11-04-1963 HUCML� 1 83 . November 4, 1963. Monthly Meeting. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing Office on November 4, 1963. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Kuiken and Supt. Young. The following bills were allowed: Municipal Electric Plant 903 120.00 George A. Clark & Company 880 4.50 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Co. 880 3.45 Hutchinson Telephone C om>any 921 21.36 Standard Printing Company 903 31.35 The Hutchinson Leader 913 32.64 Northern States .Supply, Inc 880 10.96 United Building; Center Inc 880 1.50 Citizens Bank 221 427 428 28,586.88 A. L. He pner 880 3.25 Orville Kuiken 880 64.80 Farm & Home Dist. Company 880 9.33 George A. Clark & Son 880 47.39 H. C. Ker kow 380 8.75 Nelson's "66" Station 880 31.88 Downtown Standard 880 22.14 0. A. Bretzke & Son Inc 895 2.24 Am. Meter Company 878 102.64 Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation 880 91.80 Central Supply Company 154.3 36.89 Municipal Electric Plant 245 902 903 287.47 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 880 15.25 There being; no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. Da. h , ecretary. ATTF ST : I ST eppard, resident.