment of the Series 1980 Bonds (and any additional bonds which may be issued on a parity pursu- ant to Section 4.07 of Resolution 6876) for the payment of princi- pal of and interest on the Parking Bonds. If the City Council determines to do this it would.then be able in those years to reduce the ad valorem taxes levied pursuant to Resolution 6875 to provide the moneys needed to pay principal of and interest on the Parking Bonds. Therefore, although the Parking Bonds are not tax increment bonds issued under the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 273.77, it is possible that tax increments may be used to pay a portion of the principal of and interest on the Parking Bonds under certain circumstances in the discretion of the City Council. DORSEY. WINDHORST, HANNAFORD, WHITNEY S HALLADAY Mr. Gary Plotz May 20, 1982 Page 6 7. Can our present Bonds /Resolutions /Tax Increment be used to repair or maintain public build- ings? 8. In reference to n7, can it be used for new construction of public buildings? While it is clear that tax increments may be used for the construction and repair of public buildings, each proposed use of tax increments for a public building must be analyzed on a case by case basis. The question turns on whether this use of tax increments encourages economic development within the City and serves to improve the tax base and increase employment opportunities. An example of tax increments being used to finance a public building is the Hutchinson senior citizen center. The construction of the senior citizen center served to encourage the construction of the apartment complex, thereby providing necessary housing in the City and increasing the tax base. Without the senior citizen center it is unlikely that the apart- ment complex would have been constructed. Generally, the financing of the construction and repair of public buildings through tax increments must be in situations designed to encourage the location or retention of industrial, commercial or housing facilities in the City and may not be done for the primary purpose of providing the public building. 9. Are there ANY legal concerns about any of the above numbered resolutions? If yes, please list. We drafted each of the resolutions referred to in this question. We believe that they are in conformance with the various requirements of state and federal laws in existence at the time they were adopted. We look forward to discussing the matters addressed in this letter with the members of the City Council and you at the meeting on May 25th. If you have any further questions or require any further clarification prior to that time, please give us a call. Very truly yours, JPG:mp ?Jerom P. Gilli n 0 May 13, 1982 (612; 587 -5151 'I i Y OF NUT CHINSOfJ NASHINGTON AVENUE WEST .HINSON, MINN. 55350 Attorneys Jerry Gilligan and Jerry Mahoney Dorsey, Windhorst, Hannaford, Whitney & Halladay 2200 First Bank Place East Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Dear Atty. Mahoney & Gilligan: I hereby request your attendance at the City Council meeting of May 25, 1982 at 7:30 P.M., Council Chambers. It would be appropriate to be available for the following topics: 1. Review of your firm's written answers to the tax increment ques- tions submitted on April 29, 1982 2. 'Comment on the legality of the tax increment amendments and finance plan revisions for the S &L project 3. Comment, if necessary, on the proposed industrial revenue bond /note of $900,000.00 for Richard and James McClure Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, CITY OF HUTCHINSON Gary D. lotz City Administrator GDP:ms b S 0. RESOLUTION NO. 7134 CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION FOR PURCHASE 0 The Hutchinson City Council authorizes the purchase of the following: ITEM COST PURPOSE DEPT. BUDGET VENDOR Compactor 1061.42 Trench Compactor Street yes Dehns Four Seasons Sander Unit 1590.00 Sanding Street 2 items Itasca Equipment total within budget The following items were authorized due to an emergency need: ITEM COST PURPOSE__ DEPT. BUDGET-- VENDOR Belts/ Upper $ Lower 2880.00 Carter Press Belts Sewer yes Merkel Sales Date Approved: Resolution submitted for Council action Motion made by: by: Seconded by: 9 tom. � VV Fund. 0 • RESOLUTION NO. 7136 TRANSFERRING $10,000 FROM LIQUOR STORE TO GENERAL FUND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT $10,000.00 is hereby transferred by the Liquor Store to the General Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of May, 1982. James G. DeMeyer Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. Plotz City Clerk CITY OF HUTCHINSON t FINANCIAL REPORT FOR April, 1982 REVENUE REPORT CURRENT ADOPTED YEAR TO MONTH BUDGET DATE AMOUNT $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 Description TAXES LICENSES PERMITS AND FEES . FINANCING FEES INTER - GOVERNMENT REVENUE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND CFIARGES FOR SERVICES FINES AND FORFEITS SALE OF EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUE FOR OTHER AGENCIES 000 1,577.00 3,297.82 000 4,534.62 250.00 15,069.53 2,651.00 000 14,002.59 20,000.00 229.18 $ 61,611.74 855,303.00 11,232.00 36,000.00 2,000.00 828,673.00 000 295,059.00 26,000.00 60,000.00 164,640.00 372,500.00 300.00 $ 2, 651, 707.00 WATER $ SEWER FUND WATER & SEWER UTILITIES $ 76,590.71 $ 917,300.00 000 12,972.34 7,631.32 1,000.00 50,328.49 450.00 65,464.13 7,505.80 000 51,646.76 82,550.00 530.77 $ 280,079.61 REMAINING BALANCE $0,000,000.00 855,303.00 ( 1,740.34) 28,368.68 1,000.00 778,344.51 ( 450.00) 229,594.87 18,494.20 60,000.00 112,993.24 289,950.00 230.77 $2,371,627.39 $ 309,748.87 $ 607,551.13 PERCENTAGE USED 115.5% 21.2% 50.0% 6.1% 22.2% 28.90 31.45 22.2% 176.9% 10.6% 33.8% PERCENTAGE USED 30.3% 35.1% .5% 39.6% 34.6% 41.8% 41.30 39.1% 47.8% 33.9% 10.3% 32.5% 33.1% 23.2% 32.6% 32.5% CITY OF HUTCHINSON f FINANCIAL REPORT FOR April, 1982 EXPENSE REPORT CURRENT ADOPTED YEAR TO REMAINGING MONTH BUDGET DATE AMOUNT BALANCE 0,000,000.00 0,000,000.00 0,000.000.00 0,000,000.00 DECRIPTION GENERAL FUND MAYOR & COUNCIL 2,352.74 32,157.00 9,740.90 22,416.00 CITY ADM. /CITY CLERK 7,726.69 98,350.00 34,485.48 63,864.52 ELECTIONS 000 8,678.00 50.20 8,627.80 FINANCE 17,149.01 140,545.00 55,712.35 84,832.65 MOTOR VEHICLE 3,842.20 50,379.00 17,536.97 33,200.03 ASSESSING 000 16,874.00 000 16,874.00 LEGAL 1,966.84 24,233.00 10,129.84 14,103.16 PLANNING 515.37 1,425.00 589.06, 835.94 CITY HALL 2,890.24 38,383.00 15,008.29 23,374.71 OLD ARMORY 1,940.39 19,799.00 9,994.68 10,918.32 POLICE DEPARTMENT 40,885.62 524,784.00 178,093.26 346,690.74 • FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,893.48 127,855.00 13,363.67 , 115,891.33 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER 2,058.31 27,469.00 8,937.94 18,531.06 PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS 3,074.52 40,074.00 13,357.03 26,816.97 CIVIL DEFENSE 41.00 450._00 104.28 345.72 SAFETY COUNCIL 000 150.00 00 150.00 FIRE MARSHALL 2,470.36 33,122..00 10,798.06 22,313.94 I ENGINEERING 10,328.83 137,815.00 , 44,825.50 92,989.50 PERCENTAGE USED 30.3% 35.1% .5% 39.6% 34.6% 41.8% 41.30 39.1% 47.8% 33.9% 10.3% 32.5% 33.1% 23.2% 32.6% 32.5% EXPENSE REPORT CONTINUED CURRENT ADOPTED YEAR TO DATE AMOUNT REMAINING BALANCE PERCENTAGE USED MONTH BUDGET 0'1000,000.00 0,000,000.00 0,000,000.00 .00 % STREETS $ ALLEYS 22,244.36 288,652.00 88,683.57 199,968.43 30.7% STREET MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 3,869.66 64,635.00 20,797.08 43,837.92 32.2% CONSERVATION OF HEALTH 000 LIBRARY 546.00 52,537.09 26,000.88 26,536.12 49.5% SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER 1,003.39 10,268.00 4,521.51 5,746.49 44.0% • PARK /RECREATION ADMINISTRATION 4,731.54 55,668.00 18,800.64 36,867.36 33.8% RECREATION 3,211.54 58,002.00 13,883.57 43,968.43 24.0% CIVIC ARENA 9,421.63 87,093.00 44,652.65 44,440.35 50.1% PARK DEPARTMENT 19,270.92 254,646..00 70,880.52 183,765.48 27.8% CEMETERY 1,893.62 33,726..00 8,248.64 25,477.36 24.5% DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT 27.72 000 80.52 (80.52) LAWCON 3,325.94 110,430.00 (1,699.11) 112,129.11 1.5% DEBT SERVICE 1,083.00 55,668.00 21,453.44 34,214.56 38.5% • AIRPORT 1,100.55 47,775.00 20,635.90 27,139.10 43.2% TRANSIT 5,188.38 65,659.00 20,602.83 45,056.17 31.4% UNALLOCATED GENERAL EXPENSE 286.00 143,38740 871.40 142,515.60 .6% HRA 3,957.63 000 17,521.74 (17,521.74) n2,,r9T.W $2,655.,400.00 00, 89.99 1,8 5.110.01 30.1 i . EXPENSE REPORT CONTINUED DESCRIPTION WATER $ SEWER FUND WATER $ SEWER ADMINISTRATION WATER PLANT OPERATIONS • SEWER PLANT OPERATIONS i CITY OF HUTCHINSON FINANCIAL REPORT FOR April, 1982 CURRENT ADOPTED MONTH BUDGET 0,000,000.00 $0,000,000.00 30,647.79 822,026.00 12,878.37 1,305,825.00 14,356.84 135,750.00 $ 57,883.00 $2,263,601.00 YEAR TO REMAINING PERCENTAGE DATE AMOUNT BALANCE USED 0,000,000.00 0,000,000.00 % 207,638.15 614,387.85 27,467.37 1,278,357.63 47,920.70 87,829.30 $ 283,870.68 $1,979,730.32 25.3% 2.1% 35.30 12.5% 1. CALL TO ORDER L' MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1982 The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Planning Commission was called to order by Chr. Don Erickson at 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Ted Beatty, Roland Ebent, Larry Romo, Jim Johnson, Clint Tracy and Elsa Young in addition to-Chairman Erickson: Absent: None. Also attending were City Administrator Gary Plotz, City Attorney Jim Schaefer and Director`of Engineering Marlow Priebe. 2: MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting dated March 16, 1982 were unanimously approved on motion by Larry Romo and seconded by Ted Beatty. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS (a) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY MR. QUENTIN LARSON The hearing was opened at 7:31 P.M. with the reading of publication #2902 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, April 8, 1982. City Administrator Gary Plotz commented that staff had recommended approval due to the fact there was no actual increase in the square footage of the.building. He referred to page 27 of the Zoning Ordi- nance 6.07 B.2.(b) & (c) stating this request fits into these speci- fications. On motion by Ted Beatty, the hearing was closed at 7:32 P.M. Sec- onded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Roland Ebent then made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council for the requested conditional use permit. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. (b) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST -FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY THE LEARNING HUTCH, PRESCHOOL, INC. The hearing was- opened,at 7 :33 P.M. #2903 as published in the Hutchinso n 1982. with the reading of publication Leader on Thursday, April 8, Mr. Plotz explained that The Learning Hutch is presently in operation at the Bethlehem Methodist Church and wants to move to Vineyard Meth- odist Church. A-conditional use permit was issued to them when they opened because it is zoned residential and it is for that same reason a conditional use permit is needed in this case. At 7:34 P.M. the hearing was closed on motion by Ted Beatty. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. 7-,4, Minutes Page 2 Hutchinson Planning Commission Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to forward to the City Council the recommendation to grant approval of the requested conditional use permit. Seconded by Larry Romo, the motion unanimously car- ried. (c) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT SUBMITTED BY MR. JOHN MILLER - The hearing was opened at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Erickson with the reading of publication #2904 as published in the Hutchinson Leader on.Thursday, April 8, 1982. City Administrator Gary Plotz explained the moving of a building of this size requires a conditional use permit. He went on to say staff set a number of requirements they felt were in order. 7_ Discussion followed and parking was a concern: Since'the old park- ing lot for the building already there has not yet been surfaced, it was.suggested_both lots should be surfaced pursuant to the zon- ing ordinance requirements before occupancy of the new building:° It was also noted that according to the drawing one common parking lot was going to be used for both buildings. This is permitted since one individual owns all-the-land but should.he decide to sell a portion it could create problems since the parking - -- would then need to be five (5) feet from the property line. - Variances would then need to-be applied for.- The zoning - ordinance - requires - two (2) parking spaces per dwelling unit. Thus, fourteen (14) spaces are needed -for the 7 -plex being moved in. Eleven (11) are shown on one side and four (4) additional on the other side. It- was pointed out that the.road is not com- pleted and it would be impossible to get to the four stall parking lot if additional. gravel was not added. City Engineer Marlow Priebe explained if the owner wanted the City to do the road a written request is necessary. It could also be done privately if done to the city's specifications. The hearing was closed-at 7:51 P.M. on motion by Elsa Young and seconded by Ted Beatty. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Larry Romo then made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council subsequent to the eight items listed in staff's letter not- ing that items 6 & 7 could be combined eliminating the relocation date but the basement and all exterior refurbishing be complete by August 1, 1982. Mr. Roland Ebent then amended the motion to also include the property owner provide curb, gutter (on the east side of the street) and gravel base to provide adequate access to the parking lot of four additional spaces. Seconded by Ted Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission Page 3 (d) CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM R -1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT TO R -2, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT Chairman Erickson excused himself from the bench and vice - chairman Larry Romo opened the hearing .at ,7:55 P.M. with -the reading of publication #2905 as published in the Hutchinson - Leader on Thursday, April 8, 1982. Mr. Gary Plotz showed-on a.large map the area being requested to be rezoned. Vice -Chr. Romo then asked -for comments from the audience. Mr. Don Erickson, 731 Shady Ridge Road, stated that because of some nice trees in--a portion -of this area he felt some of--the lots should be preserved -for:single family dwellings and remain zoned .R -1. He went on- -to- suggest -only. going as far west with the R -2 zoning-as Colorado Street. Mr._,.Ken, Anderson, 701 .Shady Ridge Road, stated he owns three lots that adjoin the property and suggested the rezoning.bec�n one.lot -depth east of Colorado .--Street. Mr. Jim Jeffer_is, -708 Shady Ridge -Road, stated -- he agreed_ with Mr.. Ken Anderson - and felt the area_ was prime -for- single family ' dwelling. Vice- Chr..Romo then read portions of a letter submitted by the property owner, Mr. Wm. Helland stating.that the money lenders indicate that future costs of housing will demand multiple unit construction. Mr. Jim Johnson commented he agreed with Mr. Anderson and Mr. Jefferis. If at a later-time development demanded the-need -for it, rezoning could then be requested with another public hearing. Mr. Clint Tracy suggested only going east of Colorado street with the rezoning and only as far down as Eighth Avenue. Mr. Tracy then made a.motion to close the hearing at 8:10 P.M. Seconded by Roland.Ebent, the motion unanimously carried. Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion the rezoning request be ap- proved on the portion east of Colorado Street down to Eighth Avenue, legal description being Lot 1, Block 1; East 130' of Lot 1, Block 2; and Lot 1, Block 6, all in Helland's First Addition. Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission Page 4 4. OLD BUSINESS (a) REVIEW OF ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE ON CORNER OF LINDEN & LYNN ROAD Mr. Priebe gave a review of the property explaining two parking spaces were required for the site. Also all parking must be at least five (5) feet from the side or rear parking line. Noting page 83 of the Zoning Ordinance. (Mr. Priebe gave a copy of this page -of the ordinance to the property owner at the meeting.) Discussion then followed as to the surface of the parking area. It was agreed by the property owner it would be gravel. Mr. -Ted Beatty then made a motion the property owner put in the proposed.parking in gravel. or better as per Marlow Priebe's drawing -or another acceptable equivelent.-- Seconded by Clint Tracy, the motion carried unanimously. (b) REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Mr. Marlow Priebe, Director of Engineering took the floor. He did state that some of the zoning is not compatible to the Comprehen- sive Plan. - It was pointed out that Goebel ` s - -is zoned correctly but not-shown categorically on the map.-:-..However,-he pointed out - -- on page 6 -2, last paragraph of the Comprehensive_Plan it states "areas designate& for -a- specific -use do - -not categorically exclude- other uses ". Mr. Larry Romo indicated he felt that the.market should not dictate the use of the land. Ted Beatty commented the Comprehensive Plan is designed for orderly growth of'the City. It is used mainly as a guide. City Attorney Jim Schaefer stated that the Comprehensive Plan is "painting a picture with a broad stroke. Zoning is the fine detail- ing ". Mr. Tracy stated that some years ago consultants advised rezoning for growth to the North and it didn't happen. Sometimes dollars do dictate the growth. A lengthy discussion followed whereby City Administrator Plotz pointed out some areas he felt perhaps could be changed from high density to low to medium density. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission Page 5 It was the consensus of the Planning Commission the five follow- ing areas should be changed: 1. Area on South Grade Road 2. Schmidtbauer's on Century Ave. 3. Clifton Heights 4. Dr. Keihl's 5. Area west of Hwy 22 & east of Jefferson by 3M Mr. Ted Beatty then made a motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan with the five changes. Seconded by Elsa Young, the motion carried unanimously. 5. NEW BUSINESS (a) 'DISCUSSION ON MOVING IN OF A HOUSE IN STONEY POINT ADDITION Since no one was present-regardi-ng this, no discussion.was -held. _ (b) DISCUSSION ON_- PUTTING UP A SIGN ON HWY 7 EAST FOR HUTCHINSON IND. CORP. REQUESTED - -BY -JULIE INGLEMAN Ms. Iagleman- explained that'Hutchinson Industrial Corporation would like to put_signs =up on Hwy. #7 East and on-Bluff-Street indicating=_ to clients-and job applicants where-there-business-is-located. -_ She had- photographs showing .where -they_ planned-to locate the si -gns. - The Bluff Street entrance is-outside-of the city limits and-she- indicated they had received permission -=from the county. = - The problem is the area *on Hwy 7 is zoned residential and according to our zoning ordinance signs are not allowed in residential areas. After discussion, - Chairman Erickson instructed City Attorney, Jim Schaefer, to check into this and give her some guidance as to which way she should go. (c_Y DISCUSSION ON VARIANCE REQUESTED BY OWNER OF KING MOTEL Since no one was present regarding this, no discussion was held. (d)- DISCUSSION ON VARIANCE REQUESTED BY RESIDENT ON NORTH OAK STREET Mr. Joe Dooley representing a customer of his wanted the feeling of the Planning Commission members before applying -for a variance. He explained he wanted to reconstruct a single garage to a double garage on a corner lot. The zoning ordinance requires a setback of 25' and he wanted to reduce this to I2`. It is possible to con- struct a separate garage without a variance at a much greater cost. Minutes Hutchinson Planning Commission Page 6 It was pointed out the house was built under the old ordinance where the owner had the understanding he would be able to add on the extra stall at a later date. Each of the members stated they would have to take a look at the property before giving him an answer. It was decided each of them would call the Chairman at the end of the week and he in turn would notify Mr. Dooley as to their feelings. 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further discussion to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. on motion by Clint Tracy and seconded by Ted Beatty— carried unanimously. 9 Z / f / (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHiNSON, MINN. 55350 May 14, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: • OUTSIDE SIGN FOR SENIOR CENTER One of the few remaining items which must be purchased to complete furnishing the Senior Center is a sign to be placed on the exterior south face of the building. According to our Developer's Agreement, any such sign shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the Developer. We have therefore asked for estimates for a sign of similar quality, style and color to the one which has already been placed on the residential portion of the building by the Developer. The placement of our sign would be as approved by the architect. The cost of the Senior Center sign is the responsibility of the City. However, we have received approval through Region 6E for our McKnight grant to pay $285 of the cost. Estimates received for the sign are as follows. 12" high letters of cast aluminum with baked enamel finish - lower case, light ribbon style, mounted on brick wall, "Senior Center" Nordquist Sign Co., Minneapolis $790 Midstate Sign Co., Willmar $593 (less 5% if cash with order) It is recommended that the sign be purchased from Midstate Sign Co. Attachment: Exerpt from Developers Agreement and Conveyance 9 -Q. ` it may be used for a senior citizens' center. As such, �� gatherings of all kinds, providing meals, for senior citizen for arts, crafts and other uses commonly 'considered appropriate to a senior citizens' center. While the City parcel may not be used as a general community center open to groups or individ- uals of all kinds, it may be used secondarily by non - senior groups so long as such use is compatible with the use of the _ I - -- - - -` quality residential ainnei of the property as a high _ y _ No use may be made of the City parcel which building;. - — - - - - _ interferes with the comfort and - enjoyment of the unreasonably _ - - - -- - - -- r--- residents of the remainder of the property_ No activities shall be carried on within the City parcel before 6:00 a.m_ or after 10:00 p-m. each day and nothing shall be done or kept in the - City parcel which will raise the rate of insurance for the _ ± remainl`_°r of the property without the approval of the Developer_ No signs shall be lisp ayed in the windows or on the exterior walls of the City parcel except that a tasteful sign, _the style and placement of which shall be subject- to the reasonable approval of the Developer., may be affixed to the south side of the building. City shall pay all sign costs. 6) Maintenance of City Parcel: The City shall maintain, clean, air and replace the improvements constructed on the 1eP _ City parcel-in a first class manner. The City agrees to remove cel and the public alley as quickly all snow from the City par 40 - s_ 0 7�(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350. M E M O R A N D U M DATE: _^ May 24, 1982 ____!_ TO :. _Mayor ;jn C City Council________ ____ —_ —_— k'ROM; wWater Billing Clerk __T__ ___________ ^_ SU$JECT: Delinquent Water /Sewer Accounts - Please remove this item from the Agenda as .there will not be a list submitted at this time. q- -,t-t 0 a 7�(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 N E M O R A N D U M DATE; May 24, 1982 qp; —Mayor and City Council - -- ----- --- - - - - -- FROM; — Dean O'Borsky, Police Chief _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — &_ V_ — gJECT; Beer License Request -------------------- The so- called "Blue Grass Festival" turns out to be a rock & roll band. The posters advertise any age admitted. I think this would be a major problem. I, therefore, request that the license be issued only under the condition that no. one under 19 be admitted. ID shall be checked at the gate. /ms q,e. t �tcltc of rT IIIIE�ota, COUXTY OF... - - - -- McLeod ^------------ -__ - -- 25.00 __ CitY-- ----- -- �_.OP.__�iutrhiusa -n - -- -- To the .................. ity_,council ................... of the........., Uty of ... l3.utchiM.S.Dn................ .....State of Minnesota: Hutchinson Jaycees hartby applies for a Zirc"ti for the term of- _ ....... - 911.x..5 1y_------------- .- .__.__ _ from I9._82-_' to *fll At Retail Only, Non- Intoxicating Malt Liquors, as the same are definzd by Lau, for concump'.ivn those ccr —c'n prtm!Aca in -.-- Cit -__ of ____�_Hut rbi nson-- -- dtam i.bed al f oUlows, to-wit: _..