02-04-1963 HUCM72 . February 4, 1963. Monthly Meeting. The Hutchtnson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President., on February 4, 1963. All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed; Hutchinson Wholesale Standard Printing Company Ted's Pure Service Station Plowman I s Hutchinson Telephone Company A. L. Hepner Stearnswood, Inc. Juul Contracting Company Wylie Texaco Service American Meter Company Northern Natural Gas Company Municipal Electric Plant Orville Kuiken 880 18.28 903 41.10 880 49.65 880 6.90 880 26.47 154.1 30.01 880 1.65 376 380 70075 880 9.70 154.1 1,753.78 807 25,508.57 244 245 902 903 320.11 880 99.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest; R. I. ShepparcT. President.' R. W. Dahl., 'Secretary* 1 1 C