02-21-1966 HUCM115. February 219 1966. Monthly Mee tIng,,. A monthly me e t I ng of the TH-Li t chi ns on U t 111 t I e s Commission wa s held o February 21, 1966 in the Utilities Bil.lin.-) All Corriissicnei,s were present ; also Supt. Kuiken. The f o 11 o vv 1 bills we - e a 11 o vve, d : 1 - Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 318.43 Burkha,-rdt.- Larsen Company 895 45-00 Natural Gas ion 245.1 880 14e.98 Muni-cipal Electric Plant 971.3 52-50 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 321.73 Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 104.73 Frank Motor Company 859.1 66.96 Pennsalt Chemical Corporation 880 91-80 Anderson, Helgeson, Lieser 923 400.00 American Meter Company 893 13.46 There being no further business., the meting was adjourned. R Secretary. O R.- I.-S.heppan.9' Pres,,'iden 1 -