cp01-14-2014Council Workshop — Review of Ends Statements — 4: 00 p.m. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 2014 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. 2. INVOCATION — Hunter's Ridge Community Church 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS, DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 10, 2013 Action — Motion to approve as presented 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14229 -DESIGNATING DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND INSTITUTIONS 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14230 - APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA AND WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 14231 -RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO 2013 CONSTRUCTION FUND AND GENERAL FUND 4. RESOLUTION NO. 14232 - APPOINTING JEREMY CARTER AS CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR 2014 5. RESOLUTION NO. 14233 -DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AS HUTCHINSON LEADER 6. RESOLUTION NO. 14228 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (OVERNIGHT PARKING AREA ON ARCH STREET NE) (b) SELECTION OF COUNCIL'S VICE PRESIDENT — Bill Arndt (c) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO BOARDS & COMMISSIONS: 1. AIRPORT COMMISSION — Steve Cook 2. CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD — Gary Forcier CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 14, 2014 3. HUTCHINSON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. BOARD (EDA) — Chad Czmowski and Mary Christensen 4. HUTCHINSON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (HRA) — Gary Foricer 5. JOINT PLANNING BOARD — Bill Arndt 6. LIBRARY BOARD — Mary Christensen 7. MID - MINNESOTA COMMISSION — Bill Arndt 8. PARKS, RECREATION, COMMUNITY EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD — Mary Christensen 9. PLANNING COMMISSION — Bill Arndt 10. PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION— Mary Christensen 11. TREE BOARD — Steve Cook (d) DESIGNATION OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OTHER COMMITTEES: 1. HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION — Chad Czmowski 2. FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION — Fire Chief TBD, City Administrator Jeremy Carter, Mayor Steve Cook 3. RESOURCE ALLOCATION COMMITTEE — Gary Forcier and Steve Cook 4. WAGE COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Gary Forcier 5. CITY - SCHOOL DISTRICT JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE — Chad Czmowski and Steve Cook 6. RADIO BOARD — Steve Cook 7. SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE — Bill Arndt (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2014 CITY CALENDAR (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ROAD CLOSURE ON JANUARY 16, 2014, FOR EVENT OCCURRING AT HUTCHINSON EVENT CENTER (g) BOARD /COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS /REAPPOINTMENTS (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A 2 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JANUARY 14, 2014 (i) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Action — Motion to approve consent agenda 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. - NONE 9. COMMUNICATIONS, REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) (a) UPDATE ON SNOW REMOVAL PROCEDURES No action. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (a) DISCUSSION OF CHICKEN ORDINANCE Action — (b) DISCUSSION OF MAYORAL TERMS Action - 11. NEW BUSINESS 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items) (a) AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 21, 2013 (b) CREEKSIDE ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 16, 2013 (c) LIQUOR HUTCH QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER — DECEMBER 2013 (d) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 27, 2013, AND DECEMBER 18, 2013 (e) PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 25, 2013 (fl PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 15, 2013 (g) HUTCHINSON HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 19, 2013 (h) PLANNING, ZONING, BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR DECEMBER 2013 (i) PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 14, 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS 14. ADJOURN MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER — 5:30 P.M. Mayor Steve Cook called the meeting to order. Members present were Mary Christensen, Bill Arndt, Gary Forcier and Chad Czmowski. Others present were Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, Kent Exner, City Engineer and Marc Sebora, City Attorney. 2. INVOCATION — Pastor Todd Harris, Oak Heights Covenant Church, delivered the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. RECOGNITION OF GIFTS. DONATIONS AND COMMUNITY SERVICE TO THE CITY PROCLAMATION DECLARING JANUARY AS "ONE BOOK, ONE COMMUNITY MONTH" Council Member Forcier thanked the Hutchinson firefighters for their work recently in the very cold weather. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Diane Robinson, 760 Hillcrest Road NE, requested that City Council meetings be put online for viewing. Mayor Cook noted this will be considered as it has been discussed in the past. 6. MINUTES (a) REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 26, 2013 (b) TRUTH IN TAXATION HEARING MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 3, 2013 Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 7. CONSENT AGENDA (Purpose: only for items requiring Council approval by external entities that would otherwise have been delegated to the City Administrator. Traditionally, items are not discussed.) (a) RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 1. RESOLUTION NO. 14210 -RESOLUTION ACTIVATING DEFERRED ASSESSMENT (SA- 5087A) 2. RESOLUTION NO. 14222 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (HIGH STREET NE) 3. RESOLUTION NO. 14225 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DONATION FROM HUTCHINSON HEALTH 4. RESOLUTION NO. 14227 - RESOLUTION TO PARTICIPATE IN MCLEOD COUNTY'S ALL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 (b) PLANNING COMMISSION ITEMS CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AMEND THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ADDITION AT 1193 OAKWOOD COURT NW WITH ZERO SETBACK TO THE REAR PROPERTY LINE WITH FAVORABLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 14209) (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF 2014 LICENSE RENEWALS (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF GRANTING PERMANENT EASEMENT TO JAMES HANSON (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING TOBACCO LICENSE TO FAYEQ MASHAL AT 725 BALTIMORE STREET (CURRENTLY HUTCHINSON & TOBACCO AND CIGAR, INC.) (f) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ISSUING SHORT -TERM GAMBLING LICENSE TO HUTCHINSON YOUTH BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION ON FEBRUARY 22, 2014 (g) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER A (h) CLAIMS, APPROPRIATIONS AND CONTRACT PAYMENTS — REGISTER B Items 7(a)3, 7(c), 7(e) and 7(h) were pulled for separate discussion. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve consent agenda with the exception of the items noted above. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(a)3 had further discussion. Kent Exner, City Engineer, noted that Hutchinson Health and other organizations prepared an active living grant. As part of the grant application process, one of the items identified during this activity was the potential installation of trail use counters. This equipment could be utilized to acquire data to examine trail usage patterns and determine future City investments in trail system maintenance and upgrades. Mr. Exner introduced Candace Hoversten from Hutchinson Health to recognize for the donation from Hutchinson Health. Hutchinson Health donated financial resources for the acquisition of the trail use counter system. The value was $2310. Motion by Arndt, second by Czmowski, to approve Item 7(a)3. Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(c) had further discussion. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that additional license holders have submitted documentation for their license renewals. They include the Fraternal Order of Eagles for a club liquor license, Genesis Salon & Spa for a massage license and Quality Transportation for a taxicab license. An updated license list was distributed to the Council. Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to approve Item 7(c) with the additional information. Motion carried unanimously. 2 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 Item 7(e) had further discussion. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that the business name of the license applicant is different than what was noted on the board action form. The actual new business name is Hutchinson Tobacco & Accessories Plus, Inc. as opposed to Hutchinson Tobacco & Cigar Marketplace as noted on the board action form. This was an inadvertent typographical error. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Item 7(e). Motion carried unanimously. Item 7(h) had further discussion. Council Member Forcier will be abstaining from this item as the payment is to his son's business. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, with Forcier abstaining, to approve Item 7(h). Motion carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 6:00 P.M. (a) LYNN ROAD SW IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (LETTING NO. 2, PROJECT NO. 14 -02) Kent Exner, City Engineer, presented before the Council. Mr. Exner explained that a neighborhood meeting was held on December 2, 2013. The project runs from Washington Avenue to Clinton Avenue. This area of roadway is being considered due to the entire stretch being built at the same time with a 10 -12" thick road surface. The project entails an in depth mill and overlay procedure which Mr. Exner described. The proposed method is proposed to extend the roadway lifecycle approximately 10 to 20 years. The proposal this evening is to approve ordering improvement and preparing plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids. Should the project move forward, an assessment hearing will be held this Spring. The estimated project cost is $685,500 with an estimated assessment for a typical city lot at $1657.92. If a property owner would like to have their driveway addressed or widened as part of this project, the City will consider it, however if there are additional costs, it will be incorporated into the property owner's assessments. The project is proposed to begin approximately July 4t' and run through Labor Day weekend. Mr. Exner explained the assessment process and policy. Jill Moody, 220 Lynn Road, approached the Council. Ms. Moody stated that one of the handouts addressed street lighting, however it wasn't identified on the project information. Mr. Exner explained that street lighting hasn't typically been part of street projects unless a trail is being installed. Ms. Moody stated that it is dark in some areas of Lynn Road and perhaps lighting could be addressed. Mr. Exner noted that this will be reviewed to see if additional lighting can be installed as part of the project. Art Diaz, 116 Lynn Road, approached the Council. Mr. Diaz noted that he has no paved apron for his driveway nor does his neighbor. Mr. Exner believes that this is due to the age of the home and standards of the City at the time the home was constructed. Mr. Exner explained that the onus is on the property owner to have a dust -free surface as the standards are laid out now. Discussion was held as to how property owners could go about contacting the contractor to have an apron constructed and costs assessed. Art Benjamin, 108 Grove Street, presented before the Council. Mr. Benjamin expressed concerns about his frontage being on Grove Street but his rear yard on Lynn Road. Mr. Benjamin noted that he has already been assessed on the Grove Street side and doesn't feel it is right to be assessed on 3 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- DECEMBER 10, 2013 Lynn Road as well. Mr. Exner explained that credit will be given to all the properties whom have rear yards on Lynn Road as assessments are applied to a property's frontage. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to close public hearing. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Exner noted that a prorated frontage foot will be utilized due to the decreased pavement with. Mr. Exner clarified that a lower frontage foot rate was utilized on the repair of the side streets last summer, but the projects are completely different and the Lynn Road mill and overlay is much more in depth. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve ordering improvement and preparing plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for Lynn Road SW improvements project. Motion carried unanimously. 9. COMMUNICATIONS. REQUESTS AND PETITIONS (Purpose: to provide Council with information necessary to craft wise policy. Always looking toward the future, not monitoring past) 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 11. NEW BUSINESS (a) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF ADOPTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Dan Jochum, Planning Director, presented before the Council. Mr. Jochum explained that at the first Council meeting in November, staff and Council reviewed comments received on the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jochum explained that the comments discussed at that meeting have been incorporated into the Plan document, along with other typographical errors. The final draft of the Plan has been posted on the City's web site. Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve adoption of Comprehensive Plan. Motion carried unanimously. (b) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF CREATING NEW POSITION OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SPECIALIST Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that at the last Council workshop, the 2014 general fund budget was reviewed, along with a review of the positions of which retirements that will be occurring at the end of 2013. Mr. Carter noted that one of the positions, the Planning Coordinator, has been reviewed and is being recommended to be revised and reclassified as a Planning and Building Specialist. Mr. Carter reviewed the proposed job description of the position, which includes moving the rental inspection program into the duties and acquiring more building inspection duties. The new position will be classified as a Grade 4 position, whereas the Planning Coordinator was a Grade 3 position. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve creating new position of Planning and Building Specialist. Motion carried unanimously. (c) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14221 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2014 COMPENSATION PLAN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, presented before the Council. Mr. Carter explained that on an annual basis the City's compensation plan is approved, which addresses the position classification table. Part of this includes the adjustment of the pay grid upward by 2 %. The position classification table now includes the newly created hospital security guard as a Grade 3 position, the just now created position of the Planning and Building Specialist as a Grade 4 position, reclassifying the Fire Chief position from a Grade 12 to a Grade 10 position, and a reclassification and joinder of position of Water/Wastewater Superintendent from separate Grade 10 positions to a combined Grade 11 position. In addition, language that no longer pertains to common practice has been stricken from the document. Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14221 — adopting 2014 compensation plan. Motion carried unanimously. (d) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14211 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 CREEKSIDE FUND BUDGET Andy Reid, Controller, presented before the Council. Mr. Reid noted that he will not be going into detail on each fund due to them being covered in workshops this Fall and at the truth in taxation hearing last week. The Creekside fund budget has total revenues of $2,648,350 and expenses of $2,635,552. One item to note is that the Creekside transfer increased $12,000 from last year. Motion by Czmowski, second by Arndt, to approve Resolution No. 14211 — adopting 2014 Creekside fund budget. Motion carried unanimously. (e) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14212 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 REFUSE FUND BUDGET The Refuse fund budget has total revenues of $1,153,287 and expenses of $1,249,333. The rates remain flat for 2014, with the last increase being seen in 2008. Some discussion was held regarding the County's research on going to a single -sort recycling program. Mr. Carter did not feel that an increase would be seen to rates in 2014 if a single -sort program is adopted by the County, however he is researching what sort of costs, if any, cities /townships throughout the county be expected to contribute if such a program is adopted. Mr. Carter noted that one item that will need to be reviewed at some point is the $55,000 allocation for emerald ash borer, such as will that need to be increased/decreased. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14212 — adopting 2014 Refuse fund budget. Motion carried unanimously. (fl CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14213 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 LIQUOR FUND BUDGET The Liquor fund budget has total revenues of $5,398,000 and expenses of $5,434,399. The transfer to the general fund was increased by $15,000 from last year. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14213 — adopting 2014 Liquor fund budget. Motion carried unanimously (g) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14214 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 WATER BUDGET The Water fund budget has total revenues of $3,158,192 and expenses of $3,642,533. Revenues include $650,000 from local option sales tax revenue. No water rate increases were seen. Last rate increase was in 2011. 5 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 Motion by Czmowski, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14214 — adopting 2014 Water fund budget. Motion carried unanimously. (h) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14215 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 SEWER BUDGET The Sewer fund budget has total revenues of $3,880,192 and expenses of $5,200,570. This budget also includes $650,000 in revenue from the local option sales tax revenue. No sewer rate increases were seen. Last rate increase was in 2011. Motion by Arndt, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14215 — adopting 2014 Sewer fund budget. Motion carried unanimously. (i) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14216 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING 2014 STORM WATER UTILITY BUDGET The Storm Water Utility fund budget has total revenues of $721,750 and expenses of $829,519. The rates did increase 8.3% as part of a tiered five -year plan. Motion by Christensen, second by Arndt, to approve Resolution No. 14216 — adopting 2014 Storm Water Utility fund budget. Motion carried unanimously (j) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14217 — A RESOLUTION SETTING 2014 FINAL TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr. Reid explained that the HRA tax levy is proposed at $153,521 which is the maximum amount set by state statute. This is an increase of about $3500 from 2013. The additional funds will be utilized for the school construction program and more rehab loan funds. Motion by Arndt, second by Christensen, to approve Resolution No. 14217 — setting 2014 final tax levy for special taxing district Hutchinson Redevelopment Authority. Motion carried unanimously. (k) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14218 — A RESOLUTION SETTING 2014 FINAL TAX LEVY FOR SPECIAL TAXING DISTRICT HUTCHINSON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr. Reid explained that the EDA tax levy is proposed at $150,450 which is the maximum amount set by state statute. This is an increase of $232 from last year. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14218 — setting 2014 final tax levy for special taxing district Hutchinson Economic Development Authority. Motion carried unanimously (1) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14219 — A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2014 The General Fund budget has total revenues of $10,990,460 and expenses of $10,990,460. Mr. Reid explained that the new security guard hospital contract as well as the early retirement incentive program are included in the budget. A one -time transfer from the self insurance fund, along with increased transfers from Creekside and the liquor fund, helped balance the budget. Motion by Christensen, second by Forcier, to approve Resolution No. 14219 — adopting the general fund for fiscal year 2014. Motion carried unanimously. (m) CONSIDERATION FOR APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 14220 — A RESOLUTION SETTING 2014 0 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 CITY OF HUTCHINSON TAX LEVY Mr. Reid explained that the general fund levy is proposed at $4,479,446, which is the same levy amount as 2013 and no increase since 2011. The debt service tax levy is proposed at $2,073,517 which is a 5% increase from 2013 and is consistent with the debt management plan, which will see a goal of $2.2 million debt service by 2016 which should be self - sustaining. The total tax levy is $6,552,963. Motion by Czmowski, second by Cook, to approve Resolution No. 14220 — setting the 2014 City of Hutchinson tax levy. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Reid provided an overview of the local option sales tax program. To date (through September 2013) the city has received a total of $1,025,699 in local sales tax revenue. This is an 11% increase from 2012. Discussion was held regarding allocation of funds between the water and wastewater funds. 12. GOVERNANCE (Purpose: to assess past organizational performance, develop policy thatguides the organization and Council and manage the logistics of the Council. May include monitoring reports, policy development and governance process items. (a) AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 17, 2013 (b) EDA BOARD MEETING MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 23, 2013 (c) HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 30, 2013 (d) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 15, 2013 (e) PLANNING /ZONING /BUILDING DEPARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER 2013 13. MISCELLANEOUS Mary Christensen — Council Member Christensen reminded everyone of the snow emergency procedures. Bill Arndt - Council Member Arndt commented on the icy roads and intersections and asked about sand being applied. Kent Exner, City Engineer, responded that sand has been applied, however temperatures and snow fall frequencies are factors. Mr. Exner commented that even sand in these low temperatures provides minimal results. As the temperatures increase, more sand will be applied which should see results to the base. Chad Czmowski — Council Member Czmowski asked if a second meeting in December will be needed. Jeremy Carter commented that the only item that would need to be brought forth to Council is approval of the check registers. It was suggested that Mr. Carter be authorized to approve bills between December 11th and January 14th. Those bills authorized by Mr. Carter will then be placed on the check register of the January 14t Council agenda for final approval. Motion by Czmowski, second by Forcier, to approve City Administrator to authorize check registers between December 11, 2013, and January 13, 2014. Motion carried unanimously. Jeremy Carter — Mr. Carter updated the Council on a questionnaire he completed for a Bicycle Friendly 7 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES— DECEMBER 10, 2013 community application. 14. ADJOURN Motion by Christensen, second by Cook, to adjourn at 7:25 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Designation of Depositories of City Funds in Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions. Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Each year we are required by State Statute to designate specific banking and financial institutions as depositories of public funds for the City of Hutchinson. See attached resolution 14229 for a listing of the depositories. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve resolution 14229 designating depositories for City funds. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14229 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSITORIES OF CITY FUNDS IN COMMERCIAL BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT the following named banks and institutions, which are authorized to do a banking business and act as depositories in Minnesota, be and they hereby are designated depositories of the Public Funds of the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod, State of Minnesota, by the City Council of said City, for the term commencing January 1, 2014 for one year: CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, HUTCHINSON, MN FIRST MINNESOTA BANK, HUTCHINSON, MN HOME STATE BANK, HUTCHINSON, MN WELLS FARGO, HUTCHINSON, MN 4 M FUND - LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES MORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY - ST. PAUL, MN OFFICE EDWARD JONES - HUTCHINSON OFFICES WELLS FARGO ADVISORS - MINNEAPOLIS, MN OFFICE UBS FINANCIAL SERVICES INC - WAYZATA, MN OFFICE Upon terms and conditions following, to-wit- THAT this designation is subject to the right of said City of Hutchinson, Minnesota to modify, vacate or revoke the same according to law, and also subject to any depository agreement executed pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 118.01 and Section 475.66, and THAT the City Administrator and City Controller are authorized to sign documents authorizing transfer of City of Hutchinson funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT the City Controller of the City of Hutchinson is hereby authorized and directed to deposit in said banks and institutions in special funds to be known as "City of Hutchinson" all monies that may come into his hands. RESOLUTION NO. 14229 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: page 2 THAT a copy of this resolution is to be filed by the City Controller with each of the banks and institutions so designated. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January 2014. Steve W. Cook Mayor ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Resolution 14230 Approving Securities for Collateral from Citizens Bank and Wells Fargo Bank Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: State statute requires the city council to approve each year the securities pledged as collateral on the City's funds deposited in banking institutions. Attached is resolution 14230 with a listing of the securities pledged as collateral from Citizens Bank & Trust Co, and Wells Fargo Bank. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve listed securities as collateral for City deposits. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14230 RESOLUTION APPROVING SECURITIES FOR COLLATERAL FROM CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST CO. OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA AND COLLATERAL FROM WELLS FARGO BANK. WHEREAS the Citizens Bank & Trust Co. of Hutchinson, a City Depository, and the Wells Fargo Bank of Hutchinson, have presented collateral as follows for the City of Hutchinson. SECURITY MARKET VALUE MATURITY 3138EKTL9 $ 1,814,504 04/01/2027 3138EKW P6 1,890,306 06/01/2027 31418APL6 2,617,399 01/01/2028 31307AVT6 916,220 02/01/2028 3128P7ZN6 1,904,653 04/01/2033 3138EKXJ9 1,844,523 01/01/2034 3138ANNB5 1,848,788 07/01/2041 TOTAL - Citizens Bank $ 12,836,393 3138EGC77 $ 9,139 04/01/2026 3138EHJF0 1,468,515 12/01/2026 3138E2EW 1 44,715 12/01/2026 3138AVF91 3,033,203 11/01/2041 3138LVEK5 1,780,339 06/01/2042 31417ETA9 9,447 01/01/2043 3138W 7GG3 57,809 03/01/2043 3138W9A34 560,289 07/01/2043 3138XOZA9 803,597 07/01/2043 31417G5A0 186,199 07/01/2043 3138W9A67 371,876 07/01/2043 3138W5HR2 49,481 08/01/2043 TOTAL - Wells Fargo $ 8,374,611 TOTAL COLLATERAL $ 21,211,004 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota that the Treasurer be authorized to accept said securities as collateral and that said collateral be deposited for safekeeping. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January 2014. ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator Steve W. Cook Mayor HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Resolution 14231 Transfer Funds to 2013 Construction Fund and General Fund Department: Finance LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Andy Reid Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: This resolution identifies transfers from various funds to the 2013 Construction Fund to finance project costs that are not covered by assessments, bond proceeds or other aid dollars. Also identified are transfers from the 2013 Construction Fund to the General Fund to cover Engineering Fees and Administrative Fees. Lastly, a transfer from the 2013 Construction Fund to the Capital Projects fund as the funding source for comprehensive planning and topography mapping. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve fund transfers per Resolution 14231. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON RESOLUTION NO. 14231 TRANSFERRING FROM WATER, WASTEWATER, STORMWATER, COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AND CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS TO 2013 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND AND 2013 IMPROVEMENT BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND TO GENERAL FUND & CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND FOR ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA THAT, $77,214 is hereby transferred from the Water Fund to the 2013 Construction Fund. THAT, $325,046 is hereby transferred from the Sewer Fund to the 2013 Construction Fund. THAT, $150,468 is hereby transferred from the Storm Water Fund to the 2013 Construction Fund. THAT, $454,334 is hereby transferred from the Community Improvement Fund to the 2013 Construction Fund. THAT, $165,071 is hereby transferred from the Capital Projects Fund fund to the 2013 Construction Fund. THAT, $409,036 is hereby transferred from the 2013 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Engineering Fees. THAT, $81,807 is hereby transferred from the 2013 Construction Fund to the General Fund for Administration Fees. THAT, $81,807 is hereby transferred from the 2013 Construction Fund to the Capital Projects Fund for the purpose of Comprehensive Planning and Topography mapping. THAT, said transfers are hereby effective and apply to the 2013 fiscal year. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January 2014. Steve W. Cook Mayor ATTESTED: Jeremy J. Carter City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Appointment of City Administrator Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Chapter 6 of the Hutchinson City Charter states that the city administrator shall be appointed by the City Council. Please find attached Resolution No. 14232 appointing the city administrator for 2014. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Appoint City Administrator for 2014. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14232 APPOINTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR FOR 2014 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, the following appointment to the indicated executive office of the City of Hutchinson is made for the period of one year. Compensation shall be continued as agreed upon by separate Council action: City Administrator Jeremy Carter Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Designate Official Newspaper Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Minnesota law requires that a governing body appoint an official newspaper for publication of its public notices and other City business. Please find attached Resolution No. 14233 designating the Hutchinson Leader as the City's official newspaper. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Resolution No. 14233 designating the Hutchinson Leader as the City's official newspaper. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: RESOLUTION NO. 14233 DESIGNATING OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: THAT, The Hutchinson Leader be designated the official newspaper during the calendar year of 2014 for the City of Hutchinson. Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January, 2014. Steven W. Cook, Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter, City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Resolution Establishing Location for Traffic Control Devices Department: PW /Eng LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Kent Exner /John Olson Agenda Item Type: Presenter: John Olson Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: To clarify historical parking in the area of High St NE, 4th Ave NE and Arch St NE intersections, City staff proposes installing overnight parking signs. These signs would be managed just like any other overnight parking areas and would be cleaned only when necessary. Att: 1) Resolution 14228 2) Aerial photo BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: $ 200.00 Total City Cost: $ 200.00 Funding Source: Streets & Roadways budget Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: r fir. A) I C44 lw 287 326 lba- IF. •2ee m6c,,4�mir eL RESOLUTION NO. 14228 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING LOCATION FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES WHEREAS, the Police Chief, City Engineer and Public Works Manager agree that the following areas have traffic control concerns which warrant traffic control devices, and; WHEREAS, the Hutchinson City Council has the authority to establish locates as points where traffic control devices shall be erected, pursuant to Section 7.04, Subdivision I of the Hutchinson City Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: That the Council hereby establishes the following traffic control devices shall be installed and enforced: 1. Overnight parking area. Located on the north side of Arch St NE, east of the intersection of 4th Ave NE and High St NE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON: Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of January, 2014. Steven Cook Mayor ATTEST: Jeremy Carter City Administrator HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL cfi�-f Request for Board Action 7AL =-wp Agenda Item: Approval of 2014 City Calendar Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: Attached is the City's 2014 calendar. The calendar includes the City Council meetings as well as the standing board and commission meetings. Any known changes to meeting dates /times will be made on the calendar and updated to the City's web site. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve 2014 City calendar. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Thu - Jan 02 January 2014 3.00 PM S M T W T F S 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Thu - Jan 02 Hutchinson Utilities Commission Meeting 3.00 PM HUG Board Room Mon - Jan 06 Management Team Meeting 3.30 PM City Center Mon - Jan 06 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Jan 06 Fire Department 8.00 PM Fire Station Tue - Jan 07 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Thu - Jan 09 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jan 13 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Jan 14 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Council Workshop - Ends Statements Tue - Jan 14 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Jan 15 ESA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wets - Jan 15 Joint Planning Board 5'30 PM City Center Thu - Jan 16 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Jan 20 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center rue - Jan 21 HRA Board 7.00 AM City Center rue - Jan 21 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Page I of 2 http://www.ci.hutchinson.mn-us/eitycalprint.php 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Mon - Jan 27 Senior Advisory Board 10 :00 AM Senior Center Mon - Jan 27 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jan 27 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Mon - Jan 27 Tree Board 5:15 PM City Center Tue - Jan 28 8:30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Jan 28 HCDCIEDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Tue - Jan 28 HATS Joint Powers Board 2;00 PM HATS Facility Tue - Jan 28 4.00 PM - 5:30 PM Council Workshop - City Administrator Review Tue - Jan 28 5.30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Jan 29 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ;el 7.008 Infer mationi�:ci.hutch €nson.nln. us Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster I Main Page I Disclaimer I Contact Us I Tourism http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn,us/eitycalprint.php 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Feb 03 February 2014 S M T W T F S 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 t Mon - Feb 03 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Feb 03 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Feb 03 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Feb 04 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Feb 10 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Feb 11 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Feb 13 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Feb 17 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Feb 18 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Feb 18 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - Feb 19 EDA Finance Team 11'30 AM City Center Wed - Feb 19 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Feb 20 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Feb 24 Senior Advisory Board 10.00 AM Senior Center Mon - Feb 24 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Page 1 of 2 http: / /www.ci.hutchinson.mn. us /citycalprint.php ?mo =2 &yr =2014 1!912014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Page 2 of 2 Mon - Feb 24 Library Board 4:40 PM Library Tue - Feb 25 8'30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Feb 25 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Feb 26 EDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Feb 26 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ;c, 2008 fnforniation ;,a ci.hutchrnson.rnn. L,s Contact Webmaster i Main Page I Disclaimer I Contact Us Tourism http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =2 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Mar 03 Management Team Meeting March 2014 City Center Mon - Mar 03 S M T W T F 5 -13 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 t 1 3 4 5 Mon - Mar 03 Management Team Meeting 3 30 PM City Center Mon - Mar 03 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Mar 03 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Mar 04 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Mar 10 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Mar 11 5.30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Mar 13 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Mar 17 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Mar 18 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Mar 18 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - Mar 19 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Mar 19 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Mar 20 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Mar 24 Senior Advisory Board 10.00 AM Senior Center Mon - Mar 24 Management Team Meeting Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us /eitycalprint.php ?mo =3 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Page 2 of 2 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Mar 24 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Tue - Mar 25 8.30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Mar 25 HATS Joint Powers Board 2:00 PM HATS Facility Tue - Mar 25 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Mar 26 EDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Mar 26 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office Mon - Mar 31 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center City of HutChinson :c: 2008 1n IQ, r+:)at i.tiulz;h,rI,ot, iz;ri us Contact Webmaster Main Page ; Disclaimer € Contact Us Tourism http:// www. ci. hutchinson. mn. us /citycalprint.php ?mo= 3 &yr=2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Tue - Apr 01 Resource Allocation Committee April 2014 City Center Mon - Apr 07 S M T W T F S 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 Tue - Apr 01 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Apr 07 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Apr 07 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Apr 07 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Apr 08 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Apr 10 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Apr 14 Management Team Meeting 3 30 PM City Center Tue - Apr 15 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Apr 15 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - Apr 16 EDA Finance Team 11.30 AM City Center Wed - Apr 16 Creekside Advisory Board 4 30 PM City Center Wed -Apr 16 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Apr 17 Airport Commission Meeting 5.30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Apr 21 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Apr 22 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us /eitycalprint.php ?mo =4 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Wed - Apr 23 EDA Board 11:34 AM City Center Mon - Apr 28 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Apr 28 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Apr 28 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Mon - Apr 28 Tree Board 5:15 PM City Center Tue - Apr 28 8:30 AM Employee Safety Committee Wed - Apr 30 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson <<> 2008 L�� nrmatian�y?ci .I�utchinsor-.;nn.:;., Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster i Main Page I Disclaimer i Contact Us I Tourism http://www.ci.hutchinson,mn.us/citycalprint.php?mo=4&yr=2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar C l ' GOVERNMENT CALENDAR May 2014 S M T W T F S 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mon - May 05 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - May 05 PRCE Advisory Board 5115 PM City Center Mon - May 05 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - May 06 Resource Allocation Committee 400 PM City Center Thu - May 08 Public Arts Commission 3.30 PM City Center Mon - May 12 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - May 13 5.30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - May 15 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - May 19 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - May 20 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - May 20 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - May 21 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - May 21 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Mon - May 26 Senior Advisory Board 10,00 AM Senior Center Mon - May 26 Management Team Meeting 3,30 PM City Center Pagel of 2 http: / /www.ci.hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =5 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Mon - May 26 Library Board 4:00 PM ibrary Tue - May 27 830 AM Empfoyee Safety Committee Tue - May 27 HATS Joint Powers Board 2:00 PM HATS Facility Tue - May 27 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - May 28 EDA Board 1130 AM City Center Wed - May 28 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson (c; 2008 Information( ci.hutchinson.mn.,.,s Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster Main Page I Disclaimer I Contact Us Tourism http: / /www.ci.hutchinson.mn. us /citycalprint.php ?mo =5 &yr -2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Jun 02 Management Team Meeting June 2014 City Center Mon - Jun 02 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 Mon - Jun 02 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jun 02 PRCE Advisory Board 5.15 PM City Center Mon - Jun 02 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Jun 03 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Jun 09 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue -Jun 10 5 :30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Jun 12 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jun 16 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Jun 17 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Jun 17 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed -Jun 18 EDA Finance Team 11'.30 AM City Center Wed - Jun 18 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Jun 19 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Jun 23 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Jun 23 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Pagel of 2 http: / /www.ci.hutchinson .mn.us /cityealprint.php ?mo =6 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Mon - Jun 23 Library Board 4'00 PM Library Tue - Jun 24 8:30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Jun 24 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Jun 25 EDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Jun 25 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office Mon - Jun 30 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center City of Hutchinson Ccl 2008 Infor niation��tt)a.hutchinson. mn.l is Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster I Main Page I Disclaimer ? Contact Us I Tourism http: / /www.ci.hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =6 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Tue - Jul 01 Resource Allocation Committee July 2014 City Center 5 M T W T F S 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 Tue - Jul 01 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Jul 07 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jul 07 PRCE Advisory Board 5 -15 PM City Center Mon - Jul 07 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Jul 08 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu -Jul 10 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jul 14 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Jul 15 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Jul 15 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - Jul 16 ECA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Jul 16 Creekside Advisory Board 4:30 PM City Center Wed - Jul 16 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Jul 17 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Jul 21 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Jul 22 HATS Joint Powers Board 2:00 PM HATS Facility Page 1 of 2 http: / /www.ci. hutchinson .mn.us /eitycalprint.php ?mo =7 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Tue - Jul 22 5130 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Jul 23 EDA Board 1 t .30 AM City Center Mon - Jul 28 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Jul 28 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Jul 28 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Mon - Jul 28 Tree Board 5:15 PM City Center Tue - Jul 29 8:30 AM Employee Safety Committee Wed - Jul 30 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ?c, 2008 Infornkntiort ;h�cl.hutthinson.rnrt. us Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster I Main Page 3 Disclaimer I Contact Us I Tourism http: / /www.ci.hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =7 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar C 7TY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Aug 04 August 2014 3:30 PM S M T W T F S 27 28 29 3D 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1. 2 3 4 S 6 Mon - Aug 04 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Aug 04 PRCE Advisory Board 515 PM City Center Mon -Aug 04 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Aug 05 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon -Aug 11 Management Team Meeting 3.30 PM City Center Tue - Aug 12 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu -Aug 14 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon -Aug 18 Management Team Meeting 3:30 Pht City Center Tue - Aug 19 HRA Board 7.00 AM City Center Tue -Aug 19 Planning Commission 5.30 PM City Center Wed - Aug 20 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Aug 20 Joint Planning Board 5.30 PM City Center Thu - Aug 21 Airport Commission Meeting 5-30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Aug 25 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Aug 25 Management Team Meeting Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =8 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Aug 25 Library Board 4 :00 PM Library Tue - Aug 26 8.30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Aug 26 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Aug 27 EDA Board 11.30 AM City Center Wed - Aug 27 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ,�) 2008 lnfomiation( a.N!tchinson.,mn. us Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster Main Page ! Disclaimer I Contact Us I Tourism http: / /www.ci.hutchinson .mn.us /eityealprint.php ?mo =8 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR cc •_- as Mon - Sep 01 September 2014 S M T W T F S 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 cc •_- as Mon - Sep 01 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Sep 01 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Sep 01 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Sep 02 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Sep 08 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Sep 09 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Sep 11 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Sep 15 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Sep 16 HRA Board 7 00 AM City Center Tue - Sep 16 Planning Commission 5 :30 PM City Center Wed - Sep 17 EDA Finance Team 1130 AM City Center Wed - Sep 17 Joint Planning Board 5.30 PM City Center Thu - Sep 18 Airport Commission Meeting 5.30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Sep 22 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Sep 22 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =9 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Page 2 of 2 Mon - Sep 22 4:00 PM Tue - Sep 23 2:00 PM Tue - Sep 23 5:30 PM Wed - Sep 24 11-30 AM Wed - Sep 24 3:00 PM Mon - Sep 29 3:30 PM Tue - Sep 30 8:30 AM City of Hutchinson rc,; 2008 Inform auon; cl.hutchln5on,nm,lls Library Board Library HATS Joint Powers Board HATS Facility City Council Meeting EDA Board City Center Utilities Commission Utilities Office Management Team Meeting City Center Employee Safety Committee Contact Webmaster Main Page 1 Disclaimer I Contact Us I Tourism http:// www. ei. hutchinson .mn,us /cityealprint.php ?mo =9 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar L„ CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Oct 06 October 2014 3:30 PM 5 M T W T F 5 S 1S A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 Mon - Oct 06 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Oct 06 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Mon - Oct 06 Fire Department 8.00 PM Fire Station Tue - Oct 07 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Thu - Oct 09 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Oct 13 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Oct 14 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Oct 15 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Oct 15 Creekside Advisory Board 4:30 PM City Center Wed - Oct 15 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Oct 16 Airport Commission Meeting 5.30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Oct 20 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Oct 21 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Oct 21 Planning Commission 5.30 PM City Center Wed - Oct 22 EDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Page 1 of 2 http: / /www.cl. hutchinson .mn.us /cityealprint.php ?ma =1 O &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Mon - Oct 27 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Oct 27 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Oct 27 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Mon - Oct 27 Tree Board 5:15 PM City Center Tue - Oct 28 8-30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue Oct 28 530 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Oct 29 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ,c) 2008 informatio; i(� )ci.hutchinson.mn. us Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster i Main Page ! Disclaimer I Contact Us Tourism http:// www. ci. hutchinson. mn- us /eitycalprint.php ?mo =10 &yr 2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Nov 03 November 2014 3:30 PM S M T W T F 5 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 l Thu - Nov 20 1 S 6 Mon - Nov 03 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Nov 03 PRCE Advisory Board 5:15 PM City Center Man - Nov 03 Fire Department 8:00 PM Fire Station Tue - Nov 04 Resource Allocation Committee 4:00 PM City Center Mon - Nov 10 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Nov 11 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Thu - Nov 13 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Nov 17 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Nov 18 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Nov 18 Planning Commission 5.30 PM City Center Wed - Nov 19 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Nov 19 Joint Planning Board 5:30 PM City Center Thu - Nov 20 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Nov 24 Senior Advisory Board 10:00 AM Senior Center Mon - Nov 24 Management Team Meeting Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson .mn.us/citycalprint.php ?mo =11 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Page 2 of 2 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Nov 24 Library Board 4:00 PM Library Tue - Nov 25 8:30 AM Employee Safety Committee Tue - Nov 25 HATS Joint Powers Board 2-00 PM HATS Facility Tue - Nov 25 5:30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Nov 26 EDA Board 11,30 AM City Center Wed - Nov 26 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson Icp 2008 I ntormat�on ��r:.i. h utchi nson. ntn. c i s Contact Webmaster I Main Page I Disclaimer d Contact Us Tourism http://www.ei.hutchinson.mn-us/cityealprint.php?mo=l I &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar CITY GOVERNMENT CALENDAR Mon - Dec 01 December 2014 8:30 AM 5 M T W T F 5 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 ? Wed - Dec 17 Mon - Dec 01 Employee Safety Committee 8:30 AM City Center Mon - Dec 01 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Dec 01 PRCE Advisory Board 5,15 PM City Center Mon - Dec 01 Fire Department 8-00 PM Fire Station Tue - Dec 02 Resource Allocation Committee 4.00 PM City Center Mon - Dec 08 Management Team Meeting 3.30 PM City Center Tue - Dec 09 5:30 PM Clty Council Meeting Thu - Dec 11 Public Arts Commission 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Dec 15 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Dec 16 HRA Board 7:00 AM City Center Tue - Dec 16 Planning Commission 5:30 PM City Center Wed - Dec 17 EDA Finance Team 11:30 AM City Center Wed - Dec 17 Joint Planning Board 5:39 PM City Center Thu - Dec 18 Airport Commission Meeting 5:30 PM Hutchinson Municipal Airport Mon - Dec 22 Senior Advisory Board 1000 AM Senior Center Page 1 of 2 http:// www. ci. hutchinson. mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =12 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 City of Hutchinson, Minnesota Print City Government Calendar Mon - Dec 22 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Mon - Dec 22 Library Board 4.00 PM Library Tue - Dec 23 5 -30 PM City Council Meeting Wed - Dec 24 EDA Board 11:30 AM City Center Mon - Dec 29 Management Team Meeting 3:30 PM City Center Tue - Dec 30 8.30 AM Employee Safety Committee Wed - Dec 31 Utilities Commission 3:00 PM Utilities Office City of Hutchinson ��) 2008 InforntkitionCo-.� ci.hutchinson.smn. us Page 2 of 2 Contact Webmaster I Main Page i Disclaimer I Contact Us I Tourism http:// www. ci. hutchinson. mn.us /citycalprint.php ?mo =12 &yr =2014 1/9/2014 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Road Closure Department: Police Department LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 8/13/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Daniel T. Hatten Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Daniel T. Hatten Reviewed by Staff ✓❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 2 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: I am in receipt of a request from September Jacobson at the Hutchinson Event Center in reference to an event being held on January 16, 2014. The request is to have a portion of the frontage road on the west side of the Event Center parking lot blocked off for the January 16th event. They would like to have a semi parked on the west frontage road from 5pm on January 15 until 5:00pm on January 16. The request to use the frontage road instead of the parking lot is because they would like attendees to park in the parking lot, and they are anticipating a high attendance for the event so parking space in the lot will be at a premium. The Police Department will be able to safely block off this portion of the frontage road without any impact to motorists or any of the businesses in the area. All access points to the hospital will remain open as well as into the parking lot. The Police Department looks forward to working with Ms Jacobson and the Hutchinson Event Center to ensure a successful and safe event. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Approve road closure for Event Center event on January 16, 2014. Fiscal Impact: $ 0.00 Funding Source: n/a FTE Impact: 0.00 Budget Change: No Included in current budget: Yes PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Appointments /Reappointments to City Boards /Commissions Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2013 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): 0 License Contingency N/A Attachments: No BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: The following individuals have shown interest in being appointed or reappointed to the followings boards and Mayor Cook recommends appointing them as follows: - REAPPOINTMENT OF HARRIET STURGES TO SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2017 - CURTIS DAHL TO SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2017 - DARLENE KENNING TO SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD TO JANUARY 2017 - COREY STEARNS TO TREE BOARD TO JANUARY 2015 - LAURA POSER TO TREE BOARD TO JANUARY 2015 - NEWTON POTTER TO TREE BOARD TO JANUARY 2017 - DALE REDETZKE TO TREE BOARD TO JANUARY 2016 BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify appointments as indicated above. Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 11/24/2013 - 12/7/2013 Dec 11, 2013 10:16AM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 178740 AFLAC 90.85- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 178741 HART 567.90- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 178742 MN Department of Revenue 34.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 178743 NCPERS Minnesota 432.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 EFTPS 12,870.24- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 EFTPS 12,870.24- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 EFTPS 4,254.88- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 EFTPS 4,254.88- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 EFTPS 30,387.68- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 ICMA 1,310.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 ING 1,340.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 12,991.53- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 MN Child Support System 417.96- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 MNDCP 525.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 13,023.65- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 13,023.65- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 367.36- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 8,198.34- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 551.04- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 12,297.56- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 36.16- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 36.16- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 20.02- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 PERA 2,063.75- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -Flex 330.76- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -Flex 1,633.56- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -HSA 4,585.77- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -HSA 3,661.92- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -HSA 1,285.54- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -HSA 727.00- 12/07/2013 CDPT 12/13/2013 1213130 TASC -HSA 1,165.38 - Grand Totals: 31 145,354.78- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 12/8/2013- 12/21/2013 Dec 24, 2013 09:45AM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 178962 AFLAC 90.85- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 178963 HART 570.85- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 178964 Life Insurance Co. of America 729.60- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 178965 MN Department of Revenue 34.00- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 178966 MNPEA 468.00- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 EFTPS 12,510.43- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 EFTPS 12,510.43- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 EFTPS 3,683.70- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 EFTPS 3,683.70- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 EFTPS 25,784.98- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 ICMA 1,310.00- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 ING 1,340.00- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 11,087.28- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 MN Child Support System 417.96- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 MNDCP 525.00- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 12,343.31- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 12,343.31- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 179.20- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 5,123.54- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 268.80- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 7,685.36- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 36.16- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 36.16- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 20.02- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 PERA 1,954.83- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -Flex 330.76- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -Flex 1,633.56- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -HSA 4,260.77- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -HSA 3,239.52- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -HSA 1,125.54- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -HSA 620.36- 12/21/2013 CDPT 12/24/2013 1227130 TASC -HSA 785.38 - Grand Totals: 32 126,733.36- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register Page: 1 Report Dates: 12/22/2013 - 1/4/2014 Jan 08, 2014 01:46PM Report Criteria: Transmittal checks included Pay Period Journal Check Check Date Code Issue Date Number Payee Amount 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 178968 AFLAC 90.85- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 178969 HART 583.61- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 178970 MN Department of Revenue 34.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 178971 NCPERS Minnesota 432.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101401 EFTPS 13,627.46- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101401 EFTPS 13,627.46- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101401 EFTPS 3,957.37- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101401 EFTPS 3,957.37- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101401 EFTPS 27,094.68- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101402 ICMA 1,310.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101403 ING 1,340.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101404 Minnesota Dept. of Revenue 11,764.83- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101405 MN Child Support System 1,685.21- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101406 MNDCP 525.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 12,409.61- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 12,409.61- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 214.20- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 5,525.69- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 321.30- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 8,288.54- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 36.16- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 36.16- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 20.02- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101407 PERA 1,965.48- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101408 TASC -Flex 200.00- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101408 TASC -Flex 1,514.55- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101409 TASC -HSA 4,354.94- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101409 TASC -HSA 3,338.08- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101409 TASC -HSA 1,039.44- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101409 TASC -HSA 592.24- 01/04/2014 CDPT 01/08/2014 1101409 TASC -HSA 849.22 - Grand Totals: 31 133,145.08- CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register Check Issue Date: 12/23/13 12/23/2013 Check Number Check Issue Date Amount Vendor Account Description 178744 12/23/2013 96.00 ABETECH Software & Licensing 178745 12/23/2013 340.03 ACE HARDWARE Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178746 12/23/2013 79.58 AEM MECHANICAL SERVICES INC Shop Supplies 178747 12/23/2013 53.44 ALPHA WIRELESS Phone Services 178748 12/23/2013 179.12 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178749 12/23/2013 350.00 AMERICAN LEGAL PUBLISHING CORP Operating Supplies 178750 12/23/2013 11.70 AMERICAN WELDING & GAS Automotive R &M 178751 12/23/2013 73.10 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES Contractual R &M 178752 12/23/2013 1,456.77 ANDERSON CHEMICAL COMPANY Chemicals & Chemical Products 178753 12/23/2013 821.41 ANIMAL MEDICAL CENTER ON CROW RIVER Vet Services 178754 12/23/2013 159.38 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC. Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178755 12/23/2013 620.00 ARNESON DISTRIBUTING CO Cost of Sales - Beer 178756 12/23/2013 3,218.00 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER RISK General Liability Insur 178757 12/23/2013 1,646.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cost of Sales - Beer 178758 12/23/2013 387.09 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE Shop Supplies 178759 12/23/2013 2,000.00 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO Other Professional Services 178760 12/23/2013 81.25 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178761 12/23/2013 177.00 BERNICK'S Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178762 12/23/2013 600.00 BJORGUM TRUCKING Freight - Bagged 178763 12/23/2013 262.18 BLACK BOX CORPORATION Small Tools & Minor Equipment 178764 12/23/2013 15,372.00 BOLTON & MENK INC. Other Professional Services 178765 12/23/2013 95.00 BRADLEY SECURITY LLC Other Professional Services 178766 12/23/2013 461.54 BRANDON TIRE CO Automotive R &M 178767 12/23/2013 241.09 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL Operating Supplies 178768 12/23/2013 1,654.86 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS Travel /Conference Expense 178769 12/23/2013 10,390.95 C & L DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 178770 12/23/2013 315.75 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES Operating Supplies 178771 12/23/2013 61.98 CARTER, RON Uniforms & Personal Equip 178772 12/23/2013 20.46 CASH DRAWER #4 Miscellaneous Expense 178773 12/23/2013 386.98 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Equipment Parts 178774 12/23/2013 188.50 CENTRAL LANDSCAPE SUPPLY Advertising 178775 12/23/2013 285.83 CENTRAL MCGOWAN Equipment Rental 178776 12/23/2013 301.85 CHAPPELL CENTRAL INC. Contractual R &M 178777 12/23/2013 283.08 COMDATA CORPORATION Operating Supplies 178778 12/23/2013 50.00 CROW RIVER FLORAL & GIFTS Employee Flowers 178780 12/23/2013 300.00 CROW RIVER GOLF CLUB Wine Tasting Holiday Event 178781 12/23/2013 253.66 CROW RIVER PRESS INC Printing & Publishing 178782 12/23/2013 587.04 CROW RIVER WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 178783 12/23/2013 1,313.27 CRYSTEEL DISTRIBUTING Automotive R &M 178784 12/23/2013 4,482.15 DAY DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 178785 12/23/2013 25.00 DOSTAL ELECTRONIC'S CENTER Operating Supplies 178786 12/23/2013 1,800.96 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC Printing & Publishing 178787 12/23/2013 166.93 DYNA SYSTEMS Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178788 12/23/2013 196.12 ECOLAB PEST ELIMINATION Contractual R &M 178789 12/23/2013 2,000.00 ELENA VOLKOV & CROW RIVER SIGNS EDA Sign Grant 178790 12/23/2013 962.58 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINT Contractual R &M 178791 12/23/2013 986.00 EVENT SOFTWARE Software & Licensing 178792 12/23/2013 404.83 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178793 12/23/2013 5,913.87 FAIRCHILD EQUIPMENT Automotive R &M 178794 12/23/2013 160.31 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT Operating Supplies 178795 12/23/2013 33.34 FASTENAL COMPANY Equipment Parts 178796 12/23/2013 175.00 FIRESIDE CONSULTING Other Professional Services 178797 12/23/2013 168.40 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE SOLUTIONS Operating Supplies 178798 12/23/2013 50.17 FORCIER, PHILLIP E Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178799 12/23/2013 65.54 FRANEK, CORY Travel /Conference Expense 178800 12/23/2013 10.00 FRERICHS, LAURA Refund 178801 12/23/2013 363.37 G & K SERVICES Shop Supplies 178802 12/23/2013 3,997.70 GARTNER REFRIGERATION & MFG INC Contractual R &M 178803 12/23/2013 3,200.00 GAVIN OLSON & WINTERS LTD Other Professional Services 178804 12/23/2013 111.80 GEB ELECTRICAL INC Operating Supplies 178805 12/23/2013 213.35 GRAINGER Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178806 12/23/2013 3,233.32 GURSTEL, STALOCK & CHARGO PA Garnishment 178807 12/23/2013 1,141.89 HACH COMPANY Operating Supplies 178808 12/23/2013 150.00 HANNEMAN, MARK Uniforms & Personal Equip 178809 12/23/2013 1,103.00 HANSEN GRAVEL Contracted Snow Removal 178810 12/23/2013 1,103.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION Contracted Snow Removal 178811 12/23/2013 172.63 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Meters & Meter Parts 178812 12/23/2013 204.85 HED, MARILYN Travel Reimbursement 178813 12/23/2013 432.99 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC Cleaning Supplies 178814 12/23/2013 300.96 HEWLETT - PACKARD CO Operating Supplies 178815 12/23/2013 411.77 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON Cleaning Supplies 178816 12/23/2013 1,333.00 HJERPE CONTRACTING Contracted Snow Removal 178817 12/23/2013 1,783.35 HOLT MOTORS INC Automotive R &M 178818 12/23/2013 75.00 HOME SWEET HOME QUILT & DESIGN Uniforms & Personal Equip 178819 12/23/2013 213.40 HUBBELL /TYNER Advertising 178820 12/23/2013 931.09 HUTCH CAFE Operating Supplies 178821 12/23/2013 8,125.81 HUTCHINSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Lodging Tax Reimb 178822 12/23/2013 11,205.51 HUTCHINSON CO -OP Operating Supplies 178823 12/23/2013 2,027.00 HUTCHINSON FIGURE SKATING ASSOC Other Professional Services 178824 12/23/2013 815.00 HUTCHINSON HEALTH Other Professional Services 178825 12/23/2013 4,067.78 HUTCHINSON LEADER Advertising 178826 12/23/2013 99,409.49 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Utilities 178827 12/23/2013 466.83 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE Equipment Parts 178828 12/23/2013 5,418.46 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Utilities 178829 12/23/2013 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Replenish ATM 178830 12/23/2013 368.81 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF Replenish HPS Petty Cash 178831 12/23/2013 97.00 ICE SKATING INSTITUTE Operating Supplies 178832 12/23/2013 2,373.56 IFCO SYSTEMS NA INC. Inventory - Process Material 178833 12/23/2013 9.17 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES Equipment Rental 178834 12/23/2013 1,059.93 INDUSTRIAL PNEUMATIC SYSTEMS Equipment Parts 178835 12/23/2013 1,434.53 INTEGRATED POWER SERVICES LLC Other Professional Services 178836 12/23/2013 399.00 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL INC Travel /Conference Expense 178837 12/23/2013 837.47 INTERSTATE POWER COMPANIES INC Equipment Parts 178838 12/23/2013 588.13 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOLIS Shop Supplies 178839 12/23/2013 3,584.31 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT Uniforms & Personal Equip 178840 12/23/2013 52.48 JAY MALONE MOTORS Automotive R &M 178841 12/23/2013 587.14 JEFF'S ELECTRIC Contractual R &M 178842 12/23/2013 10.00 JEPSON, APRIL Refund 178843 12/23/2013 582.10 JJ TAYLOR DIST OF MN Cost of Sales - Wine 178844 12/23/2013 34.46 JOCHUM, DANIEL Miscellaneous Expense 178845 12/23/2013 39,476.55 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Cost of Sales - Wine 178846 12/23/2013 11,992.60 JUUL CONTRACTING CO Contractual R &M 178847 12/23/2013 190.50 KDUZ KARP RADIO Advertising 178848 12/23/2013 1,500.00 KINNEY & LANGE Other Professional Services 178849 12/23/2013 2,900.00 KLM ENGINEERING INC Other Professional Services 178850 12/23/2013 98.75 KOBOW, BECKY Office Supplies 178851 12/23/2013 815.00 KOHLS SWEEPING SERVICE Contractual R &M 178852 12/23/2013 1,333.00 KOSEK, JEFF Contracted Snow Removal 178853 12/23/2013 375.00 KRISTICO INC Freight - Bagged 178854 12/23/2013 398.78 L & P SUPPLY CO Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178855 12/23/2013 10.00 LAKOVIC, JULIE Refund 178856 12/23/2013 161.56 LANO EQUIPMENT INC Shop Supplies 178857 12/23/2013 540.00 LARAWAY ROOFING INC Contractual R &M 178858 12/23/2013 98.95 LEVINE, ERIC Travel /Conference Expense 178859 12/23/2013 143.00 LEXISNEXIS Other Professional Services 178860 12/23/2013 1,285.60 LITIN PAPER COMPANY Equipment Parts 178861 12/23/2013 21,627.33 LOCHER BROTHERS INC Cost of Sales - Beer 178862 12/23/2013 18,151.70 LOGIS November Service 178863 12/23/2013 707.57 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC Cost of Sales - Bulk Product 178864 12/23/2013 120.00 MAGNUSSON, BRIAN Uniforms & Personal Equip 178865 12/23/2013 10.00 MARINO, EMILY Refund 178866 12/23/2013 13.63 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC Equipment Rental 178867 12/23/2013 45.90 MAYTAG LAUNDRY & CAR WASH Linen Services 178868 12/23/2013 540.00 MCKAY CONSTRUCTION Machinery & Equipment 178869 12/23/2013 46.00 MCLEOD COUNTY RECORDER Contractual R &M 178870 12/23/2013 111,587.09 MEDICA Medical Insurance 178871 12/23/2013 7,414.81 MEEKER COUNTY Other Professional Services 178872 12/23/2013 1,263.43 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL Cost of Sales - Bulk Product 178873 12/23/2013 36.16 MEHR, BRIAN Travel /Conference Expense 178874 12/23/2013 195.93 MENARDS HUTCHINSON Shop Supplies 178875 12/23/2013 30.00 MESSAGE MEDIA Phone Services 178876 12/23/2013 224.44 METRO SALES Contractual R &M 178877 12/23/2013 96.36 MEYER LABORATORY INC Cleaning Supplies 178878 12/23/2013 225.00 MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Licenses & Permits 178879 12/23/2013 337.00 MID -STATE ROLL -OFF SERVICE Small Tools & Minor Equipment 178880 12/23/2013 99.68 MINI BIFF Equipment Rental 178881 12/23/2013 61.20 MINNEAPOLIS, CITY OF Other Professional Services 178882 12/23/2013 110.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & IND Dues & Subscriptions 178883 12/23/2013 3,163.00 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB Other Professional Services 178884 12/23/2013 100.00 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY /CODE Contractual R &M 178885 12/23/2013 78.84 MORGAN CREEK VINEYARDS Cost of Sales - Wine 178886 12/23/2013 20,139.61 MOTOROLA Radios 178887 12/23/2013 229.56 M -R SIGN Sign Repair Materials 178888 12/23/2013 226.30 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS Operating Supplies 178889 12/23/2013 114.53 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC Shop Supplies 178890 12/23/2013 239.72 OFFICE OF MN IT SERVICES Phone Services 178891 12/23/2013 3,360.31 OLD DOMINION BRUSH Shop Supplies 178892 12/23/2013 331.84 O'REILLY AUTO PARTS Automotive R &M 178893 12/23/2013 160.71 PAULSON, JOHN Travel /Conference Expense 178894 12/23/2013 2,260.14 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Cost of Sales - Wine 178895 12/23/2013 8,712.50 PEAT INC. Inventory - Bulk Product 178896 12/23/2013 480.00 PELLINEN LAND SURVEYING Other Professional Services 178897 12/23/2013 99.00 PENKE, JACKIE Travel /Conference Expense 178898 12/23/2013 85.15 PHILIPS HEALTHCARE Operating Supplies 178899 12/23/2013 39,846.59 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS Cost of Sales - Liquor 178900 12/23/2013 10.00 PICHA, JANET Refund 178901 12/23/2013 2,090.16 PREMIER LIFT PRODUCTS LLC Contractual R &M 178902 12/23/2013 1,784.74 QUADE ELECTRIC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178903 12/23/2013 860.00 R & R EXCAVATING Contractual R &M 178904 12/23/2013 78.50 R & R SPECIALTIES INC Equipment Parts 178905 12/23/2013 412.96 RAININ INSTRUMENT LLC Operating Supplies 178906 12/23/2013 102.33 RAMY TURF PRODUCTS Landscaping Materials 178907 12/23/2013 9,441.47 RAPIDS PROCESS EQUIPMENT INC Equipment Parts 178908 12/23/2013 1,024.61 RBSCOTT EQUIPMENT Equipment Parts 178909 12/23/2013 506.87 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. Equipment Parts 178910 12/23/2013 186.67 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies 178911 12/23/2013 2,863.75 RICKERT EXCAVATING Improv other than Buildings 178912 12/23/2013 3,452.74 ROYALTIRE Shop Supplies 178913 12/23/2013 782.14 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Repair & Maintenance Supplies 178914 12/23/2013 1,655.98 RYAN ELBERT & VISUAL EFFECTS EDA Sign Grant 178915 12/23/2013 123.98 SALTMAN LLC Operating Supplies 178916 12/23/2013 23.15 SAM'S CLUB Operating Supplies 178917 12/23/2013 212.50 SAM'S TIRE SERVICE Contractual R &M 178918 12/23/2013 1,203.43 SCHMELING OIL CO Motor Fuels & Lubricants 178919 12/23/2013 7,327.85 SCHOOL DIST # 423 November & December Activities 178920 12/23/2013 64.13 SCOTT'S WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE Contractual R &M 178921 12/23/2013 206.29 SHELLENBARGER, VIRGENE Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178922 12/23/2013 44.40 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS Refuse - Recycling 178923 12/23/2013 79.20 SORENSEN'S SALES & RENTALS Equipment Parts 178924 12/23/2013 143.53 SOUTH DAKOTA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE Licenses & Permits 178925 12/23/2013 7,555.19 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN Cost of Sales - Liquor 178926 12/23/2013 126.85 SPS COMMERCE Dues & Subscriptions 178927 12/23/2013 15,417.60 SRF CONSULTING GROUP Other Professional Services 178928 12/23/2013 2,186.15 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Office Supplies 178929 12/23/2013 379.57 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT Operating Supplies 178930 12/23/2013 1,199.51 STREICH TRUCKING Contractual R &M 178931 12/23/2013 277.03 SUBWAY WEST Operating Supplies 178932 12/23/2013 10,917.33 TASER INTERNATIONAL Uniforms & Personal Equip 178933 12/23/2013 309.13 TEK MECHANICAL Contractual R &M 178934 12/23/2013 1,346.10 THOMSON REUTERS -WEST Other Professional Services 178935 12/23/2013 1,124.14 TITAN MACHINERY Automotive R &M 178936 12/23/2013 324.30 TKO WINES Cost of Sales - Wine 178938 12/23/2013 1,879.93 TOWMASTER INC. Automotive R &M 178939 12/23/2013 25,064.18 TREBELHORN & ASSOC Motor Fuels & Lubricants 178940 12/23/2013 79.34 TRI COUNTY WATER Operating Supplies 178941 12/23/2013 119.19 TRUE FABRICATIONS Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178942 12/23/2013 191.08 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Contractual R &M 178943 12/23/2013 54.85 VALLEY SALES OF HUTCHINSON Automotive R &M 178944 12/23/2013 2,780.13 VERIZON WIRELESS Phone Services 178945 12/23/2013 18,544.20 VIKING BEER 178946 12/23/2013 526.00 VIKING COCA COLA 178947 12/23/2013 144.28 VIKING SIGN & GRAPHICS INC 178948 12/23/2013 574.00 VINOCOPIA INC 178949 12/23/2013 1,056.77 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN 178950 12/23/2013 49,754.92 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI -MN 178951 12/23/2013 442.20 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC 178952 12/23/2013 60.00 WELCOME NEIGHBOR 178953 12/23/2013 378.64 WELLS FARGO 178954 12/23/2013 1,485.90 WINE COMPANY, THE 178955 12/23/2013 806.24 WINE MERCHANTS INC 178956 12/23/2013 452.45 WINSTED POLICE DEPARTMENT 178957 12/23/2013 25,288.74 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA 178958 12/23/2013 1,034.80 WM MUELLER & SONS 178959 12/23/2013 1,739.28 WORK CONNECTION, THE 178960 12/23/2013 444.60 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 178961 12/23/2013 4,853.28 ZELLER STUDIO Grand Totals 748,297.13 Cost of Sales - Beer Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous Contractual R &M Cost of Sales - Wine Refuse - Recycling Refuse - Services Contractual R &M Advertising November Expenses Cost of Sales - Wine Cost of Sales - Wine Safe & Sober Reimbursement Cost of Sales - Liquor Contractual R &M Other Professional Services Automotive R &M Police Memorial Project CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register - 1 Check Issue Dates: 12/24/2013 - 1/14/2014 1/9/2014 Check Number Check Issue Dat Amount Vendor Account Description 178967 1/2/2014 51,119.75 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES -INS TRUST General Liability Insurance 178972 1/14/2014 4,000.00 ABDO EICK & MEYERS Auditing Services 178973 1/14/2014 773.80 ABETECH Equipment Parts 178974 1/14/2014 255.92 ACE HARDWARE Operating Supplies 178975 1/14/2014 53.44 ALPHA WIRELESS Phone Services 178976 1/14/2014 168.96 AMERICAN BOTTLING CO Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178977 1/14/2014 710.00 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 178978 1/14/2014 228.00 AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 178979 1/14/2014 150.88 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES Contractual R &M 178980 1/14/2014 209.42 ARCTIC GLACIER PREMIUM ICE INC. Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178981 1/14/2014 544.00 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Cost of Sales - Beer 178982 1/14/2014 170.84 AUTO VALUE - GLENCOE Shop Supplies 178983 1/14/2014 236.80 B & C PLUMBING & HEATING INC Other Professional Services 178984 1/14/2014 1,310.00 BARN YARD, THE Inventory - Process Material 178985 1/14/2014 16,360.11 BEACON BANK TIF Repayment 178986 1/14/2014 1,533.92 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS Operating Supplies 178987 1/14/2014 403.75 BELLBOY CORP Cost of Sales - Liquor 178988 1/14/2014 351.00 BERNICK'S Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 178989 1/14/2014 3,150.00 BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPORATION Fiscal Agents' Fees 178990 1/14/2014 223.37 BRANDON TIRE CO Automotive R &M 178991 1/14/2014 2,470.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORP Other Professional Services 178992 1/14/2014 172.50 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION COMPANY Contractual R &M 178993 1/14/2014 390.00 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION Monthly Communication Service 178994 1/14/2014 1,371.64 BUSHMAN, RAQUEL Operating Supplies 178995 1/14/2014 513.68 BUSINESSWARE SOLUTIONS Other Professional Services 178996 1/14/2014 53,163.65 C & L DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 178997 1/14/2014 132.00 CANNON RIVER WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 178998 1/14/2014 34.78 CARDIAC SCIENCE Safety Supplies 178999 1/14/2014 2,009.74 CARS ON PATROL SHOP LLC Repairs & Towing 179000 1/14/2014 32.83 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS Operating Supplies 179001 1/14/2014 77.53 CENTRAL MCGOWAN Equipment Rental 179002 1/14/2014 144.48 CES IMAGING Office Supplies 179003 1/14/2014 26,118.00 CGMC Dues & Subscriptions 179004 1/14/2014 100.00 CMK SERVICES LLC Contracted Snow Removal 179005 1/14/2014 125.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION Travel /Conference Expense 179006 1/14/2014 189.17 COMPAR INC Operating Supplies 179007 1/14/2014 1,192.00 COREY'S TRACTOR REPAIR Equipment Parts 179009 1/14/2014 2,832.00 CROW RIVER OFFICIALS ASSN Other Professional Services 179010 1/14/2014 195.68 CROW RIVER WINERY Cost of Sales - Wine 179011 1/14/2014 4,641.20 DAY DISTRIBUTING Cost of Sales - Beer 179012 1/14/2014 328.17 DOMINO'S PIZZA Operating Supplies 179013 1/14/2014 5,095.90 DPC INDUSTRIES INC Chemicals & Chemical Products 179014 1/14/2014 39.70 DROP -N -GO SHIPPING INC Postage 179015 1/14/2014 356.16 DYNA SYSTEMS Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179016 1/14/2014 744.70 E2 ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC Equipment Parts 179017 1/14/2014 11,667.72 EARTHLY DELIGHTS, LTD. TIF Repayment 179018 1/14/2014 192.00 ELECTRO WATCHMAN Contractual R &M 179019 1/14/2014 511.51 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT Contractual R &M 179020 1/14/2014 187.04 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Operating Supplies 179021 1/14/2014 252.60 FIRST CHOICE FOOD & BEVERAGE SOLUTIONS Office Supplies 179022 1/14/2014 29,060.11 FORKLIFTS OF MINNESOTA INC Machinery & Equipment 179023 1/14/2014 142.21 G & K SERVICES Operating Supplies 179024 1/14/2014 487.50 GAVIN WINTERS TWISS THIEMANN & LONG LlOther Professional Services 179025 1/14/2014 70.00 GEB ELECTRICAL INC Contractual R &M 179026 1/14/2014 173.39 GRAINGER Operating Supplies 179027 1/14/2014 472.86 HAGER JEWELRY & G & K AWNING & CANVAS Retiree Gifts 179028 1/14/2014 2,694.00 HANSEN GRAVEL Contracted Snow Removal 179029 1/14/2014 351.00 HANSON & VASEK CONSTRUCTION Contracted Snow Removal 179030 1/14/2014 3,954.00 HAWKINS INC Chemicals & Chemical Products 179031 1/14/2014 1,527.83 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Meters & Meter Parts 179032 1/14/2014 326.19 HENRYS FOODS INC Concession Supplies 179033 1/14/2014 371.62 HENRY'S WATERWORKS INC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179034 1/14/2014 740.06 HILLYARD / HUTCHINSON Cleaning Supplies 179035 1/14/2014 15,052.67 HJERPE CONTRACTING Contracted Snow Removal 179036 1/14/2014 82.41 HOTSY EQUIPMENT OF MINNESOTA Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179037 1/14/2014 3,297.50 HRA Admin /Loan Fees 179038 1/14/2014 442.00 HUTCH CAFE Operating Supplies 179039 1/14/2014 62,700.78 HUTCHINSON CO -OP Operating Supplies 179040 1/14/2014 200.00 HUTCHINSON DOWNTOWN ASSOC. Dues & Subscriptions 179041 1/14/2014 4,348.25 HUTCHINSON LEADER Advertising 179042 1/14/2014 888.25 HUTCHINSON PARK DEPT Office Supplies 179043 1/14/2014 509.20 HUTCHINSON PLUMBING & HEATING CO Contractual R &M 179044 1/14/2014 177,315.42 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES Utilities 179045 1/14/2014 419.60 HUTCHINSON WHOLESALE Operating Supplies 179046 1/14/2014 4,000.00 HUTCHINSON, CITY OF ATM Replenishment 179047 1/14/2014 63.34 I.M.S. SHARPENING SERVICE Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179048 1/14/2014 7,122.00 IFCO SYSTEMS NA INC. Inventory - Process Material 179049 1/14/2014 8.35 INDEPENDENT EMERGENCY SERVICES Equipment Rental 179050 1/14/2014 281.50 INTEGRATED FIRE & SECURITY Dues & Subscriptions 179051 1/14/2014 267.08 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEM MINNEAPOLIS Shop Supplies 179052 1/14/2014 605.64 JACK'S UNIFORMS & EQUIPMENT Uniforms & Personal Equip 179053 1/14/2014 886.30 JEFF MEEHAN SALES INC. Commissions 179054 1/14/2014 360.66 JEFF'S ELECTRIC Contractual R &M 179055 1/14/2014 7,340.50 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Cost of Sales - Liquor 179056 1/14/2014 200.00 JORDAHL, JIM Operating Supplies 179057 1/14/2014 5,649.50 JUUL CONTRACTING CO Contractual R &M 179058 1/14/2014 637.00 KDUZ KARP RADIO Advertising 179059 1/14/2014 897.00 KINNEY & LANGE Other Professional Services 179060 1/14/2014 16.00 VOID VOID 179061 1/14/2014 104.06 KLOSS, TOM Communication Maintenance 179062 1/14/2014 34,115.13 KNIFE RIVER Improv other than Buildings 179063 1/14/2014 198.00 KQIC -Q102 Advertising 179064 1/14/2014 225.00 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Travel /Conference Expense 179065 1/14/2014 11,285.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES Dues & Subscriptions 179066 1/14/2014 92.74 LEVINE, ERIC Expense Reimbursement 179067 1/14/2014 844.42 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179068 1/14/2014 20,069.55 LOCHER BROTHERS INC Cost of Sales - Beer 179069 1/14/2014 99.00 LOGIS Network Service 179070 1/14/2014 4,675.00 LOWELL M CAMPBELL III PSYD LP Other Professional Services 179071 1/14/2014 1,462.97 LYNDE & MCLEOD INC Cost of Sales - Bulk Product 179072 1/14/2014 262.50 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Other Professional Services 179073 1/14/2014 57.98 MAIN STREET SPORTS BAR Operating Supplies 179074 1/14/2014 21,053.00 MARK BETKER CONSTRUCTION LLC HRA Loan 179075 1/14/2014 14.09 MATHESON TRI -GAS INC Equipment Rental 179076 1/14/2014 1,000.00 MCLEOD COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATOR Bail Money 179077 1/14/2014 810.00 MCLEOD COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Facility Rental 179078 1/14/2014 83.25 MCLEOD PUBLISHING INC Advertising 179079 1/14/2014 123.26 MCRAITH, JOHN Operating Supplies 179080 1/14/2014 4,108.22 MEEKER WASHED SAND & GRAVEL Cost of Sales - Bulk Product 179081 1/14/2014 425.49 MENARDS HUTCHINSON Building Repair Supplies 179082 1/14/2014 30.00 MESSAGE MEDIA Phone Services 179083 1/14/2014 30.00 MINNESOTA ASSN OF ASPHALT PAVING TECH Travel /Conference Expense 179084 1/14/2014 290.00 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE Dues & Subscriptions 179085 1/14/2014 1,006.76 MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSN Operating Supplies 179086 1/14/2014 150.00 MINNESOTA COUNCIL OF AIRPORTS Dues & Subscriptions 179087 1/14/2014 40.71 MINNESOTA COUNTY ATTORNEY ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 179088 1/14/2014 23.00 MINNESOTA DEPT OF HEALTH License Renewal 179089 1/14/2014 2,684.03 MINNESOTA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Building Permit Surcharges 179090 1/14/2014 1,673.00 MINNESOTA RECREATION & PARK ASSN Dues & Subscriptions 179091 1/14/2014 3,500.80 MINNESOTA VALLEY TESTING LAB Other Professional Services 179092 1/14/2014 169.85 MORAN USA LLC Cost of Sales - Miscellaneous 179093 1/14/2014 26.72 MOXIE MEDIA Printing & Publishing 179094 1/14/2014 294.86 NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS Operating Supplies 179095 1/14/2014 8,220.00 NORTHERN INSULATION PRODUCTS Insulation Removal 179096 1/14/2014 536.25 NORTHERN SAFETY & INDUSTRIAL Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179097 1/14/2014 205.46 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC Shop Supplies 179098 1/14/2014 4,469.28 NU- TELECOM Phone Services 179099 1/14/2014 208.00 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Cost of Sales - Wine 179100 1/14/2014 4,510.00 PEAT INC. Inventory - Bulk Product 179101 1/14/2014 545.00 PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO Sign Repair Materials 179102 1/14/2014 3,325.00 PLAISTED COMPANIES Inventory - Bulk Product 179103 1/14/2014 1,500.00 POSTMASTER Postage 179104 1/14/2014 3,405.50 PRIMROSE OIL CO Motor Fuels & Lubricants 179105 1/14/2014 12,607.00 PRINCE OF PEACE SENIOR APT INC TIF Repayment 179106 1/14/2014 37.40 PRO AUTO MN INC. Contractual R &M 179107 1/14/2014 1,512.28 PRO CARE SERVICES INC Contractual R &M 179108 1/14/2014 5,369.00 PROFESSIONAL WATER TECHNOLOGIES INC Chemicals & Chemical Products 179109 1/14/2014 128.25 PTM DOCUMENT SYSTEMS Operating Supplies 179110 1/14/2014 112.50 QUADE ELECTRIC Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179111 1/14/2014 273.34 QUILL CORP Office Supplies 179112 1/14/2014 16,009.45 R & R EXCAVATING Improv other than Buildings 179113 1/14/2014 9,315.58 R & R EXCAVATING Improv other than Buildings 179114 1/14/2014 117.00 R & R SPECIALTIES INC Contractual R &M 179115 1/14/2014 925.30 R.J.L. TRANSFER Freight 179116 1/14/2014 664.51 RDO EQUIPMENT CO. Equipment Parts 179117 1/14/2014 40.00 REGION VI CHIEFS ASSC Dues & Subscriptions 179118 1/14/2014 18,610.00 REINER ENTERPRISES INC Freight -in 179119 1/14/2014 4,110.83 RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP Operating Supplies 179120 1/14/2014 662.20 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Small Tools & Minor Equipment 179121 1/14/2014 10,186.25 RUNNING'S SUPPLY Advertising 179122 1/14/2014 341.28 SAM'S CLUB Concession Supplies 179123 1/14/2014 38.10 SCHMELING OIL CO Motor Fuels & Lubricants 179124 1/14/2014 570.00 SCOTT COUNTY COURT ADMIN Bail Money 179125 1/14/2014 1,256.25 SEH Other Professional Services 179126 1/14/2014 44.40 SHRED -IT USA INC- MINNEAPOLIS Contractual R &M 179127 1/14/2014 1,513.68 SIMONSON LUMBER CO Repair & Maintenance Supplies 179128 1/14/2014 11,671.22 SKYVIEW DAIRY INC Inventory - Bulk Product 179129 1/14/2014 9,335.46 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MN Cost of Sales - Wine 179130 1/14/2014 10,522.23 SPARTAN STAFFING Other Professional Services 179131 1/14/2014 89.00 SPS COMMERCE Dues & Subscriptions 179132 1/14/2014 402.19 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Operating Supplies 179133 1/14/2014 86.45 STAR TRIBUNE Dues & Subscriptions 179134 1/14/2014 354.92 STATE OF MINNESOTA Other Professional Services 179135 1/14/2014 2,899.34 STREICH TRUCKING Freight -in 179136 1/14/2014 67.97 SUBWAY WEST Meeting Expense 179137 1/14/2014 25.00 TAPS -LYLE SCHROEDER Other Professional Services 179138 1/14/2014 396.71 TASC Admin Fees - HSA /Flex 179139 1/14/2014 119.70 TECH SALES Equipment Parts 179140 1/14/2014 3,299.11 TITAN MACHINERY Equipment Parts 179142 1/14/2014 431.15 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION Safety Supplies 179143 1/14/2014 44.55 TRI COUNTY WATER Operating Supplies 179144 1/14/2014 3,000.00 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO Contractual R &M 179145 1/14/2014 204.09 TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS INC Operating Supplies 179146 1/14/2014 653.00 UNITED WAY OF MCLEOD COUNTY United Way 179147 1/14/2014 310.00 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Travel /Conference Expense 179148 1/14/2014 418.40 US BANK EQUIPMENT FINANCE Copy Machine 179149 1/14/2014 163.17 USA BLUE BOOK Uniforms & Personal Equip 179150 1/14/2014 1,306.37 USPS - HASLER Postage 179151 1/14/2014 3,877.77 VERIZON WIRELESS Phone Services 179152 1/14/2014 69.95 VERTECH SOLUTIONS & SERVICES Contractual R &M 179153 1/14/2014 3,928.58 VESSCO INC Equipment Parts 179154 1/14/2014 11,254.40 VIKING BEER Cost of Sales - Beer 179155 1/14/2014 1,205.45 VIKING COCA COLA Concession Supplies 179156 1/14/2014 3,528.08 VINOCOPIA INC Cost of Sales - Liquor 179157 1/14/2014 94.35 WAL -MART COMMUNITY Operating Supplies 179158 1/14/2014 11,570.00 WEBB PALLET Inventory - Process Material 179159 1/14/2014 300.95 WELLS FARGO December Purchases 179160 1/14/2014 7,060.00 WESTAFER ENTERPRISES Other Professional Services 179161 1/14/2014 808.00 WINE COMPANY, THE Cost of Sales - Wine 179162 1/14/2014 58,433.42 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA Cost of Sales - Liquor 179163 1/14/2014 14,339.61 WM MUELLER & SONS - SEPARATE CK Improv other than Buildings 179164 1/14/2014 214.55 ZELLAS McLeod for Tomorrow Grand Totals: 916,079.68 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS 12/23/2013 TAX FUND PAYABLE TO AMOUNT FUEL HATS MN DEPT OF REV $1,334.37 SALES TAX LIQUOR MN DEPT OF REV $46,618.00 SALES TAX PRCE CIVIC ARENA MN DEPT OF REV $396.00 SALES & USE TAX WATER SEWER CREEKSIDE MN DEPT OF REV $16,466.00 $64,814.37 CITY OF HUTCHINSON Council Check Register 2 Check Issue Date 12/23/13 178779 12/23/2013 318.93 CROW RIVER GLASS 178937 12/23/2013 1,103.00 TONY FORCIER TRUCKING 1,421.93 Contractual R &M Contracted Snow Removal CITY OF HUTCHINSON Check Register - Council Check Register - 1 Check Issue Dates: 12/24/2013 - 1/14/2014 179008 1/14/2014 409.89 CROW RIVER GLASS 179141 1/14/2014 351.00 TONY FORCIER TRUCKING 760.89 Contractual R &M Contracted Snow Removal t I Tonight will be a brief summary of the City's snow and ice operations. I ( 6) Snow Removal / Ice Control • Major areas: • Street system (alleys, parking lots, airport, etc.) • Public facilities (schools, parks, buildings... ) • Trails /Sidewalks • Levels of service: • No `bare pavement' policy • Different levels of service based on traffic /need • Salt Use — 2013/2014 There are 3 major areas of concern when it comes to snow removal. The first is the City's street system (including alleys, parking lots, etc.). The next relates to public facilities (such as schools, park facilities, and public buildings). Finally, there is the sidewalk /trail network. Levels of service are established based on traffic and need. There is not a bare pavement policy in Hutchinson. For priority routes, operations generally continue until most of the pavement in at least one of the wheel tracks is exposed. For most streets and public facilities, operations continue until they are plowed curb -to -curb and the intersections have been treated with sand /salt, as necessary. Trails & sidewalks are plowed on a priority basis and are not treated with sand /salt. Through the end of 2013, the City had used approximately 185 tons of salt. Between McLeod County and the City of Hutchinson about 1,000 ton of salt has been used so far this season. Last Saturday we learned that salt suppliers won't be able to provide any salt beyond what has been contracted. Due to freezing rain events in southern states this winter, the supply of salt is limited. Suppliers are managing inventory to make sure they can fulfill contracts. It will only be possible to purchase between 400 -600 ton of salt for the County & City for the rest of the winter, unless conditions change. Because of this, no more than 80% sand /20% salt mixtures will be applied until we determine whether additional salt will be available. As the winter progresses, will be monitoring suppliers to see if limitations on salt sales will be lifted. Based on what we find out from suppliers and what the weather does, it may be possible to increase salt use nearer the end of this winter. q W 2 Snow Removal Operations • Two things you can do • 1) Move it out of the way • 2) Let it melt There are only two things you can do with snow. You can move it out of your way or you can let it melt. Moving it out of the way is about the only thing you can do in most cases. Of course when weather conditions allow, melting occurs naturally. When the weather isn't warm enough, we can add chemicals to suppress the freezing point of water, to keep snow and ice from sticking to the road, which helps us move more of the snow off the road so natural melting can occur faster. Pavement temperatures can exceed the freezing point even when air temperatures are below freezing. Basically, salt, or other chemicals, can be used to suppress the freezing point of snow and ice. The most common and least expensive freeze point suppressant is sodium chloride (Salt). Other chemicals that are generally used are also chloride- based. There are a few products on the market based on high -sugar content agricultural products which can be used alone or in combination with chloride -based products, but the cost of these products is typically significantly more than salt. We continue to focus on mechanical removal. The benefit of keeping as much snow as possible off of streets is that we can: 1) allow natural melting when pavement temps. exceed freezing; 2) mitigate some damage to asphalt that occurs during freeze -thaw cycles. Getting snow & snowmelt off the street as soon as possible is the reason we work to open up the curb lines and expose storm drains. It is also why we have increased the centerline crown grade on new streets. 9 ta) 3 Purpose of the Snow /ice Policy • City's goal is to provide reasonable service that allows travel: • Emergency • Commercial • Personal The purpose of providing snow removal and ice control services is to facilitate traffic. The City's policy recognizes that Emergency traffic is a life- safety issue, commercial traffic is an economic issue, and personal travel is a quality of life issue. q(P� 4 Policy Addresses: • Responsibility • Authority & Priorities • Initiating & Suspending operations • Staffing • Service levels • Priority routes • Sand and salt use • Sidewalk snow removal • Snow disposal sites • Private snow removal • Damage to property • Other items The snow /ice policy addresses a number of issues related to snow removal and ice control. Every few years, the policy is reviewed and updated. Based on information received at a recent American Public Works Association workshop, there are some changes to the current policy that will be recommended later this year. Lcz-) Move it out of the way PERSONNEL - up to 28 operators Operations & Maint. Full -time =10 Seasonal =1 Parks = 5 Creek Side =1 Engineering =1 Water/Wastewater = 2 Contract = up to 8 I am proud to work with the operators involved in snow removal. It is truly a team effort and these operators are good at what they do. We all operate on the premise that no one is done until everyone is done, so the level of cooperation is excellent. Depending upon conditions, operations are scheduled that utilize the least number of personnel and equipment to be effective. a) Public Works Operations & Maintenance; b) Park Department; c) Creekside; d) Engineering; e) Water /Wastewater Operators from Creekside, Engineering & Water /Wastewater are assigned when necessary, so they can remain available for work in their departments. Up to 8 truck drivers are contracted for snow hauling. Most of the time only 6 are used for snow removal. Snow haulers are available on -call and receive an hourly rate for their truck and labor, along with an annual retainer fee. Regarding overtime: The vast majority of snowplowing is done on regular time. Managers make efforts to keep total worked hours at 40 hours per week. Overtime is earned under two conditions: 1) On weekends (Friday after work until midnight Monday morning) or holidays when worked hours exceed 40 hours in a week; or, 2) When operators are called in without at least 5 hours of notice of a shift change (overtime rates apply from the time the employee comes in until the beginning of their normal work schedule). As public employees, operators have a choice of taking overtime pay or earning comp. hours. The majority of operators choose to earn comp. hours. 9 ta-) 6 Snow Removal Equipment 6 Wheel Loaders 8 Snowplow Trucks Operations are adjusted each year, depending upon equipment and staffing available. Operations for 2013 -2014 were changed, based on changes in both equipment and staffing. The City utilizes up to 6 wheel loaders. 