11-29-2012 CHCMCHARTER COMMISSION MINUTES November 29, 2012, 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Chair Deb Roepke, Don Walser, Chris Kleiman, Marlin Torgerson, Mary Inglis, Lyle Mullins, Roger Stearns and Mark Lewandowski. Members Absent: Steve Bauer Others Present: Marc Sebora, City Attorney Chair Roepke called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. 1. Welcome to New Members Chair Roepke introduced Chris Kleiman and Don Walser, the two newest members to the Charter Commission. 2. Statutory Requirement of Meeting Chair Roepke noted that Minnesota law requires the Charter Commission to meet annually, hence the meeting today. 3. Discussion of Charter Commission Vacancies/Number of Members Marc Sebora explained that the Charter Commission was established by the City as a 12- member body. There are currently three vacancies on the board. Minnesota statute requires the board have between 7 — 15 members. Mr. Sebora mentioned the name of John Hassinger to be contacted to see if he would be interested in serving on the Charter Commission. Mr. Sebora commented that something that always needs to be considered is making sure a quorum is in attendance at all meetings. It was suggested to reduce the Charter Commission members to 10. Chris Kleiman suggested keeping the board member number to an odd number for simple majority. Kleiman moved to reduce the board to nine members. Lewandowski seconded the motion. This recommendation will proceed to the City Council. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Miscellaneous Marlin Torgerson mentioned the topic of designated seats on the Council. When a person files for Council Member candidate, the individual must designate which seat they wish to run for. The two top candidates may not get the positions because of seat designation. Torgerson feels the top vote getters should be the winners. Lewandowski noted he remembers this topic was discussed at a previous meeting and the Charter Commission had decided that since the citizens had voted on this item, it would be left as is. General discussion was held on the pros and cons of designated seats. Section 4.03 in the City Charter currently addresses this. Kleiman suggested that the Charter Commission meet again in 2013 and have the Mayor, Steve Cook, in attendance to review seat designations. Mayor Cook was part of the group that petitioned to have the City Charter amended with the seat designation language. It was also suggested to look in election records to review the results and determine if the second highest vote - getter didn't get elected to office because of seat designation. Other cities will also be reviewed to see how their systems work. Also, 2002 ballot questions will be reviewed as well to see how the Charter amendment questions were posed. This item will be discussed at a future meeting to be held in 2013. Kleiman noted that in Section 5.02 of the City Charter, a petition must be signed by registered voters of the City equal in number to 20 percent of those who voted for mayor in the last preceding city election for an initiative, referendum or recall to be initiated. Kleiman noted that he felt that seemed to be rather high in comparison to other petition requirements. Kleiman suggested lowering that to perhaps 10 %. Kleiman also noted that in Section 13.03 of the City Charter, corporate surety bonds are required of elected and city officials. Minnesota statute has exempted state official from this bond requirement. Kleiman suggested that perhaps blanket bonds would be a better fit. 5. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 6: 1 Op. m.