- . - - - - -- Blue grass festival at McLeod County fair grounds at which place said applicant ----- Dperate__..the business of___.---------- . ....... and to that end reprezent ------ and state.....ns follows: Thai said applicant .. ............... S.._ a-- ----- -........... _ .... - .r.:Ifi_zn ------- -of tha United States; of food moral ch,araa:ar and repute; and ha..._ ...._._attained the a fe of 21 years; that-- ------ ---- --- ------ -•.-- saia. -. - P���'- - 4 f the eatabliah»unt for which the liocn-ae will be issued if this application is granted.. That no manufacturer of such non-- intoxi.catinf malt liquors ha.s any ownership, in uho?e or in part, in said business of said applicant--or any interest t7urein; That said appUcant..._.make ------ th -ia aTplioatwn pursuant and subject to all the laws of the State of Afinn.csota and th.e ordinances and refula.ti,mta of said.- _•-- .------ ••--- - - -- -- Cites -- -- -- applicable thereto, which are h,trtby made a part hereof, and hereby afree..._to v5soma and o'ucy the sane; (r.m r1L d.Lrr Y%qr -I vrnti 1l ul. oS loo] rera!AIL=w) -Z' 7D �E C A.T �� - /1/v OrvE 4�ti� lea Ar NI �•� LI - l -� 4-44610,4045:4 /iv /..— A15 ;1450vT A4Y7-"77•E " 77k se /f Xes 4w0 sew 67—A'47P v-a `_ �-•� . cri'� �?vE �evF�. DT�-e D�EY�-� LS ��t�- NSF -�4-S • � �t ` urther slatm that he u not now the holder of, nor h.aa he made applioation for, nor ti . Z ta-.z ta- for the Bale of r i does he i.nicnd to make applica-tton for a Fe&7-al Reiau I.cn Ar 31— • mp Lnfo.xi,oatinf liquor. /ii6r7&o DF jA11A /VEj O •c d 0C;g"'jCf ea' E/"Lr 7D 13'E G(Ioe_e_EZ 014,7_ IY4g W45eJV /406Ic6 DC,07- J)W6rrS %0 R.I e e Dated May S S8 82 d ppUcant -- P. O. d ddr"s _ -4 a � 0 (612) 587 -5151 'I T Y OF HUTCHINSON NASHINGTON AVENUE WEST 3HINSQN, MINN. 55350 . M]� MO R AND U M DATE: MV 19, 1982 TO: Mayor and (:Li t�r Council — — — — — — — — — — _ — — — — — _ T •+ — — ... .� c -. FROM: Ken Merrill, City Accountant — — — r — ..- .-. — — — -r SUBJECT: H P 125 Mirco Computer/Word Processor - In December of 1981 the Logis (our computer group) introduced and researched word processing machinery to members. The review focuses on several but obviously not all equipment available. The choice and recommendation to the membership was the HP125 for the following reasons. The HP125 can do: word processing act as a terminal to main computer system (be used as a back up or second unit) can move data from the main system at logis to its own memory has micro - computer capability with many programs already packaged. The word processing area is where city staff would begin, we'have reviewed the machine and several of the girls from the office have been through a demonstration on the machine. It appears to have many features which we will find very useful in just about all departments. Cost: We did not budget for outright purchase of the equipment, cost = $8,275 plus maintenance and installation. (We cut back rental which did have some dollars available.) Office Products has offered, through Logis, an equipment lease of 36 months at $350 /mo.- or 60 months at $245/mo. The total cost is obviously highsx on leasing but probably more affordable in todays tight conditions. 'The equipment would be purchased through Logis and the -special levy for the next years. This.leaves 1982 funding. . . . . q,6t I Memo to Mayor and City Council Page 2 I have cancelled my national finance officers convention at the end of this month - cost estimated at $500 - $600. We did not use the professional service for insurance $350 and about $200 from machine rental. All of this brings to around $1,200 or short some estimated $500. The equipment would be used by many departments and it would be requested to take the balance from contingency if dollars are not available in any other area of the budget. The equipment should make the staff more efficient and effective. The HP125 appears to be the best equipment for our purpose and at the lowest cost. It. would be the request to acquire the HP125 by equipment lease and also pay for the maintenance contract and installation cost. 0 ' (612) 587 -5151 C/T Y OF HUTCH /NSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M g M O R A N D U M DATE; May 19, 1982 TO: —Mayor and City Council ^ — — — — — — FROM; —Ken Merrill, City Accountant -------------- — — — - - - - - - SUBJECT: — Fixed Asset Accounting — — - — — — — - — — — - — — _ - — — One of the recurring comments from the auditors has been our fixed assets accounting. We do not have a good method of maintaining our fixed assets.' The Logis group has created a new module which allows us to update and maintain a fixed asset system on the computer. The cost of the system is a base charge of $50/month plus transaction cost. These charges would not begin until we have loaded the system and are operational on the fixed asset module. Due to the auditors recommendation, it would be requested to begin the installation of the fixed asset module. Depending on other costs, it would appear we have enough money in our 1982 budget for this project. (612) 587 -5151 f1VTlH` CITY OF HUTCH /NEON 37 WAS AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 URABIM61 DATE: May 21, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Proposed 1983 and 1984 Maintenance Program The following permanent surfaced streets are proposed for maintenance in 1983 and 1984: 1983 1. Century Avenue from T.H. 15 to Jefferson Street Slurry Seal $17,680.00 $17,680.00 2. Tenth Ave. N.E. from Eleventh Ave. N.E. to Elm St. Repair base and surface $ 110.00 Slurry Seal 30,640.00 3. Ninth Ave. N.E. from T.H. 15 to Elm St. Reshape roadbed $ 750.00 Slurry Seal 3,380.00 4. Northwoods from T.H. 15 to East.Termini, Reshape roadbed $ 450.00 Slurry Seal 9,360.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 4,130.00 $ 9,810.00 5. Maple Street from Northwoods to College Reshape roadbed $ 240.00 Slurry Seal 4,370.00 $ 4,610.00 6. Spruce Street from Northwoods to College Reshape roadbed $ 150.00 Slurry Seal 4,680.00 $ 4,830.00 7. Harrington Street from Linden Avenue to Juul Road Reshape roadbed $ 240.00 Slurry Seal 7,280.00 $ 7,520.00 Mayor and City Council Proposed 1983 & 1984 Maintenance Program May 21, 1982 Page 2 E 8. Milwaukee Avenue from East Termini to Town & Country Estates Reshape roadbed $ 300.00 Slurry Seal 12,480.00 9. Southview Drive from Linden Avenue to 2004 West of Sunset St. Slurry Seal $ 5,720.00 10. Peterson Circle from 6th Ave. N.E. to South Termini Slurry Seal $ 1,560.00 $12,780.00 $ 5,720.00 $ 1,560.00 11. Circle Drive from Alan Street to South Termini Slurry Seal $ 4,160.00 $ 4,160.00 1983 Total ------------------- $76,550.00 1984 1. Jorgenson Street from Hassan Street to Century Avenue Repair base and surface $ 660.00 Slurry Seal 12,480.00 2. Hassan Street from Oakland Avenue to Selchow Avenue Repair base and surface $ 200.00 Slurry Seal 5,720.00 3. Sherwood Street from Jorgenson Street to Century Avenue Repair base and surface $ 400.00 Slurry Seal 80,320.00 4. Bradford Street from Sherwood Street to Century Avenue Repair base and surface $ 440.00 4,680.00 5. Randall Road from Bradford Street to Century Avenue Repair base and surface $ 110.00 Slurry Seal 3,120.00 6. Ash Street from Northwoods to McLeod Avenue Reshape roadbed $ 240.00 Slurry Seal 6,760.00 7. Lyndale Avenue from Merrill Street to Lynn Road Repair base and surface $ 110.00 Slurry Seal 3,380.00 $13,140.00 $ 5,920.00 $ 8,720.00 $ 5,120.00 $ 3,230.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 3,490.00 Mayor and City Council Proposed 1983 & 19.84 Maintenance Program May 21, 1982 Page 3 8. Oak Lane from Jorgenson Street to North Termini Repair base and surface $ 60.00 2,080.00 9. Goebel Circle from Roberts Road to West Termini Slurry Seal $ 2,080.00 10. Larson Street from Roberts Road to South Termini Slurry Seal $ 3,380.00 $ 2,140.00 $ 2,080.00 $ 3,380.00 11. Kay Street from Roberts Road to South Termini Slurry Seal $ 3,380.00 $ 3,380.00 1984 Total ------------------- $57,600.00 You will note that the 1983 total Includes Century Avenue slurry seal, which is optioned to eliminate from the 1982 work. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Neumann Larry Karg r (61 2) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 17, 1982 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Proposed 1982 Street Maintenance Program The following permanent surfaced streets and alleys are proposed for maintenance in 1982: 1. Century Avenue from T.H. 15 to Jefferson Street Repair-base and surface $ 960.00 Recrown section with 1" overlay 540.00 Slurry seal entire section 17,680.00 $19,180.00 2. Alleys between Main Street and Hassan Street and Main Street and Franklin Street fron 2nd Ave. No. to 4th Ave. So. Spot patch as needed $ 1,500.00 Seal coat entire section 3,200.00 $ 4,700.00 3. T.H. 15 Service Road between Century Ave. and Freemont Ave. Repair base and surface $ . 250.00 Seal coat repaired areas 50.00 $ 300.00 4. Michigan Ave. from Railroad to Hands, Inc. Repair Surface $ 550.00 Slury Seal 8,35.0.00 $ 8,900.00 S. Sherwood Avenue - Corner West of Jorgenson St. Recrown section with 1" overlay $ 550.00 Seal coat overlay 500.00 $ 1,150.00 9-� Mayor & City Council Proposed 1982 Street Maintenance Program May 17, 1982 Page 2 6. Loren's Addition Recrown sections of streets with 1" overlay $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 7. Southview Drive Repair sections $ 250.00 Spot seal as needed 200.00 $ 450.00 S. Dale Street at Juul Road Repair section $ 50.00 $ 50.00 9. Milwaukee Ave. at Goebel Street Repair section $ 150.00 Seal section 100.00 $ 250.00 10. Larson St. South of Roberts Road Repair Section $ 1,100.00 Seal section 1,000.00 $ 2,100.00 11. Lea Avenue between Larson-St. & Kay St. Repair section $ 350.00 Spot Seal 50.00 $ 400.00 12. Roberts Road by Roberts Park Patch small section $ 30.00 Seal repaired section 50.00 $ 80.00 13. Lewis Avenue and Lake St. Seal area overlayed in 1981 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 14. Lewis Ave. West of Lake St. Repair area $ 30.00 Seal repaired area 50.00 $ 80.00 15. Lynn Road at Lyndale Ave. Overlay 1" level course $ 150.00 $ 150.00 16. Oak St. 100' N. McLeod Repair section $ 40.00 Spot seal repaired section 40.00 $ 80.00 Mayor & City Council Proposed 1982 Street Maintenance Program May 17, 1982 Page 3 17. Spruce Court Slurry seal $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 18. Grove Street North of Washington Ave. Slurry seal $ 1,600.00 $ 1,600.00 19. Bluff Street and Fourth Ave. N.E. Repair section $ 30.00 520.00 $ 550.00 20. Northwoods Ave. near Ash Street Repair section $ 500.00 Seal repaired section 100.00 $ 600.00 21. Northwoods and Elm Street Intersection Reshape with 1" overlay $ 250.00 Seal coat reshaped area 250.00 $ 500.00 22. First Ave. S.E. and Jefferson.-St. Second Ave. S.E. between Jefferson St. & Adams St. Third Ave. S.E. between Jefferson St. & Adams St, Repair section of surface $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Total Estimated Cost ----------- $43,570.00 Option to above: Delay slurry seal on Century Avenue and spot seal repair work done in 1981 and 1982, would reduce the above total to $27,690.00. This would leave an estimated 2,310.00 for miscellaneous repair on other streets. ,0,,& v`. Q4;4 Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph N. Larry K. (61 2) 587 -5151 HUTCf1' CITY OF HUTCH /NEON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 09ware7 DATE: May 20th, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Project 82 -41 The above - referenced project was the proposed City /County overlay project on Second Avenue S.W. from Franklin Street to Dale Street; Dale Street from Second Avenue S.W. to Fourth Avenue S.W.;-North High Drive from T.H. 15 to Maple Street and Fifth Avenue N.W. from T.H. 15 to Kouwe Street. Based on field data and close field inspection, I have found that the existing cross - section of much of said roadw$y.. is such that the property owners are in fact having the problems they have indicated when they enter and exit their property with their vehicles. Based on this information, I find that it is not - feasible to construct the overlay as proposed. I therefore recommend, with the concurrence of Mr. Roger Gustafson, County Engineer, that the project be rejected for 1982. 2, also, recommend, again with the concurrence of Mr. Gustafson, that the roadways be patched and seal coated to allow the City and County time to reprogram for complete reconstruction in 1984 or 1985 at the latest. To enable a good seal and repair of the road, the following work is to be done by the respective governmental agencies: 1. Sweep street City. 2. Spot patch as needed - City. 3. Provide notices to owners - City. 4. Provide barricades during seal coating operation -• City. 5. Provide material and complete seal coating operation - County. 6. Sweep street - City. ylp a,c /�- 6.'t4" Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Neumann Cal Rice i Roger Gustafson i Y • � _ (612) 587 -5151 HUTCH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 20, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: 1982 Improvement Program Attached are Resolutions Approving Plans and Specifications for all of the 1982 projects and calling for bids on June 21st, 1982. On June 22nd, 1982, the assessment rolls will be presented with Resolutions setting a hearing for same on July 13, 1982. Following said hearings on July 13th', 1982, a Regular Council Meeting, awarding of contracts will be recommended. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv attachments CC: Cal Rice Ralph Neumann q- -41 RESOLUTION NO. 7128 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS PROJECT 82 -48 WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 11th day of May, 1982, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvement of: The intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by the construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for safety lane; AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 25th day of May, 1982, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted May. 11th, 1982. 2. Marlow V. Priebe is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 7129 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS *AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 1 PROJECT 82 -12, 82 -13, 82 -14 & 82 -18 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on January 26th, 1982, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Project 82 -12: Second Ave. S.E. from N.W. Trunk to Huron St. by the construction of 15" trunk sanitary sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -13: Huron St. from Second Ave. S.E. to First Ave. S.E. by construction of 15" trunk sanitary sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -14: Grove St. from Milwaukee Ave. to Miller Ave. by the construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -18: Extension North of Miller Ave. in Block 7 of Bonniwell's Second Add. by construction of 12" storm sewer and appurtenances; and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on June 21st, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10 percent (10 %) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 7130 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 2 PROJECT 82 -03, 82 -04, 82 -05, 82 -06, 82 -07, 82 -08, 82 -09, 82 -10, 82 -11, 82 -15, 82- 16, and 82 -17 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on January 26th, 1982, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Project 82 -03: Boston St. from Atltanta Ave. to Baltimore Ave. in Paden's First Add. by construction of 8" watermain and appurtenances; Project 82 -04: Baltimore Ave. from Atlanta Ave. to T.H. 15 in Paden's First Add. by construction of 8" watermain and appurtenances; Project 82 -05: T.H. 15 from Atlanta Ave. to Baltimore Ave. in Paden's First Add. by construction of 12" watermain and appurtenances; Project 82 -06: Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by construction of 8" watermain and appurtenances; Project 82 -07: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subdivision by construction of 6" watermain and appurtenances; Project 82 -08: Boston St. from Atlanta Ave. to Baltimore Ave. in Paden's First Add. by construction of 10" sanitary sewer and appurt.; Project 82 -09: Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.H. 15 in Paden's Frist Add. by construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; Project 82,10: Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer *s Second Add. by construction of 8" sanitary sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -11: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subdivision by construction of 8" sanitary sewer:arid appurtenances; Project 82 -15: Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.H. 15 in Paden's First Add. by construction of 18" storm sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -16: Sherwood St. between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Add. by construction of 15" storm sewer and appurtenances; Project 82 -17: Bradford St.'in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by construction of 15" storm sewer and appurtenances; and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. RESOLUTION NO. 7130 • LETTING NO. 2 PAGE 2 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on June 21st, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10 percent (10 %) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7131 0 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 3 PROJECT 82 -19, 82 -20, 82 -21, 82 -22, 82 -24, 82 -25, 82 -26, 82 -27, 82 -28, 82 -32, 82- 33, 82 -37, 82 -38 and 82 -48 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolutions passed by the Council on January_26th, 1982, and February 9th, 1982, and May 25th, 1982, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Project 82 -19: Grading of Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.H. 15 in Paden's First Add. by grading and appurtenances; Project 82 -20: Sherwood St. between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Add. by construction of grading and appurtenances; Project 82 -21: Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by construction of grading and appurtenances; Project 82 -22: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subd. by construc- tion of grading and appurtenances; Project 82 -24: Baltimore Ave. from Boston St. to T.H. 15 in Paden's Frist Add. by construction of gravel base and appurtenances; Project 82 -25: Boston St. from Atlanta Ave.-to Baltimore Ave. in Paden's First Add. by construction of gravel base and appurtenances; Project 82 -26: Sherwood St. between Schmidtbauer's First and Second Add. by construction of gravel base and appurtenances; Project 82 -27: _Bradford St. in Schmidtbauer's Second Add. by construction of gravel base and appurtenances; Project 82 -28: Lindy Lane in Kimberly's Country Estates Subd. by construction of gravel base and appurtenances; Project 82 -32: Graham St. from Roberts' Road to Milwaukee Ave. in Town and Country Estates by construction of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances; Project 82 -33: Milwaukee Ave. in Town and Country Estates Subdivision by construction of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances; Project 82 -37: Atlanta Ave-from Boston St. to T.H. 15 by construction of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances; Project 82 -38: Boston St. from Century Ave. to Atlanta Ave. by construction of bituminous surfacing and appurtenances; Project 82 -48: The intersection of Dale Street and South Grade Road by construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing for safety lane; and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; • RESOLUTION NO. 7131 • r LETTING NO. 3 PAGE 2 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on June 21st, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10 percent (10 %) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 7132 i RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING NO. 4 PROJECT 82 -45 and 82 -46 WHEREAS, pursuant to resolutions passed by the Council on May 11th, 1982, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Project 82 -45: Hassan Street South between Fifth Avenue S.E. and Sixth Avenue S.E. by the construction of 8" sanitary sewer line; Project 82 -46: Hassan Street South to Sixth Avenue S.E. by the construction of 18" and 15" storm sewer; and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. .Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on June 21st; 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier4s check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for 10 percent (10 %) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 7133 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LETTING 5 PROJECT 82 -42 WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on March 9th 1982, the City Engineer has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: Hassan St. from Second Ave. N.E. to Sixth Ave. S.W.; and Franklin St. from First Ave. S.W. to Milwaukee Ave.; and Main St. from Fourth Ave. S.E. to Milwaukee Ave. by the construction of sidewalk and appurtenances; and has presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof,.are hereby approved. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weeks, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the Council at 2:00 P.M. on June 21st, 1982, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the Clerk for-10 percent (10 %) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the Council this 25th day of May, 1982. Mayor Clerk (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCH /NEON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 20, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: 1983 Improvement Program In order to have a program completed in time to have Administration and Engineering revenues calculations available for the 1983 budget; it is necessary to have the first project selection as soon as possible. The following schedule is recommended: 1. First project selection by June 8th, 1982. 2. Final project selection by June 22nd, 1982 & Ordering-. .Reports. 3. Accept reports and call for hearing on July 13th, 1982. 4. Hold hearings on July 27th, 1982. 5. Approve projects on or before August 24th, 1982. Also, recommend a notice be placed in newspaper requesting anyone wishing to petition for an improvement in 1983, said request be submitted by June 22nd. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Neumann Cal Rice �� t 1 l •• s (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCH /NEON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 20, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: First Avenue Southwest Nemitz Property I recommend that a Resolution be passed requiring the owners of the above - referenced property to close off the openings from the basement of the structure into the old storage area under the public sidewalk. This will enable the City to repair the dangerous sidewalk in front of the building. .,W, 0, e, /� 4 ?/. e � S�,.e- e- " Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv cc: Ralph Neumann Cal Rice ?- 7�, (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 May 21, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: PERSONNEL POLICY - COMPENSATORY TIME Our personnel policy presently allows hourly employees the option of banking their earned overtime hours at the rate of T-1-2, rather than receiving overtime pay at the rate of T2. The maximum which may be banked is 40 hours. There are several departments where there is considerable seasonal fluctuation in the work load. In those departments, it would provide more flexibility if the total banked time could be raised to an 80 hour limit. Paid.overtime costs could be lowered and the employee would have the option of compensatory time off in time periods when the work load is lighter. This would particularly affect the transit department, civic arena, and street and park departments where the winter schedule of activities and /or adverse weather create some very busy times. In any department, the use of this banked comp time policy must be at the discretion of the department head and can be used only where there is sufficient staff to permit scheduling time off during slack periods. It is recommended that the comp time policy be amended to allow 80 hours banked time in order to save overtime costs and provide more flexibility of scheduling. Such a policy change would be by Resolution, as shown. 9- -12, RESOLUTION NO. 7135 A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 9, PARAGRAPH 2 OF CITY PERSONNEL POLICY (OVERTIME) SECTION 9, PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE PERSONNEL POLICY, RESOLUTION NO. 6837, ADOPTED JUNE 23, 1981, IS HEREBY AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: Employees covered by the MFSLA and paid on an hourly basis shall be permitted the option of banking overtime hours up to a maximum of 49 80 hours, rather than receiving overtime pay, at the discretion of the department head. Compensatory time for these employees must be used no more than twelve months from the time it is earned. Employees shall give advance notice to the department head of desired dates for use of compensatory time, and the department head shall determine whether requiested dates allow for reasonable scheduling of work within the department. Compensatory time may be used to- bring total paid hours only up to 80 in a pay period. Adopted by the City Council this day of , 1982. James G. DeMeyer, Mayor ATTEST: Gary D. P1otz, City Administrator 0 (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST •HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 _ M E M O R A N D U M DATE: — May 19. 1982 - - - - - -- TO: Hutchinson City Council. — — — --------- --- --- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- FROM: Planning Commission -t-- - -- - - - - -- — -- — — — — — — — — — — _ - SUBJECT: Preliminary Plat submitted by Mr. John Lipke to be known as -' — - 7- apke'9' Xdd'itionr,- — — — — — — Pursuant to Section 3.20 of Subdivision Ordinance No. 466, the Hutchinson Planning Commission is hereby submitting its finding of fact and recommend- ation with request to the aforementioned request for a preliminary plat. HISTORY On April 30, 1982 Mr. John Lipke filed an application for a preliminary plat to be known as-"Lipke Addition ". A public hearing was held on May 18, 1982 at. which time Mr. Pat Flynn was present representing Mr. Lipke. It was pointed out that a portion of the proposed preliminary plat was zoned C -2, namely Lot'2, Block 2 and the remainder was to" remain R -2. He also referred to a letter requesting compensation for the dedication of Sunset Street since the property owner felt he did -not benefit from the dedication of Sunset Street. A preliminary draft of the subdivision agreement was given to each member of the Commission that had been drawn up by the City Engineer. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The required application, plat maps and appropriate fee were submitted. 2. Notices were mailed to the surrounding property owners and a public notice was published in the Hutchinson Leader on Thursday, May 6, 1982. 3. The dedication of Sunset Street is indeed necessary. 4. A park contribution should be made in the amount of $1,084.16.. q_j. Findings of Fact Preliminary Plat - Lipke Addition Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission to recommend approval of the preliminary plat to be known as "Lipke Addition" provided the developer meets the park contribution recommended by the City Engineer and provided the developer meets all the items listed in the preliminary draft of the subdivision agreement. Respectfully submitted, _.... Mr. Larry Romo, Vice -Chr. Hutchinson Planning Comm. 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7137 RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR LIPKE ADDITION WHEREAS, Mr. John Lipke of Stewart, Minnesota, owner and subdivider of the land proposed to be platted as Lipke Addition has submitted his application for approval of preliminary plat of said subdivision in the manner required for plat- ting of land under the Hutchinson Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder, and WHEREAS, said plat is in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and requirements of the Laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordi- nance of the City of Hutchinson and WHEREAS, said plat is situated upon the following described lands in McLeod County, Minnesota, to =wit: The North half of the North half of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter.of Section 12, Township 116 north, Range 30 west. Except the westerly 239.97 feet thereof. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That said plat of Lipke Addition is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regula- tions of the City of Hutchinson and the laws of the State of Minnesota. 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the office of the County Recorder for their use as required by M.S.A. 462.358(3). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT such execution of the certification upon said plat by Mayor and City Clerk, as required, shall be conclusive showing of proper com- pliance therewith by the subdivider and City officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without fur- ther formality. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of May, 1982. ATTEST: James G. DeMeyer, Mayor Gary D. Plotz, City Clerk �"6. F 2) 587 -5151 TY OF HUTCHINSON SHINGTON AVENUE WEST NSON, MINN. 55350 M E M 0 DATE: May 21, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Street Lights The 1982 improvement projects for Graham Street, Boston Street and Atlanta Avenue have included street lighting as part of the City cost for the projects. Based on the above, the $1,200.00 for Graham Street and the $1,800.00 for Boston Street and Atlanta Avenue should be financed from the 1983 Improvement Bonds. The street lights in the Shady Midge Road area were not feasible until the roadway construction on Shady Ridge Road was completed. As you know, said roadway improvement was made in 1981. It therefore, would be reasonable to finance same from the 1981 Improvement Bonds. The cost for said street lighting is $6,000.00. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv �tCHIHSO4,�",s Hutchinson Utilities Commission Hutchinson, Minnesota 225 michigan street 55350 H.W. Filk President E. "Bud'' Daggett Vice President Clinton Tracy Secretary R.H. Alexander General Manager Tel. 612/587 -4746 d ; a1920 *�IAY �v ���' RECEIVED. May 18, 1982 =� Gary Plotz City Administrator City Hall Hutchinson, MN 55350 Dear Gary: In response to the petitions for street lights. The petition dated April 14, 1982 for Graham Street: two (2) lights would be needed to light this area. The estimated cost for this area is $1,200.00 The petition dated May 4, 1982 for the Paden Addition: three (3) lights would be presently required as the very minimum for safety. Atlanta Avenue and Boston Street do not have any street lights. The estimated cost for this area is $1,800.00 As of this date, the utilities has not been notifed to proceed with the completion of the street lights on Shady Ridge Road. Please let me know if you wish the utilities to proceed with these three (3) projects as presented. If you should desire additional information, please do not hesitate to call. 1p Sincerely, HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION M. D. "Butch" Wentworth Electric Superintendent 0 i (612) 587 -5151 '/T Y OF HUTCHINSON NASHINGTON AVENUE WEST DHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O DATE: May 21, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Southwest Corner of Dale Street and South Grade Road The City has the opportunity to obtain an isolated portion of Christ the King Church property, at no cost to the City. This small triangular piece of land would permit the City, at some future date, to build an island and approach to South Grade Road for the Eastbound traffic on South Grade Road very similar to what is proposed in Project 82 -48. The property description is as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 116.North, Range 30 West; thence South, assumed bearing, along the West line of said East Half, a distance of 205.46 feet to the centerline of S.A.R. No. 7; thence Northeasterly along said centerline of S.A.R. No. 7 to a point on the North line of said East Half, thence North 89 degrees, 59 minutes, 30 seconds West, along said North line, a distance of 118.06 feet to the point of beginning. A warranty deed transferring said property is requested by the Church. A drawing of the land and proposed layout is attached. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP/PV attachment cc: Rufus Alexander Church Representative • C. 1A IR ST • 'C'1 V. K1 TA Co NW �or o+ E 112 0:r,,• 4 E lid IJ IL a t-. , e Vi. ofNW1,� ,' S8°�•4�1''Jo•e *41J8V4��KwY4. p ��. «.... «..':.'.~low" .......�.. «.ter'.'. .«. • • • •'•'." = =:« W M 4p 0 r► i E.Irn4L e4 E ih •.f N • N E 1/4 of 1`►w �/4 dP •O'' �'• / Nay° �s9' i0"W i►, • 1 %b 64/ Total qr -cc.� Set, e N8 %!4 04• Nw 1/4 , p • '� Q� •ts• .. •• hqa94 SA. o'W I r� ,))))))I - _ - _ _ 11j F MCCOMBS- KNUTSON AtOCIATES, INC. X CONSULTING ENGINEERS a LAND SURVEYORS 13 SITE PLANNERS That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 116 North, Range 30 West, McLeod County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the East Half of said Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South, assumed bearing,.along the west line of said East Half, 426.30 feet to the-point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 59 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West 111.00 feet to the centerline of S.A.R. No. 7; thence North 30 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds East, along said centerline, 190.91 feet to said west line-of the East Half; thence North, along said west line, 205.46 feet to the north- west corner of said East Half; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds East, along the north line of said East Half, 654.51 feet to the northeast corner of said East Half; thence South 0 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, along the east line'of said East Half, 200.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds West, parallel with said north line, 166.45 feet to the east iine of the West 488.00 feet of said East Half; thence South, along last said east line, 269.64 feet to the south line of the North 469.64 feet of said East Half; thence North 89 degrees, 59 minutes, 30 seconds West, along said south line, 414.23 feet to the intersection with a line bearing South 59 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 59 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds West 86.25 feet to the point of beginning. I hereby certify that this survey, plan. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Regis- tered Land Surveyor under the lalvs of the State of Minnesota. 7t, Reg. No. f% C- -P(-, 12805 OLSON MEMORIAL HIGHWAY. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 55441 TELEPHONE (612) 5593700 22 NORTH MAIN STREET. HUTCHINSON. MINNESOTA 55350 TELEPHONE (6121 8978029 SOUTHWEST ENGINEERING DIVISION. MARSHALL, MINNESOTA 56258 TELEPHONE (507) 532 -5820 prmled on recycled papM .5ou tt,h Gr4de- Bda al ,q" w yd r°� Corner Dal& cSiree.'f am IL 56&.,J- K csr*d a 2nad . m 9 05A 3 `' y I 'R. � zs N j N � 01 I A �I a " h of /i i / X b x / �a 0 • ' (612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M Q DATE: May 21, 1982 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Director of Engineering RE: Re- designation of 10 Ton Route to Serve Farmers Elevator Last year it was necessary to adopt a Resolution designating Michigan Avenue from T.H. 7 to Arch Street and Arch Street East of Michigan Avenue, as a 10 ton route to allow the Farmers Elevator to have access to T.H. 7 and enable them to ship larger loads of grain. Said routing was terminated by the Department of Transportation when road restrictions were put in effect this spring. To re- designate same, a resolution has been prepared for your adoption. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP/pv attachment cc: Ray Zimmerman 0 RESOLUTION NO. 7134 • RESOLUTION GIVING APPROVAL OF 10 -TON ROUTE IN CITY OF HUTCHINSON WHEREAS, Farmers Elevator Association has submitted a request for a 10 -ton route on Arch Street East of Michigan Avenue and on Michigan Avenue from Arch Street to State Highway No. 7, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. THAT Arch Street East of Michigan Avenue, a City street, be designated a 10 -ton route. 2. THAT Michigan Avenue from Arch Street to Second Avenue Southeast, a City street, be designated a 10 --ton route.. 3. THAT Michigan Avenue from Second Avenue Southeast to State Highway No. 7, Municipal State Aid Street No. 133 - 119 - Section 010 and 020, be designated a.10 -ton route. 4. Said designated routes shall be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for approval by the Commissioner. 5. The City reserves the right-to limit said 10 -,ton designation to periods of time when roadway conditions are satisfactory. 6. The City, reserves the right to remove the 10 -ton designation when deterioration of the roadway is evident. Said removal shall become effective five days subsequent to the City ordering said designation removal. Adopted by the City Council this 25th day of May , 1982. ATTEST: Clerk Mayor 0 7�(612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Bruce Ericson, Parks & Recreation Director DATE: May 21, 1982 SUBJECT: Weed Notices I am requesting permission to advertise for bids for the purpose of cutting weeds on private property. The same process would be used as last year, which in- cludes only one (1) notice per year. A copy of the letter sent to necessary lot owners is on the reverse side. kls • 0 RE: INFORMATION CONCERNING ERADICATION NOTICE OF TALL GRASS AND /OR WEEDS. Pteue be advised that onty one (1) notice Witt be bent eoncenning tae, gA"6 and /on weed e&ad ieation on p topmt i e6 de6Cnibed on the enctoaed notice. Th.i6 notice to de6tAoy the tatt 9na.66 /weed6 6houf -d be obaenved 6oh the entiAe gnow- ing .6ea6on. Anea6 joundto be .inacce66.ibte to mowing equipment wi,P.e ae6o ne4teet an addi.- ti.onat expense in onden to matte the area aeeepata.bte jon mowing. _. Shoutd you have any questions coneenning #h i.6 notice on no tongen. own the de6cA bed pxopenty, ptea6e contact ouA depak amen# at (612) 587 -2975. Below you w tt ji.nd a copy o6 the City o6 Hutehi.n6on'6 weed E im nation Ordinance. Section 635:10. Weed Elimination. Subd. 1. Any weeds or grasses, whether noxious as defined by law or not, growing upon any lot or parcel of land outside the traveled portion of any street or alley within the corporate limits of this municipality to a greater height than eight (8) inches or which have gone or are about to go to seed are a nuisance. The owner and the occupant shall abate or prevent such nui- sance on such property and on land outside the traveled portion of the street or alley abutting on such property. Subd. 2. When the owner and occupant permit a weed nuisnace to exist in violation of this ordinance, the Weed Inspector shall serve notice upon the owner of the property if he resides in this municipality and can be found, or upon the occupant in other cases, by registered mail or by personal ser- vice, ordering such owner or occupant to have such weeds cut and removed within 5 days after receipt of the notice and also stating that in case of noncompliance such work will be done by the municipality at the expense of the owner and that if unpaid, the charge for such work will be made a special assessment against the property concerned. When no owner, occupant or agent of the owner or occupant can be found, the provision for notice shall not apply. Subd. 3. If the owner or 5 days after its receipt, or occupant can be found, agents or employees shall superintendent shall keep to each separate lot and Clerk. occupant fails to comply with -the notice within or if no owner, occupant, or agent of the owner the street commissioner, or his duly authorized cut and remove such weeds or grasses. The street a record showing the cost of such work attributable 3arcel and shall deliver such information to the //1�4612) 587 -5151 CITY OF HUTCH /HSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 Council Meeting May 25, 1982 Communications by Director of Engineering 1. On Thursday, May 20th, received contracts signed by Gridor. Holding same in office until court action completed. 2. Railroad Crossings: Orville Larson of Burling Northern, has been in touch with staff relative to the condition of their track as it crosses our city streets. To improve some of the crossings, the railroad will have to replace ties and ballast and the City will have to do some street resurfacing. Also, two crossings on the north side of the river that are not being used by the Railroad, are being reviewed by the railroad relative to allowing the City to surface over the tracks to improve the driving conditions. The estimated costs for the City to furnish bituminous material is as follows: 1. Repair Second Ave. S.E. at Erie St.----------- ---- - - - - -$ 840.00 2. Repair First Ave. N.E., East of Jefferson St.---- - - - - -- 150.00 3. Repair Bluff St. North of Washington Ave.-------- - - - - -- 800.00 4. Overlay tracks on Third Ave. N.W. at Glen St.----- ----- 400.00 5. Overlay tracks on Bluff St. South of Fourth Ave. N.E. -- 650.00 Total ---------------------- $2,840.00 If you approve of this, we will contact Mr. Larson.%4.ith the railroad to see if he has gotten approval of the project. 3. P.C.A. Permit for Demolition Site: We have been notified by P.C.A. that we must either lower the water level or limit our fill area to above the water level. The water is high at the present time due to a beaver dam. The Game Warden has been contacted and we have received permission to remove the dam. It would best be done with a backhoe and Erickson & Templin are the only ones that have a unit available. I would assume about 3 to 5 hours time would be required at a cost of approximately $200 to $350. 4. Crushed Gravel: The crushed gravel stockpile at the City Garage site has been depleted. In the past, we have obtained quotes or bids for screening & crushing the City owned material at the Street Garage site or Saterlee Pit area when our stock- pile of crushed_ material was depleted or about to be depleted. The amount of crushed material used in the last year has nearly depleted the City's stockpile. It is therefore necessary to restock very soon. We have received Council Meetin g May 2 1982 Communications by Dior of Engineering Page 2 i w two quotes to do the work. Wm. Mueller & Sons - $1.50 per cu. yd. and McCall Contracting Co. - $1.65 per cu. yd. Both of the contractors have done this work for us in the past. In the past some of the material has been used in conjunction with City Construction projects and therefore, the screening and crushing was paid for from the current bond issue. Since some of our stockpile of crushed material was used on 1981 construction projects, I would propose we pay for the screening and crushing, if approved, from the 1981 bond issue which has sufficient funds available. We propose to screen and crush an estimated 5,000 cu. yds. from our pit run stockpile for an estimates cost of $7,500.00. 5. The 1981 sidewalk construction project is nearing completion. The sidewalk replacement that has been in the area of driveways, we have attempted to change the sidewalk grade to improve the driveway approach. At the same time, we have, in some instances, a walkway from the house that we have attempted to meet at grade so as not to create a step. One property owner, Mr. Benton at 633 Second Ave. S.W., does not like the sidewalk the way it was rolled down for the driveway and up to meet his walkway from the house. This section of sidewalk improvement was open several days during construction due to rain, however,'he did not contact me until several days after the sidewalk was completed, as well as the approach panel he had installed. He has asked that this be reviewed by the Council. Marlow V. Priebe Director of Engineering MVP /pv Or It REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WATER $ SEWER FUND *State Treasurer PERA Blue Cross Blue Shield June medical ins. Central Garage repair parts & jobs Crown Life INs. Co. June dental insurance Equitable Life Assurance Soc. June LTD insurance Juul Contracting repairs & excavate wire Minnesota Mutual Ins. Co. June life insurance Nott Co. repairs Van Waters $ Rogers chemicals Water Products meter Keys Well Drilling Co. 5 pump inspections Glen Varland refund overpayment GENERAL FIM *State Theatre motor vehicle office rental *State Treasurer PERA *Schon Productions Sheppard concert Tom Daggett shelter refund Jerry Dostal senior citizens danee Eldon Barkeim %safety shoes Am. Planning Assn. subscriptions Asphalt Institute 3 subscriptions Com. of Transportation overpayment of 1980 program C.R. Pelton & Associates appraisal reports Chamber of Commerce band concerts for 1982 Dasco Inc. batteries J.W. Hanson Contracting Co. repairs $ broken sidewalk Mn.Public Transit Assn. annual dues Phyllis Miller subpoena fees Nevco Scoreboard Co. repairs Olsons Locksmithing city hall door lock Riebe Sod Co. sod for ball park Star Surplus Store 2 rain suits Steve Zimmerman parts Clerk of Court 124 copies Laura Jensen final payment on contract Albinson office supplies Bullseye Reloading supplies Blue Cross Blue Shield June medical insurance Central Garage repair parts $ jobs Chapin Pub. Co. bid publications Copy Equipment Inc. supplies Co. Treasurer dl fees for county Co. Treasurer real estate taxes Crown Life Ins. Co. June dental insurance Don Streicher Guns test kits St. Paul Dispatch -Press newspaper subscription MAY 25, 1982 $ 298.33 631.20 767.20 114.00 60.51 1155.50 48.64 120.00 179.25 295.00 250.00 41.05 $ 3,662.35 $ 325.00 3607.42 3209.00 5.00 80.00 10.00 45.00 3.50 629.78 2500.00 1000.00 62.15 375.00 50.00 10.19 46.97 13.50 2621.00 29.90 12.05 24.80 4160.00 75.53 183.00 7674.30 2265.41 25.65 65.52 151.00 1670.33 1378.96 39.25 65.52 • -2- Equitable Life Assurance Soc. Erickson Oil Products Farmers Elevator Assn. Felskas Auto Machine Pamida Great Plains Supply Co. George Field Home Bakery Inc. Hutch Community Hospital Hutch Synder Drug Hutch Iron & Metal Ind.School Dist. 423 Jahnkes Red Owl Jerabek Machine Shop Junker Sanitation Joes Sport shop Logis Mn. STate Treasurer Nn. Mutual Insurance 3M business products Mankato Mobile Radio Miller Miller $ Mac Motorola Inc. Mason Pub. Co. McGarvey Coffe Inc. Homer Pittman Gary Plotz Marlow Priebe Quades Ruffridge Johnson Equipment St. Paul Book 4 Stationery Schramm Implement Inc. Standard Printing James Schaefer Teply Equipment Inc. United Bldg. Centers Xerox Corporation Warren,Gorham & Lamont Inc. 0 June LTD insurance 2 cases lil lawn mix $ grass seed repairs air exchanger for police supplies uniform rental old armory meeting blood alcohol tests & laundry cleaning gloves iron & drums lifeguard $ bldg. supervisor supplies etc. repairs refuse pickup trophies computer charges boat registrations June life insurance maint. agrement on copier supplies concession stand console maintenance criminal law digest coffee dues mileage APWA spring conference electrical ball park supplies office supplies supplies receipt books & phone stickers h month fee parts supplies maint. agreement 1982 supplement to criminal digest $ 627.32 19.98 826.95 361.70 23.40 8.80 125.00 4.50 48.50 11.80 14.75 481.40 10.83 34.60 24.00 100.00 1479.54 453.00 514.14 450.00 57.25 1993.16 227.25 75.00 94.40 7.00 56.86 145.10 540.00 58.22 307.45 24.25 147.90 798.44 93.72 107.35 259.72 42.25 $43,070.26 i -3- 1980 Tax Increment Bonds Ken Lever removal of foundation and supervisor fees $10,464.50 Bonds of 1981 Crossings Inc. estimate #3 4,000.00 1981 Parking Bonds Bennie Carlson monthly contract payment 669.30 Co. Treasurer real estate taxes 514.51 C.R.Pelton & Associates appraisal fees 1125.00 $ 2308.81 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE Ed Phillips & Sons wine & liquor 2761.69 Twin City Wine Co. wine 347.56 Old Peoria Co. wine $ liquor 725.94 Griggs Cooper $ Co. wine & liquor 1585.16 Old Peoria wine $ liquor 2045.78 Twin City Wine Co. wine .3517.09 Griggs Cooper & Co. wine & liquor 3023.73 Ed Phillips & Sons wine $ liquor 2842.14 Triple G Distributing beer 10,510.80- Locher Bros. beer . 9808.70 Lenneman Beverages beer & mix 10,056.95 Friendly Beverage Co. beer 1263.65 Northland Beverage Inc. mix 137.00 Hutchinson Telephone Co. phone 53.88 Hutchinson Utilities elec. $ gas 1113.93 City of Hutchinson insurance & payroll 1502.54 Juneker Sanitation refuse charges 186.00 American Linen Supply Co. towels 16.40 Poly Industries cleaning aids 46.95 S.A.Niese check fire extinguisher 7.00 Quades bulbs 15.79 KDUZ q advertising 75.00 Floor Care Supply Co. repair vaccum & towels $ tissues 259.12 Kenneth B. Merrill logis meeting 40.15 Sprengler Trucking freight charges 386.03 Coca Cola Bottling mix 201.10 Sprengler Trucking freight charges 440.54 $ 52,970.62 �� /.9 AR YOUgJ�RMATIi q- r-t-� ITI ol d� = co • i MINUTES BOARD OF REVIEW THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1982 FOR YOUR INFORMATION Mayor DeMeyer called the meeting to order at 10:10 A.M. for the purpose of acting as a Board of Review for the 1982 Assessments. Members present: Alderman Kenneth Gruenhagen, Alderman Ted Beatty (absent during majority of meeting), and Mayor James G. DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman Mike Carls and Alderman John Mlinar. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, County Assessor Tony Victorian, Brad Emans and Hal Kircho-ff from County Assessor's Office. The past procedures of the Board of Review and assessment formula were reviewed. Review was given to the questions raised by the following citizens regarding their property assessments. 1. Kenneth Santelman Inquired about the $16,000.00 assessed value of 7.9 acres of bare land in the rural area. He stated he also had another piece of land of 2.56 acres. 2. Lester Schuft Stated the taxes on his house had increased 1126 Jorgenson about $615.00, and he projected another $600.00 for next year. He thought the increase was too high. County Assessor Victorian explained that the budget increases had caused increases in taxes. There was a 20 mill increase in 1982 for the three additional taxes of school district, county jail, and fire hall in Hutchinson. 3. Jeff Haag Stated his house was the second highest priced 660 Lakeview Drive house in Hutchinson, but he didn't feel this was true. His taxes were 20% higher than other houses in the area, and he was concerned about the taxes on his house. 4. Lyndon Gernand 717 Shady Ridge Road Brad Emans responded that Mr. Haag's house value was not the second highest in town. The problem was the land at a land value of $31,800.00. In comparing land in Oakwood, Mr. Haag's land is $20,000.00 higher. Stated that in 1979 his property had a limited market value of $67,910.00. It had increased to $100,500.00 in 1982. There is no curb and gutter. He wanted to know why it was so high. 0 0 BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 1982 5. Harold Grams (Representing Mrs. Laura White) 6. Larry Graf 860 Ash 7. Jim Condon 310 Lynn Road 8. Mrs. Virgil Tasche 587 Franklin Street .a, Brad Emans reported that land value went up about $5,000.00. Also, the homestead credit had been used up, and this created a problem. The assessed value was listed on the tax assessment. Mrs. White had an increase of $254.00 and $31,500.00 value. There was no homestead credit. She wanted to know why her taxes had increased. Mr. Emans stated he had already talked to Mrs. White and explained the reason for--the increase. The no n- homestead rate is higher. Mr. Victorian further pointed out that there was a 10 -156 adjustment in Hutchinson last year. Felt his taxes and land value had gone up twice as much. Wanted to know if he was be- ing taxed for an above- ground swimming pool. Brad Emans reported there was no value placed on the pool. The increase was due to the land value going up. Mr. Graf commented that his neighbors'taxes had not gone up as much as his. Stated his house was marked as non - homestead but he*had lived there since 1978 or 1979. Mr. Condon also pointed out there was an error in the legal description. The County Assessor's Office will correct the error in the record with the County Recorder and County Auditor at the Court House, as well as the Assessor's Office. Stated the amount of her taxes had doubled. It went up to $800. Mr. Emans pointed out there was a special assessment listed on the taxes in the amount of $442.00. -2- EM • BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 1982 9. Rosemary Geier 545 Clinton 10. Deane Dietel 845 Second Ave. SE r Questioned the estimated market value on her property. Stated it was up $3,900.00. Brad Emans commented the increase was due to the land. One lot was called an excess lot, with 100' developed and 179' excess land. Stated he has two pieces of property side by side. There is a difference in the size, with one lot being 164' and the other 156'. 11. Selmer Jessen Reported the market value on his property went 542 Monroe up $5,000.00. The house was built in 1950. The land value went up about $2,000.00. He has no curb and gutter. Mr. Emans said he would look at the property and possibly make an adjustment. 12. Fred Pikal Wanted to know how the value of property was Evergreen Apts. determined. Asked if the assessors go into the house to see what it looks like. Mr. Pikal stated he had lived in his house 30 years and no one had been in it. His taxes went up from $500.00 to $1,365.00 in 1982. County Assessor Victorian responded that the property value is determined by base value, with the land and building determining the value. Without water, the value would be less. In 1971 a re- assessment was done. Mr. Emans pointed out that the property owner didn't live in the house so there was no home- stead credit-given. Some of the land was con - sidered excess land since the house is located in the middle of the lot. He said he would look at the property. 13. Tom Chekal Inquired about depreciation. Mr. Chekal com- 400 Dale Street mented he had lived in the house 24 years, and no one had been in to look at it. He also pointed out there was a shop on the back of the house. Brad Emans stated he would look at the shop. The value in 1979 was $52,550.00,and it was listed at $73,100.00 in 1982. The County Assessor's Office can make a correction if an adjustment is necessary. -3- BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 1982 14. Don Glas Asked about the valuation of the lot on his 475 Shady Ridge Road personal property. He also inquired about the taxes on the new drive -in bank for First State Federal.and its market value. Mr. Emans commented this was a "Catch 22" where curb and gutter had caused the increase in value.on his personal property. The mar- ket value for First State Federal was $139,- 000.00. 15. Pat - Mikulecky and Mr. Mikulecky wanted to know the assessed Gayle Wick value and the market value of the S &L build - ing. Mr. Emans responded the assessed value was $54,300.00 in 1981, and the private appraisal was $163,500.00. Mr. Mikulecky then inquired of the County Assessor how the appraiser had arrived at his figure. Mr. Victorian answered there was no way to determine how the appraiser reached his appraisal figure without seeing his worksheets. They were not included in the submitted appraisal. Mr. Victorian further stated this appraisal of the S &L building had nothing to do with what was being discussed today. They are two different matters. Mr. Wick inquired if the County Assessor's Office went by sales to determine a market value. With a sale of $157,000.00 and re- duced taxes, the S &L property was assessed at one -third of its.value. Mr. Victorian pointed out there was no record of sale for the S &L property. The record showed Charles J. Kennedy, in care of Emmet and Edward McCormick, as owner. Mr. Ron Mc- Graw is not listed as owner but apparently has an unrecorded contract for deed. Mr. Vic - torian had been requested to look at the build- ing by Mr. McGraw. -4- i r BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 1982 16. Gilbert Lehman Stated he owns two land- locked lots in the Route 3 north part of town. He had subdivided Lot 6 and sold the lots. He has been trying to sell the other two lots. Mr. Lehman felt the taxes were too high on the two lots. Mr. Emans commented that undeveloped lots are taxed at 50%. Alderman Gruenhagen moved to recess the meeting at 12:15 P.M. and re- convene at 2:00 P.M. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion carried unanimously. The Board of Review was called to order at 2:10 P.M., with the following present: `Aldermen Mlinar, Carls, Beatty and Mayor DeMeyer. Absent: Alderman Gruenhagen. Also present: City Administrator Gary D. Plotz, County Assessor Tony Victorian, Brad Emans and Hal Kirchoff from County Assessor's Office. The following action was taken: 1. Ken Santelman Mr. Santelman owns 7.9 acres valued at $16,- 000.00. Mr. Emans recommended leaving the land value at $2,000.00 an acre. The motion was made by Alderman Mlinar to leave the land value at $16,000.00. Seconded by Alderman Beatty, the motion unanimously carried. 2. Lester Schuft No action was necessary. Mr. Schuft only inquired about the reason for the increase. 3. Jeff Haag Mr. Emans stated Jeff Haag's land had a land value of $31,800.00. It was his recommenda- tion to reduce the land value by $1,800.00 to $30,000.00. Alderman Beatty made the motion to reduce the land value to $30,000.00, with a $1,800.00 reduction. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion unanimously carried. 4. Lyndon Gernand There was a market value of $100,500.00 on Mr. Gernand's house, but he thought it was too high. It was Mr. Eman's recommendation to leave the amount as stated. Alderman Beatty moved to leave the market value where it was. Seconded by Alderman Carls, the motion carried unanimously. -5- 0 BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 19 82 5. Harold Grams (Representing Mrs. Laura White) 6. Larry Graf 7. Jim Condon 8. Mrs. Virgil Tasche 9. Rosemary Geier 10. Deane Dietel 11. Selmer Jessen 12. Fred Pikal 13. Tom Chekal 14. Don Glas 15. S &L Project 16. Gilbert Lehman W No action was necessary. No action was necessary. No action was necessary. No action was necessary. It was Brad Emans' recommendation to reduce the land amount by $2,200.00 to $24,000.00. It was moved by Alderman Beatty to accep� the $24,000.00 value for land. Alderman- Mlinar seconded the motion, and it unan:L,, mously carried. Mr. Emans reported Mr. Dietel paid $18,500.00 in 1979. It was his recommendation to take another 15% depreciation (total of 40 %) from $21,600.00 to reduce value to $19,300.00. Alderman Beatty moved to accept the $19,300.00 value as recommended. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. No action was necessary. No action was necessary. No action was necessary. There was an error in the tax, listing a shop in back of the garage as liveable property. This would probably lower the taxes by $4,000.00 to $69,000.00 or $70,000.00. No action was necessary. This item was not of concern to the Board of Review. Mr. Emans reported the taxes went up from $8,300.00 to $13,300.00.on the two empty lots. The property owner has been trying to sell the lots for $5,000.00 per lot. It was the recommendation of Brad Emans to reduce the value to around $9,000.00 for taxes. BOARD OF REVIEW MAY 20, 1982 • • The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to set the land value at $8,500.00. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar, the motion carried unanimously. 17. Jonathon Brandau A letter was received from Mr. Brandau re- Ag Systems garding the $99,600.00 value on his house. He asked why a house built in 1952 has that much value on it. Mr. Emans mentioned that .the purchase price in 1981 was $125,000.00. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to leave the value as stated. The motion was seconded by Alderman Mlinar and unanimously carried. 18. 10 Vacant Lots Brad Emans reported there were 10 lots now vacant which used to have houses on them. He recommended reducing the amount for a total reduction of $26,000.00 for the fol- lowing lots: 2 Lots - Elmer Schwartz 1 Lot - Walter Quast 1 Lot — Kenneth Norton 1 Lot - Frank Fay 2 Lots - Popps Electrical 1 Lot - Helen Julig 1 Lot - Donald Peterson 1 Lot - Shu Mei Hwang Motion by Alderman Carls, seconded by Alder- man Beatty, to approve the $26,000.00 reduc- tion for the 10 vacant lots above stated. Motion unanimously approved. The motion was made by Alderman Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 3:05 P.M. Seconded by Alderman Mlinar and carried unanimously. -7- (612) 587 -5151 '!T Y OF HUTCHINSON NASHINGTON AVENUE WEST :HINSON, MINN. 55350 May 20, 1982 M E M O R A N D U M FOR YOUR INFORMATION TO: MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: PERSONNEL COORDINATOR RE: SUMMER EMPLOYEES - PARKS, RECREATION, FORESTRY The following will be summer employees in the departments, as per budget. NAME AND ADDRESS Anne Schepers, 305 E. Pishney Dave Flink, 4th & High Street Kari Schlender, Route 1, Hutch Trevor Woller, 221 Freemont Dale Dose, 1106 Bradford Steve Smith, 700 Goebel Street Joanna Mahling, 637 Harmony Lane Randall Exsted, 66 N. High Drive Dave Mooney, 930 Goebel Circle Tim Zackrison, 44 llth.Ave NE Kathleen Zimmerman, 725 Oak St. Nansi Pellinen, 450 Glen St. N. Collin Zackrison 44 11th Ave NE Jerry Carlson, 315 Washington Ave W Tamie Moehring, 845 Maple Allen Davidson, 56 4th Ave NW. Jason Moehring, 845 Maple JOB TITLE PAY RATE Tree Inspector (full time) $4.00 /hr Tree Inspector (part time) *4.00 Park Maintenance 3.50 Park Maintenance 3.50 Park Maintenance 3.50 Park Maintenance 3.50 Rec Supervisor -T Ball 4.50 Rec Supervisor- Baseball 4.50 Rec Baseball Coach 4.00 Rec Baseball Coach 3.90 Rec Tots in the Park 3.70 Rec Tots in the Park 3.70 Rec Soccer and Baseball 3.70 Rec Water Safety Supervisor 4.75 Rec Water Safety Instr. 4.00 Rec Water Safety Instr. 3.90 Rec Water Safety Instr. 3.70 In addition, we hope to be assigned at least 8 CETA Summer Youth employees in the various departments of the City, at no cost. We anticipate having one CETA On- Job - Training employee for the summer in the Street Department, in a 50% funded position (Minh Tong, 300 Lynn Road). The above personnel action conforms to adopted-personnel policy and to the council approveelect' process. " Departmett Hea Personnel `Coordinator City Adoo i s t1ra tQr �s • / (612) 879 -2311 iHUTIH" CITY OF HUTCHINSON 37 WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST HUTCHINSON, MINN. 55350 M E M O R A N D U M FOR YOUR INFORMATION DAZE: — May 12. 1982 — — — — — — — TO: Ken Merrill City Accountant FROM: —Ralph Neumann ------------------------ SUBJECT: — 1981 Street Sealing Program .................. Listed below is a breakdown of expenditures for our 1981 Street Maintenance Program. $23160.00 Street oil ($6000.00 worth of oil carried over from 1980) $12477.00 Black top ($3000.00 spent on Century Ave.) $ 627.00 Crack filler $ 1584.00 Seal coat sand and pea rock $ 1100.00 Winter cold mix black top $ -. 655.00 Winter sand for ice control $39603.00 I have listed the streets seal coated during 1981 and the square yards covered. Roberts Road Permanent Street 5922.Sq. Yds. California Street " 2204 Lake Street " 1027 Second Ave. " 4522 Pishney Lane Alley " 1011 Jorgenson Street " 3770 Northwood Ave. " 1464 Oak Street " 915 Harmony Lane Non- permanent Street 4200 Cedar Ave. " 1464 First Ave. N. W. " 2562 Glen Street " 3958 Grove Street " 2827 Division Ave. " 1600 Fair Ave. " 1594 Monroe Street " 11200 Fifth Ave. S. E. " 5922 (con, t.) First Ave. S. E. Erie St. Bluff Street Fifth Ave. N. E. Shady Ridge Loop liillcrest Road (612) 587 -5151 '/T Y OF HUTCHINSON WASHINGTON AVENUE WEST CHINSON, MINN. 55350 Non - permanent Street n r n a permanent � non - permanent COPY: VMa Y or and City Council City Engineer 0 1098 Sq. Yd. 1464 1281 5307 4644 1647 71603 Sq. Yds. 0 Minnesota State Planning Agency 101 Capitol Square Building 550 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone (612)296 -2557 May 19, 1982 Mr. Gary D. Plotz, City Administrator City of Hutchinson 37 Washington Avenue West Hutchinson, Minnesota 55350 Dear Mr. Plotz: 0 MAY 198 ro N RECEIVE? FOR YOUR INFORMATIOP After our telephone conversation of May 10, 1982 I checked our records and found that we had indeed not included several annexations in determining our population estimate. I am therefore revising the estimate from 9,192 to 9,301. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or comments. Sincerely, Don Feeney Sr. Research Analyst DF:dlg AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER • i:r. Homer Pittman Building Official City of Hutchinson 37 'WashinCton Ave. W. Hutchinson, EN 55350 De-_s Ex. Pittman: 0 1•1ay 18, 1982 "1A� ,1 ,SSI�V ��6.118192oP�� �� c 0,41/0 �u� 4 � � � NIAY 198? P o ID P r t'vz i -t£ FOR YOUR INFORMATION. This will acknowledge receipt of your letter dated April 29, 1982, and confirm our conversation at the premises, which are the subject of your letter, on maY 3, 1982• In compliance with your request I have ceased any further construction on the premises not specifically covered by building permits to date, and I intend to obtain permits to cover further work. As I mentioned, it was my intent to have permits for the additional work. It is my understanding that I will be permitted to perform all such further work as may be necessary to bring the structure into compliance with applicable safety codes for the type of businesses beinj conducted within the structure, regardless of cost. Again I solicit your cooperation in providing copies of pertinent sections of the building code, and in reviewing the premises and the code with me so that I can understand what work will be necessary to achieve compliance. As per your request I will be personally drawing a survey of lot lines and their relationship to the location of the structure, to aid in the process of determining what is necessary to achieve safety compliance. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, `_ s cNlsZ�o CC: Marlowe V. Priebe Thomas D. Clabo Director - Engineering and Protective Inspections L/�Iary Plotz City Clerk Enc: Mr. Priebe's letter of Jan. 18, 1982 - HGL140- 3/11/R? HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE I HUTCHINSOY, MINNESUTA BALANCE SHEET r MARCH 31 • 1982 FOR YOUR INFORMA i • � 0D • ♦ v ELECTRIC • i _�� • • • s s GAS • i s - s s s ♦ T07AL 0 t • ASSETS------ ----- _----- -_______� UTILITY PLANT - At COST LAYD C LAND RIGHTS 126,300.30 129629.10 1369926.40 _ -_ Y E T�- E19!`F.__ 14,39Q�P22.49 l 9Q 4 02 16,294,284.51 TOTAL UTILITY PLANT , 91.9 - -_ _ 1,916x090.12 16,4339212.9 _._ -._. LESS ACCUMVLAIED- DEPRECIAIION 7,204,633.1QLR _ 692.848.73CR T.807 681 Big TOTAL ACCUMULATED DFPRECIATIUY 7,2049B33.10CR _ 602,848.73CR 70807,681.8 - - CgrIS�RU4TIDN jY PRt7GRE�S__ 41(14QQ.�4j�_ 4119609.41 TOTAL CONSTRUCTIUN-IN PROGRESS 4119609.41 MARCH 319 1981 411,609.4 TOTAL_UTiL _I-)1_PL9►1L_- DEP3EC ALIIE 7 723.899.10 1,313,241.39 q pat 1cn c RESfRICTEO FUNDS E ACCOUNTS �' - •+• `�•�� �'= - - HUNICIPAL EQUITY �_- .._. __ CUYT?t�Ti9N= 41Iy_4f_�2I�►!lr!'S91i___. BALANCE YEAR ENO 1.1402.41 29S02#860.54 1010359130.22 FEDERAL INTERPRETATION 119.4b6.92 340,000.00 "' �}A402 91 340,000.00 FUTURE EXPANSION E DEVELOPMENT 426,060.00 597,000.00 19023,060.00 ---- ----- _3ESE3YE_F4R�sIEL OIL PURCHASES- 3Q7,9.40.00 . - _ - 307,940.00 BUVO L INTEREST PAYMENT 1976 2239960.91 223,960.91 80,11) RESERVE 1976 652,030.53 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 652,030.53 CG "ITRIQUTjON__ C1TV_OE HlIT4H4t�SON- R93.82 CAPITAL EKPENUITURE - BOND PROE5 - EE0 200,000.00 _ s ... i '1. �;, _ 2001000.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED FUNDS C ACCOUNTS I,e1D,885r26 - 9381402,91 y_ 20749,288.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (� CURRENT 6 ACCRUED ASSETS 55,665.57 192.28 F = ;' 55,857.85 _3LLT_PAYABLI- .IO_ASSOL1AIFn Ln CASH IN HANK 139,444.10 129312.87 1519756.97 ACCMTS 347,079.74 270.796.10 kilg826.22 C047RACTS RECEIVABLE ", - --''- 609683.---- 21'r'�' �_• -:. qtr 60,683.21 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 155,743.73 5459358.97 1 ;.1i401t102.60 _ _ - I1YF*1IQ31E5� __ 715 412.52 43 514 10 k ` 758 996 62 " CURR E ACCRUED ASSETS- PREPAID INS 46,467.41 4,408.69 509876.09 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 34,198.39 16,008.81 50,107.20 - ---- HER. _LL +R�FNLSi_- 9CCRSIED_4S 76.26 TOTAL CURRENT E ACCRUED ASSETS 211381365.89 _ _ 9531158 28 3,091,524.1' _ -___ -. _Q ►f_E33E_TI�tlA_RGE _ syt? �. , t: F "a,rtK BOND DISCOUNT 219196.94 21@196.94 TOTAL DEFERRED CHARGE - - -- 219196.94 21 @196.9 TOTAL ASSETS 111694,347.19-'- ;77 7 ,. ` ` t_ 3@204,802.58 � 14v8991149, aa fj M Y� - HGL140- 3/31/82 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE,- HUTCHINSON9 MINNESOTA. BALANCE SHEET MARCH 319 1981 ;. - -- - - - • * • ELECTRIC • s s s s s a *'GAS. s'• f • °.;,. t:f�s"P:TOTAL a • • • _-- TfuNiC1PAL.�- OilI7Y._ -� L1A91LLIlES �' - •+• `�•�� �'= - - HUNICIPAL EQUITY BALANCE YEAR ENO 70532,249.68 29S02#860.54 1010359130.22 .CU39EYI_PER10D_NELA_NGOME 119.4b6.92 797. 224.49 4606.691.31 CONTRIBUTION TO CITY :e 629500.0000. - ` ^CF 2.. -- -.-.r- TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY 796511716.50 - 2,7279565.03 10,379,301.53 LONG TERM LIABILITIES -NET OF CURRENT MATURITIES BQ_405 -1976 ISSUE- 3 375 POO.Do a75 000 00 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES 30759000.00 393759000.00 •. _ L1INSlA ..CD.NTRAf Tf L ALTS OAK RFTAIN - _ s ... i '1. �;, _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION C ACCTS PAY LUR4EUT-- L_ACLRUEL_L1AB1L1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 470,57146 - r'1e04S�14T.39 - INTEREST ACCRUED 55,665.57 192.28 F = ;' 55,857.85 _3LLT_PAYABLI- .IO_ASSOL1AIFn Ln 14,Ap6..2 c2 7,?G1 -61fA 16,9nA A4Co ACCRUEU PAYABLE - PAYROLL 26,646.91 50450.85 329097.76 ACCRUED VACATION PAYABLE 7,373.95 20904.28 10,228.23 CUSIO.4ER.DEPOSIIS_ _ - 17 @962.D6 i9 OTHER CURRENT L ACCRUED LIABILITIES 6 ?.50 10.00 72.50 CURRENT L ACCRUED LIAR 6671630.69, r +. 4779217 55 191449848.24 - -TOTAL 4 TOTAL MUNICIPAL EQUITY E LIAB 1196949347.19 39204002.58 1498999149. ' y_ . - HSL110- 3/31/82 HJTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE 1 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA ELECTRIC OIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME L EXPENSES MARCH 311 1982 CURRENT MONTH t • • • YEAR -TO -DATE • • — ]NCU4E- SIATEMENT OPERATING REVENUE SALES — ELECTRIC ENERGY 622,448.86CR 1r858,6i8.25CR SALES,FU4 RESALE- Dc49N12___. —. _ 18i331.37CK 51a000*11LB_ NET INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES 3,1?7.IICR "' 89731.38CR `•' SECURITY LIGHTS 753.60CR 29038.90CR POLE RENTAL .J' S.59I1.2SCR'° - TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE 644,662.94CR 1,930,016.89CR _ uPERAT14L EXPENSES I -: _ .- _.- . ___, I I HGL110- 3/31/82 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION PAGE 2 HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA GAS DIVISION STATEMENT OF INCOME E EXPENSES MARCH 31, 1982 CURRENT MONTH • • s s YEAR -TD -DATE • • ----INCOME STATEMENT OPERATING REVENUES SALES 543,407.77CR 119540715.42CR TOTAL-!7RkRATING -9LYFN9E 543,407.17CR 1,9540 15.42CR OPERATING EXPENSE L_ o_ GAS_ExP_E►1SE` 788.53 OTHER POWER PRUO EXPENSE 41.00 11758.66 PURCHASED GAS EXPENSE 451,830.51 1,638,988.57 D15T418uTj9N_U?F- 9ATI001 130" 71035 382430:53 OtSTRI8UTI0N MAINTENANCE 7,031.32 11,15i.27 — CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSE 9,132.71 8,147.74 CUST._5ERVISE_4_1'1FJM&T- At FXP 1,023.74 2.005.34 _ AD4I4ISTRATIU,4 E GENERAL 121230.15 39,196.91 MAINTENANCE OF PROD EQUIP Bd.50 339.88 nEPxECisT1OK� 4,QQ4,4 2_ TOTAL JPERATING EXPENSES 4931320.91 1x735 504.43'. _— �7pfg3llNu IK MF 50 086 86CR 199.205.99CR 11THER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 7.04CR __86.76CR INTEREST INCOME 8,131.96CR - `` :' .28,187,37CR T:+ MISC INCOME 23S.80CR" 59.386.ZUR tlISC_IRCOMME - INCKE14EN A PRICI G 358.14CR'-- fTOTAL OTHER INCOME AND DEDUCTIONS 8,377.60CR 881018.50CR �c AOL NET INCOME 'w t 58,444.66GR Fe „ cc�,���R NET INCOME 'w t 58,444.66GR Fe „ cc�,���R ,_,_ «._.... .. v,....,. .. v.. v.. 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' ' t 1 I ! 93 f t (Af i tt w• - 1 1 f i tit Lj. 191IN 40 THE HUTCHINSON SAFETY COUNCIL FOR YOUR INFORMATION The Hutchinson Safety Council met April. 26, 1982 at the Nutrition Center in the Evergreen Apartment Building. There were 16 members present. The meet i nt; was called to order by President Myron Johnson. a prayer was ttf�ld with the nutrition members and lunch was served. Following Itinch we adjourned to the meeting room for our meeting. The klarch minutes were approved as read. A motion was made and seconded we iay the f'ol. lowing bills: Postage: 6.89 to Joyce Rix Guests dinners: 6.69 to Myron Johnson. OLD B[ISINE'SS: Fair booth: A general discussion was held on the type of booth. It. was decei.ded to have a different safety theme each day, as follows; 1. Saturday: Automotive and Motorcycle Safety Jim Hudson and Les Smith, Chairmen 2. Sunday: Farm Safety Larry Wendorff, George Field & Bill Arndt, Chairmen 3. Nlonday: Fire, Disaster & Tornado Safety George Field and Mike Monge, Chairmen 4. Tuesday: Boat, Snowmobile and Recreation Vehicle Safety Sheriff Duane Kopesky, Chairman -veral of theses chairman will check on the location and report back of their finrl_ings at the next meeting. After a discussion , the motion was made and seconded that Jim Hudson and Myron Johnson pick out the final . location with the approval of the fair board. It was also suggested, it' possible, to give away a prize each day, such as a fire extinguisher, life jacket or etc. ?'` .,.,0. meeting will be May ?1, at the Nutrition Center. Ttle rn(-,et..ing was adjourned by motion. A tour of the new fire hall was held and this was extremely interesting and informative as so many of the safety council members are firemen. The new fire hall is a valuable addition to the city of Hutchinson. Submitted by: Myron Johnson, President Loretta F. Pishney, Seer. Treas. TREASURERS' Report.: Balance on hand April 1, 1982 176.99 Deposits: none Disbursements:J. Rix'Postage 6.89 14. Johnson Guest Dinners -6.69 Balance on hand April 30, 1982 163.41