03-24-2014 SAM Senior Advisory Board Minutes March 24, 2014 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Curt Dahl, Darlene Kenning, Warren Schuft, Barb Peterson City Staff: September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. th II. Secretary’s Report: The February 24 minutes were examined. Warren made a motion to approve the minutes and Harriet seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer’s Report: Warren presented the current financials to the Advisory Board. Card sales reached almost 300 so far in March. Button sales brought in $10 this past month while shot gun flowers added another $30. Judy made a motion to accept the report with a second from Barb. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A.Tours- Julie Jensen reported that a group headed to the Paramount Theater to see an Irish concert in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, which included a dinner at the th Coyote Moon restaurant. This tour sold out and went well. An April 6 th Minnetonka choral concert is on the calendar and has some seats left. On May 4 we will travel to the Twin Cities for an Olympian Ice Show which still has plenty th of tickets available. May 17 will bring a visit to Hudson, Wisconsin to see a musical biography of the Righteous Brothers and that tour has only three seats th left. On June 20 we will see a split tour when a bus will travel to the state fairgrounds and then disperse the participants to one of two destinations- Como Park or a back to the ‘50’s car show at the fairgrounds. A July cruise in Duluth, a state fair visit in August, and a mystery tour this fall are included in upcoming adventures. B.Update on Programs- September reported that the nature film “Jungle Eagles” turned out to be very entertaining and the movie of the month, “The Book Thief”, went over well. The knitting group meets on Friday and seems to really be enjoying the fellowship. The baking class had sixteen at last count and is proving to be popular. Tomorrow night is the fellowship dinner along with bingo and the meal will feature beef stew. West Elementary still needs readers for its reader listening program, which begins in this month. “Twelve Years a Slave” will be the featured movie in April. The fellowship dinner this next month will be serving up meatballs. Earl Olson will be doing a “Travel at a Glance” tour of Hawaii. September reported that the group that performed “Sirens of the Sixties” last month is interested in returning this fall for two appearances. They would like to perform a show entitled “Hits of the Fifties” in October and then return in December for a Christmas presentation. The Shadows band is already scheduled for September so there is a potential of three concerts in a four month period. September also discussed the possibility of selling tickets to all three shows for one reduced price. V.Business A.Sound System- September had Larry Dostal from Dostal Electronics provide information about potential speakers for the program room. A commercial grade system would cost around $900 and would still be functional if moved to a larger room. A cheaper system would cost in the $600 range but is not commercial grade and would not be able to cover a larger space. A decision was tabled for the time being. B. Concession Stand Fundraiser- A Coin Auction being held at the Center and its organizers asked the Senior Center to provide a small concession stand as part of their event. September thought that is would be a good fundraiser as well as th a good senior activity. This event will be held on April 5 from 7:30a-2:00p. C. Senior Day at the Mall- The board decided against sponsoring a senior day at the mall. th D. Volunteer Luncheon- The volunteer luncheon has been set for April 24 at 10:00am. VI. Adjournment: Curt made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 am with a second from Judy. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary