11-29-2004 CHCMCharter Commission Minutes November 29, 2004 Members Present: Chair Mike Cannon, Roger Petersen, Don Glas, Chuck Carlson, Ron McGraw, Virgil Voigt, and Judy Simons Members Absent: Linda Remucal, Walt Clay, Mark Cormier, Roger Stearns, and John Miller Others Present: Melissa Starke, Recorder Mike Cannon called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. Discussion was held that an annual report needs to be submitted to the Chief Judge. A motion was made by Don Glas, second by Chuck Carlson to authorize Chair Cannon to write the annual report. Mike Cannon stated he will contact City Attorney Marc Sebora regarding this. Chair Cannon also stated that an organizational meeting will need to be set in early 2005. At this meeting a new Chair of the committee will be selected. General discussion was held regarding the mayor holding a seat on the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (HUC) board. The current Charter reads that a member of the City Council may be a member of the City Council. Judy Simons cited the "Incompatible Offices" section of the Charter and how it applies to Marlin Torgerson continuing to serve on the HUC board after his term of mayor is up at the end of 2004. More discussion was held regarding whether or not Marlin Torgerson would be able to serve in a paid position on the HUC board for one year following his term as mayor. Roger Petersen brought up the fact that a council member is required to serve on the hospital board, but is not required to serve on the HUC board. Mr. Petersen stated that he felt this issue should be reviewed again in the future. The Charter Commission briefly reviewed the changes that had been made to the City Charter from March 2002 to February 2004. With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Chuck Carlson, seconded by Ron McGraw to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m.