11-13-2006 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes November 13, 2006 Members Present: Chair Mike Cannon, Deb Roepke, Linda Remucal, Roger Stearns, Judy Simons, Virgil Voight and Walt Clay Members Absent: Ron McGraw, Roger Peterson, Mark Cormier Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Cannon noted that the meeting was called today to meet statutory requirements that the Charter Commission meet one time annually. Mr. Cannon further noted that an annual report needs to be submitted to the First Judicial District Chief Judge. He will contact City Attorney Marc Sebora to ask for his assistance with this as he has done in the past. A motion was made by Stearns, seconded by Simons, to approve the Charter Commission meeting minutes of October 3, 2005. Motion carried unanimously. The group noted that there are two seats open on the Charter Commission. The City has not received any interest to date from persons interested in serving. If any Commission members know of individuals that they think should be considered by the Chief Judge for appointment, they may forward them to Melissa Starke at City Center. However, the group felt that they will not actively seek candidates now, due to the fact that there are no issues before the Charter Commission and it may be another year before the Commission meets again. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Remucal, seconded by Clay to adjourn at 4:15 p.m.