11-25-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes November 25, 2013 Present: Julie Jensen, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Rick Reiner, Barb Peterson City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Bruce Bjerkelund, Warren Schuft I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. IL Secretary's Report: The October minutes were examined. Rick made a motion to approve the minutes and Harriet seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: September reported that we recorded $200 in card sales this last month. Another $12 was brought in through the sale of dish cloths. The button craft continues to do well with a total of $161. The wreath craft brought in $80. Harriet made a motion to accept the report with a second from Judy. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the Swedish Institute trip had a few bumps but went okay. They had a bit of trouble with the food and the bus. Buffets can be tricky because sometimes some food items are gone before everyone gets a chance to serve themselves. The Crown College Christmas concert scheduled for December 6th is filled to the brim. The first trip to be offered in the new year is a January 28th visit to the winter carnival to tour the ice sculptures and visit the Landmark Center and currently has 29 signed up. Julie has a February trip lined up to check out the "Cooks on Crocus Hill" which features cooking skills on display along with a visit to a candy factory. This tour is sold out. On March 14th a group will head to the Paramount Theater to see an Irish concert in honor of St. Patrick's Day which will include a dinner at the Coyote Moon restaurant. An April 6th concert and supper is in the works. May will bring a visit to Hudson, Wisconsin to see a musical biography of the Righteous Brothers. B. Update on Programs- The crochet craft was well attended. Travel at a Glance was a video this past month. "The Emperor" was the movie in November and got good reviews. Both book clubs want to be on Wednesdays which makes it a little difficult for people who might be interested in joining but are unavailable on Wednesdays. The fashion show had some extra people show up which created some difficulties as everything was planned with a specific number of people in mind. Cribbage started well but dropped off quickly. December will be fairly quiet with the annual New Year's Eve party on December 31st. The event is planned for 1 lam with the New Year being celebrated at noon. Cost is $5 per person. September reported that the next Fellowship dinner will be on Monday the 30th of December. Pork loin will be the main course. A Christmas Cottage video will replace Travel at a Glance for this month and "J Edgar" will be the movie of the month. " V. Business A. Annual City Payment- The Board discussed the annual payment to the City that allows the Center to remain open on Fridays. All agreed that the fundraisers were a great success and that the annual amount needed was accomplished with room to spare. September will report to the City finance officer on how the funds were raised. B. Other- Rick mentioned he would like to step down from the Board as of 2014. Harriet decided to extend her service for one more term. Members will seek a replacement for Rick. VI. Adjournment: Rick made a motion to adjourn at 12:04 pm with a second from Harriet. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 27th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary