10-11-1965 HUCMI rl 1 Ill. October 11,, 1,965 Re6u*-'P-.r Meeting A monthly meeting of the H-utchinson Utilities Commission was held on Ortol,er ll.. 1995 in the Hutchinson Utilities Billing Office. All Corri-Issioners were present; also Supt. Young, Supt. Kuiken and Attorney Don Comer. The following bills were allowed: Central Supply Company 154.3 616.72 Bobts She3l Service 859.2 85.66 Hutchinson Telephone 921 24.59 Bobts Shell Stat-lon Natural Gas Division 235 426 e80 44.45, American Meter Compary 154.3. 381 535.54 Glyndon Thies 235 14.73 Central Supply Com n)y 154.3 3.54, Pen.mQalt Chemicals Cor-ooration 680 9� X80 Farm & Home Dist - C ompa n y 880 13 1 Orville Kuiken 920.1 31.30 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 880 2.'4 Downtown Standard 859.1 44.e4 Natural (7Tas Division 245.1- 880 39.98 Postmaster 903 160-00 Gilbert Boldt 376 24.00 Orville Kuiken 920.1 179-21 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 313.29 Minneapolis Gas Company 154.3, 300.00 There being no further business t-) , the reeti%-- was adjourned. ATTEST :&o. he-p—par a P—resi t H. W. Seci;-etary.-