4 from Public Works,1 from Parks and 1 from Creekside. Usually one of the loaders is held as a backup unit. 3 wheel loaders are used to clean streets, alleys and parking lots. 1 wheel loader is used at the schools and at PRCE facilities. And, another loader is coupled to the large snow blower used to load trucks downtown. There are 5 primary routes of about 14 centerline miles (about 55 acres) each. One truck is assigned to each route, with the 6th truck working in the downtown area. The 71h snowplow truck is used by PRCE staff at schools and at park facilities. The 8th truck is a backup unit, but it is used to help out when downtown snow removal isn't being done. Seven trucks are equipped with sand /salt distributors. To make the sand /salt as effective as possible, the 5 primary trucks also are equipped with salt brine distributors. Salt brine wets the sand /salt so it sticks to the road and doesn't blow off as easily. Sand /salt is mixed at about 15% to 20% salt to keep the sand from forming chunks. Salt brine is about 23% salt. As weather conditions dictate, additional salt may be added to help improve road conditions. 9 L) The 3 light trucks are an important part of the fleet, because they provide snow removal services to alleys, cul -de -sacs, and to public facilities where it is unfeasible to use large equipment. We contract up to 8 other trucks to haul snow, depending on how much snow is hauled. Snow removed from the downtown area is hauled to the National Guard Armory or the Bass Pond. Snow is dumped at these sites and bulldozers push the piles up, as needed, to ensure there is adequate snow storage for the season. 9 �-) 8 Snow Removal Equipment 4 Bobcats w/ snowplows & blowers 4 Tractors We use 4 Bobcat skid steer loaders. Two skid steers clean sidewalks and facilities in the downtown area. A third skid steer is assigned to schools on the west side of town. The fourth one plows and blows snow at the Cemetery, as needed. One tractor is used at the airport. Last year, this tractor replaced a tractor and a loader. One tractor is used downtown. Another tractor /blower combination is used on trails & sidewalks. The fourth tractor is used at public facilities or on trails /sidewalks. D-I Snow Removal Equipment 1 Loader - mounted snow blower We have one primary and one backup loader- mounted snow blower used to load trucks during downtown snow removal operations. The primary unit is 24 years old and the backup unit is 34 years old. That is a testament to the level of care provided to City equipment by operators and mechanics. q4J 10 Initiating Operations • Weather monitoring • MnDOT Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) • MnDOT Aeronautics weather information • Websites (NOAA, AccuWeather, etc.) • Television, radio and other media • Look out the window O City staff use a variety of weather monitoring systems. Current and predicted weather play a key role in the decision- making process when or whether to initiate snow operations. There are a host of tools used to monitor weather. MnDOT has weather tools that seem to be reliable. We use other media to'check' what we're seeing on MnDOT's site. With all of these high -tech tools, the most reliable system remains just getting up early in the morning and looking out the window. Once a decision has been made regarding a planned response operators are notified. Whenever possible, operations are planned to avoid overtime situations. Once operators have been notified, the Police Department is notified. t) 11 Initiating Operations • Options for Initiating Operations • Full plowing & removal • Full plowing • Limited plowing ' Sanding operations ' Cleanup • Other municipal properties • TIMING IS EVERYTHING Schools /PRCE facilities — Schedule is king. Streets — Traffic is king. There are options for deploying staff and equipment. With the number of operators we have, it is critical to initiate snow removal based on timing. We don't have the resources to split into two full shifts. Operations generally take 6 -9 hours to complete, but can extend to 12 hours or more during severe weather. For safety reasons, operators are generally not called back to work after having plowed snow until they have had an opportunity to rest. Sometimes we can plow snow and remove snow at the same time, but it is more common to return downtown the following day to remove snow. When removal follows initial operations, a judgment is made as to how many operators and what equipment is needed. After light snow events, it's possible to cleanup downtown with as few as 4 -5 operators. When timing isn't right or after light snowfalls, full plowing or limited plowing operations take place. For full plowing, 14 -16 operators are used. Limited plowing uses 8 -11 operators. 7 of the 8 trucks capable of sanding, but typically only 4 of them are used. Sanding operations usually take 3 -5 hours. After snow plowing, and snow removal is done, a host of other cleanup and maintenance activities take place. 1 -5 operators are used to perform cleanup and maintenance for other municipal properties. Operations at school and park facilities depend upon scheduled events. It is necessary to remain flexible to address needs based on the various facility schedules. For the street system, the first choice is to work during early morning hours to avoid traffic. If necessary, plowing is done during the day, but because of traffic, it is usually not as efficient. When removing snow downtown, we make it a point to be off of Main Street before 5:00 a.m., when the traffic levels noticeably begin to build. `� LO-) 12 Sidewalk Snow Removal • Adjacent property owner responsible • City may, at its discretion, provide some snow removal services on sidewalks & trails on a priority basis. • Sidewalks not cleaned may be cleaned by City. Property owners are billed. Sidewalk snow removal is the adjacent property owner's responsibility and most property owners do a great job at keeping them clean. Not all sidewalks /trails are plowed by the City, only some specifically identified sidewalks /trails are plowed by the City. Identified sidewalk /trails are usually plowed by the Park Department. The sidewalks /trails are split up into 3 priority levels. Once the top priority is completed, the second priority routes are plowed, and finally the third. If it snows prior to completing all three priority levels, service stops for the lower priorities until the top priority sidewalk /trails are done. Like on City streets, there is not a bare pavement policy for sidewalks /trails. In addition, no sand /salt is applied to sidewalks /trails. In the downtown area, sidewalks are cleaned during the snow removal process. There may be other times when operators are able to plow downtown sidewalks, but each property owner is responsible for clearing their own sidewalks. Many times, it's possible to send an operator to clean downtown sidewalks after lighter snow events, which helps for future snow removal activities, but unless snow is being removed downtown, there is no guarantee that downtown sidewalks will be plowed by the City. The majority of sidewalks are maintained by private property. When there are issues related to sidewalk snow removal, the City's Environmental Specialist inspects and provides notice to the property owner if sidewalks are not cleared. If necessary, the work is contracted and the property owner is billed for the cost, plus an administrative fee. Unpaid bills are certified to property taxes. q to 13 Snow Disposal Site • Public site north of Armo 1200 Adams St SE • Users responsible for maintaining piles • Other City sites may not be used by private parties. The snow dump just north of the National Guard Armory is available to both City and private snow haulers. Private haulers are not allowed to use the Bass Pond site. A third snow dump site is at the fairgrounds. When there are significant snow accumulations, other areas may need to be designated for snow storage upon receipt of the property owner's consent. 9 Lam) 14 Parking • Snow Emergency — No parking Midnight to 7 am. • Signed parking restrictions. • Municipal Parking lots. R NS K PARKING PA L UNTIL SIGNS REMOVED NOPARKING PARKING PERMITT' MIDNIGHT - 6.00 AM ELSEWHERE IN LO NOVEMBER 1- MAY 1 Most of the winter, there are no restrictions on parking in the street. After a declared snow emergency, vehicles cannot park on City streets between midnight and 7 a.m. Snow emergencies are declared before 4 p.m. and are announced to local media, by a message on the Snow Emergency Hotline (234- 5699), and electronically on Everbridge. Residents can sign up to receive notifications using Everbridge by going to the City's website and following the link under "Hot Topics" on the home page or using the Public Works /Engineering -- Snow Emergency tab. Everbridge allows notifications to be sent via telephone, text, or email to any device the resident chooses to enter into the system. Currently there are more than 650 residents who have signed up to receive notifications in this manner. We recommend this service to everyone. There are areas with signed parking restrictions throughout the City. Some restrictions apply year- round., but there are some signed parking restrictions that apply to the winter season (November through April). Motorists are encouraged to make sure they complying with posted parking regulations. Municipal lots. There is no parking in municipal parking lots between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.. This restriction is in place year- round. Many of the lots serving areas with residences have designated overnight parking areas. Motorists are allowed to park in the overnight areas unless those areas are posted No Parking for maintenance activities such as sweeping, snow removal, or asphalt maintenance. City operators post the parking restriction signs right over the top of the overnight signs. When motorists see this change, they are able to move to another area in that same parking lot and park overnight to allow the maintenance activity to take place. Once the maintenance activity is completed, the signs are removed and normal parking arrangements are then in effect. �L) 15 Snow Removal - Private Property • Violation of statutes and ordinances for private parties to move snow from private property onto or across public roadways. • Violators subject to consequences of the statutes /ordinances . Occasionally, people push snow onto or across a public roadway. This is a violation of both State Statute and City Ordinance. We will typically notify offenders by letter first, which usually solves the problem. If necessary, Police may investigate and take appropriate action. 9 La.), 16 Private Snow Removal - Contractors • Activities are considered as permitted • Violations of statutes /ordinances may result in privileges being suspended by City Council. Snow removal involves much more than just City, County and State employees. A whole host of private parties also provide snow removal services. The City Code considers snow removal service providers to be licensed. While there is no formal application, if service providers violate statutes or ordinances their business privileges may be suspended. 9 0)- 17 Damage to Private Property • Snow removal can cause damage, even with the best care • City is not responsible for damage to vegetation & unpermitted property. • City will repair /pay for damage caused by physical contact with plows. Mailboxes are most common. • First report to damage to Public Works /Parks. Any Even when we operate in the most careful manner possible, there can be some property damage done with snowplows. The City generally does not repair vegetation in the boulevard with sod. We will clean up sod damage, seed and add topsoil if necessary when damage is significant. We also do not repair irrigation systems, landscaping or other personal property in the boulevard that is not permitted to be there. We recommend that people clean up any material that accumulates on their lawns, dispose of it properly, and thoroughly flush the area with water to reduce any potential damage caused by anti -icing and deicing chemicals. Regarding mailboxes, the most common item that gets damaged, the City will review to determine if the mailbox was struck by the snowplow. If so, a temporary mailbox will be put up and the City will repair the mailbox in the spring. The City's standard repair is a galvanized u- channel post with a swing -away arm and a standard sized mailbox. If the property owner chooses to put up something else, the City will reimburse the property owner for the cost of installing a standard mailbox. Damage to mailboxes along County and State routes should be referred to the appropriate agency. Most damage is relatively minor so residents should first to report any damage directly to the Public Works Department at 234 -4219. In any case, property owners may make a written claim for damage. When there are questions about resolution of a claim, the City's insurance company will get involved. 9 �) 18 r . Services to Private Property • Services to private property provided when: • When responding to an emergency services call • Property owner consents, and service directly benefits other City operations We do not provide snow removal services on private property, unless we are responding to a call initiated by the Police, Fire or Utilities departments to address a specific emergency. We have the option to provide snow removal on private property when the City's operations would benefit, provided the property owner consents. In some cases, we will spread sand /salt at other government -owned facilities on a fee basis. _1 �) 19 Snow Removal - PARKING • .ARoad Widths Map.pdf As you can see from the map, the City of Hutchinson has several streets that are relatively narrow. The streets identified in red are less than 30' wide. During a typical snow event, if there are cars parked on both sides, it would be difficult for fire apparatus to access homes along these streets. Fire apparatus requires open lanes of 20'. On a 28' street, for example, that only leaves 8' for parking. 8' is traditionally enough for one parking lane, provided snow can be removed up to the curb. This is one of the reasons parking is restricted during snow emergencies. The period of time between midnight and 7 a.m. allows for streets to be fully plowed from curb -to- curb. Even on streets that are 30 -32' in width (streets in blue), the same issue can arise. Parking lanes of 8' on both sides of a 32' street only leaves 16' of lane open. Typically, most vehicles do not need the full 8' of width for parking, but as snow accumulates, vehicles can end up parked away from the curb. q t, 20 Requests for Service & Complaints • Call the Street Department at: (320) 234 -4219 during regular business hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm). • Call the Park Department at: (320) 234 -4479 during regular hours • City Center at: (320) 587 -5151 • After hours contact Police dispatch at (320) 587 -2242. We generally receive requests for service during normal business hours. There is one administrative staff member assigned during the day. There are no operators assigned during the day after most operations, so if the issue cannot be addressed, the administrative staff will inform me so I can assign an operator on a call -out to deal with the situation. Please keep in mind that for safety reasons, we generally try to make sure operators have adequate rest between shifts. The best way to request services is to call directly to the Street Department at 234 -4219. For after -hours emergencies related to snow removal issues, it is best to call the Police dispatcher using the non - emergency number of 587 -2242. Generally, police dispatchers will have information about when snow and ice operations will begin or will be able to contact me to address specific issues. q 21 November & December 2013 • ..\..\Council Agenda \2014 \01 -28- 2014 \Snow Removal Report NOV -DEC 2013.pdf • Comparison.xisx There was one light snow event in November. It did interrupt leaf removal operations for the day, and it took the remainder of that week and the following the catch up with the leaf removal routes. December had about an inch of rain and almost 14" of snow. The problem was the timing. The precipitation in December generally fell first as rain and then as snow. This was followed immediately by a significant drop in temperature. There were 21 days in December below freezing and 16 days with below zero temperatures. There were snow operations performed on 22 days of the 31 days in December. Pavement temperatures generally have to be 20 degrees or rising for salt to be effective. Since there was significant compaction on the streets after precipitation events and the salt was ineffective, most sand was either pushed into the compaction or off to the sides of the streets, which also created slippery conditions. _1 L) 22 HUTCHINSON CITY COUNCIL ci =y�fAa� Request for Board Action 7AL Z-vz Agenda Item: Discussion of Mayoral Terms Department: Administration LICENSE SECTION Meeting Date: 1/14/2014 Application Complete N/A Contact: Jeremy Carter Agenda Item Type: Presenter: Reviewed by Staff ❑ Consent Agenda Time Requested (Minutes): License Contingency N/A Attachments: Yes BACKGROUND /EXPLANATION OFAGENDA ITEM: As was previously mentioned at a Council meeting last year, Mayor Cook has suggested that the Council discuss the possibility of the mayor's term changing from a two -year term to a four -year term. As part of the discussion, the process to place a question on this topic on the November election ballot will be reviewed. BOARD ACTION REQUESTED: General discussion of changing mayoral term Fiscal Impact: Funding Source: FTE Impact: Budget Change: No Included in current budget: No PROJECT SECTION: Total Project Cost: Total City Cost: Funding Source: Remaining Cost: $ 0.00 Funding Source: Comparisons of Regional Center Mayoral Terms City Election Year Mayoral Term Albert Lea Even 2 Austin Even 4 (New after 2012) Bemidji Even 2 Brainerd Even 4 Cloquet Even 4 Fairmont Even 4 Fairbault Even 4 Fergus Falls Even 4 Hibbing Even 4 Little Falls Even 4 Mankato Even 4 Marshall Even 4 Moorhead Odd 4 New Ulm Even 4 Northfield Even 4 Owatonna Even 4 Red Wing Even 4 Virginia Even 4 (New in 2014) Willmar Even 4 Winona Even 4 Worthington Even 4 Hutchinson Even 2 Glencoe — 4 year mayoral term Litchfield —4 year mayoral term Assembled by Mayor Steve Cook +HUTCHINSON AIRPORT COMMISSION November 21, 2013 5:30 p.m. Airport Arrival/Departure Building Minutes Members present: Doug McGraw, Dick Freeman, Ross Peterson, Steve Cook (Council Representative) Members absent: Joel Schwarze, Juli Neubarth Others Present: John Olson, City of Hutchinson; Tom Parker, Hutchinson Aviation; Jim Weckman, tenant; Tom Ashenfelter & Ken Fischbach, ASI Meeting called to order at 5:34 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Approve October 17, 2013 Airport Commission Minutes Motion made by Cook, second by Freeman to approve minutes. Unanimous approval 2. Airport Commission Doug McGraw (to 09/14, second full -term) Joel Schwarze (to 09/15, first full -term) Ross Peterson (to 09/16, first full -term) Dick Freeman (to 09/17, second full -term) Juli Neuharth (to 09/18, second full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative) For meeting schedules & interest forms for serving on the Airport Commission, see www.ci.hutchinson.mn.us It was noted to change Juli Neuharth to 09/2018, since she was appointed to her second term. 3. Hangars No changes in hangars since the last meeting. A discussion was held regarding the presence of an unregistered aircraft in Hangar 1 -9 (Buboltz). Additional steps will be taken to identify the owner /operator of the aircraft. 4. Operational Issues (Open Proiects) a) Airport Financials — September 30, 2013. As of September 30, there has been no use of general property taxes to support airport operations. There are a few more repair /maintenance items that will be included in 2013's numbers, but the Airport Aid and agricultural land rent should offset them. At this point, it is expected there could be a slight surplus by year's end. b) 2013 AIP —Report on status of project. a. Obstruction removal trees marked. There has been a slight delay in working with the property owner. Mrs. Renner, the property owner /resident, has had to be gone for medical reasons. Her daughter, Mrs. Julie Shafer, is now representing her. Mrs. Shafer has been given a copy of the easement document and a map of the area affected, relating to the necessary obstruction removal work. b. Airport Surveys — Staff continued to receive airport surveys, even after the due date. Bolton & Menk will collate the surveys received over the internet and those received by mail. c) 2014 AIP — Pavement management a. Last month Kevin Carlson, Bolton & Menk, was here to report that a pavement management project was being considered for 2014. The project would be interim maintenance until any future pavement management project was identified in the Master Plan update. b. After MnDOT & FAA staff had a chance to review the project, a conference call has held with them, City staff and Bolton & Menk. MnDOT & FAA recommended holding off on any type pavement management project. Both MnDOT & FAA have Hutchinson programmed for a reclaim of the runway & taxiway in 2015. The City's share will be significant (roughly 10% of the project, up to or more than $180,000). City staff has been made aware of the likelihood of this project so plans can be made for ensuring City match is available. d) Airport services discussion. a. Review airport services matrix. The service matrix from the October meeting was reviewed. A MCOA member had been invited to attend the meeting to serve as an additional resource, but was unable to attend. b. It was noted that "ramp services ", as identified in the Minimum Standards document was not clearly identified on the service matrix. This change will be made. There were no other comments on the list of services. c. Olson introduced a memorandum to Commissioners outlining the three types of service providers identified in the Minimum Standards document: 1) Single Service Operators; 2) Multiple Service Operators; and, 3) Fixed Base Operators. An FBO is distinct from other operators in that the City requires assurances of certain levels of service and the performance of specific duties. i. The memo identified three broad options to make arrangements with service providers, including: City pays FBO for services. This is the most common agreement. FBO usually gets reduced facility rent and/or is paid a fee fixed by agreement. City generally retains fuel. 2. City provides concessions to FBO. This is less common. FBO generally gets reduced facility rent and retains fueling operations. The City generally gets a flowage fee from sale of the fuel. 3. Hybrid arrangements. Generally, hybrid arrangements are uncommon. They combine some features of both of the other types, but are usually used at larger airports with many different service providers. ii. The memo further identified three options to address the current situation: Requests for Qualifications (RFQ). The City always retains the right to offer RFQ's for any service at the airport. 2. Direct Negotiations. The Minimum Standards document indicates the City intends to offer RFQ's once every ten years. Since the last RFQ was issued in 2011, the City may enter into direct negotiations for airport services. 3. Hybrid arrangement. In any case, the City can offer RFQ's for specific services and directly negotiate for others. iii. Significant discussion was held regarding the type /classification of service provider agreements that would be considered into the future. Of particular concern is that any arrangement be crafted to maximize the City's future flexibility. Because some airport revenue items are out of the City's direct control (e.g., Airport Aid, agricultural leases, etc.), it is necessary to remain flexible with all potential revenue sources in order to manage future operating budgets, including additional hangars, and maximizing ag. lease revenues and fuel revenues. It is important to consider all types of arrangements with service providers in an effort to maximize flexibility. iv. Considering the relative time constraints of the current situation, it was decided that the next meeting would be held on December 5, 2013 at 5:30. Subsequent to the December meeting, City staff will respond to the Commission's recommendations. The January meeting has already been scheduled for January 23, 2014. This will provide 6 weeks between meetings to address any issues related to arrangements with potential service providers. At the December 5 meeting, the Airport Commission will: 1. Confirm the services list, as amended by `ramp services' noted. 2. Decide whether to directly negotiate service agreements, offer RFQ's, or a hybrid combination thereof. e) LED lighting — Olson reported that outdoor wall pack lights on buildings will be replaced with LED lights this winter. This project also is anticipated to receive up to a 16% rebate from Hutchinson Utilities, which will lower the cost significantly to approximately $240 per unit. These lights will draw significantly less power and the color of the lighting will enhance visibility around airport structures. 5. Other Discussions & New Business a) Hangar 1710 leaking around utility penetrations — Laraway Roofing was retained to complete these repairs. b) Other items — Fischbach reported that the internet was working much better than it had in the past. At this time, ASI does not expect to be getting a separate internet service, but performance of the system will be monitored into the future. At 7:50 pm, a motion to adjourn was made by Cook, second by Peterson. Unanimous approval. NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled meeting: 12/05/2013. CREEKSIDE RENEWABLES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES City Center October 16th, 2013 - 4:30 p.m. Members Present: Marian Filk, Nathan Winter, Juli Neubarth, and Bob Anderson Members Absent: Bob Peterson, Gary Forcier, Brandon Fraser Others Present: Andy Reid, Andy Kosek, Jeremy Carter The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes from April 17, 2013 Motion by Anderson, second by Filk, to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 2. Financials Andy Reid, Controller, reviewed the compost fund income statement. There is a substantial increase in sales from last year — approximately $2.5 million. Revenue over expenditures is $334,896. A wheel loader and bagging line improvements are included in capital outlay expenditures. Mr. Reid then reviewed the refuse fund income statement. Total revenues are comparable to this time last year. The net revenue over expenditures is $188,578. Additional expenses this year are due to the grinder and compost bags and increases at Spruce Ridge. 3. 2013 Season Sales a. Year to Year comparison Andy Kosek and Andy Reid reviewed the 2013 season sales. The 2013 season was recorded as the best year in Creekside's history with 2.2 million in bagged sales. This is mainly due to a very large Menards contract. Bulk sales remain flat. One adjustment made has been decreasing the cost per yard of bit -con due to the large inventory of it. Bulk mulch sales will not be as strongly focused on moving forward, but rather more focus will be placed on soil products. 4. 2014 Forecast Andy Kosek and Andy Reid explained that the 2014 season forecast is the same as 2013's with the Menards and Home Depot contracts compiling 1.5 million bags. Creekside staff has forecasted a total of 2 million bags being produced. 5. Operation/Production a. Bagging- 2 Shifts b. Grinding- County Yardwaste Program Andy Kosek explained that the bagging operation is working two shifts which began October 1 St. 16,000 bags a day will be processed until mid -late December. By then the yard should be full of inventory. Mr. Kosek explained that there has been a funding change in the county yardwaste program which may affect grinding operations. It is proposed that Creekside would be reimbursed for truck/loader time for operation/maintenance of grinding in other McLeod County cities. The County has reduced the funding for this function by 50 %. All invoices need to be turned in by December 31, 2013. Creekside began to grind all the brush in other McLeod County cities in October and will go back in November to collect all leaves and brush so that the invoices can be submitted by December 31 St and receive funding. Other grinding jobs include material on site and grinding in St. Cloud (yard waste material). Litchfield has agreed to allow Creekside to pick up material. Creekside ground material for Litchfield at no charge earlier this Fall. Mr. Kosek spoke to Creekside's relationship with S &S Tree Sales for wood/yard waste contracts. Juli Neubarth asked if funding is being set aside to replace the grinder when necessary. Mr. Kosek noted that Creekside is no concentrating as much on bulk mulch sales and more on soil products. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, noted that he has had conversations with other county communities on partnering in the funding of this piece of equipment. Replacement for the grinder is included on the City's capital improvement plan for 2017. 6. United Hardware Generic Topsoil Inquiry No discussion was held on this item. Andy Kosek explained that United Hardware had an idea brought forward to Creekside, however the buyer was not interested so the idea was pulled. 7. Product Procurement a. Raw b. Finished Andy Kosek explained that raw material is coming from Ramsey County, Sherburne County and St. Cloud, which includes grass and leaves. Finished material is coming from smaller communities such as Olivia, Mayer, Willmar, a private company in Maple Grove and Elk River Composting. 8. Creekside Bag Redesign Andy Kosek distributed new designs of the Creekside bags. The intent is that the new design will boost sales. 9. Equipment Back -up Alarms Andy Kosek explained that staff has been working with the neighbors in the area on alternatives to a full -blown back up alarm system used on payloaders. Mr. Kosek explained that the three front end loaders will have back up cameras and strobe lights that will be used after 6:30 p.m. A muffled alarm system will be used between 7:00 a.m. — 6:30 p.m., which will be 20 decibels above normal ground levels as required by OSHA. Mr. Kosek asked that Creekside have until November 15 to install the back up cameras, which will be used after 6:30 p.m. instead of the audible alarms. Jeremy Carter, City Administrator, spoke to the OSHA compliance and safety regulations that must be followed by Creekside. Bob Anderson mentioned that families with young children have moved into the neighborhood and perhaps the City may wish to consider fencing in the facility. It was suggested to place signs around the perimeter as a precaution as well. Staff can make contact with those residences that have young children as an additional precaution/warning that the site has heavy equipment moving around. IO.New Business None With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. To: Mayor and Council From: Candice Woods, Liquor Hutch Director Date: 01/02/2014 Re: Quarterly Report October - December 2013 2013 2012 Change Year to Date Sales: $5,384,880 $5,327,886 1.1% increase Liquor $1,791,458 $1,763,692 1.6% increase Beer $2,604,507 $2,606,407 0.1 %decrease Wine $ 890,727 $ 851,635 4.6% increase Year to Date Gross Profit Dollars: $1,369,408 $1,334,805 2.6% increase Customer Count: 221,806 225,068 1.5% decrease (3,262) Average Sale per Customer: $24.28 $23.67 $0.61 increase Gross Profit Percentage: 25.43% 25.05% .38% increase 2013 Budget Comparisons: Budget Actual Difference Sales $5,472,696 $5,384,880 short by ($87,816) Gross Profits $1,323,517 $1,369,408 exceeds by $45,891 Fourth Quarter Store Activity Highlights: • Annual Brewery Price Changes occur in October and all Liquor Hutch beer pricing reviewed • Grape Vine Holiday Wine Tasting event resulted in sales of $2,273 • Fall Pub Club beer tasting event featuring Bell's Brewery attended by 87 members • Participated with 4 tables and 6 vendors at the Chamber Taste of Holidays event • All employees attended Beverage Alcohol Server Training and a store meeting to review store policies and focus products for the Holiday season • 201n store tasting events held featuring liquor, wine and import /specialty brews • Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year advertising done with local media Further details of all statistics have been provided to the Administrative Department. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requests for additional data. MINUTES Regular Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, November 27, 2013 Call to order — 3:00 p.m. President Bordson called the meeting to order. Members present: President Dwight Bordson, Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Monty Morrow; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Commissioner Mark Girard; General Manager Michael Kumm; Attorney Marc Sebora. 1. Approve Minutes of October 30, 2013 Regular Meeting The minutes of the October 30, 2013 regular meeting were reviewed. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve the October 30, 2013 regular meeting minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. 2. Recognition to Craig Lenz for Years of Service On behalf of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission, President Bordson and GM Kumm presented Commissioner Lenz with a meter lamp in appreciation for his years of service to the Commission. 3. Ratify Payment of Bills for October 2013 The October 2013 payables were discussed. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Girard to ratify the payment of bills in the amount of $2,365,780.52 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. 4. Approve Financial Statements /Budget Year to Date Jared Martig presented the October 2013 financial statements /budget year -to -date. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Vice President Hanson to approve the financial statements /budget year -to -date. Motion was unanimously carried. 5. Approve Changes to Policies and Requirements Booklet Jan Sifferath presented the changes to the policies and requirements booklet, sections: • Payment of Your Bill (Tabled at the October 30, 2013 Regular Commission Meeting) • Automatic Bill Payment Plan • Budget Payment Plan • Explanation of Billing Procedure Payment of Your Bill was rewritten to incorporate HUC's new online payment system and toll free phone payment system. Automatic Bill Payment Plan was changed to incorporate HUC's new online payment system and recurring payments via credit /debit card. Jan mentioned 1 approximately 25% of HUC's customers are signed up for automatic withdrawals or recurring credit card payments. No changes were recommended for sections, Budget Payment Plan and Explanation of Billing Procedure. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve the changes to the policies and requirements booklet. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 6. Approve Changes to Exempt and Non - Exempt Handbooks Jan Sifferath presented changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks, sections: • Attendance /Tardiness • Time Clocks • Inclement Weather • Use of Telephone and E -mail • Personal Visitors and U.S. Mail Changes made to sections, Inclement Weather; Use of Telephone and E -mail; and Personal Visitors and U.S. Mail were for clean -up and to reflect what HUC currently practices. No changes were recommended for sections, Attendance /Tardiness and Time Clocks. After discussion, a motion was made by Secretary Morrow, seconded by Commissioner Girard to approve the changes to the exempt and non - exempt handbooks. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 7. Approve General Manager's Contract President Bordson presented the General Manager's Contract for approval. A motion was made by Commissioner Girard, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve General Manager's Contract. Motion was unanimously carried. (Contract attached.) 8. Approve Bad Debt Write -Off Jan Sifferath presented the 2013 accounts receivable charge -offs totaling $4,316.12, which is one of the lowest due to the Revenue Recapture program. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve the 2013 accounts receivable charge -offs. Motion was unanimously carried. (2013 Charge -Offs attached.) 9. Approve 2014 Insurance Renewals Jan Sifferath presented a summary of 2014 insurance quotes received by the broker, explaining due to very high claims Medica quoted a 24% increase, Blue Cross Blue Shield quoted a 22% increase. Preferred One and Health Partners chose not to quote due to high claim history. 2 After discussion, the Board recommended approving all insurance renewals except the health insurance. The Board recommended Jan Sifferath research what the City of Hutchinson's health insurance plan is along with identifying the cost per employee and present the information at the December's special meeting. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to approve dental, basic life, voluntary life and long -term disability insurance renewals for 2014. Motion was unanimously carried. (Insurance quotes attached.) 10. Approve Changes to the HUC Bylaws Attorney Sebora presented the changes to the HUC bylaws which included replacing section (D) of the bylaws to reflect transfers to the City be done pursuant to the City Charter. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Vice President Hanson to approve the changes to the HUC bylaws. Motion was unanimously carried. (Changes attached.) 11. Approve Rescheduling December 25, 2013 Regular Commission Meeting to Thursday, January 2, 2014 Discussion was held on rescheduling December's regular meeting to Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. A motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Secretary Morrow to reschedule December's regular meeting to Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. 12. Overview of 2014 Budget GM Kumm gave a summary overview presentation of the 2014 budget and invited the Commissioners to contact him with questions or suggested changes before the December special meeting. (Presentation attached.) 13. Set Date for Special Commission Meeting to Approve 2014 Budget Discussion was held to schedule a special meeting for the 2014 budget approval and discuss the 2014 health insurance renewal for Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Vice President Hanson to schedule a special meeting for the 2014 budget approval and discuss the 2014 health insurance renewal. Motion was unanimously carried. 14. Declare Recognition /Holiday Party on Friday, December 13, 2013 as an Open Meeting A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Girard to declare the Recognition /Holiday party on Friday, December 13, 2013 as an open meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. (Invitation attached.) 15. Discuss Policy for Deposit Requirements (Residential and Commercial) Vice President Hanson explained a few months ago there were changes made to the residential and commercial deposit requirements policy. He has since heard some concerns from customers regarding the deposit requirement changes. After discussion, the Board recommended Jan Sifferath bring alternatives back to the Board. 3 16. Communication from the City Administrator City Administrator Carter was absent. Division Reports Finance — Jared Martig • Getting quotes for boiler insurance; down to one quote as the other insurance companies claimed they could not compete with Zurich. Electric — Steve Lancaster • Working on end of year work orders; largest one is for the control system. Business — Jan Sifferath • Working on health insurance and deposit policy follow -up. 17. Legal Update Nothing to report. Unfinished Business • Discuss Separate Business Unit for Wholesale Business Taking a harder look at this in the first quarter of 2014. • Discuss Pre -Pay for Natural Gas Nothing to report New Business There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Secretary Morrow to adjourn the meeting at 4:39 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President 0 Monty Morrow, Secretary MINUTES Special Meeting — Hutchinson Utilities Commission Wednesday, December 18, 2013 Called to order at 10:30 a.m. Members present: President Dwight Bordson; Vice President Anthony Hanson; Secretary Monty Morrow; Commissioner Craig Lenz; Commissioner Mark Girard; Attorney Marc Sebora; General Manager Michael Kumm. Guests: Donna Luhring The Board discussed the 2014 budget. Vice President Hanson commented the budget was well put together and very thorough. A motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Vice President Hanson to approve the 2014 budget. Motion was unanimously carried. (Budget attached.) Jared Martig presented the boiler and machinery insurance quotes. As HUC has had no past claims with Zurich, they did not increase the rate from last year. Hartford and Travelers did visit the power plants, however, chose not to quote due to Zurich's competitive pricing. After discussion, a motion was made by Vice President Hanson, seconded by Commissioner Lenz to approve the boiler and machinery insurance quote of $66,903 by Zurich. Motion was unanimously carried. (Quotes attached.) Jan Sifferath presented the 2014 health insurance analysis as requested by the Board at the November 27 regular commission meeting. The analysis covered the differences between HUC and City of Hutchinson medical plans for 2013/2014 along with plan options for 2015 and beyond. The Medica quote is currently at a 22% increase. Jan pointed out that over the last 6 years (including 2014 renewal), HUC averaged a 9.78% increase compared to a trend of 10.71 % increase. After further discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Commissioner Girard to approve the 2014 health insurance. Motion was unanimously carried. (Insurance analysis attached.) President Bordson welcomed Donna Luhring as the future new commissioner being sworn in at the January 2, 2014 commission meeting. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lenz, seconded by Vice President Hanson to adjourn the meeting at 10:32 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST: Dwight Bordson, President Monty Morrow, Secretary Hutchinson Public Library Board Minutes Monday, November 25, 2013 Present: Roger Vacek, Mary Christensen, Steve Bailey, Dianne Wanzek, Jon Ross, Julie Lofdahl, Stacey Nass and Pam Dille, Ex- Officio. Absent: None Roger Vacek called the meeting to order. The minutes from the October meeting were reviewed. Jon Ross motioned to approve the minutes, Mary Christensen seconded the motion. Motion passed. PLS Update: Roger Vacek reviewed information from PLS Executive Committee and Financial Committee Meeting from Thursday, November 21, 2013. (See document provided by Roger titled "Summary of Pioneerland Library System ".) Old Business: 1. One Book, One Community: Pam spoke about this program. The committee for this program met Thursday, November 21. This program will happen February, March and April of 2014. Publicity will begin in January. The program will begin in February with a meeting /event at the Historical Society and will be centered around the book "The Orphan Train ". During the month of March there will be an open book club at the library on a Sunday afternoon. The date for the book club meeting has not yet been set but possibly on March 30tH Patrons interested in this program will be able to either check the book out from the library or purchase a copy. The public school will also participate. The finale for this program will take place on April 27th with an author visit. Christina Baker Kline will speak about her book, possibly at the Seventh Day Adventist campus. Pam is applying for a Legacy grant to pay the speaker's fee. Julie Jensen was asked about speaking at the event but declined The November author event has been postponed until fall of 2014. New Business: 1. 2014 Winter Reading Program: During this program, readers will track the number of books that they read. 12 books must be read to complete the program and a review written on at least one book. Gifts /awards such as mugs and books will be given base on the number of books read. Book markers will be given out to promote the program. 2. New Hires: Elizabeth Schmieg was hired to work approximately 8 hours /week. She has relevant experience as she has been the assistant at the Dassel library. Kristin Jones will work at the circulation desk on Wednesdays and will lead a book club for teens on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and will facilitate Teen Tech Week in March. She serves as youth librarian at the Watertown library and will work approximately 12 -16 hours /week. Shannon Lyons will work on Mondays and Fridays from 10:00 -2:00 and will doing the video cataloging. She will work approximately 8 hours /week. 3. Other: Discussion among the board members: Services: Computers, buy used books, audio books, fiction, non - fiction, download books through Overdrive, magazines. Periodicals: some are paid for as gifts by library patrons. Cost of periodicals continues to increase. About $1000 /year is spent on on -line subscriptions. These on -line subscriptions can be accessed while at the library or from a home computer with a library barcode (Star Tribune, Hutchinson Leader, etc.). The library website can be used to order books from other libraries in the PLS system. Used periodicals can be donated to the library where they are then sold for $.25. They can also be donated to Hutchinson Health for their various waiting areas. Pam brought up the topic of library computers. Hutchinson library has a total of 9 computers available to library patrons. Litchfield and Glencoe libraries each have 20 computers. It was agreed that the Hutchinson library patrons would benefit from the library having more computers available but also recognizing that there are space constraints in the Hutchinson library. Consideration would have to be made as to where to put them. Free Wifi is available at the library. Meeting adjourned at 4:35. Next Meeting date is Monday, December 23 at 4:30 pm. Notes submitted by Stacey Nass 12/14/13. MINUTES HUTCHINSON PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Hutchinson City Council Chambers 1. CALL TO ORDER 5:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Christie Hantge at 5:30 p.m. with the following members present: Raymond Norton, Jim Fahey, Dave Johnston, Dean Kirchoff, John Lofdahl, Bill Arndt and Chairman Hantge Absent: None Also present: Dan Jochum, Planning Director, Marc Sebora, City Attorney and Bonnie Baumetz, Planning Coordinator 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. CONSENT AGENDA a) Consideration of Minutes dated September 17, 2013. Mr. Fahey moved to approve the consent agenda as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Kirchoff, the consent agenda was approved unanimously 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. CONTINUATION OF SEPTEMBER DISCUSSION TO CONSIDER ADOPTING THE 2013 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Chairman Hantge reopened the hearing at 5:31 p.m. Chairman Hantge noted Resolution 03 -2013 distributed by Hutchinson Township concerning the City of Hutchinson Comprehensive Plan. Attorney Sebora commented on the resolution by Hutchinson Township noting the City of Hutchinson is not subject to the provisions in MN Statute 462.3535. He pointed out to the Planning Commission that MN Statute 462.355 addresses the Community Based Planning concept. He noted the City Comprehensive Plan is an alternative for community based planning. Atty. Sebora explained Hutchinson is not interested in that type of plan. He stated the 30 day waiting period is not necessary because it doesn't apply to the City. Planning Director Dan Jochum commented on MN Statute 462.355 and clarified the adoption of the comp plan. Discussion followed on the Joint Powers Agreement between the City and Townships which is not the case for this Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Jochum commented on the several opportunities for public to comment on the plan over the past 2 years beginning with an open house. He stated the Townships were invited in 2012 to a meeting to discuss the plan. The townships were notified to comment to the City Council and Planning Commission. He noted there were numerous other meetings for the public to attend and comment. Diane Bobier, 20926 Skyview Circle, noted numerous typographical errors in the document. She noted there is a majority of the City Imagine Hutchinson in the plan along with the Downtown plan mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan. She commented on miss communication in the plan and on the tourism mentioned in the plan. Mr. Lofdahl explained the discussion of the comprehensive plan is as a guide for the City. He explained the vision of the Comprehensive Plan can be modified. Chairman Hantge stated the plan is a guide designed to be flexible. Ms. Bobier commented on the Community Improvement Program and how will the City be able to fund the expenses. It was explained the CIP is adopted by the City Council. Mr. Jochum Minutes Planning Commission — October 15, 2013 Page 2 explained the Imagine Hutchinson document has been adopted by the City Council. He explained this Comprehensive Plan is like the plans of most Cities. Mr. Lofdahl explained the Planning Commissioners look at items that don't always follow the plan which is a visioning plan. He noted the Planning Commission must follow ordinances. It was noted errors will be corrected before the City Council adopts the plan. Motion by Mr. Lofdahl to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Kirchoff, the hearing closed at 5:48 p.m. Mr. Fahey commented on proceeding with Mr. Frasers concern with the change in density of the land. Mr. Jochum stated there are no issues with changing the density to medium density. Mr. Lofdahl commented on the comments from last month. Mr. Norton stated most comments were exploratory. Mr. Jochum explained errors will be corrected and typos or formatting mistakes will be edited all at once. Atty. Sebora stated the changes will be made prior to the City Council meeting and the township resolution has no merit for discussion at the City Council review. Mr. Fahey made a motion to approve with the exception to correct Mr. Fraser's concerns to change a portion of the map from low density residential to medium density residential and correct the errors. Chairman Hantge asked for further comments from the public. Hearing none, the motion was seconded by Mr. Norton to approve. The motion carried unanimously. This item will be placed on the City Council agenda at their meeting in November. Mr. Jochum explained the consultants will correct the errors. 5. NEW BUSINESS 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. COMMUNICATION FROM STAFF 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 5.56 p.m. f RA Hutchinson Housing & Redevelopment Authority Regular Board Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 7:00 AM Minutes CALL TO ORDER: Chairman LaVonne Hansen called the meeting to order. Members Present: Gary Forcier, LouAnn Holmquist, Steve Jensen, and Joel Kraft. Staff Present: Jean Ward and Judy Flemming, 2. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING ON OCTOBER 15, 2013 Joel Kraft moved to approve the Minutes of the regular board meeting as written. Steve Jensen seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORTS a. Joel Kraft moved to approve the City Center General Fund payments of $45,881.99 for checks 8353 to 8366 and the October 31, 2013 City Center Financial Statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Steve Jensen moved to approve the Park Towers operating account payments of $48,948.62 for checks 12570 to 12612 and consideration of Park Towers Security account payment of $593.08 for check 1501 and consideration of September 2013 Financial Statements. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. PARK TOWERS UPDATE a. Joel Kraft moved to approve Resolution #2013 -15 to write off uncollectable accounts. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. b. Updates: • Bedbug communication: Jean will be communicating with Ecolab's entomologist to determine the protocol for treating the current infestation, monitoring for infestations and any other ideas to help prevent future infestations. • Update on Boiler Project: Jean is expecting to close on the loan/grant before the end of the year. • Update on Green PNA: The contract is signed and states the plan will be complete by April 2014. • All of November Jean and Lorri will be working on the 101 rent recertifications. • A mixture of vinegar, water and baking soda help to loosen carpet glue, so during carpet replacement the original asbestos floor tiles are not being disturbed. This will save about $2,000 per unit if the asbestos floor tiles were disturbed and had to be removed. CONSIDERATION OF SUBORDINATION REQUEST Steve Jensen moved to approve the Loan Review Committee approved, subordination request for the Darlene Johnson, HHPOP Gap Loan. LouAnn Holmquist seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 6. UPDATE ON 907 LEWIS AVE a. Judy Flemming reviewed with the Board the progress and revised budget for 907 Lewis Avenue. Because re -sale values have risen, and we have had some good quotes, it appears that we will be within the $35,000 value gap available. November 19, 2013 Minutes Page 1 of 2 • The roof is half shingled and should be done soon. City inspector passed the framing inspection. The plan is to have the interior all framed in by Christmas break so that all the subs can come in during the break. b. The October 31, 2013 Hutchinson median sales price is $126,900. 7. MHFA IMPACT FUND AWARD FOR HUTCHINSON SINGLE FAMILY HOME DEMOLITION PROJECT a. The HRA application to the MHFA Impact Fund was awarded $147,500 for $100,000 interim construction financing and $47,500 in value gap for demolition of 141 5th Ave NE or another property if 141 5`h Ave NE is sold to a private party. b. Outcome of tax forfeiture auction - 141 5`h Ave NE: a private party purchased the property, so another property will need to be found for the funding. FYI REVISED GENERAL OCCUPANCY RENTAL VACANCY RATE: 4.08% 9. LETTER TO DETERMINE INTEREST AND NEED FOR HUTCHINSON RENTAL REHABILITATION SCDP APPLICATION The Board agreed that the letter of interest in a SCDP Rental Rehab program will be sent out to rental property owners in January 2014. 10. COMMUNICATIONS Jean Ward gave a presentation of the Maxfield Housing Study Presentation on October 31, 2013 at the Faith Lutheran Senior luncheon. Jean found out that the seniors at the presentation wanted to stay in their homes as long as possible and plan to move at the time additional services are needed. If they did move to an independent rental situation, they are interested in rents in the range of $600 - 700 /month. 11. ADJOURNMENT LouAnn Holmquist moved to adjourn and Joel Kraft seconded. There being no other business, Chairman LaVonne Hansen declared the meeting adjourned. Recorded by Jean Ward, HRA Executive Director Gary �kcier, Secretary/Treasurer November 19, 2013 Minutes Page 2 of 2 Planning and Zoning Monthly Activities Month/Year: December, 2013 Activity Number Additional Info. Number of Planning Applications Reviewed and 1 Conditional use permit lots 2, 3, 4 and Processed 5 Fairway Estates Third Addition Number of Joint Planning Board Applications 0 Reviewed and Processed Number of Planning Commission Meetings 1 Conditional use permit 1193 Oakwood Crt NW Number of Joint Planning Meetings 0 Number of Zoning Reviews for Building Permits 1 (Compliance with Zoning Code) Number of Land Use Permits Issued -(Fences, 0 small sheds, patios, driveways, detached decks, etc.) Number of Zoning Review for Sign Permits 4 Number of Predevelopment /Pre Application 1 Disabled American Veterans - 3r Meetings Ave. Number of Misc. Planning Meetings 13 Management Team - 5 Carpet Meeting Public Arts Commission Shoreland Ordinance - 2 Facilities Committee Harrington Merrill Meeting Civic Arena Project Rental Inspection Discussion Number of Zoning Enforcement Cases 1 Met with Sam Ulland Number of Walk -In Customers Served 185 Site Visits 5 McDonald's, Maurices, Walgreens, Senior Housing, 430 Water St. Planning, Zoning and Building Dept. Monthly Report December 2013 Building Department Permit Activities A Commercial New B Commercial Remodel C New Residential 1370 Montreal (Maurices) tenant finish $100,000; 720 Hwy 7 W (Hutch Manufacturing) replace garage doors $12,850 1431 Heritage Ave NW Other Building Inspection Activities Lenny returned from Medical Leave Evergreen Meals served in December Week of 12/2012 12/2013 2012 Year to Date 2013 Year to Date Total Number Inspections 319 113 1508 1698 % of Inspections done within 24 HRS N/A 100.0% N/A 99.83% Total Number Plan Reviews 9 12 57 198 % of Plan Reviews completed in 21 Days N/A 100% N/A 100% Building Permits Issued by Type Number of Permits & Valuation Number of Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Year to Date Number Permits & Valuation Commercial (new) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 4 $494,900.00 7 $5,932,673.00 Commercial ( additions /remodels) 5 $123,300.00 4 $117,450.00 B 93 $3,447,572.00 82 $3,363,451.00 Total Commercial 5 $123,300.00 4 $117,450.00 97 $3,942,472.00 89 $9,296,124.00 Industrial (new) 0 0 $0.00 0 1 $1,200,000.00 Industrial (additions /remodels) 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 3 $864,600.00 3 $335,000.00 Total Industrial 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 3 $864,600.00 4 $1,535,000.00 Fire Sprinkling 0 $0.00 2 $84,280.00 5 $7,730.00 13 $195,215.00 New Residential 0 $0.00 1 $202,000.00 5 $935,140.00 11 $2,224,254.00 Residential misc (additions /remodels) 8 $25,000.00 6 $10,000.00 117 $771,064.00 128 $681,270.00 Set Fee permits (reside, reroof, window) 9 12 562 513 HRA Permits 2 $0.00 0 $0.00 18 $149,146.00 7 $166,500.00 Subtotal Building Permits 24 $148,300.00 25 $413,730.00 807 $6,670,152.00 765 $14,098,363.00 Mechanical 9 $12,850.00 23 $83,025.00 177 $1,183,714.00 185 $898,781.00 HRA Mechanical 0 1 $0.00 0 5 Plumbing 3 3 71 67 HRA Plumbing 0 1 0 3 Signs 5 $103.00 4 $0.00 91 $291.00 1141 $1,314.00 Total Valuation 141 1 $161,253.00 57 $496,755.00 1146 $7,854,157.00 1139 $14,998,458.00 *Set fees not included in valuation A Commercial New B Commercial Remodel C New Residential 1370 Montreal (Maurices) tenant finish $100,000; 720 Hwy 7 W (Hutch Manufacturing) replace garage doors $12,850 1431 Heritage Ave NW Other Building Inspection Activities Lenny returned from Medical Leave Evergreen Meals served in December Week of Hutchinson Park Towers Silver Lake Glencoe Brownton Stewart 12/1 -12/7 233 174 62 144 41 62 12/8 -12/14 271 195 83 179 41 83 12/15 -12/2 236 178 84 159 54 75 12/22 - 12/21 135 j 110 j 38 1 96 29 44 12/29-12/3 51 32 1 9 1 32 0 13 Total 1 926 689 1 276 1 610 165 277 Total Meals served in November 2943 Dates Closed December 24 and 25 K 3 MINUTES HUTCHINSON PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, November 14, 2013 Main Conference Room CALL TO ORDER 3:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Christensen at 3:30 p.m. with the following members present: Barbara Bowman, Tinea Graham, Jon Otteson, Joshua Schroeder and Chairman Christensen. Absent: Lena Mowlem and Audrey Hollatz Also present: Dolf Moon and Dan Jochum SWEARING IN OF NEW MEMBERS New members Barbara Bowman, Tinea Graham and Jon Otteson were sworn in. NEW BUSINESS a) INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS The new members introduced themselves with a brief description of their involvement with the arts. b) UPDATE ON WEB PAGE Chairman Christensen commented on the web page and Mr. Schroeder explained he met with Steve Gasser of Vivid Image regarding building and maintaining the site and possibly trading services. It was suggested to invite Mr. Gasser to a meeting to discuss what should be placed on the site. Ms. Bowman volunteered to work with Mr. Gasser to build a site map and discuss what could be placed on the web page. She will also contact Terry Kempfert. There was further discussion on what to place on the site. c) FUNDRAISING FOR SCULPTURE STROLL 2014 Mr. Moon explained there will be initial seed money of $25,000 for the arts. He stated the first sculpture stroll cost approximately $16,000. There was discussion on the possibility of pad sponsors to help defray some of the costs. There was also discussion on getting grant monies. It was suggested Ms. Mowlem has written grants and Mr. Moon will contact her. Chairman Christensen opened discussion on organizing fund raising teams from this committee. There was discussion on the approach to get sponsors and Mr. Moon will work on who to contact. Mr. Jochum commented on obtaining interest from the artists before adding pads. Discussion followed on the timeline for artists to submit applications and present sculptures to be removed. It was suggested to have a People's Choice in April before the present sculptures are removed. It was decided the artists are to be notified February 1St with applications due by March 1St Artists will be chosen March 15th and the existing sculptures must be removed May 1St with new installations May 29th There was further discussion on raising funds and the size of donations. Mr. Jochum explained there could be a 3 — 5 year commitment of $1,000 each year. Ms. Graham commented on looking at project grants. Mr. Schroeder noted in -kind donations are helpful and it is always good to get grants. d) CALL FOR ARTISTS 2014 Minutes Public Arts Commission November 14, 2013 Page 2 It was decided to start the call in mid - February. Deb Zeller could be contacted as to the artists to contact. The list from last year will be used and Mr. Jochum will contact Ms. Zeller regarding a network to use for contacts. He will update the letter to the artists. There was also discussion on the size for the sculptures to determine pad sizes. Smaller pieces could be placed inside. There could be smaller pad locations to make smaller pieces work. Mr. Schroeder mentioned there are several web sites to use that artists will look at. Discussion followed on the Gala event and possibly an open house. Zella's could be approached to furnish the food as their donation. e) OTHER DISCUSSION There was a brief discussion on the Police Memorial. Fund raising is going well. Officer Nagel and Chief Hatten are spearheading the memorial committee. 4. OLD BUSINESS a) Chairman Christensen reminded the group her term is up as chairman and nominated Mr. Schroeder for chairman. The motion carried unanimously for Mr. Schroeder as chairman for the coming year. b) There was discussion on the type of sculpture for the baby area in the cemetery. Ms. Hollatz is responsible for the cemetery sculpture and will work with City staff member John Olson on the project. 5. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.