05-10-1965 HUCM106. May 10, 1965 Monthly Meeting* The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing office on May 10, 1965. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Orville Kuike n. Motion was made by Commissioner Quade and seconded by Commissioner Tracy to issue a check in payment of interest dLe on long term debt. Motion was unanimously carried. Following bills were allowed; Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 43.85 Northern States Supply Inc. 874 25.68 Natural Gas Division 880 245 82.77 American Meter Company 154.] 265.53 Natural Gas Division Petty Cash 60.65 General Appliance & Service Company 488 12.55 American Gas Association 488 11.00 Municipal Electric Plant 902 903 299.90 There being no further bl,siness, the meeting ras a-I journed. . ah , Secretary. President. SShe pppar, 1