01-09-2013 PACMMinutes Public Arts Commission January 9, 2013 Present: Dolf Moon, Dan Jochum, Mary Christensen, Joie Wilmert, Joshua Schroeder, Lena Mowlem, Audrey Hollatz John Olson, Public Works manager Re: Cemetery public arts piece Olson presented a proposal for a statue as a memorial to be placed at a second site at the cemetery dedicated to infants. The first site will have benches facing south toward the statue at the second site. There will also be benches at site 2. There is not enough space for a statue at the first (original) infant grave site. A two dimensional image will be engraved on the benches to reflect the statue at the second site. Biggest issue facing the proposal: money, technical advice. Aesthetics: wants statue to be non - descript, non - gender, abstract piece that can be appreciated by all. Size: Total height about 7 - 8 feet, including statue and pedestal. Material should be a metal. Soft lines, soothing. "The intent for the memorial would be to focus on the nondescript statue and provide benches for parents to use that would direct their attention toward both the statue and the site of the infants' graves." Use memorial gifts to off set some of the cost. City would match by purchasing the benches. Commemoration system is already in place, support system for encouraging donations from community. Olson is asking for assistance with locating the right piece, and pursuing the proper channels for procuring and placing the piece. Hollatz will work will Olson to push the project forward. Possibilities for new commission members: Approach the ISD 423 for interested persons Ask Kay Johnson to do a special interest article to generate interest, recruit. Ask Steve Cook to talk to Kay, as point person for commissioning board members. Christensen will talk with Mary Hodson at the Chamber for ideas on who in the business community would be interested. Grant writing: It is too late to apply for SMAHC grant for this period. The city has the money to fund this year's art walk, funds will be applied for through SMAHC for next year's art walk, as a sustainability project. Brochures: Schroeder met with 8 -13it Studio (Matthew Schroeder) to discuss brochures. If they design the panels of brochure, we provide the map, a tri -panel will cost around $3000. A bi -fold will be cheaper. Possibly reserve the four corners for advertising. Everything we do takes the price down, like designing the brochure. This brochure will be the constant, with pictures and information about art already in town. Explore option of finding someone to donate the design time. Matthew Schroeder assumed 35 hours to design whole project. Historic Hutch also has a brochure, question came up that PAC brochure should only contain art, Harrington Merrill is city owned as is Depot and Episcopal church. They should be included in PAC brochure. Schroeder will head up and follow up with brochure production. Hutch Ambassadors will be approached as potential funders of brochure. Moon will talk with Sharon Armstrong regarding this. Dan Jochum will work on map. Mowlem will connect with photography club to discuss pictures to be included, refer to Schroeder for coordination. Use logo of the city of Hutch, call it "Hutchinson Public Art Walk" Schroeder will connect with 8 -13it Studio to commission a tri -fold brochure. Next meeting Schroeder will come back with printing costs. Motion made by Hollatz to allow Schroeder to pursue brochure prototype. Second by Mowlem, motion carries. Other: Hutch manufacturing will donate stainless crosses to go in the concrete. Hutch Concrete will donate concrete. Mowlem is in contact with Melinda Childs of Forecast Public Art with questions regarding call for artists, dates, stipends, etc. Initially proposed dates are art applications by March 1, jury to decide before March 30, installation by May 15th. Mowlem made motion to adjourn, second by Christensen. Meeting adjourned.