03-05-1962 HUCMI I 1 RDCULAR IMIEETINn March 5, 1962 The Fnitchinson Utilities Corz.-,i-;.ssJ.on of the City of Hutchinson met at tile off. ice of Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President., on March 5, 1962. All merfbers of the Comr-!,ss'Lon were present. The follaw.ine bills were allowed: Orv-.',.11e Kiiiken Ruth Fakel HotchInsor Leader Sears, Roebuck & Co. lJoIA111 S(—,' vice Si ' a t , ` c n H,,atchinsor, Telephone Co. Starj✓ard Printing Co. Wylie Texaco Service McLeod Coop. Power Asstn. Berdal°ifs Natural _bas Div Isior. MoehrinE Motors Burn arj-Willrria.r Co. bl'i-,nicipal Electric Plarlt 6 11 . 880 97-97 244, 245, 903, 931 335.47 913 32.00 880 6-50 860 27.60 921 21-30 903 6-75 880 11.37 880 3.25 880 P-49 880 39.17 880 1.50 154-3 65.12 244, 245s 903, 931 329.81 There being no fiirti-ler bus-iness, the rreetinE was adjourned. A` T E "73 rj i rI 1) R • I* 4hepp p p a- � r(f-, Presi enu