07-08-1963 HUCML 1 Monthly Meeting. July 8, 1963. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the Utilities Billing Office on July 89 1963. All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed: Natural Gas Division KDUZ Northern States Supply Hutchinson Telephone Company Kral - Lamecker Welding Company Standard Printing Company Central Supply Company Dresser Manf. . Division Shell Oil Company Northern States Supply 880 4.48 880 130.00 880 2.48 921 25.92, 376 34.00 " 921 16.95 154.3 386 60.14 154.3 62.29 880 50.50 880 21.18 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. C�A J( W. Dab.l, Secret ry. ATTEST: I. Sheppard, resident. 77.