10-02-1961 HUCM511). IJ 1 3 8311 wa 1. ac e -r j 3 F, 1 0 T _"j pp ­ O S, t C) lk f, n 1 ;4.2 6•015 1-34.1 T,,; Ml. er IC, lf, o �p°x a l u T,,; 376, 171B0 Li o 1 . n'xtac 1- C ortipa 880 I'l e, 11 0 11 C 92,-) IL e, r s c r; '60 Pais S, IJ 1 3 8311 23-71 3 F, 1 `21 fi, 2 pp ­ O 3 1 ;4.2 6•015 1-34.1 7_77.60 376, 171B0 474.5`7 880 32-91 92,-) 60.00 '60 100 - CO e,4 A r.E,, wa s adl o u nn e d er ljres d ent Re, i-jular f. Oc'.-obG---- 2, 1961. L u !. A, I- 1 s- lcmn: 4ssic ii i' e of, mmet at the office of R. I. Presi, 'ent, on 2, L A!l nlenl er of Tne wf--,.,re all cove; d: Frank Tvlo',- c 'r Cori�parl�7 Sao 27 .85 c IL�! of ElAchl".1-1son 326 16., 0 t T H u cF] , Z ,S ea e. r 913 65.7 0 iC,.jCt).jj 1,' 4-- er ConnparlN, 154.1 487-43 Orville. K7.-..ken 920 80.70 ,1 8 B0 6.39 ha ,c:r Jel.,olry 8717 15.00', Zila Eui­jware 0 IR C', 8.9A^ ,1 ,_� u Tne « SI ezari'l-sivocd , Boo 1.50, A - Y • it Dona 1,� Iv";' C c) I ­'� z . ", 9 .98 I- I OU 0 � r. e r i c a n I'VIT c-, 1 c r Elmer Bervol..,.1c ElnlE.r B e -L via d Arier i c a-, Me F-% r e .- Y. IMCD-on"(;1. I'd `Nallace Cranda B,, .1ri-i-& n Wi 1 l.ma r C o n,:,) « ray i C, CO C Ora -par y 134.1 Sa le- ry 3 a yyy 154.1 154.3 360 3 3,527 .37 -1-2 5. 6 5 12 15 . 6 5' 54.39 172.78', 8 .36 4 75.67 � There beinC no further b-usiness,., tLe meet--Ini-, was, aijo-urned. REGULiLR LTEE'TILTF(I November 6, 1961 + 0 C � P U- k� I U a.L f. The Futchinscn Utjf�-l-Iticso C,,)rnmusslon of the City of 111ut-chinson met at tl-f,- office of Er. R. T. Sheppard, Presider-it, on November G, 2961. All members of the Commlisslon were present. Tk,;r icn was made by 'Coirzriissioner Ki;r-th to es .'—sh a rate of �-'.?O per 1,,; C for the 11`1-�tc ]c-ans cjn Comin.,11- ni -lu--,N/ 1-1 ospi t al. 1W Corrr.issioner Thompson seconded the f oret-,oinf.- motion and, -upon roll call, all menb.crs of the Corilission vote(", in favor thereof; zherwupon Claairrr�an Shr--l)po.rd decl-ared the rn,,otion diil-,v adopted. TvIotuicn was made by Corlmissioner Thompson to issue a check- in the airnc,int of x:13,874.88; ��137-38 representing the Service 3 0 j) of Payinc kc,,ent for t1ie Period T1-1F 1, 1261 to Dec.. 1., 1961 an- 4;1,',,7 0 r e P r e s -(nt-nc Interest; on 11'a4 lural ras Division R I vei e � — -uc '--I on d s . Commissioner Kurt'l-, seconded the ''oreFo-*I.nt', motion and, 1 1 if, - -� I - - L f ,�Pcn rc;,.!- call., all members of t - Corrj,,.,Iss!on votes: Jr, favor ti' e I, - E, c- f vJ ]ef,F p c, n Chairman -1 hE-'P pa r d d, (-, c I& r e d t 1 1 e mot i o n ,j a d C, 1, u, d