02-05-1962 HUCM60. REGULAR MEETITG :-ebrnwry 5, 1?52 The Fqtchirson 7tilities Connission cf An Cit, of Hutchinson 1. Sheppard, President, on Feb- -�et '�-t the office of Dr. R. runr3 5, 19C2. L11 members W the Commission were present. Motion was made *-,y Comr;ilssioner Thompson to reduce the chmrEe for service lines from Q50.00 to 110-100. Commissioner Qrth soccnied Ae fore of notinn and, upon roll call, all membeis Lelson's "66" Station 0' the Cornission EDO voted in Wor thereof; whereupon Chairman 8 P "",I Sheppard declared the moticn duly adopted. The followinE bills were allowed: Postmaster 9011) Ruth Take! 235,431,154-1sON Ruth. lakel 880 Standard Printing Co. 9 0,:5 Torthorn NaLuval 7as Co. ;07 Lelson's "66" Station EDO 'Ze-lep'nc;r.c C). 921 Sears Roebuck A Co. 8 P "",I nLurican meter Co. 8712, Tatural Cas Division 235, 431 Ruth rakel 244. 245, 903, 031 The hutchinscr Leawer, No. 9 1'7 TAWn Plunting " Eeati, 680, 687 NcLeod Cop. Power Assn. 060 30-00 30.27 41.96 8-05 22,932 &3 36 -45, 33-70 10.06 25-33 103 331-51 2P .16 11.26 There bein nc further Yusiness, the meetinj wos ajjnurnud. e, cc! T 71;-T ATTEVW) I I F