06-23-2014 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes June 23, 2014 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Curt Dahl, Darlene Kenning, Warren Schuft, Barb Peterson City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. II. Secretary's Report: The May 19th minutes were examined. Warren made a motion to approve the minutes and Harriet seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren presented the current financials to the Advisory Board. Card sales hit the 450 mark in May /June raising over $225. Button Bouquet sales brought in another $120 this past month while shot gun flowers added another $30. Dish cloths made a comeback with sales of $34. Curt made a motion to accept the report with a second from Barb. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reminded the group that the June tour for a car show /Como Park visit did not get enough registration and was cancelled. The July cruise in Duluth is sold out with a waiting list. The state fair trip for August already has 15 participants on board, while the mystery tour slated for September 24th is sold out. Upcoming trips include an October 29th tour of Minneapolis landmarks including Jax Cafe, the Plymouth Congregational Church, and the Westminster Presbyterian Church. A November trip includes dinner in Montevideo with a stop in Dawson to listen to "Vocalessence" narrated by Don Shelby. In December the tour will head to the "new" Old Log Theater for its rendition of "Life Could Be a Dream ". Julie also reported that the Minnesota Historical Society is working on a production of the Hutchinson brothers music which may be added to the tour list for 2015. B. Update on Programs- September reported that Fellowship Dinner for July will be held on July 29th and barbecue sandwiches will be the main entree. The movie for the coming month will be "Lone Survivor" which will be shown on July 16th and 17th at 1:OOpm. On July 21st there will be a special showing of "Las Vegas" at 10:30am. Travel at a Glance will remain local in July with two opportunities to kayak. Sessions will take place at 4:OOpm on July 16th and 23 rd V. Business A. Table Tennis- September let the board know that there has been some interest expressed in having table tennis available at the Center. After discussing some of the pros and cons, the topic was tabled until the July meeting. B. Free Dance- The topic of having a free dance sponsored by the Advisory Board was brought up. The idea revolved around the ongoing discussion on senior dances. The thought was that we provide a free dance and see if we can garner some additional participation. Board members were asked to consider the idea and bring their thoughts to the next meeting. C. Jackpot Junction Fundraiser- September 8th is the next scheduled fundraiser for the Senior Center at Jackpot Junction. This was somewhat successful last year so the board will give it another try this fall. D. Heart of Hutchinson Farmers Market- The Farmers Market would like to promote a senior day sometime in the future. They are asking the board to come up with some ideas on how to encourage more participation amongst seniors at the event. E. Coin Show Concessions Fundraiser- The coin show and auction is scheduled at the Event Center on August 2"d. They are again asking if the Senior Advisory Board would like to provide a concession stand and keep those profits. The Board decided that it was an enjoyable event and that they would like to do it again. Menu items will be part of a future discussion. F. Other- Judy noted that the Peace Center has the same brothers that perform Everly Brothers music scheduled to perform on June 28th that the Center has booked for September 6th. It will be difficult for both concerts to succeed when they are scheduled only two months apart. Judy also noted that the person who did the bread making seminar has not yet been reimbursed. September will see to that immediately. The signup for the mystery tour included a numbering system for purchasing tickets. Judy reported that it was very successful and felt that it should be used in the future to alleviate standing in line. September shared with the group that the Senior Expo will be September 23rd. If and how much we would like to participate in that event will be a future agenda item. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:21 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 28th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary