06-13-2013 PACMPublic Arts Commission meeting Minutes, June 13, 2013 Present: Mary dan, josh, lena audrey. Sculpture stroll input. Question about requiring artists to provide pedestal if statue is smaller than a certain size. Reception vs. open house: reception was better attended than open house. In future, call it an artist reception, send invitations and have it be open house for general public at same time. Keep it to an hour. Next year work the lists of invitees better. Artists in town were upset they did not get an invitation. The HCA is in discussions to organize data, could be available next year. Encourage and advise artists to bring something that represents their piece or the piece itself. Many people wanted to see more of the artist work, advise artists to bring portfolio. It was luck that three artists brought their art in to the reception. If piece is too big, create a "banner" representative of piece, place elsewhere later. Create an artist area so people are more aware of who artists are. Perhaps have installation of all pieces and reception the same day. Avoid hotel costs, which were minimal this year. Create a workable website for next year. Need to develop a 5 year budget to see what outlook is. Apply for grants through SMAHC for next year. Approach businesses to sponsor a pedestal for 5 years, at cost of $5000. Question if $1000 stipend is too much. Maybe decrease amount in future. Brochure: problems with map, temporary pieces are not noted. Original print number is 300. Need to fix map before printing more. Make letters A -F on map, keep same map but rename statues as they change. Still need to install plaques with name of artist and piece. Potentially hang boxes with maps for people to take. People's choice: open up to vote, city may choose to purchase or not. Recommend not using sustaining money set aside for continuation of Sculpture Stroll. Mural update: Ready to be installed, anticipate it being up by end of the month.