02-24-2014 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes February 24, 2014 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Curt Dahl, Darlene Kenning, Warren Schuft, Barb Peterson City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. IL Secretary's Report: The February 10th minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Warren seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren presented the current financials to the Advisory Board. Card sales reached over 200 in both January and February. Button sales brought in $80 this past month while wreaths added another $40. The February concert raised $1364 for the Center. Curt made a motion to accept the report with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the "Cooks on Crocus Hill ", which featured cooking skills on display along with a candy factory visit, went off with only one small hitch. Someone got stuck in an elevator during the trip which created a slight delay. Everything turned out fine. On March 14th a group will head to the Paramount Theater to see an Irish concert in honor of St. Patrick's Day which will include a dinner at the Coyote Moon restaurant. This tour has two seats left. An April 6th Minnetonka choral concert is on the calendar and has just a few seats left. On May 4th we will travel to the Twin Cities for an Olympian Ice Show which still has plenty of tickets available. May 17th will bring a visit to Hudson, Wisconsin to see a musical biography of the Righteous Brothers and that tour has only seven seats left. In June we will see a rare split tour when a bus will travel to the state fairgrounds and then disperse the participants to one of two destinations - Como Park or a back to the `50's car show at the fairgrounds. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the movie "Gifted Hands" went over well and next up will be "The Book Thief'. West Elementary still needs readers for its reader listening program, which begins in March. The fellowship dinner for February will be featuring broasted chicken. The Center's first concert for the year, "Sirens of the Sixties ", was very well received but attendance was a little light due to the nasty weather. The show required the emergency purchase of some light bars to enable the stage to be lit. September asked the board if they would like to keep them for future rental purposes but the board felt that they should be purchased by the City and packaged with the other technical equipment that the Center rents out. The Shadows have been booked for a show in September. V. New Business A. Board Elections- The board held an election of officers for the upcoming year with Don Schroeder retaining his chairmanship on a motion by Curt and a second by Harriet. The other officers included vice chair Harriet Sturges on a motion made by Darlene and seconded by Barb, treasurer Warren Schuft on a motion by Curt and seconded by Harriet, and secretary John McRaith on a motion by Curt and seconded by Warren. Officers retain their positions for one year. B. Concession Stand Fundraiser- A Coin Auction being held at the Center is looking for a small concession stand as part of their event and September thought that is would be a good fundraiser. This activity will be held on April 5th from 7:30a- 2:OOp. C. Senior Day at the Mall- The Mall marketing department is wondering if the Senior Center would be interested in promoting a "Senior Day" at the Mall. It would involve creating some activities that would go on throughout the designated day and give the public an idea of how the Center can enrich the lives of seniors. Don asked that this be tabled and that board members should think about whether to pursue this opportunity and, if so, come with ideas for the day. VI. Adjournment: Harriet made a motion to adjourn at 11:10 am with a second from Curt. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 24th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary