10-23-2012 PACMInformal Meeting to plan Presentation
Joey, Mary, Terry, Audrey, Lena, Dolf, Dan, Steve
October 2, 2012
Presentation to City Council on October 23, 2012.
Request to use funds that are earmarked for Public Arts Commission. ($40,000
identified funding)
• 6 Locations Proposed -
o East End of Riverside Park
o Between Little Crow and Police Memorial
• North of pedestrian Bridge across river behind Shopko
• SW corner of Shopko property
• SE corner of Library Square
• Post Office Garden Space
• This fall we would like to pour concrete pads and /or pedestals in
preparation of sponsoring a 6 -month temporary Public Art Walk running
from April 15 - November 15, 2013.
• 6 Juried Artists would be selected to display their work.
• Economic Development Component
• Talking Points (Lena)
• Verbiage - written by William Cleveland "Bridges, Translations, and
Change" - page 32 ??
• Benefits - how it fits with the downtown plan - economic and social benefit
• Bigger picture - future ideas - leasing, rotating, decided by jurors, photos -
Sioux Falls, Dubuque, Eau Clare, Mankato, Edina - show the map and photos
showing other walks and locations of the pads.
• Funding - what is the amount we need to spend now? $20,000 - $25,000? We
will be seeking sponsors for the pads, and the artworks (stipends to artists).
Grant options will be sought out as well.
• Artists will be sought out through various arts organizations such as Forecast
Public Arts and SMAHC. Pieces will be chose by an outside jury following
guidelines set up the PAC.
• Art will be available for sale or lease. A percentage of each sale will go back
to the city.
• A reception will be held and appropriate promotional materials will be
• Opportunities for donations and in -kind services will be offered.
• Grant possibilities - print materials; bring artists back for an event; share
with schools - artist inservice.