09-04-1962 HUCMU J 1 67. Monthly Meeting. September 4, 1962. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson met at the office of R. I. Sheppard, President, on September 4, 1962. All members of the Commission were present. The following bills were allowed; Hutchinson Telephone Company 921 Lindy's Shell Service 880 Northern States Supply 880 Downtown Standard 880 895 A. L. Hepner 154.1 Berdahl's 880 A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. 154.3 880 Mueller Company 154.3 Natural Gas Division 235 431 880 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Company 923 American Meter Company 154.1 Burman - Willmar Company 154.3 Franzen's Hardware 880 C. H. Stocking 895 0. A. Bretzke 895 Municipal Electric Plant 244 245 H oel's Inc 880 The Hutchinson Leader Inc 913 Lindy's Shell Service 880 Arnold Hepner 880 Northern States Supply Company 880 M. D. Schantzen 923 :t• Lindy's Shell Service 895 880 Burkhardt - Larsen Company 695 Betker:_Construction Company 376 American Meter Company 154.1 Burman Willmar Company 154.3 902 903 931 30.98 8.55 21.88 37.81 52.65 11.21 12.92 39.69 16.90 84.00 3,507.57 9.00 2.00 12.65 6.22 367.03 6.70 51.48 14.30 3.25 11.38 125-00 57.64 48.73 2 .50 250.00 46.69 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTESTED;