12-17-2007 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes December 17, 2007 Members Present: Chair Mike Cannon, Deb Roepke, Linda Remucal, Ron McGraw, Mark Cormier, Judy Simons and Walt Clay Members Absent: Virgil Voight and Roger Stearns Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. Mr. Cannon noted that the meeting was called today to meet statutory requirements that the Charter Commission meet one time annually. Mr. Cannon asked if anyone had any items that needed to be discussed. Mr. Cannon noted that Marc Sebora, City Attorney, informed him that the Mayor would like to have the Charter Commission look at giving the Mayor the power to make a motion. Mr. Cannon further noted that the charter does not prevent the Mayor from making motions and that is something he feels is the City Council's decision to make. Mr. Cannon also noted that he feels the hospital privatization should be taken out of the charter completely since it is a separate entity. Marc Sebora, City Attorney noted that the City Council does not know what to do with the HAHC Board. The hospital will be a separate entity but the City acts as a landlord still owning the buildings and land for the next 30 years. Mr. Sebora further noted that there is criteria set forth if the hospital were to default; the assets would revert back to the City. The City Council is not sure if they should dissolve the board or keep it running. Mr. Sebora noted that this is something for the Charter Commission to consider for next year. Mr. Sebora further noted he would recommend that the hospital section be deleted or amended in the charter. Mr. Clay inquired of whether there were scenarios where the City got the hospital back. Mr. Clay recommended that they amend the charter instead of deleting it completely, so if the hospital were to default something would still be in the charter. Mr. Sebora commented that the City is concerned about getting the deal complete. Mrs. Remucal noted that the Charter Commission does not have to decide today what to do about the charter, they have until the elections. Mr. Clay noted that they should get the City's recommendations and then the Commission will make the changes. Mrs. Remucal inquired about the whether the HHC Board includes all new members. Mr. Sebora noted that the HHC Board will consist of seven members and of those seven members the City will pick three members and of those three one will be a City Council representative. Discussion was held. Mr. Cannon noted that the City should move forward with the deal and the Charter Commission will act when needed. Mr. Cannon also noted about the City communication issue that is happening with City staff and the City Council. Mr. Cannon noted that in the charter it specifically states that the City Council can not give orders to staff Mr. Cannon inquired whether or not the charter needed to be changed. Mr. Sebora noted that Robert Honke is the person who says it should be addresses and the provisions stricken, and that City Council members should be able to talk with employees. Mr. Clay noted that he feels the sections about Boards and Commissions not being able to communicate by email went over the edge and it would be hard for members to communicate. Mr. Sebora noted that Council Member Casey Stotts will be taking out the Boards and Commissions section. Discussion was held. Mr. Cannon also noted that the Charter Commission is short three members. Mr. Cannon further noted that if anyone knew of anyone who would serve on the Charter Commission they should let him know. Mr. Cannon inquired whether they needed the full 12 members and what makes the quorum, half of 12 or half of the nine members. Mr. Cannon further noted that the City has tried to find people to serve, and have been unsuccessful. Mr. Sebora noted that the state requirement is that the Charter Commission has between 8 and 13 members and the City Ordinance requires the Charter Commission have 12 members. Mr. Sebora further noted that if they would like to drop to nine members it would have to be approved by City Council. Mr. Sebora further noted that he would recommend the Charter Commission meet sometime in early 2008 to discuss the hospital revisions. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Clay, seconded by McGraw to adjourn at 4:27 p.m.