04-28-2014 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes April 28, 2014 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Curt Dahl, Darlene Kenning, Warren Schuft, Barb Peterson City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. th II. Secretary’s Report: The March 24 minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Barb seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Warren presented the current financials to the Advisory Board. Card sales reached well over 300 so far in March and April. Button Bouquet sales brought in an amazing $150 this past month while shot gun flowers added another $85. The volunteer brunch came in at a cost of $160 to cover the food. Curt made a motion to accept the report with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. IV. Old Business th A.Tours- Julie Jensen reported that an April 6 Minnetonka choral concert went th over well and had 36 participants. On May 4 a group of 23 will travel to the th Twin Cities for an Olympian Ice Show. The May 17 tour to Hudson, Wisconsin th to see a musical biography of the Righteous Brothers is sold out. The June 20 split tour to one of two destinations- Como Park or a back to the ‘50’s car show at the fairgrounds has been cancelled due to a lack of interest. A July cruise in Duluth is filling rapidly, while a state fair visit in August and a mystery tour in September are on tap. B.Update on Programs- September reported that the movie “12 Years a Slave” went over well and that it was a good history lesson. The “One Book One Community” event was very nice and the Event Center was a great location for thst the large group. The movie “Monuments Men” will air on May 20 and 21 at th 1:00pm. Travel at a Glance will feature “Wings of Life” on May 12. V.Business A.Sound System- September had Larry Dostal from Dostal Electronics provide information about speakers for the program room. A commercial grade system would cost around $900 and would still be functional if moved to a larger room. Harriet made a motion seconded by Darlene to purchase and install the system in the current movie room. The motion was approved. B. Concession Stand Fundraiser- The concession stand raised $64 at the coin nd auction. The next one will be August 2. Prices may be increased for this event. C. Concerts- September was contacted by some people who would like to put on an Everly Brothers concert at the Event Center. They agreed to a 60/40 split so th the date was set for Saturday, September 6. We now have four concerts scheduled for September through December. D. Other- The board had some questions about evening rentals. During a discussion about publicizing events the topic of an electronic sign on the side of the Senior Center building was brought up. September may check around to see what the rules are and how much something like that would cost. VI. Adjournment: Warren made a motion to adjourn at 11:04 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 19th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary